
Hi there guys, this is my first fan-fic so it will probably be terrible. If you notice any mistakes please tell me so that I can correct them, or if you have any story ideas please tell me and I will try to make it into an actual story for you.

This book is based primarily off of the cartoon: Ultimate Spider-Man (and it's sequel series) Don't like don't read

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this, that right goes to Marvel

*This one-shot is set near the start of the show and only includes Spider-Mans original team.*

It was a terrible day for Peter Parker; the skies were grey and stormy, he had a mountain of homework assigned in class and he was trying to function on less than an hour of sleep because he had stayed up late fighting super-villains as Spider-Man the night before. Not to mention it was still only Tuesday, he still had three more days of school before the weekend. However, one thing was seemingly going well. That one thing was that Peter had not seen Flash, yet.

It was just after Peter had left his last class of the day and had opened his locker to collect his things when the big, blundering jock, Flash, swaggered down the hall, cracking his knuckles and announcing that it was 'locker knocker time'. Peter barely had time to resign himself to his terrible day getting even worse before he was punched in the face and forcefully shoved into his locker by Flash.

Peter had to sit, squashed in his locker, for several minutes, waiting while his friends unlocked it from the outside. By the time Peter's team had finally released him from his locker (which felt like an eternity to him) he was thoroughly hating the day. This feeling was only amplified when he saw the looks on his teams faces. They were not impressed in the slightest. Peter sighed.

This was the worst day ever.


Not long later, stood on a roof, Peter, as Spider-Man, had his back tuned to his team when they came to get answers from him, answers that he didn't want to give them. The arachnid remained with his back turned and waited for them to ask the questions that he knew they wanted the answers to.  There was a minute of silence before the interrogation began.

It was Nova who spoke up first, "Web-head, mind telling us what happened back there?"

Spider-Man didn't respond.

"Dude, just tell us what happened," Power-Man was next.

Still no response from Spider-Man

"Please let us help you, friend," now Iron Fist.

Spider-Man didn't want his teams help, he wanted them to leave him alone, opting not to reply he kept his back turned to his team.

"Just tell us, Web-head," that was White Tiger.

Sighing, knowing that it was impossible to avoid the upcoming conversation, Spider-Man turned around to face his team, "Didn't you guys see what happened? Why do you need me to tell you what you already know?" Sensing that it may take a while the spider sat down. Cue the barrage of pointless reasons as to why he should tell his team about his private problems, his day was just getting better and better. Spider-Man was becoming highly annoyed by his team when he snapped, "How is it any of your business?" Regret instantly washed over him due to the harshness of his tone but he didn't have time to apologise before Nova was up in his face, pulling him up by the front of his suit, stopping when the teen hero's toes were almost an inch above the roof top.

"We care about you, Web-head! We're your friends! We deserve to know why!" Nova ranted, but he wasn't done yet though, dropping the spider and allowing him to fall to the ground where the arachnid promptly fell to his knees. Nova, clearly agitated, continued, "That kid hit you and shoved you into your locker! Again!" The clouds decided that now was the appropriate time to release their load and it started raining heavily as Nova finished his speech, "We want to help you!"

Spider-Man was reluctant to explain but eventually, with his head bowed, too physically and emotionally exhausted to do anything else, told the story of Flash's bullying. His team were, thankfully, quiet during his story. When he was finished his team were angry at Flash for hurting their spider. That was their job.

After about a minute the arguing began between members of the arachnid's team. One of the heroes wanted to hunt Flash down and make him suffer in retaliation for hurting the spider (which is not a very hero-like idea); another just wanted to make the bully stop his, well, bullying, knowing that their team leader would not approve of anything more drastic; a third idea proposed was that nothing should be done without the spiders permission and input; the final hero was pretending that he didn't care and said that the arachnid should just deal with it himself (despite his earlier outburst about his friendship with the spider).

