Hunter's Backstory
Just outside the borders of Wakanda, King T'Chaka and his Dora Milaje are investigating the site of a plane crash. One of them had stopped when they found two adults but unfortunately it was already too late both of them were clearly deceased.
"They are gone My King." One of them spoke
"Sigh, as I had one can survive a crash such as this."
...crying in the distance...
"My king do you hear that?" another spoke up
"Yes I do."
The king followed the sounds of faint crying to some very large bushes, quite a few feet but not too far from the crash site. But as he pulled back some of the brandbels his heart filled with immense sorrow.
"Oh no." For inside was a small blonde haired young boy who looked to be no older than 5.
"Hello there child."
"AHH!!! MONSTER!!!" he screamed and backed farther away from the king "Please!!! Don't hurt me!!!" covering his head with his arms
"Nono child I am not here to harm you."
"My king may I suggest removing your helmet, it may be what is freighting the child." Another suggested
"Ah! Yes of course." T'Chaka removed his helmet and faced the child once again
"Is this better young one?"
The child slowly looked up and seemed to calm down a bit nodding his head.
"Good, now would you like to tell me your name?"
The boy kept quiet though
"Hunter, my king."
T'Chaka turned to the first to see her holding up a child's backpack completely scorched so much that only the boy's name was visible.
"Hunter? Is that your name?"
Hunter nodded by still did not take a step closer though he was beginning to shiver
"Are you cold Hunter?"
He nodded with a small whimper
"Bring a blanket for him please."
"Yes my king." The second left and returned not too long with a large colorful blanket handing it to King T'Chaka.
"Thank you." and handed the blanket to Hunter who wrapped it around his shivering body.
It took some time but King T'Chaka finally managed to coax the young Hunter out of his hiding spot. Now both were back at the palace, Hunter clinging tightly to the king as he made his way to the small family room where his wife Queen Ramonda sat with their 6 year old son T'Challa and 4 year old daughter Shuri. As soon as she saw the child in his arms she was on her feet in an instant.
"T'Chaka! What is this?! Where did you find that child?!"
He kept quiet as he came closer to his wife and children, a sorrowful look on his face, Queen Ramonda went pale.
"Oh dear...that plane crash you went to investigate...don't tell me he was..." she let the sentence trail, not wanting to say it.
"I am afraid so my dear."
"...A-and the parents?"
T'Chaka simply shook his head as Ramonda felt tears run down her cheeks. There was a tug on her dress and both parents looked down to see T'Challa and Shuri looking up at their parents, Shuri holding her brother's hand.
"Mother? Why are you sad?" T'Challa asked
"Who him?" Shuri asked pointing to Hunter
T'Chaka took a deep breath before he bent down and set Hunter down in front of his two children.
"This is Hunter and he will be staying with us for a little bit."
The still slightly nervous child clung to the king's leg not taking a step closer. Shuri was the first to greet, waving happily to the shy young visitor.
"Hi!" pointing to herself "Me Shuri!" pointing to her brother "Big brother T'Challa!"
Not saying a word Hunter shyly waved to both of them.
"Hunter? Would you like to play with the kids while my wife and I step out to talk?"
He hesitated wanting to say 'no' to ask no beg to go with them, he just wasn't up to being alone right now. But then Hunter felt someone grab his hand and turned to see T'Challa smiling at him and Shuri pointing behind her where multiple toys were spread across a very large, very beautiful carpet.
"Play?" she asked excitedly
After another moment's hesitation Hunter gave a small smile and nodded before following the two children...who unbeknownst to him will soon become his new siblings.
...Time Skip...
"Father?" a 9 year old T'Challa tugged on his father's leg "Why is Hunter still asleep? Did he forget that you had promised to help us build our treehouse?"
T'Chaka chuckled knelt down and put a hand on his son's shoulder
"I apologize my son but your brother is sick with the flu right now and some urgent business just came up so I am afraid I can not help you with the treehouse at the moment."
"Oh...ok..." T'Challa looked disappointed
"I truly am sorry my son but I must go now...but can you do me a favor while I am away?"
T'Challa nodded happily
"Can you help your mother take care of your brother?"
"Of course father! I can help Mother take care of Hunter!"
He chuckled again before patting his son's head and standing up
"Huyo ni kijana wangu." (That's my boy.) and the king left with his Dora Milaje by his side as the young prince made his way to his little brother's room.
