Kano State, Nigeria.

Humaid banged open the hickory brown oak door of his Chamber and ferried in like a lion cornering it's prey. The way his body is shaking and his nails digging into his palms making voluminous and vivid crescents, he is afraid he will shed his own blood instead of Madeeha's. The more he thought about what she did to his baby and his wife, the more he wants to hurt her through and through. He wants her to feel what Fikriyah felt and even if he won't do that, he will make she was hurt one way or the other. She can't go away unscathed after killing a Prince or Princess. She just has to pay for that, it is a must!

He's had enough of her foolishness and won't risk his wife's and baby's health anymore.

His wife would've died and his baby wouldn't have graced the world and he won't get the feeling of becoming a father after a long time. How on earth could someone be so heartless, well, she is about to know what being heartless means. She is going to regret ever messing with him and crossing his path. So far, she's seen his love and sympathy but now, she will know the reason why they call thee Princes heartless. He will forget about ever loving her and being intimate with her once upon a time. How he regrets ever getting tied to that incompetent human and excuse to womanhood.

He was so livid and resentful, his movement emanating the hidden bitterness he badly wants to hide but is failing miserably. He can't even find the love he once had for her, it's like it vanished to give him enough fury to get revenge for his wife. His eyes were only seeing red and black then Madeeha's face getting beaten by the walls around the whole Chamber. He didn't notice his brother running after him nor did he hear the yells of Hashim as he strides fast to stop the raging Prince.

"You can't act like that, stop!" Huzaif reprimanded pushing Humaid back and stopping him just before he could push open Madeeha's bedchamber mocha brown door.

Knowing she will be out by herself after hearing the commotion, he set his eyes on the door and let his brother stop him there. As soon as she settles her eyes on his, she will get what is going to hit her. He wasn't there to warn her anymore, his words and mouth won't go waste. He will let his hands do the job, the anger scorching within him is beyond imagination and no words could hold him back from giving her a tight slap. She killed his baby when she didn't give him one. She refused to give him one and has the audacity to take the one he has been waiting for.

He heard her once talking in the phone so many months back that she is ready to start giving birth but he doesn't know what happened after that and why up until then she isn't pregnant, he actually don't care. Whether she gets pregnant or not, it is not his problem. After finding out that she refused to give birth herself and not by God's willing, Humaid has stopped trying to get a baby from her. He finally has someone to fulfill his dream and he would've gotten two if not for her sinful act.

And just like he thought, she walked out of the room wearing a royal blue hijab that reached her knees and underneath is silky red nightgown. He yanked himself from his brother and dash to where she is looking at him with terror evident in her eyed. Her eyes were wider than a saucer and her heart beats at the fastest rate, never has her heart beaten like that even when Humaid kissed her the first time. She ran to her room and lock the door in a hurry, it was a command from Hashim making Humaid hit the door.

"Open this damn door before I break it down!" He yelled through gnashed teeth, hitting the door with his fists and didn't feel the pain shooting through his hands to his arms till it was too late and he was drained of all energy and the anger he has subsided. He beat the door till his fury slipped through his heart to the door.

"Seat down!" Huzaif commanded and he obeyed.

Huzaif, Yazid and Hashim sat down around the living room waiting silently for their friend and brother to regain his breathing and senses along the way. It seems like he has lost all his abilities to think and that is so unlike him. He never lose control of anything, everything is under control with him and that is the first time they are seeing him like that and that is extremely surprising.

"You need to think about this rationally before taking any action. You might hurt her and end up regretting it later on." Yazid hit his shoulder before calmly standing up and leaving the room together with Hashim.

"Don't do anything stupid." Huzaif said again before leaving the room together with his brother. He hopes he doesn't act with his legs, he never saw that side of his brother.

But the thing about the Princes or in their case, Royal family is, they are very possessive. They have this unyielding type of possession that will make them everyone clear from their path when you touch someone close to them, someone they love and have close to heart. Even they don't know how they get that but it is there in their blood. Humaid's own just unleashed and even Huzaif knew his would if he was in the same place. It once happened with Harith when someone beat up their younger cousin in school and all the Princes except Shaddad tortured the guy to unrecognizable face.

Few minutes later, he stood up and walked into the kitchen to have some water to cool his head and throat. He has come to a conclusion that he will just do something he should've done a long time ago. He moved to the living room and removed a book from the television stand drawers and took the pen beside it. He sighed twice then sat down on the couch and place the book on the center table to start writing what he wants to.

"I, Humaid Ibrahim Lamido divorce you. I should not see you here when I come back or it won't be good!" He smiled at his piece of work, a genuine smile of happiness and joy flushed with mitigation and easement.

