Chapter 5
"Your boy is back," Yoongi announced. He wiped his salvaged bottle of whisky and inspected it carefully. The tattoos in his arm caught the light, the dark ink such a nice contrast against his pale skin. Once upon a time, he used to be someone who disliked having any kind of permanent markings on his skin. But time changed people. Now Yoongi had his entire arm covered in ink.
"I saw the news." Jimin stabbed the piece of meat mercilessly, pushing it around his plate. He wasn't hungry, but saying so would bring Seokjin's wrath on him.
"He has become so famous here," Seokjin beamed, but his expression became sullen afterward. "I know he didn't even dream of being there."
Jungkook was mobbed in the airport. His popularity has risen in Korea for being a successful artist in America. Several articles were written about him these days, but Jungkook's agency has cleverly hidden his origins. According to them, Jungkook grew up in a foster home somewhere in Busan. Jimin scoffed when he read that.
"I can only imagine how anxious my baby is. Yoongi-ah, don't you have contacts? Why can't we just bring him home?" Seokjin's voice broke him out of his thoughts.
Seokjin might be the only one who could make such demands to Yoongi and walk home alive. Well, as feared and dangerous as Yoongi was, the man had a soft spot for a handful of individuals. Fortunately, Jimin and Jungkook were one of them.
Yoongi ignored his plea and opened the bottle to pour them all a drink. "Junseo spotted him in two fights last week in East Guryong."
Jimin perked up. A frown tugged at the corners of his mouth. "What is he doing there? He doesn't even like them."
The bar was under renovation and only the kitchen was functional. Namjoon had hired the company he hired for tile and grout work, so he stayed behind after work for free food as usual. In one of the kitchen stools, Namjoon fussed over the accounts. His hyung used this opportunity to milk Yeong-su. The bar was finally getting an upgrade.
Yoongi shrugged. "He was with two others. They came in a flashy car and left as soon as the fight ended. Junseo noticed because these two wore bucket hats and face masks. They also had expensive clothing on their backs. Stuck out like a sore thumb despite trying hard."
"Told you Jungkook will come back," Seokjin said. "But he could just come here if he wanted to look for Jimin. So why is he going around these places?" He frowned, wiping down the stove. "He knows he could just come to hyung if he wants to find Jimin. Why didn't he come here?"
"You forgot he signed a new movie with Heesung. Words on the street say that he's playing the role of an underground fighter," Namjoon informed. His eyes were still glued to the tablet in his hand, fingers tapping diligently. "It was one of the reasons his agency was forced to pull him out of all other projects. That's what tabloids say."
Jimin traced the rim of his whiskey glass but said nothing. Seokjin was right. If Jungkook wanted to find him, he could go directly to the bar. But he didn't. Maybe this had nothing to do with him. He pushed his unfinished plate aside. "I'll leave first," he said, ignoring their conversation. "Have to wake up early tomorrow."
"Jiminie, Jungkook will—"
"Jungkook will have to come to me this time," Jimin snapped in a stern voice, cutting Seokjin off. "I did it for him once, didn't I? I left all this and went with him." He clenched his jaw. "One cannot live on false hope forever, hyung." His throat tightened. "If he wants me back, he will come." He glanced away. "If he didn't, I'd have to accept and move on like this."
"Jimin-ah..." Seokjin said in a helpless tone, looking torn.
Jimin smiled sadly. "Sorry, hyung," he whispered. "I'm tired." With that, he exited the bar with an aching heart.
It wasn't that Jimin stopped loving Jungkook or stopped hoping he would turn up in his door step one day. He did. Ever since he saw that Jungkook was back in Korea, he waited every day for him—hoped that he would come home. And it was killing the simmer of hope slowly.
While Jimin could come up with so many reasons when Jungkook was in America to comfort his aching heart, he couldn't come up with a single one now. So what else could he do? He only knew how to love. If this was what Jungkook wanted, then he would as well accept it.
