6. Outline

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and ox-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(qwertuno and In13579 and LoveGamer3 And ZaneChan505 and SilentReadersMatter)

(If anyone has any suggestions for somethings Ox and Lou should do, or any songs that could be sung! Just comment and let me know!)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. park (a vehicle) in a depot.

2. a simple roofed structure used for garden storage, to shelter animals, or as a workshop.

Mandy walks along with ugly dolls to go to the shed that had been described as a suite. She feels numb as she does. She just is.

She has been alone all her life, Mandy has never known true friendship in the institute. She has never known what it was to have actual friends.

Some may say that friendship was magic, and she knew some dolls that did (she hated the ones that found that damn my little pony show). But it really wasn't.

Mandy knows that it isn't. She has always been the outcast doll of the society that the factory has created for them. She is known as the spy girls' tag along

She can't really blame the dolls for thinking that though, she is always seen with them. She just looks like the outsider of the group.

But she also wants to be accepted, wants someone to at least like her for who she is.

Is that hard hard to ask for? She thinks. To just want someone who doesn't bully on an almost fucking constant daily basis. It it hard?

Mandy doesn't know if it is, she just knows that all her life, she has had to play the role of the little outcast doll that interferes with the business of others.

She never even wants this role, Mandy just keeps silent and obeys commands from those who are higher up than her.

You all know who the higher ups are.

If you don't. It's Lou, the bots, the fucking factory.

If there is any common ground between her and the spy girls, is that they have one thing in comment between all of them. Their hatred.

The factory has made Mandy not like the rest of the dolls, she has something that they all don't.

A curse.

At least to her it is, Mandy is so damn different from the other type twelve dolls, and they all know it. It feels like they all just know.

Her...imperfection. (It's what Lou calls it, she just says default). Is something that only she, the spy girls, and the leader know about.

It often feels like it's the reason she is disliked here. Rumours can fly, and like a bird's song, it will spread and everyone will hear it.

All it takes is one little mistake.

She knows that Lou isn't...Mr.Perfect. Physically, yes. His looks stand above all dolls, even the males are fans when they should be jealous. It's confusing.

Mental is a challenge (she is not saying that he is mentally challenged), Mandy means that she doesn't know how his mind operates. Doesn't know his true nature.

Sometimes it feels like she just sees a facade. Lou is certainly good at leading, he is bound to pick up a things or two about acting.

Mandy is not blind though, she saw how his demeanour changes when the bunny spoke or even was near.

Could he be the Ox all those years ago? I mean, I barely knew him, but he was nice. Heard that even Lou liked him.

That...this is saying. Especially in her thoughts, Mandy is surprised that her mind comes up with something like that.

Sometimes it feels like she doesn't have free reign.

"Do this, do that." Her mouth mutters. "I hate those phrases. Can I ever have a day off? I hate the spy girls."

She really does have hatred in her heart, Mandy has always been ordered around, she has always been the one who everyone thought was gullible.

She is smarter than they fucking think. Pretty can be pretty, she knows that, but the factory made one error.

Giving the dolls free will. Wills that allow them to think and bloom as both dolls and people. Giving them personalities, jobs, even intelligence.

The factory isn't as smart as they like to think. Even they aren't perfect at times.

It's something that her, the spy girls, and even Lou take pleasure in. It's rare they outsmart it.

Mandy's hands are folded in front of her as she walks with the ugkydolls.

They just chat and chat and chat and chat and they just fucking chat-

Mandy just wants from them. Is that so hard to ask for? She knows it is the type twelve doll inside her that wants this. Her normal side fights the urge to yell at the uglydolls.

A perfect doll restrains themselves, they put on a stupid, fake smile to put on a show.

Mandy wants to obey this, but a frowns takes over, she feels the order to be perfect. To not be bothered by this utter, insensitive chattering-

She takes a breath, it always helps. She needs to be calm.

A hand touches hers and she looks to see the pink doll there.

Wasn't her name, Roxie? No, it was Moxy. I'm stupid. Emma was right, I am deaf as well as bloody blind.

"Yes?" Mandy asks. "What do you want?"

"Are you alright?" Moxy is concerned. "You seem a little...down?"

The purple haired doll feels a smile touch her lips. Like Lou, her and the others put on a show.

"I'm fine." Her hands fold tighter. "I'm just thinking."

Not really a lie.

Mandy doesn't want to admit that the pink doll intrigues her. She seems more optimistic than the orange doll.

Wasn't her name, Wage? Such as downer.

