Chapter 3
"Underground fighter, huh?" Jungkook's back slammed against the wall, and he hissed at the impact. The stench of alcohol washed over him as Henry slurred, "I know what you're doing. You want to get back to that filth."
A punch knocked the breath out of Jungkook's lungs. Standing at 190.5 cm, Henry Li easily towered him. The man worked out regularly and doubled as his bodyguard most of the time. Jungkook was simply powerless in front of him. Perhaps it was the fear that was instilled in him that rendered him useless whenever Henry abused him.
"You ungrateful bastard." Henry grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling at it harshly. "I won't let you ruin what I have built for you. You're going on this date I have set up with Haneul. Later, you'll make out with her in the car and let them get a clear shot. Do you understand?"
If Jimin were here, he would have never let this happen to him. Growing up, Jimin never let any harm come his way. Even when fights broke out, he shielded Jungkook from the fists and protected him in every way.
"Fuck you!" Jungkook spat.
Henry laughed mockingly. His hand slid down to grope his ass, and Jungkook pushed him forcefully. The manager continued to laugh. "What? I can help you scratch some itch. I know only men can do it for you. I can show what it is like to be with a real man."
"You'll never be half the man Jimin is." Jungkook pushed himself off the wall. "I'll kill you if you put your dirty hands on me."
How could anyone compare to Jimin? No one came half as close to Jimin. His boyfriend was perfect in every sense.
"I'd like to see you try," Henry sneered. "Your life is in my hands, Jungkook." He extended his palm, closing it to form a fist. "You forgot I can destroy your dear Jimin's life in a heartbeat. All it'll take is one phone call."
Jungkook clenched his jaw. It was the same threat he always used, only it never got old. The young actor just knew he shouldn't take Henry lightly.
"I can make people disappear. Poof!" he said with an exaggerated hand gesture. "Jimin will vanish without a trace. You don't want that, do you?" His face hardened. "Do exactly as I say, and your little boyfriend won't have any trouble."
Jungkook glared at him without responding. He needed to escape. For that, he needed to exit the country and then find Jimin. Once he enters Guryong, Henry or the agency won't be able to touch him. But he shouldn't provoke Henry. Taehyung told him to stay calm until they landed in Korea.
"You don't believe me, do you?" the bastard taunted. "Maybe this will make you believe." He pulled his phone out and dialed before putting it on speaker mode.
Jungkook frowned. What is he doing?
Panic filled him. He wasn't going to call his men to harm Jimin, was he?"
Jungkook's entire body locked and focused on the voice. Blood rushed to his head—that voice.
"Hyung!" Jungkook lunged for the phone, but the bastard raised his hand away from his reach. "Jimin hyung! It's me. Jungkook. Your Jungkook. Hyung!" Jungkook yelled. "Hyung..." He clawed at Henry's hands. "Give me. Please. I beg you. Let me talk to him. Hyung!"
"Hello, who is this?" Jimin's voice continued.
Henry gripped his neck, holding him at arm's length.
"Who's that?" There was another voice behind Jimin.
"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook cried. "Hyung. It's me. Jungkookie." He jumped trying to get the phone but to no avail. Henry wasn't just tall but also well built. "Hyung, can you hear me?" He dug his blunt nails into his wrist, wanting to hurt but knew it had no effect on the bastard.
"Cry louder, Jungkook-ah." Henry waved the screen in front of him. Jungkook's heart sank when he noticed the mute button on. Jimin wouldn't hear him.
"You're so fucking cruel. I'll kill you."
Henry laughed. "You can dream. You're nothing but a pathetic slumdog," he spat.
"Jungkookie? Is that you?"
Jungkook broke down. Maybe he noticed the number and realized it was him. Another sob bubbled in his throat. Jimin thought of him.
"'s me. Jiminie hyung." His chest heaved, and body raked with sobs. It had been so long since he heard that voice. " me," he pleaded weakly.
"So weak." Henry burst with laughter before ending the call. "Where is your fierceness now?" The slap he received next stung, but nothing could match the pain in his heart. He knew the assholes had power and sources. He knew he wouldn't hesitate to follow through his threat.
