Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak silently watch the rain drop down their window trying to think of something but nothing came to her mind. The thought of what happened the night before with Shaddad overwhelmed her. He really tried opening up to her and even agreed instantly to go on a stroll with her. Maybe this memory loss isn't really a bad thing, it is a great thing that is bringing them closer and closer and that is all she's ever yearned for so many years now.

They woke up the next morning with the first rain of the year so Shaddad is still inside the bathroom taking his bath. Hmm, maybe she should take her own bath in the rain, it looks appealing to her eyes. She waited for him to come out though, they should try doing something romantic together because she is ready to regain her memory and see whether they can still work it out or not. Not that she will even let him slip from her grasp now that she has him.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom dressed in set of sweats, Falak stood up and went to stand in front of him beaming. "Let's go out in the rain. Doesn't it sound romantic?" She grinned widely, letting her innocent face to appear.

"I just finish having my shower, I can't. You might catch cold." He furrowed his brows, the real Falak is back.

"No! It is very romantic and we could have another memory, don't you think?" She persist, taking a hold of his wrist and tried dragging him with her but he didn't budge, he stood like the statue he is.

"That is not a good idea and you are sick."

"I'm the one who is sick but I'm I complaining?" She pursed her lips, continuing to drag him with her and he budged that time and let her drag him with her to their backyard.

Falak grinned after stepping out in the rain but Shaddad is trying to act like her shield not wanting her to get wet and letting himself take all the rain. She only smiled gently because Shaddad is really caring even though he doesn't know that. He cares about anyone close to him in his own weird way, he thought she didn't know what he is doing but she does, he is protecting her from the rain.

"Hey, give me a hug." She look up at him, showing him her teeth and then without waiting for permission, she envelop him in her arms and lie her head on his chest taking in his warmth.

Shaddad visibly relaxed in her hold and hugged her back after little reluctance. Her body was too soft for him to not have in his arms. She fits in like the perfect puzzle, relaxing his tensed muscles and bringing coolness to his soul. The water dripping down from her hairs are landing on his hand so he moved his left hand and place it on top of her head, shielding the long hair from the heavy rain.

Falak grinned and snuggle deeper into his chest, holding onto his grey sweatshirt tightly in her fingers. The feeling of his hard body glued to hers and his strong arms around her body is enough to send her life into frenzy. This is just how she wants to be in his arms always and forever. To have him around her and him trying to stop the water from falling on her.

She looked up at him, closing her eyes slightly because of the water dripping down from her lashes to her eyes. She released her million dollar smile and when he gaze down at her to see what she wants, she took him by surprise and placed her lips on his in a single yet passionate kiss under the rain. The water droplets from his lips entered into her own mouth making her shiver. This is the first time they kissed after her 'memory loss' and she missed the feeling of his lips. It was only three times they've kissed but he has drugged her with those kisses. She wants nothing more than to feel herself in his arms all the time.

When they pulled away, Falak coughed a little and he panicked. This is what he was afraid of. She might get sick whilst he knew he has high tolerance of cold, he doesn't get sick easily. He sighed and narrowed his eyes at her apologetic and sheepish face. She didn't know the water is too cold to get her sick, she thought those people that do it in the movie only act but look at her there trying to shroud away her coughs and almost runny nose. Oh she hated flu!

"You are going back inside and won't argue with me." He didn't let his narrowed gaze falter and started to drag her inside.

"Yeah, be lucky," she sneezed hard to his face and he only shook his head, "be lucky I am sick." She finished and closed her eyes then slumped onto him.

He went to their room and settle her on the bed then went to the bathroom to bring the first aid kit that has all kind of medicines. His first aid kit is bigger than anything she's ever seen in houses, hmm, that has to do with him being a doctor. He kept it on the bedside drawer and removed some syrup from it then gave it her in the limited small transparent cup covering the top.

"No, no, I know you want to make me drunk so I can sleep and leave you alone. I won't do that!" She moved her face to the other side, away from where he is trying to make her gulp the medicine.

"It won't get you drunk, it is not alcohol." He kept quite when she turned around abruptly and widen her eyes just to look as dramatic as she wants to be.

"So you know alcohol? Have you ever had some? I heard earlier from the internet that it is against our religion and I thought you are religious." She let her eyes widen to the last length making him squirm, she has huge eyes and doing that only make it a whole lot more scarier and huger.

