Chapter 4

I made this for fun he he. I was just messing around when the concept teasers dropped.


Jimin tried his best to ignore the murmurs when he entered the bar that night. Perhaps he should have gone home instead, but he was starving since he didn't eat anything all day and instant noodles weren't something he had in mind.

He craved for Seokjin's delicious meatballs he promised to make for him today. Jimin badly wanted a shower, but that would have to wait. Food came first.

Seokjin who came out to talk to Namjoon briefly caught his eye and waved at him, pointing at the empty stool. His usual seat in the bar.

Jimin offered a tired smile and dragged his tired feet to the seat. It had become a habit since last three years. Otherwise he would go home from work and come here only on the nights Jungkook was working. But now, he would come here after work and stay until closing time before heading home to sleep.

He's here.

That's him.

Asshole thinks no one can beat him.

He shook his head upon hearing the murmurs as he walked past them. They all smelled trouble.

Tonight, the air was different. There was tension and anticipation. It reminded him of the weekends when he had fights. Jimin wouldn't lie. His reputation in the underground fighting circle had grown to an untouchable level. He was unbeatable for the past three years.

In the past, there had been a few incidents. But Jimin had been lucky and on the other times he had Yoongi or his men to protect him.

Last night's fight almost ended in a brawl because the fighter who participated belonged to a local gang. They didn't take the losing very well. But that pub was Yoongi's fortress. No one could just barge in and do shit just because they weren't happy with the results.

The rivals had been bringing fighters from all over Korea, just to see him lose once. It was yet to happen. Jimin didn't plan to lose anytime soon. The fight was the only thing that kept him going and helped him push through the burning pain in his chest.

There were several new faces inside the establishment. Jimin eyed Yoongi who shook his head subtly at him. Right.

A sweep of his gaze across the bar told him it was the men from the local gang. He saw a few of them last night. Jimin kept his eyes straight. Pushing his hands inside his winter jacket, he made his way to the bar and hopped on an empty stool.

He clearly tricked Jonghee. There's no way this puny thing beat him.

One of the part-timers brought his dinner—spicy Korean Gochujang meatballs with steaming noodles and sides. It was a routine. He has been eating all his meals here for the past three years. Seokjin or Namjoon wouldn't have it any other way.

He ate the food without paying attention to the things around him. Jimin didn't even look up from his plate when he heard the first verbal jab. He tuned them all out, wiping his mouth with a tissue and ordered a drink.

They could slander him all they want, but he wasn't someone to start the fight unless it was inside a fighting ring. He acted oblivious to the tension around him.

Leaving immediately was not an option. Jimin knew how these things worked. If he were to leave, they would ambush him. Staying here was safe.

"His agency's plan busted," a voice accompanied with ruckus laughter reached him. "Everyone knows he likes dicks."

"Can't believe someone like Im Heesung would sign a wuss," another said.

"Heard he is actually from the slums of Guryong," one said purposefully louder.

Yoongi cursed under his breath. He grabbed his phone texting someone.

Jimin's grip tightened around his glass. He clenched his jaw.

"Who Jungkook? Or that boy Taehyung?"

"Jungkook. You won't believe what I heard," the first one continued louder. "Heard he can't go on for a day without a cock up in his ass. Half of the locals have gotten taste of him while he was here. How else did you think a cute boy like him made money in a place like—"

A fist to his jaw cut off the words. A loud cracked echoed around them as the others on the table jumped startled.

Jimin didn't think twice before grabbing a fistful of the speaker's hair and banging his head forcefully on the table. Glass broke at the impact. The other two was on him in a moment. But Jimin was ready. He didn't let go of the bastard who talked about Jungkook.

"Keep his name out of your filthy mouth!"

No one should with his Jungkook. He was a precious soul inside and out. Tonight, he won't stop until he ripped that tongue out.

He twisted his body, punching the first one under his jaw and kicking the third on his ribs. Just like that all hell broke loose. Namjoon, Yoongi and Seokjin were by his side in a minute.

More men rushed toward him and Jimin spread his legs to brace. He cracked his neck with a smirk.



That was an easier way to describe what had happened in the bar. Namjoon chuckled as he glanced around the wreckage. Tables and chairs were broke. The bar was a wreck. The glass doors and windows were broken.

Fifteen against four was an unfair number. Nothing they can't handle. All four looked bloody and battered but at least they still stood undeterred unlike the men groaning on the floor. They did more damage and a few hits here and there was nothing. Jimin popped his knuckles. His adrenaline rush hasn't settled yet.

When a SUV halted in front of the bar, they knew the fight was far from over. Yoongi stepped forward, wiping his face using his t-shirt. The man who exited the SUV must be the leader of the local gang. He was dressed in somewhat pricier clothes and a leather jacket. But the rings and chains all told Jimin he recently came into new money.

