Chapter 6

Updated tags again. Please check it out. At this point, this fic is writing itself. I don't know where I'm headed, but we will find out.
⚠️ Mentions of violation of privacy through video taping without consent ⚠️

Im Heesung and Kim Taehyung sat inside the taxi outside the worn-out apartment complex. It was located on one of the lonely streets that were crowded with small buildings and shops.

The director glanced at his wrist watch. It had been an hour since Jungkook went inside. Beside him, Taehyung was nervous but also looked excited. On the other hand, the taxi driver has adjusted his seat to sleep comfortably. Unfortunately, the sounds of his snoring filled the interior of the car. Heesung was now stuck in the front seat passenger side and wished he had a decent place to wait it out.

"He hasn't come back," the actor said. "I think everything is going well. They must be still talking."

Heesung chuckled. "They're meeting after three years. It's good we told Henry we will be out all night."

Taehyung moved until he was comfortable in the back seat. "I'm sleepy," he murmured. "There aren't any motels in this area. I wish I could take a nap. Is it safe to nap here?"

"Not really." Heesung shook his head. "You can sleep if you want. I'll keep an eye out."

"Nah. I'll stay up," he groaned. "I'll feel guilty if I'm not doing this for Jungkook's sake."

"You good?" The director couldn't help but ask. Taehyung looked paler than usual but the actor claimed he was fine and was suffering body pain because he went overboard with his workout regimen.

"Peachy," Taehyung groaned. "I'm not used to this. I'll be fine. Anything for a friend, right?"

The director nodded. Jungkook's story was painful. Today the two estranged lovers were meeting each other after three years. Heesung supposed this was nothing compared to the pain both have suffered.

A few minutes had passed in comfortable silence when they heard an approaching car. Headlights shone on their vehicle. Heesung sat upright. This wasn't an ideal situation to be in. One must apply caution while walking these streets, especially if they were outsiders.

The 90's Hyundai Elantra came to a slow stop on the road. It was old but well-maintained, and the black surface glinted under the street light. Heesung glanced at Taehyung and gestured for him to stay low before exiting the car.

Whoever this was, it was obvious they weren't going to leave without checking on them. He held his breath and skirted around the taxi to stop by the other car's window.

The tinted windows rolled down, and Heesung straightened immediately, noticing who it was. "Hyung-nim." He bowed.

Min Yoongi, the man who ruled the streets of Guryong, flicked his lazy gaze on him before he glanced toward Jimin's apartment. "Who is in the car?"

Heesung immediately knocked at the window. "That's actor Kim Taehyung. He's Jungkook-ssi's friend. We came together."

Taehyung opened the door, carefully sliding out of the door. "Director-nim, you know him?" he asked in a low voice, eyes wary and guarded. He bowed nonetheless.


"I take it that you brought our boy here," Yoongi stated.

Heesung bowed once again. "Yes, hyung-nim. He is in there with Jimin-ssi."

Yoongi hummed. His gaze flicked to the apartment again. "Namjoon-ah, take them to our building. They can stay the night there."

"Yes, hyung." The man named Namjoon exited the car. Heesung knew who he was.

"Director-nim, what's going on?"

Yoongi's lazy gaze slanted toward Taehyung again. Their gazes locked, and Taehyung looked like a deer caught in headlights. He stepped closer to Heesung. The boss's gaze slid over him before he sat back. The actor watched the windows roll up again, and the car disappeared from view. Taehyung then eyed Namjoon's tall, imposing figure. Heesung could relate. Yoongi's right-hand man was a giant—tall and broad.

"I'll tell you on the way," he whispered.

Namjoon knocked on the window, rousing the driver. The driver jumped up, wide-eyed, and fear flashed in his eyes. "Drive us to hyung-nim's apartment."

"Y-Yes, sir."

Taehyung climbed into the backseat along with the director, his gaze expectant. He slanted a glance at Namjoon, who was glancing outside the window. Heesung sighed.

[1 year ago]

Guryong was one of the forgotten parts of South Korea. It was an illegal territory. The government didn't care about them, and the police were afraid to step inside. But, with around two thousand people living in a closed-knit community, the Guryong people took care of themselves.

Over the years, many tried to take advantage of their poverty, but the community people guarded the place and never let that happen. They had their own system and people to protect their interests.

Im Heesung stood facing the small community. Seoul's Gangnam district loomed on one side, almost touching the clear blue skies. The buildings were shinier and taller, boasting their riches, while this side of the town had unfortunate people who had to fight even for the necessities of life.

