Day 298, 09:58:01
We are a most curious group come to save an idyllic village from a fearsome dragon.
Birds chirp amongst autumn trees, the air fresh and scented with nature. Leading us bravely down a sunny country road is The Master clad in scaled armor, helmet visor open while riding its powerful, high-stepping black stallion. I follow, short hair-feathers-flowers tied back in a ponytail and the Id EIS masculine-shaded body layered over with silk, black leathers, and oiled chainmail, a full scabbard weighing heavy against the Id EIS hip. The sAI node also follows beside me, golden sphere now serving as the head atop a striding, bulky silver mechanoid body unearthed from Storage.
Not much longer, now...
A ROAR sounds loud, and familiar, from beyond the forested hill ahead.
"Trouble?" Sir Gabriel asks.
I nod. "Perhaps."
"Then we had best meet it head on," Sir Gabriel says, smiling as it shuts its red visor with a CLANG and snaps the reins of its black stallion to go galloping off upslope through the brush.
Drawing a borrowed sword, I jog after it. "We guard Sir Gabriel, not honor!"
"A fact I never forget," the silver squire calls out in feminine voice while driving the borrowed mechanoid body to keep STOMPING pace beside me.
First blood...
Sir Gabriel reaches the top of the slope first, reining up abruptly enough that its black stallion briefly rears up, whinnying, before coming back down again, snorting.
Mmm. The Master is truly divine.
We jog nearer, but no longer in haste.
The Knight pushes its red visor up, gazing down...
We reach the summit, joining it.
Heh. Why am I not surprised?
The forest glade below us is a killing ground filled by the savaged, blood-soaked corpses of greatwolves lying in pools of scarlet blood. Furled wings spattered in red, the Griffin trots upslope towards us, red tongue lolling from an open beak. "Weak creatures," he rumbles.
Sir Gabriel snaps its red-scaled fingers. "Heel." The winged hound immediately bounds and takes the place at its left. "We shall scout together from now on," The Knight calls, before giving me a brief, pointed look. "And share the spoils of this Quest together. As a group."
I nod.
Tapping the heels of its red-scaled sabatons to the flanks of its black stallion, Sir Gabriel now goes trotting down towards the carnage, winged hound keeping pace at its heels. Smiling, I follow them with the hulking silver squire still keeping pace beside me.
All to plan. (So far...)
Under the Master's general directive of "build me a medieval dragon Quest", I had plotted a likely staging ground across a big section of unused Domain, overseen minor terraforming, deployed automated drones to build the necessary architecture, clothing, and supplies, then quickgrown legacy humans and non-humans, provided them with appropriate personality/memories through a combination of mental codemapping and multi-stage Somnotic Experience and finally set the whole thing into motion at the chosen hour. Therefore: I knew with great certainty that, just as the Master desired, there would be plenty more surprises to come on this Quest before the formidable endgame...
We're off! We're off!
After crossing the bloody glade, we pass once more amongst the woodland trees and back onto the idyllic country road, continuing ever on.
The woods have been thickening around us for some time, although gaps show through to flowered meadows watered by a tinkling stream...
Picturesque, as per given specifications.
Sir Gabriel and the silver squire are having a pleasant discussion about this subject, until...
"Will I be allowed to fly soon?" the winged hound finally interjects gruffly.
"In time," The Knight promises. "We are early yet and cannot give up the advantage of surprise to the Dragon." Turning to me, it nods. "Speaking of: what can you tell us about the beast, Id?"
"Grimgaer, it is named. Said to be wise and powerful, beyond ken of man."
"Perhaps not all men?" Sir Gabriel suggests, with just the hint of a smile.
"Perhaps not all," I agree seriously. "But it should still not be taken lightly. Grimgaer is a force capable of great destruction. Mortal... death is a distinct possibility for us all."
Sir Gabriel bites its grey lip. "Delicious."
The silver squire shrugs. "So the Dragon is potent. What other dangers might we expect?"
Stay in character.
I smile coyly. "Why ask me? I am merely the simple man-at-arms who brought you both word from a dying messenger, so the vagaries of this adventure must needs be as much a surprise to me as you."
"As it should be," Sir Gabriel murmurs, nodding its appreciation of this roleplaying commitment.
"Perfect," the sAI mutters.
A brief quiet now, between us.