Spider-Man was extremely grateful for his team's support and their wanting to help him, however, he didn't want any of them to hurt Flash or make him stop in case it made Flash angry and want hurt him more or start picking on someone else- he could deal with it and didn't want anybody else hurt just because he couldn't cope with a little bullying. He wanted to cry, but at the same time he couldn't. He wanted to scream, but he didn't. He wanted to hit something, hard, hard enough to cause damage (to the object or himself, he wasn't sure), but instead stayed still, his hands laying limply at his side.

Iron Fist felt the conflicting emotions stirring in his friend's chi energies and left the teams argument to comfort the spider- sensing that he needed someone to help him sort out his turbulent emotions. Iron Fist sat down next to the spider trying to use his chi abilities to calm his friend. His attempt to calm the spider was made even more difficult than it already was by the continued arguing between White Tiger and Power-Man (who were still trying to convince each other that they knew best how to help their friend and teammate), which was making the spider feel even worse. Spider-Man believed that the team fighting was his fault. He believed that he should be stopping their fight. He believed that he should be he should be stronger. He felt weak. He was weak. He couldn't move, his heavy heart was weighing him down. The twisted ball of emotions inside his chest were becoming a hectic, disorganised mess, all begging to be set free.

Nova was stood off to the side with his arms folded and his chin up- still keeping up his uncaring facade, however, he frequently glanced towards his teammate with concern in his eyes. After noticing the argument between his teammates was beginning to become more of a fight Nova cleared his throat to get their attention and then, once he had it, he wordlessly jerked his head in the direction of the spider. White Tiger and Power-Man were confused by Nova's actions until they saw that Spider-Man was still sitting on his knees with his shoulders hunched over and his head bowed, Iron Fist was whispering something to the spider that they couldn't make out but the spider was nodding and shaking his head at times in response to the monk's words. They saw that Iron Fist had the spider trapped in a gentle, one armed hug, clearly trying to provide some form of comfort (and possibly even an illusion of protection to) to the broken teenage superhero. Their hearts melted at the sight and instantly felt guilty for fighting with each other and not paying attention to their leader who, at the time, looked so broken, tired and lost, their leader who they they were supposed to be helping. The two heroes quickly found themselves at the spider's side and joining in on the hug. 

"Nova, get over here," Power-Man called to the only member of the team not presently joining in on the hug.

Feigning reluctance, Nova joined the others and knelt in front of the spider, giving him a half-hearted hug. That was the moment when Spider-Man finally allowed himself to cry. When the arachnid had calmed down, he and his team remained on the rooftop in their group-hug. The rain was still pouring.

The team was still apart from Spider-Man's occasional sobs until Fury called asking why the entire team was over two hours late for training. After Fury's rant about how they all needed to learn some punctuality, the team made their way to the heli-carrier incredibly quickly so that they could do some training and get the one-eyed spy off their backs. They wanted to avoid making Fury angrier than he already was. Fury wasn't very impressed by the team's tardiness but was pleased that they had decided to show up at all, after all, better late than never. The spy didn't tell the teenagers that he was pleased by their appearance, however, he did pull Spider-Man aside to congratulate him on being able to finally open up to his team before sending him to join his team for training.


The next day in school when Flash came blundering down the hallway, loudly announcing his intentions to the entire corridor, Peter found himself being guarded by four extremely loyal friends, all willing to introduce Flash to 'locker knocker time' if he so much as dared to so much as look at (never mind touch) Peter again. Flash squeaked when he saw the murderous looks on the faces of Peter's self-appointed body guards, opting to turn around and leave the way he came from instead of fighting four-against-one just to get to a runty little kid. 

Peter watched as Flash walked away and smiled, "thanks, guys."

So, that's it, as I said at the start, this is my first fan-fic so it is far from perfect. If you have any ideas for a one-shot (all of the team(s) or a ship) or find a prompt you want me to do tell me and I will try to write it. I hope that you liked this.

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