Once upon a time, this place was even worse, with open sewers and people sharing toilets dug into the earth. But, over time, the residents slowly rebuild the community, helping each other. Im Heesung was a celebrated writer and director. His stories always shook the world and tested the foundation of their beliefs.

The awards and accolades lining the shelves at his home in Gangnam were proof of that. But Heesung wasn't easily satisfied with those. He was always in search of stories—for truth. He didn't want to tell stories people would forget after a few days. He wanted to tell stories that left their mark in their hearts for years and lasted long. The hunger burned in his chest and urged him further. And a few months ago, he found a story.

Heesung has been to all types of places in Korea. He was born in one of the poor communities himself and has known what it took to reach where he was today. Yet, despite the dangers and threats here, there was safety coming from the knowledge this was home.

There was something else about these places, though. Not everything happening here was legal. They still paid the government bills and taxes, but jobs weren't that easy to come by. There were a few things they had to do for their survival. And a few of those things may not be convenient. On the other hand, they had a vast network with connections all over the country.

Inhaling, Heesung strode through the streets and to where the fight was happening today. Guryong people didn't appreciate outsiders coming into their society. Heesung took great care to disguise himself. But still, his glowing skin and clean nails might set him apart from these people.

He wanted the story, though. Over the months he spend on several bars, he has heard whispers of a fighter who was a nightmare in the fighting ring—a soldier who was a man of steel but with a heart of gold.

When Heesung first heard about Park Jimin, what caught his attention were not his skills or his records. Instead, what caught his attention were the whispers on the street that said he became a beast after the love of his life abandoned him. And that Jimin was still very much devoted to his love to the point he would smash anyone who dared to talk bad about his love.

It intrigued Heesung to the point that he'd begun to go to every fight in the area. He wanted to know who owned the fearless man's heart. He smelled a story there. Heesung died to find out which woman owned his heart and then broke it. He wanted to know what had happened.

Heesung was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the two looming figures behind him. It was too late by when he felt the heavy hand on his shoulder.


"Boss, this is the one snooping around our fight clubs," one informed.

Heesung was led to an office room behind the club. The director recognized it as one of the clubs he frequented these days.

The said boss was nursing a glass of whiskey and sat behind a small desk. He looked so laid back with long, black hair and a lazy look on his face, but his eyes were intense and sharp.

"Who sent you?" Someone kicked his calves, and Heesung fell to his knees. "Tell us the truth, and we will spare you. Who are you working for?"

His heart slammed against his rib cage. "I-I'm not."


Heesung didn't account for this to happen. Where did he slip? He was careful, wasn't he? However, he knew a simple lie could get him killed in places like this. So he decided to move forward with the truth.

"My name is Im Heesung. I'm the director of the movies Evil Hearts and Are we Innocent?" he rushed to say. "I'm here for my next story. Please...believe me. I don't work for anyone else."

"Movie?" The boss man cocked an eyebrow. He gestured at the man behind Heesung, whom the director couldn't see.

"Let me see your ID." The tall man came to stand in front of him. He obscured his vision.

The man holding Heesung released his hands, and the director fumbled with his pockets, finding his wallet but the tall man snatched it from him. The men once again grabbed his arms and held him down in his kneeling position.

"Hyung, his name is matching." The tall man walked to the table and grabbed the boss man's laptop before typing away. He hummed in his throat before slanting a glance at the director. He blew out a breath and turned the screen to the boss.

The boss glanced at the laptop screen for a long time before he spoke. "Tell me about this story."

Heesung swallowed and glanced at the men who were holding him down. The boss man waved a hand, and they released him before stepping back. "I grew up in the Yeongnam region. I'm not an outsider." He received a quirk of an eyebrow as a result. "I'm here to do some ground work for my next movie. I heard a story about an underground fighter here and his love life. I was intrigued."

The boss man slanted a glance at the tall one. "So you're claiming that you're a famous movie director who won several awards. A director for whom the stars are willing to drop the hat at a snap of his fingers?"

Heesung swallowed. "They do say that."

"Min Yoongi," the man said. "I run the fight clubs here."

The director sucked in a sharp breath. He has heard that name whispered on the streets with fear. Yoongi might look like a simple man, but he wasn't just a man who ran the clubs. This man in front of him was not just any boss, but he was "The Boss."

"So, who is this fighter? Do I know him?"

"Don't say his name out loud if you want to keep your head. He's not only hyung-nim's favorite fighter but like a brother."