"Help? Your pathetic boyfriend can't even help himself. Is he going to help you? And from us? What does he have, huh? His fists have no power against us," he yelled. "Imagine what would happen if police found out about your boyfriend's night job," Henry taunted. Jungkook didn't correct him and said he won't be able to touch Jimin's hair in his lair. But he was afraid Henry would do something dirty, like hiring goons to get rid of Jimin. "You have two hours to get ready. You wouldn't like what I'll do to you if you fail."
With that, the asshole pushed him away and exited his room, slamming the door shut. Jungkook's knees gave out, and he slid to the floor. This was torture. Being on a foreign land with no one to turn to. There were several times Jungkook contemplated asking for help, but was too afraid to do anything if it hurt Jimin. The contract won't end for another year and he was stuck until then.
Jimin wasn't just his boyfriend. He was his everything. Jungkook didn't know who his parents were or how they looked. All he knew was Jimin. As an eleven year old, since he met him, Jimin was his only family. He felt so lost without him. Nothing and no one could ever replace what Jimin was and is to him.
That voice stirred so many memories and his chest ached. He rubbed his chest trying to ease some of the pain, but it didn't work. Tears slid down his cheeks.
Jimin hyung...I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have accepted the movie. I just wanted to help.
The restaurant Henry chose was the one known to cater high-profile celebrities. So naturally, there were a few paparazzi lurking in the area. Jungkook noticed every camera as soon as he entered the area.
The actor knew that from the moment he stepped out of the car, the news would spread like wildfire. Beside him, Haneul fixed her appearance. They didn't talk much throughout the drive here. There was nothing to talk about.
He didn't know her personally, and they never worked together, so she wasn't an acquaintance either. In fact, he didn't even know about this movie he signed. He did not remember receiving any script for the same. But the answer was already in front of him. He knew whose job it was.
Fucking asshole.
He needed to leave the States. For that, he will stay quiet. It wasn't like Jungkook didn't try before. He did. When he realized he was deceived, he tried to escape. He thought if he could get to the South Korean embassy, they might help him.
However, for that, he needed to get their first. He ran thrice, and once he got into the taxi, but without English, he wasn't even able to give proper directions to the driver. Henry caught him all three times and eventually beat him into submission.
Jungkook was used to the rough life in the streets. He was exposed to everything that happened in the shade of the night. But nothing had prepared him for the things that the rich were capable of doing. No one heard his cries. No one came to help.
Henry had shadowed his every move and eliminated any kind of idea he came up with. With time, Jungkook realized there was no escaping. He imagined hundreds of ways to escape the clutches of his agency. Once, he even thought of asking for help on national TV. But when he saw how close the host was to Henry, he changed his mind.
There was no guarantee they would air that interview if he were to do that. Maybe the TV would use him to increase their TRP, but help wasn't coming. Henry had locked all the doors effectively and trapped him here for better or worse.
Then Jungkook met Taehyung. But there was nothing Taehyung could do either.
Jungkook moved robotically after he exited the vehicle. Haneul made the first move by looping her hand through his elbow. She smiled, talking about some new brand of cosmetic she had tried recently, and he nodded occasionally. His expression was neutral. There was nothing to show.
The dinner that followed was awkward at its best. They chose to sit by the window so the paps could catch some good shots. Nothing was his idea. It was scripted. Haneul perfectly followed it.
"I don't know why you are doing this," he cut off her rambling as soon as the waiter disappeared with their orders. "But I'm left with no choice. I'm cornered and forced into this. This is not something I agreed to do."
Haneul's smile faltered a little. She reached to put her hand on his. "We all know how this fake dating works, Jungkook. My manager said this is the first time for you. This is just like any other gig, except the cameras are different. We will be fine. People do this all the time."
He gently removed his hand from her hold. "Not me," he said and glanced outside the window for a moment. "Do you know we have to make out in the car after this? Did they tell you that?"
"Yes, I'm aware." There was no change in her expression.
Haneul was a beautiful woman who ticked every checkbox of Korean beauty standards. She had big eyes, flawless skin, and milky complexion. Her hair was long and honey blonde, which suited her perfectly. And her lips were full and plump. She looked like a doll from every angle.
"And you're okay with that?" he asked.
She shrugged. "I told you. It's not that different from any gigs we have done before."
"It's not the same for me," he confessed. "Haneul-ssi, I'm gay, and I have a boyfriend who is in Korea."
Haneul's eyes widened. "Oh."
"I can't do this. My management knows this, but I don't know why I'm being forced into such ridiculousness."