There is so much yet to see. I worked so hard on this Quest, and it must be hoped that the Master ends it all appropriately pleased. Ah! This is so exciting!
While still leading us, Sir Gabriel studies the country environs by the road, considering. "I wonder at this land," it finally says, then turns back to me. "Tenebral, a country never visited. Disregarding the dragon, does it not seem lonely here? There are few songbirds even, but what of merchants? Wandering minstrals? Vagabonds?"
I raise both eyebrows. "Oh, you will find this land to be full of surprises, I am sure."
Sir Gabriel purses its grey lips, and looks about the environs again.
We will soon reach the first stop...
Further on: autumn trees briefly thick-tangle before the outskirts, smoke curling through the canopy. A brief glimpse through shows a thatched roof...
The winged hound growls. "We are not alone."
A sharp whistling! Pain stings the Id EIS neck. I look down, then pluck the arrow free, pulsing blood already coagulating dark in the stinging wound.
"Ambush!" Sir Gabriel happily calls, then clangs shut its red visor over its smiling grey face and wheels about to search out the foe. An arrow PINGS off its red helmet, then another.
Two arrows PING quickly off the golden sphere head in quick succession, then a third off the bulky mechanoid body. "Inefficient."
Rustling comes overhead, then a WOOSH –
We all look up: a rope-wrapped boulder is swinging down from the canopy to crush us all. Sir Gabriel spurs its black stallion aside, the winged hound follows and I spring backwards...
But the silver squire is not so nimble. "Improvement," it calls, jigging awkwardly aside before a glancing blow sends it tumbling off into the western underbrush, metal body tearing loudly through foliage a CRASH announces the shattering of some unseen treetrunk.
Well then.
"We shall root these foul brigands out!" Sir Gabriel bellows, raising its dull sword high before galloping off of the road and into the opposite trees.
Roaring, the winged hound bounds after it.
This is highly unexpected!
I dive aside, arrows THUNKING into the dirt behind me, then scramble up, drawing the borrowed sword and sprinting into the trees after them.
This is a nice wrinkle to the general Quest plan, I suppose Although they were SUPPOSED to be waiting in the gorge, beyond...
Crashing through underbrush, I am abruptly in the clear again and skidding to a halt before a small clearing where Sir Gabriel wheels about atop the black stallion, trading blows with small, darting shapes holding bright steel. One is a fallen bloody goblin dying noisily.
Where is...?
Roaring, the winged hound LEAPS in from nowhere to bear down another shrieking goblin, silencing it with a ripped-out throat.
I shift, switching Id EIS hand grip upon the borrowed sword, back and forth...
Sir Gabriel chops a goblin head off before an arrow PINGS off of its red helmet. "Take the archers," it merrily orders me, before wheeling about again slashing again with its dull blade.
Whistling –
I sidestep an arrow, then dance aside again, avoiding another while scanning the canopy...
"With pleasure!" I shout, then dash sinously, avoiding more arrows, before finally LEAPING at a trunk to run a few steps up and pull into a rapid climb, hand over hand (with the rapidly healing Id EIS shoulder barely twinging by this point) to reach the goblin perched among the branches and SKEWER it. Done here, I kick the corpse to unsheathe the blade, which sends the corpse tumbling down, then turn and LEAP to the next tree, an expression of amazement upon the scrunched up goblin EIS green face as I run it through the open mouth, THUNK, before slashing sideways to split the top-half of the skull free. The goblin corpse begins sliding off of the branch to fall, and soon impact on the ground below with a CRUNCH.
By the time I drop down, the fight is already over.
"Arrows were fired from both side of the road," Sir Gabriel calls, spurring its black stallion around to trot off into the brush. "Let us see how my squire fares!" Leading us quickly through the trees, it soon reaches the empty road, and pauses....
Siddenly: a squeal comes from the opposite side of the road, along with a BOOM of crashing wood.
"To the fray!" The Knight cries, raising its dull sword high yet again before leading the charge.
I am not worried, but –
Branches slap at us during the charge, but we soon break through to find the hulking silver squire stamping a big metal foot onto the fat midsection of a huge, fallen goblin, crushing it with a gory SQUELCH. Fallen trunks lay all around, along with lesser corpses scattered about, smashed and broken. "I have the situation in hand!" it booms.
Mm. Indeed.
