Chapter 06: There's no love like the first..uncontrollable lust!

Chris Donovan vs. Shane Lewis

Pix of the drop dead gorgeous Shane, on the side.

Video: Céline Dion - It's All Coming Back To Me Now



Chris Donovan was a very worried man. If not for his determination to be around Shane long enough to get him to loosen up and forgive him for what he had done to him, Chris would have stopped his daily visits to Shane's home. It was very difficult and confusing when a straight man started having the hots for another man. The more he stayed around Shane, the worse the temptation to touch him was growing. There were times Chris had gone so close to slamming his mouth on Shane's sexy lips, he'd had to physically excuse himself from the room in order to compose himself. He'd not felt that level of physical attraction in his entire life and that bothered Chris immensely as he wasn't gay and didn't have any intention of being with Shane in that way. It was compelling but Chris prided himself on his self-control and therefore hoped he would be able to keep his hands to himself. To prove to himself that he still liked slamming his dick into hot juicy pussies, Chris arranged with some of his numerous hookups on different occasions, for what he called 'emergency booty calls'. But what terrified Chris even more was that he always chickened out in the end because suddenly, he couldn't stand the thought of being intimate with any of the ladies. One thing became crystal clear to Chris... He wanted Shane Lewis like he'd never wanted anyone. It was a realization that terrified the life out of Chris! To make matters worse Chris didn't have a clue how Shane felt. Fuck!

Shane, on the other hand, had given up on any hope of successfully curbing his desire for Chris. As far as he was concerned, those feelings he tried to suppress by allowing Chris into his home every day, had if anything, rather intensified. All Shane had to do was close his eyes and visions of Chris' captivating eyes and trim body would come into focus. Chris exuded a powerful sexual magnetism that made Shane's insides quiver, made him burn with desire. The thought of nibbling on that lush lower lip of Chris' always caused his cock to lengthen inside his pants. Shane realized he was horny almost all the time, thanks to Chris. He was not oblivious to the sexual tension between him and Chris. He had felt Chris' gaze on him on more than one occasion. There were times he'd caught Chris watching him with so much lust in his captivating grey eyes, Shane's breath hitched in his throat. Other times, Chris' eyes gave nothing away. Shane was however grateful he hadn't made a fool of himself since he'd started hanging out with Chris. It hadn't been easy ignoring that strong sexual pull. Sometimes it was so intense Shane thought he would break and do the unthinkable but he'd thankfully been able to control himself. And thanks to his poker face, Chris obviously had no idea just how badly he wanted him. Shane had always been an expert at hiding his feelings and he'd never been more grateful for that.

But no matter how hard both men tried to hide and suppress how they felt, they were drawn to each other. Neither Shane nor Chris could deny to themselves their attraction to each other. Though neither man gave voice to how they felt, it was there in everything they did. The way they talked to each other sometimes, and the way they always looked forward to being together were clear indicators. What they didn't know was that sometimes when desires and emotions got suppressed for too long, they had a way of blowing up in people's faces. The day it hit Shane and Chris, it hit them hard!

It was a Friday. Chris had taken the day off because apart from the fact that he wanted to rest, Shane had told him he was going to work from home. This time around, Chris had gotten to Shane's early...around ten a.m. with hot pastries from Alachino, an Italian pastry shop whose pastries were to die for. After a lovely breakfast, both men retired to the patio to relax and talk about work, politics and general stuff since there was no match on TV. Shane had obviously forgotten that he'd planned to work from home. When it was lunch time, the cook served them a lavish meal on the patio which both men really enjoyed.

"That was some good food." Chris chuckled as they sat in the den after lunch. "Your cook is great, man. I just might poach her."

"Don't you even dare try, dude." Shane laughed, taking a sip of his pineapple juice. "She came highly recommended. And she never disappoints."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Chris muttered, earning a growl from Shane.

"I WILL shoot you if you do that." Shane placed emphasis on the word 'will' making Chris burst into laughter. "Let's see whether there's anything interesting on TV." Shane muttered, reaching for the remote control. He kept flipping through the channels till he got to a channel where about five teenaged boys sat looking at two other boys playing a game of dominos.

Both Shane and Chris froze. Shane sat with the remote in his hand and his eyes stuck on the scene on the screen. Chris swallowed hard and turned to watch Shane.

"Still play?" Shane's voice was barely above a whisper. His eyes remained on the screen.

