
Okay, I can't get enough of this Punk Goes Punk album!! Somebody I Used To Know Cover by Mayday Parade in the media. So if you like punk and rock and screamo covers, check it out! :) Also, I wanna thank my amazing co-author, @Blackninja2511, for putting up with me and my damn finals and personal problems. So, kudos to you, Blackninja2511, for being such a patient person with me! This one's for you, love! :)



A childish argument between White Tiger and Nova gets their entire team grounded. To prove themselves to Fury, the super-youths go through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database of the most wanted super villains to see who they can defeat and apprehend in order to impress Nick Fury. When the choices Batroc the Leaper, Blizzard, Melter, MODOK, Toad, Whirlwind, and Lady Porcupine prove unpopular, Spider-Man and his team go to Latveria to track down Doctor Doom. The young heroes capture Doom, but things take a turn for the worst when Doctor Doom tricks the team into taking one of his Doombots aboard the Helicarrier.


What you need to know to understand this episode:

*This is when the scene freezes and Spidey talks to you. *

(This is when Devil or Angel Spidey talks)

• This is the person' thoughts

• Extreme use of emotion like anger or the person being very annoyed

• "This is normal talking."

•This is memories/flashbacks and descriptions of pictures shown

This is in third person. The flashbacks will be in third person as so will the 'Wheel Of Bad Excuses!' Game and all the others he makes up. The only thing that will be in first person is when the screen stops and Spidey talks to you.



Sam Alexander was having a pretty good day; He had woken up to Peter still sleeping in his arms instead of hurriedly studying for a test he had that day. Let me rephrase: Sam Alexander was having a pretty good day until he walked into lunch. He narrowed his eyes when he saw a certain tiger sitting at his table, chatting it up with Peter's friends. He stormed over and grabbed Ava, nearly dragging the White Tiger out of the room.

"What the hell, Sam?" Ava asked, wrangling her hand out of the strong grip of Nova. Sam glared at her. "What the hell are you doing there?" Sam asked, giving Ava the best disapproving look he could muster- he had a little experience since he had seen Peter's look too many times when he did something stupid that would get him hurt. Ava tiffed. "What? I can't be civilized when we're not out of costume?" Ava growled, narrowing her eyes. Just as soon as they were about to fight, Principal Coulson walked out of his off and stopped them. "Detention, both of you. Right now."

Sam glared at Ava again as they walked down to the detention room. "This is all your fault," Ava whispered to him. Sam scoffed and turned on Ava. "My fault, you're the one you got the principal's attention when you mentioned costumes!"

The two teen heroes glared at each other and argued until they reached the room. Sam eyebrows scrunched together in confusion when he saw his boyfriend sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room. Peter gave Sam a smile and waved him over. Sam walked over to the spider and sat down next to him.

Sam looked up to see Coulson walk into the room. He smirked and the said three simple words; "Good Luck, team." Coulson then pressed a button and which then sent them to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, where Fury had put them through a test to battle giant robots.

Sam glared at Ava, and White Tiger glared at Nova. "I bet I can take out more of the robot things than you," Sam told Ava. Ava smirked and then spoke. "You're on, Alexander!"

With that, the two began to destroy the robots. Peter put his palm on his forehead and let it slide down his face. They were supposed to get through the room without trashing it at all. Once the two finished, they ended up tied. Peter shook his head at his boyfriend's antics.

"So what super-villains have you taken down?" Ava asked mockingly with a smirk on her face- which was covered by her White Tiger Mask. Nova looked over to White Tiger with a glare. "I've beaten tons of super villains, like the Juggernaut," Sam replied, floating over to Peter. Ava rolled her eyes. "That was a team effort, light bulb," She replied, snorting at Sam.

Sam shrugged. "I fought some aliens," He offered. Ava scoffed and replied. "Big whoop, you fought something that isn't human. Tell me, how was that?" Sam pursed his lips. Peter glared at the sassy Tiger. How dare she insult her boyfriend like that. "I'm sorry Miss Kitty, have you been in space?" Peter snapped, his patience for the girl quickly diminishing. If she wanted a war, then bring it the fuck on, bitch.

"Sam's seen plenty of thing that you haven't. Fought alien races that would make your mind explode, been through intergalactic war, twice, and yet you degrade and ask him how many villains he fought. Tell Miss Ayala, how many fucking galaxies have you been to? How many wars have you been through?" Peter exploded, glaring at the tiger. She raised her eyebrows.

"No, have you Miss Spider?" Ava asked, making Sam's eye widen in anger. Had White Tiger just called his boyfriend a girl? WHAT THE HELLL?