He slid the piece of paper under Madeeha's bedchamber door and pushed it through the tiny gap underneath the door. When he saw the paper being picked, he hastily left the Chamber whistling because a huge burden has been lifted off his shoulder, he doesn't have to think about her again and what to do to her. She will leave the Chamber before he comes back and that is another thing to celebrate apart from finding out that his wife had twins. He will celebrate that night without the burden of being unfair to his wives. It has finally happened, he don't get why he didn't do that earlier on.

His phone rang and he immediately answered finding out that Falak is the one calling him. That means his wife has woken up and he started running out to the Palace's parking lot. He wish they will tell her about the miscarriage so he won't be the one to break the bad news to her. A mother losing her baby is not a sight to see and especially when she has never set her eyes on that precious baby. Even he couldn't deal with it well talk less of the mother of the baby. No, scratch that, she is a pregnant woman whose hormones could drive anyone crazy.

"I'm coming!" He whispered immediately after tapping the green button before sprinting to his peacock coloured 2018 Ford Edge and disappeared into the night.

Before he reached the hospital, he saw eleven missed calls from Madeeha's so he blocked her then ferried to his wife's room. Falak sent the name of the room to him as she's been shifted from the theater room so he didn't have a hard time finding it. It is also one of the Royal suite in the hospital secluded only for the Royals. It has golden yellow and cream paint around the walls with white sofas in the corridor for the family to seat while waiting. He saw few of his brothers and sister in-laws sitting on them but he didn't bother seeing who they are and barged to his wife's room.

"I'll just leave you two." Falak whispered then made her way to the door, squeezing Humaid's arm in process.

"Thank you." He whispered lowly and didn't know whether she heard it or not. His heart is beating widely in his chest not wanting to face his emotional wife. He could hear her sobs from where he is making him think he didn't punish Madeeha enough.

The tears of anguish and calvary she is letting out is enough to weaken his heart. Little by little, his eyes started trickling with tears too and then he finally pivoted to look at his wife. She has her face closed in between his palms and her shoulders are shaking violently as she cry and hiccup. First drop of tear slide down his left eye and he move to the bed to feel his wife's warmth so they can comfort each other and cry on each other's arms. His heart soften immediately after feeling the warmth of her body to his.

He positioned himself on the bed and circle his arms around her then removed her body from the bed and positioned her on him careful of her bulge. She wounded her arms around his neck and bury her face into his neck, smelling his musk calming cologne. They both started wetting each other shoulder. While she wets his white dress shirt, he wets her cerulean blue hospital gown. Their drops of tears fall down rapidly making a huge patch on both their clothing as they cry for their unborn baby.

"I can't believe I had twins." She finally mumbled after a long torturous silence of only tears and hearts beating in anguish.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. I'm sorry I couldn't stop Madeeha from all her evil plans. I should've known she is never up to any good." His arms tighten around her when she stiffened at the mention of Madeeha's name in their emotional moment.

Was Madeeha behind it all?

"Madeeha did this?" She moved away from his embrace and look searchingly into his eyes that didn't want to meet hers. His eyes are filled with guilt and fury, she never saw that look in his eyes.

"She switched off the lights and lock you up in the bathroom." He explained, still not meeting her eyes and rather is looking at the parchment coloured tiles beneath his dress shoes. He forgot about removing his work clothes.

"Why would she do that?" Fikriyah's eyes were wide as she couldn't believe her co wife is after her life or her baby's life.

"Obviously, to remove the baby from you which she succeeded. She is a murderer!" He whispered through gnashed teeth and the fury came back with full force.

"But, but, I thought she was civil." She cried, dropping her head on Humaid's shoulder who wrapped his hand around her shoulder in a comforting embrace.

"She is a wretched woman. I don't even know when she became this evil." He tightly clenched his eyes to stop the tears from falling again. He's shed enough tears and that is enough for that year, he is done with her and that is enough to comfort him.


"What are you doing here?" Madeeha's mother, Hajiya Khairiya raised a brow at the luggage her daughter brought with her then at her daughter's stressed and sorrowful self.

"He divorced me." Her body is shivering in her hijab because of the death glare her mother threw her way after she uttered those simple three words that held so many meanings behind it.

"Divorced you? What have you done you useless, undependable child?! You had to let him divorce you right?! Come here and stay with me, moving your shoulders around like I would mine, you hear me? Stay with the sisters you flaunted your richness and royalty at. Now you are no lesser than them, they are actually greater than you. They all have their fiancées while you don't have anyone and are now a divorcée." She is hitting her with each other and Madeeha fell to the tan cracked tiled floor closing her head with her hijab to avoid her mother's hands from hitting her face and head.