"Hunter" T'Challa peaked inside Hunter's room only to see a lump under the cover.
Hunter groaned before poking his head out from underneath.
"What do you want T'Challa?" His face was pale with a slight blush on his cheeks and his nose was red and runny. He also had an annoyed look on his face.
"Father told me you were sick. So I'm here to help." T'Challa now standing by his bed reached up a hand to feel his forehead.
"Wow you really are burning up."
"Thanks for the reminder, cough cough but I really just want to sleep right now."
"Ok then I'll just stay here if you need anything."
"Whatever you want, big brother." Hunter sniffled once again before falling back asleep.
After some time Hunter felt his throat getting a little dry and figured he'd take T'Challa up on his offer.
"Kaka mkubwa?" (Big brother?) Hunter groaned slightly
"Ndio, kaka mdogo?" (Yes, little brother?) T'Challa set down the book he was reading and walked over to his brother's bed side.
"Koo langu ni kavu kweli, unaweza kunipatia maji zaidi?" (My throat is really dry, can you get me some more water?)
"Bila shaka kaka mdogo." (Of course little brother.) T'Challa took the now empty pitcher of water and headed for the door. "Nitarudi. " (I will be right back.)
"Ah! Na unafanya vizuri kusoma Kiswahili."
(Oh! And you are doing very good learning Swahili.)
Both brothers laughed as they told stories to each other.
"Kumbuka wakati nilimwambia Shuri kwamba uvumbuzi wake wa kwanza ulikuwa 'kubwa' na alidhani nilisema ni 'kunuka'!"
(Remember when I told Shuri that her first invention was 'great' and she thought I said it 'stink'.)
Hunter was still beginning to learn Swahili and so many words sounded the same to him so he may have said 'kunuka' instead of 'kubwa'.
"Alikuwa amekasirika sana!"
(She was so mad!) T'Challa laughed.
"Alicheka jambo hilo kichwani mwangu!"
(She chucked the thing right at my head!)
"Aliacha jeraha kubwa zaidi ambalo nimewahi kuona!"
(She left the biggest bruise I have ever seen!)
"Mama na Baba walikuwa wazimu sana!"
(Mother and Father were so mad!)
"Aliwekwa chini kwa wiki 3 nzima na ukapata Pumzi!"
(She was ground for 3 whole weeks and you got Puff Puffs!)
"Je! Kuna mtu alisema Vuta Pumzi?"
(Did someone say Puff Puffs?) Brothers turned to see their mother standing in the doorway with a plate of the spongy treats.
(Mother!) Their eyes sparkled at the desserts
"Ah T'Challa? Sikujua ulikuwa hapa."
(Oh T'Challa? I was unaware you were in here.) Queen Ramonda sat the plate in the middle of the two boys
"Nilitaka kusaidia kumtunza Hunter."
(I wanted to help take care of Hunter.) T'Challa answered as he and Hunter devoured the sponge treats
"Aww wewe ni mtamu sana mtoto wangu."
(Aww you are so sweet my child.) Queen Ramonda kissed the top of her eldest son's head
"Asante Mama."
(Thank you Mother!) T'Challa and Hunter thanked her
"Kweli inaonekana kama msaada wangu hauhitajiki tena."
(Well it looks as though my help is no longer needed.)
"Pumzika kidogo Hunter, na usichelee kuchelewa T'Challa."
(Get some rest Hunter, and don't stay up too late T'Challa.)
"Tutafanya Mama."
(We will Mother.) she kissed both their heads before leaving
...some hours later...
Queen Romonda entered her son's to the most heartwarming sight. Both boys were lying next to each other sound asleep T'Challa with his arms wrapped securely around his younger brother completely uncaring by the fact that Hunter was drooling on his shoulder. Even Shuri was there as well no doubt after coming to check on her brother had her arms wrapped around Hunter's.
"Lalani vizuri wanangu."
(Sleep well my children.)
...Time Skip...
"I told you that stupid zipline wouldn't work."
"If I had done it it would have worked."
Shuri and Hunter were on the ground in front of their massive treehouse staring down at their older brother as he began to stir awake.
"Shuri? Hunter? What is going on?"
"You hit your head testing that dumb zipline."