*A chibi version of Spider-Man appears on the frozen screen. He glares at Ava with his little hands on his hips.

Okay guys, I know things seem bad right now, but I think it's not too bad.... WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING! I want to wrap my hands around her throat for being so ignorant!!! And for calling me a chick!!! No fucking way is she going to disrespect me right in front of my own boyfriend!!!!*

"Wow Ava. I'm impressed that you go after Peter when I'm the one talking to you. How narrow minded," Sam commented, trying to get Peter to calm down since his boyfriend looked like he was about to hurl something at Ava's head.

Ava glared at the teen hero. "Oh yeah, and I'm impressed that you didn't see any of us there when we fight together. And you go around and flaunt the fact that your boyfriend has defeated so many villains and you haven't. Plus, your super possessive. What, I can't be friends with new team members' friends when we're not in these ridiculous costumes?"

Sam opened his mouth to reply when Spider-Man cut in. "No, Ava you can't be total friends with your team members' friends in public places because that last thing we need is some dumbass villain to hunt them down and use them against us. I think you should thank Sam for pulling you out of there because you were playing a dangerous game."

Ava looked furious. "THANK HIM? WHY THE HELL-" She holler, pointing a finger at Nova but she was cut off by Nick Fury entering the room to stop the arguing. "Enough! This is out of hand! Until further notice, this team is grounded. You all disappoint me, especially you," He said, pointing at Ava before walking out of the room, his long jacket fluttering behind him.

Ava turned around and continued to glare at Peter. "See what you did?" She snapped at the teen spider. Peter scoffed. "That was all on you!" He exclaimed. Ava looked ready to lunge as did Peter, when she went silent, thinking.

"We have to prove ourselves to Fury so we can get out of being grounded, but you and I have to work together," Ava said, pointedly looking at Peter. Peter glared at her then nodded in agreement. Spider-man walked over to the laptop with Nova at his heels. The rest of the team watched as Ava scrolled through the list, stopping at a picture of a man in a metal mask and green hood; Doctor Doom. Ava looked at the other team members.

"How about him?" she asked. Nova, Power Man and Iron Fist all nodded. Spider-Man looked a bit reluctant. He had heard of the notorious Victor Von Doom of Latveria. He thought about it for a second.

*Okay, this would be the perfect opportunity to show Fury that we aren't a disappointment, but this is the Victor Von Doom, king of Latveria! I mean he didn't earn that title by birthright!*

They all load into the jet that Fury had assigned to them. Spider-Man bit his lip and spoke up. "Guys, this is Victor Von Doom, the king of Latveria. He didn't earn that title by being the son of the last king. He forcefully took over Latveria and he killed anyone who got in his way," He ranted. Ava shook her head and glanced at Sam nodding her head.

Sam walked over to Peter and wrapped his hands around Peter's waist, whispering into said spider's ear. Peter tried to argue, but as soon as he got one word out, he heard the engine start. Peter's eyes narrow and he wrestled out of Sam's grasp and slapped the teen hero right across the face. Sam stumbled back, shocked.


A chibi spider-man takes a deep breath as he puts a hand on his forehead. he takes another deep breath.

Okay, I think I'm good, but I'm not going to forgive Sam so easily. *

Ava snorted a bit under her mask when she saw Peter hit Sam over the head in the reflection of the glass of the jet. Danny's eyes widened as he watched the scene. Spider-Man huffed and spun on his heel and walked to the back of the jet, sitting down with his hands crossed over his chest.

For the rest of the trip, no words were uttered by the Spider and every time Nova tried to touch the teen, Peter would slap his hand away. This happened for about seven or eight time during the span of the trip. At one point, Spider-Man wouldn't even look at Nova.

"We're over Latveria right now," Ava stated easing the thrusters as they were landing. She watched the reflection of the glass as Spider-Man jumped up, ignoring Nova's hand. Sam frowned at this.

The ramp lowered and Spider-Man was the first one off. He took as deep breath and surveyed his surroundings. He narrowed his eyes as the rest of his team walked out of the jet. It was too tranquil and quiet. Something was wrong. His spidey sense went off as Spider-Man turned around, his eyes going wide at the missiles coming at them.

"Scatter!" He ordered, jumping to the side. Nova flew up and shot his rays at the missiles, hitting two of them. He went after the last three and shot them down in record time. He landed next to Peter, smirking. "So can I shoot them or can I shoot them?" he asked, turning his head to look at his boyfriend. Spider-Man crossed his over his chest, snorting and looking away from Nova.