"Well, that makes sense. The industry doesn't know about it, and maybe the management wants to keep it that way."
Jungkook scoffed. "I never asked for it. I was in a relationship even before I signed the contract. It was discussed and agreed upon."
She sighed. "Jungkook-ssi, you really need to discuss these things with the agency. I don't know why you're telling me all this."
"I'm telling you because I'm not going to kiss you. I won't kiss you. Kissing you on that red carpet was a mistake. I'm not repeating it."
She frowned, but soon masked it. "The agency won't be happy," she said. "You know how they could get when we don't follow the rules. They will come up with one thing or the other."
"I'm aware," he said. "I'm not comfortable doing on-screen kisses. The majority of my recent movies don't have kissing scenes. Even if it did, it's just a peck, and the camera trick does the rest. I never did any explicit scenes. It's one of my conditions I put forward before I sign a contract because I'm not comfortable with those."
"It's just a kiss," Haneul reasoned.
"Making out," he corrected. "But this isn't the same, Haneul-ssi. I've never used my tongue with my co-stars. I'm not comfortable with this idea. I refuse to entertain it for other's benefit. This isn't a part of my job. Also, I haven't spoken to my boyfriend since I came here. He won't know this is fake. It'll hurt him, and I can't allow that."
Understanding dawned on her face.
"I'm fucking stuck here. Have you even wondered why I don't have a phone on me?" he asked bitterly. "I can't leave the country either. They have my passport. There's nothing I can do."
"I'm sorry," she said after a long beat of silence. "You can borrow my phone if you want."
He shook his head. "Henry has someone monitoring my every move. That waiter there hasn't stopped looking at us since we entered." He laughed. "I don't want to drag you into this mess. All I ask for is your understanding."
She nodded with a smile. "I understand. I don't know how to help you, but I won't force you to do things against your will."
He nodded with a relieved smile. "Thank you for understanding."
"You didn't kiss her."
Jungkook continued to walk past the furious manager and to his room. The asshole could go to hell and fuck himself. The bastard had been on him as soon as he arrived at the rented apartment. Fortunately, Taehyung was also there.
"You were supposed to get inside the car and make out with her! But you just fucking drove off!"
Taehyung cut into his path, putting himself between Jungkook and Henry before the manager could reach him in two long strides. "He went on a date just like you asked. Paps got a lot of photos of them together."
"I told him exactly what I wanted him to—"
"And he did what you asked for," Taehyung cut him off.
"You dare to stop me, boy!" Henry raised his hand only to be blocked by Taehyung.
His features darkened dangerously. "I know what you did yesterday. Unlike him, I don't have anyone to protect you, see. Touch him again, and I'll ensure you won't have hands to rise anymore." He pushed the manager forcefully, and the man staggered. "You're an asshole, and I promise you won't have a peaceful death."
Jungkook glanced between them. The idea was so tempting. The two of them could overpower Henry. It was slowly taking root in his head, but he shrugged off the idea because he knew what would happen if they tried. Henry would call the cops and lock them up. He can't ruin his only chance to go home by acting on impulse. No matter how hard this was, he had to tread carefully.
"I'll ruin you," Henry snarled. "You never became the main lead, and it's been four years." He laughed. "I'll make sure you won't land on another important role in your career. I'll destroy it."
"You already did." Taehyung's expression didn't waver. "My family owns a business back home. I'll just go and work for them. I don't give a fuck about this."
Henry scoffed. "You think it's that easy? I'll make you walk through hell before you get to leave."
"Acting used to be my passion," Taehyung said. "You killed that passion long ago. Now I don't give a fuck as to what you will do. I won't bend for you. If I'm going to hell, then sleep knowing I'll take you to hell with me."
"Fucking asshole." Henry fisted his hands for a long moment before he stormed away.
Taehyung shut the door and locked it behind Henry. "Finally. Fucking peace," he growled. "I can't believe they're forcing you to do this even after knowing you're in a relationship. This scheming bastards."
Jungkook looked so distant, unshed tears glistening in his eyes. "Do you think hyung will believe it?" he asked. Pain etched his features. "He is gonna hate me, isn't he?"
Taehyung's features softened. "He won't. We will find him as soon as we get back, okay? Then you're going to explain everything to him."
Jungkook let out the tears and allowed himself to break into Taehyung's presence again. "I feel so horrible. I'm so scared, Taehyung-ah. He's all I've ever had. I lost him already."
