Happy Birthday Parker Siblings
Present Day...
It's the day of the Parker Siblings' birthday, that was their official nickname for anyone who referred to all three Parker siblings, Peter, Bryan and Teresa. And since this was going to be Bryan's first birthday party, and the Parker Siblings' first birthday all together Aunt May wanted this day to be extra special. Consequently Teresa was born on the same day as her brothers, April 1. Which was great meaning April Fool's Day was also Parker Day meaning pranks from just about anywhere. Peter started this tradition on his 7th birthday when he pranked his aunt and uncle with a fake spider (coincidence) startling Aunt May so much she jumped on the counter, flipping over a plate of wheat cakes that landed on Uncle Ben's head. They laughed about it all during breakfast, with a new batch of wheat cakes then spent the rest of the day having Parker Family Game Night/Movie Night.
"Alright everyone know what to do." May asked, Harry standing next to her.
"Iyi Sirs!" Flash shouted
"Alright!" Harry went first "Web-Warriors Decorations! New Warriors Presents! Ultimates food!"
Aunt May turned to the team of older heroes "Avengers! You keep the birthday kids away from the Triskelion till everything's ready!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
"Alright then!" Harry pumped his fist in the air "Party Planners Assemble!"
The Parker Siblings were walking through the streets enjoying a nice day out together before heading home for the party they knew Aunt May was planning. They were heading off to see the little dinos.
"So Peter...what do you usually do for birthdays..." Bryan asked a little nervous, both Teresa and Peter put an arm around him
"Ya have fun! That's what!" Teresa exclaimed.
"Sis I think he needs something a little more specific, you see Bryan birthdays is when you celebrate the day you were born. Friends and family come together and throw you a party with cake, decorations, and presents, normally the party is a surprise, and it usually involves someone distracting us from it."
"So that's why we're not going home right now." Bryan asked
"That's right!" Teresa replied
"But if it's supposed to be a surprise then how do you know about it?" Bryan questioned
"Because Aunt May's party has become some predictable." Peter replied
"So what do we do now?" Bryan asked
"First we're going to see the little dinos, then we're gonna have some fun at Coney Island."
"Little dinos?"
"Remember that little girl who's performance we went to?" Bryan nodded
"She has a twin brother too and I would often babysit them since we're neighbors. I gave them the nickname 'little dinos' cause they always talk about one day creating a zoo that showcases dinosaurs."
"Well with all the crazy stuff we've seen I wouldn't doubt something like that." Teresa giggled
They made it to the zoo and Peter showed the front gate his free pass and showed his sibling all the different kinds of lizards, even the Spider-Man one before heading off to Marven and Suzanna's office. Peter knocked announcing himself and Marven replied "Come in." he opened the door and all three screamed when a small very ugly goblin jumped down from the ceiling.
"Ahahaha Good one!" Peter laughed helping up his siblings, Suzanna gave him hug with the little dinos on each leg. "Happy Birthday kids!" "Happy Birthday Peter!"
"Thanks guys. Let me guess that was from your Halloween party." Peter picked up Terrance and ruffled Matilda's hair. "Yep!" She replied
"So what was the scare for?" Teresa asked brushing back her frizzled hair
"It's a tradition. Since today is April Fools as well as Peter's Birthday it became tradition to prank him at least once today." Suzanna explained. "Peter why don't you tell them how it started."
"On my 7th birthday I pranked Aunt May with a fake spider, I scared her so much she jumped up on the kitchen table knocking over a plate of wheat cakes that fell right on top of Uncle Ben's head!" Both Bryan and Teresa laughed. They sat and talked for a bit before heading out.
"This is Hawkeye they're leaving the zoo." "This is Black Panther where are they headed now."
"Alright guys who's ready for Coney Island!"
"They're heading to Coney Island."
"Wait guys...came we go see my friends first?" Bryan asked
"Wait scratch that."
"Sure I don't see why not." Peter replied "Who do you wanna visit first?" Teresa asked
"How about Audrey? She's closest." Bryan asked "Alright let's get going to Waller's Pawn Shop."
"You were right Nat, they're heading to you first." "Copy that."
The Parker Siblings walked into the pawn shop and were immediately greeted by one of their security guards. "Hey Brock, is Audrey around?" Bryan asked
"Yeah she's over with the coats. Oh and Happy Birthday kids." Brock went back to watching the customers waiting for someone to act out. "Audrey!" Bryan waved to her and she turned the customer to Anthony her big brother and came to give Bryan a hug. "Bryan! Happy Birthday!" "Happy Birthday." "So what are you guys going to do today?" "After visiting everyone we going to Coney Island for a bit then heading back home. You?" "Heh well...I'm sure all of us are still getting use to this." she said rubbing her arm "I know I am, Mom and Dad said we're having a big party to celebrate..."
"Screw You! I Want A Manager!" screamed the customer Audrey had previously been speaking to.
"Here we go again." she chuckled "Is that normal here?" Teresa asked "From what I've seen so far and from what my parents said, it's a little too normal. Pretty much everyday we get a customer flipping out over something." We all laughed and watched as Brock literally dragged the woman out the front door. They talked for a few more minutes before leaving and heading over to visit Blake at her parents studio.
"Cap they're heading your way." Black Widow radioed "Roger that."
On their way there they ran into Oscar and his father Otis in his tow truck in the mits of towing someone's car. Otis greeted us while strapping down said car, Oscar waved to us from the passenger seat and just like with Audrey greeted each other with a Happy Birthday and talked for a bit and again just like with Audrey they were interrupted by the owner of the car screaming for Otis to stopped.
