Kano State, Nigeria.
Later in the evening, Falak was silently sitting on one of the beanbags stacked in their room browsing through her phone. Due to her several backaches, Shaddad has them taken to their room to help her hunch over. She heard the doorbell and move to open it, she's sent the maids away. She finally agreed to have them over knowing she can't work in her condition.
Her girlfriends were standing behind the door and strut in when she opened the door.
"We are asked to get you dressed in some fine clothes. Now come let's help you take bathe." Jabrayah explained with a giddy smile marring her face and push Falak to the other room.
"Where are your soaps and other bathing stuff?" Inayah asked when she searched the bathroom and find half of it empty.
"You haven't told me who sent you here and I don't bath in this bathroom." She placed her hands akimbo, the long nightdress she is wearing reaching her calf.
"Your husband wants to take you on a date, have you forgotten?" Inayah wiggled her brows then pushed her to their room, giving her the much needed privacy to go and bath.
"Use all those soaps and herbals you are given!" Jaiyana yelled behind her and went to the door to take the gown they ordered from the famous tailor Bushra Amani who was more than willing to send the gown from Abuja to Kano. She has it sewn already and was waiting for a buyer, they jumped right in and ordered it two days back when Samir asked them for help.
They can't believe how lucky Falak is and now she turned Shaddad into a mushy romantic fellow. Even though they got married in love, they are not as lucky as Falak is. He arranged a really beautiful date for them and Falak will be over the moon. She deserves everything!
Falak walked out of the room, already rubbed some lotion to her body. She is only wearing a towel atop her red set of lingerie which Inayah yelled at her to wear and she shyly did. Her skin is glowing and her eyes are shining with happiness. They took her to the other room and gave her the white dress that was delivered some minutes ago. She didn't know Shaddad was going to go overboard with all the 'we are going out later' He sent her girlfriends to get her ready for their so called date. She can't wait to find out what he has ready for them later. This must be something gigantic to have him send her girlfriends just to have her dressed. Did he talk to them also? No, he wouldn't.
"Wear this." She took the white dress from Inayah and wore it.
The girls hoot behind her and awed. The dress is a little tight around the bust with bateau neckline, full regular long sleeves. It flowed down from the bust in colossal circle flowing to the floor, sheathing her legs. The back flowed more with some inches and she feels like a bride again just this time, more comfortable and more sure of what she is to see. Inayah did her makeup whilst Jaiyana help do her hair in an up bun. They placed a small crown on the bun then tied a white head tie on. They ask her to remove it when they reach their destination.
She slip on Aldo slippers and was set to go. They pushed her to the door where a guard stood holding out a flower for her but she didn't expect to see what she saw in front of her.
"Is that a carriage?" She heard Fikriyah squealed from beside her, taking the words right out from her mouth.
"That is what I am seeing or maybe I'm just too excited that I start seeing things." Jabrayah commented, looking hard at the golden thing in front of them.
"Let's confirm it then." And they moved to the golden carriage sitting right in front of Falak's Chamber and from the looks of it, it is her ride to wherever it is they are going.
"It is a fucking carriage girls! How can Yarima be so thoughtful and romantic when he couldn't speak to her properly few months back?!" Inayah wailed and her eyes glisten in happiness for her friend.
"I'm hyperventilating!" Jaiyana was over the top and won't stop touching the carriage with her bare hands. She can't believe carriage existed in the palace and they never knew about it.
In all truthfulness, Shaddad has the carriage made for special occasion after reading a historical book some days back. He thought of having it made for his wife knowing how excited she will be. It's like his life was now totally dedicated solely on Falak's happiness. Everything he does, he always has her thoughts first before going ahead to do it.
Falak couldn't utter a word and let them lead her to the carriage when they finished gushing at it. She sat down comfortably with the help of the girls and took ahold of her gown, placing it inside the carriage. The intricate of the carriage is just indescribable, the Scarlet roofing and soft Ziegler Mahal rug sat underneath her shoes while the burgundy velvet sofa is just so comfortable. She is out of words.
