Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak sighed, anger, fury as hot as fire taking and eating away each and every cell in her body. Her abhor for Shaddad kept resonating in the walls of the Chamber, she could only smile when her babies bounded to where she is to cheer her up. She is more than glad that he is not home at that time or she won't be held responsible for what she's done. She has already warned him about getting in her presence since last two weeks. Their relationship is hanging on the last thread which will throw them off anytime soon. She is not looking forward to that but at the same time, she is.

"I've warned you about this, you can't just go around looking at my stomach like they are the sole of every problem you are about to face in your life. If you can't take the fact that these children are ours and I am going to give birth to them whether you like it or not, then find your way out of our lives. After so much assurance, you still are doubtful. I don't even want to look at your face right now, leave." She sighed, blinking back the tears gathering in her eyes making it itch.

She is now almost nine months pregnant but he never stops trying to show that he doesn't like her babies, unlike the time when it happened with the triplets. She get that he was afraid of what happened back then to happen now. But she's assured him countless times that everything happens only if Allah plans and it annoyed her seeing that he looks like he never was a Muslim. He knows that nothing happens if Allah doesn't will so why afraid of death so much like that!

They've talked about it countless times too. She's told him she will agree with c-section so now she won't even bother having herself cut. If he wants the babies, then he should stay and try acting like the man he is not the one always panicking about losing her. Yes, she gets that he is confused and loves her a lot, also can't bear the thought of losing her but he should also consider that terminating her pregnancy won't ruin what Allah has planned for them. She will give birth to her babies whether he is there in their lives or not.

She's already made the decision long before he started having his issues. She is not going to back out from that, she loves her babies too much to even think about killing them. They are innocent, they don't even know what their father is doing and would love him unconditionally when they grace the world so why is he trying to get rid of them just for the fear of losing her?! She is not worth causing pain to their own children, their own sign of love they created themselves. She hates not having him close to her during that pregnancy, it aches a lot.

Time to time, he shows how concerned he is about her health or even talk about the babies and some other time which is most of the times, he only asks about her wellbeing not theirs. It irritates her but even as a pregnant woman, she kept quite and let him just slip away with it. That was the last straw though, she can't take too much of him when she is pregnant, close to her due date. She won't be stressed and cause danger to their children, never. She is trying her best to stay strong without his shoulder and so far, she thinks she is doing just fine alone. She is not.

He has become more paralysed as the days pass by drawing her closer to her due date. Just few more days, and she will bless the earth with her beautiful twins. Maybe the fortune teller was saying the truth about her having two more babies, they are enough for her to live. She will live with five children, not that her husband would even want anymore after what has happened just then. She also wants them to stay like that, she is okay with them five. That is if she will be with him after giving birth to her unborn babies.

She has this gut feeling telling her just how much they are not meant for each other. Right from the beginning, she's been the one suffering in that relationship and now that it is hanging, she don't even have the energy to hold onto it anymore. All she wants to do is lie down in the middle of her babies and feel the tranquility that comes after having them around her. Seeing them bounding around with so much energy is enough to lift her mood all the time their father ruins it.

That pregnancy has not been the best, not even close. She feels alone during the moments she needs him more. She craves less knowing he will feel more bad about the children if she disturbs him with her cravings. Most of the times, she cooks what she wants to eat unlike the time when she was pregnant with the triplets. He always asks what she wanted then but not with the twins, he doesn't. She cry her eyes to sleep every night beside him but he never noticed or did he choose to ignore her?! She can't tell with her back towards him.

"I..." His word brought her out of her reverie and she rose her right hand in a way to tell him to hold his words back, that she is not and won't listen to his everyday excuse.

"I don't want me doing something we both are going to regret. Pack your things and leave this Chamber for me and my children." Her voice was sharp, cutting right through his heart seeing he didn't expect her to be all cold and arctic towards him for something he hasn't admitted. Well, the saying is, action speaks louder than voices so she goes with that too.

"You don't want that." The panic he felt in his chest could be detected in his voice, if only she wants to hear what he has to say or has the time to sweep around his emotions.

"Oh, I do. I want you far away from me for as long as I want. Don't come back here till I ask you to." She crossed her arms around her chest looking at his incredulous expression making her heart ache.

She hates doing that but that is the only way for her to survive his ill treatments towards her children all the time. Seeing him around only makes her stressed and the doctor strictly told her not to be stressed or both her and her children's life will be in danger. If seeing him is the cause of her distress, then why not send him away? If he refuses, then she is definitely going to leave the Chamber and never to return.

