R:1 - 2: Initiation
Seth attached his black and red compartment on his hip, placing his forever-sheathed sword in the first slot, ready to be drawn. Seth then adjusted his red cap, using the cleanliness of the locker before him to see his reflection.
"I think I look okay." He mumbled.
"You look fine." Kaitlyn said making him sigh in relief.
"Wait, that's it? Just that sword?" She questioned. "What's wrong with that?" Seth asked back, confused. "Well... I've seen plenty of weapons so far, and you and that blonde guy's are the simplest. It can't shoot some sort of projectile?" Kaitlyn continued.
"Well, it has once, but I don't know how I did it." Seth answered. "What kind of sense does that make. It's like you..." Kaitlyn then glared at him.
"You didn't steal that, did you?" She asked.
"I hope not. I found it in the woods. Took a few weeks to even get it out of the ground." Seth said making Kaitlyn hum.
She suddenly attempted to snatch his sword, and knowing so, Seth let her.
To her surprise, not even Seth was moved by the sudden tug on his body. The sword was still, but only moved when Seth turned to face her.
"Wanna try again?" He asked.
"How heavy is that thing...? I felt like I was trying to lift a steel beam." Kaitlyn wondered in awe.
"That's another aspect I can't explain. It's weight is incredibly convenient." Seth informed. "Can you elaborate? This will be good since I want to be on your team." Kaitlyn nodded.
"Really? That's great. But, uh... watch this. No one will know who did it..." Seth muttered the last part.
"How strong would you say I am based on our handshake?" He probed.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, a high 6." Kaitlyn answered, but was showing confusion as he suddenly took the sword from his hip.
"Watch." He whispered.
Seth began to 'swiftly' slash and slice the air before him, and it seemed to be a combo with how his next moves always followed up the other.
Seth slashed diagonally upward, then darted his sheathed blade downward, before his speed increased tenfold— and he disappeared from her sight.
He appeared at the lockers across the room, with his sword reeled back behind his left arm, using his right.
With a grunt, the speed at which the sword flew would make one think that it'd be a small scratch on the locker, but Kaitlyn was surely mistaken.
With a loud crash, the locker was done in as the sheathed sword tore off the door and and laid itself into the next.
Kaitlyn knew the sheath was for the blade of a katana, and katana's don't have that kind of weight, so they can't have that kind of power.
"It changes its weight depending on the swing, for ranging damages. It's incredibly convenient, so I labeled the sword Burden. Because one can be lifted, and another can be laid." Seth explained proudly, the passerby confused as to why he attacked the poor lockers.
"You... fuck the weight of the sword, how did you move that fast?!" Kaitlyn asked in shock.
"I... ran over." Seth said, giving her a disappointed and confused stare.
"Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation." Glynda announced over the P.A. system.
"Is that your Semblance?" Kaitlyn pressed, practically dragging him over to the exit. "No. I don't have one yet. Let alone my Aura." Seth replied, making her even more shocked.
'He... got past my sight. But, my whole Semblance has to do with spotting things over can't. Be it Thermal, or invisible... just how did he do that?' Kaitlyn wondered, still nudging him on with each step.
Along a cliff, was the total of all first-years in the initiation for Beacon. This number was a small 16, and Seth only recognized five people.
Seth hadn't realized just what the platform he stepped on was, along with Jaune, so the two looked as ready as everyone else was.
Ozpin stood before the group with a mug in hand and Glynda at his side.
"For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin began.
"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to quell your curiosity." Glynda continued. "Each of you will be given teammates. Today." Glynda stated.
"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you can work well." Ozpin said, making Seth and Ruby groan softly.
"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." Ozpin revealed.
'Wha... time for my special move,' Seth thought with a straight face.
'Pray.' He thought throwing his head up and squinting his eyes at the sky.
"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in you path, or you will die." Ozpin declared, the serious of his tone making Seth straighten his posture.
"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But, our instructors will not intervene." Ozpin continued, glancing at Glynda. "You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path, containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff." Ozpin informed.
