Chapter 4: Visiting Elena
(At night in Lara's apartment, Nathan was sleeping peacefully and Lara was tossing and turning from her nightmares in her head.)
***Lara: "Why are you in my nightmares? Get the hell out of here!"
***Vaas: "Aw, what? Am I not good enough to be in your dreams or is it Nathan that's giving you all of his love and not me?"
***Lara: "You are not touching me, you abusive, drug addict and egotistical scumbag!"
***Vaas: "Ooh, that hit me right in my heart. You are a fiery, selfish and despicable woman who has taste in such evil, bad men. I like that a lot."
***Lara: "You digust me."
***Vaas: "And you're in love with me. You just wouldn't admit it to me."
***Lara: "Because you're a bad person and I don't love you! I never even cared for you, but you wouldn't give up that easily."
***Vaas: "Of course I wouldn't, chica. You'll always be in my dreams at night."
***Lara: "You pervert."
***Vaas: "I don't care how long it will take for you to come to me and once you do, I will show you my love chamber."
***Lara: "Nathan won't stand for this nonsense. I won't stand for this nonsense. We will find you and stick your head on a pike!"
***Vaas: "You may threaten me, but you'll still be mine. Reject my offer and your people that you care so dear about will be long gone."
***Lara: "That isn't going to happen. You're bluffing. I can see it in your face."
***Vaas: "Oh, am I? Well, you don't want anything to happen to the kids, right?" (The kids were caught in a huge net with spikes at the bottom.)
***Lara: "Children!"
***Vaas: "Or your friends." (They were hanging over the ocean where sharks are hungry.)
***Nathan: "Lara!"
***Lara: "Nathan! You wouldn't dare!"
***Vaas: "Oh, I'm not finished yet, chica. You see, if you don't say anything at all. The kids will die first, then your friends will die as well."
***Lara: "You're...a monster."
***Vaas: "No, chica. You're the monster. Now, answer these 4 questions for me. If you say yes to all of them, then they'll go free. But if it's not the answer that I am looking for, they'll die! Are you ready to answer?"
***Lara: "....Yes."
***Vaas: "Excellent. Here's number 1: "Would you protect me from harm?"
***Lara: "Yes."
***Vaas: "Good. Number 2: "Would you strip down in front of me and dance?"
***Sully: "Don't answer that!" (He got poked with a spear on his leg.)
***Vaas: "SHUT UP OR YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE! Answer, chica. I'm waiting."
***Lara: "Yes."
***Vaas: "I would love to see you do that right now, but as you can see you're tied up. Maybe later, though." (He winked at her and Nathan frowned.)
***Vaas: "Anyway, number 3: "Would you die for me?"
***Lara: "Yes...."
***Vaas: "Wonderful and the last and final question. This is the most important one. Number 4: "Do you love me and do you want to stay with me forever without EVER leaving this island?"
***Nathan: "Please, Lara. You can't say yes."
***Lara: "I'm so sorry, Nathan, but...I got to. For your sake and others. Yes."
***Vaas: "Yes! I knew you wouldn't hold back! Hahaha! Guards, let them suffer anyway! She's mine!"
***Lara: "What?! NO!"
***Sully: "Close your eyes, Lara! You don't want to watch this part!"
***Trevor: "Mom! Dad!"
***Isabelle: "I don't want to die!" (The sounds of impaling and cracking bones were loud for Lara to hear. She closed her eyes.)
***Lara: "Oh my god!"
***Vaas: "I know! That was fun, right?"
***Vaas: "Uh, no. I am your family now and I can tell you were lying to me the entire time."
***Lara: "No, I was being honest!"
***Vaas: "Oh, please! You still want to go to Nathan! Don't worry, that's going to end right now. Prepare to die, my sweet hot pepper!"
***Lara: "No, please stop! NOOO!" (She heard a stab sound through her body and Lara screamed in terror. Nathan turned on the lamp quickly and saw Lara panting really hard.)
Nathan: "Lara, jesus! Are you alright?" (Lara started to sob because it was really scary.)