That thought is actually funny, she chuckles a little. The orange doll turns as if she had sensed the thought.

Mandy bows her head as the anger sinks to her, she feels like she is being suffocated. She feels like she is being brought here again.

She closes her eyes as they approach a building that every doll dreads to go.

(Ridiculous how they all seem to fecking fear this this thing, Mandy has seen some even scream and run in terror if it's mentioned-).

Like she has said before, utterly, predictably ridiculous how they run of the slightest thing is imperfect.

I blame Lou for that, I am the calmer. Everydoll comes to me like I'm some kind of therapist. That isn't even my damn job.

Moxy talk again, she shrugs. She barely knows the doll. "If you say so. I only wanna help."

"Heh." Mandy chuckles bitterly. "No one ever helps each other here. Trust me, Pinkie. It's better to live life ignorant than trying to understand those who know it's darkness."

That wasn't meant to be said out loud.

Moxy's face shifts from concerned to a mix of it and confusion. Both are present in her eyes and body.

Mandy feels a slight warmth. No one has ever asked if she is alright.

Maybe this doll is a little different.

The thought makes her stomach clench a little. What the hell is she thinking?

No dolls was ever different. Just the same old thing, lazy, trying to be perfect, etc.

Everything just feels bland and Mandy had given up trying find her purpose years ago. She sometimes questions it, but the hope is just dead.

Nothing would ever reignite it. It was a fire that had burned too long. The ashes are too scattered.

She feels like a broken toy trapped in a perfect doll's body. But she lives here, nothing can ever get her out of it.

She and the uglydolls (who even came up with that name? Fitting, but strange), approach the dreaded building and Mandy just wants to leave already.

Why did he get Kitty or something to do this? She has better social skills. Hell, even Tuesday does.

She is not sorry for that thought. Everyone references Tuesday due to absolute stupidity.

Well, more like naivety. Not intelligent, but obeys and wicked. Manipulative. One doll to watch for.

She shivers at the last time she pissed her off. The spy girls have the power to throw some doll in the washer.

Three days, Mandy had been there for three days. The trauma of the hitting, the bruises, the stains.

And everyone wonders why I have anxiety.

It turns out that trauma could come in earlier ways than expected. In some way, her and Lou have something in common.

The trauma, the lives that they have left, she is glad that she doesn't like Lou, dolls ship and the leader together.

Don't they call us Landy?

A stupid ship name in her opinion, but she cannot help what is said. Dolls can talk, even when they shouldn't.

She does an earned eye roll. Dolls are dolls, she is unfortunately one.

She wishes that she wasn't. She wishes that she could just die.

The door opens and the ugkydolls are let inside. But the pink one (remember that her name is Moxy, stupid), no, Moxy, gives her a concerned look.

"You can talk to me if you aren't alright."

Mandy huffs. "Trust me, Pinkie. My problems are for me to know."

The other ugkydolls don't hear them, Mandy knows how to keep her voice at level.

Being with spy girls has helped in a way, she knows how to be sneaky and manipulative.

She just doesn't play that role very often.

"Here is the supply's shed-"

She stops herself, Mandy knows how to lie. She does. She clears her throat.

"Suite." Mandy chuckles nervously. "Here's the supply suite. Your home away from home."

More like a shit dump.

The uglydolls react...enthusiastic. They're happy.

They rush to the shed, Mandy lets out a laugh. They seem happy.

They haven't faced the darkness of the world. They don't know the true colours.

The dolls are excited as before as the door barely fits all off them. Especially the grey one.

Babo? Yeah, it's that. He seems...cheery. Not a bad trait for an ugkydoll.

Lord knows how many pretty dolls are the opposite.

It's amazing Mandy still has some of her sanity. She's surprised her, the spy girls, Nolan, and Lou do.

The darkness certainly made them feel like they were losing it. It just did.

Mandy clutches her chest for a second, it just had to be night?

That's when it haunts us most.

She listens to the dolls laughs and feels a chuckle.

They are so naive. Wait until they discover the darkness.

Mandy knows that they will be shattered and their innocence would be broken.

She oddly can't wait for that to happen.

The dolls go through the door and looked skeins impressed. They say things Mandy can't comprehend.

"Yeah.." Her hands Gowan on the door. "...It's industrial chic.."

"Industrial chic?" Ugkydolls question sas he climbs on the box. "There are boxes! And a mop!"

"Dibs on the mop!" Babo whacks as he shouts it. "And a bucket of dirty warren!"

The doll type twelve in Mandy makes her step back in fight.