Chris saw how tense Shane was and wished for the millionth time that he could erase the past. "No." He answered in a voice he could hardly tell was his own. Chris cleared his throat. "I haven't played in...a while." He finished quietly.

Shane nodded and finally turned to look at Chris who was as white as a sheet. "You okay?" Shane asked gruffly.

Chris swallowed thickly and nodded. "I'm fine." He whispered.

But Chris wasn't fine. Dominos? That had been their thing. Anytime he heard that word, saw that game or anything that looked like dominos, Chris thought of one person...Nick! He still had the box of dominos Shane had left at his door the night he'd disappeared with his mother. Chris couldn't bring himself to get rid of the game though on different occasions he'd resolved to do just that. For about two straight years after the incident, Chris had held that box and cried himself to sleep every night. That was reason enough for anyone to want to get rid of something...right? But he hadn't been able to do it. Even as an adult, he always mourned as though someone was dead, whenever he saw that box. But still, Chris couldn't bring himself to part with that box. He'd gone as far as building a safe in his home just for that box of dominos. It was his only link with Nick Lewis.

So being reminded of that game and what they had shared, in the presence of none other than Shane himself, was not easy for Chris. He wanted to tell Shane to change the channel but didn't. After all, it was Shane's home and Shane's projector, right? He could watch whatever he felt like watching. Besides, asking Shane to change the channel wouldn't be too wise as the other man might think he was deliberately trying to cover up his guilt. Chris therefore kept his eyes on the boys on the screen, congratulating himself on his outward calm because inside, he was a quivering mess.

Shane wasn't fooled for a second. Flipping onto that channel hadn't been deliberate but he did watch that competition often. He never played but never passed on an opportunity to watch a good game of dominos. After all, it had been the very first classy game he'd learnt...and owned, even if it had been for a short while. Shane stood up and went to the bar to pour a stiff drink, which he gave to Chris. Chris murmured his thanks and took a sip, willing his shaking hands to stop shaking. Shane took his seat and turned back to the screen where another set of players where taking their turn. For the next three hours, Shane and Chris watched the boys play. And as they watched, the years slipped away as both men got engrossed in the game. At a point, Shane went for a bottle of Scotch, which was almost finished by the time the game ended. It had almost felt like when they were kids again. The only difference being the alcohol that was being consumed and the fact that they were watching and not playing themselves.

"Have you been playing?" Chris asked as he stood up to stretch at the end of the game.

"No." Shane said quietly, draining his glass. "I've never played since..." He trailed off.

And just like that the mood changed again, going right back to how both men had felt the moment Shane had first flipped onto that channel. Chris' heart lurched and raced "Shit." He swore. "I'm sorry, Shane." He breathed automatically. Saying sorry to Shane felt extremely inadequate but Chris didn't know what else he could do or say, besides sorry.

Without acknowledging Chris' plea, Shane stood up and went to the fire place and clicked on a knob on the wall. The fireplace lit up but he didn't leave where he stood. He was lost in thought as he stared into the fire. Maybe he shouldn't have made them watch the game, Shane thought. Now they were back to being awkward around each other. But who was he kidding? Immediately he'd flipped onto that channel, their easy mood had ended. Yes, they had enjoyed the game, but something had shifted back to that tense mood...reminding both men of how much they had meant to each other and what Chris had done.

When Shane felt Chris's presence behind him, a tingle went through him, slithered down his neck and then spread out over his body, drawing goose bumps in its wake. He turned around so fast he lost his footing. Chris' arms shot out reflexively to hold him study and just like that, the world tilted on its axis. The bolt of irrepressible lust that shot through Shane, overriding his feeling of guilt for spoiling their carefree mood was so unexpected, his eyes widened as he stared into Chris' guilt-ridden eyes. Chris stared back at Shane, his hands remaining around Shane even after he'd studied him because he just couldn't bring himself to let go of Shane. Despite his feeling of remorse, Chris couldn't help but enjoy the feel of Shane against him. Having Shane so close to him felt so fucking good.

"I'm so sorry, Shane." Chris whispered, his voice tinged with regret and entreaty. "I know this is difficult but please..." His soft words rippled over Shane's nerve endings, sending a shiver through Shane. "Forgive me." Chris sighed, his fingers innocently going to rest on the sensitive spot between Shane's butt and lower back...

"Fuck..." Shane couldn't suppress the gasp that tore out of his throat. A shock of pure awareness that could not be masked flashed through Shane at the feel of Chris' touch to that spot. Though he was being touched through his t-shirt, the intensity of need that whirled through him was still overwhelming.

