Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak orchestrated the tangerine living room in their home as soon as she woke up from a tranquil sleep. She adjust the ring lights in front of the couch then settled her not really much touched canon camera. She isn't even ready in good clothes but she was so eager to have the things set up so she would feel more motivated after seeing it sitting impetuously in her living room. She can't go the day without doing it.

She grinned and left for their room, seeing Shaddad sitting on the desk in their room. She didn't talk to him and went to change her clothes in the closet. Since the video is only theirs, there is no need trying to close her body. She didn't even tell him what they are about to do and she won't till she gets dressed, she needs to look good so they won't mock her when they grow up. The thought made her smile more vehement about the whole plan.

Settling on jam coloured shirt with middy neckline and angel sleeved, she wrestled in it and moved to her pants. She removed a jade black yoga pants and put it on then close her hair with matching jade dove hijab and walked out of the closet. There is no need for makeup, shoes or accessories except for the tear drop diamond earrings she has on.

"We are going to shoot a video so we could show our children when they grow up. C'mon, stand up and let's go to the room. Please, don't argue, pretty please." She made her puppy dog eyes and he sighed before standing up.

Not that he has ever say no to her. Even if he has, he would've done that thing no matter what. Falak has her way of making everyone dance to her tunes and he is no better than them, maybe far lesser than them in every sense of the way. She could mold him and wear ornaments and highlight contours on him, he won't stop her.

Shaddad doesn't even understand what she means by shooting video for their children but what can he do? His wife is hellbent on making him go gaga in a few days. He is dressed in set of grey sweats and she didn't ask him to change so he didn't bother and let her lead the way where he saw their living room looking like a studio.

"We are going to face the camera and answer the questions I have here for us. You don't need to be afraid about the video going viral. It is only for our children and us." She explained with a cute smile before setting the camera and took her iMac in her hands then took ahold of his arm and loop it with hers.

She settles them on the orange couch and move the eggshell pillows and place it on both their thighs. She smiled at him and ask if he is ready which he nodded at, still worried about she is going to ask him to do since she is already talking about children. Is she pregnant?!

The thought startled his intestines but then again, they just consummated their marriage few days ago and with small kisses stolen, that is it. Then what is she talking about children scorching his chest in flames and like moth, he is slowly succumbing into the thought.

"Hello there my beautiful children. I know by the time you are going to see this, you are all grown up and beautiful like me and this Statue here. We are making this video for you guys so you can see the journey of our life while I'm making the efforts, your father looks like he is about to swallow poison. But worry not, we are going to drive him nuts." She winked at the camera while Shaddad release a ghost smile at her antics.

"The first question here says; What is the worst gift you ever received and from whom?" Falak asked the question with a grin on her lips and her iMac in the other hand.

"Me, it was a frog from Jabrayah when we were given an assignment in biology and she thought gifting me a frog is my welcome gift. I was so annoyed but since I was new, and only yell in fake enthusiasm. I hope she never sees this video or she would kill me for being ungrateful." She thought she muttered the last words but didn't remember how much she likes saying her mind and that brought a small smile on Shaddad's lips.

"I never received gifts." He shrugged and Falak widen her eyes extra dramatically.

"If you are seeing this, then it means I've given birth and you guys are all grown up. Just see how boring your dad is, so dull." She said to the camera and make a yucky face for more emphasis and Shaddad only shook his head in disappointment and also the shyness gripping his guts. She is talking about their children which means she ready for another step in their relationship. Good Lord, his intestines are securely tightened.

"Next questions says, How many kids would you like to have?" She beamed at the question before turning to look at Shaddad whose eyes widen terror of what she wants to say.

"I want five children. I want three girls and two boys and the boys should be older and also they should look like my husband then the girls should look like me. Oh Allah, please make my wish come true." She prayed and kept her iMac safely on her laps and joined her hands in silent prayer to God and Shaddad could only stare at her in amazement and also adoration.

He knew how painful child's birth is and he can't believe Falak wants to go through that five times. It's not like he adore children that much but the thought of having babies like Falak had described made his heart skip a beat. She knows how to plant beautiful pictures in his mind and he alone knows the coolness he felt when she wants her males to look like him. There is no doubt, he won't be able to tolerate anyone other than his wife, not in that life time and forever to come.