"We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin finished, making Jaune raise his hand.
"Yeah, um, sir—"
"Good. Now take your positions." Ozpin deliberately ignored him.
"Um, sir, I've got... a question." Jaune began, before seeing Weiss get launched by the platform below her.
He and Seth shot their eyes downward in shock, and Jaune looked back at Ozpin in a panic.
"S-So, about this landing strategy— what is it?" He asked impatiently, seeing the line to his left slowly diminish.
"No... You will be falling." Ozpin responded bluntly.
"Um... so, did you hand out parachutes for us?" Jaune pressed, growing more and more fearful as only six people were left before he was launched.
"No. You will be using your own landing strategy." Ozpin stated.
Ruby, to the left of Seth, who was to Jaune's, looked at him, and stuck out her tongue. She was hurled upward and over the forest, and he sighed.
He quickly spun around his sword and held it like a rapier as he was thrown himself, getting sent spiraling upward from the sudden thrust of his sword.
Seth closed his eyes as he spun like torpedo, the weight of his sword growing rapidly against his will. Now exceeding the weight the wind could carry him, he held the sword in a reverse grip as he began plummeting towards a tree.
Landing just above the tree, with the weight of Burden balancing itself to only plunge into the tree instead of cut it, Seth landed with only a slightly irritated ankle.
He held on to the tree, and opted to use its height to look for his objective instead of wondering aimlessly like most others.
He was surprisingly serious, were the thoughts of a girl below him, but since he hadn't seen her yet, she walked away, which could mean two things.
She either didn't want to be his partner, or, already had one.
Seth fixed his hat a bit from the flight over the forest, and held the sword in his left hand, letting its weight grow so he could glide down the tree.
Despite the blunt sheathe of the sword, it sliced down the tree like butter.
After just four seconds, Seth landed on his feet, and pulled his sword out of the bark, humming in annoyance at the thought of blisters.
Seth knew where to go, and was surprised in all the spinning he did, he still went north.
'Alright. I think I should prioritize finding the relic the Headmaster mentioned. I don't want to lose track of that temple.' Seth thought, placing his sheathed blade back at his hip, at the ready.
He began running through the forest, occasionally hearing gunfire and distant growls and roars.
He kept darting his eyes around in case he wasn't exactly on the mark, but his opposition wasn't so fond of this.
With out even acknowledging the Beowolves incoming, Seth slid under one and thrusted the hilt of Burden upward, sending the first of four flying skyward.
Continuing the move, he pushed the sword back toward the ground and used it as a pole vault, hopping over the second head his way.
The weight of his blade quickly increased, so he sent a triple spin slash downward, slicing the Beowolf into three sections, but it quickly dispersed. The last two clawed at his vulnerable descent, but Seth blocked by bringing the blade in front of him and vertically parrying each swipe.
He tucked the sword behind his left hip, and in the blink of an eye, both began to disperse into black particles as well.
"I didn't get to use my combo..." he thought aloud.
Seth sliced a branch in his way as he walked into a small clearing, meeting his destination.
It seemed he wasn't the first, as Yang, Blake, and a girl with bunny ears were standing around in wait.
As soon as they acknowledged his presence, the girl with bunny ears ran over with a toothy grin.
"Have you found a partner?!" She asked with enthusiasm. "No..." Seth answered, making her shout triumphantly.
"Finally! Everyone that's come by has already found one. Thought I was gonna have to flunk." The girl said with a smirk, patting Seth's shoulder.
He glanced over at Blake and Yang, and the two shrugged.
Suddenly, the nearing sound of a yell caught everyone's attention. The four looked up and saw Ruby nearly falling to her doom, but Jaune intercepted and tackled her midair, sending the two into a tree.
Jaune was left lying on a branch and Ruby was seated on top of one below him.
"Damn, I know that hurt." Seth's partner commented.
"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asked rhetorically.
