Chapter 24: There's no love like the first...spending time!
Chris Donovan vs. Shane Lewis
Pix of Shane leaning sexily against his car, waiting for Chris, on the side.
Video: Beneath Your Beautiful by Labrinth ft. Emeli Sandé
Chris stopped and stared at Shane. He'd never seen a more ravishingly gorgeous man in his entire life. Shane was leaning against a black 2014 Aston Martin Rapide S, with his hands stuck in his pockets, rocking a black suit on a black shirt. Not only did he not have on a tie, the top three buttons on the shirt were opened. He looked so hot Chris felt himself hardening right there in the open, by just looking at Shane.
"Shit." He muttered and groaned when he saw mirth twinkle in Shane's eyes. The idiot knew the effect he had on him and was obviously relishing it.
Chris shrugged off the jacket of his grey suit as he started towards Shane. He really wasn't ready to get himself involved in any scandal. Definitely not one involving his erect dick on a Monday afternoon. He held his suit securely in front of him as he made his way to where Shane leaned sexily against an equally sexy car.
"Really?" Shane murmured when Chris got to his side, not making any effort to hide his knowing smirk.
"Fuck off." Chris growled, wishing he could kiss Shane right then. But apart from the fact that they were standing in broad daylight in front of one of his banks, Adele was in the back seat, smiling at him. "Shit, I have to sit with her." Chris muttered. "If I sit beside you, it's not going to go down."
Shane burst into laughter. "You would rather risk her seeing it and telling her mother?" That did it for Chris. He went from hard to soft in micro-seconds.
"Thanks a lot." He muttered pulling on his jacket. "That helped." But he still opened the back door and kissed Adele on the cheek. "How's my little darling doing?"
"Great." Adele laughed. "You didn't kiss daddy." The little girl observed.
Chris was quick to cover his shock. "Well, today your daddy looks like a frog so I don't want to touch him with any part of my body."
Adele burst into delighted laughter. "No, he doesn't." She protested laughingly.
"Yes he does." Chris insisted as he closed the door and went round to the front seat to sit beside an amused Shane. "Did you by any chance fall into a gutter on your way here?" Chris asked Shane loudly with a frown on his face. "'Cause you smell funny." Adele was laughing so hard. "And your face..."
"Shut up, Chris." Shane laughed. "Did Sandra show up?" He asked.
"She's one feisty designer." Chris said. "She's in my house even as I speak."
"Wow!" Shane laughed.
"Yes. Wow. She says she can't wait for me to see the room this evening." Chris grinned.
"That fast huh?"
Chris nodded. "She'll be done by noon tomorrow."
"Can't wait to see it." Shane said.
"Is that all you wanna do? See it?" Chris murmured.
They were at a red light so Shane turned to give Chris a smoldering look. "What do you think?" He whispered.
"Are you two going to kiss now?" Adele asked with all seriousness. "The light will turn green soon."
Chris turned around in his seat to look at Adele. "Like I said earlier, I don't kiss frogs." He said making both Adele and Shane laugh.
Chris started chatting with Adele. Shane only half listened as Adele narrated the story of Pocahontas to Chris. And what a narration it was. All he could hear was Pocahontas, Meeko, Flit and John Smith. Shane could have bet his last cent Chris couldn't make the head or tail of the story.
At the restaurant, they had a nice meal. Adele obviously enjoyed the company and attention of the two men. Throughout lunch, Shane caught Chris staring at his mouth with so much longing. He would loudly clear his throat to distract Chris or kick him under the table to get his attention. But when Chris caught his eye at a point and mouthed 'I love you', Shane stood and leaned over as if in a trance and kissed Chris lightly on the mouth. Then he sat back and the two men simply stared at each other, till Adele's voice snapped them out of whatever haze they were under.
"Finally." She grinned at first her father, then at Chris. "You got kissed by a frog, Uncle Chris. I bet you liked it too?" The little girl taunted.
Chris really tried to suppress the heat but couldn't. He groaned as he felt himself blush. He saw the amusement on Shane's face and looked into his plate, suddenly more interested in the virtually empty place.
"You think he's turning into a frog now, princess?" Shane asked Adele but his intent gaze remained on Chris.
"They usually turn at midnight." She informed Shane. "Like Cinderella. At midnight, she turned into a frog and the Prince married her."
"Right." Shane was obviously trying very hard not to laugh. "So you think Uncle Chris will turn into a frog at midnight huh?" He asked, still watching Chris.