An arrow PINGS off of the golden head. In response: the silver squire lumbers over and PUNCHES the trunk to explode it in half, the tree falling with the last shrieking goblin archer until all impact down to crush the foe.
Sir Gabriel reins up. "A mighty squire, indeed..."
"I take it that your fight went just as well?" it asks, approaching us.
"Yes." The Knight shares a grey smile with it. "And well done. We'll make a Knight of you yet!"
"There is no need. It is an honor merely to serve."
Poor roleplaying. The Master looks disappointed.
"We should scout the environs," I hurriedly interject, seeking distraction. "To make sure the danger is passed."
Sir Gabriel gives me a curt nod, then leads us back towards the road...
This is already getting interesting...
We now head carefully down the empty road, slowly approaching the bend. A thin curl of smoke still rises...
The winged hound growls.
"What is it, hound?" Sir Gabriel asks.
Shaking the winged hound EIS head, he just remains silent, perhaps unable to explicate.
Continuing around the bend, we finally come across open ground, the road leading down towards a low plain bordered by fenced enclosures and big fields. However: a side trail leads off towards an obscured farmhouse...
I remain silent.
Sir Gabriel hmms, then pulls the reins, black stallion turning, and heads onto the side trail.
We follow.
Gradually coming into sight...
... is a yard empty but for churned earth and the bloody carcass of a horse still tied to one of the hitching posts. A nearby trough is filled with offal, the bucket still by the pump. The farmhouse is also obviously damaged: roof smoldering, front door smashed and trickling out smoke, woodpile scattered.
Sir Gabriel scans the environs, immediately taking charge. "Id: take that pump bucket and put out the fire. Hound: search inside the farmhouse for survivors. Squire: with me, scouting the perimeter. GO!"
We all separate.
More of the unexpected.
I race beside the winged hound, grab a conveniently full bucket of water at the pump (as the hound surges ahead to leap through the doorway) before post-human leaping upwards high. At the top of the arc I swing the bucket around to send a perfectly placed spray of water blanketing the smolders, then gravity pulls me down to land upon the earth.
A KEEN of discovery sounds inside the farmhouse.
I trot away, leave the empty bucket beside the pump again and trot back to stand before the open front door of the farmhouse, the Id EIS back facing the shadowed interior. Waiting...
The clopping of hooves approaches, then Sir Gabriel trots the black stallion around the farmhouse. A moment later: the silver squire strides after it.
Hm. Something feels wrong.
"All clear on the perimeter," The Knight announces, before lightly frontflipping over the saddle to land upon the ground with the reins still in its hand, offering them up. "Id: see to my horse."
"As you say, Sir." I take the reins, leading the stallion away towards an empty far post. Once securely tied, I root in the saddlebags and offer him an apple. He snorts, but crunches it. I walk back across the ruined yard and finally head inside of the farmhouse...
Sir Gabriel is kneeling down by the arrow-pierced corpse of an older bearded man. Other bodies lie strewn violently across the rustic interior, blood pooling beneath broken furniture. The hound waits by a slender corpse, and the silver squire stands against near a rear hall...
This massacre is an Aberration.
"Arrows, and crude dagger-work," Sir Gabiel muses, still facing away from me. "The goblin bandits, without a doubt."
"I will check the rear," the silver squire says, shifting weight enough to creak the floorboards.
"As you will."
It strides off, each heavy step creaking loudly.
Sir Gabriel stands up, turning with a grim expression to regard the mutilated corpse of a young man nearby, beside which is the bloody corpse of an older woman, nails cracked and bloody with foul ichor...
Hm. Is the Master disappointed?
"They fought bravely to the last," I announce heartily, to ennoble the bloody scene. "A fine end."
Sir Gabriel sighs.
A growl...
We both turn.
The winged hound still waits by the slender corpse. It is beautiful and young, barely a woman.
"What is it?" Sir Gabriel asks, heading over.
The hound EIS beak nudges the corpse, causing her to gasp unexpectedly, eyes fluttering open.
I hurry over after Sir Gabriel, who reaches them first and takes bended knee, beside her.
"Please,"she whispers.
The Knight removes the red gauntlet from its left hand now, laying the bare hand gently upon the young woman EIS pale brow. "Be still. We will do what we can."
"My family..."
Its grey head bows. "They are at peace now."