Heesung wanted to heed the warning. However, Yoongi's gaze was so sharp, and an alarm rang in his mind that if he lied, it would end worse than his current reality.

"P-Park Jimin?"

Yoongi reclined in his seat. He hummed. "What else did you hear?"

"T-That the girl he loved abandoned him and...." He glanced around the room, reading their expressions. It did not so much as falter. "T-That he became a beast. That he never lost a fight after that."

"A girl?" Yoongi scoffed. "So you're here for Park Jimin's story."

Heesung nodded. "I was intrigued, and I wanted to explore it further. To tell the story of love and pain of the man of steel who never lost in a fight ring but lost what matters the most in his life."

Yoongi uncrossed his legs and leaned over the table. " you're snooping around, hoping to get another story that will win you more awards."

"N-Not necessarily. I want to tell stories that touch people's hearts." Heesung looked down. "There's a misconception among the general public about people living in this community. They consider us as if we are some cultureless morons. I want to show that we have emotions too, and our pain is nothing less than any of their pain. I want to show how neglected our community is and how our opportunities are taken away just because we are born here."

For Heesung, it originated from his own struggles and endless rejections he faced in the industry before he made it through. It was one of the reasons he needed this story badly. He needed to know what had happened to that girl and why she had left Jimin. How did Jimin retaliate? Did he fight for her?

Yoongi drummed his fingers on the table thoughtfully. "Alright, but before we proceed with this conversation, there is something you should know." He turned his head to the tall man beside him. "Namjoon-ah, take him out to District 2." Then he glanced at Heesung. "Director-nim, go with him. You can go to anyone you want and ask them who owns Jimin's heart. Once you get an answer, report to Namjoon."

Heesung nodded. Once again, it might not be how he imagined this situation would go, but maybe he would finally get an answer. He staggered to his feet and followed the tall man whose name he knew now as Namjoon.

The trip to District 2 took fifteen minutes. When Namjoon dragged him out of the car, Heesung got to work. He glanced around and approached the shopkeepers first.

"Hello, my name is Heesung. I have a question." He glanced over his shoulder at Namjoon when the shopkeeper looked wary of him. He saw Namjoon nod once at the shopkeeper. "Do you know Park Jimin?"

The shopkeeper beamed. "Of course. Who doesn't know Park Jimin in Guryong? That kid grew up here."

Heesung swallowed. "Who owns Jimin's heart?"

The shopkeeper smiled even brighter. "Jungkook. Everyone here knows it's Jungkook." He laughed. "Oh, that boy is smitten with our Jimin even when he was just this height." He gestured with his hand at his chest level. "You should see how his eyes would light up whenever he saw Jimin. It was the same way with Jimin. Jungkook is his entire world."

Heesung's world reeled.

Jungkook. That name was so familiar.

Heesung was stunned into silence. He went from one person to another, and after talking to ten people, he had his answer. Jimin was in love with a man. Not just any man but a rising star who was now the talk of the town. Jeon Jungkook.

Oh, my God!

Heesung didn't expect such a revelation when he decided to pursue his story. He knew Jungkook. Aware of his achievements in this short time. The boy was talented, and sometimes Heesung felt he had more potential than he was being used to.

It would make sense. The reason for abandonment was apparent. But no person spoke as if Jungkook had left Jimin. On the contrary, they were all fond of the young star, with hope in their eyes.

"I can't wait for our Jungkookie to come home. It's been ages. You should have been here when he was first scouted for a movie. Jimin bought us all drinks to celebrate," one said. "The boy has a bright future. He is going to reach the stars, and our Jiminie will be right there with him."

Heesung felt like there was more to the story. It wasn't the story he came for.

Did Jungkook abandon Jimin? What was their story?

When he went back to Yoongi, he had more questions.

"I need Jungkook," Yoongi said. "I don't care how you do it. Bring him here. You'll have your story and my explicit permission to shoot the movie here in Guryong."

Heesung gasped. "That's it?"

"That's it. You have my word."

Heesung squared his shoulder. Getting Jungkook to sign in his movie won't be hard. He knew his agency. They were trying to get their artist into his movies for many years. So this should be a piece of cake.

He nodded firmly. "I'll bring Jungkook."


Taehyung's mind reeled as he settled into a clean bed after washing up. His back was sore and it ached. With a hiss he turned to lie on his side.