And seeing his raven horse and her daisy one, it made her more teary, they have porpoise and golden saddlecloths looking so posh and royal. He really is so thoughtful and she knew she'd never regret marrying Shaddad and forcing her way into his life. He just needed a little push and that was it.
"Safe and don't be too naughty." Fikriyah wiggled her brows at Falak who chuckled, eyes misty with tears.
"Don't cry, my love. Go and shower him with so much love, you both deserve it." Jabrayah patted her thigh from the opened window glass window.
Falak nodded and few minutes later, the carriage started moving. She is getting so much attention and wished in her heart that this place she will be taken to is in the palace because the attention she is getting was too much for her to bear. All the guards are looking at the carriage while the maids stilled walking to see where the carriage came from. Ya Rahman, she will talk to Shaddad about this. No, she isn't ungrateful but next time, they should go together and he should also have the windows tinted.
They arrive at a small cottage that has an open roof. She got down with the help of a maid there and was accompanied to the roof of the cottage. The cottage is in the palace but at another wing where people hardly walk into. It is like that abandoned side of the palace and if she'd known there is a cottage there, she would've disturbed the place.
She was given a gift box when she sat on the roof. It looks more gigantic from up there. There is a set of black couches, a coffee table in the middle and by the far end, it's small dining table with two chairs. Simple yet elegant. There are yellow petals littering the floor as she walks in. She grinned so wide that she is afraid her cheeks will part open. She removed the head tie like she was asked and sat down on the couch, noticing the champagne and flute sitting on the coffee table. She is too eager to see what was in the gift box to bother about any drink.
In the gift box sat an anklet, not any other anklet but the matching one he gave her some months back when she called off her engagement with Bilal. Her eyes teared up again but she blinked it back holding the piece of gold with ruby in the middle.
She looked around and found no sign of Shaddad then she saw some papers on the couch opposite her. Curious, she walked to the stack of rainbow papers and took them all. A stapler is used on top to make sure the wind doesn't take them away with it. She smiled when she saw Shaddad's handwriting and eagerly started reading.
"Words zeroes whenever I try
Expressing my feelings to you,
I alone know how my heart burns whenever
You are close to me,
I alone know how it stings whenever
I feel that you are in trouble.
The way everything disappears
Whenever you are present,
Lures me to another world where
Only me, you and our children will exist.
The way I panic thinking
You could hear the loud sounds my
Heart makes whenever you are close,
It is embarrassing but the best feeling
To grace this earth.
There are things and emotions
I never knew existed till you
Poised your gracious self into my life,
Standing tall and unyielding.
You forced your way into my life
And I would never have want anything better.
I was foolish, ignorant even,
If only I knew how much I was missing
Without having you in my arms
Your never ending rants
Your kvetching self.
It took me long enough to
Realise my feelings and even myself
But with you there,
It feels like you did the whole job
While my soul got transformed in your hands
You altered me into a new person.
Even now as I write this
I feel like these words are not enough
To convey the message my heart wants to have written
There are so much bottled in it
Willing to wiggle out free so you could see.
I wish I can intertwine our hearts and souls
So you can browse in there
And find the right words to place on my emotions
They are so strong, ardent, zealous and sturdy
Just like you say I am.
I know you are to say that it is
But I promise you
What I feel and how my heart wither underneath your fingertips
Is more than what a word can describe
Love looks like something too small
To be able to describe my feelings for you.
I think we are going to lower it to
So I can have something to agree with
Because I've searched the whole words
But there is no stronger emotion like love
We can settle on that.
I Love You."
Falak's heart thump loudly in her ears as she stared longing at the last three words. She can't believe Shaddad wrote so many cards for her. Her head is tightly locked seeing herself in the room all alone while she could hear the chatter going on underneath their legs. She can't wait to read the other many notes but also don't want to keep the card that has those magical words she has always dreamt of hearing from Shaddad, she still can't believe what is really happening.