"You don't know that. Maybe he's waiting for you too."
"What if he has moved on? What will I do then?" Jungkook asked tearfully. "I don't think I can handle that."
"Don't think like that." He caressed Jungkook's head. "From what you said, you're his entire world just like he is yours. He will be waiting for you too. Just hold on a little longer, okay? You have me with you. I will do anything to help you."
Jungkook nodded, but couldn't help the uneasy feeling in his gut. The news and tabloids would be talking about him and Haneul. He didn't know how Jimin would react to this. All these years, he never ran into a scandal. This was the first time. If anything, he knew it would break Jimin's heart, and he prayed he wasn't too late to find him.
"What is this?" Im Heesung threw the several tabloids on the table, making Jungkook jump in his seat.
Jungkook stared at the photos of him and Haneul decorating the front page with a bold headline. His dating scandal had gone viral as expected. Ever since that kiss on the red carpet, they had been after him like an eagle.
There were many theories about how they met and speculating their dating timeline. Jungkook glanced at the fuming director of his upcoming movie with his mouth agape. He has been to several meetings in the past, but he has seen no one yelling at his agency staff like this before.
Taehyung, Henry, and the agency's director were there apart from him. He hasn't seen Director Chang since he signed into the agency. But now he was in California. Jungkook wondered what brought him here.
Im Heesung was the most celebrated director in South Korea and a winner of two Oscar awards for his movies. Jungkook had never dreamed of starring in his film, but imagine his surprise when he found out the director who scouted him was none other than Mr. Im Heesung himself.
The agency didn't think twice before signing the contract. The deal was sealed. But the last thing Jungkook expected today was to be called into an urgent meeting to face a very furious director who was there in person.
Im Heesung was a man in his late forties. He was a few inches shorter than Jungkook with salt and pepper hair. He was lean and sported three-day stubble. The black circles under his eyes told him about the recent sleepless nights and hard work. The man smelled like tobacco. Even now, he had an unlit cigarette between his fingers as he yelled at them.
"I specifically told you I need Jungkook for an entire year. I chose him for a reason, but now he is out there holding hands with this actress. Also, what is this news I hear about? Wasn't I clear? Jungkook or Taehyung aren't allowed to work on any other schedule when they have a contract with me."
Jungkook realized Heesung's anger was directed at Henry, his manager.
"Mr. Im, you realize you're asking for too much. Jungkook is the most scouted artist from our agency. You can't expect him to not work on anything else—"
"So you purposefully chose to ignore my terms and conditions," Heesung accused.
"That's not true. It's just one movie. It'll take three months to film, and you can have Jungkook—"
"I wanted him in Korea two weeks ago. He's still here, and I heard he worked on two campaigns after signing the contract. You also announced his new movie on the day you signed the contract, which is against our conditions," Heesung gritted through his teeth. "I had to postpone all my work and come here specifically for this because you wouldn't return my calls."
"Mr. Im, please calm down. Things like this happen all the time." Henry laughed. "We are businessmen. Two weeks isn't gonna change anything."
"Maybe for you." Heesung's features hardened. "For me, it changes everything. I can sue your agency for violation of the contract."
"Or you can terminate the contract," Henry suggested rudely. "You were the one who wanted Jungkook. Not the other way around."
"Sure, Mr. Li. You can initiate the process with my legal team if that's the case." Heesung stood, and then glanced at Jungkook. "It's a shame you're stuck with them." Then he turned to Henry. "You will hear soon from my legal team."
Jungkook's heart dropped to his stomach, and he glanced at Taehyung with a startled look. So this movie was his ticket to Korea. How was he supposed to leave now? On the other hand, Henry smirked as if he had planned for this all along.
Henry stood without a hint of remorse. "Jungkook is our golden goose. We would be losing millions of won if he didn't work for a year," he scoffed. "The actual shooting doesn't start for another six months, so I signed him for another movie. The shooting is for ninety days, and he will be free after that. Mr. Im is exaggerating."
"I don't think he is exaggerating," Director Chang said. "The management specifically said to give this priority. But you acted so recklessly. I heard the script has scope for several awards."
"A script none of us has seen yet," Henry interjected.
"Heesung is like that," Director Chang shot back. "He doesn't reveal the script beforehand. The actors and actresses sign up just based on the trust they have in him. Do you even have any idea how my agencies compete to get their artists on his films?"