Shaddad searched her eyes for any emotion that he can hold against her but no, his heart shattered seeing the ones in her eyes. The determination is set, the anger and tinge of hatred is clearly displayed. He didn't know that he's done so much damage to his wife while he was trying to protect her from it all. He just don't want her going through what she's gone through while giving birth the first time. He can't keep seeing that image whenever he looks at her huge stomach.

With a sigh, he gave a curt nod of his head and made his way to the living room where his kids are playing. He kissed their foreheads, gave a longing gaze at the door to their bedchamber waiting for Falak to come out and say she was only joking or she didn't want him to go but it never happened. She didn't come and neither did he hear the sound of her moving, with head hung low, he left the Chamber. And that was so many days ago.

Falak sat down on the bed and closed her face with both her palms. Her shoulders rack while hot tears run down her cheeks like a sluice being opened for the first time in years. She feels so defeated and hopeless at that moment. All she wanted was a happy family but it looks like she's asked for too much. She should've known, all that happiness is too much to last for much longer. She should've seen it coming right from the beginning but she never did.

How could she be extremely happy? Maybe the stars were shining then but they have clearly stopped shining when their relationship started touching the black canvas beside them. She don't feel the twinkle in her heart when she looks at him so why bother holding onto a dying relationship? She's done enough, she don't have the energy to do no more. All she wants to focus about now is giving birth to her children safely even without their father beside her. She can do it, she chanted.

"Hey, you look so depressed like always. Come let's go have a girls day out to cheer you up." Came in Marawiyyah's voice from the door as she strutted in holding her six months daughter, Umnia in her arms.

"I'm not depressed, mom." She rolled her eyes sarcastically but her friend didn't pay any heed and removed her phone to call the other girls to meet them outside. She is surely going to take Falak away from her depressed state.

"I'm not your mom, now stand up and get dressed. Be quick, I have so many things to clean up." She moved to the couch where the triplets are silently sitting watching Paw Patrol like they know what is going on with the little cute puppies.

Falak grumbled but stood up anyway. Marawiyyah knew that after what happened to her, Falak is never going to stop blaming herself so she also use that to her advantage like then. She wouldn't have stood up if it was any of the other girls, she will continue to use her magic. She's the only person that knows about what is happening in that Chamber and she intend to keep that secret till her grave. She won't rant out her friend's problems even to her husband, she is not like that.

Minutes later, Falak walked out dressed in one of her merlot and crow coloured maternity ankara gown sewn in simple flay with cape sleeves and scoop neckline. She wrapped a black veil around her head, her hands in her gowns pockets then her feet in black slippers. She looks effortlessly beautiful even with the belly trying to be hidden behind the flay of her gown.

"I'll be back soon, take care of them." She told one of the maids gesturing to her kids. They are so into the cartoon where Marshall is trying to save some cows to even notice her slipping out of the Chamber with their Aunt and cousin.

Falak laughed heartily listening to Jabrayah as she rants about how Suwaid was looking at another woman when they went dining the day before. She grumbled out how men can't keep their eyes to themselves but the girls just keep teasing her. She narrowed her eyes at them then flip them off with the middle finger before she choked on her fresh orange juice while looking ahead like she's just discovered her worst nightmare becoming a reality.

"I think the universe just despise me. Look at the girl he was looking at yesterday, that skeleton." Jabrayah pointed an accusing fork at the direction where a girl wearing Dijon fitted gown stood with her friends wearing same outfit like they are going to a wedding. She looks to be around eighteen or nineteen max.

"Gosh, she is so beautiful." Jaiyana gushed just to annoy her little sister and it did work since holes started burning soon by her head.

"Leave her. I know he was probably trying to figure out what she is showing to the world when there isn't anything." Inayah's wicked remark brought a smile to Jabrayah's face instantly.

"You are right, she is as slim as this stick." She held onto a toothpick.

"Nope, that is way fatter than her." Anisa shook her head then point at the fattening of the toothpick in the middle.

"You are right." And everyone laughed around the table before Falak yelped in pain.

"What's wrong?" Fikriyah was quick out of her sit so as the rest of the girls looking at her, concern etched on all their faces while their hearts thumped loudly in their chests.

"I think it's time." Halima who is a nurse moved closer to Falak and examined her face which shows nothing short of excruciating pain that she feels. They were quick to help her to the car while the others took the other car they brought with them.

"Should we send the guards to take the bag or we go ourselves?" Anisa worriedly asked them, seeing the car Falak is in zoomed out of their sights with some guards towing behind them at a safe distance.