Lara: (Sobbing) "Nathan. Everytime I go to sleep, I keep seeing Vaas in my dreams. It felt so real."
Nathan: "Lara, Vaas isn't here. He's gone. We left the island and we never came back."
Lara: "I keep seeing Vaas and I'm scared, Nathan. I'm so scared." (Nathan held her as she cried in his arms.)
Nathan: "It's okay. I'm here with you. There's nothing to be afraid of. I won't let Vaas take you over."
Lara: "Are you sure?"
Nathan: "Yes. I'm absolutely sure."
Lara: "I need love from you, Nathan and only you. I'm afraid that Vaas might take that love away from us."
Nathan: "He can try, but it won't happen. Nothing can tear us apart."
Lara: "I don't want any of us to feel neglected. Please, Nathan. I need you to love me."
Nathan: "I do love you."
Lara: "Prove it to Vaas. Make him jealous. That way I can have a peaceful sleep. Just so he can leave me alone and get out of my dreams."
Nathan: "Okay, but are you sure it'll work?"
Lara: "I know it will."
Nathan: "Okay. Are you ready?"
Lara: "Yes, just do it so I can sleep with no problems." (Nathan gives her a pill that the doctor gave her from the clinic.)
Nathan: "Just in case it occurs again." (Lara puts the pill in her mouth and drank some water to swallow it. Nathan then dove in and kissed Lara. She was feeling his body and Nathan kisses her neck. She moaned lightly. Nathan removed his shirt and hers. They fell in love all night until Lara finally went to sleep peacefully. Nathan leaned over and kissed her right temple of her head. Nathan closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. The morning came and the family woke up.)
Sully: "What a beautiful day. Other than the sounds of last night, how did you guys sleep?"
Sam: "I slept just fine. Samantha called me."
Nathan: "Again? What did she say?"
Sam: "She was wondering what I was doing and I told her I was doing great."
Lara: "Maybe you could ask her to come over sometime. I'm sure she'll agree to that."
Sam: "I hope she's not too busy."
Nathan: "Look, bro. After we do whatever we do is finished, call her."
Sam: "Okay. I will."
Nathan: "Great."
Lara: "Guys, we're going to see Elena."
Sully: "Really?"
Lara: "Yeah, she wants us to come visit her."
Isabelle: "Who is she?"
Trevor: "Yeah."
Nathan: "Well, technically she's your aunt."
Trevor: "We have an auntie?"
Lara: "Yes, Trevor. You children indeed have an aunt."
Isabelle: "Awesome!" (She high fived Trevor.)
Lara: "We better eat breakfast before we leave."
Sully: "Yeah. We're not leaving without food in our stomachs."
Lara: "We'll make it fast. Bagels, eggs and bacon."
Nathan: "I'll do the bacon."
Sam: "I'll do the eggs."
Lara: "I'm left to do the bagels and cream cheese."
Isabelle: "Trevor and I want to help, too!"
Trevor: "We'll do the orange juice!"
Nathan: "Aww, the kids want to help."
Sam: "I'd say let them help."
Sully: "Yeah, they can't do any harm to the oranges."
Nathan: "Lara?"
Lara: "If they want to help, then be my guest. Have at it, children."
Trevor and Isabelle: "Yay!"
Isabelle: "Trevor, give me a pitcher to put the juice in."
Trevor: "Roger that, sister!"
Sam: "Roger that. That is too adorable." (Sam was about to cry, but he held it in and laughed instead.)
Lara: "I wonder where they got that from."
Nathan: "Me. You could say it was me."
Sully: "But was it you?"
Nathan: "Yes, it was me."
Lara: "It would seem they love their father very much."
Nathan: "And their mother. You." (Lara smiled and he smiled, too.)
Sully: "Oh, geez. Foood buuurning!" (Nathan looked at the bacon and it was burning.)
Nathan: "Ah, crap! The bacon!" (He turned off the heat for the bacon.)
Nathan: "Hope you like your bacon extra crispy." (Lara looks at the pan.)
