Hey there guys. Here's another one-shot about Spidey and his original team. I will do some with his other teams, I promise. I've seen a lot of fan-fics involving this concept and this is my own personal spin on it. I hope you like it.
Nick Fury marched into the training room with Agent Coulson to give in order to deliver the basic details of the next training mission (torture session) to the team of teenage heroes, said heroes were getting slightly nervous because of the look on the face of the S.H.I.E.L.D. director. When Fury was stood in the middle of the training room, facing the young superheroes he began to deliver the news to them, "Since the last time that you were supposed to do cold-weather training you all decided to go to a tropical island-"
"And fixed your mess," Spider-Man interjected.
"-We decided that you should have a cold-weather training session to make up for it," Fury continued as if the spider's interruption had never happened. The team's faces were shocked but they all knew that they deserved (and would maybe need) some cold-weather training, but Fury wasn't finished speaking, "Next week is the start of you school holiday, you will spend the first full week of that holiday making up for the training that you missed. In the North Pole."
None of the team were pleased with this development in terms of training, not even Ava wanted that harsh of a training session. Spider-Man's face had paled underneath his mask.
"You will all be provided with an individual pack containing everything that you will need. You will have the rest of this week to prepare for your training exercise," Coulson said, throwing each of the teenagers a handbook, "You will report here by 8 am sharp on Saturday, if you do not show up there will be serious consequences. All other training is suspended until after your training exercise is complete. Dismissed."
"Wait!" Spider-Man exclaimed as Fury and Coulson turned to leave, "Don't you think that this is a bit harsh? We said that we were sorry," the arachnid tried to appeal. He was scared. He wouldn't last through the training exercise, he got tired enough on a standard snowy day. He had been confused by the cold-induced drowsiness at first; he had searched the internet to see if spiders hibernated; they do, apparently. If a normal cold day could make him tired and almost start hibernating then what would happen in the North Pole?
"Whether or not it is 'a bit harsh' is none of your concern. It is your next training mission and that is final," Fury said as the door shut behind him.
"Wait! Please!" the spider exclaimed, "We are going to die." He sighed, leaving the training room.
"For your training this week you will not be able to contact anyone beside each other. You will each be given one of these," Coulson said handing out small bands to each member of the team, "These are to be worn by all of you at all times, they will monitor your health and send us a message if one of you is in serious or life threatening danger, otherwise, you are on your own. Around 20 miles south of where we will be dropping you, you will find a shelter that you are free to use for the duration of the week. Inside you will find information on where you can find more supplies. It is up to you whether or not you use the resources we are providing you with. Your packs are here," the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent said gesturing to the five bags behind him, "In each of you packs you will find a set of extra clothes, a blanket, enough food and water to last you for seven days and some other essential supplies. Spider-Man, there is a compass in your pack as well."
The team all scrambled to collect their packs. One thing that was quickly noted by White Tiger was that Spider-Man's pack was much larger than the others. Upon looking inside, the team realised that there was a lot more food in the spider's bag than in the others, when the arachnid was questioned, he replied simply, stating that he had a fast metabolism. The arachnid was not joking around (for once) and instead he was being serious. Iron Fist could have sworn that he felt fear in his friend's chi, but he couldn't figure out why.
Ten minutes later the team of heroes found themselves in the North Pole. They were all cold. The first thing that they agreed upon was that they needed to get to the shelter that S.H.I.E.L.D. was providing for them. White Tiger scrambled to get the compass out of Spider-Man's pack; using the compass the heroes began their trek south. It was going to be a long day.
Six and half hours later Spider-Man was fighting off sleep, knowing that if he fell asleep, he, most likely, wouldn't wake up until he was warm again. But he couldn't hold off the sleep indefinitely. He was beginning to stumble when he walked and his eyelids were getting increasingly heavy. Knowing that he could not hold of sleep for much longer he called out to his team, "Guys, wait up." He stumbled falling face first in the snow. The arachnid felt himself being dragged to his feet by his team mates.
"Spidey, what's wrong?" White Tiger said, confused by her teammates sudden collapse.
"Hi'ner'ation?" the spider replied, slurring his word so much that they were difficult to understand.
"Did you just say hibernation?" Sam said laughing, "What does that have to do with anything?"
"He means that he is going into hibernation, idiot," White Tiger scoffed, pulling her friend onto her shoulder.
"Righ'," Spider-Man said, stumbling over the simple word.
"We are not far from the sheller, we should get there quickly so that we may aid our friend," Iron Fist said as Power Man carefully picked up the team's leader, who was now fully unconscious.
"Let's move, I don't know how much longer he can last," Power Man said as the spider was trying to curl up in a ball against his chest.
When the team finally arrived at the S.H.I.E.L.D. shelter they realised that it was more than what they had been expecting. On the outside it had the typical, harsh, S.H.I.E.L.D. look but on the inside, it was cosy and homely. Power Man dropped the spider on the couch, removed his cold, wet mask, and took his pack off and went to help the team sort out the shelter. When he returned to check on the spider he found that said arachnid had begun shivering violently. He called the team in and they helped to gather blankets to cover up their teammate's shaking form. Spider-Man curled into the blankets but was still shivering, the team didn't know what to do. They tried to contact Fury or Coulson but found that they couldn't. That was when White Tiger noticed a note that had fallen out of their sleeping teammates bag.
After reading the note White Tiger noticed a few things, first: Spider-Man knew that this would most likely happen, second: he would probably wake up when he warmed up, and third: he would (hopefully) not die. She assumed that his life was in no immediate danger because no one had come to pick them up and abort the exercise, that was good.