"No. Because you're not really a frog." Adele said with all seriousness. "If you were a real frog, then Uncle Chris would turn into one too at midnight. Then you would have to marry him to get him to become a woman bean."
Shane smiled. "A human being huh? I see." Shane drawled, looking as serious as his daughter. "But since we are both human beings already..."
"You can get married." The little girl chipped in. "Do you want to marry Uncle Chris?" Eyes that were so much like Shane's turned on Shane.
Chris' eyes widened as he stared at Shane. What surprised him even more was the way Shane didn't even flinch at Adele's question.
"I'll be the happiest man if Uncle Chris agrees to marry me." Shane's eyes remained locked on Chris'.
"You'll have to ask him, Daddy." Adele said, sounding older than her age.
"Oh I plan to." Shane said cheerfully. "As soon as I get my ring ready." Shane saw the shock on Chris' face. "Adele?"
"Yes Daddy?"
"Till I get the ring and ask Uncle Chris, can this be our big secret?" He finally turned to his daughter.
"Yes." Adele grinned. "I'm a big girl. I can keep secrets. Here..." She wriggled her little finger in front of Shane and giggled when Shane wrapped his around hers. "Err... Uncle Chris, don't tell anyone okay?" She turned to look at Chris.
"I promise not to." Chris' voice sounded hoarse, drawing a frown from the little girl.
"Are you okay, Uncle Chris?" But before Chris could answer, the little girl went right ahead. "Daddy will ask you when he gets the ring. Promise."
"I'm very fine, Adele." Chris said with a smile. "And I can't wait for your dad to get that ring." He turned his intense eyes which mirrored all the emotions within him, back on Shane.
To say Chris was surprised would be an understatement. He was thrilled too but he knew a marriage between him and Shane wouldn't happen anytime soon. They needed to take care of more important issues before they jumped into anything like marriage. During their talk the night before, they'd both agreed that it would be good if Shane saw someone to help with all that bottled up anger. Chris had told Shane that he was ready to talk to a professional too. He'd even suggested Shane booked an appointment with Dr. Murray, Kyle and Aaron's shrink. He'd obviously done a splendid job with those two. If not for the fact that Stephen, Ken's soldier fiancé was out of the country on a mission, Kyle and Aaron would have been married by then. Kyle wanted a double wedding with his twin brother Ken so they had to wait till Stephen returned.
"Earth to Chris." Shane said, finally getting Chris' attention. "You okay?"
Chris nodded. "Never better." He murmured, noticing that Adele was no longer in her seat. "Where's Adele?"
"Sonja, the waitress took her to the bathroom." Shane said, reaching for Chris' hand.
"Did they just leave?" Chris asked.
"Yes." Shane answered, not seeing Chris' intent soon enough. His eyes widened as he watched Chris stand up and come around to his side. "Chris..." Shane breathed warningly, looking around. They could be clearly seen by some of the people in the restaurant but Chris seemed not to care.
When Chris got to Shane's side, he took the seat beside him and cupped the sides of Shane's face. Then as if in a slow motion, he lowered his mouth to Shane's and kissed him. Shane resisted the kiss for a moment, but when Chris drew his lower lip into his mouth and sucked sensuously on it, Shane moaned and relaxed into the kiss, his mouth opening to accept Chris' tongue. With eyes closed in pure bliss, Shane kissed Chris back with passion, his mouth just as eager and hungry as Chris'. When Chris sucked on Shane's tongue, he almost went out of his mind with pleasure. With a guttural groan, Shane took over the kiss. Slanting his head, he devoured Chris' mouth, the kiss getting deeper and hotter, tasting of a wild promise. Chris broke off the kiss when it dawned on him that they were getting carried away.
"Damn." Chris breathed harshly, leaning his forehead against Shane's. "For someone who was reluctant to kiss, you sure know how to turn an innocent kiss into an x-rated scene. "Fuck." Chris muttered as he sat back and watched a dazed Shane. Shane couldn't bring himself to speak. He raised a hand with the intention of touching Chris on the cheek but both men watched, riveted, as his hand literally shook. "Shit." Chris whispered, and then reached up to clasp Shane's hand in both of his.
And they just sat staring at each other till Adele got back to the table, happily eating a cone ice cream. "Uncle Chris, why did you change seats?" She asked as she climbed onto Chris' lap.
"No reason. That looks delicious." Chris laughed shakily.
"It is. Want to taste?" She asked but didn't wait for an answer. "Open up." She ordered, making Chris laugh.