Lara: "It's not that bad."
Sully: "I hope the bacon doesn't taste extra extra burnt."
Nathan: "Why? Would you like cream of wheat instead?"
Sully: "Would you like a dusty shoe stuck in your throat? Because I would be so glad to kick it in there." (Isabelle and Trevor looked away.)
Isabelle and Trevor: "Oooh."
Nathan: "If the kids weren't in here, I'd be kicking your butt right now."
Sully: "Oh, we'll see, big shot."
Lara: "Gentlemen, I don't want to get Mason to straighten you out, do I?"
Nathan and Sully: "No, ma'am."
Lara: "Good. Now, stop playing the both of you."
Nathan: "Sure."
Sully: "Fine."
Lara: "Besides breakfast has just been served anyway."
Sam: "Hey, Isabelle and Trevor. Is the orange juice chilled and ready to go?"
Trevor: "Yep. Nice and cold."
Isabelle: "It's ready to be poured in 8 glasses."
Nathan: "Eight?"
Trevor: "Yeah. Bryce and Zip?"
Isabelle: "You didn't forget them, right?"
Lara: "Children. We sort of forget we let them sleep outside."
Isabelle: "Unbelievable. Can you believe this, Trevor?"
Trevor: "You guys need to be ashamed of yourselves! Leaving them out there in the rain and cold?"
Isabelle: "Disrespectful parents! Let's get them, Trevor."
Trevor: "Stay here and don't move a muscle!" (They went out the door to grab Bryce and Zip.)
Sam: "You know, those kids are right. You are disrespectful parents. They are pretty intelligent. Man, kids growup too fast." (Isabelle and Trevor came back with Bryce and Zip.)
Bryce: "Morning, guys!"
Zip: "What's up?"
Nathan: "Good morning!"
Sam: "Bout time you techies showed up."
Zip: "Yep. I am starving."
Sully: "Well, pull up a chair and start chowing down."
Isabelle: "Wait, we need to say prayers."
Trevor: "That's right."
Sam: "Wow. I love them so much." (He smiled.)
Nathan: "Okay, kids. Go ahead."
Isabelle: "I'll begin. God, bless this food that we are about to devour into our bellies and bless this amazing apartment."
Trevor: "Also bless the family."
Isabelle: "Mother, father."
Trevor: "Uncle Sam, Grandpa Sully. Zip and Bryce."
Isabelle: "Mason and bless great grandfather Winston. We miss him a lot and I hope he can hear this. Also bless mother to have our home back. The Manor and we will be forever in your debt, God. Thank you."
Isabelle and Trevor: "Amen."
All: "Amen." (Isabelle and Trevor picked up their silverware.)
Nathan: "Children. That was beautiful."
Lara: "It was. Thank you both. I couldn't have been more proud of you."
Isabelle: "We overheard that you keep blaming yourself for what happened."
Trevor: "So, we decided to pray for you. It's okay if you don't earn it back. We're still going to be together as a family."
Isabelle: "It's like father said. Nothing is going to tear us apart."
Lara: "That's right."
Sam: "I'll never forget that."
Sully: "So will I."
Bryce: "Hear, hear."
Zip: "I'll drink to that with my orange juice." (He gulped down the juice. Everyone ate their food and their plates were cleaned.)
Lara: "Everyone ready to go?"
Isabelle: "Yep."
Trevor: "Let's go!"
Zip: "We'll be in the trailer outside. Call us if you need us."
Lara: "We will. Are you sure you won't come with us?"
Sully: "I'm pretty sure that they'll stay. You never know when a stranger breaks in."
Bryce: "Exactly, Sully. Exactly."
Sam: "Suit yourselves."
Nathan: "Let's go visit Elena."
Lara: "Bryce, Zip? Keep an eye on the apartment. Make sure no one gets in or out."
Zip: "Got it. We promise that your apartment is safe and sound."
Lara: "Good. I'm going to hold you two for that. See you boys later."
