Kano State, Nigeria.
Falak grunted, adjusting the veil wrapped around her head as she cooked in the kitchen. She just came back from the hospital after a long tiring day, and Shaddad wants to eat what she cooks not what the maids cook for the past one week. Work has been hectic for both of them at the hospital, everything is a chaos when an accident happened just few days ago with some kids in their school bus. It was horrendous!
He has been grumpy about not wanting to eat their food which is why she is now in the kitchen trying to cook something for him, it is not easy to do so after work. He didn't ask her to do that but she knows what he wants, why not do it before he says it? Isn't that what good wives do? Yup, she is one too or so she desperately want to be, she is just who she is, Falak.
She's making salmon herpes chimichurri gnocchi with crispy salmon, roasted Brussels (toasted in garlic, coconut oil and coconut Amino's), roasted tomatoes on the vine and gnocchi (tossed in dive or avocado oil and baked in cast iron). Yes, she is trying something new that day like Inayah has taught her some weeks ago. She's been wanting to try those new things but no luck, now she finally has the time and all the needed ingredients in her kitchen.
"Safeer, where are you going to?!" Falak asked her seven year old son who was trying to sneak out of the Chamber while hiding something behind his back. As if he could get out of her sight without her bringing him back like she usually does. He knows that but never stops sneaking, she wonders whether he is seven or ten.
"Nowhere." And he went back into the house not going where he wanted to. She would've allowed him but the guy likes going back whenever she demand where he is heading to.
She is much closer to him than any of her children and that is not questionable. The guy loves her more than he loves his own self from what she could see. He never wants to see her sad, no matter what the situation, he makes her laugh. Either by making her play hide and seek, race or building his games in the backyard where by the way, he likes spending his days in. The guy is troublesome but the way he loves her always melt her heart away and she will forget to scold him. And not to forget how strikingly cute he is with his father's smile and dimple, like his other siblings.
And whenever he sees her frowning, he won't rest until she got that smile back on her face. That is who he is at a very young age of seven, she likes that he loves her a lot. And is it a crime to have much larger space for him in her heart? Because that is what she feels, like she loves him more than she does the other children. Maybe it's because of his open affection for her, he never tried hiding it.
Sabeer also loves her in his own way of being quite and sensing her bad mood. He is good at taking care of his younger ones, he will make a great leader in the future, she could feel it. The guy commands, orders and demand attention in every little thing he does which reminds her of her husband when he is outside the Chamber. But, Sabeer smiles and laughs, he doesn't like people, even Safeer doesn't. It's like they can't have all her genes, they had to pack the bad ones from their father.
He is also a mommy's boy leaving the girls to their daddy. Whenever they place her in the middle, Sabeer, Safeer and Fakhir, she feels her heart blooming with love for those three musketeers. They like cuddling up with her when she comes back home all tired from the hospital while the girls enjoy their dolls or maybe play in the garden with their cousins. They enjoy doing everything girls like doing, she is proud of that though. At least, they won't go around sternly walking like their father.
They make pillow house in the living room all evening so as soon as she comes back, she will drop in the middle of them, Fakhir climbing on her stomach. They will watch the TV for an hour or more, just before their father comes back home. They either watch some prophet stories, some cartoon or even spiderman which she hated at first then started enjoying after awhile. She always remembers her fight with Shaddad when she watches the movie. Sometimes they fall asleep like that all of them.
Fakhir on the other hand rocked four with his sister some months ago, and a birthday party was thrown for them like each year seeing their uncles and aunties like celebrating everything they see fit. She likes the attention on everyone, they like coming together once in a while. Everyone has been busy with work and the growing family, it has been pretty hard on them to gossip again.
Sabeerah and Fakhirah are like twins, always together but always fighting too. They complain about each other at least twenty time a day and she is not in anyway exaggerating the matter. Those girls are enough to send you crazy and when the boys also start their own craziness, the house will turn into a soccer field. She hates the thought that they are going to ruin the house any moment since they didn't go to school, public holiday.
And like it was counted one to five, the house turned upsidedown making her head hurt. She heard Fakhirah yelling at Sabeeha that she took one of her scarfs while Fakhir is looking for his homework and on the other hand, Sabeer can't find his schoolbag. Her head is hurting from their constant yelling and all she wants to do is throw them out of the house. Maybe she should do that to get peace of mind.
"Mommy, I can't find my school bag and it was kept under my bed. Saf has been playing around in the room but he said he didn't see it." Sabeer complained in grumbles, making her groan in anger as she can't finish what she's been cooking long ago.
"Go and check for it." And she continue sautéing what she is cooking in the pan.