"Like she says." He answered when she raised a brow waiting for his answer.

"Hmm, he likes agreeing with and do you know why is that dear children? Because he is shy when it comes to those subjects. I don't mind though, I like a shy husband since I'm outspoken." She chuckled and he didn't bother shaking his head again and only waited for her next question.

"What is your deepest secret?" She grinned hard at this question and start to think about her little secrets. Oh her Lord, it is only one and she will have to wait for the consequences when Shaddad gets to know about it. Oh her dear Lord, help her life!

"I may or may not have lost my memories a few months back. It was all a charade that I wanted to end that very day but the way my husband was so caring and concerned about me makes me recoil and go back into the shell of memory lost. He was never that concerned or worried, but with the memory loss, I get to see a new side of him and so I took the opportunity to get closer to him. I know it's a huge crime hiding such thing from your husband, but in all truthfulness, I don't regret anything I did. If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have seen the other side of him." She has tears leaking in her eyes when she finished and didn't dare raise her head up to look at him.

"I am afraid of her creepy smiles." She heard his answer from beside her, making her heart jolt and her face to immediately look up at him.

She didn't expect him to give an answer to the question and also expected him to demand why she did that or just walk out from the room but he did none of it. She scrunched her brows in confusion, not understanding who the hell is sitting next to her. Why isn't he mad about getting fooled at? Should they talk about this in front of the camera where their children will see in future? Maybe, they might as well get a glimpse of their lives when they were newly married.

"You are not mad about it?" She gaped in a thin voice, her eyes looking like a deer caught in the headlight. Her famous look that he missed when she became bold.

"You had your reasons." He shrugged and gave her a tight smile which was enough for her and she leaped.

"Thank you so much. And you better should be afraid of my creepy smiles because there is a bad news behind any." She hugged him tightly and he widen his eyes to the camera but then awkwardly drape his arm on her back seeing that she isn't ready to move anytime soon.

"Oh I know about those news." He mumbled only she could hear and she laughed then moved away her eyes glistening with sheer happiness and affection for her husband.

"The next question says; What is exactly on your mind now?" She touched her cheeks in thought but she heard his voice before she could answer.

"We are going to be the craziest parents on earth." Shaddad replied and truthfully, that is what is in his mind.

Since when she told him about the videos they are about to start, he knew their children will most likely be as crazy as their mother. He is almost million percent sure that he will be as crazy if not more when their children are born. With the dimension she is using to drive him crazy, he'd go gaga by the time they have their first child. If she is already loco without pregnancy hormones, he could only imagine what will happen if she gets pregnant. God, he is also thinking about pregnancy.

"And I'm thinking about how lucky you are to have me." She laughed when his face fell but he recovered and tighten his lips in a thin line.

"Do you think you deserve a better partner than me?" She asked and raised a brow at Shaddad, waiting for him to go first.

"No." Came his curt reply but it is enough to bring a smile to her lips.

"No." She grinned and took her iMac again to read her new question.

"What do you think that changed in me after marriage?"

"You are more crazier, tyrannical and demanding." He didn't waste any minute and answered her question since it has always being at the tip of his tongue.

"And you are more cozy, less statue-ish, human and comfortable. You have started talking a little, you have ghost smile and you are not rude to me." She rolled her eyes at the end and he only tighten his lips more. She is right though, everything said is true.

"What comes to your mind when you hear my name suddenly from someone?" She almost laughed when she saw his mouth moving wanting to answer then she beat him with hers.

"I start to think what you are doing where I am. And who even gave that person the chance to utter my husband's name, especially females." Smoke would've started coming out from her ears if not that she is only imagining it and she is looking at the camera her children are going to see in the future so she calmed down a little.

"And I think what loco or deranged thing have you done again to have your name said around." He shrugged innocently when she gave him a death glare but turn back to the camera so she could talk.

"When you grow up, make sure to avenge me. Your father think a twenty three year old me is still crazy and that didn't settle well with me." She pouted at the camera for a few second before she beamed again and took her iMac to continue reading out the questions.

"What is your embarrassing thing happen to you during our wedding ceremony?"