"The day we got married, I had this weird flutter in my heart that whole morning. I couldn't shake off the nervousness that keeps eating my soul. You'd think I'm a Cardiologist and I will know everything that happens to the heart, but I didn't know what was happening to my own heart. The first thing I thought when I saw you wearing that white dress is 'How did I get so lucky to have such a goddess?' I got no answer from anywhere and I kept trying to find it, no luck. When I thought I lost you few days ago, I felt emptiness like a black mass, smothering out every every remnant lingering lights you have replenished in my heart. The very thought of losing you sent me over the brink of madness. I couldn't stand that day without the light in your eyes, your beauty and also your innocence. I would give my life to bring back our baby but I know he or she is in better place. I would love to continue however I don't have much to say here again."
She moved to the next one written in canary paper.
"Do you know I read books after books to learn how to be romantic? Don't laugh and don't tease me about it anymore, but that is the truth. I asked a young boy to buy it for me outside a library. I know the guy doesn't know me so my secret is safe with him, you can't even think about how embarrassed I felt. Then again, I was doing this for you seeing how much you try your best to save both me and our relationship. My words are melting in my tongue so I probably I'm going to continue writing this after I'm done with another surgery, till then..."
She hastily move to the next one written in jam paper after reading the previous one three times. She is already in tears and can't stop them from gushing down their sluice. What has she done to deserve such intense happiness? Is it even real or just one of her many dreams?
"You know I'm not good with words and will never be able to say this to your face. You asked me to promise to always be open to you right, then this is the truth about me. I get nervous and somewhat intimidated in your presence, not in the bad way of course. You bring out so many emotions that I could only hope you will be able to notch down. It is honestly nauseating feeling too many emotions at the same time. Well, I have no words stuck again so maybe when I talk to you, you will be able to bring them out of me so I will stop here..."
By now, she is already in full sob and didn't stop reading the cards three times and sometimes even more. This one is written in Arctic card.
"I just accompanied you back to your office and I'm back after getting another feeling. You hugged me and kissed my cheek in front of my staff and I didn't feel a tinge of embarrassment but possessiveness. Weird isn't it? Well, I learnt that love is not something to be endured, but to be savoured. It is a union of souls, hearts and bodies living for each other and always willing to sacrifice for the other person's wellbeing. Love is something so beautiful, extraordinary and exceptional, that in natural world, it would be like an opening rose, always radiant petals left to unfurl the warm sun. Whenever I'm with you, my mind is inside a tornado and my heart is in the eyes of a hurricane. I'm out of words again..."
She couldn't stop the sounds of whimper coming out from her mouth. She closed her mouth with her palm not wanting someone to hear her ugly hiccups as she cry in exhilaration and joy. Her heart puffed with so much love and affection for her husband that she is afraid he might have to come to her air if her heart explodes. She could hear her heart beating in her ears, her throat lurching like she is about to throw out her heart from her mouth.
Her stomach tighten, she shivered in love and continue to read the one written in flamingo paper.
"You call me statue huh?! You'd think I hate this name but I find it unique and soft listening to it coming from your mouth all the time. Whenever you whine it out, your lower lips jolting down, it is a major turn on. I'm no pervert! I am just saying this as a husband and also a man. I read that girls love it when men say such things to them especially when pregnant huh? I hope this is what real life women like cause the last thing I want right now is to ruin what we have or make the you mad. I think this is the last message since I've said everything I want to. If there are more, I will keep writing till everything in my heart is out in the open. I honestly don't know when I will be able to talk to you about these face to face..."
She threw her head back on the sofa and clutch onto the left side of her chest, still holding the papers in her hands as there is one left. She closed her eyes, feeling the tears running down to her ears, not that she cared. All she could think about is her husband and his ways to make her feel so much emotions at once. He loves that she calls him statue? What more could she wish for when she thought he only had to take the name because he is forced to.
Her life is finally getting those teetering colours she deserves from the beginning, when she sets her feet in the palace. There is nothing she will ever erase from their past. Right from when she accepted his challenge, where she admitted falling in love for the first time, to where she cried for his love, when she forced him into doing her assignment and even got to be the first person to sit in his office, Falak wouldn't erase a thing.