"No, I don't even know how it looks." Why is he explaining himself again? The other Falak would've known that he never would've tasted that but this brainless one just had to ask everything.

"Okay then, I believe that. But tell me it won't get me drunk because I need to change this clothes and also have hot soup." She licked her lips when she said the hot soup and he could only shake his head and gave her the syrup he poured in the limited cup.

He went to the closet and brought out a simple long gown to her, he can't even say the colour because he doesn't know what is the name of it. It is not blue, nor green or white so he really doesn't have the time to read colours so he just get back into the room and gave her the clothes which she look quizzically at. It is tortilla silky gown and without her underwear, she won't be able to wear it.

"Where are the under wears?" She asked and smirked when he paled and his eyes widen slightly before he composed his facial expression and gave her a flummoxed look which she could palpably say it is bravado.

"What underwear?" He touched his stubble in nervousness hoping she won't ask him to bring those things to her because he won't be able to look at her in the eyes if that happens. How can he touch her underwear? He doesn't even know where she keeps them and never try finding out.

"They are clothing worn next to the skin underneath the outer clothing. Bra and pants, they are in the drawers next to my wardrobe back in the closet." She sassed, hiding her red warm cheeks with her palms masking that she is cold.

"Okay..." He trailed off and left the room to their closet and opened the exact drawer she asked him to check and he staggered back a little taking his hand back with him. He blushed in embarrassment and closed his eyes then took one black bra and matching pants before leaving the closet whilst his heart thumping extremely loud and he could feel it in his own ears.

Falak laughed loudly when she saw him walking out of the closet with his right hand holding her under wears as though he is holding baby's diaper filled with shit. She didn't know when or how but the laughter rumbled deep from her stomach then to her chest and mouth, she couldn't hold it. His eyes were looking at anywhere but at her or her underwear. If there is anything repulsive, vile and distasteful at that moment, then it is only her and her underwear not that she cared, it was just too funny.

"Stop grimacing like that. I'm your wife and not any other woman." She rolled her eyes even though she is so embarrassed about the whole deal, she won't show him that.

"I'll wait outside." He immediately placed the bra and pants then hastily left the room as though he was told that nuclear bomb is about to strike any second from that. He didn't even remove his own soaked outfit, poor him.

Falak changed into the said outfit with a sly grin etched across her lips, she can't help feeling happy about it all. It was very embarrassing and she never thought she would ask him to do that. She is just tired of the charade now and when she tells him she regains her memory, she won't let him change. She wants him like that, all nervous, embarrassed and frustrated. Those emotions and reactions are better than being a statue, he needs to breath in new air and let go of those suffocating moments of his. She will tell him very soon.

"I'm done!" She yelled and he walked in few seconds later his shirt clinging onto his arms and chest making her drool and eye rape.

"The soup is here too." He announced before disappearing into the closet to change his own wet clothes to another new set.

Getting dressed into a frost white dress shirt and midnight black slacks, not bothering to put on the waistcoat because it is still raining and if it doesn't stop, he won't be able to go to the hospital but he is hopeful that the rain might stop a little later. He didn't want to ask for hot soup from the main palace but he needs to help his wife and he doesn't care who he puts at risk, his wife's health comes first. If she gets sick again, he sure is going to become a maid in no time so he'd rather stop that from happening.

Dr. Mahmud told him that she will get okay in no time and so he is waiting for that 'no time' but he is also walking on a thin line, the medicine should work soon as it was prescribed. Though he likes this Falak, he also miss the other one that is always up to some mischief. Mischief he always enjoys no matter how irritating and annoying, she is just used to getting her way with him. He is a big softy and doesn't even know that. Well, that is what she says.

He met her sitting on the dining table sipping on the hot chicken soup with gusto and she looks cute. He helped himself with some and dished next to her, she didn't utter a word which surprised him. She usually eats while talking to him since she always have something to talk about whether important or not. His mouth is itching to talk but he kept quite and finished the soup the same time she finished hers. They did the dishes together and she was still quite making him worried. Is she sick again?

"Where is our photo album?" She tilted her head on the headboard gazing at him as he puts his laptop away and is ready to get on the bed with her.