Shane had found out some years back that a touch to that spot drove him crazy with lust. One lady had told him that that spot was an erogenous zone for him. Well, whatever the fuck that meant, Shane didn't have a clue. He'd just never understood why the simplest stimulation of that spot never ceased to produce an intense arousal in him. This time was not any different. As if the touch driving him nuts wasn't enough, Shane had to contend with the feel of Chris' big powerfully elegant body with its rock-hard tautly defined muscle, against his. Shane knew he was in serious trouble. He panicked, hoping Chris wouldn't notice the predicament he was in. He knew he had to get away from Chris. He couldn't let Chris know just how agonizingly arousing his touch was. But Shane couldn't bring himself to pull out of Chris's arms. Chris made his body weak...pliant.

"Don't...don't worry about it." Shane sounded as though he was being strangled, almost as though he was in pain.

Chris felt his chest tighten in response to Shane's tone. God, he would give anything to take away Shane's pain, he thought unhappily. Chris gave a helpless groan and tightened his hold on Shane, in effect, pressing harder against that spot. Shane went rock hard. Fuck!

Shane took deep breaths, trying to keep his rioting hormones under control. This was it, Shane thought determinedly. Time to prove to himself that he could control his sexually charged senses and body around Chris. Shane fought the overriding need pulsing through his body. He tried to think ordinary thoughts, anything that had nothing to do with the man driving him crazy that very instant. He could control this, Shane told himself. He took a deep breath, reining in the madness that threatened to whip through him. Self-control, that was all it took. But just as Shane gained a semblance of control over his raging body, he felt it...Chris' fingers lightly rubbing against that spot...causing a delicious shiver to pass through Shane. The uncontrollable moan that tore out from Shane's throat took both men by surprise. That erotic sound went directly to Chris' brain, and then short-circuited down to his cock, which hardened against Shane's. What happened next absolutely shocked and blew Chris' mind.

Shane's breathing grew alarmingly ragged and his eyes glazed over with arousal. A tiny whimper escaped him as his eyes flattered shut and his tongue came out to lick his parted lips. Then as if that wasn't breathtakingly sexy enough, Shane started to thrust slowly and uncontrollably against Chris.

"Fuck, Shane." Chris whispered, knowing instinctively that his fingers on Shane's lower back, was the cause of the change in Shane. But instead of letting go of Shane, the naughty streak in Chris reared its head, wanting to know just how powerful that spot was for Shane. Chris slipped his hand under Shane's t-shirt and rubbed him slowly and maddeningly on that spot.

Shane saw stars. "Oh God, Chris...please." His plea was a hard gasp, a breathless moan as his hands went to Chris' shoulders to grip him hard. Raw lust transformed Shane's face as he whimpered brokenly, not knowing what exactly he was pleading for. He didn't know whether he was pleading with Chris to stop or not to. There was however one thing that was absolutely clear to Shane...what Chris was doing with his fingers felt so damned good. Shane shuddered with pleasure and blinding need. He wanted more...had to have more. With a lustful moan he buried his face between Chris' neck and shoulder and angled his hip to hump Chris' thigh frenziedly.

Chris had never seen anything so erotic and entrancing in his life. Not only was Shane totally drunk on lust, he also seemed not to have any hold over his actions. Chris knew that if anyone had walked into the den that very moment, Shane wouldn't give a flying fuck. He was too turned-on to care. Chris felt every cell in his own body react with such an intense flash of desire and arousal, he groaned.

Shane knew he had to stop what was happening, knew he needed to find a way to curb the burst of passion that was assailing his senses but he couldn't. It felt so good he just couldn't stop. He felt precum leak out of his cock and soak his boxer briefs and willed it to subside but it seemed as though his body was against him. He would have laughed with amusement had the need pulsing through his body not been so intense, because he could imagine how strange his shamelessly wanton actions seemed to Chris. Hell, he would have been shocked if he were in Chris' shoes for sure. But Shane didn't care how Chris felt or what he thought. He was dying. He was so hard it felt like he would go insane if he didn't come soon. His breath started coming out in gasps.

"Chris..." Shane breathed shakily, but what Chris heard was a cry for help.

And at that point, Chris knew he had to do something...anything to get Shane off. No way was he going to leave him like that. Chris' mind was made up. He was going to bring Shane some relief if it was the last thing he did. And he did just that!