The young woman shudders. "And... little Alain...?"
We exchange a look, then Sir Gabriel turns back to the young woman. "Where –"
The hallway floorboards creak loudly with tromping footsteps returning. "I found something," the sAI calls.
She suddenly hisses: "papa trapped it. Basement..."
"Save your strength," Sir Gabriel urges. "We –"
A wet gasp, with blood bubbling upon lips, then she falls still.
Sir Gabriel continues kneeling there, looking down at the beautiful young face, its grey hand still upon the pale brow...
The winged hound whuffs uncertainly.
"Sir," I begin.
Gently closing the corpse EIS eyes, The Red Knight then puts its red gauntlet back upon its naked grey hand and slowly rises. "Show me what you found," it husks.
The silver squire turns wordless, heading back down the rear hall. We follow, floorboards creaking loudly in the silence. Sunlight leaks into the dim hallway from the end, and once the ajar door is opened...
... we emerge outside back into the clean daylight, a fresh breeze flapping clothes drying on washerlines hung throughout a small rear yard. "This way," the silver squire whispers, a big metal arm lifting up a clothesline to make room. "In the basement."
The basement...
It leads us through lines of drying clothes, each FLAP and SNAP disturbing breezy silence, then back out again beside a farmhouse wall where stone steps lead down to a shadowed, wooden door.
The winged hound growls...
"Listen," the silver squire urges.
We all pause, silent.
Is it –?
A MOAN of pain floats up.
Sir Gabriel glances aside.
The silver squire doesn't speak, but offers a shake of the goden head.
A sudden angry HISS from below, then a scrabbling and a loud BANG shudders the door, after which comes an inhuman SHRIEK of rage...
Sir Gabriel shuts its red visor, drawing its dull sword. "This one is mine." Passing through us, it heads slowly down the steps before stopping in the shadows by the basement door, to listen...
Another low moan, rising –
Sir Gabriel KICKS the basement door from its hinges with post-human strength, and charges over the line of salt, disappearing inside...
An inhuman SHRIEK.
A shout!
Battle is met.
Quick movement sounds. A crash, a pot rolls out and then another CRASH before a fierce cry and yet another shriek, though abruptly ended.
We wait, tense...
Loud footsteps from below, then a ghoulish head emerges through the door, grossly long tongue hanging down from the open mouth full of sharp teeth, which is held aloft by a red gauntlet attached to the arm of the emerging Red Knight, spattered with foul gore, stepping out of the basement with its red visor open.
I whoop. The squire cheers. The winged hound keens in triumph.
Sir Gabriel smiles briefly while climbing back up the stairs. "It was nothing." We clear aside, it passes through us and draws back its arm to HURL the severed head off, in a great WHISTLING arc, sailing over the tree line back towards where we started the day.
Turning back towards us, its expression is now grim. "There is a task for us, ere we go."
We leave four fresh graves, and the dead farmhouse, behind us. Sir Gabriel rides ahead upon the road leading downslope through thinning trees, slopes, and animal pens, towards open breeze-rippling farmland: ripe fields of corn spread left, and ripe fields of barley spread right, loosed sheep and cows grazing placidly. Bisecting the fields, the road eventually passes back out along distant cliffs before descending east around the hidden canyon.
"A thorough despoilment of rustic order," the silver squire remarks.
I keep the Id EIS eyes peeled as we descend, saying nothing to arouse suspicion from the others, but...
(Be watchful.)
After continuing in silence for some time, Sir Gabriel lets its black stallion slow until we three Attendants can eventually come up beside them both. We then pass by the empty pens of wooden posts and metal wire, some parts trampled into the earth, with a few arrow-studded animals lying dead inside.
I turn, and...
The Red Knight is lost in thought.
Descending until the slope levels, the road leads out between the rippling fields. A strong breeze sways them harder, drawing attention to sightlines brought close...
"This land is no fairytale," the silver squire mutters.
A truth.
"No," I calmly agree. "The people need a protector. Desperately."
Sir Gabriel straightens, then pulls the reins sharply to halt its black stallion. "There are fresh prints ahead of us," it declares, pointing. "Hound: see to it."
He dutifully trots forward, sniffing the dirt.
A goat emerges from the cornstalks. Glancing over, it pauses before abruptly turning again to disappear back into cover.