"In the closet." He answered furrowing his brows a little. Is she going to do something with it?!

"Can you bring it here please." She batted her lashes like a kid and he let a ghost smile appear on his lips then meandered to bring the album she asked. She is back to the Falak he is used to, the other one was weird and creeped him out.

He removed his set of anchor pajamas and get into it. It has small patterns of black and grey making it look more manlier. Since the weather is glacial and frigid, he removed his grey hoodie and put it on then thought about Falak and removed another slate coloured one to give it to Falak. He ferried out of the closet holding both his hoodie and their album.

When he gave her the hoodie, she raised a brow and held onto the soft fabric that smelled so manly and Shaddad in general. She don't get why he is giving it to her when he is wearing one himself. He told her to wear it and she didn't hide the look of surprise from her face but wrestled into it nevertheless. It makes her feel like Shaddad is all around her so she hugged herself, squeezing the huge soft fabric within her. She looks so small inside and she made a mental note to start wearing his clothes from then.

Her attention was brought back to the album when he kept it in between them on the bed and she look longingly at the golden intricate enmeshed on the album with one picture in the middle. It is the one from their wedding day when they kissed. His arms were around her waist and from the side view, their noses were intertwined leaving only one eyes and lips locked. She smiled and trace her index finger around it before quickly removing it after seeing Shaddad's eyes on her, she can't let him know she is still in love with him no matter how obvious it gets.

"I never took you for the romantic type. You look so possessive here." She laughed it off and opened the first page with a small smile.

She's seen the album once after their wedding and never really get her attention back to it but now, she wants to look through it together with her husband just like those romantic couples. Scooting closer to him, she brushed their hoodie shoulders together before placing the book on Shaddad's thigh as he is also sitting with his head on the headboard.

The first photo is also from their wedding day but the dinner. She looked so happy and even Shaddad didn't look so bad. He wasn't frowning nor was he smiling, his face was neutral. "You didn't smile on our wedding day, did you?" She look up at him with narrowed eyes and he only shrugged lowly and didn't say anything.

"You should smile often, you look more handsome with it. Smiling isn't so bad, it makes you more human and beautiful and it is also Sunnah. My smile is beautiful isn't it?" She tilted her head to look deep into his onyx orbs, deep into the depths of blankness. He isn't thinking about anything but her smile.

"Yes." He breathed out, her face close to his is doing something to his being and the organ he likes playing with.

"There is no harm in smiling and talking. Sometimes, you need to express your emotions through words. Though I don't know much now, I feel like you are never one to talk. Please try and do that for me, will you?" She was ready to talk serious with him and use her lost of memories to do so.

When she saw the hesitation in his eyes, she dismissed her hands from the album and place it on his cheeks, his stubble grazing her soft palms. She let her eyes search into his orbs that are slanted slightly upwards to look at her, they are fringed with thick long lashes. She is trying to see something there isn't, he isn't holding anything in him so she didn't find anything and she continue talking, her breath going straight to his nose and mouth. But she changed her position and move closer to him, their chests touching, their hoodies.

"I'm your wife. Even if we didn't get married in love, we are supposed to love each other. We are supposed to be there for each other and sacrifice lots for each other. Your smile will always be something I'm concerned about whether there is love or not. You can at least try and express your expressions to me. I am not supposed to always understand you, you need to open up to me." She sighed and place her forehead on his, he didn't move but she saw his eyes softening.

"I know I'm asking for a lot from you but I am ready to give everything too. Life is not perfect, no one will ever be perfect. Life is messy, relationships are complex, the outcomes are uncertain and people are irrational, at the end, we only have each other. We only have our souls to settle our affairs. Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a chance and it's end is eternity. Think about this and give us a chance to start something beautiful." She kissed his cheek and place the album on the bedside table before getting into the duvet for an evening nap. Few minutes later, she felt Shaddad doing the same.

He really should think about them.

How are you doing? Another update just here for you. Ghost readers, please keep an emoji for me, you here? Eid-el-Kabeer in advance my dears. An update coming on eid inshaAllah and Falak will be back then, hehehehe. Have you checked out my new book? If not, check the comment section, I'll drop a link.
RQ; Would you rather stop smiling for a year or keep laughing for a year?! Ha, I don't know what to say. You?😂


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