(Dirty means stains, stains means not being perfect, not being perfect means Lou will not let her go to the big world, which means that she will never get a damn fucking kid to adore her-)

Mandy smiles instead, the thoughts stir, but she can handle it. Desperation makes one put on a show.

At least I have a chance, not like some others. Some are trapped here, like me, but I help Lou and that, I have a chance at freedom.

She sees Babo take the bucket of the frowning Uglydog-

-I just realised. Uglydog, Ugkydolls. How original for a name. Nolan would piss himself of laughter at the irony.

"Check out the spare tire!" Wage shouts, she wears one around her waist.

"This is my other tire!"

Moxy jumps off a bunk and runs around in happiness.

"This is perfect for us."

Mandy's hands clench. Too much chattering.

They're too happy, don't they realise their mistake, this will never be more than a dream.

"Calm down." Mandy shushes harshly. "I didn't get your names?"

I'm always forgetting them.

"Oh!" Moxy smiles (cutely, Mandy feels a blush grow). She points to her friends. "This is Babo, wage, Luckybat, and Uglydog. Ox is the green bunny you saw earlier. Also, I'm Moxy!"

Trust me, pinks. I know who Ox is. Everyone knows who he is.

"I'm Mandy." She replied instead. "You might want to watch out for, Lou is not gonna make it easy."

"Well." How is Moxy so happy? "I say, bring it on, Louis!"

Mandy smiled a bit, Moxy seems like a good doll.

"Without his criticism." She speaks. "We wouldn't be where we are, so...just stay out of his way."

Just a warning. Even the spy girls would agree that this is necessary.

She goes to leave, but her head bangs against the door. The pain makes her fall back against the floor.

Damn, my blurry vision.

Mandy doesn't realise that her glasses have fallen, the things that have the cure to her blindness. The things that have also ruined her life.

Lou got to the bots to make me them. I can only wear it when other aren't around. Still, one of the kindest things he's ever done.

"Cool glasses!"

Uglydog snatches then before Mandy's hand does. She internally panics and the anger builds.

Stupid blue hair uglydoll bastard.

He wears them around his one eye, that stupid eye that is as stupid as he is.

He passes them to the others and they wear them. They act like it's the most fascinating thing in the world.


He passes it to Babo.


He passes it to Moxy.


She passes it to Wage. Mandy feels the stress and her doll side take over, her anger takes over. It's built over the years.

It finds itself a chance to break out now.


They all gasp and step back out of fear. Mandy's anger forces her to watch as this happens.

Uglydolls make you upset, uglydolls must pay.

That little voice is her doll type twelve side. The perfectionist in her would do anything to keep the secret.

She pants as she fights for control, both the normal and doll side are one with Mandy.

But she allows her inner doll to come out, her demons.

"Give. Me. Them." The factory made her like this, a default. She hates it. "Now."

Moxy shakily walks over and hands them to her. Mandy stares apathetically.

She hates the pink doll for doing that, she hates the ugkydolls for taking the one thing that she actually owns.

"Don't tell Lou." She hisses and goes to the door. "This is the institute of perfection. Imperfection isn't accepted."

She leaves before they can say anything. Mandy decides to put her glasses on.

She walks in the street with tears in her eyes, nobody ever accepted her and those uglies had nearly broken the one thing that made her complete.

To some, glasses might be a minor thing. But to Mandy, they allowed her to see, to hope that her vision could be proper one day.

Only hope though, it will never come true.

Dolls have told Mandy things that have traumatised, affected her. She has been told things that others shouldn't hear.

She goes to the house and opens the door. Mandy closes it and sobs as she slides down it.

Her emotions are loose and she can't contain them. The guilt haunts her and her normal side is in control.

Her doll side hides and is dormant until she losss conform again. She hates herself so much.

Moans make her come out of her sobbing. She gets up and finds the strength to walk. She wipes her eyes.

You can't be weak. Especially not here.

Oh yeah, Mandy lives with the spy girls. No surprise there, she doesn't even know why she does.

She walks down the hallway and hears them come from Tuesday's room.

When she checks the door, she sees the girls ducking each other. She covers her mouth to hold the bile.

I am not against lesbianism. I just didn't need to see that.

She hears the climax cry and the pants of the girls. She had listened to this so many times that she was immune.

Mandy has no choice, the walls are thin and sleep is futile.

The door opens and she steps back. Lydia is there.

In her underwear.

"Girl." She eyes her up and down. "Why are you crying? It causes frown lines."

It's a normal occurrence to see the girls like this. It's routine.

"Nothing." She replies. "Just nothing."