"Alright Ma'am'." Chris said and brought out his tongue to lick the side of the ice cream, his eyes shooting to Shane's when he heard Shane moan lustfully.
"Are you okay daddy?" Adele turned to ask Shane. At Shane's nod, Adele shoved the ice cream into his face. "Lick."
"No honey. You know I'm not a sweet tooth like you and your mum...and your Uncle Chris here." He chuckled. "Hurry up darling. We have to take Uncle Chris back to the office."
"Oww no!" The little girl moaned with a sad face. "Can't we just...adbat him?" She whimpered.
"No we can't abduct him." Shane gave Chris a warning look when he noticed the amused and incredulous look on his face. "Uncle Chris will be home before we know it."
"Okay." She said pitifully. "Here, Uncle Chris, you can have the rest. I'm too full." Adele handed the rest of the ice cream to Chris.
"Oh thank you kind Queen." Chris actually sounded as if he were acting a play.
"Will you cut the crap?" Shane laughed as he wiped Adele's sticky fingers with a napkin. "Shall we?" Shane said, laughing when Adele started skipping ahead of them. Since their bill had already been placed on Shane's tab, he left a huge tip for Sonja and then reached up to wipe a bit of cream from the corner of Chris' mouth. "Come on." He murmured, turning to follow his skipping daughter out of the restaurant.
When they dropped Chris off at his office, he promised to see them later, blew Adele a kiss and watched with a forlorn expression on his face as they drove away. Too bad he had meetings scheduled till close of work, Chris thought sadly. He would have loved to go home with Shane and Adele and spend the rest of the day with them. With a sigh he turned and headed into the building, wishing he could clear his calendar for the next day. But he knew he couldn't get out of an important meeting scheduled for the next morning. It looked like he didn't have any choice but to do a half day the next he'd already planned, instead of having the whole day off as he wished.
But even as he went through his meetings and conferences, Chris couldn't keep the smile off his face. He knew he had it real bad...and not just for Shane, but his daughter as well.
"Shane?" Chris called out when he entered Shane's foyer the following day at noon. He started unbuttoning his shirt as he climbed the stairs. "Shane?" He called again.
Chris heard the door to Shane's bedroom open and looked up just in time to see a shaken Shane come out of the room. Something was wrong, Chris thought as he finished the rest of the stairs in a run.
"Hey, what is it?" Chris asked as he cupped his palms around Shane's cheeks and looked into eyes that looked upset. What scared Chris was the way Shane trembled. "Adele?"
"Sh...she's f...fine." Shane stuttered.
"Shane..." Chris stopped talking and simply hugged Shane fiercely. Something had obviously shaken the man but Chris wanted to calm him down first. When he felt Shane's arms wrap around his waist, Chris hugged him even tighter. "Everything's going to be okay." He promised without even knowing what the problem was. Chris heard Shane breath shakily and leaned back to look at him. "Want to tell me what happened?"
Shane unwrapped his arms from Chris' waist and showed Chris the broken CD in his hand. "You're not going to believe what almost happened." He said gruffly.
"I was in the study, working." Shane begun softly. "Adele was sleeping. I think she decided to come and look for me in here when she woke up." Shane pointed a thumb at his door. "Of course I wasn't there so she decided to make herself comfortable in the bed. But not before slotting in this CD...which was the only CD outside the case..."
Chris grabbed Shane's wrist and took a closer look at the broken CD. "Don't tell me..." He growled. "Oh fuck." He raked his fingers through his hair. "Shit, tell me she didn't..."
"She didn't." Shane sighed. "I got here just in time. I came up to check up on her. Went to her room but she wasn't there but saw my door open so... Fuck!" Shane swore. "I almost had a heart attack when I got to the door just in time to hear her squeal, Daddy excitedly. I followed her gaze and froze when I saw myself talking to Mr. Coillet on phone in the study."
"Oh my God." Chris breathed.
"Then I saw you enter the study and just like that, I sprang into action. The terror that gripped me at that instance unfroze me. God, that was close." Shane moaned, burying his face against Chris' neck. "I broke the CD into two immediately I took it out."
"What's she doing now?" Chris asked, rubbing Shane on the back.
"Watching cartoons."
"And that's what she should be watching." Chris chuckled. "Hell, I'll take a leaked sex tape over what almost happed, any day. At least by the time she would be old enough to see it, she would be too old to be traumatized." Chris drawled.
