Kobik calls Bucky 'Daddy'


"Oh! Ehehe hey Kobik! Have you been sitting out here waiting for me?"

Bucky chuckled as he was just leaving the gym only to be tackled by the little cosmic child who clearly had been waiting right outside the door.

"Well of course silly!" She stuck her tongue out as she floated next to Bucky as they made their way down the hall.

"You said we'd all have a tea party together! And guess what? Mister Wolf is coming too!" She squealed excitedly

Mister Wolf is Hunter, T'Challa's brother, when Bucky last went to visit Steve at Avengers Tower Kobik decided to ignore him when he told her to stay with the others. And of course she started calling him 'Mister Wolf' because of his costume. One conversation later and Hunter is agreeing to come to one of her tea parties foolishly thinking she'd forget about it by the next day...Yeah that was a week ago.

Bucky couldn't help but chuckle. I tried to warn him.

"And Mister Kitty and Miss Princess are coming too!"

Oh did I forget to mention that when Kobik teleported to Wakanda to remind Hunter of the tea party, T'Challa and Shuri laughed at them resulting in Hunter getting revenge by telling Kobik that his siblings had asked to join. Now all three royal siblings of Wakanda are attending the tea party of a cosmic cube, infinity stone child.

"Ehehe that's great Kobik."


"...you are so going to pay for this Hunter..." T'Challa whispered behind a smile as he embarrassingly sipped on a little plastic tea cup.

"...that's what you and Shuri get for laughing at me..." Hunter smirked as he was squished in a toy chair.

"...you just wait till we get home brother..." Shuri adjusted the toy tiara on her head

"...I tried to warn you dog boy..." Bucky smirked behind his cup

"...shut up barnes..." Hunter quietly retorted

...Hold on a sec! We're here for Bucky and Kobik! Not Bucky, Kobik, and the Wakanda Royal Siblings! So let's get to the cute scene!...

"Come on Kobik it's time for bed."

"But I'm not sleepy!" Kobik giggled as she jumped and flew around her room.

"Alright then, guess I'll have to tell Melissa not to make her special strawberry funfetti pancakes in the morning since one little girl is being naughty." Bucky spoke in a singsong voice clearly bluffing as he too loved Melissa's pancakes.

"Nooo!" Kobik sunk on her bed

"Are you going to go to bed?"

"Yes! I'll go to bed I want pancakes." Kobik quickly shuffled under her sheets.

"But I'm still not sleepy." Kobik pouted

Bucky went to tuck her in before sitting at the edge of her bed, a slight blush on his cheeks

"If you promise not to tell the others...I'll sing you a lullaby." face now bright red, Kobik on the other side was ecstatic.


Bucky couldn't help but smile sweetly as he patted the little girl's hair

"Alright lay down."

Kobik got herself comfortable before peaking over to Bucky, he chuckled before taking a deep breath.


*Singing in Russian*

Спи, младенец мой прекрасный, (Sleep, my beautiful child,)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai,)

Тихо смотрит месяц ясный (Quiet month looks clear,)

В колыбель твою. (In your cradle.)

Стану сказывать я сказки, (I will tell tales,)

Песенку спою; (I will sing a song;)

Ты ж дремли, закрывши глазки, (You were dozing, closing your eyes, )

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai.)

По камням струится Терек, (Terek flows on the rocks,)

Плещет мутный вал; (A cloudy shaft bergs;)

Злой чечен ползет на берег, (The evil Chechen crawls ashore)

Точит свой кинжал; (He sharpens his dagger)

Но отец твой старый воин, (But your father is an old warrior)

Закален в бою: (Tortured in battle:)

Спи, малютка, будь спокоен, (Sleep, baby, do not worry)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai.)

Сам узнаешь, будет время,(You will know, there will be time,)

Бранное житье; (Abused living;)

Смело вденешь ногу в стремя (You can boldly put your foot in the stirrup)

И возьмешь ружье. (And take the gun)

Я седельце боевое (I am a fighting saddler)

Шелком разошью... (Silk smash...)

Спи, дитя мое родное, (Sleep, my dear child,)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai.)