"When mom started talking about what happens on first nights with her friends and sisters. Oh my God, I almost dug the floor and bury myself. I also had to go through the stupid tradition my mother's younger sister won't stop bothering me about it. I must walk to my mother's room in only a hijab and she will give me a last bath like she did when I was a baby. Can you imagine? I was naked when she bathed me and she wasn't even shy. My mom is something else." She buried her face in her palms and bury herself in shame while Shaddad looked at her with sheer amusement.

She didn't feel that when her mother birth her as she was talking on the phone endlessly so she won't feel her mother touching her body. Her mother was laughing loudly after they were done and she got out from the huge bath tube that is filled with milk and rose water water. She thanked God that the water is white and her body won't be seen, at least.

Shaddad is trying his best to not let his mind get into gutter. Why is she talking about that with him?! Ugh, she is too naïve sometimes and even he is more wiser than her though some think he isn't. After the first time, he is surprised they both didn't bother again. They are all too shy to make the first move.

"I had to go through the tradition. The eve night, to spend it with my father. It was embarrassing him talking about my childhood and some other stuff." The other stuff is about first night and giving your wife her rights so he didn't bother saying that.

"Yours is light." She rolled her eyes before moving to the next question, "What would have happened if we both are not married to each other?"

"I probably would be buried in work and be locked in my room so I won't see the lovey dovey couple around the house." She pouted and made puppy dog eyes at the camera.

"Well, I would've been so bored and still a workaholic." He gave a ghost smile when she grinned lovingly at him.

"Any other dark secret before marriage?" She asked and look deep, maybe she should tell him about the girls she chased away.

"I was the one who sent you notes before your exams." Shaddad murmured and when she heard that, she leaped on her sit and turn her body like a python to look at him. Maybe hers is light this time.

"Really?" She released a smile that makes him wish he'd told her sooner to see it.

She looked so exquisite as the edges of her dovelike eyes staring at him loving devotion. Her pointed nose looks a little flattened as she smiled widely and her watermelon lips spread letting glimpse of her white pearls.


"I thought it was your cousin Dr. Samir." She pouted and moved closer to where he is, curling herself to his side like a cat would do to it's owner. She weave her hands around his big arms and bury her face on his shoulder a little before his bronze neck. She smelled his familiar Jaguar, Clive Christian cologne that smells like sandalwood and mandarin it smelled so masculine and sexy.

"You didn't answer your own question." He murmured gently on top of her head and place his hands around her shoulder which took her by surprise but she didn't show it and only bask into it's warmth.

"I may or may not have chased away each girl you went to when the King asked you to look for a bride. But in my defence, I was furious when you blatantly rejected me like that. I mean, how inhumane are you to abnegate a woman right in front of her? So I took that decision and dressed like assassins and assassinated them. And in next life cause I won't say future as you won't ever marry while married to me, don't ever reject a woman. Just a tip." She shrugged still not bringing her head up from his shoulder instead she snuggled further into his arms and bury her head into his bronze neck.

Shaddad could only smile, a full blown smile because that is the most Falak thing to do and he wasn't even that astonished. Though he's suspected something with the girls, he didn't reach to Falak. Gosh, he is married to an assassinator, he was there.

"You won't say anything?" She grumbled in his neck, smelling his amazing cologne.

"No." His eyes laughed when she rolled her eyes and laugh.

"I'm tired, we can continue this later so let me pause it." And she did like she said and yawned then throw her head back behind on the couch missing Shaddad arms.

"I'm hungry." She yawned again then stood up and ferried into the kitchen in slothful steps then quickly made two bowls of cereals and took one to Shaddad.

When they were done having their cereal, she turned on the television and decided to check the channels that have music like Jaiyana told her. It was MTVBase and she saw Soco playing and stood up to get the dance moves, her right hand making juju sign and move it back while the other stand in front as she move along with Wizkid but she end up falling on Shaddad. Her face hit his stomach and she could feel the swells of her chest grazing the back of his hand and she arch her back and locked her eyes tightly.

"You danced well." She heard his voice from above her and she sprang up to her feet, not daring to meet his eyes knowing he has felt that.

"Uh, thanks." She disappeared to their room. All her bravado is fake!

How are you doing? Hope everything good with you and your fam. How's social distancing and staying safe?! Juma'at Mubarak🎈 Falak is really brave, I wouldn't say shit if I was the one. Badai we are married ba, that's all.
RQ; Would you tell your husband if you did something like Falak did? It depends to how he is gaskiya😂


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