"Dude, even if she's eighty years old she'll still be traumatized if she has to watch her Uncle Chris fuck the living daylights out of her dad. All that kinky shit you did..." Shane shuddered as he remembered. He stepped away from Chris with a groan, feeling horny all of a sudden despite his worry over the incident.
"The kinky shit I did? Wait, was I on that tape?" Chris blinked in mock innocence.
Shane gave a slight frown. "Oh right. It must have been Jim and I. My bad." Shane made to turn away but found himself instantly pushed against the door.
"Who the fuck is Jim?" Chris growled. He knew Shane was merely joking but he still couldn't suppress the panic.
Shane's eyes widened in surprised when he saw the genuine fear on Chris' face. "Hey, calm down." Shane murmured and took Chris' mouth in a kiss meant to do exactly that...calm him.
"Fuck." Chris breathed when they came up for air. "Don't ever do that to me again."
"You're an idiot." Shane murmured.
"I know." Chris chuckled as he reached behind Shane to open the bedroom door. "Did you remember to book an appointment with Dr. Murray?"
"Yep. I'm to see him next week Tuesday." Shane responded as he followed Chris into the room.
"Good." Chris said as he pulled off his shirt, leaving his undershirt. He grinned when Adele turned to look in his direction upon hearing his voice.
"Uncle Chris." Adele screeched and jumped out of the bed to throw herself into Chris' outstretched arms. "You didn't come last night."
"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Chris said, sitting on the bed with Adele. "It was too late to come over when I finished for the day. See I'm here early today?"
"Will you be going back to that place?" She asked, obviously referring to Chris' office.
"Not now." Chris bent to unzip his classy designer shoes. "I'll leave in the evening."
"Oh no, please don't leave." Adele pleaded as Shane sat at the foot of the bed and took over the task of removing Chris' shoes and socks.
"But I have to Ade..."
"We can eat ice cream and watch movies and...and swim and tell stories...and..." The little girl trailed off, her lips trembling slightly as she tried to stop herself from bursting into tears.
"Hey, hey don't cry Adele." Chris said, pulling her into his arms. "I'll stay."
"You will?" She asked with wide eyes.
"You really thought I'd let you eat all that ice cream all by yourself?" Chris wiggled his eyebrows devilishly, making Adele laugh and roll to the other side of the abnormally big bed. Chris rolled after her, making the little girl scream with delight. They didn't even notice when a laughing Shane left the room. And they still didn't notice or even hear Shane come back in amidst the screams and laughter. "Gotcha." Chris finally hugged the wriggling girl to his chest and rolled them till they hit the headboard.
It was only after they sat up against the headboard, panting harshly that they both noticed a laughing Lizzie standing beside Shane in the room. "Mummy." Adele squealed and jumped out of the bed into her mother's arms.
"Oh baby, I've missed you so much." Lizzie laughed.
"I've missed you too. Have you finished your test?" Adele asked.
"No darling. I just finished today's. The last one is on Thursday."
"Then my party will be on Friday." The little girl squealed, making the three grown ups laugh.
By the time Shane and Adele got back to the room after seeing Lizzie off, Chris was fast asleep. Shane quietly turned off the TV and went to the living room with Adele to continue watching her cartoons.
Chris eyes snapped open when the door to Shane's bedroom opened just before dawn. He watched as the little girl in her Minnie mouse pajamas entered the room and headed towards the bed. When she got to the bed, Chris reached out to pick her up and placed her between him and Shane. Adele wriggled till her head was comfortably resting on Chris' shoulder, then lightly kissing Chris on the cheek, her breathing evened out as she fell asleep. Chris smiled and kissed her forehead, and then went back to sleep. And that was how Shane found them when he woke up. He reached for his phone and took pictures of the two people who ruled his world. God, he loved them, Shane thought, not bothering to suppress the grin that broke out on his face.
"You know that's creepy right?" Chris rasped.
"What is?" Shane looked at Chris.
"Staring at people whilst they sleep." Chris yawned.
"How did you know? Your eyes are closed.
Chris opened his eye. "I felt your eyes on me."
"Now who's creepy?" Shane retorted, turning and heading for the washroom.
Shane was brushing his teeth when Chris entered and wrapped his arms around him from behind, his morning wood poking against Shane's arse. "I wish I didn't have to go to work." He groaned.
Shane rinsed his mouth and put some toothpaste on Chris' brush. Then he turned around and gave the brush to Chris. "The earlier you get there, the earlier you can come back home." He said as he jumped onto the beautiful glass counter top of the vanity to watch Chris brush his teeth.