"We should go ourselves." Jabrayah climbed into the driver's side and roared the car to life then zoomed off to the palace to get the said nursing bag that Falak has in her children's nursery.

Fikriyah jumped out of the car and made her way into Falak's palace to get the bag. She's added two more cribs inside the nursery and it still looks huge. She is going to remove the other three very soon seeing they are all grown up and will be able to sleep in their beds. Quickly taking the bag with her, they left for the hospital all of them surprised seeing everyone around except for Shaddad. None of them opened their mouths to talk about that and only let them be. Maybe he is inside the room, but why wouldn't he be there?! They heard that Mari is with her inside the room which only says that Shaddad is not in the hospital or maybe the country.

"Don't you dare cut me. I am fully dilated and can give birth safely, now start." She yelled at the doctors, they jumped at the sound and kept the equipments they wanted to use for the c-section.

Two hours into her screams, excruciating pain, the door opened and haggard Shaddad walked into the labour room frantically. He just got a call, his phone wasn't reaching but Harith got ahold of him and he heard what is going on. He left the small cottage he was in and drove to the hospital to support his wife though that is the last thing he wants to do. He didn't want to see her on that hospital bed with that protruding belly in front of her. The image of what happened the last time is still engraved in his head. That is the last thing he wants to see but he needs to be there for her no matter what.

"Don't you dare come any closer." He heard her yell from the bed even with the pain, she still get to yell at him like he is a thief.

Calmly, he walked to where Mari is standing and took his wife's hand from hers. The death glare Mari sent his way is enough to tell him that she's told her what has happened between them. God, he feels awful and unwanted standing there next to her. Even with her hands clawing at his arm, he didn't let go of her and neither did she stop clawing at him.

More hours passed before they could finally hear the sound of their baby, then another much lower one. Just listening to that brought sense of calmness to their soul and they forgot about everything but then again, she slipped out of consciousness. She was still breathing this time so he took the babies in his arms and did all the procedures little by little while staring at the babies in awe. Was he trying to terminate these beauties and commit a grievous crime?

Ya Allah, thank God she didn't let him commit such grievous sin. He would've regretted that for the rest of his life and the guilt won't stop gnawing at him. He named them Fakhirah and Fakhir. She is older than the boy this time around and he couldn't be any proud looking at them. A boy and a girl brought to them and now he shamelessly is trying to look at them with love when he doesn't have the right. He shouldn't even be there with them after what he's done to them. He doesn't deserve their love and the way Fakhirah round her fingers around his index finger, he can't deal with it.

"Therearer some complications, Sir. If you will excuse us please." Dr. Amina said to Shaddad who was still looking at their children awestruck.

"Will she be okay?" His panicked self is back with full force, looking at Falak to make sure she is breathing and the machines are making sounds.

"Yes, sir." She gave a tight lipped smile knowing that something is wrong between the husband and wife and it is entirely his fault. Even this complication is because of him, she is sure of that.

Shaddad gave the names of the children and left the room. He didn't look at anyone that is sitting in the corridor and makes his way outside the hospital. He sat down in his car thinking about what brought them to where they are and what was the cause. Silently praying for her wellbeing, he started thinking about what to do to bring her back in his arms. He can't deal with them fighting all because of his conceited self. He loves her more than he will ever love their children but then again, she is the one who taught him how to love so how can he ever forget about her so easily?! He will make sure she is back in his arms, he can't lose her, never.

"It's preeclampsia and she has slipped into coma with no day for her to wake up. She's been stressed throughout the whole pregnancy." The doctor apologetically explained to Shaddad whose world crumbled to the floor in pure anguish. No, this can't happen when he just finished planning how to apologize.

"Thank you." He left the doctor and made his way out of the office.

All the guilt came rushing back to his chest slumping his shoulders soggily. What should he even do about a woman in coma? Does he even have the right to go to her when he knew he was the cause of everything?! And their children, what will he do about them when he took away their mother even before she set her eyes on them. He didn't know what he did will bring such dire consequences, he was just worried about losing her yet again. Was he too stupid to not have noticed how she suffers frequent headaches, backaches, her tummy being upset and her heart palpitating unnecessarily?!

God, he doesn't deserve any of them. Maybe his disappearance is for the best but can he live without Falak?! No, that is not even a question that should be asked. He loves her more than he loves his own life so how can he leave her when she needs him the most? No, he is going to stay and fight for her till his last breath. He won't leave her sight even if she threaten to kill him, he'd gladly die for her wherever.

