Kano State, Nigeria.

"Statue, come let's dance to this song, it's a blast." She yelled from the living room listening to him walk out of the room with an annoyed expression which she only cheekily smiled at.

"I don't dance." His effortless walk taking away her breath but she continue to uselessly dance in stupid dance steps that even a chicken will be glad to compete with her on stage.

"You mustn't know how to dance to dance, can't you see I'm just flying around to move my blood. And you haven't been to gym in three days." She continue to talk breathlessly and move her legs around in the most weirdest way possible.

"I'm going there now." And that is when she look down at his outfit and saw that he is wearing a new set of fossil sweats cool breathable running shoes adorning his legs so she stopped her dance and drool without shying away even when he knew that she is checking him out. What? He is her husband and no one else's so she will stare to her heart's content.

"Wait for me please. I think I'm getting fat since I can't walk freely without stopping to breathe and my stomach, let's not talk about it." She made her way to their room and removed her sweatpants but wore his sweatshirt since she can't really go outside wearing something as flimsy as her sweatshirt. She tied black veil in muffler around her and left the room wearing her running shoes.

They made their way to the gym in a comfortable silence while she continue to think about ways to get herself out of the mess she is almost in. She's been sick for three days, nausea and dizziness but she didn't want to take note of all the signs broadly staring at her. She needs to confirm one more thing before she jumps into the conclusion of what she is thinking. She is waiting for her period that day or the next so if it doesn't arrive, then she knows there is no doubt her thoughts are true.

She don't even know what to feel about carrying a baby in her womb but the thought always makes her heart race in anxiousness. She is afraid of what it feels like to have another human in your stomach and feed for them both together while she try her best to stay safe and not put the baby's life in danger. Is she ready to hold onto such big responsibility given to her? She feels like it is too early for her to be pregnant or maybe the nervousness is speaking.

It is not a small responsibility to have a baby in your womb. She is afraid because of her buoyant nature and exuberance, she won't be able to keep her baby safe and could risk his or her life. Or dear Lord, she is scared shitless about this new found responsibility and she is not sure about it yet. Well, children are blessing no matter what and she would love to have Shaddad's baby inside of her. So what's the use of panicking?

Having the baby for long nine years while you go through so many changes, not only from your physical appearance but also emotional and mental. She will start craving weird things, vomiting when she smells something she doesn't like, going through those emotional hormones like a switch. How she got irritated when her sister in-laws change personalities like lightning, she is also going to go through that.

A mother needs all strength and support she could get. These thoughts are making her feel more love for her mother. She's gone through all those things and still let her with her father knowing it is good for her. The way Falak is feeling the possessiveness in her is really frightening. She can't even think about letting her baby go anywhere out of her sight not to talk about staying with an ex husband in some village, not happening.

Unconsciously, she placed her hands on her stomach and in silent prayer, she pray to God to let her deliver the baby without trouble. She is not sure, yes but she could feel it in her. Is it mother instincts they call it? She could feel that she is carrying something, her body has shifted from how she normally feels herself. And maybe even the belly she is seeing is another sign of pregnancy.

She can't believe it.

"Are you okay?" She heard Shaddad ask and that is when she noticed that they are standing in the middle of the gym and she don't feel like getting on the treadmill when she might be pregnant.

"Yes, just stomach bug. I will just sit down and wait for." She gestured to the seats by the far end of the room which will give her the perfect view of her husband's sweaty body as he works out.

For the next hour, they talked about everything and nothing. Be it random or important, they talked till he was done and together they strolled back to their Chamber, rain dropping lightly on them. Falak grinned, rainy seasons are her favorite and she will enjoy that rain till the end of the season. She loves the feel of water rolling down her skin and meet up with another then continue to roll, it intrigues her.


Falak heaved into the toilet, shutting her eyes tightly close. She hates throwing up like she hates the idea of Shaddad with another woman and that is intense coming from her. She's been in the toilet that morning waiting for the vomit to make it's way but she kept heaving spit then felt Shaddad presence in the bathroom before she saw him. Tired of heaving, she stood up and washed her mouth feeling his eyes on her every move.

She woke up with the feeling of nausea and she's been waiting for her period to show up but it didn't which means her thoughts are proven right. All she needs to do now is get dressed for hospital and go to the gynecologist to confirm what she already feels. She didn't tell Shaddad a thing and won't do so till the results are out. She will worry him for no reason.

She don't even know whether he likes the idea of them having a baby or not. Maybe he is one of those men that faint at the thought of their wives pregnant, or the ones that will hold her hands and cry in joy or the ones that will take her in their arms and swirl her around in felicity. He might be the ones that will demand abortion but then again, he wouldn't dare do what is against his religion. She wants to picture how he will react but she can't so she let go and will go with the flow.

"I'm fine." She answered his unasked question with a forced smile and ask for privacy to take bath. Normal Falak wouldn't do that and would've teased him into taking bath together.

She took her bath and made her way to the closet, her thoughts jumbling up and didn't notice when she bumped into Shaddad. He gave her a worried look while she only apologized and continue to search for something to wear. Normally, he would've feast on her half naked body but she's been acting weird so he is worried she is thinking about something unhealthy. Falak would've never apologized for bumping into him. She will either keep shut and continue to strut or she ask he watch his steps.

