New, AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi India.

Falak is back to school now and she is feeling so down yet again, just like how she felt when she first started schooling. She didn't want to come back but knew that she had to, school won't wait for her and it is starting in two days only. She doesn't have much time to adjust and unpack everything so she didn't and just started getting ready for another year filled with studies like a mad person.

The first year wasn't easy just like everyone had told her. Medicine course is not something that should be played with and if she had done that, she wouldn't be back in India. Now is time for her to buckle up for another year of torture. Though she wouldn't say life isn't good there in India but with her family, everything would've been easier and more smooth.

She could remember Shaddad's words on the television when he was encouraging the medicine students in Bayero University Kano. He said that the first two years of medicine is the hardest part. Sometimes, she feels like regurgitating all that she's known because it drives her crazy and off the chain.

She did visited her village during eid. She went with the clothes she wanted to give Fikriyah and Marawiyyah but she found out that they both are married and are in the city but will be back around eid-el-kabir. She was disappointed and sad that she didn't get to meet them but gave the clothes to their respective guardians.

They are not really their guardians but their close relatives so she gave them because she wouldn't want her friends to know that she came and didn't let anything they could remember her with.

When she went to her home, Adama fell down and Falak laughed out loud and mumbled how stupid she was which made her children glare at her. Even they were awestruck when she walked in along with Jaiyana and Jabrayah before the tall handsome dark three Arabian Adonises -Asad, Suwaid and Huziaf- ambled in after them with the paper bags Falak forgot in the car so she could give them.

She had the urge to flaunt her richness and royalty at them but refrained because there was no need, they could already see it with their eyes. There are guards around the whole village and sirens were heard as soon as they reached Katsina. Many of them had their mouths on the floor and their jaws sweeping the stones on the ground. She loved that reaction from the people pointing fingers at her because she wasn't married.

Adama's children didn't utter a word till she left. She greeted them like she usually does and gave them each the paper bags that had the things she wanted to give them. The girls have beautifully sewn lace while her step brother was given a gaezna along with Rolex wrist watch and he thanked her with a beautiful smile and blessings, he was always kind and smooth.

The other two girls and Adama's daughter in-law only blinked at her till she left which she found incongruous and ludicrous, she didn't change that much or is it the richness that rendered them speechless? That should only be the answer but she doesn't hold anything against them so she left.

"Why are you leaving me in this planet? Hey, come back to me!" She heard Nevedita's voice cried from beside her because she is far too gone into her memories.

"Huh, sorry. What were you saying?" She smiled, trying to close the emotions that filled her eyes. That melancholic desire to be home and to tease Huzaif about his weakened self and her other brothers.

"Whatever, I just wanted to ask if you know who sent that notes to you?" Nevedita's brow creased because of this certain anonymous, unidentified secret admirer her friend has.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me. I think it's Dr. Samir, I'll just call him and thank him." She removed her phone from her pallazo pocket and started dialling his number which he picked after four seconds.

"Hmm, she finally withcalled that she has another brother in India. How are you?" Was what greeted her ears which made her feel guilty for not calling him since she went back home.

"I'm sorry, Prof. I wanted to thank you but it slipped my mind. For the notes you sent before our exams." She explained, already wanting to finish the phone call because Nevedita is trying to steal some cookies from her bag which she hid deep inside her wardrobe but the leach had to see it.

"Oh, that's not a problem." She heard his chuckle and Mahir's blabber and asked to give him the phone so they could talk in their gibberish language. They did so for some minutes before they hung up the phone and she tackled Nevedita.

"So, he gave you the parcel and didn't bother telling you in school?" Nevedota asked after their little war which Falak won because at the end of it, she has the pack of the cookies in her hands.

"I also find it a bit fishy but he might've forgotten to mention it." Falak shrugged, not giving it much thoughts and continue to munch on her chocolate cookies.


Jaiyana finished the lunch she cooked for Huzaif as he demanded before rushing to the bathroom to take bath and did her makeup herself. Too much of doing makeup made her learn how to do it and she brought out the make-up box that was given to her in her marriage boxes and started using it. She never thought she would use it but it seems like her philander loves makeup and she is going to start loving it too.

Done with adorning her face, she transformed into another new set of blue expensive lace and did her head tie in a beautiful turban.

She smiled at her reflexion before hurrying out of the room when she heard the door jingling open and only Huzaif has the keys to their Chamber and that should be him. She took a deep breath, hiding behind a large vase before putting a smile on her face.

"Welcome back." She greeted at the exhausted looking Huzaif who smiled even though he is tired, he is changing and he knew that.

