Chapter 8: Lara's Attitude

(On the motorcycle, Lara, Sam and Nathan were following Vaas.)

Nathan: "Where is he going?"

Sam: "I don't know, but we can't lose track of him!" (They heard sirens behind them.)

Lara: "Guys, we got trouble!"

Nathan: "These cops again? What's going on, now?"

Police man #4: "Stop in the name of the law! Pull over!"

Nathan: "Wait a minute. What's the speed limit?" (Lara looked at a speed limit sign.)

Lara: "It's 23 mph."

Nathan: "Are you kidding me?!"

Lara: "No, I'm not joking!"

Sam: "I'm doing 25 mph."

Nathan: "We're going passed the speed limit!"

Sam: "That's the plan. If we want to catch up to Vaas. We gotta go fast. Like really fast. Hold on!" (He sped up and Vaas was pretty fast at running.)

Sam: "Man, he is fast." (The cops were getting upset.)

Police man #3: "Stop right now or we will use lethal force!"

Sam: "No!" (He knocked over some boxes to distract the cops, but they weren't stupid. One of them took a gun out and began shooting at the motorcycle.)

Nathan: "Ahh! Holy crap!" (Lara dodged a bullet.)

Lara: "They're shooting at us! What do we do?"

Sam: "There should be some marbles and thumbtacks in my bag, Nathan. Do you see them?" (Nathan opened his bag and grabbed them.)

Nathan: "Got it. There's also some firecrackers in there."

Sam: "Perfect. You two distract the cops. I'm keeping an eye on Vaas."

Nathan: "Ready?"

Lara: "Yeah."

Nathan: "Launch them!" (He spilled all the marbles and Lara dropped the tacks on the ground. He also lit up the firecrackers and dropped them in front of the cop cars. Their wheels starts to pop and burst. The cops got out the car and got upset. Lara and Nathan were laughing.)

Nathan: "Yes! The cops have lost us and we are free!"

Sam: "Great job, you two! Now, where's Vaas?" (He looked up, but he was gone.)

Sam: "What?! No way! I just saw him!"

Lara: "Are you okay up there?"

Nathan: "Yeah. What's going on, bro?"

Sam: "He disappeared!"

Lara: "What?!"

Nathan: "He's gone. You sure?"

Sam: "Yes, I had my eyes on him and now he went poof." (There were dead end signs everywhere.)

Nathan: "Uh, bro. Where are we going?"

Sam: "There's a road straight ahead. I see it."

Lara: "But I saw signs everywhere."

Sam: "Oh, no. Everybody, brace yourselves! We're going to get soaked!"

Nathan: "Oh, man!" (They were about to hit the rails.)

Sam: "JUMP!" (They jumped and it was a long way down towards the water.)

Nathan: "Craaaaap!" (Lara was screaming for her life and they landed hard in the water. Sam looked around underwater and saw Nathan swimming to get Lara. Sam decided to help out as well just in case that they both start sinking. They got up to the surface.)

Sam: "Nathan, can you hear me?"

Nathan: "Yep. I'm good. Lara, are you okay?" (Lara was silent for a second until water came up from out her mouth.)

Lara: "I'm fine. Not dead yet."

Sam: "Well, my bike is fried."

Nathan: "Great. We lost him."

Lara: "No, how will I get to London, now?" (Nathan realized what's going to happen.)

Nathan: "Oh, no. This is not good."

Lara: "What? What's wrong?"

Nathan: "Lara, give me a sec. Bro, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Sam: "Sure. Go ahead."

Nathan: (Whispers) "Remember Vaas said that he can change people's memories back on that island?"

Sam: (Whispers) "Yeah."

Nathan: (Whispers) "Well, don't you think he's going to do something terribly wrong?"

Sam: (Whispers) "Oh, my god. He's going to London, too."

Nathan: (Whispers) "And something else as well. Her parents."

Sam: (Whispers) "Damn it! We got to tell her."

Nathan: (Whispers) "No, then she'll know that we're lying to her. She wouldn't understand. Remember, she doesn't remember anything. So, whatever you tell her, she's just going to think it's laughing matter. I already tried explaining everything to her, but she doesn't believe me at all. You try to make sense to her."

Sam: (Whispers) "Crap. Then she wouldn't believe me."

Nathan: (Whispers) "Exactly. Let her see for herself."

Sam: (Whispers) "Okay."

Nathan: "Lara, we will get to London, but I don't know how."

Sam: "Maybe we could take one of the pedestrian cars."

Nathan: "You want to steal someone else's car?"

Sam: "Well, it's not like you've been stealing things since you were four."

Nathan: "Oh, yeah? Name one thing that I stole."

Sam: "Okay, a lollipop, 20 dollars, an excellence award that you didn't deserve in pre-k, a can of string beans."

Nathan: "What? I was hungry at the time."

Sam: "But stealing a canned item that was for a donation?"

Nathan: "Okay, maybe that was a wrong thing to do."