"I know you want to search for him, but we must be careful. No one should know what we are up to, especially 'Horrible' Henry," Taehyung warned when Jungkook bitched at him about how long it was taking them to find Jimin.
They also didn't know how Heesung would react if he learned of Jungkook's past. But then they learned Heesung was also someone who valued honesty. But that didn't ease Jungkook's fear. What if he terminated the contract and kicked Jungkook out the movie? Then Jungkook would be back to Henry and the agency with no way out.
He needed to meet Jimin first or Yoongi at least. Because if anyone could help it would be either of them. Maybe Yoongi hyung would hide him from Henry. Jungkook didn't know what else he should do. Like a fish out of water, he struggled every day. He just wanted to go home—back to Jimin's arms where he belonged.
Director Heesung was strict and meticulous. He had a clear schedule for everything. The two actors followed it without letting out a peep. Jungkook was extra careful because Heesung was his only way out. Because of him, he had the freedom he didn't have before.
Two weeks later, they finally stumbled onto the neighborhood Jungkook grew up in. Heesung was taking him everywhere in Guryong but not where he wanted to be. Henry accompanied them a few times but tried to stay out of it because of how rowdy the crowd got during one of the fights. And these places were too beneath Henry's status according to him.
Well, no one missed him and Heesung clearly didn't like Henry. Those two didn't bother to hide their disdain from each other.
"This is one of the most anticipated fights in months. But, trust me, this guy never even lost once." Heesung grinned excitedly. There was a happy lilt to his voice and Jungkook thought he was overly excited than other days.
"Oh," Jungkook said.
"Yeah. He fights only one or two fights a month, but the tickets are high in demand. I had to wait an entire month to get them, and I even paid triple the original price just to get us in. So I'm telling you, this guy is the best."
That made sense why it took so long before they came here. But Jungkook wasn't interested in the fight. He kept scanning the place. Suppose he could spot Yoongi hyung or someone else. A quick bathroom break would be all he needed.This was Yoongi's territory, especially this pub. Yoongi organized the fights here. There should be someone who could take him to Yoongi, but he only saw new faces.
The director was all praises for this fighter, and Jungkook was nervous as he entered the said place in the basement of one of the pubs in the area. He'd been in the club a few times with Jimin until he stopped coming.
The fights were often brutal; sometimes, they kept going after one fell down. There were simply no rules here. Jungkook shuddered and grabbed Taehyung's arm in a tight grip whenever he witnessed the fights.
The last time he was here, Jimin had lost a match and was beaten bloody. The memory of Seokjin carrying his unconscious boyfriend out of the ring was still fresh in his memory and his heart clenched even now.
Later, he learned the other guy had used a poisoned blade to cut Jimin and the poison had made Jimin dizzy. It wasn't a lethal dose but it was enough to make him lose focus. Besides the rules, this place was dangerous and Jungkook wanted Jimin far away from this ring. Because he only had Jimin in his life. His only family.
Then there were also others. His Seokjinnie hyung who cared for him and fussed over him at every chance. His heart ached and tears burned the back of his eyes. He missed them. He missed them all.
Unlike the other times, Jungkook was fidgety. However, this time he was on home turf and already spotted two familiar faces. But they weren't who he wanted to see. They were from the rival group.
Yoongi hyung, please be here.
The director had turned down Jungkook's company car this time because it was gaining too much attention and took him in a taxi. For the first time, there were no bodyguards shadowing them in disguise. Heesung dismissed them, saying they stood out and it wouldn't help in such places. So it was just the three of them.
It was risky for a celebrity, but this was what Jungkook wanted. Despite the danger, this place posed, this was his home. He felt safer here than within the walls of his luxurious apartment. Besides, he knew no one would dare to touch him in Yoongi's territory. His hyung would obliterate anyone who dared. He kept that tiny detail to himself.