The winged hound finally turns back towards us. "A horse was ridden through," he rumbles. "Not long ago."
"Through the jaws of the trap, perhaps?" Sir Gabriel snaps the reins, causing the black stallion to resume trotting forward. "Whatever the case," it calls, "we will see where the trail leads. It is time for answers."
The wind lulls, fields still rippling.
Halfway across, the tracks off through barley fields in a trampled path clear to see. Sir Gabriel reins up close, considering...
"What now?" the silver squire asks.
If –
A distant reptilian SCREECH sounds across the blue afternoon sky.
I turn.
Something iridescent approaches upon the eastern horizon.
"We are to have a chance at the wyrm so soon?" Sir Gabriel asks me excitedly, staring up behind itself to see before wheeling about fully, to face it.
I fidget. "This is not favored ground."
Sir Gabriel glances at me. "But surely, if we..." It sighs. "Speak your mind, Id."
"This terrain is flat, and of flammable plantlife. Both disadvantages, when we must have EVERY advantage to ensure success."
"And it flies," the hound grumbles.
Sir Gabriel looks bemused. "Yes. It does."
Another SCREECH booms distant, the distant dragon approaching enough to clearly see a predatory reptilian maw, flapping wings, and serpentine tail...
Hm. And it is heading in our general direction.
Watching the foe approach, Sir Gabriel is speculative. "Its speed far outclasses me with Secondary and Tertiary body controls locked for the Quest." It stands up tall in the stirrups, scouts the environs and points. "We make for the cliffs, and cover."
A ROAR shudders the air, an unnatural wind begins to blow and surrounding fields sway harder...
Sir Gabriel drops back into the saddle now, grinning sheepishly. "It may have seen me." Cracking the reins abruptly, it gallops ahead. "We flee!"
The winged hound bounds after it.
I follow by the silver squire, but quickly pull ahead in a post-human SPRINT as the bulky mechanoid begins to make awkwardly bounding LEAPS. "You couldn't have designed a more graceful body?!" I shout back.
"This is the most versatile that sAI protocol allows!"
A louder ROAR, then a whoosh and loud EXPLOSION sounds some distance behind, with panicked bleating...
"It has reached the farm," Sir Gabriel calls, staring backwards on the black stallion galloping forwards. "We may have no choice but to fight!"
"No!" The silver squire booms out, still falling farther behind. "I can provide distraction!"
"Are you sure?" it calls.
"We shall meet, regardless!"
SUDDENLY: a black shadow falls on us, followed by a powerful wind...
I glance back.
A dazzling rainbow dragon is soaring after us across the near sky, large membranous wings flapping hard as the jaws open to reveal rows of sword-like teeth and fire blossoming, deep within...
"Be it on your head!" Sir Gabriel wrenches its reins, sending the black stallion veering into the western field to quickly disappear amongst the cornstalks.
The winged hound follows.
I crash in after them before a terrible ROAR explodes behind, furnace winds surging. Charging through a field of cornstalks, I hold the Id EIS hands forward to block slapping stalks, dodge an abruptly charging cow, then continue onwards, and –
A feminine scream of defiance sounds, followed by a fiery EXPLOSION!
Suddenly in the clear, I stumble for a moment before sprinting forward through scattered, panicked livestock milling across open ground where Sir Gabriel navigates through ahead while the winged hound roars to clear the way to the cliffs, and cover...
I glance back.
The rainbow dragon is knifing towards us across the sky at incredible speed, leaving blazing harvest fields and the distant farmhouse a smoking ruin...
"Hurry!" I scream, although with a sinking feeling as I realize we cannot make it. So I skid to a halt, turning, and draw the borrowed sword as the rainbow dragon bears down upon me with an earsplitting SCREECH and those vast membranous wings spread flapping, sending wind PUMMELING. But I continue standing defiant before the Red Knight's retreat, squinting up while also raising the borrowed sword high. Flame bubbles in the dragon EIS jaws finally opening to BLAST down scorching fire, which I dodge aside in a blurring post-human tumble before skidding to a halt and immediately BURSTING into a sprint back towards the cliff.
A SCREECH of reptilian rage!