"Mommy, Sabi won't give me my scarf. She's been taking away my things since yesterday but I didn't say anything." This was Fakhirah in her usual whiney voice that she got from her older sister Sabeeha.
"I can't find my homework, mommy." Fakhir whispered, standing between his siblings angered that he is the youngest amongst them all.
"Fikra broke the flower vase in the corridor." Sabeeha commented, folding her arms underneath her chest while standing just outside the kitchen not liking that her younger sister will get their mother to scold her again when she just finished telling her that she is the favorite child in the house.
"Leave this house right now and don't come back till I ask you to. All of you five!" She yelled loudly, her voice thundering in the Chamber making the children shudder and flinch never seen her this frustrated and angry.
With wide scared eyes, they made their way out of the Chamber to stand outside till she asks them to come back in which isn't happening anytime soon. They can go to the playground just meters away from their Chamber but the guilt of making their mother furious stopped them from enjoying. They sat down outside the Chamber like some homeless children, all of them keeping quite as if them talking will further aggravate their mother who is now calmly cooking in the kitchen inside the Chamber.
Falak sighed in happiness after sending them off, those children can make someone go crazy. She can't wait to finish, have a nice bath before her husband comes back home to her new cooking. When she was done twenty minutes later, she called some maids and ask her to arrange the dining room then take away all the toys the children scattered away. Normally, she asks them to pack them away but since she is punishing them for the first time by sending them outside and she don't want them in till they mind their senses.
Children can be pain, no, they are pain most of the times.
She made her way to the bathroom knowing she has another thirty minutes to kill before Shaddad comes so a hot shower will do. Doing just that, she walked out after having one if the best baths she's had in so long. Making her way to the closet, she removed denim jeans and navy blue shirt to wear. Her clothes all consist of natives now seeing there are too many weddings they have to go, too many coronations to go to.
She refuse to agree that she is aging day by day and always makes sure she is dressed just like she does when she was not a mother. Not that she even let herself add weight, nope, she hits the gym more than Shaddad does.
She also get her girlfriends to start going with her, some did and some didn't. She is afraid of adding weight while her husband is still as fit as he was when she met him. She's heard how men take another wife when the other one is saggy and old, she trusts Shaddad but she also wants to look good for him. It's not like she doesn't enjoy going to gym, she does love the place like her heaven in earth. Just that, she gets tired all the time pretty quickly.
"Should I bring them in, Your Highness?" One of the maids asked referring to her kids outside the Chamber.
The children know just how to climb their way into people's heart with their innocence and beauty which is why the maid has the nerve to ask her that. It's not like she doesn't love her children herself but she is tired of them misbehaving all the time. She knows they are all hungry seeing they had their lunch earlier than they usually do, now it's time for their dinner but she won't let them slip away that easily. They should know what awaits them whenever they misbehave, this should teach them a lesson or two before they decide to create a raucous in her home.
"No, let them be." And she heard the door opening just then. She knew it was her husband and he will try his best to make her let them slip off their punishment and she is ready to bend that no matter what.
"Erum, what are they doing outside looking like homeless kids?" That was his first question after kissing her lips briefly. She knew it was coming so she shrugged and made her way to the dining room so she can escape but he followed, not bothering to go change his work clothes.
"They deserve that for making my head ache the whole day." And she nonchalantly start to serve the food in their plates not bothering to give him good answer as to why their children are sitting outside looking hungry and homeless.
"That is their punishment?" He laughed, the voice soothing Falak's unending nerves along.
She's gotten used to hearing him laugh when he is with the kids or when she does something plainly stupid. The first time she heard his laughter, it was like her life came to a sudden halt and only his voice could sooth her back to reality. It was on their honeymoon in New Orleans, she can't remember what she did but he laughed so hard with his head was thrown back and glee shining in his eyes. It makes her feel like she accomplished something in her life.
Ever since then, she persist him into laughing even about the silliest things, he also got used to laughing since he does that anywhere and everywhere. Falak has never been happier seeing her husband laughing with his children all the time. He is never frowning when she thought he would be the strict one, it is the other way around. Well, he does scold them sometimes when they fight with each other and when they sneak out of the Chamber to the playground making Falak panic. That was the day she felt her heart dropping to her feet thinking they were kidnapped.
"They never learn their lesson and I got tired." She shrugged again, slowly putting everything where it belonged then sat down next to him silently waiting for him to take the first bite.
"Well, I like this your punishment but please be more lenient. New food huh?" He grinned, taking her breath away even after many years of her seeing that smile on his lips. "This is amazing and crispy." He complemented, pushing more food into his mouth like a lion eating it's prey.