Yoongi tilted his head with a sneer. "Thought 'The Hands' was an honorable gang. My intel was wrong."

"Ah you know us then." He smirked. "Then you should know what I do to people who touch my men. Jonghee hasn't opened his eyes yet," the boss countered. "He is my best fighter. This boy did something."

"Lim Yeong-su, I know who you are and what dirty jobs you have done to get here. But this is Guryong. You know the rules of a fighting ring," Yoongi growled. "Everyone saw what happened in the ring. Jimin hasn't been defeated for three years in a row. It was your men who broke the rule and almost started a brawl. If you can't handle failure then you shouldn't have stepped your feet inside."

The boss clenched his jaw. He glanced down at the groaning men on the floor. "You beat my men after the fight. That happened outside the fighting ring. I'm not letting this slide."

Jimin heard there was a scuffle outside the pub after the fight, but he didn't know what happened. Yoongi had promptly ushered him out of the place and told him to get some rest. He even handed him a bottle of half-finished whiskey from his stash.

"They started it first." Yoongi stood his ground. "Be glad that I didn't end them when I had every right to do it for trespassing and picking fight with one of my men."

"You—" He took a step forward with a snarl but Jimin moved in front of Yoongi.

"You really have a nerve to walk into the Min's territory." He clicked his tongue. More men spilled inside but this time Jimin laughed. "If I were you, I would pay for the damage and leave with my tail tucked between my legs."

The boss's eyes widened. "Mins?"

Yoongi cocked a brow. "Got a problem with that?" The new men cocked their guns, aiming it at the boss.

"What does the Mins got to do with this?" He glared at his men who cowered behind him.

"Nobody told you who runs the show here?" Jimin asked, wiping his hand in his t-shirt. "You must be a fool to challenge Min Yoongi. Your men dared to show up in his turf and start the fight? Think again." He flexed his fists. "If you have nothing respectful to say, you better keep your mouth shut."

Yoongi put a hand on his shoulder. Jimin stepped aside. "Leave, Yeong-su. Don't even think you can touch Jimin. My men are watching. I'll hunt you down and I'll kill you if you touched a hair on his body." He closed the distance to him with two strides. "Also, keep Jungkook's name out of your mouths if you wanna live. He's one of ours."

Yeong-su swallowed. Sweat coated his forehead. After contemplating for a moment, he took a step back and then another. It was a reaction of a man who bit more than he could chew. "I...I apologize." He suddenly bowed. "I didn't know you're a member of the Mins. I'll apologize to hyung-nim."

"Member?" Seokjin burst into laughter. "He's our fucking boss. You pay a share every month without fail, but don't know who your hyung-nim is?" He glanced at Yoongi. "Good luck with that."

Yeong-su paled.

Yoongi scoffed. "Namjoon, will send you the bill after accessing the damages. Pay and be on your way," Yoongi said, turning around to go inside. "You and your men are banned from entering the fight ring. Also, Namjoon-ah, double his monthly dues if he wants to run his business through Guryong. Else he can find someone else."

"Sure, hyung."

Jimin narrowed his eyes at the boss, who now looked pale as if he'd seen a ghost. Of course, he should have known better. Yoongi was more than what met the eye. He chose to lay low and get around like an ordinary man all the while running the show. No one would suspect a lonely looking bartender was the boss of the famous Mins that ruled Guryong.

All Jimin knew was that Yoongi was an orphan who was adopted by the previous boss. He became the next boss when the former passed away due to an illness.

Jimin waited until the gang leader left.

"Jimin, let Seokjin drive you tonight. Be careful and don't roam the streets alone at nights," Yoongi said.

He didn't plan to run into any more trouble than needed. He already had enough as it was. But if someone decided to drag Jungkook again, he wouldn't be just watching.

"Yes, hyung."

Jungkook was a precious boy and just because he reached heights all these people only could dream of didn't mean they could say anything about him. He might be a public figure, but that didn't give them the right to slander him.

No one knew Jungkook like Jimin did. He could only imagine how these simple words would hurt the young one.

How are you, Jungkook-ah? Are they taking better care of you? He couldn't stop wondering. With a sigh, he climbed inside the car and leaned on the seat, waiting for Seokjin to come.



Jungkook's knee bounced continuously as he wrung his fingers. He almost cried when his feet finally touched Korean soil. What was even more surprising was the crowd gathered outside at the airport.

Flashes of cameras, unexpected mobbing and severe push and pull to his car later, Jungkook was on his way home. Not to Guryong but the high-end residential complex at the heart of Gangnam. His thoughts were already racing. He was finally here. The only thing left to do was find Jimin.