Sprinting harder, I feel furnace winds begin to blister me while leaping from the cliff to go sailing out over a winding rock trail, amidst roaring flames, only to strike down on a lower loop and go tumbling violently under a rocky eave to impact with jarring force against a rocky wall, stunned. Heat EXPLODES outside, but then slowly recedes, blistering winds whipping grit to blast the area as a frustrated ROAR sounds.
What? Wait. Yes. Think CLEARLY! The Master must have hidden, so now...
I huddle away from it all. Winds surge again, more grit blasts, then it recedes away too. Waiting again, I hear the reptilian roar come farther, and farther away. Comes a last, distant roar...
It is gone, and the area is silent but for the skirling wind of the canyon.
I eventually crawl back out from under the rocky eve, emerging under the blue sky clear of menace all the way out to a distant iridescent spot in the sky soon lost from sight. Bruised and shaken, I head back up the trail slowly, aching. "Sir Gabriel!" I call out, staring about the upper slopes...
Then: "up here!"
I force a jog, heading up towards the clifftop where smoke billows skyward in distant dark sheets, then climb back atop...
The Red Knight is already there, now standing by the black stallion, winged hound at heel, all gazing out at the inferno which has engulfed the ripe, rippling farmland and rages across the wooded slopes above them. Comes a distant SHRIEK of animal pain.
Powerful, as per its specifications...
I draw near them. "The silver squire?"
"A fearsome foe," Sir Gabriel murmurs.
We all wait together now, watching as wind fans the flames hotter and smoke continuously rises upwards in thickening black sheets. Ash begins sprinkling down...
Come on...
The winged hound finally whines.
I stare...
A bulky, ash-black form emerges. "Thank you all for waiting. Shall we continue?" But it slows to a halt when a white saddlecloth is thrown upon the tarnished golden sphere-head.
"After a polish," Sir Gabriel declares.
The setting sun behind throws all shadows forward down the ribboning road which has lead us well past the destroyed farmland to gently rolling hills of empty grass pasturage. Far distant ahead: an unnaturally flat-topped mountain looms above the cobalt horizon...
"Is the village near?" the silver squire asks.
"Nearer than when last you asked," I reply. "Patience. We approach it shortly."
Sir Gabriel grunts, subdued ever since the troubles at the farm. "What reception awaits us, I wonder?"
The evening shadows remain ever long ahead while we travel along the hilly road. All is silent but for a solitary cricket chirping. Rising again, the road leads from the winding hills over long miles until the last is before us...
I am not tired. (But...)
The road finally reaches the summit of the hill, beyond which it recedes out across a vast plain with dark copses of trees afield, until a distant, low stone encircling wall encloses numerous squat, shadowed structures...
The village.
"We approach!" Sir Gabriel calls, then snaps its red visor shut and turns anonymously towards me "Id: the banner, please."
"Yes, Sir!" I jog over to it, pushing aside a saddle-tied javelin bundle to rummage within the saddle-bags, soon removing a grey cloth. Finding a javelin, I then fit javelin through cloth seam and raise its "Tower Knight" standard high, trotting forward...
What truly awaits?
Its a long approach in silence, steadily following after evening shadows gradually stretching ever farther ahead of us. Nothing stirs until we finally near a broken archway in the low encircling wall, beside which is piled a huge, blackened mound of ash and bone in gristly welcome for the village.
Mm. Things had not gone well, then...
"The Tower Knight approaches!" I call out strongly.
Echoes are the only answer...
Sir Gabriel gestures. "Once more."
I lead us forward again, carefully approaching the broken archway –
"Caw!" A raven flaps up into the air from the huge blackened mound, and begins gliding, heading back around towards the wall to land on the broken archway like a black-feathered herald, peering down at us...
Decent theatrics, if also unplanned.
"The Tower Knight Approaches!" I call again.
Watching us approach with beady eyes, the raven abruptly leaps back into the air, with a sharp cry, flapping upwards, and away...
Sir Gabriel trots forward, shaking its head sadly. "Not the reception I had hoped for." It gestures. "From here: I will take point."
I step aside. "As you say."
Sir Gabriel leads us through the broken archway and onto a first empty cobbled street. Stone buildings stand derelict in a long row on each side, doors and windows open.
While advancing, the black stallion EIS hooves strike LOUD upon the cobbles like a proclamation...
I feel uneasy.
"We must find shelter here tonight," the squire abruptly urges us, breaking the silence. "I would not be caught in the open again."