It was Yoongi who had sent Heesung to get Jungkook. His best friend Min Yoongi, the bar tender. Was it even his real job? Jungkook was looking for a way to reach Jimin or Yoongi all this time. It looked like they were doing the same, and Yoongi had succeeded. He had brought Jungkook home even without anyone knowing.

The building was surprisingly clean and well-maintained. The bed was soft and comfortable. But sleep wouldn't come easy.

Was this Yoongi really that powerful? Why didn't Jungkook tell him anything about this? If he could convince Director Heesung to sign Jimin...then he must be someone with enough resources to pull the strings. His thoughts continued to swirl and his head ached.

Didn't Heesung say Yoongi ran the scene here? Did Jungkook not know about Yoongi's power here? His friend never told him what Yoongi did for a living besides being a bartender. Now he wondered if that was just a cover.

Yoongi seemed more important. He commanded the people here, and Taehyung noticed how respected he was among the men. Even the big and burly folded their hands and bowed in front of him. They obeyed him without asking questions.

Taehyung kicked off the sheet and climbed out of his bed. Maybe he could use another bathroom break. And he could use a drink too, but he didn't think he would find any here. He was grateful to have a bed to sleep tonight. His pain was growing unbearable, and he couldn't find a comfortable position in the taxi.

He strode to the common toilet that was in the hallway. He splashed water on his face and stared at the bruise that was now visible. Taehyung sighed. He wouldn't be able to hide it from Jungkook tomorrow. Henry wasn't happy with their trip tonight and took it out on Taehyung for siding with Jungkook. It was worth it, though. As long as the bastard left Jungkook alone, it was worth it.

Taehyung wiped his face and walked out of the bathroom, lost in his thoughts. Maybe he could ask someone for water. Probably a cold water bottle to press on his cheek. He exhaled as he tried to find someone to ask for directions to the kitchen.

He went down two stairs, finding no one in the corridor this time of the night. But there were cameras on every floor. This didn't look like a residential complex. It resembled a hotel with rooms on either side of the corridor.

Where is the kitchen? Does it even have one?

Maybe he should go back.

He pivoted on his heel when he heard the soft notes of a piano coming from somewhere. His ears perked up, and his eyes widened.

That's beautiful.

Before he knew it, Taehyung began to follow the notes. It was soulful and tugged at his heart strings. It evoked every bit of emotion inside him and made him yearn for more. The young actor halted in front of a partially closed door.

His eyes widened in realization. It was Yoongi. The man looked like a dream, sitting in front of a piano under dim lights. His long hair curled around his nape, and some of it fell over his eyes. He had pale, smooth skin that was adorned with tattoos. His thin white t-shirt highlighted the taut muscles on his chest.

Taehyung shuddered to remember his sharp eyes. The man was nothing like how Jungkook described him. There was nothing warm about his personality and no emotion on his face. He was as calm as a marble stone with eyes that were so intense that they seemed to strip him bare and stare right into his soul. That man was not a loving brother figure from Jungkook's words. This one was a predator who was ready to strike, and it instilled fear in Taehyung's heart. Good. Taehyung never underestimated anyone.

He was about to turn back when the music stopped. Taehyung paused and glanced up, only to suck in a sharp breath when his gaze locked with those intense eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... I heard music," Taehyung said, averting his gaze. "I-I was looking for the kitchen."

Yoongi stood from the seat and strode to the door. Slow yet calculated strides took him closer. Taehyung was tempted to step back; it took everything inside him to stay put. He had nothing to fear. Then why was he afraid?

"Come in," a deep voice greeted.

Taehyung glanced up. Yoongi had already opened the door wide and stepped to the side. The bed came into view, and Taehyung swallowed. He shivered for no reason and decided it would be rude to decline the invitation of such a powerful man. Especially the one Jungkook respected and admired so much.

"Kim Taehyung, isn't it?" Yoongi asked. "Jungkook's new friend." He stressed the word new, and Taehyung swallowed.

The actor nodded, watching Yoongi shut the door behind them. "We met on the sets and have stuck together since then," he replied instead. "I'm glad to have found him there."

"Do you play?"

The question surprised Taehyung. "Sometimes," he replied. "I'm not as good as you though."

Yoongi hummed and strode to the mini bar. "Drink?"


Taehyung wasn't a fan of whiskey, but he wasn't going to say that to the man in front of him. He was still wary of him.

"Sit," Yoongi commanded.

There was only one stool in the room apart from the reading chair beside the bed. Taehyung sat on the stool in front of the piano and tried to appear small. Yoongi poured two glasses, put the ice in them and brought it to him.

