Chapter 14: Epilogue
(The afternoon has arrived and the entire family was dressed formally.)
Nathan: "Everyone, ready?"
Sully: "Yes, I am. Ready and willing to go to this party."
Nathan: "I'm glad to hear it, old man." (They both hugged and chuckled with each other.)
Lara: "I'm prepared as well." (Everyone turned around and saw Lara coming down the stairs with the most amazing black dress in the universe.)
Isabelle: "Mother, you look beautiful!"
Trevor: "Great job, mom!"
Lara: "Thank you, darlings. Hello, gentlemen."
Bryce: "Incredible."
Zip: "I see you, LC! Lookin' good!" (He puts up two thumbs up.)
Sam: "Lara, you look epic as always."
Lara: "Aww, thank you, Sam." (She looked at Nathan and smiled at him.)
Lara: "Nate." (He walked towards her and held her gloved hands.)
Nathan: "You have no idea how much I cried for you."
Lara: "I'm guessing a lot?" (She smiled.)
Sully: "Oh, yeah. A whole lot."
Lara: "Well, I'm okay, now." (She puts her hand on Nathan's cheek and he grabbed her hand and kissed it with her ring.)
Nathan: "And I am so glad you're alive." (He hugged her in a warm embrace while Lara's brown eyes thought of what she did on the island and they let go.)
Nathan: "Okay, is the family ready to leave?"
Bryce: "Oh, yes. Let's get it over with."
Zip: "Let us have some fun."
William: "By the way, Lady Croft. I got your personal limo prepared and I will be glad to be your chauffeur."
Lara: "I would love that, William. Thank you."
Nathan: "Alright, everyone. Let's go." (They all got in the limousine and arrived at the London Apollo Ballroom. A lot of fancy folk were inside the building and paparazzi came to take pictures. A news lady was reporting on the event that was happening.)
Woman: "Hello, there. I'm June Winters and this is the Channel 7 London News. I'm standing in front of the London Apollo Ballroom right now and there are a lot of people here ready to get their party on. A few days earlier, a beautiful middle-aged female famously known as Mrs. Lara Croft was bankrupt by the man from City Hall goes by the name of Danny and Croft Manor was under wraps, but now it has been released and in safe condition, all thanks to the wonderful and newest butler William. So, tonight, the famous Lady Croft and her family is making their way to the Ballroom." (The limousine pulled up towards the building and June was surprised.)
June: "Oh, looks like she's here right now." (William looked outside and saw the paparazzi.)
William: "Oh, no. Paparazzi with their flashy, disturbing cameras looking for a picture and a show. I hate paparazzi."
Nathan: "Same here, William."
Lara: "How will we get past through the paparazzi?"
Zip: "Don't worry, LC. I got it covered. With this little baby, nothing is going to interrupt your night, girl. Check this out." (He puts a little disruptor device in his coat pocket and his hand in there.)
Zip: "Okay, follow my lead. I know how to get us inside." (They all got out and walked towards the door.)
June: "Bobby, get a good angle on the family. Zoom in on your camera."
Bobby: "You got it, June. Zooming in."
Camera person #1: "Lady Lara! Over here!"
Camera person #4: "Is it true that you earned your Manor back with loads of cash?"
Camera person #5: "Samuel, you're so hot!"
Camera person #7: "May I take a picture of your children together?" (Zip pressed the button and all the cameras were fried and destroyed. The paparazzi went awe in sadness and anger.)
Bobby: "God damn it! My camera! This cost like a grand! Oh, man. My brothers are gonna murder me in my sleep."
June: "Damn it. Well, at least we got the footage of me, though."
Bobby: "Yeah, true. So, what now?"
June: "We join the party, of course. Come on." (Lara walked up towards Zip.)
Lara: (Whispers) "Zip, how the hell did you do that?"
Zip: (Whispers) "Do I really have to explain it for you, sister? Technology!"
Bryce: "We're techies. It's what we do."
Lara: "God, you guys. I love you both."
Zip: "We know. Let's party." (They all walked in and Trevor and Isabelle saw food at the table. Cakes and all kinds of sweets. Their faces light up with joy.)
Isabelle: "Hey, Trev. I see meatballs over there!"
Trevor: "And salad!" (They both came up with an idea with creativity.)