He made his way to her room and sat down on a sofa beside her bed. He took ahold of her pale, arctic hand in his and sighed. Her hands were never cold or pale, she's always been conscious that his hands are softer than hers so she takes very good care of them. Now what would she say if she is to feel how her soft hands become all because of him. This all added more to the guilt he was feeling some hours ago, he can't shake away the heaviness in his heart.

"I don't know if I have this right but I've named them just like you wished. You wanted their names to start with F just like you'd wanted the triplets to have S so they can look like you. I named them Fakhirah and Fakhir, you'll love it. I'm so sorry for everything I've done. Sorry is just a word used because there is no other way to send the message but I know it is too small to be in my own vocabulary right now. Please, don't punish our children for something I did, wake up." He kissed her hand, silent tears rolling down his cheeks as he stare at her unmoving figure. He can't take seeing her like this when she has narrowly escaped death the other time.

"Please wake up, for the children, for us. I am ready to take whichever punishment it is that you want me to serve, just wake up please." More tears rush down his cheeks, he can't remember that last time he's cried in his life. Maybe since never but at that time, he didn't even know when they started strolling down his cheeks with gait.

"I've wronged you and the babies, I know. Nothing I say will be able to justify such horrendous action but all I want is your forgiveness. Please wake up and let's sort everything out. You can beat me all you want, punish me, even punch me in the face every morning." He sobbed, drenching her hand that are still tightly in his grip where his face lies. God, he wants to keep crying just to take away the feeling of guilt stinging and attacking his being. He felt like the sleaziest object to ever grace the earth.

What has he done?!

Two days later, Falak awoke to the sight of her children running around the room whilst checking on the babies inside the crib. Mari sat by the far end watching them along with her baby, Umnia by her side. She gave her a small smile that is enough to bring Mari to her feet to come and help her. She gave her a cupful of water which she gulped heartily then sighed. She didn't know she's being in coma for two days straight and thought she was just too exhausted after giving birth.

She didn't see any sign of Shaddad and it didn't surprise. Maybe he wasn't even there when she gave birth and she was just imagining his presence, nothing surprising. She just wished he was though, she'd be the happiest.

"How are you feeling?" Mari asked when Falak lie back down on the bed looking more stable but not anywhere happy.

"Fine. Where are the babies? Who named them?!" She threw the questions at her friend who already has her back to her to go get the children from their cradle.

"Shaddad named them Fakhirah and Fakhir." She placed the duo in her arms, not giving Falak's questioning gaze any meaning and waited till she asked.

"Was he here?" Came her feeble, frail question from the bed trying very hard to let her eyes stay open.

"Yup, the whole two days asking for forgiveness. He left some minutes ago." Mari answered with tinge of pride that Shaddad didn't let his wife alone all that while.

"I've been out for two days? Who fed the babies then?!" Her brows scrunched in worry, she inspect her babies to make sure they are healthy and fit, they are.

"Shaddad did everything for them, you don't have to worry." Mari beamed again, not able to wipe the smile from her lips even if she wants to. The pride shining in Falak's eyes is enough to make her forgive what her husband did to her.

"He didn't abandon us." Falak whispered to herself and cradle her babies to her bosom, happiness soaring in her. She could feel the fireworks cracking inside her as she start to feed them breast milk. That sting is there which makes her roll down the memory lane of when she gave birth to the triplets, he was there the whole step but she is still glad he came and did everything a father should.

"He didn't. Now feed them and let's leave. Everyone is waiting for you in the palace. You can walk huh?" Mari commented as she place some set of new fresh clothes for Falak on the couch she stood up from. She got a positive answer about her able to walk.

Her children rounded her calling her name each wanting attention. She shook her head and ask them to climb on the bed with her and they did. She held all her five children to herself and smiled in content feeling all the voids in her chest filled except for the portion where Shaddad once occupied. No matter how happy she was, without Shaddad beside her, she won't ever be complete. If only he was sensible enough to not act so stupidly.

Mari took a photo of the baby mama and her children, a nice shoot.

Minutes later, Falak sighed and made her way to the bathroom feeling her body sour. She wish Shaddad was with her, he would've given her a hot bath but no, the son of a coconut left just when she woke up. She took bath with much trouble then changed into the dandelion coloured binding bow embroidery maxi dress with crew neckline and regular long sleeves. A black veil was kept inside along with slippers so she slipped them on. She left the bathroom to see Mari arranging everything where it should be, the room clean.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see what everyone has for you." Falak could only roll her eyes and make her way to her new born babies, she cradled them to her weak chest. Her heart is about to bloom with so much happiness but it still didn't reach the one when she gave birth to the triplets. She knew why though, Shaddad was beside her then.