"But I thought-" T'Challa was interrupted as Hunter pointed over to their parents
"Father and Mother caught us as soon as you jumped."
Now T'Challa remembered he and Hunter had just finished their homemade zipline and after the two argued about who would go first, T'Challa took slight advantage of his age declaring that since he is the oldest he should go first. And just as his brother said as soon as he jumped their father's booming voice startled him and he slipped.
"I think we might be grounded." Hunter whispered in his brother's ear
"And you would be correct son." King T'Chaka crossed his arms as their mother helped T'Challa off the ground.
"I told them it wouldn't work." Shuri crossed her own arms and smirked at her brothers who in return glared at her.
"Shuri." Queen Ramonda cast her a knowing glare to where the only girl immediately slumped
"Sorry Mother."
Her two brothers snickered as the children were led out of the forest and back home.
...Time Skip...
"Give it back Hunter! Ngh! How did you even get in my room?!"
Shuri shouted as her adopted older brother teased her holding up her favorite doll high above his head completely out of her reach.
"Come on sis you can do better than that."
Hunter stuck out his tongue the adopted royal prince had somehow managed to sneak into his little sister's room and being the stereotypical nosey brother decided to do some snooping around.
Unfortunately Shuri caught him rummaging through her drawers and screamed at him to get out. He did but not before sneakily grabbing one of the dolls. Luckily it was her favorite one and it did not take the princess too long to realize it was missing.
"HUNTER!!!" she ran after her goofball of a brother as he laughed, running and waving the doll in the air.
"Come on Hunter just give it back already!" she giggled leaning against her brother as she tried to reach for the doll.
"Just a little higher sis!"
"Jerk!" she stuck her tongue out at him
"Shortie." he returned the jester
"Hunter! Stop teasing your sister!"
Hunter jumped at the voice and turned to see their mother standing in the doorway hands on her hips
"Mother!" He quickly stopped what he was doing and yanked his hands behind his back, Shuri took the chance and snatched her doll back.
"Hunter..." She stared at him with the typical 'You are so grounded young man.' look.
"To my room." He whispered head down in shame, she nodded and Hunter walked out sulking all the way to his room.
...Time Skip...
It's not fair why is mother spending so much time with Hunter?!
T'Challa stomped through the halls as his mother had once again pushed him back for Hunter, but this time she had canceled their usual garden walk to talk with Hunter.
Why does she have to talk with him now! Why can't he just wait?! Mother never missed our walk! It's not fair!
...Time Skip...
This isn't my fault! He's the one who stole it from her! He stole from his own mother! And after we took him in!
T'Challa had locked himself in his room after another argument with Hunter, but this one was far worse than the others...
The future king had just accused his own brother of stealing from his own mother and not even a month after her funeral...and now his father and sister are both very disappointed in him...because his actions have caused Hunter to run away.
...Time Skip...
"Whiskers! How many times are you going to keep apologizing?!" Hunter couldn't help but laugh at his big brother's constant apologies.
"I just..." T'Challa held his head down in shame looking at though he was on the verge of tears
"I don't think I can ever forgive myself for the way I've treated you brother." the tears fell and you could feel the pain and sadness in his voice.
"Kaka mkubwa..." (Big brother...) Hunter sighed before pulling his brother into a hug.
"Nitakubali ... vitu kwetu vimekuwa ... kusema ngumu itakuwa kuiweka kidogo. Lakini mambo yamebadilika sasa. Kusema kweli siwezi kukuambia ni muda gani nimekusubiri uje kunipata."
(I'll admit...things for us have say complicated would be putting it lightly. But things have changed now. Honestly I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for you to come find me.)
"Je! Unawezaje kusamehe sana baada ya kukutendea vibaya!"
(How can you be so forgiving after how horribly I've treated you!) T'Challa let out a choked sob feeling as though he was unworthy of the hug.
"Sijawahi kukuchukia."
(I've never hated you.) Hunter reassured
"Lakini ..."
(But...) T'Challa hiccuped
"T'Challa ... Daima unayo na utakuwa siku zote ndugu yangu mkubwa."
(T'Challa...You always have and always will be my big brother.) Hunter tighten the hug
(T-thank you...Hunter.) T'Challa finally returned the hug
"Nakupenda kaka mkubwa."
(I love you big brother.)
"Nakupenda kaka mdogo sana."
(I love you too little brother.)
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