"What is wrong with you?" He is dressed in umber waistcoat, matching slacks and tie with tortilla dress shirt tucked nicely underneath.

"Nothing is wrong." She pouted seeing he is not believing her and she is hellbent on not telling him till she confirms it. He is making it hard for her to keep quite, he is persistent which she never thought he was.

She is dressed in simple black Catalan maxi dress featuring tiered bubble sleeves and waist belt. Her feet are encased in raven Jimmy Choo loafers, matching veil and Hermes baguette bag. She wore loafers knowing heels are not for her anymore till after nine months. Precaution is better than cure and she is one to tell.

"I'll come meet you at lunch, bye." She kissed his cheek in the corridor and made her way to the elevator so she can escape to the Gynecologist's Ward unnoticed.

Upon arriving there, since everyone knows who she is, she didn't bother introducing herself and ask for the available Obstetrician/Gynecologist in the Ward and she was directed to one. She knocked on the door and was asked to come in which she did with a smile on her face as she observe the office. It has a lot of pregnancy posters on the walls, too many files but well orchestrated.

"Good morning, Dr. Falak." The forty year old woman gave her hand to Falak to shake as she beams.

"Morning, Dr. Amina." She read the nameplate sitting on her table before releasing her hand and sat down on the chair opposite her.

"What seems to be the problem?" Dr. Amina asked with so much respect that if Falak wasn't used to being royal and Shaddad's wife, she would've squirmed but she stood aristocratically and started to narrate.

"I missed my period, three days of nausea and dizziness so I was thinking of taking a pregnancy test." She went straight to the point but deep inside, she is squirming and peeing her pants.

"Wow, Masha'Allah. Let's do that then." The woman was grinning widely as she took her blood and asked her to pee in some cup and also gave her a pregnancy stick to pee on too.

Thirty minutes, they were talking about pregnancy the do's and don't's of it as a nurse took the sample to the laboratory in that floor so they can test it. The nurse arrived shortly with a manilla envelop and hand it to the doctor before silently leaving to give them privacy. She removed the paper inside the envelop and read out everything to Falak whose mouth widen in shock however her heart is blooming with happiness.

"Congratulations, you are four weeks along." Dr. Amina beamed as though she is the one pregnant and not Falak who is still trying to hang on each word the doctor has uttered.

"Thank you. I will get going now. It was nice meeting you." She shook her hand again and left the room and out of the Ward in daze.

She don't know what to do or where to go from there. Should she go and tell Shaddad about it or she wait till the lunch time she promised she'd meet him? She don't want any tensed silence hanging on them when she breaks the news but she can't also keep her mouth shut and he is the first person she wants to tell about it and no one else. If she doesn't talk to him first, she might end up telling her mother or one of her girlfriends.

She sighed and trudged into her office then went on to look after the kids under her care. There are now nine of them, two of them have cancer which results to her calling Harith to check on them. One of them is about to start undergoing chemotherapy, Falak's heart went out to the little girl.

By the time lunch rolls, Falak's nerves were at it's peaks and she felt dizzy three times in those hours. She made her way to his Ward after asking one of the nurses to buy some lunch for them outside. Shaddad doesn't like eating out but she don't have the cool to cook something for them in the kitchen inside the hospital. The way her nerves are at their peaks, she won't be able to do nothing till after seeing Shaddad's reaction to her pregnancy.

"Good afternoon." She said walking into the room with more bounce to her steps not wanting to look nervous in anyway.

"Afternoon." He answered with a smile, he's been doing that since the first time he did it.

"Read this." She slowly placed the manilla envelop in front of him on his laptop to cease his hands from moving on the keyboard without taking it.

Apprehensively wringing her fingers into one another, she waited for him as he leisurely remove the white paper inside and started reading. She closed her eyes silently waiting for any reaction to come but she heard nothing except the sound of him folding the paper back into the envelop. Her heart thumped like a drum in her chest and her stomach tightened as though she is about to vomit again.

Shaddad's heart throbbed after he completed reading the paper in his hand. He is excited to see Falak going through all those pregnant phases, but is he ready to become a father? Then again, anything that comes from Falak is welcomed but he knows no shit of what to do after getting the news that his wife is pregnant. He stood up and button his waistcoat then ambled to where she is in deliberate and moderate footsteps.

When he stood above her, like he read, he stood her up and enveloped her in his arms. She was startled by the sudden attack but would jump over the cliff in happiness. She didn't expect that reaction from him at all. She wrap her arms tightly behind him clutching onto his waistcoat, letting few drops of tears to fall from her eyes in exhilaration. That is all she needs, a hug to know that there is someone beside her that will help her go through everything.

God, can she love this man more?!

How are you? I didn't want to update but well, here we are. Falak is darn PREGNANT! Who is happy about it?! I know I am oo. Flood comments and I will update soon.😁
RQ; Would you rather meet the president of Nigeria or meet Billgate? Abeg, I will meet Billgate billion times and won't meet Buhari. You?


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