Taehyung took the glass and sipped, wincing when the strong liquor stung his throat. He preferred red wine and was a light drinker. But tonight, he felt like he could use something strong. Now that he was here, Heesung's words kept replaying in his mind.

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung failed to notice how Yoongi's eyes were darkening with rage and his grip tightening around his whiskey glass. Finally, Yoongi walked away and added more ice to his glass. When he came back, Taehyung was still lost in his thoughts.

The actor hissed when something cold pressed against his cheek. His eyes fluttered, and he glanced up to see Yoongi watching him intently.

"Who did this to you?" Yoongi asked; rage simmered in his eyes, and strangely, for the first time since Taehyung entered the room, he felt safer than ever. He tried to get a read on the strange emotion swirling in the dark depth of his eyes. "Give me a name."

"Henry," Taehyung whispered. "Henry Li. My manager."

Yoongi's face darkened even more. He used his free hand to trace the small cut on the corner of his bottom lip. "He's a dead man walking," he whispered in a deadly tone, and Taehyung felt another shiver run down his spine at the promise. "A perfect man like you should be worshiped. The hand that was raised against you must be cut off."

Yoongi's thumb slid to caress his bottom lip, and Taehyung felt the heat spreading through his veins. Was he dreaming, or was the man really staring at his lips? His heart raced uncontrollably. Why was he getting excited over this? Sure, Yoongi was attractive. So handsome.

Or maybe I'm just into bad boys.

"This is nothing compared to what he put Jungkook through," the actor replied, hoping Yoongi couldn't hear the loud pounding of his heart or see the way heat flared on his cheeks.

Yoongi's face turned even more dangerous. "He hurt our boy?"

Taehyung swallowed before nodding. "He took our phones, cards and everything else. When we refused to obey, he beat us into submission and cut our ties to the outside world. Jungkook received the worst of it because he refused to relent until Henry began to threaten Jimin."

A muscle ticked in Yoongi's jaw. He looked like he wanted to ask more but then his expression settled. "Where else are you hurt?"

Taehyung exhaled and put his glass away. He slowly unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and slid it down his shoulder, which was littered with welts.

Yoongi straightened and put his glass away. His hand flitted over the angry, red and raised mark.

"Yoongi-ssi, are you as powerful as everyone says?" he asked. "He has money and all the media in the palm of his hand. Will you be able to stop him?"

Yoongi tilted his head to the side. "Do you want me to stop him?"

Taehyung swallowed. This was the right time. He didn't know if he would ever get to meet Yoongi alone. Now he had his full attention on him. It wasn't easy, but Taehyung couldn't afford to be weak and scared in front of Yoongi, who was probably the only man capable of saving him and Jungkook.

"Henry..." he began. "He has some stuff on me." Shame filled him, and his eyes stung.

"What kind of stuff?"

Taehyung shut his eyes tight. He felt the gentle touch of Yoongi's finger on his cheek. "Things that should never exist. Things that were taken without my knowledge or consent. Things that could ruin me if anyone else saw it." His voice cracked in the end. "Photos and videos that should never see the light of the day." His body began to tremble.

He felt a finger under his chin, tilting his head up. "Why do I feel like you aren't the only victim?" Yoongi's voice was soft.

Taehyung opened his eyes and saw nothing but concern. "Jungkook doesn't know," he confessed. "He shouldn't. He can't handle that knowledge. It'd break him. So I never dared to tell him this." Tears broke free of their confines and slid down his cheeks. "I accidentally found the cameras in our rooms. Then recently I saw Henry watching...." He couldn't continue. He glanced away in shame.

Yoongi gripped his chin. "The one who should be ashamed must be that asshole who violated your privacy," he growled. "I'll make him pay. I'll protect you both."

Taehyung closed his eyes. This time the tears were one of relief. "I don't have much time," he whispered. "Henry doesn't like me. The asshole enjoys the power he has over us. He's even angrier because I keep getting between him and Jungkook. Henry knows it's over the moment Jungkook meets Jimin again. He's afraid it'd happen with Jungkook back in Guryong." Taehyung exhaled. "Henry wants to get me out of the way before it happens. He's gonna leak them. He told me." The actor opened his eyes, pleading silently. "I thought I'd have time till this movie came out, but I don't think he's gonna wait. Henry doesn't care about anything. The bastard is reckless. He's gonna ruin me. Acting is all I've ever known. I was never ready for the things I would have to face in order to achieve that dream. And it cost me everything I held dear." He blinked his tears away. "He already ruined my passion. It's only a matter of time before he ruins everything else."