When Chris finished brushing his teeth, he pulled Shane off the counter into his arms and kissed him till they were both breathless. "Fuck, I'm going out of my mind with want." Chris muttered against Shane's mouth. "Two days, Shane." He growled as he rubbed his hard-on against Shane.
"Technically, it's not yet two full da..."
"Shut up, Shane." Chris muttered and stood back from Shane when he heard Shane laughing softly. "Think this is funny?" He asked with mock indignation, pointing at his obscenely huge bulge which was stretching his sweats.
Shane laughed harder as his hand went to lightly squeeze Chris' cock. "The last thing on my mind when I look at this, is laughter. So no, I don't find this funny." He said, squeezing Chris harder and drawing a moan from him. "Watching you freak out on the other hand is fun." He whispered into Chris' ear and started for the door. "You're going to be late if you don't get ready for work." Shane closed the bathroom door behind him and laughed softly when he heard Chris swear colourfully.
Shane shook his head, grinning as he went back to the bed to check up on his daughter. Chris thought he was the only one going out of his mind with lust, Shane thought with a chuckle. If only Chris knew Shane had to wake up twice in the middle of the night to wank off. He'd opened his eyes at a point during the night just in time to see Chris' tongue come out to lick his lips. Why Chris had to lick at his lips whilst still fast asleep, Shane would never know. But he'd gotten so hard when he'd instantly recalled what that tongue had done to his hole the very first time Chris had fucked him. Chris had done something so exquisite to his hole with that tongue it had made Shane's eyes water. Shane knew there was no way he could have gone back to sleep without relief. He'd rushed to the washroom and wanked off. It hadn't been what he craved but he had to make do.
He'd woken up again about three hours later with a dick that was so hard it was almost painful. And it was all because in his dream, he'd been having hot steamy sex with Chris. Shane was grateful he hadn't gotten a wet dream like some teenager. That would have been the ultimate disgrace. The past two days that they had Adele had been both fun and sexually frustrating as they'd both silently agreed not to have sex with Adele in the house. Now all Shane could think about was either fucking Chris' brains out or having Chris so deep inside him, they couldn't tell where Chris ended and he began. Thanks to his sexy boyfriend, he was now a sex addict. Great!
When Shane heard his cell phone ringing, he quickly grabbed it and pressed the answer button as he didn't want it to disturb Adele. "Hello Ma." He murmured whilst going out of the room and down the stairs.
"Hi honey." Came Sylvia Lewis' excited voice. "Guess what?"
Shane had to try very hard to suppress the groan that almost tore out of his throat. Whenever his mother started the guess game, unpleasant news followed. "What is it Ma." Despite himself, Shane couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.
"I've decided to come to L.A today instead of Thursday." Sylvia said excitedly. "I've been able to finish all my meetings earlier than I thought I would. Well...I canceled some." She said in a whisper and laughed at her own smartness. "I want to come and see to the preparations. I know both you and Lizzie are busy so it will be better if I come earlier."
"Ma, there's a party planner..."
"What happened to proper old fashioned party preparation by the family, Nicolas Shane Lewis?" Sylvia retorted, making Shane actually groan this time. That was all he needed...his mother making his situation with Chris even more worse. On the other hand... "I'm coming and that's final. Lizzie said Adele is with you to enable her concentrate on her exams." Shane made a metal note to thank Lizzie for not telling his mother about Adele's injury. The woman would have been hysterical by now. "Well, I'll be there today so that you can get the chance to concentrate on your work. I need to spend time with my granddaughter. How's Chris by the way?"
"Chris is fine. Did you say you're coming today?" Shane couldn't help the excitement that begun to bubble up within.
"Yes. I'll be there by six p.m. Want me to bring you anything?"
"Just your sweet adorable self, Ma." Shane laughed. "I can't wait to see you, Mrs. Lewis." Shane said knowing calling his mother that always made her laugh. "Have a safe trip Ma." He hung up and started doing some silly dance steps. Hearing laughter, Shane turned around to find Abigail, the cook and Mrs. Smith, the housekeeper, looking at him with amusement. "Sorry ladies. Mrs. Lewis will be coming today. Can you get her room ready please, Mrs. Smith?"
"Sure Mr. Lewis." The housekeeper laughed and turned to go.
"I know Sir." The cook grinned. "I'll make sure we have all her favourite ingredients."
"Thanks." Shane said and raced up the stairs, busting to tell Chris the good news.
He couldn't wait to try out Chris' newly designed master bedroom, that night.
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