Lydia shrugs and Kitty comes out along with Tuesday.

"So, you three are really a couple?"

Mandy doesn't have anything against polyamory. She thinks it's brave that the girls don't care.

"More like an experiment." Tuesday giggles, her mouth stifles it. "We decided to try it out, I do bottom from time to tim-"

Kitty covers her mouth and has a blush on her face. It burns bright red. Lydia isn't affected.

"Ignore her, she's a moron."

"I am not!"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Girl, shut up. We get it. Anyway, why were you eyeing the pink doll earlier?"

Her hand links with Kitty's, it shows they're a couple, then Tuesday joins, they all are together.

Mandy blushes. "What do you mean?"

"Mandy." Kitty sighs. "If you wanna be with her, we have nothing against it, even Lou doesn't. But we all know how it would turn out. The rules say we can't."

She does, Mandy knows the consequences, but she feel something around the pink doll.

She wasn't going to let it go.

"...Good night." She walks away from them, the girls were just bitches to talk to. "I hate them.."

Mandy slams her door shut and climbs onto her bed. She doesn't bother getting changed.

She ignores the command of her full doll side to. She just doesn't care.

She closes her eyes to sleep. She hopes that she doesn't the the nightmares for once.

Unfortunately for Mandy, she does.





1. assign or regard as belonging to a particular category.

2. impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something.

Lou is still at his mansion, but he is ready. Earlier than usual, but he has a class to teach. He can't afraid for disappoint the factory again.

His mind doesn't register it as teaching though, he views it as a way to just be rid of the dolls if he does the task what he had been asked to do.

After all, what other choice does he have?

He just needs to do the one thing he is designed for, is that hard to ask from the factory? But he sometimes just sees them as pieces of shits.

They made me like this, a god damn teacher. They made me into someone who barely knows what they're doing.

Lou feels the anger build, he feels himself just want to curl up and die, he feels the urge to grab a damn knife and slit his throat so deep so that no one can save him-

He's in the kitchen as this happens, the irony that a single thought can form when your in the area it needs to come up with the thing it does.

He rolls his eyes, Louis had his jacket off. His house is too hot to have it on. He has his white shirt underneath though.

After all, I'm too 'quaint' to leave it somewhere messy. I am more fun than the rumours let on.

Lou is not deaf or as oblivious as others think. He can hear and see dolls talking. It was called good vision and hears them talking and talking and chatting shit about him.

"I bet he isn't as perfect as he seems."

"Wonder if he is just a fake."

"I heard that he used to break the rules in the past."

Lou has more fans than haters, but that doesn't mean they every doll isn't negative towards him. Some stare in adoration, some stare in absolute repulsion.

He knows how it works. The perfect doll gets what he wants, and the others are left in the dust to suffer in the shadows.

They don't know that I want freedom. They don't know I would do anything to die at this point.

What else is there to live for? All he has is his fame and the purpose to teach others to do the thing he has always wanted.

How is that fair?.

He doesn't know if others are like the way he is, if the darkness has ever taken over them like it had taken over him, or if they have ever had so much negative thoughts to the point where he-

Those thoughts are what drive Lou everyday, he sometimes interrupts them when he needs to, interrupts them when he thinks things that don't need to be thought.

Interrupts them when they get to the point of him doing something he'll surely regret.

A sigh leaves him as he clutches the counter. A thing that is his support for when he feels like he is going to collapse.

(But sometimes, just sometimes, he feels so high on the insanity that he forgets that he is someone that can't do anything, be anything that he wants to be-)

Another sigh leaves his mouth and Lou (I hate myself on a daily basis), looks over to the door. He can just tell that someone is coming. He prays for it to be Ox.

...No, Nolan walks through the door with a proud stride. A stride that is tainted ever so slightly with a limp. Like his limp has been placed there.

Yeah. Lou can dominate. He fucked the other with roughness. Roughness that resulted in this.

Too bad that I imagined him as Ox.

Submissiveness is something that he takes lightly. Others have to bow to him or they would suffer. He always does like it when they know just an ounce of his pain.

He has always suffered more than they ever would. Nothing of others could ever compare to his suffering. Others' mental states were normal, only damaged knew others who were damaged.

Lou admits that there are others like him. Mandy is one of course. He fucks her on occasions. Nolan doesn't know about the infidelity.

And he never will.

They say that a secret spilled is a secret gone (at least, that's what he hears). Perfection never allowed taints in reputations. Or anything of the sort.

If you weren't worthy, you weren't worthy.

