Kano State, Nigeria.
Falak sighed for the nth time because of how the makeup artist is poking and jabbing her face with a lot of brushes and oily stuff. The last time she did makeup was when Humaid, Huzaif and Suwaid got married and now because of another marriage, she is getting her face poked again. She loves makeup but hates sitting in the same place for forty minutes, it is no fun at all.
She brought her phone out and started taking short videos to add to her YouTube channel later on. She has been taking short videos since the wedding preparation started which made her looks like someone straight out from mental asylum.
She has at least thirteen videos now that she is going to edit a little later or tomorrow probably. There are still a lot for her to do.
She could clearly remember when Nevedita and Heer suggest that they should blog and she agreed and let them lead the way. They kept talking to the camera that was set by the windowsill in her room. It was their third year and everything is settling, and the school was not hard anymore and she started enjoying medicine again.
With time, she opened her own YouTube channel and started blogging but not all the time and it is mostly about her skincare. Yes, Falak started using a lot of skin beauty stuff because there are a lot of them in India and she can't remove her eyes from them so she started using each one and then show them on YouTube if it works for her. She has two thousand subscribers now.
But she is going to delete all her videos now that she is getting ready to become a doctor. There are a lot of things that needs to be done and after studying her eyes out for the last exams she sat a week ago, she is in no mood for another trouble. There was an exams that she wrote to fully make her become a doctor before she starts her internship.
"You have a beautiful skin, can you model for me sometime?" The makeup artist's question jolted Falak out of her trance and she stopped taking the video and look up at the lady.
She is a short woman in her early thirties and has beautiful tan skin. Her bright eyes showed just how much she would want Falak to model for her so she smiled.
"Sure, no problem. I would love to but I don't have much time to spend, I'll try to come." She smiled again and continue to check her brand new iPhone X.
She grinned thinking about how Suwaid took it upon himself to buy her any new iPhone that is released and even if she is in India, he'd send it to her there and she appreciates it every time. Now the one she is holding is the brand new one and she started using it when people barely even know about an iPhone is.
Now, everyone thinks iPhone is competition and they all started going crazy after finding out about it. It has the best camera and is the best phone to Falak because even when she used Nevedita's Samsung, she felt that it is wrong and didn't even dreamt about leaving an iPhone for a minute. It's the phone she started dealing with and will like to go on with it for forever.
"Falak, I think Asad is going to remove your head if you don't leave this place and get dressed. He said no one will start the dinner without his lovely sister there." Jabrayah mocked, her hands akimbo as she looks at Falak spending all her time on makeup.
"Aw, that's so nice of him but I am going to finish my makeup. He is my brother after all, he has to wait for me." She pursed her lips for the woman to apply lipstick across her lips.
"I don't get why he likes you so much. I know Inayah is bubbling with jealousy right now." Jaiyana snickered at the last part because she knew she is right.
Asad is getting married to this Inayah who he met a few years back. She first saw them in an event which Falak went to with Jaiyana and Jabrayah, Inayah thought Falak and Asad were a couple when he talked to her but then Falak introduced herself as his sister to clear away the confusion and it did for that moment.
After she found out that there is marriage between them, she started getting jealous and hardly talks to Falak. Even though Falak assured her that she is never going to come in between them and there is nothing between her and Asad except the brother and sister bond, Inayah still doubts that and this 'not starting dinner till she comes' will add more.
"That's her problem. Mi somi, I'm tired." She shrugged, not caring what she thinks about them anymore. It's up to her to let go of that little jealousy and face the world.
Along the way, she became bitchy and rude. No, it is not because she thinks she is finally rich and is in one of the known Royal Palaces in Nigeria, that is not the reason. One thing she learnt about people is, they always think about what they see and never let any explanation to clear their doubt and just go with the flow and she hates that.
She is still that bubbly Falak to everyone though, she is just rude to unknown people because they are the ones that will judge you even before knowing you. She didn't change her behaviour and still talks to herself and say her mind out in the open which caused a lot of troubles to her in school with the professors but most of the times, they find it funny.