Cars are waiting for them outside, she didn't have to walk much. Soon they arrive at the Palace where guards and maids aligned awaiting her presence. She smiled and got down from the car seeing her personal maid, Shafah who beamed back at her and was quick to come forward to hold the triplets. She has been away to her village to get married, Falak help getting work for her husband as a guard so they can live in the quarters behind.

She gave Falak a quick hug who reciprocated weakly and trudge into the palace her feet making soundless noise on the red carpet sprayed on the floor all the way into the palace. There she met everyone like Mari said. She smiled at everyone, letting herself get lost in their arms since her husband is not there to hold her.

There is nothing that makes you more insane than family, or more happy, or more exasperated or more... secure.

"Should I take you to your Chamber? You look worn out." Suwaid offered from beside her on the golden Royal chair where her slumped figure lies. She looks as everyone hold her babies then pass it to the other.

"Yes please but you can keep them here. I just fed them so they won't throw any fit, I want to rest." She didn't want to leave them but she needs so much rest and time to think about what will happen now.

They made their way out of the palace and he drove her to her Chamber like he promised. He stood by the door and beamed at her, he can't wait for her to walk in and see what is behind the closed doors.

She opened the door and stepped inside then stopped feeling something amiss. The room is decorated in golden balloons that spell 'Welcome Back' broadly making her squint her eyes. Who did that when there is nobody inside the Chamber? She shrugged with a smile thinking it might be one of her girlfriends, they are always up to something so she won't be surprised. She made her way to their bedchamber to lie down and get some sleep.

"I'm sorry." She heard a voice whisper from behind her making her jump on her feet then clutch the place her heart lies.

"Don't scare me like that." She grumbled, still holding her hands to her chest. "And didn't I ask you not to come back here? Why are you back?" She raised a brow though he can't seeing her, his face is closed with yummy looking chocolate cake.

"I'm I forgiven? And again, I'm extremely sorry for coming back without your permission." Shaddad asked again, his face hidden behind a huge chocolate cake same one she made when she announced her pregnancy. This one has 'I'm sorry' with a sad emoji frowning at her.

"Are you sorry?" She tilted her head trying to see his face but he is dead on not letting her see it till she forgives him.

"Yes, extremely sorry." His voice has desperation palpable which she didn't miss.

"Alright, go bring the babies and take care of them. And by the way, I love their names." He removed the cake from his face where white whip cream sat writing I love you and I'm sorry. His face is smeared with so much of it making her laugh.

True love never tires, it forgives endlessly and will look beyond a person's fault.

"Thank you, Erum. Here, you can have all this and I won't scold you." He hand her the chocolate cake seeing her beam and that glow in her eyes is back in it's place.

"I haven't forgotten about punching you every morning, I'm going to do that everyday." She called after him when he stood by the door, his body shaking to comply yo what she's asked.

He boomed with laughter shaking his head at his wife, she is always up to something. Seeing him laugh is enough to make her heart soar into the sky. There is nothing better than seeing your loved one happy.

Falak lie down on the bed feeling more content and complete. Finally, everything is back in place and she can't wait to devour those chocolate goodies. It takes a lot from her to let go of that cake and sleep so when she wakes up, she is going to eat to her hearts content. Maybe even have a cake party with her triplets when the newborns are asleep. She's missed spending time with those trio bundle of energy, they make her exhausted. She can't remember playing like that when she was younger but who is she to interrupt their childhood?!

When she awoke later, she found a note sitting calmly on the bedside table. Curiosity at it's peak, she move her hand and took it then start to read her husband's handwriting which means he wrote it down and kept it there for her.

"I know I won't be able to say this too but I can type so here is this. I'm so sorry for every ounce of pain I've caused you for the past seven months. I know I haven't been a good husband or a caring father but I promise you, I'm going to be that loving father and caring husband from now onwards. I won't give you any other chance to complain about me being a bad husband or father. I have my flaws, a lot of them and all I want from you is understanding though you've done nothing but being patient with me, a little more is what I ask for.

Happy Birthday, my Erum."

Woah, she's totally forgotten about her own birthday. Her due date was supposed to be her birthday but she gave birth earlier than that. She grinned and made her way out of the room to the living room where the welcome back balloons are taken down. A happy birthday one is standing there in silver balloons along with yellow. Her grin got more wider as she walked to the dining where murmurs are coming from.