Jungkook and Taehyung planned to go to the bar after the fight. His company would never know. They would need to find a way to drag Heesung there. Tonight, they were determined to find out about Jimin in one way or another.
In his nervousness, he failed to notice the announcer yelling at the top of his lungs, introducing his fighters. The first four fights finished in a blur, and the crowd was wild for the last one.
"That's him."
Jungkook whipped his head to see the fighters entering the fight ring. It's starting.
The guy who entered the ring was tall and looked buff, like a bodybuilder. Damn. One hit with that meaty arm, Jungkook would be mush. Unfortunately, he was too busy watching the fighter, feeling bad for whoever was fighting him, when the director shook him.
So is this the fighter Heesung-nim was bragging about? He eyed the guy and then smirked. Jimin would end this guy in less than thirty seconds.
Jungkook was least impressed though that wasn't the case with the others. For he had seen the best of the best in the game. Even Taehyung gaped at the guy. But that didn't mean the fights were any less brutal. Sometimes, Jimin had to purposefully take hits to make it look like he was losing to increase the stake. The tactic always worked. Jungkook despised it.
There was a hushed silence, and Jungkook thought that went without saying. Well, look at the guy, would you? However, it was when both the fighters bowed at each other that Jungkook even noticed there was a second fighter. He still had the hood on, and he was way too shorter for the other guy with a thin frame.
He had to remind himself that this wasn't a legal fight, and the fighters were allowed to wear whatever they wanted. While the buff guy wore only basketball short, the second fighter was in a hoodie and jeans, looking like the guy next door. His back was to his, so he couldn't see his face yet. But he didn't to see his face to know. He could identify Jimin even with his silhouette.
"Oh, fuck!" he whispered. He tugged at Taehyung urgently.
"What? Did you see someone you know?" Taehyung hissed under his breath.
Jungkook shook his head. "I-I found him."
"Found who?" Taehyung glanced wildly at the crowd. "Where is he?"
"Jimin," Jungkook said breathless. "He's in the ring."
"That's him?" Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at the fighters. "You never told me he's big."
"No, not that guy."
"The other?"
Jungkook nodded. He was too stunned to speak anymore. The second fighter had his back to him, but Jungkook would know that frame anywhere and could pick him out in any crowd. His heart began to race. Jimin left fighting. He said he wouldn't fight anymore. He promised.
"Oh, my God!" Taehyung whispered. "He's gonna fight that giant?"
Jungkook's hand began to tremble. He wasn't back here, was he? He can't be. He shouldn't be.
The referee stepped inside and gave them the signal. The fight began when the first bell rang. It was intense. The crowd jostled him a bit, but he clasped his hands in front of him, holding his breath.
Both the fighters exchanged punches and kicks. Jungkook flinched every time their fists connected with each other's bodies. The second fighter was proving to be difficult, proving Jungkook's worst fears.
"They brought in this new fighter from Daegu," the director said under his breath. "There was no one who could defeat Jimin in Seoul."
Jungkook's head whipped to the director so fast that his neck popped a crack. He knew Jimin?
"Park Jimin!"
"Park Jimin!"
"Park Jimin!"
"Jimin never lost a fight in these three years," Heesung continued. "This is the most anticipated fight because no one had defeated Daejun either."
Three years?
The crowd began to cheer in unison, and Jungkook's head whipped to the fight. There it was. The confirmation he feared. The buff fighter was now taking hit after hit. Jungkook's breath almost stopped when Jimin jumped in the air, turning his body mid-air to land a kick on the other fighter's head. His hood fell from his head.
Jungkook's knees weakened, and Taehyung caught him on time, so he didn't hit the floor. Instead, he clutched Taehyung's hand in a tight grip as he watched the fight with tears blurring his vision.
Jimin was fighting again. He was back in the ring, and it was his fault. Three years. Heesung said he was undefeatable for three years. He gasped behind his mask, and more tears fell. His black hair was long and fell over his eyes, face glistening with sweat and lips twisted as he landed blow after blow on his opponent.