Bryce: "Bye!" (Lara got into her jeep and started it. Sully got in a rented car and Sam got in the passenger seat. They all took off and headed to Elena's house in North America which is Colorado. Lara parked on the side of their house and turned off the car.)
Lara: "Children, make sure you be polite and don't cause any trouble."
Trevor: "No problem, mom."
Isabelle: "We won't do anything reckless. Honest."
Lara: "Okay, let's go say hello." (Sully stopped the car behind Lara's Jeep.)
Sully: "You ready for this, kid?"
Sam: "Little nervous. Do you think that Elena will know me?"
Sully: "She might remember you. It's been so long, though."
Sam: "Yeah. Yeah, I'm...good."
Sully: "Don't be nervous, kid. You got this in the bag."
Sam: "Yeah, you're right. Let's do this." (They both got out of the car and caught up with Lara.)
Sully: "You think she's home, Lara?"
Lara: "Yes, she told me for sure that she's at home." (She rings the doorbell and heard Elena muffled behind the door.)
Elena: "I'm coming. Hold on." (She unlocked the door.)
Sam: "Here we go." (Elena opened the door and saw the entire family.)
Elena: "!"
Lara: "Hello, Elena. It's been so long."
Elena: "It has been a long time, my friend. Come on in!" (Everybody got inside the house.)
Sully: "This house is pretty nice. Good job, Elena."
Elena: "Oh, thank you. I decorated the inside of the house. I can't believe you guys actually came all the way from London to see me."
Lara: "I'm glad you called me. If you hadn't, we'd probably be still in London."
Elena: "Oh, give me a hug already, Lara." (Elena drew Lara in for a hug.)
Nathan: "You haven't forgot about us, right?"
Elena: "Of course I haven't forgot, you lug head." (She hugged Nathan and she saw Sully and Sam.)
Elena: "No way! You guys too?"
Sully: "Of course! We wanted to see you as well."
Elena: "I'm glad you came as well."
Isabelle: "What about us?"
Trevor: "Yeah." (Elena looked down and saw the kids.)
Elena: "Are these the children I've been hearing so much about?"
Nathan: "Of course. They were really excited to meet you. This is Isabelle Rosa Croft and Trevor Sean Drake."
Elena: "Hello. I'm guessing I'm the aunt, right?"
Lara: "That's correct."
Elena: "Sweet. You guys are too adorable."
Isabelle: "Thanks."
Trevor: "Thank you." (She hugged them gently.)
Elena: "I'm so happy you're part of the family."
Man: "Baby, who the people at the door?"
Elena: "My family members, honey. Everyone take a seat and I'll bring out some refreshments." (Everyone took a seat and Sam receives a text message from Samantha Nishimura. He texted her. "Hey, Samantha. How are you?" Samantha texted back. "Feeling great. 😄 How are you?" Sam texted back to her. "I'm at my friend's house having a good time. I was wondering if you're interested in coming over to see me whenever I'm done going on missions." Samantha texted back. "I would love to, but I'm in Paris exploring and taking videos right now and I won't be back to America in a few days. 😢" Sam felt a little sad and texted back. "That's alright. I can wait. Just remember this: Sei sempre sopra mio mente vicino o lontano." (In translation: "You're always on my mind near or far.") Samantha smiled and texted back. "Sei moito gentile." (In translation: "You are very kind. 😀") Sam texted her. "I gotta go. Duty calls." Samantha texted back. "Okay, see you later." (Sam went to turned off his phone and Nathan looked over his shoulder.)
Nathan: "What's going on, bro?"
Sam: "Do you have to breathe all over my neck just to see what I was doing?"
Nathan: "My bad, bro. Sorry to be in your space. It's none of my business."
Sam: "It's Samantha, Nathan."
Nathan: "Lara's best friend? Ooh, what did she say?"
Sam: "She says that she'll be back in America in a few days. She's in Paris right now as we speak."
Nathan: "Awesome. That's perfect. You do like Lara's best friend, don't you?"
Sam: "I guess. I don't even know her history yet."