Богатырь ты будешь с виду (You'll be a hero with a look)

И казак душой. (And the Cossack's soul)

Провожать тебя я выйду — (To see you off I'll go out)

Ты махнешь рукой... (You wag your wand)

Сколько горьких слез украдкой (How many bitter tears sneak)

Я в ту ночь пролью!.. (I'll shed that night!...)

Спи, мой ангел, тихо, сладко, (Sleep, my angel,quietly, sweetly)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai)

Стану я тоской томиться, (I will begin to yearn for depression)

Безутешно ждать; (It is inconceivable to wait)

Стану целый день молиться, (I will pray all day)

По ночам гадать; (To wonder at night)

Стану думать, что скучаешь (I will begin to think that you are bored)

Ты в чужом краю... (You're in a foreign land...)

Спи ж, пока забот не знаешь, (Sleep, while you do not know the worries)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai)

Дам тебе я на дорогу (I'll give you my way)

Образок святой: (Holy image)

Ты его, моляся богу, (You are his, praying to God)

Ставь перед собой; (Set in front of you;)

Да, готовясь в бой опасный, (Yes, preparing for a dangerous fight,)

Помни мать свою...(Remember your mother...)

Спи, младенец мой прекрасный, (Sleep, my beautiful child,)

Баюшки-баю. (Bayushki-bai)

Bucky turned to the sleeping child as chuckled as he thought about the lyrics

It's a good thing I haven't taught her russian yet, russian songs may sound sweet...at least to those who don't know russian...

He smiled warmly as he softly ruffled her hair

But, it looks like it still worked...

Kobik moaned a bit in her sleep

I better go before I wake her up.

Bucky stood up and was about to head out the door...when he heard.

"Goodnight Daddy, I love you."

Bucky froze and turned to stare at her in awe

D-did she just?

Now Kobik had said she loved him on occasion but that was the first she had ever called him 'Daddy'.

Having never been in this kind of situation before he leaned down kissed her on the and told told her the same

"Goodnight моя радость дорогая, I love you too" (My dear joy)

He closed the door, turned off the lights making sure her Pinkie Pie night light was on, before he dropped to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks a huge smile.

Daddy...she called me Daddy...I-I never even thought about it like that before. I mean when I had saved her from Pleasant Hill all I wanted was to keep her safe and protect from those who would take advantage of her powers. I never even considered myself a parent...but...


"Kobik! What happened?! You're covered in flour."

"I was trying to make you a birthday cake, Bucky Buckaroo."

"Thank you Kobik, that was sweet of you, but now you're a mess"

I picked her up

"Let's get you in the tub."

"YAY! Bathtime!"

"Ehehe Kobik stop splashing you're getting water everywhere!"


"Hurry up Bucky Buckaroo! I wanna play in the snow!"

"You don't want to get a cold do you зайка?" (Bunny)


"Heh then let me finish getting your jacket on."


"Bucky Buckaroo!"

"Yes Kobik?"

"Can you do my hair for me?"

"Sure, come here."

"Can you do two french braids?"

"Sure can kiddo."


"See I told you not to go playing in the rain."

"I'm sorry Bucky Buckaroo..." Kobik sniffled and sneezed

I held her close wrapped in a blanket feeding her some chicken noodle soup

"I hope you've learned your lesson young lady."



"Kobik...What did I say about levitating people without permission?"

"That it's not polite."

"That's right young lady, now put Norbert down."

"Ok, and I'm sorry."

"That's ok Kobik, but I'm going to have to put you in a time out."


"Good, now go to your room young lady, you can come out in 1 hour."


"Happy Birthday Kobik!"

"YAY! Thank you Bucky Buckaroo!"

I wasn't sure of her birthday so I decided to make the day S.H.I.E.L.D made her, her birthday. I honestly didn't want to since Kobik is still terrified of Maria Hills, fortunately she was long since fired from S.H.I.E.L.D and locked for how she treated Kobik.

"You're welcome bunny."

"I love you Bucky!" She kissed my cheek

"I love you too Kobik." I kissed hers back

...end of flashbacks...

Ehehe...I'm an idiot...

Thinking about all our time together...

How could I have not seen it before...Kobik's never been just a child who needed protecting...she's always been so much more..

...She's always been my daughter...and I'm her daddy...

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