"Hey Hey Woah! What do you think you're doing?! Put my car down right now!" the woman stepped in front of him stopping him from going on. "Ma'am-" she didn't let him finish "No no! I don't wanna hear anything put my car down right now!" all four kids leaned against the car to enjoy the show.
"Target spotted." Falcon commed. "They're on the street with the Vison kid, I think." Iron Man's voice came in "Do they look like they're heading towards the Triskelion?...Sam!" "Huh?! Oh ya sorry, no they're just enjoying the show." Falcon replied with a snicker. "Uh what?" Tony sounded confused "Just the normal freakout over your car getting towed." "Ah got it." he left the com.
"For the last time Ma'am you'll have to speak with the bank, there is nothing I can do for you." Otis signed pinching the bridge of his nose, she cursed several times at him and by this time Otis was clearly done with this woman's attitude and walked back to his truck without saying another word ignoring every word that the lady was screaming at him. She tried to stop him but Oscar had already opened the door for his dad. But as soon as he closed it this crazy lady stepped in front of the truck and refused to leave demanding they put her car down once again and just as loud. Bryan suggested they drag her back to the sidewalk, but Peter objected saying she'd just claim sexual assault. Instead he caught the attention of a passing police car and the officer right away just from watching the woman knew there was no point in trying to reason with her and just casually picked her up and carried her to the sidewalk all while waving for Otis to go while he had the chance, then waved for us to carry on while he listened to the lady's pointless arguing. Turns out it wasn't a tow but a repossession because the lady had spent all of her money on clothes instead of making her car payments.
"Ahahaha Oh my God that was hilarious!" Teresa laughed as they walked the streets "I know some people just don't get that if you don't pay you get towed." Peter implied "Did Uncle Ben ever have to deal with any crazy people like her?" Bryan grinned "He had to pulled a guy out of the truck once." "No! Seriously!" Teresa chimed "Seriously." "Oh my God!" Bryan smacked his forehead laughing "Get use to it bro, you're in New York you're going to see a lot of crazy people in this city." "I don't doubt that."
After the Parker Sibling visited all of Bryan's friends they made their way over to Coney Island it was about 3 by that time. Tony Stark gave the Siblings their presents early, three VIP passes for free rides and games all day, what Peter didn't know was those were just a distraction from the party and his real present was bribing the Daily Bugle to keep Jameson off air for the whole day, and Peter definitely noticed the lack of Spider-Man rants and is taking great joy in the peace and quiet.
"This is Black Panther they're here." "Great make sure they stay there till we give you the go." Shuri replied "Of course." "And make sure you don't mess up Ok." Hunter's voice came through, T'Challa growled then chuckled "I do believe that is your job, Brother." he last heard Hunter growl and Shuri laugh before the coms shut off.
They started with the bumper cars, Teresa purposefully targeting just her brothers every chance she got. The race cars Bryan won easily, thanks to the lessons from Hawkeye Peter easily won the ring toss receiving a stuffed frog. Bryan won the Pyramid Smash with one ball and gave his giant dog to a little girl earning him a round of applause from the people around. Teresa was first in the Whopper Water winning a Charmander which just happens to be her favorite starter. They got large ice creams at Coney's Cones and headed for the more exciting rides.
Ok that was a really bad idea ! All three kids threw up after Coney Tower which was saying something considering it only goes up and down once, but let's just say that drop made everything come right back up. They had gone on many other rides Luna 360, Soarin Eagle, Electro Spin, Endeavor, Astor Tower, and Steeplechase. They had to take a break after that one and went on the more relaxing Carousel before sitting to relax. When they felt they were about ready to leave went on their last rides Zenobio, Slingshot, Thunderbolt and finally saving the best for last the Coney Island Cyclone. That was the last ride as they left the park and headed home the time now was almost 7.
Black Panther comed in "Stark they're leaving." "We're all ready!" Tony chimed
They made it to their house surprised to find no surprise party confused they looked around. "Boo." "Ah!." Teresa jumped and turned to see Harry and MJ standing in the doorway.
"Hey guys so what's going on?" Peter asked wondering what they had in store for this year. MJ gave him a kiss "You'll see but first ya gotta put these on." she said wrapping a blindfold around his eyes, Harry did the same with Teresa and Bryan and both led the Siblings outside to Tony Stark's limo with Happy waiting patiently grinning from ear to ear. "So what do you have plan for this year? With you two involved it's nearly impossible to guess." Peter asking stepping into the car behind who he guessed might be Teresa. "Why do you think Aunt May hire us to help out, we knew you would think the party would be at the house." MJ giggled " Soo where is it?" Teresa asked in a sing song voice "If we told it wouldn't be a surprise and there wouldn't be any point in having you wear blindfolds." Harry laughed "Well can we guess?" Bryan asked with a smirk "You can try." MJ said with a grin. And that's how the whole ride went the Parker Sibling guessing and failing as to where the party might be.
Once inside the Triskelion MJ and Harry led the Sibling to the same courtyard where they had their graduation. "Ok guys ready..." Harry said he and MJ undoing the knots
"3..2..1!" and ripped off the blindfolds.
Hardcore Pawn and South Beach Tow
And get use to seeing Hunter because he'll be spending a lot a time with his brother, this is their way of making up for all the years they've spent apart and fighting.
And encase you'd hadn't noticed April 1 is the day Ultimate Spider-Man first aired
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