Nova pouted at his boyfriend's reaction. The ground started to rumble as Doombots entered the scene. The four mechanical robots towered over the teenage heroes, their size giving them an advantage. The menacing robot began to attack them, forcing the team into action.

They easily took down the robots, relaxing once the last robot had been taken down. Ava smiled in relief, however it was short lived since she, Power Man, Nova, and Iron Fist got hit with Doctor Doom's lasers, taking them down effectively. Doom aimed his lasers once more, this time at Spider-Man. Said spider dodged them, making Doom fire them again, and yet again, Spider-Man dodged them.

Nova and Spider-Man attacked Doom with everything they had, watching as Victor Von Doom fell. Nova smiled at Spider-Man, hoping that the spider would smile back. Spider-Man tiffed and walked over to the fallen Doctor Doom and webbed him up. Spider-Man took a webbed Doom to his jet, while the others followed after him.

They arrived at the helicarrier in record time, however, once they landed, Doom began to laugh. "I never did quite like adolescents," He said, cackling. Spider-Man looked at the 'man' with confusion. All of a sudden, the 'man' turned into five smaller doombots, all of them shooting lasers at the team.

Spider-Man sighed as he crawled through the vent, grumbling to himself. "Stupid Sam, making me come with them. *grumble, grumble.* Trying to use me so that we could go to Latveria," Spider- Man grumbled, exiting the vents and jumping down, only to be met by doombots.

Spider-Man began to fight the doombots when his phone rang. He maneuvered around one doombot to answer his phone.

"Hey MJ," He said, hoping that she would have to hang up. "Hey, Pete! I just called to check up on you since you have called in a long time," MJ replied. Peter shot a web at doombot and pulled. "Okay, MJ I have to call you back... uh, me and Sam are doing something right now," He answered. He heard MJ laugh. "Keep it PG-13, Pete!" Peter's face went bright red under his mask. That was one time! He hung up on MJ and continued fight the doombots.

Meanwhile, Ava, Danny, and Luke were trying to keep some doombots from destroying the nuclear reactor core of the helicarrier. The helicarrier rocked to the side as a doombot damaged one of the engines. Spider-Man had to stick to the wall as the helicarrier tipped to the side.

He puts a hand up to his comm to call Nova. "Nova! You need to use your powers to keep this thing in the air!" He shouted, hugging the wall so he wouldn't hit his head on something. "I don't know! This thing looks really heavy," Nova replied uncertainly. Peter took a deep breath. "Listen to me, Nova. Right now, you're the only thing keeping us from dying. So, please do it for me," Peter spoke, wincing as the helicarrier tilted again, making him lose his grip and hit his head on something. He groaned and clutched his head.

Sam took a deep breath before flying under the helicarrier. He imagined Peter's face, using his boyfriend's face as strength. He lifted the helicarrier into the air, his muscles straining a bit under the weight.

Spider-Man smiled to himself as he felt the helicarrier evening out. He crawled back into the vent and went for the nuclear reactor room of the helicarrier. He met up with the rest of his team- minus Nova. They easily crushed the robot out of existence.

A little bit later...

"That was irresponsible, reckless and about all stupid! The one who suggested this will be kicked off of the team. Better you step out now," Fury said, pacing in front of the teen heroes. Spider-Man sighed

*Oh well, being on this team was fun while it lasted. Spider-Man looked over to Nova. I'm sorry, Sam.*

Spider-man stepped out and closed his eyes, waiting for Fury to kick him out of the team, however , that didn't happen. Instead, he opened his eyes to see the rest of the team had stepped forward to. Sam slipped his hand into Peter's and squeezed it.

Fury saw this and allowed himself a small smile. "Never again, team," He said as he turned around and strode out of the room, having other things that a director of a highly sophisticated spy group had.

"Well you didn't slap my hand away, " Sam stared, watching and Spider-Man turned his body to face Nova. "So I take it I'm forgiven?" Peter laughed and took off the Spider-Man mask. He wrapped his hands around Sam's neck and pulled Nova down for a kiss. Ava turned away when this happened. She wasn't big on affection. Danny and Luke just smile.

Sam smiled when Peter pulled away. "I'll take that as a yes," He said. Peter just laughed and whispered to Sam. "Take me home and we can continue this without them watching." Peter made a small gesture to the three standing behind them. Sam was more than happy to oblige.



Anyway, thanks for reading. I actually don't have an idea when I'll update this again. Hopefully soon!

~Dani :)

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