Nathan: "Brother, you got to work on your first relationship with women. Fast."
Sam: "Yeah, sure I do." (Elena got a tray full of lemonade drinks.)
Elena: "Okay, we got regular lemonade, pink lemonade, strawberry lemonade, blueberry lemonade, peach lemonade and my personal favorite raspberry lemonade. Choose your flavor."
Isabelle: "Whoa, so many flavors!"
Trevor: "I don't know which one to choose!"
Nathan: "Choose which ever you think is the prettiest?"
Isabelle and Trevor: "Raspberry lemonade." (They grabbed their cups.)
Nathan: "Well, well, well. Would you look at that, Elena. They seem to love the same drink you like."
Elena: "That's...actually incredible!" (The man came in and saw the family.)
Man: "Hello there." (The family waved at the guy.)
Elena: "Guys, meet my boyfriend Joshua Fisher. Yes, it's pretty strange that we have the same exact last name."
Joshua: "It is weird, right?"
Nathan: "No, no. I don't think it's weird at all."
Trevor: "Pretty cool, actually!"
Isabelle: "Stupendous!"
Joshua: "Why, thank you. You can call me Josh by the way. You don't have to say my full name."
Sully: "Okay, Josh. I have a question for you."
Josh: "Yes, sir."
Sully: "Do you ever smoke or drink?"
Josh: "Well, for starters, I don't like to smoke because it's bad for your health and I personally do love to drink."
Sully: "Hmm. I see. You're an alcoholic. Check."
Nathan: "Okay, that was awkward. Josh."
Josh: "Yes, uh...your name?"
Nathan: "Oh, Nathan. Nathan Drake." (He shook Josh's hand with a firm grip.)
Josh: "Cool. Now, what do you want to ask me?"
Nathan: "Where were you born?"
Josh: "I was born in New York City."
Nathan: "Ah, the biggest, colorful city you ever laid your eyes on. Heh. How is it up there?"
Josh: "Cold, traffic. It gets irritating once in a while."
Nathan: "Oh. Too much?"
Josh: "Yeah, it gets in your hair from time to time and you just get sick of it, you know?"
Nathan: "I know what you mean, Josh."
Sam: "Hey, Josh."
Josh: "Wow, so many questions. What is this, a interview?"
Sam: (Laughs) "You're pretty funny. I'm Samuel Drake and I was about to ask you, what do you do for a hobby? Like do you go on adventures?"
Josh: "I do! I go on tours and stuff like that."
Sam: "Cool. I'm into that kind of stuff too and my brother Nathan."
Trevor: "We got a question, Mr. Josh."
Josh: "Go ahead, little man. Fire away!"
Trevor: "Do you play games?"
Josh: "Games? You mean like board games?"
Trevor: "No silly. Video games!"
Josh: "Oh, those? No, no, no. I'm not a video game person. They make my eyes hurt. Sitting in front of the tv all day, it hurts your brain."
Isabelle: "I agree."
Trevor: "Oh, okay. Do you have a guitar?"
Josh: "I do as a matter of fact. An electric guitar."
Trevor: "Wicked. Can I see it?"
Josh: "Maybe not right now. Perhaps later?"
Trevor: "Okay, sounds cool."
Isabelle: "Yeah, I want to hear some tunes, too."
Josh: "Alright, let me know when you're ready to rock n' roll?"
Trevor: "Okay."
Isabelle: "Will do, Mr. Josh." (Nathan looks over to Lara and she was zoning out.)
***Vaas: "Don't forget, chica. I got eyes on you. You'll never escape me again. Never in your f****** life." (Nathan puts his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it.)
Nathan: "Lara, are you alright? You're so quiet." (Lara snapped out of it and looked at Nathan.)
Lara: "Huh?"
Sully: "You okay? Earth to Lara."
Sam: "You good?"
Trevor: "Mom, are you okay?"
Lara: "Everyone, I'm okay."
Josh: "You sure about that? You look a little pale."
Elena: "Maybe it's the sugar in the drink. I'll go get her some cold water."