When they were done and full, she finally ask the maids to call her children inside. They were quick to rush in looking dishellved, tired but sorry. The girls have their lips set in a pout while the boys look sorry for what they did which is what she's been striking for. Even if she punishes them into not coming out of their room for a whole day, they still never look as sorry as they look right then. They even look like they cried outside seeing the dried sticks of tears on their faces.
"We are sorry, mommy." Sabeerah sobbed, her lips quivering even though she is stubborn and a daddy's girl, she is also her mother's daughter since they have same sentiment about almost everything. She even talks a whole lot like her mother.
"We won't ever make you angry again, momma." The real mommy's boys, Safeer whispered too, his voice quite and laced with promise.
One by one, they apologized to her for their bad behaviour promising to never do it again. She gave them a group hug which they gladly took, wrapping their small arms around their mother a sight Shaddad can't help taking a picture of knowing she would want to see it later. He grinned, Falak is the perfect mother and most perfect wife anyone would wish for. She knows when to be funny, loving, emotional, serious, strict and open to them. They make sure to tell her every secret about them, every time.
"You know I love you right?" He wrapped his arms around her when she walked to the kitchen to bring Safeer some cereal as he didn't like what she cooked. He is not into new things, she understands.
"I know and I love you too." She pecked his lips then left the kitchen knowing if she stays there for another second, she will forget about what her son wants to eat. He still has that effect on her and she doesn't want that to change no matter what.
"Can you help me get out of this clothes?" Shaddad seductively asked his wife as she adjust the table while her children are still having their ice cream dessert, she knows what he means.
"Daddy, you can remove it yourself." Sabeeha grumbled, mouthful of ice cream which earned her a glare from Falak seeing she told them to stop talking while they are eating.
"Don't worry, I will just help him and come back." She let Shaddad drag her to their room.
They sometimes feel like Sabeeha is against them getting together all the time and she wants all the attention on herself. Either it is from her brothers of father, she wants everything to be about her which is too bratty for Falak to hold onto. She's asked her to stop it but the girl never listens, maybe she needs special punishment for that.
"Your daughter needs you." Falak giggled feeling Shaddad's lips showering her neck with kisses while his hands stop firmly on her behind.
"But I need you." His voice dropped to make sure she gets what he means, loud and clear she does.
"I'm so excited to watch this! Honestly, I don't want to hear about mom and dad's relationship, I want to see it myself." A fifteen year old Fakhirah grinned while getting into her pajamas like their mother had asked them to.
"Me too, I've heard a lot from grandma already. I want to see what happened before we were born, this is exciting." Sabeeha grinned back, adjusting the sleeves of her cotton pajama gown which has the phone of Eiffel Tower glistening.
They share the same room in the Chamber which was painted sapphire and punch each of them with their sides. It has anything a girl would want in her room, right from the Queen sized bed to bedside drawers on either side of their beds. The room is huge with it's walk-in closet, a lavish bathroom, two reading desks, one wide television stationed in front of their beds with fuscia carpet in between the beds.
The boys in the other hand have their rooms each which kind of makes them jealous sometimes but because Sabeerah is always afraid of being alone, they had to share room and Fakhirah has no problem staying with her older sister though they fight half the times they stay together.
"Mom, what were you thinking acting all memory loss?" Sabeeha asked pushing more popcorn into her mouth as they sat around the theater room watching the videos Falak made some years back for them to see.
The triplets are now seventeen years old, almost eighteen and the twins are fifteen years old making it the perfect time to show them all the videos they made. They were ecstatic when they heard about it and couldn't wait for the day to come to an end so they can laze around the day while watching their parents dramatic self, their mother especially. The videos are too many so they rule out that they are going to watch them for two hours per day, then the next till it was all over.
Watching their parents being all lovey dovey on camera is no different to seeing them in real life only that it was the most younger version of them. They are still smitten with each other, always on one another's hip and it's like without the other, they can't breath. The love their parents have for each other gave them hope about getting someone they will love in the future, they are looking forward to growing up with their own prince charming and damsel in distress by their side.
They always love listening to their parents love story, it never gets boring seeing there are so many episodes they are yet to hear about. Their mother is always up to some mischief, always trying to cause trouble for their father and they heard that it's because he doesn't talk, neither does he smile talk less about laughing. The first videos showed that but then with time, he started loosening to their mother and they could see those sappy eyes staring at her.
Their mother never gets old neither does their father in that part. Ages keep on counting up but their love kept growing, they hardly look a day older than thirty as they are all trying their best to stay fit. They say that the gym is where they like the most in the whole castle, they understand and now they are also going there maybe thrice a week.
"He wasn't budging even with my charms and all that. Let me tell you, your father was the most naïve person to grace the world." She shrugged her shoulder while the kids could only stare at her in amazement.