There he is.
He found Jimin. Taehyung wrapped a hand around him when he sobbed, covering his mouth. There was blood dripping down his chin, his lips swollen. Jungkook wanted nothing more than to rush to him and tend to his injuries. Ask him if it hurts. But Jimin showed no signs of pain, and he kept going. Then, memories rushed to him, and he felt the world slipping under his feet.
Jungkook was glad Taehyung was there to hold him in a tight grip, holding him up and keeping him from crumbling down. He remembered the days Jimin would show up bloody and beaten. The number of times he spent in their dingy bathroom patching him up as he cried. Then on the following day, Jimin would go to the fight again so that they could have something to eat.
He thought those days were behind them, but now he had lost three years, and Jimin was back to where it all started. He had never felt like such a failure before. It was his fault.
Jungkook thought he could have it all. If he had enough money, Jimin would never have to step inside the ring again, and they could be happy forever. How wrong he was to assume that. How wrong it was for him to dream that.
His hands shook, and Taehyung ushered him outside the basement. His chest heaved, showing the signs of his anxiety attack. Fortunately, once again, his friend helped him through it. Unfortunately, the crowd was already leaving when he surfaced and felt like he could breathe.
"Come on. Don't linger. We gotta leave now." The director came out, hurrying them along.
"Wait, we should go back and talk to that fighter," Taehyung said.
The director shook his head and looked at him as if he was crazy to even suggest such a thing. "We aren't allowed to stay longer. It's hard to meet him. I've been trying for months. The security here is tight, and Jimin doesn't meet any outsiders."
But I'm not an outsider.
Taehyung looked as if he wanted to argue more, but he looked behind them and let the director drag them away. Jungkook could barely get a word out.
"It'd be great if we could get him to train you both. I'm ready to pay whatever he asks for, but he turned down all my offers so far," the director continued, flagging a taxi for them.
"We know where we could meet him," Taehyung said hurriedly. "You gotta trust us, Heesung-nim. Jungkook knew where he would be after his fights."
The director stopped for a moment. His securitizing gaze regarded them both for a long moment. He looked like he wanted to say something but instead jerked his head toward the taxi. "Get in."
They got inside, and the director rattled the address to Gangnam. Jungkook panicked. No, no. They can't go back yet. They had to meet Jimin. This wasn't going as it should have.
Taehyung nudged Jungkook in his ribs, and his brain began functioning again.
"Heesung-nim, I grew up here," he rushed to say. "This is my home. Jimin...He...He is someone important to me. I know his friends and where he hangs out the most," he said. This was his golden chance to meet Jimin, and there was no way he was missing it. "He goes to this bar after every fight to get a drink. me."
"We were discussing this earlier. Jungkook can speak to Jimin and maybe even convince him to train us for this film," Taehyung added.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? If you knew him this would have saved us a lot of headache," the director hissed. His scrutinizing gaze studied every change in their expression.
"He stopped fighting," Jungkook whispered. "I lost contact with him when I left for America and didn't know where he was. Just saw him in the ring after three years." He glanced outside the car window, watching the neighborhood growing distant. "I didn't know he started fighting again."
The director looked thoughtful but relented after a long pause. "Fine."
Jungkook wasn't lucky. He stared at the 'CLOSED' sign for far too long. His chest ached, and he felt like crying. The area had changed a lot. There were more shops and new names.
"Come, let's go," Heesung urged. "It's closed."
Jungkook shook his head. The bar always worked on weekends. What happened?
He glanced around and noticed there weren't many open shops. So he rushed to one and asked about the bar owners.
"Oh, there is some renovation happening there. It should open next week." The shop owner was new. Someone Jungkook didn't recognize.
The shop owner continued to put the things away for the night. "Yeah. Last week there was a scuffle. The usual stuff."
Jungkook's heart slammed against his ribs. "What about Jimin hyung?" he asked. "Where can I see him?"