Sam: "Yep. So, we're taking a car. Deal with it."

Nathan: "Okay, fine."

Sam: "Let me hot wire it. You two make sure the cops didn't walk on foot."

Nathan: "Okay." (At Croft Manor, Amelia and Richard was preparing dinner and Richard looked at his watch.)

Richard: "It's passed nine o' clock and Lara's still missing. I hope the cops didn't get held in traffic."

Amelia: "It's fine. They probably found her by now, my love. Don't worry. I know I'm not. Anyway, I'm going to the grocery store to buy her a cake. It may take me a while because it's so far away from where we are."

Richard: "Be careful, Amelia. I love you."

Amelia: "I love you, too." (They both heard the doorbell.)

Richard: "Who on earth is that?"

Amelia: "It must be the police. They're here with our angel."

Richard: "Well, at least that's good news." (Amelia opened the door and saw no one.)

Amelia: "Huh. That's odd." (She looked below and saw Vaas as a child.)

Amelia: "Oh, hello there, little boy. Are you lost?" (Vaas looked down for a second and shook his head.)

Amelia: "Well, what's the problem, then?" (Vaas took out a gun and pointed at her.)

Vaas: "It's you." (Amelia had a terrifying look on her face and backed up.)

Amelia: "Listen, child. That is a dangerous weapon. Put it down! Richard!" (Richard looked and saw Vaas pointing a gun at Amelia.)

Richard: "Hey, put the gun down! She didn't do anything to you!" (Vaas shot her in the chest two times then in the head.)

Richard: "No! Amelia, my love!" (He grabbed a frying pan.)

Richard: "Alright, you demon child! Get out of my house!" (Vaas shot his foot and Richard yelled in horrible pain. Richard fell on the floor and Vaas was walking over him. He aimed the gun at his head.)

Richard: "Please, don't kill me." (Vaas waved goodbye at Richard.)

Richard: "No, no. N..." (Vaas shot him and he ran off while the door was wide open. Back to Nathan, Lara and Sam.)

Nathan: "Brother, you better hurry. I don't think they're staring at their wheels anymore."

Sam: "I'm going as quickly as I can. I'm not trying to get electricuted over here." (He got the car to start.)

Sam: "Awesome! Thank you, Uncle Duncan. Everyone get in!"

Nathan: "Come on, Lara!" (Lara got in and Nathan sat in the passenger seat.)

Sam: "We're off!" (He drove and Nathan puts on his seatbelt. They arrived at Croft Manor a few minutes later and saw how the door was open.)

Sam: "What the hell happened here?"

Nathan: "Oh, no. We're too late."

Lara: "I'm home. I'm home!" (She got out of the car.)

Nathan: "Lara, wait! Don't go in there!" (He ran after her and Sam turned off the car.)

Lara: "Mum, Dad! I'm home! You will never believe how long I wanted to come home. I was..." (She ran in the house and the whole place was trashed. She looked around and saw her parents lying on the floor dead.)

Lara: "Mum? Dad!" (She dropped to her knees and crawled towards them. She shook Amelia and Richard.)

Lara: "Mum, dad. I'm here now. Wake up. You don't have to worry anymore. I'm back. Please, wake up." (She shook them again, but they wouldn't move.)

Lara: (Crying) "Mum, dad. Please! It can't be like this! Who would do this? What world does this? Who does this?!" (Nathan saw her crying over her parents and Sam saw as well.)

Nathan: "Evil people that needs to be stopped and Vaas took away your family."

Lara: (Crying) "Mother, father! I'm so sorry! I was too late!" (She sobbed on her knees. Nathan walked towards her and kneeled next to her.)

Nathan: "Lara..." (She held on to Nathan as he holds her gently and kissed her head lightly while she cried. Suddenly, a voice was heard in Nathan's head.)

Man voice: "Hey, amigo. Wake up! Rise and shine, buddy!" (In reality, Nathan woke up in alarm.)

Vaas: "He's alive! Yes, I knew he would rise up!" (Nathan grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.)

Nathan: "What the hell is this?! How long have we been asleep?"

Vaas: "Dude, it's been ten hours you've been asleep. At least we know it works."

Nathan: "Sam." (He went over to Sam and woke him up.)

Nathan: "Sam, wake up! Come back to reality!" (Sam woke up in alarm.)

Sam: "What the hell? That was really scary."

Nathan: "No, kidding. Sully!" (Nathan shook Sully.)

Nathan: "Sully, wake up. You need to come back." (Sully woke up.)

Sully: "Wow, kid. I had the strangest dream."

Nathan: "Well, welcome back to reality, old man. Where's Lara? What did you do in that memory, huh?"

Vaas: "Like I said, I'm changing her memories, hermano. I want her a part of my life and she should've never met you in the first place."

Nathan: "You piece of crap. Tell me where she is. Now!"

Sam: "Yeah, before we attack you."