Isabelle and Trevor: "Meatball salad!"
Isabelle: "Come on, let's go!"
Trevor: "Right behind you!"
Sam: "Oh, boy. There they go, again."
Zip: "They grow up so fast. They're still adorable."
Bryce: "I know, cousin."
Sully: "Well, gentlemen. You know what time it is."
Nathan: "Drinking?"
Sam: "Smoking?"
Nathan: "Brother, you know you can't smoke in here."
Sam: "Relax. You know that ballrooms have balconies that lead outside, Nate."
Nathan: "I know."
Sam: "I haven't had a single smoke in like forever. Literally. It's time that I burn one up, but after I eat because I'm hungry."
Nathan: "Well, let's get our drink on."
Sully: "Yes, I need that drink." (Nathan, Sam and Sully went to the drinks section. Lara was busy watching the kids and a tap came upon her shoulder.)
Woman: "Mrs. Lady Croft?" (Lara turned around and saw the lady talking to her. It was June Winters.)
Lara: "Yes, that's me. And you are?"
June: "June Winters."
Lara: "Oh, you're that news reporter lady that just got into the business."
June: "Correction."
Lara: "So, are you here to interview me or here to call me insulting names?"
June: "No, just here to chat with you. I could never call the famous Lady Croft an insulting name. That's not how I roll."
Lara: "I understand. We may chat. Just as long as you don't put it on a recording device or even on the internet."
June: "Of course. This is just you and I face to face."
Lara: "Splendid."
June: "I do have a few questions to ask you."
Lara: "Okay, sure. Go ahead, Ms. June."
June: "What was it like being in a wealthy family such as yours?"
Lara: "I beg your pardon?"
June: "Let me rephrase that. What's it like being rich? Having money?"
Lara: "It feels like you have whatever you want. Just as long as you don't waste it on something that you don't want. Having money is what keeps the bread on the table."
June: "I see. Being with your family before this one must be a dream come true to you, isn't it?"
Lara: "Yes, but this one makes it so much better. Like I was made to be a part of this family."
June: "I think you made the right choice. Now, what's it like being an archeologist? I want to know."
Lara: "It's not that simple to begin with. You have to work really hard in order to get the job done. Otherwise, becoming an archeologist is not really your type of a career. I mean, do you really want to climb huge mountains or sky dive to reach your target? You have to have guts in order to overcome your fears."
June: "And I'm definitely not the one who's going to jump first out of the plane. You have courage in that heart of yours. Just like your parents."
Lara: "Yes, they strive for adventures and they've been halfway around the globe."
June: "And it was your time to shine in the spotlight. I get it. Now, here you are a legendary icon for the world to see."
Lara: "Not exactly."
June: "I don't understand what you mean."
Lara: "My parents had so many experiences in exploring and seeking artifacts from different tombs. They had their legacy fulfilled and now they have been in the family history for so many years now ever since they died. When I'm gone, I want the entire world to know that I'm not a hero, I'm not a vigilante with a mask, I'm a legendary survivor with power and strength that lies within my grave."
June: "Wow, that is very deep, Lady Lara."
Lara: "My parents were in the family history. Let me be a part of it as well when I'm gone."
June: "Consider it done."
Lara: "What?"
June: "Not only I'm a news reporter, but I'm also a journalist. You want to be a legacy under the family history of the Croft Family and your name, I'll do it."
Lara: "Thank you, Ms. June."
June: "Of course." (She looked at her watch and it was getting a little late.)
June: "Well, I gotta go and it's been nice chatting with you, Lady Croft. I got to go home and get ready for the news tomorrow."
Lara: "I had a nice chat with you, too." (They shook hands and they let go.)
June: "Goodbye. Let's go, Bobby."
Bobby: "Okay."
June: "Oh, and Lady Croft?"
Lara: "Yes?"
June: "I'm sorry for your losses. It feels bad losing the people you truly care about." (June and Bobby walked out and Lara thought of what happened.)
Lara: "You have no idea." (Somebody walked behind Lara and it was Nathan.)
Nathan: "What was that all about?" (Lara turned and saw Nathan.)
Lara: "The news reporter was just asking me questions."
Nathan: "About what?"
Lara: "Personal. Girl talk."