"Agreed," I say, nodding.
Now a faint breath of wind comes, stirring the black banner of the Tower Knight...
We find an market street at the right corner of this first one, empty shop fronts and stalls down the distance until an overturned cart partially blocks the middle...
Sir Gabriel points down the market street. "We head for the center of town," it declares, turning its black stallion to begin trotting forward...
We follow.
Eyes and ears open, of course. If the prepared Quest is unraveling, the plans I set into motion for its happy entertainment may change in unexpected –
A distant reptilian SCREECH.
We all freeze, looking up.
In darkest blue sky: only wisps of cloud can be seen, the evening sun now sinking far beyond all the squat buildings of the village...
A slow minute passes, then Sir Gabriel finally growls "we press on" before urging the black stallion forward again, continuing down the market street.
No matter what has occurred: it is unlikely this Quest cannot be salvaged...
We find yet another intersection at the end of this market street. Sir Gabriel turns without a word, and we head down a long boulevard lined by single story shops, all awnings and modest homes. However: a three story structure rises by a far plaza filled with rubble from destroyed buildings...
The silver squire remarks: "this so-called village, if not there already, seems well on the way to townhood."
Ah! Did I overdesign it?
I flush at this signifier of small experience.
"Seemed," The Red Knight finally corrects, sounding distracted... before it reins the black stallion up sharply, turning. "Did anyone else hear that?"
"Hear what?" the silver squire asks.
Sir Gabriel frowns. "Hound?"
"We are not alone," he rumbles.
Spurring forward with dull sword drawn, Sir Gabriel calls out in ringing tones: "I am the Tower Knight! Heed my approach!"
I put the Id EIS hand to the borrowed sword...
"You came!" A burly, mustachioed middle-aged man clad in roughspun, apron stretched over sizable gut, now emerges from the front door of the three-story structure ahead of us, thick arms waving. "Over here, Sir!"
Sir Gabriel raises its red visor, revealing a tight smile upon its grey face. "Ho, goodman," it calls, riding the trotting black stallion towards him. "What has become of this place?"
"Sir Gabriel!" The burly man motions us all forward, backing away. "Come inside, if it please you, and I will tell all!"
"It could be a trap," the silver squire cautions us.
"With honor, tis not!" the man called firmly. "Let the greybeards keep watch."
"Greybeards?" asks Sir Gabriel.
But the man is already gone, having ducked back inside of the three-story structure.
I point. "Archers, stationed up on the rooftops."
Up high on a rooftop to the west, beside a distant chimney: an old man waves to us with bow in hand.
Sir Gabriel smiles happily. "Hardy folk. We are not too late, then." Seated, it frontflips from its seated place from saddle and onto the ground, handing the reins to me before heading inside of the front door...
While the other follow it: I head around the side of the building, back towards the stables. Finding the stable doors unbarred, I lead the black stallion inside, passing a blown old plowhorse among empty stalls on the way down to seeing the stallion stabled, watered and fed before re-packing the banner an heading inside of the inn structure proper, walking down a long hall of dark-paneled wood, glancing side a kitchen and finally nearing towards familiar voices...
I enter the common room.
The innkeep is behind the bar of a darkwood space crowded by round tables lit by a roaring fire. With its red-scaled helmet off, Sir Gabriel is sitting beside the silver squire at one, winged hound flopped half-beneath, almost too big to fit.
All here. Good.
Heading over to them, noting that all of the windows are closed, shuttered, and draped with curtains. Near the rear corner of the room is a low stage, stairs beside it leading up into shadow...
"To keep the light in," the innkeep explains to the others while he rummages behind the bar. "Can never be too careful with evil about, lookouts or no."
Sir Gabriel nods. "We are here to rid this land of its scourge. Share a tale of these troubles."
"I will, Sir! But would be a poor host that don't feed such guests!" He hurries out to the hall. "Marace! Come down here, all is well!"
"A colorful character," Sir Gabriel murmurs low. "This place is not what I expected."
Oh no. Does it...
Crown aglitter, the Knight smiles assuringly upon me. "Novelty is a pleasure of itself." It gestures. "Sit down with us."
I do so, smiling in turn.
"A hearty meal for the loyal, flightless hound?" the Griffin rumbles up.