"Happy Birthday, Momma." Said Sabeer as he stood few meters away from his younger brother. She grinned and took the gift box he is stretching to her in his mini hands while he beams.

"Happy Birthday, Mama!" Safeer said with much more enthusiasm then pass her a bigger gift box, his whole teeth out in the open.

"Happy Birthday, Mommy." Sabeeha beamed, also extending her hands to give her the gift box she's being holding. She cursed for being the last one amongst, she gets everything last.

"Thank you all." Her eyes are misty as she take in the sight of her husband sitting with her two newborns in his arms, he looks adorable.

Just like he felt her eyes on him, he rose his head and smile innocently. His teeth are on full display then he gesture that she sits on the sit in front of him and she did.

"Happy Birthday, my Love." He pass her beautiful small box which looks like a ring.

He took her left hand after placing the children safely on the cradle beside him. He took a deep breath and rose his head to meet her eyes, showing all the emotions displaying themselves in his eyes. There are so much he wants to say and he hopes he will have the courage to say those things to her this time around. The way his heart is beating unrestrained underneath his chest is not believable, his heart has never beaten so undomesticated like it did then.

He knew she's forgiven him but deep down he feels like she needs more reassurance from him. For a man like him, asking the maids to help him decorate their living room and small backyard is not a small situation. Not talking about ego or pride, but he is never one to ask for help. Whatever it is that he can't do, he doesn't force himself to do it, he just let it be. There are more important things than that but there is no one more important than Falak nor will there ever be.

A single moment of misunderstanding is poisonous, that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moment spent together within a minute.

"I am going to promise you something. From today onwards, I'm going to love you without fear. I'm going yo trust you without questioning. I'm going to want you without restrictions and I'm going to lie my life on the floor for you to pass anytime you want. I can be selfish, too selfish but that happens only when you are concerned. I should've agreed with you when you unyieldingly stood about having a baby but my selfishness blinded me. I'm so sorry about that, please don't tell our kids about it." He made a puppy dog eyes making her laugh then he slipped a golden ring with ruby in the middle, just like her bracelet and anklet. It is so beautiful.

"Thank you for keeping up with me. I know I'm a bit handful." She glared at him hearing that a bit.

"You are extremely handful, not a bit please." And she leaned in to place her lips delicately on his. She's missed him so much!

"I thought my love for you would forever by uncouthness but look were my uncouthly attachment brought us." She whispered, her hands drawing unknown pattern on his broad hard naked bronze chest.

"Yup, you were uncouthly attached but now, I am also." He placed a gentle kiss on her naked shoulder eliciting a shudder from her.

Her triplets are now three years old and they just finished celebrating their mini birthday if you call all the Royal family mini.

Life has never being more beautiful. That is just how she found herself in the arms of the man she thought she would give up on. Giving up isn't the solution, and that is what she found out in the journey of her uncouthly attachment.

That is how Falak awoke from her dream lying on her mat. She got scolded about being late again to makarantan allo by her mother but she can't believe that was all a dream. A perfect beautiful dream at that.

Gotcha! It wasn't a dream, hold your horses.

How've you been? I can't believe this book has come to an end but everything has to end huh? Alhamdulillah!
I don't have enough words to thank each and everyone of you. If only I can tag all those commentators, I honestly would have. Your comments means alot more than you think it does. Though I don't have time to reply them lately due to some reasons but will definitely do so now that I'm done. I thank you all for joining this ride with me and also enjoying it. This is finally the end of Shaddad and Falak's love story but I might send in a BONUS CHAPTER. I want one thing I'm return though, I want FULL REVIEW OF THIS BOOK in the comment section. I just want to know what you think about the whole book, characters, plot and if you did enjoy it like I did. If you're seeing this, then it means you've read all the chapters. Thank you so much, I have no words for you. BUT, I have the sequel and one chapter is already updated! THE HEARTS REAWAKENING is just waiting for you to add it into your libraries, don't forget to show same support like you did this. Thank you once again. I love you all out there. I wish you best of luck and to all the students writing exams, I wish you special luck too.🤧❤️ I don't like saying goodbye so there is no goodbye here. Also check out my other books KYDAH (sofanovel) MEHR (sofanovel) BEAUTIFUL DISASTER, MEMORY LANE, IN TWENTY ONE DAYS, THE HEARTS REAWAKENING.

RQ; Would you rather pass all your exams or pass a billionaire job?😂 I don't want to talk.


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