Nathan: "Oh, right. Sorry."
Lara: "It's fine, Nate. Where's Samuel and Sully?"
Nathan: "They're over at the drinks. Champagne?" (Lara takes it and Nathan smiled.)
Lara: "Thank you, Nathan."
Nathan: "No problem." (A tap approached Lara's shoulder.)
Woman: "Mind if I have a drink?" (Lara turned around and saw Samantha smiling at her with the nicest dress ever.)
Lara: "Sam!"
Nathan: "Hey!" (They both hugged her and they laughed.)
Samantha: "Surprise! I'm here!"
Lara: "I missed you so much."
Samantha: "I know. You guys look so incredible."
Lara: "So do you, Sam."
Samantha: "Where are the kids?"
Nathan: "They're over there getting cakes."
Samantha: "I'm going to go see them, but for now, I brought my camera!"
Lara: "Wow, Sam. You always bring your camera everywhere you go."
Samantha: "That's not a problem, right?" (Lara felt a little scared by the way she said it so grim, but Samantha smiled.)
Samantha: "I'm kidding. Now, show me the love, sweethearts." (She aimed her camera at Lara and Nathan holding each other in a beautiful embrace. Samantha clicked the button and the flash was off.)
Samantha: "Sweet and here's the cool thing, it goes in black and white to get a real feel for the atmosphere. Like the olden days."
Lara: "That's wonderful, Sam. Thanks for taking our picture."
Nathan: "Yeah, thank you."
Samantha: "No problem. Okay, I'm going to the kids, now. See ya." (She walked towards the kids where the dessert was. Isabelle and Trevor were so surprised and excited, that they hugged her. Nathan chuckled.)
Lara: "What?"
Nathan: "Nothing. It's just they're so happy to see Samantha again."
Lara: "Yeah. It's nice when they are happy and proud to be a part of the family."
Nathan: "You know what else is nice? The both of us dancing together in your family's honor."
Lara: "My parents are your parents, Nathan. You don't have a family and I do. So, I'm sharing their love towards you and everyone else who's a part of this family."
Nathan: "You're right. Sharing means you're caring."
Lara: "Exactly." (The musician went up towards the microphone.)
Musician Man: "Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to play classical music that favors in Lady Croft's family and tradition. So, be ready to dance with your partners. The first song will be one of Lord Croft's favorites called Johannes Brahms Hungarian Dance no. 7 Allegretto-Vivo." (The live orchestra started to play the song as Lara and Nathan started dancing. Sam saw Samantha talking to the kids and noticed how beautiful she looked. He smiled and talked to Sully.)
Sam: "Hey, Sully? I'm gonna talk to Samantha. She's here."
Sully: "Okay, I'll be here drinking." (Sam walked towards Samantha and straightened up his bowtie. He covered her eyes from behind and Samantha smiled.)
Samantha: "Ooh, let me guess. It's Nathan, isn't it?"
Sam: "Konnichiwa." (Translation: hello in Japanese.)(Sam uncovered her eyes and Samantha looked and saw Sam.)
Samantha: "Konnichiwa!" (She laughed as she gave him a friendly hug.)
Sam: "How are you doing, Samantha?"
Samantha: "I'm alright. This place is wonderful."
Sam: "Yes, it is. I'm glad you're here."
Samantha: "Yes, I know. I almost forgot that I needed to be here in London to see you guys. I just got back from Paris."
Sam: "I know. You had a tight schedule, I get it. We had one as well."
Samantha: "Well, now I'm here and I'm starving."
Trevor: "They have meatballs!"
Isabelle: "And chicken!"
Samantha: "That does sound good. Have you eaten anything, Samuel?"
Sam: "Yeah. I ate already. You go ahead and eat. By the way, you look nice and your hair grew longer. I just noticed that."
Samantha: "Oh, I was planning on cutting it, but..."
Sam: "No, no. It's good look on you." (Samantha blushed at that compliment.)
Samantha: "Thank you, Samuel." (She walked away to grab her a tray of food and Samuel smiled a charming smile at her. Meanwhile, the announcer came towards the podium and paused the musicians to stop the music.)