Vaas: "You want to find her? She's in the next room."

Nathan: "If you have done anything to her, I will choke the living life out of your soul."

Vaas: "Don't worry. I haven't done anything."

Sully: "Yeah, you better not." (Nathan ran to the next room and saw Lara lying on the machine bed.)

Nathan: "Oh, thank god." (He walked towards her and gently woke her.)

Nathan: "Lara. Lara, wake up. It's me, Nathan." (She didn't move at all.)

Nathan: "Come on, Lara. Please wake up. I love you." (He caressed her face and she gently opened her eyes and looked around. Then she saw Nathan.)

Lara: "Na...Nathan?" (Nathan smiled at her.)

Nathan: "Welcome back, my sweet turtle dove." (He gently rose her up and she hugged him.)

Nathan: "Are you okay?"

Lara: "Yeah, more than okay."

Nathan: "I saw you in my head."

Lara: "What?"

Nathan: "I saw you in my head. We were together in your memories. You don't remember?"

Lara: "Oh...right. Sorry, I didn't have any water all day. I could really use some right now."

Nathan: "We'll have to look for some near the river."

Lara: "Wait a minute. Where am I?"

Nathan: "You're in Rook Island with me, my brother, Sully and the kids."

Lara: "I don't know what's going on. I...think I'm going to throw something."

Nathan: "I don't know what's going on either. Lara, are you alright?"

Lara: "I need love. I feel so cold inside. Shivering in pain and agony. I need warmth."

Nathan: "Lara, I think you need some water to help you..." (Lara drew him into a kiss and he was feeling on her body. Lara was deepening the kiss and Nathan got on top of her, kissing her neck. Lara moaned a little and she grabbed something off the desk. She held it up above Nathan's head and he sensed it with his survival instincts she taught him. He noticed that it was a knife in her head getting ready to strike him.)

Nathan: "Whoa, crap!" (He got up and straightened himself.)

Lara: "What's the matter?"

Nathan: "Lara, this...this isn't you at all."

Lara: "I don't understand. Of course it's me. The one you know and love." (She puts her hand on his body and Nathan stops her.)

Nathan: "No, it's not. You never act like this. Lara, what happened to you? What did he do?"

Lara: "He cured me."

Nathan: "Cured you? Of what?"

Lara: "Of being with you. I don't need you any longer. Now, that I have someone else in my life. You're history."

Nathan: "Lara, something is wrong with you and I think I can help you."

Lara: "No! I don't need your help! I can handle myself!" (She yelled because her head began to hurt.)

Nathan: "Lara! What's happening to you?!" (Lara's bloodstream turned bright red and her eyes turned piercing red. She froze for a minute.)

Nathan: "Lara? Are you okay?" (He walked towards her slowly and he got attacked by her.)

Nathan: "Lara, it's me! What are you doing?"

Lara: "I don't know you anymore! I should kill you!" (Sam and Sully came inside.)

Sully: "Hey, kid. How's Lara?"

Sam: "Oh, s***!" (Nathan was struggling to get Lara off him.)

Nathan: "Lara, I'm not your enemy! You must think about your family!"

Lara: "Shut up!" (She was grabbed by Sam and Sully.)

Sam: "God damn it! Calm down, Lara!"

Sully: "We don't want to hurt you!"

Lara: "But I do!" (She had strength to throw them both against the wall. Then she ran off into the jungle.)

Nathan: "Lara! Come back! Damn it!" (Sully rubbed his head and Sam dusted himself off.)

Sully: "Kid, since when did Lara know how to throw us like that with all her strength?"

Nathan: "Because it's not her. Vaas did something to her and I intend to find out." (Back to Sanchez, Isabelle and Trevor.)

Sanchez: "Ta-da! Here we are!" (It was a place where children can play.)

Isabelle: "Are you serious? A playground?"

Trevor: "Really?"

Sanchez: "Yes. I didn't want you to be bored."

Trevor: "You are the worst villain in the history of mankind."

Sanchez: "You may think I'm the worst, but I'm great with children."

Isabelle: "Yeah, I don't think so. Come on, Trevor. Let's go find our family."

Sanchez: "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You can't leave yet."

Isabelle: "No way. We're not going to get captured again!" (She kicked him in the peanuts. Sanchez was groaning in pain and fell on his knees.)

Isabelle: "Let's go, Trevor! Run!"

Trevor: "Running!" (They both dodged trees and a savage man grabbed Isabelle.)

Isabelle: "Get off me! Trevor, help!"

Trevor: "Alright, nasty man! Get your hands off my sister!" (He stepped on his foot and it made a crunch sound. The savage man yelled and Isabelle bit his hand hard. The savage man yelled even louder and he let Isabelle go.)

Isabelle: "Thank you, Trev."

Trevor: "You're welcome, Belle. No one messes with my sister. Keep running!" (They ran through the jungle to get to their parents.)

(End of Chapter 8: Lara's Attitude)

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