Afterwards, Chris wondered what had come over him. All he could think of at that moment was giving Shane some relief, which surprised Chris as he'd never thought himself capable of something like that. Though he had no experience when it came to men, he had the advantage of being a guy too and knowing what felt good. Chris went with his instincts.

When Shane felt himself being turned around, he groaned in protest. He was so drunk on desire he didn't even care that he was acting wanton and with Chris of all people. Leaving an arm around Shane's waist, Chris's other hand slowly slid down to the bulge at Shane's groin and squeezed.

"Oh God..." Shane closed his eyes and let out such a sexy moan Chris had to bite his lip to hold in his own groan. Never had any of his women moaned like that when he touched them. It looked like Shane's sexiness went beyond just looks.

Shane couldn't believe Chris was touching him in that way. There was a battle raging inside him. He knew he shouldn't allow Chris to touch him in that way...hell, in any way for that matter. The last and only time there had been any intimacy between them, it hadn't ended well. But Shane couldn't bring himself to pull away. His blood was roaring in his ears so loudly that he couldn't think straight. When Shane felt his zipper being lowered, he opened his eyes and tensed up in anticipation. And when he felt Chris' touch on his cock, he let out a shaky breath he'd been unconsciously holding as all ability to think fled. It felt so good.

When Chris pulled out Shane's weeping cock, he couldn't suppress his gasp. Fuck, it was huge. Shane's cock was thick and long with a huge mushroomed head that curved up. It stuck out from Shane's body, too weighty to stand straight up. Chris felt his own cock get even harder inside his pants and groaned. Shane was so hard he leaked profusely in Chris' palm, the thick veins throbbing beneath the smooth dark skin. A ragged sound tore from Shane's throat as he hardened even more at Chris' touch, loving the feel of Chris hand on his cock. No words were spoken as Chris stroked Shane slowly. Not only did Chris think the cock in his hand was beautiful, he also loved the feel of it in his palm.

As much as Shane wanted to close his eyes and succumb to pure sensation, he couldn't look away from the picture they made...the erotic sight of his dark throbbing flesh being stroked by Chris' creamy hand. Both men began to breathe in tandem, lost in the wonder of it all. Shane's broken moans were so erotic, Chris was going out of his mind with hunger. He would have given anything to have his naked body pressed against the length of Shane's, feeling Shane's warm body against his, skin on skin, front to back or whatever position Shane would be comfortable with.

"Damn!" Chris growled, surprised at his line of thought. "You're the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He whispered huskily in Shane's ear, squeezing the slick curved head of Shane's cock.

At Chris's words, a shivers of lust raced up and down Shane's spine, causing a gush of precum to spill out of his throbbing cock, making it even more slick. Chris gripped Shane tighter and pumped him in long, hard strokes from base to tip, loving the sounds spilling out of Shane. Trembling with pleasure, Shane thrust his hips desperately and rhythmically into Chris's hand, with just one goal in mind. He needed to come so bad. In the back of his mind, Shane was appalled at his own lack of control, but helpless in the face of the frenzy overtaking him. When he felt Chris licking a path from his neck to his ear, Shane's knees almost buckled.

"Oh, sweet Lord." Shane gasped. "Feels so good, Chris... It's been so long..."

And when Chris twirled his wet tongue along the shell of Shane's ear, Shane almost went out of his mind with bliss. He had never felt anything so exquisite. Shane couldn't believe the sensation. His head fell back against Chris' shoulder in ecstatic abandon as he blocked out every single thing in the world except the exquisite feel of Chris' hand on his cock. It was so good Shane's breath exploded from his lungs.

"Fuck..." Shane breathed, sweat misting his brow as his excitement mounted. He was completely at the mercy of Chris and near mindless with the need to climax.

Shane trembled as he felt the intensity of his pleasure increase to unbearable heights. He knew he was about to lose it. He couldn't help but wonder how he'd managed to hold off that long. When he felt Chris blow lightly into his ear, Shane moaned as his entire body locked into that moment of exquisite tautness that came before release. Dear God, he was going to... Chris chose that moment to slide his stiffened tongue into Shane's ear...