Announcer: "Very wonderful music, am I right? Great job. Sorry to cut away the music so short, but I would like to say something about Lady Croft's family before Mrs. Croft comes up on stage. Lord Richard Croft and Lady Amelia Croft always came here to dance and I've always been their annoucer for many years. It's still been in my heart today and I just want to let it out. They were so incredible and unique in their own way. They always know when an event like this happens, they always show up on time. Never misses them, not even one. And one day, I set up an anniversary party in this ballroom for them to intend, but once I heard the news that they were gone, I felt really sad because I've always loved them like they would bring me over their house with tea and cakes. Lady Croft, I'm glad that you are with us today with your family and I know your parents would be so proud that you still have their Manor in perfect condition and under their name. Thank you for not moving to a different location and thank you everyone for listening and coming out for the honor of Lady Croft's family. Thank you." (He got off the stage as the crowd clapped and Lara got up on stage.)
Lara: "Thank you all for supporting my family's honor. It means a lot. He is right. My family is incredible and unique in their own way. Without them, I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have met Nathan or my friends, even my children, but I'm glad I'm here standing before you and proud to talk about some of my memories of the family if that's alright with you." (Nathan nodded and the people nods as well. Lara sighed and closed her eyes.)
Lara: "When I was a little child, my family used to show me their travel album and inside were them going around the world together. It was pretty amazing and they had great artifacts that I've never seen before. It made me want to become a traveler and explorer, but I wasn't old enough. We used to go to the theater to watch plays of Shakespeare and romance and Winston and I used to play chess and I purposely locked him in the freezer. I don't why I did it, maybe it was because I didn't know any better? I really don't know. My parents got a little upset, but they didn't give me any punishment because clearly they were laughing as well." (The crowd laughed and Lara smiled.)
Lara: "Yes, that was pretty funny. Then when I got a little older, I noticed something was wrong. Mother was gone and father was gone. I didn't know if they went somewhere or not, but I checked in my father's study and there he was dead upon his desk and I didn't know where mother went. I read the letter that once was on his desk that says your mother didn't make it. I'm sorry, Lara. I'm sorry. I ran out the study room and went to Winston, crying in his arms. I was completely not myself after I witnessed their deaths. After all that, I intended a funeral for both of them. It was hard, but at least it was over. I couldn't stand looking at my parents tombstones. Besides, it was really sad. So, yeah. Now, I have a better life with my new family and I'm so proud to be a part of it. Thank you, mother, father and Winston for being into my life and I'll cherish every special moment in my heart. Thank you all for caring for me and the honor of my family. Thank you so much." (The crowd claps and the musician came back on the stage.)
Musician: "Thank you, Lady Lara for showing up at this party and telling us your memories. That was very sweet of you. Now, everyone. We shall go back to the music. This one is from Winston. Beethoven-Moonlight Sonata." (The music started playing the song and Trevor bowed at Isabelle.)
Trevor: "Dear Isabelle, would you mind dancing with me?"
Isabelle: "Why, of course, my faithful brother." (They started to dance and Samuel went up towards Samantha after she ate.)
Sam: "Would you have the honor of dancing with me, Samantha?"
Samantha: "Of course." (Samuel smiled and took her hand. Samantha noticed that he's bringing her up close and she blushed.)
Sam: "You alright? You seem nervous."
Samantha: "I'm fine."
Sam: "Are you sure? You're blushing."
Samantha: "I probably put too much blush on my cheeks, that's all."
Sam: "That could be the reason. So, how long will you be staying?"
Samantha: "I dont know. Actually, I'm not sure."
Sam: "Well, you could always stay with us. If you want. I mean, you don't have to. It's up to you."
Samantha: "I might stay for a little while and think about it. If I want to stay or not."
Sam: "That's not bad at all. I can handle that." (Sam and Samantha chuckled at each other while they were dancing. Sully was drinking while watching the people dance and chatting with Bryce and Zip. Back to Lara and Nathan dancing with each other.)
Nathan: "Enjoying the night?"
Lara: "Yes, I am. Thank you for asking." (She smiled and looked into his blue eyes and he did the same.)
Nathan: "Listen, um, that speech you gave about your family and ours was really beautiful."
Lara: "Yes, I know. I was a little nervous up there on stage because they're so many people."
Nathan: "I hear you, but you had it handled."