Their past brought them where they are. Without those ups and down, they wouldn't have reached where they are. Each meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant. Usually, it has great impact on our lives. And the real truth about love is, it doesn't happen right away to some. It's an ever growing process, it develops after you have gone through many ups and downs. When you've suffered together, cried together, laughed together and share moments together.
Someday, you are going to look back at those moments in your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You will see that you were mourning and your heart is broken but your life is also changing for the better.
The last one is written in a white card, it has red hearts doodled around making her chuckle amidst tears at the thought of Shaddad doodling hearts because he was bored. That would've been a sight she will pay a hefty amount of money to see. Picturing him with his head lying on a desk like a schoolboy staring at his crush and unconsciously started doodling hearts for her. Gosh, she'd love to see that view.
"I don't know when I started loving you but it should be a very long time. I've always being possessive or maybe it was even the reason why I stopped your marriage with that man. I had to gather my emotions and place a name but even love doesn't suit well to how I am feeling.
"I've got a name for you and don't know whether you will move on from village lass or not. But I want to give you a name though not funny, however, the meaning of it is what you mean to me. Erum, it means heaven. And to me, you are my Erum as there is nothing more out there than heaven. I hope you like your name... Anyways, I am coming now to give you another gift. Don't make it hard on me, please." She could literally see him pleading with his gaze for her not to tease him.
Falak sighed and threw her head deeper into the soft couch then closed her eyes. She doesn't know what to feel at all. He managed to bring out a lot more emotions that she ever knew existed.
"I hope you enjoyed reading those." She heard his voice from behind her and she whipped her head to look at her handsome husband making his way to where she is sitting.
"I did." She jumped from her sit and made her way to where he is standing. She stood there, looking up at his looming figure trying to figure out what to do. There are a lot of things she wants to say, do and even show him but can't chose which to start.
"I'm glad." He released one of those rare boyish grin making her swallow a lump in her throat. He looks too good to be true, too exceptional.
He connected his lips to hers in a sudden moment, feeling the rise of awareness in every inch of his body but mostly felt in his heart. He couldn't resist those rouge lips looking dilated-ly at him.
"You are hungry?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, showing her the varieties of food displayed on the left side on them.
"I'm famished and so are your babies." She massaged her stomach and licked her lips taking away Shaddad's attention from the matters at hand and only the thought of them.
"Let's feed them then. I don't want them disturbing me tonight." He bit on her earlobe while she gasped, not used to Shaddad talking so bluntly and also about such nasty things that should be said only in bedroom. Only God knows what turmoil is going on in her, her female hormones tighten and not to talk about her pregnant self.
"You are naughty, you know that?" She seductively nibble her lower lip and raised her brows.
"I learnt that from the best, didn't I?" He drew her to his body, as much as the bump will let their body align.
"Hmm, I would like to meet this your teacher because he's taught you well. But, let's wait till we get to our bedroom first, Statue." Her soft delicate hands move to his harness, drawing his neck face closer to hers. Their hot breaths hitting each other faces.
"I might have to fulfill your wish here if you don't let go of me." His lips move to her neck, letting his mouth stay on her collarbone and she shivered then clutch to his head to her neck.
"You can." She breathed out but he pulled away and kissed her collarbone again.
"I'd rather not do that. I don't want the guards worrying about you when you start shouting." He winked when she blushed deep red and hit his chest with her delicate hand.
"I don't shout... that much." She sassed and gave him the anklet so he can help her wear it.
He guide her to the chairs by the dining table and sat her down on it. He squat down and wore the anklet on her left leg just like she has the bracelet on her left hand. His hands trailed up to her calf, up to her knees making her shiver. The sky is already blanketing with dark canvas, making the weather chilly although that is not what makes her shiver. His hands moving seductively is what is making her frisson.
"I'm hungry." She moaned and he stood up hastily to feed her. He can't afford letting her famished when she is carrying three babies in her womb.
He gave her the last gift, a snake-like necklace she told him she wants.
How are you? DanAllah someone should take me on a date like that. Ahhh, I can't believe Statue did that with some little help but it's still him!! What do you think?
RQ; Would you rather visit your dreamland or get your dream car? Ah, I want my dream car please. Tesla all the way, You?
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