A king's throne only belongs to someone who can handle the responsibility of the burdens and secrets of the darkness in the institute.

And Lou is the king, he doesn't wear a crown, no. But he does command others to do what he wants.

He can make the spy girls as an example. They act mindless (he questions if Tuesday actually is sometimes, he is sorry for that thought). But they obey his word.

One reason for that?


"Pretty makes perfect" He mumbles, closing his eyes for a second. "Pretty makes perfect. You are perfect, you are fucking perfect."

He chants that over and over. He doesn't stop even as a certain bunny walks in. Lou feels like he is immune to his hearing.

(He is detached, not hearing, not connected. He can never be connected. He doesn't have emotions, he can't feel emotions, he hates his creators-)

"Lou?" The blonde turns. Ox stands there. That stare at each other. "I just want to say...morning? If that's okay with the grand master."

There is the wit he recognises from those years again. The mouth that had once done things from kissing to pleasure.

Lou would always admit internally that he missed it.

"Yeah.." He shrugged, glad Nolan had gone for the morning. He swore that he had been on the urge of just running away from him. "You too, I guess. I'm glad to see the bunny who can actually accomplish something apart from failing can complete the task of getting up in the morning."

Ox winces from that intended insult. He knows he isn't off the hook. He isn't naive, he knows when a jab or insult is coming.

Living in Perfection provides that as a sixth sense.

The duo are glad the unwelcomed third part has left the room and hopefully out of their life (actually, it's just Ox who hopes it. Ridiculous, he knows). He knows it's Nolan.

"Is he truly in love?" The bunny asks the blonde, going closers. He grins. "Tell me, MY Leader. Does you heart flutter when he goes close. When he touches you, when he pleasures you in the bed we used to be in?"

Lou doesn't answer. He clenched his hands on the sink and turns his back. Their gazes cannot meet or he will be lost in the spell of past love.

Two dolls sit in a house. In a bedroom that belongs to a blonde leader who has a bunny sitting on his lap. They nuzzle. They kiss. They cuddle.

"Lou~" Ox sing songs. The bunny looks at the man who has captured his heart. "What's wrong? Aren't you glad we managed to get away?"

Lou's eyes are closed as he strokes the bunny's ears. Soft, furry, coloured. The works of a happy accident. An accident he wishes he could just keep to himself.

"Hmm?.." Lou hums and smiles a little. His emotions don't show. "Oh, I am. I am so, so happy. I want the world to know that I am."

An emotion flickers and Ox feels afraid for a second. He looks at the one who he loves with all his heart and who his mind, body, soul belong to.

'Something is wrong."

Both know. Both don't acknowledge it.

Both are too blinded with love to see any toxicity.

Lou's eyes open. He pants from the pure exhaustion of resisting to sort out the threat from his mind.

The threat of memories.

He hates remembering. He specifically requested form the factory something to forget his past and on the the same day, it comes back to haunt him.

"Your leader died." He hissed, turning around to face the bunny who dared come closer. "Lou died. Your Lou broke the day you didn't keep your promise."

Ox freezes. Lou mentioned the promise. He mentioned the promise. Many years ago, a promise had been made and one doll didn't keep his.

I didn't.

He looks down and is suddenly ashamed. He feels like hypocrite. Quitting this though, he'll never do.

The leader's eyes shined with something Ox remembers. Without anything to stop them, without anything to interrupt them. They can do one thing.

They can live.

Ox finds himself in Lou's arms before both know what is going on. He picks him up and passion shines.

Lou backs into his living room where the curtains are closed. It was good for both parties at the moment.

Silence reigns as Lou Submits it Ox. He trusts him too much in the past and present to reject his advances. They both know one thing.

They both represent hypocrisy.

"Sir!" A bit shouts, their eyes open. Ox is shoved off as Lou sits up and adjusts his suit. "It is time to teach the class!"

He nods. "Okay, thank you for telling me."

His smile is fake, Ox doesn't bother telling him that. He knows the leader won't care anyway. But their trances have been broken and they aren't temporary lovers anymore.

Lou mocks bows with a grin. "Well, student. The teacher is going to teach now. So don't try and advance on me again."

Growling resonates, Ox cannot to stand the ego of the blonde, but knows he is right. He cannot do anything in public, nobody can know about this.

"I'm coming."

Lou lets him walk out the door and they state for a second. They both want the same thing, but deny it. Lou sighs and blinks.

He can't think about this now. Not while he had a task to do or he will be punished. He has something called helping others achieve something.

A class is going to be taught.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter~😘)

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