The bad thing was that the team had no way to warm up the spider. The fire was going and he was close enough to it but he wasn't warming him up, they had tried to put an extra layer of clothes on him but he would just try to attach himself to whoever got close enough to touch him, and they couldn't find any hot water bottles. They didn't know what to do.
Sitting around the kitchen table the heroes discussed ways of trying to warm up their sleeping comrade. Nova, who was not taking the situation seriously, suggested that they try to hug him better because 'the Web-head seems to really want a hug'. The human rocket was incredibly surprised when the team actually agreed with his idea.
"Nova, you're a genius!" White Tiger proclaimed.
"Yeah! Of course, I am!" Nova proudly stated, "Why?"
"We could share body heat," Ava explained.
"Yeah, that's what I meant," Sam agreed readily, everyone else rolled their eyes.
"How do we share body heat when we're wearing this much clothing?" Luke observed.
"You're going to have to take some clothes off, Luke" Ava said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Why me?" the super soldier asked
"Because you reminded me of that, you're physically bigger than the rest of us and he won't be able to crush you as easily" Ava in the tone that one may use to explain to a child that two plus two equals four.
After a lot of persuasion Luke found himself in his underwear preparing to climb into to bed with his teammate, who's clothes had also been removed. He found himself laying in a bed with his teammate hugging him like a koala. He was hoping against hope that the team weren't filming this.
While in the bed (which he was beginning to find rather comfortable) Luke was reflecting on the situation he found himself in. It was good that the spider had stopped shivering. But why would he allow himself to go on the training exercise if he knew that this was going to happen? It didn't make sense. Yet again, he had argued about doing the exercise a lot more than usual. Did Fury know? If he didn't, then why didn't the arachnid tell the spy? If he did, why would Fury send him on the mission? Even Fury wasn't that cruel, was he? The super-soldier almost fell out of the bed when he felt his friend stir.
"You okay, Spidey?" Luke quietly asked.
"Mmm good" Peter deliriously replied.
"You hungry?"
"Do you know what is happening?"
"Mmm 'leepy. Wanna 'leep. Imma 'leep 'ow."
Peter curled up tighter around Luke and fell asleep again. Luke sighed, wrapping an arm around his sleeping teammate. Not sleeping, hibernating. He would not be waking up in a few hours; the arachnid would only be waking up when he was warm. At least he had stopped shivering.
Luke gradually fell asleep in the arms of his teammate. When the team walked in to find the two boys asleep together they all took a few photos for blackmail.
The rest of the week was seemingly going well.Peter was getting better and waking up for slightly longer periods of time but his focus while awake didn't seem to improve much. Until the wood for the fire was running low- despite the able-bodied members of the team going on supply runs to the locations provided in the map that was conveniently on the kitchen table.
When the fire finally died with more than half a day left until pick-up the team started to panic. It wasn't impossibly cold, however, Peter's condition worsened dramatically within the hour. He became even more clingy and wouldn't let Luke go without the intervention of the entire team, even then, it was difficult.
The teenagers, somehow, managed to get the entire team ready for pick-up, including Spider-Man. It wasn't an easy task. They tried to get the arachnid into something warmer then the thin pyjamas that they had managed to change him into during one of his brief periods of consciousness, but soon gave up, realising that it was a futile effort.
When the S.H.I.E.L.D. jet finally arrived to pick the team up Luke was struggling to put the spider down as he was sticking to him with his spider powers. Other than that, the team were immensely grateful for the weeks end. Fury and Coulson looked incredibly confused at the sight of the shivering wall crawler, still trying his best to stay in Power Man's arms. The team had a lot of explaining to do.
Almost a week later Spider-Man woke up. Properly. After slowly sitting up, he recognised that he was in the tri-carrier med-bay, in a private ward, but he couldn't remember why. Then it hit him like a truck and his face burned with embarrassment. Not only had he hibernated (which was embarrassing in and of itself) but he had spent a week cuddling up to Power-Man like his life had depended on it (which it might actually have). What made it worse was that it was in training. He was meant to be supporting his team, not the other was around. He felt pathetic and useless. He hugged his knees to his chest, wrapped his arms around them and buried his face into his arms. Then the team, Fury and Coulson all walked in. Great. Just great.
"You're awake," Fury said monotonously, walking over to the Spider and taking a seat at the end of his bed. Everyone else followed their boss' example, joining the spider. Peter just nodded.
"What is wrong, friend?" Iron Fist asked. Spider-Man was too embarrassed to respond.
The stream of questions that followed was eventually interrupted by Fury demanding an explanation. Peter finally cracked and, not looking up, gave a full explanation to the S.H.I.E.L.D agents in front of him. It hurt him to feel so weak and defenceless. It hurt him to know that if this information were to be found out then all of his enemies would know how do defeat him with minimal effort. That was when the first tear fell.
Everybody in the room was worried about the young hero curled up in a fetal-position on the bed. No one needed to be able to read chi to know that he was either upset, embarrassed or both. He had just admitted a weakness. That, potentially, someone may be able to defeat him with a walk-in freezer. He was shaking and when he looked up to ask everyone to leave, his face was both flushed and stained with his tear tracks.
No one wanted to leave. The team all surrounded him in hugs while Fury and Coulson shared a look.
"Why didn't you tell us, Spider-Man?" Coulson asked
"Would you have believed me? You would have said that I was making it out to get out of training," the spider retaliated, "Besides, it's embarrassing," the arachnid mumbled.
"You don't need to be ashamed of your weaknesses. At the very least, you should have informed your team," Fury was chastised the young hero before walking out.
Maybe, just maybe, it is good to have a team who you can trust, Peter realised. The thought warmed his heart as he drifted back off to sleep.
I hope that you all enjoyed this one-shot. If you have any suggestions please tell me.
Just a quick question; what teams/characters do you want to see in future?
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