Falak is now a doctor but she is yet to start her housemanship and said she will rest for a month before she starts. She came back four weeks ago after graduating, the family members were there and she couldn't be any happier. They all had proud smiles when she took her degree certificate and was qualified a paediatrician.
With the help of those notes that Dr. Samir sends to her, she didn't find the exams hard at all. He didn't stop highlighting the places he thought were important to her, he said he is not highlighting the questions for her since he is not the one setting them but he is just highlighting the important looking parts for her. She appreciates his effort and his wife's because without them, life would've been too plain back in India.
Shaddad wasn't there though. She hadn't seen him since the third year she came back. When she came back the forth year, she was told that he went to further his education and it was a six months course in Sudan.
She was disappointed but pushed herself and stopped looking for him thinking it will help but it didn't and that was before she met someone special again.
She still thinks about Shaddad once in a while but at that forth year when she came back to Nigeria, she met Mallam Bilal in a store. She greeted him enthusiastically and he didn't point out where he knew the beautiful lady talking to him till she said her name and his face split into two. She is more finer than before!
He was told that she ran away after her father died but he didn't know that she was there with her mother till she filled him in. They sat down in one of the closest restaurants and talked for a long time. She wasn't crushing on him again because she has seen a lot of more handsome Adonis to fix herself on him and besides, she already gave her heart to someone else.
With time, he started coming to the palace and even greeted her mother one time. They started having a good relationship which she couldn't point out what is it till date but she knew she is growing back her liking towards him and is looking forward to seeing him tonight.
He always takes her breath away no matter what he is wearing and how he is wearing it, she is falling for him again. He is not too bad looking and she can move on with him knowing very well that her mother will start passing in marriage proposals very soon so why not settle with her first crush and leave Shaddad to tend to his disorder?
Her mother even talked to her about getting married which she thwarted away. She is falling for Bilal but she still isn't ready for marriage, maybe after her housemanship. She is just twenty two and she thinks she still have sometime to think before settling down. No, that wasn't the only reason but she doesn't know the other reason too. Maybe she should just ask him to send his wards and finalise everything. She will do that soon!
"Let's go now." Jaiyana stood straight and adjusted her fitted mint green gown and adjust the white veil across her shoulder.
Falak stood up also and look at herself in the mirror. With the years passing by quickly, she has changed and became a woman. Her hips flared making her shape a perfect eight and any lady's dream. She does attend the gym with the help of Asad and manage to keep her stomach flat even with a lot of flours she eats in India.
Without the flat stomach, her shape looks like a whale so she try her best to keep in shape and it was one hell of hard work doing so.
Her make up looks splendid and exceptionally gorgeous. Though the girls also did makeup, Falak's show passed all of theirs and she is sure the bride will suck her blood once she sees her. She felt a little bad for her because it is not good for someone to have the spotlight when you are not the woman of the day. She shrugged it off.
Taking her small white veil, she attached it to her shoulder before taking her silver clutch with matching cone high heels. She took great lesson from Jaiyana before getting how to walk with it again just like when they got married into the palace.
It's been very long since she last wore one and so she forgot how to balance herself with it and feels like it's poking her heels and her toes like they are itching. She smiled before motioning to the girls that they should go, she waved at the makeup artist before leaving the room.
How are you all?! Surprise!!!! The picture up there is how I'm picturing our older Falak now but you are free to use your imagination and can send it to me if you have🌚 What is it that I'm seeing with Falak wanting to ask Bilal to send his wards??! What the heck?! Hehehehe, I can't wait to find out. Don't forget to drop your thoughts and vote. If you're yet to read KYDAH and MEHR, do so because I'm taking it down to sofanovel soooooooon.❤
RQ; Would you rather be poor and helping people or rich and hurting people? Nah, I can't hurt people so I should stay poooor...🌚You?
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