"I wasn't naïve, I just don't want problems and you were always up to some problem." Shaddad retorted, moving his back to sit down comfortably in the theater room they are occupying.
"And chasing the other female candidates, mommy?" Safeer asked with a mischievous smile marring his face, brows wandering around in a teasing manner since he is always backing his mother but loves teasing her too.
They are still closer even as the days keep rocking around. He never stops calling her mommy even though the others all call her mom seeing that they are all grown up. They only call her mommy if they are trying to bribe her into doing some of their mischief. She also shows equal love to them all but everyone knows Safeer loves his mommy more than he loves his life. The guy will literally cry when she burns her hand while cooking, he demand that she should stop doing that while he takes up catering classes to do the work. He just loves his mother too much to see her suffering even from a bite if mosquito.
"Yup, he wasn't getting it so I took up that idea from Fikriyah. And now look where we are. He would've gone crazy or even have some sort of mental problem if I wasn't the one married to him." She gave a saccharine smile at Shaddad who shook his head in agreement making the girls coo.
"Daddy, I want to marry someone like you." Fakhirah smiled at her parents but Shaddad's eyes are already leaving their sockets at the idea of him getting his daughter married.
He hasn't once thought about that!
"Not now, princess." He gave a forced smile which Falak could see and only laughed. The guy loves his children like his life, he doesn't like the idea of any of them going away from him.
She knew that if it is up to him, he will make them go back to how young they were when they were born just so he won't have to deal with sending them away when the time comes. They make life bearable even with their naughtiness and being in that first stage of teenage years was hard. If they are asked not to go to some school gathering, they'd think you are just jealous of them or if you ask them not to go out with boys, they'd think you despise their happiness.
"Me too, Dad. Maybe someone like..." Sabeeha trailed off seeing she has everyone attention in the room. She was about to commit a grave mistake of mentioning her all time crush, Hammad.
She totally forgot about her possessive older brothers and father, even her younger brother acts all possessive. If it was only her mother, she would've continued while they fantasize about how the marriage should take place then she will lecture her about staying away from men if they are not married. Her mother is the most understanding person even with her dramatic self all the time. She is a good listener, great advisor, best best friend and the perfect mother.
"Like who?" Shaddad, Safeer and Sabeer asked in the same pressing tone making her shrink back with popcorn almost reaching her mouth.
"No one, just like dad." She beamed at them, hastily pushing the popcorn in her mouth so they won't ask her again.
They are giving her those looks of suspicion making her glare at the television when their mother announced that she is pregnant to them. Tears shone in their eyes seeing the big smile their mother has on her lips as she announce that she is carrying them in her womb at that moment. That took away the attention from her and they watch as she rambles about the plans she has for them. Even Falak cried a little to the camera.
"I love you, Hayatim." Safeer snaked his arms around his mother as they watch her ramble in the television.
"I love you more, darling." She kissed his forehead making a giant smile appear on his face while they continue to watch her talk with their father chipping time to time.
There is no love like mother's love! There is no happiness than being around your family in content.
How is everyone? Who missed Falak and Shaddad? I doooooooooo and you know what, I kinda feel like writing one book just for those five children because their characters have something intriguing that I want to explore with you guys. I might just cut THE HEARTS REAWAKENING into two books and write about them in book two.
Should we do that? Comment with a yah or nah, inline please.
You guys if you haven't check out my books yet, then you really need to do so right now. In twenty one days, The hearts reawakening, Memory lane, Dared to love (Sofanovel) Kydah, Mehr, Beautiful disaster. Anyways, bye bye. I'm updating another author's note. You should read it, its important.
I'm thinking about writing some fantasy/ancient book, what do you think? What do you think? Read below a small blurb before real description comes. Might be named STILL HIS EMPRESS.
In the prodigious empire, ruled by a heartless King that sees fit to kill anyone who dare breath badly in his presence lives a spy. There are so many people trying to betray him and lure him away from the throne which is the reason why he trusts no one. Everyone could be a suspect, he won't be surprised seeing his father was also killed by his most trusted people which he is yet to have his hands on the evidence. That is before the supposed spy that came to his empire on a mission from the Kingdom he hated most, Quendira. She is a seductress and has seduced him alright, even became his empress.
There are so many secrets within the walls of Vantironia empire which gets unraveled with every step they took. Things started untangling, secret unsheathing, swords resonating woosh sounds, betrayal running deep. That is how he gets the evidence about his father's murderer, none other than his Empress.
Is she willing to bear the punishment of lying to the Emperor and still be his Empress?
So yeah, I might start writing that somewhere around next year butttt, no promises. I don't think it's even going to be on wattpad, definitely not! Maybe sofanovel.
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