Lara: "Guys, I'm okay. Really. Enough with the worries and treatments."
Elena: "Okay, but still you need water."
Lara: "Fine." (Josh cleared his throat.)
Josh: "So, honey. What are we having for dinner?"
Elena: "Well, since we went to Jamaica last week. How about we have some Jamaican food?"
Trevor and Isabelle: "Ya, mon." (The family started to laugh. In a few hours later, it was starting to get a little dark and Elena served the food.)
Elena: "We got curry chicken and rice with vegetables and meat patties."
Isabelle and Trevor: "Yay!"
Isabelle: "It's going to be so good!"
Trevor: "My mouth's watering just looking at it."
Nathan: "Trevor, your mother talked about this."
Trevor: "Oops. Sorry, mom and dad. How rude am I to the table."
Lara: "It's okay, Trev."
Elena: "Alright, who gets to say the blessing?"
Sam: "Perhaps you should do it. It is your house."
Sully: "Exactly, Sam. You should say the prayer."
Josh: "Go ahead, babe."
Elena: "Okay. Heavenly Father, thank you for reuniting my family again and bless this food that we are about eat. Make sure that we are protected by your light and make us feel like we belong together. Forever in your prayers I say, amen."
All: "Amen."
Elena: "Alright, let's chow down."
Sam: "Yes, I am hungry." (Everyone fixed their plates and began eating.)
Elena: "So, what's your plan for the rest of the day, Lara?"
Lara: "Maybe chill out and relax. Tomorrow, we're going to Brazil to take time off our hands."
Elena: "Amazing. I hope you guys have fun."
Sam: "We will."
Josh: "So, Isabelle and Trevor. Ready to rock out?"
Isabelle and Trevor: "Yes!"
Nathan: "Don't take too long because we have to leave in a few minutes."
Lara: "We have big day tomorrow."
Isabelle and Trevor: "Okay." (They went in Josh's room and he played some notes on his electric guitar.)
Elena: "How was it?"
Sully: "Spicy and delicious. I might actually get heartburn."
Nathan: "Sully?"
Sully: "Calm down, Nate. I'm kidding! I loved it, Elena. You did well."
Sam: "Yes, you're a very good cook."
Elena: "Thank you. Well, I better let you guys out because tomorrow I got to take some photos for Josh to sell."
Lara: "That sounds great. Good luck on that with Josh."
Elena: "Of course, maybe I'll even frame you one."
Sam: "That's not a bad idea."
Lara: "I'm glad we came and visited you. It was fun."
Elena: "It was."
Lara: "Isabelle and Trevor! We're getting ready to leave!"
Trevor: "Okay!"
Isabelle: "We're coming! Bye, Mr. Josh!"
Trevor: "Keep rocking your heart out!" (They hugged Josh and they left.)
Josh: "I'll see you guys next time!"
Trevor: "Okay, bye!" (He waved at Josh and he waved back.)
Elena: "Love you, guys! Drive home safely!"
Lara: "We will!" (The family waved and Elena waved back. Then she closed the door and the driveway light turned off. Back at Lara's apartment in the techies' trailer, Bryce called Lara on the phone.)
Lara: (COM) "Hello, Lara speaking."
Bryce: (Yawns) "Ello, Lara."
Lara: (COM) "Bryce, did you check to see if anyone broke in?"
Bryce: "No one broke in, Lara. Your apartment is clear and we kept watch the whole time."
Lara: (COM) "Good. I knew I could count on you. Where's Zip?"
Bryce: "Zip?" (He peeked over his shoulder and saw Zip knocked out on the bed snoring.)
Bryce: "He's knocked out. Why?"
Lara: (COM) "Just curious. He's always right there next to you. Usually."
Bryce: "Yeah, well. Not anymore."
Lara: (COM) "I hear you. We're on our way back now. So, we'll arrive there in twenty minutes?"
Bryce: "You know that I'll be sleep by then, right? Because...I..."
Lara: (COM) "Bye, Bryce. Good night."