Taehyung clenched his jaw and tried hard to not break down in front of Yoongi. He was trying and failing. He didn't know what he would do or how he would face his family if that happened. Everything he knew as it was would change. He would have no place in this industry.

Yoongi cupped his cheek. "I told you, I'll do this. Not just for Jungkook, but also you." He grabbed his phone, typing away. "Leave this to me and forget this conversation ever happened." He threw the phone over the piano carelessly after he was done.

"Taehyungie, trust me. I don't know how to explain it to you but I just need to get to Yoongi hyung. He will protect me. This asshole can't do shit once I stepped my foot in Guryong. I'm safe there. Help me find him please."

"How could your hyung help you? No one can win against Henry or the agency. We are bound by their contract."

Jungkook shook his head. "You don't know what my Yoongi hyung is capable of."

"You said he's a bar tender."

Jungkook exhaled. "Taehyungie, hyung has contacts. He is the only one who can help me and Jimin hyung. You'll know when the time comes. I can only say that."

Taehyung nodded. Perhaps Jungkook had always known. There was determination on Yoongi's face, and Taehyung believed him. "Okay."

"Now remove your shirt and get on the bed. Lie on your stomach."

The command shouldn't excite him, but Taehyung felt a shiver of excitement traveling south and curbed it immediately.

"Okay." He removed his shirt wordlessly and strode to the bed before climbing on it. It smelled like him—something soft yet profound, comforting, filling him with a sense of security.

Taehyung closed his eyes, pulling a pillow to hug it as he waited. "I wish I were in this position for different reasons under different circumstances," he joked to ease the tension in the atmosphere. But the heat only seemed to go up a notch.

The bed dipped and Yoongi hovered on his back. "Don't say things you don't mean," he warned. His breath fanned his neck, and Taehyung shivered again.

He should stop here, but he felt growing bolder than ever. There was no denying the attraction he felt toward this man. Taehyung hadn't felt this in a long time. "What if I mean it?"

Yoongi chuckled behind him. "Such a charmer." He ran his nose over his nape. "I'm not a patient man, Taehyung. I take what I want. So you should choose your words carefully from here on. Don't take my words lightly. The only thing standing between you and me is your consent."

The promise hung over his head. Was Taehyung joking though? He replayed the events since he met Yoongi. He had trusted this man despite him being a stranger and poured his heart out. But then was Yoongi really a stranger? He has heard Jungkook talk about this man for three years. He was as familiar to him as he was to Jungkook.

"I don't joke about these things," Taehyung said in a serious tone. "I'm not drunk either. Jungkook talks a lot about you. I feel like I've known you all my life. You seem dangerous, and perhaps I should be afraid. Maybe I should stay out of your way." He blew out a breath. "But I also feel like maybe you're what I need right now. I trust Jungkook and he trusts you. I feel safer here than I ever was outside there. To me that matters the most."

Yoongi hummed again. "Then let me tend to your injuries first and then take you out on a date later."

Was it possible to get aroused by those words? Because Taehyung was impossibly hard, the shiver down his spine couldn't be mistaken anymore. Yoongi wasn't talking about one night. He was asking more. It made him even more attractive in his eyes. Taehyung wanted this man. As dangerous as this was, it was also alluring.

"Or maybe you can have your way with me now and take me out on a date after," he suggested and glanced over his shoulder. "I don't know if I should blame the adrenaline or that I've been touch starved for ages. But the bottom line is you have my consent."

Yoongi exhaled. "If that's the case, I'll take care of you in every way possible tonight. And every other night if you allow me to."

Taehyung only nodded. "I will if you treat me right."

"Then I should start now, shouldn't I?" Yoongi smiled. He grabbed a cream Taehyung didn't recognize. "This will numb your skin and ease your pain. We import this from Japan for our fighters. Works like a wonder."

"Okay." Taehyung relaxed on the bed. So many things were happening at once. However, Taehyung was at peace. The turmoil in his chest has quieted. He trusted Yoongi. If what Heesung and Jungkook said was true, Yoongi was a man of his word. Both Jungkook and himself should be safe. He couldn't wait to see Henry eating his fist.

Yoongi's hands were soft on him. He relaxed further under his fluttering touch. When he was done, Yoongi pulled back to put everything aside.

He didn't have to wait long before the weight was back on his torso. Gentle hands ran over his sides. "Relax. I'll be gentle."

Taehyung closed his eyes and did just that. "Okay."

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