The shop owner stopped at the mention of the name. "You should leave, kid." He looked up and down. "This is no place for a rich kid like you." Then he glanced outside.
I'm not a fucking rich kid!
Jungkook saw a group approaching the shop. He quickly removed his mask and hat. "It's me. Jungkook. Please...I need to know. Where is he?"
He saw the realization in his eyes. "You gotta leave now, kid. If you don't want the trouble, that is," the shop owner warned. "That group is trouble. They aren't very fond of outsiders."
"We should go." Taehyung tugged at his arm. Jungkook wanted to yell 'fuck trouble', but Heesung was already dragging him outside and into the taxi.
"That's enough for today. We will come back next week," Heesung said and Jungkook could do nothing but glance at the bar helplessly. He came so close today. He had been so so close.
Why did it have to be this way?
Why am I so unlucky?
Two days later, Jungkook stood in front of their old apartment, eyes glossy with tears. The director had seen right through him and known there was more to the story. After his stunt in that shop, Heesung had dragged him to the apartment and demanded answers.
Jungkook had confessed his past to Heesung. Thankfully, the director just put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.
Tonight, there was no fight but Heesung had brought him over. Henry tried to follow but Heesung had skillfully cut him off.
Now here he was standing in front of the place that was so special to him. His hands shook when he lifted it to knock on the door. He'd been waiting outside Jimin's apartment for the past two hours, waiting for him to come home. He saw him go up ten minutes ago and had been building courage to talk to him.
Was Jimin angry at him? Would he talk to him? Or would he send him away? What if he wanted to do nothing with Jungkook and told him to leave? But Taehyung had squeezed his shoulders and told him he got this before pushing him out of the taxi.
There were footsteps inside and his body trembled with anticipation. The door opened with a creaking sound a second later and Jungkook almost cried in relief when he finally saw Jimin. His knees weakened.
"Jungkook?" Jimin's voice was breathless, eyes wide with surprise and disbelief. "You..." He looked around. "W-What are you doing here?"
Where else would I go? This is my home.
Jungkook swallowed the sob, pushing his trembling hands deep inside his pockets. "C-Can I come in?"
Sorry, I'm late. I hope it isn't too late.
Jimin immediately moved aside, allowing him inside. His knees knocked together and he almost stumbled. The apartment was the same as he remembered, except there were only Jimin's things in there. His gaze flicked to the walls that had his posters and photos from several magazines plastered on the wall.
The apartment was cold and unforgiving in the middle of the winter. The heating was bare minimum and pain sliced through his heart. This was the very thing he fought hard to keep away. Yet, he still condemned Jimin to live in these conditions.
Jimin cleared his throat behind him, going to clear the bed, dusting it. "I'm sorry. I...ah, don't have anything else for you to sit." He looked frantic.
Jungkook strode to the bed, afraid that his knees would give out any minute. But Jimin stopped him before he could sit.
"Wait, it's dirty." He waved a hand over his clothes. "Your're expensive, aren't they?"
Jimin ran a hand through his hair, rushing to his old wooden shelf they used to store clothes. He brought a clean t-shirt, smoothing it over the bed. "Here. I washed it. It should be fine."
Jungkook stared at him with his mouth agape. When had they come to this? When did he become a stranger? Did Jimin think he gave a fuck about his branded clothes? But he was left speechless. There was uncertainty dancing in Jimin's features. He looked so torn like he wanted to hug him but something was stopping him.
Jungkook bit his bottom lip, choking on a sob. His mind reeled as his tears slid down. Without thinking twice, he began to strip out of his branded clothes, throwing them unceremoniously on the floor. He kicked his shoes away, not even looking where it landed. He stripped down to his briefs and shivered at the cold.
He pulled Jimin's t-shirt over his head, running his hands several times through his hair to dishevel it. "Now do I look like your Jungkook, hyung?" His voice cracked and he could no longer stop it.