Bryce: "Wait, Lara. I wasn't..." (She hung up the phone on Bryce. He looked at the phone and heard voicemail. He hung up as well.)
Bryce: "Man, she's one rude woman. Yeah and good night to you, too. Crazy British woman." (He went off to sleep in his own bed. A few hours later, the family arrived back and everyone was asleep. Lara was having a nightmare once again.)
***Vaas: "I know you're sleeping, chica. I can tell. I hear your breathing and...your heartbeat. It's beating very fast. You're afraid of me and that's fine because I'm afraid of myself as well. Go on, say something."
***Lara: "Drink your own poison, you hideous terrorist!"
***Vaas: (Laughs) "Once again with those insulting words! You may think I'm f******* crazy and bat**** insane, but I think you're the one who's crazier than me and I like that a lot! Come on, say some more insulting words! I dare you!"
***Lara: "You are a maniac! Release me at once!"
***Vaas: "I knew you had it in you and you're not allowed to make demands while I'm there in your big brain of yours. You may shut me out as many times as you want, chica, but remember, I'll always find a way to pull you back in. Matter of fact, I can do that right now. Think of something hopeful. Go on, I'll wait."
***Lara: "There's no way I'm going to..."
***Vaas: "Fine. Fine, I'll make one up for you, but I promise you it will scare you."
***Lara: "Yeah, I doubt that."
***Vaas: "Hush, chica. An image is coming." (There was a little illusion where Nathan and the kids were having fun at the park.)
**Trevor: "Hey, dad! I can see the swings from here!"
**Isabelle: "Yeah, me too."
**Nathan: "Alright. Go ahead. I'll catch up."
**Isabelle: "Race you to the swings!"
**Trevor: "I'm so gonna beat you!"
**Isabelle: "We'll see!" (They started running.)
**Nathan: "Kids. They are so funny. Hey, Lara. You okay?"
**Lara: "Nathan, there's something I have to tell you. Vaas is messing with me."
**Nathan: "What? I'm so confused."
**Lara: "Vaas, the evil man with the mohawk."
**Nathan: "That guy? He's gone."
**Lara: "No, he's in my head messing with me right now."
**Nathan: "It's probably the heat. Come on, let's sit down under the shade."
***Vaas: "Now, watch what I do. I can twist your visions and memories around."
***Lara: "No, you wouldn't dare!"
***Vaas: "Oh, I would actually. Watch."
**Trevor: "Beat you to it!"
**Isabelle: "You got lucky, brother."
**Trevor: "I know. Let's swing."
**Isabelle: "Okay." (Vaas shook the chains on the swings.)
***Vaas: "Whoops!" (Trevor was swinging really high and the chain broke off and Trevor landed face flat on the slide and slid downward onto the ground.)
***Lara: "NO! STOP IT, PLEASE!"
***Vaas: "Then stop shutting me out and come to me!"
***Lara: "I'll never do it!"
***Vaas: "Bye bye, you little ladybug! Fly, be free!" (Isabelle swung and she flew over the baseball field. She screamed and landed in the electric sign that fried her inside and out.)
***Lara: "NOOO! ISABELLE!" (She puts her hands in her face sobbing.)
***Vaas: "You see? Everytime you say no, every person you know and love ends up dying on to do list. Come and see me, god damn it!"
***Lara: "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!"
***Vaas: "Not happening, hot tamale!"
***Lara: "I need to wake up! Wake up!" (Lara slapped herself so she can wake up, but it didn't work.)
***Lara: "I'm waking up like it or not!" (She ran so fast towards the wall with her head that she died in her head and woke up in alarm in reality. Lara looked at her side and saw Nathan sleeping silently. Lara got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face.)
Lara: "Lara, think of something amazing. You're going to Brazil tomorrow. Dream about that. Just get everything else out of your head." (Lara took three deep breaths and went back to sleep. She dreamt about Brazil and her whole family being there. The stars were coming out of the clouds shining brightly while the whole city of London is sleeping in heavenly peace.)
(End of Chapter 4: Visiting Elena)
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