Henry just shrugged. "He waited for Jungkook and even sent a team here for an audition. If anything, he needs us and not the other way around." He gathered the files. "Mr. Im will be back to negotiate soon. Don't worry, Director-nim. I've seen people like him before. I know how to handle them."
When he exited the room without another room, Jungkook felt like the world was slipping from under his feet. That was his only hope. Now that was also gone. He didn't know how to get home now. He shrank in his chair, shoulders hunching as the emotions crashed into him.
It's all over. I'm stuck again.
Two days later.
"What the fuck is this?" Director Chang slammed the documents on the table. "You said he will be back to negotiate, but they're demanding 100,000 million won per actor as compensation for violating their terms and conditions. And another 100,000 million won as compensation for the delay in their work caused by us."
"Do you have any idea what negative press can do to us? Only a fool would terminate a contract with Im Heesung," Director Chang bellowed. "You've always been an asshole, but I let you get away with it because you always bring money. But this time, I can't allow your foolishness to bring our agency down."
"Director Chang, but he's demanding too much," he argued. "He wants us to cancel the movie contract and clear the dating rumors."
"Isn't it bad press? People will know we lied and—"
Director Chang jumped to his feet. "Jungkook has to be in Korea now! Do you hear me? And I swear, Henry. I'll fire your ass and take all this from your account if you don't listen. Cancel that contract with this new company and clear out all the rumors. Do it fucking now!"
Henry clenched his jaw and fisted his hands.
"I don't know how you make it happen. You brought this mess upon us, and now you will clear it." Director Chang stormed out of the office.
Jungkook and Taehyung glanced at each other. Relief flooded him in waves. After two sleepless tension-filled nights, he felt like he could finally breathe.
Take that bastard. You can't stop me from going home.
He jumped to his feet, refusing to meet Henry's furious gaze.
"Come on, Taehyung. I have a lot to pack," he said, exiting the office room.
The waiting room of the underground fighting club was bustling with crowd. People parted like waves when they saw him coming. Jimin ignored all the attention on him and headed to Yoongi.
Yoongi urged him inside and shut the door behind him. Seokjin was ready with the medi-kit.
"Did you see this?" Yoongi asked, putting the phone in front of him. "Jungkook's agency denied the dating rumors and said it was a publicity stunt."
Jimin quickly grabbed the phone, ignoring the pain that shot through his ribs. The asshole caught him good this time. It was a minor mistake. But even a tiny mistake like that would cost a lot in a fight ring. But he was distracted since the news about Jungkook and the other actress came.
"Your lip is busted again," Seokjin grumbled. He dabbed the cotton over the bloody lip. "I told you Jungkook wouldn't do something like that to you. I watched that video at least ten times. It looked like he was arguing with her." He carefully applied the antiseptic cream, patching him up like he did every weekend after the fight. "I know how Jungkookie looks when he's smitten. That isn't the love-struck look he had on his face. You know him better than me, Jiminie. Trust me when I tell you. He only looks at you that way."
Jimin's heart raced at the assurance. Then, it skipped a few beats. He read the headlines again and again before delving into the news. The news itself was contradicting and half-assed. Several angry comments supported Jungkook and blamed the agency. The comments all claimed how the agency was mistreating their artists and how they should treat them better.
"And with a girl?" Seokjin scoffed. "Puh-lease... tell me something believable."
Jimin's lips twitched slightly. He exhaled and pressed the ice pack Seokjin handed him. He listened to Jin grumbling about Jungkook and his agency. Seokjin always had a soft corner.
It was Yoongi, who introduced him to Namjoon and Seokjin. Later, when Jungkook learned there was a vacancy for a part-timer, he joined. Since then, Seokjin took him under his wing, fussing over him at every chance he got.
His heart was still heavy, and his thoughts strayed to the day he received that call. It was an American number, and there was only one person he could think of calling. But Jungkook didn't say a word. He was restless since that call. He wondered if there was something wrong. Maybe Jungkook called to tell him about the fake dating.
Jimin sighed. He wished there was an expiry date to this pain or a quick fix. He just didn't know how to handle this uncertainty. However, he trusted Jungkook. As much as he thought he wasn't the right fit for Jungkook anymore, he still loved him. There was nothing in the world that could stop him from loving Jungkook.
He rubbed his chest absent-mindedly.
I miss you so much, my baby.
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