"Yeeehaw!" A girl yelled, rolling off of a dying Ursa with a grin as it fell out into the clearing. "Aww, it's broken." Said red-head whined.
"Nora... Please, never do that agai—" A black haired boy stepped over the Ursa's arm, but found Nora was no longer around. He looked over and saw her by the podiums casing the relics, singing about the Rook piece she picked.
"Nora!" He shouted in annoyance. "Coming, Ren!" She shouted back, saluting before she jogged over.
"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Blake rhetorically asked once more, still baffled by the events ensuing.
Yet again, Seth heard the faint whisper of "Spark", and swung his blade upward, deflecting another projectile the others couldn't see.
In a flash of light, finally, the projectile was seen ricocheting off his blade and into the sky— finally learning that it was a small, yet powerful beam of lightning.
From the forest, A pure, red haired girl slid under the swipe of a Deathstalker, and flipped through the next as it barreled out of the trees.
Arriving at her side, was a girl with long, silky, black hair, in a white, general's coat, laced with achievements, and white trousers, who attempted to halt the massive scorpion-like creature with a small bolt to its legs.
It indeed stumbled, but that only made it tackle the two towards the temple.
Seth ran forward and attempted to catch at least one of them, and succeeded in catching the red-haired girl, the black haired on easily recovering and sliding back beside Blake.
Seth set down the girl, and everyone heard a whistle.
Kaitlyn scooped up a black pawn piece and tapped the black-haired girl's shoulder.
"Sup." She greeted.
Jaune landed on his stomach, with Weiss on his back, having attempted to catch her from falling just like Ruby.
"There is way too much going on. Can we leave?" Seth asked the groups.
"He's right. Our goal isn't in slaying the Grimm." The black haired girl agreed. "Run and live... that is an idea I can get behind." Jaune agreed as well, giving Seth a thumbs up.
Everyone who hadn't grabbed a relic, who needed to, did so, and the group of twelve made their escape, running for the hill just behind the temple.
Down the hill, was just more ruins, broken worn down structures that looked like they could barely stand.
Up above, the Nevermore that Ruby and Weiss rode on steadily watched its prey and hovered over them as they ran.
Several stone pillars laced a pathway to the cliff, and the Nevermore took its opportunity to roost near the end, just on the watchtower on the platform after the cliff.
It screeched at the hidden groups and everyone groaned in annoyance at its persistence and patience.
Adding to this annoyance, was the Deathstalker still hot on their tail, bursting through the forest brush with a screech as well.
"Run!" Jaune shouted, which forced everyone to run to the end platform over the ravine. "Nora! Distract the Nevermore!" Ren ordered, following after the others.
She flew out from behind her pillar and and rolled past the descending huge feather projectiles. She skid to a stop and cocked the handle of her hammer into a the large cylinder, making a grenade launcher.
She laughed as she launched grenade after grenade, each explosion ending with a heart.
I direct hit to its forehead was enough to make it squawk and fly higher up, rounding around to follow the others.
As Nora was handling it, the Deathstalker closed in and lunged at her, but Ren and Blake appeared and blocked each claw. Weiss appeared behind Nora, and a circular glyph appeared under her feet. She jumped away with enhanced speed, and Blake and Ren made a run for it.
Pyrrha noticed the two would barely make it, and turned on her heal, her sword shifting into a rifle as she fired at the Deathstalker.
"Go! Go!" She urged. Ren spun around as well and fired a few rounds as Blake jumped over the slash of its claw.
The group ran down the bridge leading to the platform over the ravine, and the Deathstalke hissed seeing as it couldn't walk down such a narrow path.
Seth noticed in the corner of his eye that the Nevermore was circling back and flying at them.
Headed straight for the bridge, Seth turned on his heel and stabbed his sheathed sword into the stone with a loud boom, the weight of the sword sticking the sword snug into the stone.
"Get back!" He yelled, catching everyone's attention.