"I'm- I'm s-so sorr-y, umm-ummah." She stuttered, crying loudly in anguish and she knew her two stepsisters heard her and now they will taunt her in the morning.

They never had good relationship between them since childhood. She is older than them but that didn't stop them from throwing words at her before she got married. When they found out she was getting married to a Prince, they tried their best to stop the marriage from happening by tainting her image in the Royal family but that didn't stop the marriage. They were only telling the truth even then, she is mannerless and immodest but close it up with a charade and saccharine smile.

"Go to the boy's quarters and keep your trash. You have to wake up early and start the household chores." Her mother hit her again with her foot before leaving the living room to her own room.

Her husband is dead and she can't deal with her daughter all alone. Her co wife is also another trouble to her life and she didn't want the sun to rise because of what awaits her and her daughter. She is also at fault, when her stepdaughters didn't get husbands to marry and her daughter is happily married, she also taunt them about it now it is her turn to get taunted. Her girl is back, divorced and didn't even for once miss her period meaning she was never pregnant. She won't hear the end of it in the morning.

Madeeha didn't sleep well that night. The boy's quarters room has no bed but huge blankets that she folded on the floor to sleep on. There are lots of mosquitoes and she is not allowed to take food from the house till the next morning after she is done with her household chores. She used her luggage as pillow making her neck ache the next morning. There was a knock on the boy's quarter's door and when she look at the window, the sun hasn't peeked and there is no sight of light. Then she remembered that she is not in the palace.

She left the Palace after giving Humaid endless calls and when he blocked her, she knew he won't be back and when she noticed his fury, she knew she had to leave or she will cause herself more problems so she packed her expensive things in three huge luggage then begged one of the guards to drive her home which he did since he wasn't asked not to. She thanked God he didn't ask the guards not to help her or she won't know what to do with three huge luggage.

"Come out and work." She heard her stepsister's voice from outside the door with a hint of mischief.

"Yes. You are going to wash the plates, sweep the compound and wash few of my under wears." Another voice said and it is her other sister.

They are twins and were named Hassana and Hussain's but the also have other names they go by with. Hassana is Basheera and Hussaina is Baseema. They are both identical but Madeeha could differentiate them all whenever or wherever. They both are the real definition of trouble and now that they are engaged, she will never hear the end of it.

She sighed and stood up, ready to face another day filled with humiliation and heartache.


"Who is this?" Hussaina asked holding her the iPhone five she got from her fiancée two weeks ago.

"You don't need to know who I am but I'm from the Palace and I have a job for you and your sister." The person said from the other line making Hussaina fastidious about the whole ordeal. She is in for anything that will give her some cash to buy those beautiful set of sofas she saw a week before. Her mother couldn't buy those expensive things and she really wants to have the best of everything so her friends won't mock her for marrying an equally poor man like her.

"What is it?" She asked, gesturing to her sister that she should come closer and the put it on speaker mode so they could listen to the unknown voice together.

"Madeeha is back in your home, she just left." The girls gasp, stopping the person from speaking further.

"When?" They asked each other but then look back at the phone and said, "don't bother. What should we do?" Hassana asked this time around, her ears perking.

"I want you to make sure she suffers in that house for as long as you can. Make sure she regrets everything she does and your account will be filled so you can finish your wedding preparation." The person on the phone said to Hassana and Hussaina.

"Really?" The girls gasp in delight when they saw their phones beeping with one million each. "That huge just to make her suffer?!" Hussaina gasped in delight stopping herself last minute of standing up and dancing in joy.

"She deserves it. Do as I say and make it clean." And the line went dead and as if that is what they needed, the girls jumped up from their middle aged bed and dance happily with tears of joy tunning down their cheeks.

They will finally get to have their dream weddings and make their stepsister suffer for the rest of their stay. She must've done something terrible for someone to call from the Palace and pay them huge amount of money just to make her suffer. They are going to make her life living hell!

How are you my loves?! Yessssso, another update is here after my lazy ass finally have time to type. It's been a busy week wallah! Thank you all for staying with me and heheheh, Who The Heck Is That Unknown Person?! Another Mystery?!!!! Hahahahaha, akwai chilling. AND Y'ALL, WE HAVE A BOOKCLUB AND I'D LIKE YOU GUYS TO JOIN. READERS AND WRITERS ARE ALL WELCOME, JUST DM ME OR COMMENT INLINE!
RQ; Would you rather have a grand wedding ceremony or honeymoon to your dreamland?! Ah, I want to go to Istanbul so they should just say Fatiha and let's leave. You?!


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