Lara: "I guess I did."
Nathan: "I know you did because you are so incredible and unique to your family and to me." (Lara looked down for a second.)
Lara: "You know, about what happened on the island, you said that you and Elena were arguing. It was about me, wasn't it?"
Nathan: "It was."
Lara: "And?"
Nathan: "It wasn't pleasant at all. Elena is jealous and still angry."
Lara: "Because of me?"
Nathan: "No, no. Don't say it was your fault because it wasn't. It was mine. I riled her up to be like this today."
Lara: "I wish there was a way to bring her back."
Nathan: "Well, there's no way she would answer because she's long gone. She'll never talk to us again."
Lara: "Not unless we try."
Nathan: "It'll never work. Trust me, you don't want to talk to her. She'll threaten you."
Lara: "And you think I can't handle threats? I've been on Yamatai for I don't know how many months and I've heard some name callings towards me. I'd like to see her try and threaten me."
Nathan: "Okay, don't let me know how it went."
Lara: "Nathan, I can take it."
Nathan: "Alright, I'll trust you." (She chuckled.)
Lara: "You better trust me with your life."
Nathan: "I do because I love you."
Lara: "I love you, too." (Nathan smiled and saw a strand of hair in front of her face. He moved the strand away from her face and behind her ear.)
Lara: "So, what happens now?"
Nathan: "I don't know. I guess we travel where ever we want to go I guess. Look for artifacts or just stay at the Manor."
Lara: "We might travel if Samantha is up for it."
Nathan: "You think she wants to come?"
Lara: "I don't know. This will be her very first real travel with us since the last one a long time ago was horrible. We better ask her."
Nathan: "Good idea." (The songs were over and the crowd claps.)
Musician: "Thank you for coming out tonight and I hope you all will have a pleasant night." (The people starts to leave the ballroom and Nathan and Lara went to Samantha and Samuel.)
Lara: "Hey, Samantha. I see that you are having fun with Sam."
Samantha: "Really, Lara? We're just partners dancing."
Nathan: "Right..."
Lara: "Anyway, we're planning on traveling and getting artifacts. If you want to come, you can come."
Samantha: "Are you serious? Yes, I want to take pictures of everything I see."
Sam: "Well, welcome aboard."
Nathan: "Wait, Samantha. How long will you be staying with us?"
Samantha: "I don't know. Maybe a few months?"
Lara: "That will work."
Trevor: "Yay! Traveling!"
Isabelle: "Yes! I'm so excited!"
Sully: "You guys mind telling me what's going on here? Are you guys having a conversation without me?"
Nathan: "Nope, you just got in. We're going traveling!"
Sully: "Traveling? Where?"
Nathan: "We're just traveling, old man. Going to find artifacts."
Sully: "Oh."
Bryce: "May we come, too?"
Lara: "Zip and Bryce? Traveling with us?"
Trevor: "That's not a bad idea."
Isabelle: "Maybe."
Nathan: "This will be their first time traveling with us."
Sam: "I'd say bring them."
Lara: "Alright, Bryce and Zip. You may come with us."
Bryce: "Yeah!"
Zip: "God, I love you, LC!"
Lara: "Love you too, my brothers."
Nathan: "So, when are we going?"
Lara: "Two months from now. So, everyone take out your calendar and start marking. We're not going to be home for a while."
Nathan: "We got to let William know and get some sleep."
Lara: "Yeah, we'll do that. Alright, everyone. Let's head back to the Manor to get some shut eye and prepare your things."
All: "Yes!"
Isabelle and Trevor: "Field trips!" (The family was laughing and they went to the house.)
(End of Epilogue)
Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the conclusion of this story and yet another adventure still awaits for the family! You guys must be really enjoying these crossovers with these two legendary icons! I might make more of these if I get more comments and votes on this story! You guys are amazing and what was your favorite part in this chapter? I really want to know. Also, comment and vote, please! That would lift my spirits so much! By the way, if you HAVEN'T read ANY of my PREVIOUS crossovers from ONE to crossover FOUR, then you're missing the action and adventures! If you have read them, then you're set to read the next crossover! Fantastic job on making it this far! Thank you so much! I appreciate you guys a lot! Really! Thanks! 😁😄😉😎💪👍✌
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