Everyone's instincts told them to either jump back or forward, and they watched as the Nevermore headbutt the bridge, but upon contact, it recoiled back and upward, the plating upon its head cracked severely.
In unison, Seth was sent flying along with the bridge itself, his sword still lodged into the stone.
His eyes flickered unconscious as he fell down into the ravine, but saw something small flying at him. In a last ditch effort, he threw his leg up and at the figure— his sword unknowingly changing its weight again, and his.
Blake thrusted her arms upward to try and save him, but was surprised to feel like she didn't even grab him with her weapon Gambol Shroud.
"aaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhh...!" Seth screamed as he flung upward at blurring speeds, Blake wide-eyed at the sight.
She looked at her arms and wondered about her own strength, but snapped out of it when she heard the Nevermore screech again.
Seth was still screaming as he flew upward, growing more and more scared as the clouds closed in.
Suddenly, his sword's weight increased again, and his eyes widened.
"No fucking way..." he said, stopping his screamed immediately.
Yang continuously sent flame rounds at the Nevermore, holding open its maw. She jumped off as it flew around Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and the bunny girl, Laura.
The damage from these shots sent it crashing into the cliffside of the ravine and stagger down atop a large passage way.
Weiss flew past the landing Yang and jumped up as it attempted to fly off, stabbing her rapier into its tail. Ice burst forth and encased the end of its tail to the stone.
Laura paced backwards as Blake threw her wired weapon to Yang, the two making a slingshot with the pillars. Laura, using her superior strength, pulled the wire as far back as it could go, Ruby hopping on the wire as Weiss set a glyph behind the girl in the cloak.
Weiss released the glyph, slashing upward, just as Laura sent a light infused fist to boost her toward the Nevermore at maximum speed.
Ruby fired several rounds to go further, and slashed the Nevermore's neck, landing on the cliff and choking the nevermore.
Weiss swiped her rapier again, and a trail of glyphs began to fade upward on the cliffside.
Ruby began running up the cliff with the glyphs keeping her stationary. She yelled as she neared the top and thrusted her scythe skyward.
From the sky, a small explosion began flying down towards her as well, and Seth held his sword at his hip with his eyes clothes, the speed at which he fell going far faster than Ruby.
Ruby gave a final battle cry as she jumped up the last stretch of the cliff, petals bursting from her Semblance— Seth passed her slashing at its neck just like her— and the two decapitated the Nevermore with a small Gale of Red...
Ruby landed on the cliff and looked down at her handy work.
Seth's weight shifted once more and he landed on his toes, crouching down with his sheathed sword in front of him, light as a feather.
He spun his sword around his fingers and slid it towards his hip, opening his eyes with a sigh, smirking.
'I'm so badass some times...' he thought.
Back in the auditorium, Ozpin was announcing the first-years who passed the initiation.
"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL (Cardinal), led by Cardin Winchester." Ozpin announced, a screen showing each of their faces, and the letters representing them.
The four boys all stood at attention, and nodded, before exiting the stage. Next:
"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkayrie. The four of you retrieved the White Rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR (Juniper)." Ozpin announced, eating applause. Nora hugged Ren, and each of them smiled.
"Led by... Jaune Arc." Ozpin finished, making said blonde shocked.
"Huh? Led... by..." He muttered in disbelief. "Congratulations, young man." Ozpin said stoically.
"Seth Evans, Maia Ironwood, Kaitlyn Tuller, and Laura Forner. The four of you retrieved the Black Pawn pieces. Form this day forward, you will work together as Team SKIL (Skill). Led by, Seth Evans." Ozpin announced, making the boy in question surprised, but happy.
"Oh." Seth said with a smile, but Laura fist pumped and ruffled the hat atop his head. The other two didn't seem discontent, so Seth continued to smile as they walked off stage.
"And finally, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the White Knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY (Ruby). Led by... Ruby Rose." Ozpin announced, more applause as Yang hugged her younger sister.
"I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed.
"It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year." Ozpin commented softly, his glance falling just beyond Seth, and at his sword.
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