The security guards at the reception recognized him immediately and greeted him politely. Jungkook nodded at them, swiftly striding through the elevator doors. The anxiety was steadily building inside him. There were no bodyguards today, thanks to the airport security.

But it was a bitter reminder of who he had become. Finding Jimin wasn't going to be easy when everyone in the street recognized him. He would be caught before he even went ten feet from his building.

They strode the elevator in tense silence. Henry was pissed because Taehyung refused to stay in his car like he was told to. Once in front of his apartment, Jungkook entered the code only to realize it had been changed.

Henry smirked and stepped before him to enter a new code, letting them inside.

What the fuck!

"Remember," Henry hissed as soon as Jungkook stepped inside his apartment. "Do not leave the apartment unless it's for work. Everything will be delivered to your doorstep, and I'll be here to accompany you for your schedule. Do you understand?"


Henry was about to lock him inside when Taehyung stopped him. "Uh-uh, not that play again, dude," he growled. "You got your point across. Now you can leave."

"You think I won't use my fists on you?" Henry gritted his teeth.

Taehyung's expression did not falter. "Oh, I think you're very capable of doing that. But you see, Heesung-nim wants us both in one piece. There are millions at stake, and you wouldn't dare. Besides, I got my phone right here, and unlike in the United States, I wouldn't need English to call the police. I can open this fucking window and yell at the top of my lungs for help, and someone will come. Or I'll start screaming right here. I'm quite famous, you see. I'm sure the security here would want to know why his favorite actor is yelling for help."

Henry clenched his jaw, and his face reddened. His fists clenched by his side. Jungkook could easily imagine steam billowing from his ears.

"Oh, how the tables have turned." Taehyung chuckled. "Leave, Horrible Henry. Call us when there's a schedule. I'm staying right here with Jungkook, and there's nothing you can do about that."

"This isn't over."

"Nope," Taehyung agreed. "Before that, give me the new code. We aren't locking this door until you give us the new one."

"What if I don't?" Henry sneered.

"Hmm...let me think." Taehyung leaned on the wall with a smirk. "I'll enter the wrong code until I break it. Does it raise alarm if I try? Or I'll just do shit until I have alerted everyone in the building. Maybe create a scene?"

A muscle ticked in his jaw. "3241," he gritted out. "I'll fucking end you. You just wait." Then he pivoted on his heel, leaving them alone.

Jungkook slid to the floor beside the door with a relieved sob. It was all too overwhelming.

Taehyung insisted on accompanying him; fortunately, he wasn't alone with Henry. He wasn't sure how long Taehyung's plan would work. But God must have heard his prayers because they were both committed in the same movie and banned from any other work.

"I'm changing the password. Don't want that asshole barging inside without our knowledge, do we?"

Jungkook nodded absent-mindedly. It all felt surreal. Now all he needed to do was find Jimin. Then he would be safe. Jimin would keep him safe. Another sob raked his body.

"Come here," Taehyung urged. "Let's freshen up and relax first. There are a lot of things we have to figure out. For example, I finally got my phone back."

The next hour was a blur. First, Jungkook was forced to shower, change and eat store-bought ramen. Then Taehyung sat him down to ask everything about Jimin.

A lot has changed since he was here the last time. Jungkook entered his apartment with shaky legs. The manager had never returned his confiscated old phone, and Jungkook didn't have Jimin's number to contact him or his friends during these three years.

Jimin's clothes were still in the closet, untouched. He cried a little more upon seeing the things he left behind.

"Come on, there has to be something," Taehyung said for the nth time. "How can you not remember his number?"

They've had this conversation several times in the past. Jungkook never had the habit of memorizing numbers. He never thought the habit would come to bite his ass. Jimin didn't have any socials. The Internet was a luxury for them when they lived in poor neighborhoods.

Yet he tried to find Jimin with no success. However, according to the Naver maps, the bar and restaurant they frequented was still in the same place. They also found a number.

"I know my phone is bugged, and Henry has a chip put on it to track my location. I saw him tampering with it in the airport toilets. Asshole thinks he's discreet," Taehyung said. "We have to go there directly. Or maybe try contacting them from a payphone."

"What? It's impossible. We could never go anywhere without them noticing," Jungkook said. "How would you even use a payphone without paps clicking your pics?"

Going anywhere without getting noticed was a task. It didn't help that they were popular. Paparazzi would flood them in a moment. They raked their brains the entire week, coming up with nothing. The manager was watching him like a hawk, snitching about him to the company as usual.

They did a trial by trying to go to a nearby café and immediately noticed their company van parked right outside. Someone began tailing them to the café, and they knew it was futile ever to try.

Jungkook felt helpless as ever. Finally, however, luck was on their side for the first time in two years because Taehyung was signed alongside him to play the role of his best friend and the second lead.