Jimin too cracked, taking three long strides before throwing his arms around him. "You've always been my Jungkook."
Jimin was sweaty. His shirt clung to his torso. His clothes were dirty with fine dust and remnants of whatever job he had to do that day. But Jungkook didn't mind. To him, he smelled like home. Of those rainy nights they sheltered under the bridge, huddled together, Jimin hugging him closer to keep him warm throughout the night. It reminded him of the days they wandered the streets of Seoul aimlessly with nothing but each other as company.
"I'm so sorry, hyung. So sorry." Jungkook cried, his body shaking in Jimin's arms and Jimin rubbed his back soothingly, just like he used to do before. "T-They took my phone, my passport, money and everything else. It was the manager. Didn't even allow me to come home. I was so lost."
"Baby..." Jimin's control snapped and they both cried. Arms tightening around each other and tears flowing freely, they stood not bothering the cold that was biting their skin.
Jungkook pulled back. "Tell me you won't throw me out. You won't ask me to leave. I won't survive without you, hyung. I need you. I can't live without you."
"I won't," Jimin cried. "Fuck. I'm sorry, baby. I'll never throw you out."
"They're fucking worse, hyung. Worse than the goons you had to fight off on daily basis when we were young. Worse than the motherfuckers who used to chase us away from the shelter. They want me to fucking date the actress, pretend than I'm in love with her for the sake of my career." He broke down, his knees giving out but Jimin holding him and making him sit on the bed instead. "I just wanted to help. I just wanted out sufferings to end."
"I know, baby. I know." Jimin hugged him, rocking him gently as he curled around his lap just like the old days.
"Wanted you to stop fighting. I was so scared whenever you came home with those fucking bruises and cuts. I was scared of the police often raiding your fighting places. I was so scared that we would end up on the streets again. Or worse I'd lose you."
"I thought I could give us both a better life. Stop all the pain and uncertainty." He laughed without humor. "And I failed. Look where that got me. I lost you. I lost the one thing that matters the most to me."
"You never lost me, Jungkook-ah. I never stopped loving you." Jimin brushed away his tears, cupping his face. "I've always been here."
"I tried," Jungkook continued. "I tried to run away several times but they beat me until I relented. I was their prisoner. They punished me if I tried to ask someone for help. I didn't even know where I was or who to go to. I didn't have anyone there. I didn't know how to escape." His voice broke and his body shook with sobs. He couldn't control it anymore.
Gone was the sophisticated actor. Who remained on Jimin's lap was the young boy who had no home or family. The boy whose world was his Jimin. Here, he was just Jungkook. Jimin's Jungkook—a no body from the streets.
"I'm so sorry," Jungkook repeated. "You're all I want. You're the only one that matters. Don't want anything else." He lunged to bury his face into his chest again. "I don't care if they take everything away from me. I don't care if we go back to the streets. I just need you. I want you. Only you." His body shook with his sobs. "I love you so much, hyung. Love you so much."
"Love you too, Jungkookie." Jimin kissed his face, pressed his lips to every inch, kissing those tears away. "I'll never let you go through that again. Ever."
When their lips connected, their emotions were running wild, getting the best out of them. There was longing, urgency and so much tears. They sobbed into each other's mouths, repeating how much they missed each other.
Jungkook found himself on Jimin's lap, kissing him like he needed to breathe the air. They only paused when their lungs burned.
"Want you, please..." Jungkook begged between the sobs and kisses. "It's been so long. Missed you. Missed you so much."
"Missed you too, baby. I love you so much."
Their kisses grew heated, their passion burning hotter as they moved with urgency. Clothes were strewn across the floor, kisses pressed to each other's torso in an attempt to make up for the lost time. Their soft moans and the creak of bed was all too familiar.
Jungkook cried out against Jimin's mouth as his orgasm washed over him, holding him closer as their tears mingled.
"I love you so much."
"Love you too, baby. Love you so fucking much."
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