Shane erupted with an animal roar, his orgasm hitting him full force as hot cum forcefully burst from the tip of his cock in thick streams. He whimpered brokenly as his cock jerked within Chris' hand and his entire body convulsed in fierce tremors as relief exploded through him. His heart pounded so fiercely inside his chest he felt as though his chest might explode along with his cock. Shane's orgasm lasted forever as Chris kept milking his cock with perfect strokes, extending his pleasure till Shane thought he would go insane. He moaned throatily at the exquisite feeling that kept slamming through him. He couldn't seem to stop coming. Even when he eventually stopped coming, blissful tremors still shook his frame. Shane struggled to bring his breathing under control. Fuck, that had been sensational, he couldn't help but think even in his dazed state. He felt so sated and drained he knew the only thing holding him up was Chris' strong arm around him.

Though Chris knew that Shane would be sensitive after that explosive release, he couldn't bring himself to stop stroking him. Strangely, Chris just wanted to keep feeling that powerful cock within his palm. He didn't want to let it go. And from the shudders going through Shane, Chris knew he loved it too. Shane's entire body continued to jerk in hard spasms as Chris continued to stroke him. He only stopped stroking when Shane's hand went to his wrist to give it a light squeeze. Chris saw a box of hand-wipes on the mantel above the fire place and reached up to pull some out. He didn't know why it was there but he was glad it was. He tenderly wiped Shane's softening cock and his own palm and threw the used tissue into the fire. Then he tucked Shane's cock back inside his jeans and zipped him up. Chris then wrapped both arms around a still spaced out Shane, smiling when Shane gave a small sigh of contentment and relaxed completely against him. Chris didn't blame the man. That had been intense. So when Shane suddenly pulled out of Chris' arms and started slowly backing away from Chris with so much fear in his eyes, Chris got confused.

"Shane?" Chris didn't know what was happening. He started moving tentatively towards Shane who was shaking his head slowly as he backed away, his eyes clearly pleading with Chris not to...hurt him?

Then it hit Chris like a thousand tons of bricks... Shane looked terrified. What confused Chris even more was the fact that Shane actually looked scared of him. The man could easily take Chris down in a blink of an eye if he wanted to so why was there so much fear in his eyes? What had happened between them had been so spontaneous and beautiful it made the terrified look on Shane's face rather inexplicable. Shane didn't have any reason to be scared, Chris thought confused. Unless...

"Oh God, Shane..." Chris froze. What the fuck had he done to Shane, Chris cursed at himself silently. "Shane stop." Chris breathed, as he felt his heart break into a million pieces. "I'm not going to hurt you. Please stop."

"I couldn't help myself." Shane spoke as if he hadn't heard what Chris said. "It won't happen again, I prom..."

"Shane!" Chris' raised voice finally caught Shane's attention. Shane still had an uncertain look in his eyes but he stopped his backward movement.

Chris went closer till his body was virtually touching Shane's. He didn't even feel the tear that slipped down his cheek. He slipped his arms around Shane's waist and bumped his forehead against Shane's. Silent tears kept sliding down Chris' cheeks as the two men just stood there in silence...till Shane broke the silence.

"Why are you crying?" Shane whispered, reaching up to gently wipe at Chris' cheeks.

Without answering to Shane's question, Chris let go of Shane and turned around to switch off the projector and turn off the gas, instantly quenching the fire in the fireplace. Then reaching for Shane's hand, Chris drew him into the room adjacent the den. It was a tastefully decorated room with a really big bed. It was obvious no one slept in that room. Chris toed off his loafers, drew Shane to the bed and gently pushed him onto it. Then Chris got into the bed with Shane and spooned behind him, wrapping one arm around his waist, holding him tightly to his body as if Shane would disappear if he loosened his hold on him for even a second. He didn't say a word, he just held Shane. Both men were lost in their own thoughts, wondering what the other thought about them at that very moment. Chris was convinced by Shane's reaction after coming back to his senses, that the other man saw him as a monster of sorts and wondered what he could do to redeem himself. Shane on the other hand didn't think he could ever look Chris in the eye after what he'd allowed to happen.

"Chris?" Shane called out quietly.

"Yes, Shane." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"What just happened," Shane's voice shook, "I need you to know... I don't go around's not a habit." By the time he finished talking, his voice was just a breathy whisper.

Chris' arm tightened around Shane. "I know, Shane." Chris whispered. He didn't have to be a genius to know that Shane wasn't that kind of person. Hell, the guy lived like a hermit. "I know."

Chris felt Shane relax at his answer and knew he had said the right thing. As he lay there holding Shane in his arms, he couldn't help but think how right Shane felt against him. Chris' intention was simply to hold Shane but soon their breathing evened out, indicating that they were both fast asleep. Till an unusual sound woke Chris up.


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