He thought about everything the first day he saw that she changed. She started bedecking and prettifying herself and bringing out her feminine beauty and not those baggy sweaters that she likes wearing like a depressed woman.

One thing he knew is, he won't be able to divorce her because his Uncle will never let him do that. If there is anything he would be sure of, is that she regretted what she did and most of all, it was something she did out of childishness. He even searched for the boy who pursued her to do that and it proves him right, they are just young and in love so they did what they thought is right.

"Thank you, how was the day?" He smiled lazily and let her lead him to do dining where the aroma of food spellbounded him.

"It was boring as usual." She served his food, still feeling his eyes on her every move like every other time she served him.

Though they are now talking and getting acquainted with each other, there still isn't any physical connection that has transpired between them. She is anxiously waiting for when he will touch her even if it is by mistake. She is very confident when it comes to her body and knows that even a baby's body will not be as soft as hers. Well, she exaggerated that but her body is what she is more confident with than her face.

They still don't sleep in the same room. That is understandable because they are still getting used to having each other's company. She won't be able to repay Falak for what she's done for her, she helped her so much and she will lie down everything for her.

"You should start something that will keep your mind off things." He advised, taking a mouthful of the pasta into his mouth and moaned in delight, she is a great cook and that is another bonus.

"I'm thinking about that too." She sat herself on the chair next to him but not really close and continue to stare as he eats, catching her eyes once in a while.

After he finished eating, she brought water in a bowl for him to wash his hands and ended up taking his hands from the table and putting inside the bowl of warm water. As soon as his hands touched hers, he knew he was a goner and he is dead. Who the hell is he to resist such soft and delicate skin?

Her heartbeat spiked up and immediately started searching for his eyes that are looking intently at her, daring her to move, daring her to deny what he is feeling but she didn't and ended up shivering and that did it. He drew her to his lap and inhaled her scent, that oud is something out of ordinary. She smells like heaven.

His new home!

After what seems like decades, she felt like cool water was splashed to her face and she jolted out of his arms. She started clearing the table, tripping three times but didn't fall off or lost her balance. She successfully finished clearing the table, feeling his eyes noting into her movements but she didn't dare look at him. His eyes are searing her insides and even the flames will give way after feeling how hot she is.

Huzaif not knowing what came over him stood up and followed her to the kitchen and stood there, watching as she nervously wash the dishes but didn't feel his presence. Why didn't he notice how beautiful she is with her small body but enough curves? Was he so immersed in his anger that she gave herself to someone to notice her beauty? Well, that is going to change.

"I want you to come back to my room." She jumped and let go of the faucet and the cup fell into the sink, turned around to see Huzaif dangerously close to her. She was too into her thoughts to hear him.

"Uh, okay." She replied and look as he silently left the kitchen, looking like he wanted to say something but refrained.

She did something she had forgotten how to, she laughed in glee when she made sure the door to his room clicked shut. She jumped and danced while rounding the kitchen like a lunatic before taking deep breaths.

He was standing outside with a satisfied smile etched across his lips as the swell of her breasts move dangerously out of the piece of clothing while behind pushed itself back against the counter bench so she could lean back to support her happy self.

He sure is a goner!

Juma'at Karim everyone and happy new month. (I won't delete the mistake because I've been meaning to update since then, sorry)
How are you all doing? I shouldn't be updating because this month is not for phones but you see, I already have it written and I can't wait for you to find out that Shaddad is not the one who sent the parcel.💔 I should be reading Qur'an, praying nawafils and doing a lot more but here I am, updating. So don't fold my hands and Vote, Comment, Share and Follow. Please, I want to see comments and not only update soon😭 please. . .
RQ; Would you rather be invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day? Ah, I would rather me be invisible o😂 too many wicked things to do...



Praise be to Allaah.

This brownish discharge that came after doing ghusl does not matter and is not regarded as menstruation, so your fast is still valid and you do not have to do ghusl after it came out, because Umm 'Atiyyah said: "We did not regard brownish or yellowish discharge after the period ended as being anything that mattered." Narrated by Abu Dawood, 307; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood. Also narrated by al-Bukhaari with the words: "We did not regard brownish and yellowish discharge as anything that mattered."