They were again in the living room, going through every idea that popped into their mind. Somehow the conversation turned into their latest movie. The story was about an underground fighter, and a light bulb went inside Jungkook's head. They were yet to get the script, but there was something they could do.

"We need to do homework," Taehyung said as if reading his mind. Then, a smirk lifted the corner of his lips, and Jungkook knew they had found the way.


"Can you find some real underground fighters we could work with?" Taehyung asked innocently when they met Director Im next time.

Heesung had invited them to his office to explain how things would move from here and what kind of look he preferred for the movie. They met the stylists and decided both Jungkook and Taehyung would grow their hair. They were told not to dye their hair because Heesung wanted it to be natural black.

"I'm particular with how I work," Heesung told them earlier. "If you're going out, always be discreet. Do not let anyone photograph you. Always wear a disguise to hide your face and hair. They can't see what we will have in store for them until we release the first look."

Jungkook understood the sentiment. He has only heard about all the things the actors had to compromise with to work on Heesung's film until now. But it worked in his favor, he guessed.

Jungkook was all starry eyed when Im Heesung spoke with a passion. "The surprise factor is always the key for my movies. The viewers are always excited about what I'd bring to their table next. Every staff in this building and the sets are thoroughly vetted. I don't allow personal phones or any form of recording devices inside to avoid any form of leak. No selfies or photographs while you're on this contract," Heesung listed. "You both have to be available on your phones at all times. You will start your training next week. It is divided into three sections. Diet and workout, acting practice and rehearsals, boxing and martial arts training."

It was then Taehyung asked his innocent question. "Can you find some real underground fighters we could work with? I think it would help if we could learn their mannerisms and a lot of other things by observing them," his best friend added enthusiastically. "It'd be awesome if we could shadow someone or observe how these fights happen in real life."

Jungkook's manager squirmed in his seat while the director beamed with interest. "Of course, that's a wonderful idea. It'd help you a lot if you could learn their mannerisms and way of life. I'll immediately get onto this." He scratched his chin. "I'll see if I can take you to a few fights."

Jungkook's gaze briefly met Henry's. He kept his face impassive. He loved the way Henry twitched to say something but was forced to choose his words carefully because of Heesung.

Henry knew Jungkook wouldn't need someone to train him and teach him their way of life because Jungkook grew up in the heart of Guryong. He has been to these fights several times and has been at the center of them as Jimin's boyfriend. So he knew how dangerous it was. But he couldn't just admit that to the director or in front of anyone else.

It reminded him of a time he pulled Jimin over the rope to kiss him senseless after a win while everyone cheered and applauded around them. Those whistles and hollers still echoed in his mind. As much as he disliked Jimin fighting, he cherished those memories.

"That's dangerous. We can't have our artists mingle with uncultured morons," Henry interjected.

"You'd be surprised, Mr. Li. Those people have more integrity than the ones in this room," Heesung shot back.

Jungkook snickered and masked it as a cough when Henry glared.

"I think it'd be better if we can hire them for the duration of the shoot," Jungkook's manager intervened. "We need to ensure the security of our artists—"

"Underground fighters aren't easily hired, Mr. Li," the director intervened. "They're wary of us and our intentions. You must know that it isn't completely legal, and often they run with the local gangs. Besides, we have special permission to shoot the locals, in locations where actual fights happen. I've been frequenting these fights and even friends with a few fighters. It'd help if Jungkook and Taehyung could accompany me to these places so they'd know how these things work. But I'll see if anyone is willing to work with us for a year."

The director was a godsend. Jungkook thanked his lucky stars. No matter how hard his manager tried to stop them from going to the actual fight, the director didn't budge. He just asked if Jungkook minded and when he said he didn't, the chapter was closed. Jungkook knew he'd later get an earful from his manager, but it was worth it.

This was his chance. The director was well known for his movies for always having a realistic take on the stories. The contract was signed, and there was nothing his company could do without ruining its reputation. The production house was also one of the biggest and leading ones in Korea. Henry's hands were tied and Taehyung took care of the rest.

If Henry was a cunning and manipulative bastard, Taehyung was the king of all trades. He played Henry like a fool and bested him in his own game. Henry could only fume.

So their training began. Jungkook and Taehyung accompanied the director to the streets in disguise, meeting several fighters and watching real fights.

Jungkook tried to spot a familiar face in every fight, so far coming up with none. He did notice a few, but they weren't his close friends. But he let his mask slip far too many times and hoped the words spread. Because in Guryong, everyone knew everyone. Maybe if Jimin knew he was here, he would come looking for him.

All I need is one chance.


Chapter 7 is updated on AO3. You can read ahead there. 

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