But this brownish discharge does invalidate wudoo', so if you did wudoo' for Fajr prayer after this came out, then your prayer is valid and you do not have to do anything. If it came out after you did wudoo' and you did not repeat wudoo', then you have to repeat that prayer because you prayed without wudoo'.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz was asked in Majmoo' al-Fataawa (10/214):

I noticed that when doing ghusl following my monthly period, which usually lasts for five days, sometimes a very small amount comes out of me, immediately after doing ghusl, then after that nothing comes out. I do not know whether I should assume that my regular period is five days and whatever comes after that does not count, and I should fast and pray and I don't have to do anything else because of that, or I should regard that day as part of my period and not pray and fast then? Please note that this does not always happen, rather it is approximately every two or three cycles.

He replied:

If what comes out of you after you have purified yourself is yellowish or brownish, then it should not be regarded as anything that matters, rather it comes under the same ruling as urine. But if it is obviously blood, then it should be regarded as part of the period, so you have to repeat your ghusl, because of the report from Umm 'Atiyyah (may Allaah be pleased with her), who was one of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). She said: "We used not to regard yellowish or brownish discharge after purification as being anything that mattered."

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked in Fataawa al-Siyaam (p. 105): A woman says that her period came, then the bleeding stopped on the sixth day from Maghrib until twelve midnight, so she did ghusl on that day and fasted the following day. Then some brownish discharge came but she fasted that day. Is that to be regarded as part of her period even though her usual period is seven days?

He replied:

This brownish discharge is not part of the period. The brownish discharge that women get after the end of the period is not anything that matters. Umm 'Atiyaah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: "We used not to regard yellowish or brownish discharge after purification as being anything that mattered." According to another report: "We used not to regard it as anything that mattered" - and she did not say after purification. Menstruation is blood, not brownish or yellowish discharge. Based on this, then this woman's fast was valid, whether that was on the day when she did not see any brownish discharge or on the day when she did see some brownish discharge, because this brownish discharge is not menstruation.

The Standing Committee (10/158) was asked about a woman who became pure (i.e., he period ended) in Ramadaan before dawn came, so she fasted that day, then she went to pray at Zuhr and saw some yellowish discharge. Is her fast valid?

They replied:

If she had become pure before dawn then fasted, her fast is valid and the yellowish discharge she noticed after becoming pure does not affect it, because Umm 'Atiyyah said: "We used not to regard yellowish or brownish discharge after purification as being anything that mattered.".

Allah knows the best.


Praise be to Allah.


The yellowish or brownish discharge that precedes the blood is not regarded as the menses; the same applies to that which comes after seeing the white discharge (that signals the end of the period), because Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: "We used not to regard the yellowish brownish discharge after the white discharge (that signals the end of the period) as being of any significance."

Narrated by Abu Dawood, 307; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa' al-Ghaleel, 199

With regard to yellowish and brownish discharge that comes after the bleeding and before the white discharge (that signals the end of the period), this is regarded as menses, because of the report narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta', 130, from Umm Salamah, according to which she said: The women used to send to 'Aa'ishah, the Mother of the Believers, small vessels containing the pieces of cotton on which there were yellowish traces from the menstrual blood, and they would ask her about praying, and she would say to them: Do not be hasty until you see the white discharge, referring to that which signals the end of the period.

This was also narrated by al-Bukhaari in a mu'allaq report (Kitaab al-Hayd, Baab iqbaal al-Maheed wa idbaarihi; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa' al-Ghaleel, 198

Based on that, the yellowish or brownish discharge that lasts for three or four days before the bleeding starts is not regarded as menses, and you should not stop praying or fasting at that time.

The black blood and the red blood that comes after it, and the yellowish discharge, are menses, until you see the white discharge or complete dryness.

If you see the white discharge or complete dryness, any discharge after that, yellowish or brownish, is not regarded as menses.


If the red blood continues, or the yellowish or brownish discharge that come after it, before the white discharge or complete dryness appear - if that goes on for longer than fifteen days, then you are mustahaadah (i.e., experiencing istihaadah or irregular, non-menstrual bleeding), according to the majority of scholars. Some scholars say that istihaadah cannot be proven unless that continues for the entire month or for the entire month apart from two or three days. This is the view favoured by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah and those who followed him and those who do not think there is any maximum length for the menses, and their view is closer to the apparent meaning of the evidence.

If it becomes clear that you are experiencing istihaadah, then in the following months you should act in accordance with your cycle as it was in the past. So you should stop praying and so on for the duration of bleeding, until the appearance of the white discharge (signalling the end of the period) then you should do ghusl. For example, if your period, before experiencing istihaadah, used to last for ten days, then you should do ghusl after the tenth day, and do wudoo' at the time of each prayer.

A woman who did not have a regular cycle before experiencing istihaadah should base her actions on differentiating between different kinds of bleeding.

And Allah knows best.

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