The innkeep suddenly bustles back into the common room. "And meat for your hound? Why of course, Sir, of course." He heads over to the bar. "And can I offer you all something to drink?"
"Ale for me," Sir Gabriel states firmly.
"And for me," I add.
"Water and wine for the hound," the Griffin rumbles up.
The innkeep looks up from the bar again, appearing perplexed. "Water AND wine for the hound?
"In separate bowls," Sir Gabriel adds.
The innkeep walks off to serve it, heading back into the backroom shaking his head.
"Nothing for you?" I ask the silver squire.
The golden sphere, atop the bulky, silver mechanoid body seated across from me, PULSES white. "I am fine."
Returning quickly, the innkeep heads back over to us, sets down mugs and places two bowls beneath the table. He straightens afterwards, wiping the innkeep EIS hands on the innkeep EIS apron. "So! What will you all be having? There's boar and beef, goat stew, dumplings, truncheons of –"
"Plain fare," Sir Gabriel interrupts him. "Whatever you recommend."
The innkeep chews for a moment upon the innkeep EIS drooping mustache. "As you say." Walking off, he then leans back out into the hall. "Boar and vegetable dumplings! With the gold wheatbread!"
"Aye," calls back a sonorous female voice.
The innkeep returns. "Sorry for the wait..." He smiles curiously at the squire. "A shiny one, is he?"
"Yes," Sir Gabriel answers curtly. "The tale now, if you please."
The innkeep wrings both hands together. "Ah." The innkeep EIS expression is distraught. "A tale of woe, that it is, Sir."
From what we saw? There is no doubt.
"Well then: it all began three days ago, at dusk. No warning but the shadow of the beast and a dread wind that sent grown men to their knees. The alderman led an attack, but it slew them with flame and claw, destroying half the square, as well. After that, it made claim to our land... and left."
Hm. Good. All to plan...
"We counted ourselves lucky. It was menace without malice, some said." A sad shake of the innkeep EIS head. "Little did we know that Grimgaer is mad."
I frown.
Sir Gabriel leans forward. "In what way?"
"In head and heart," he mutters. "The second day..."
A hint of motion is becomes visible to me atop the shadowed stairs...
The innkeep exhales a long breath. "The second day revealed it all. Grimgaer returned at dawn, but leading a host of fell creatures. We were roused from sleep and all gathered together. Men, women, children. Then forced to..." Shame crosses that honest face. "Sacrifices... were demanded," he whispers. "Unholy tribute, in blood and... innocence. Grimgaer commanded we bear witness, that lies would be unmasked. Birthed, from our suffering. I..."
We wait.
Tears begin running down that sad honest face. He wipes them away, blowing both lips out again.
Sir Gabriel glances appraisingly at me.
In negation: I shake the Id EIS head.
This is a serious aberration...
"And how do we find this village empty," the silver squire finally asks, "but for a lonesome tavern and some greybeards?"
The innkeep smiles, pawing away tears. "We fought back," he says proudly. "Grimgaer left at the end of that first day, so under cover of night we escaped the stockades, drove the foul creatures back and retook the village. After, we made a pile of foul corpses, along with the gibbets and alters, burning them all before burying our folk. Then we planned what to do next."
I chewed the right Id EIS knuckle, wondering what else might be coming...
"We decided to hide the women somewhere safe," the innkeep confides. "Then the fierce gathered and left to stalk the beast in its lair." He looks unhappy, now. "I argued for caution, Sir, that you would be coming to lead us in the fight. But after what we all suffered... well, some were too hot to cool. Hellfire! Even that young fop of a bard went off with them." Another sad shake of the head. "I don't rightly blame them, but... I stayed, along with the wife and a few greybeards. They wouldn't leave these homes, the stubborn gets, but I knew..." He smiled again, eyes now shining. "I knew you'd come, Sir Gabriel. To save us all."
"I'll see it done," Sir Gabriel finally vowed, sounding a bit hoarse now itself.
The innkeep bobbed the innkeep EIS head at this. "Aye, Sir, I know you will." A cleared throat. "Right. Well. I'd best check on supper now." He bustled out of the common room...
The fire continues crackling in the hearth, sending out light and warmth into the silence.
I am thinking...
"A tale of woe, indeed," the squire finally agrees.
Sir Gabriel slowly nods. "Aye." Turning to me now, it frowns. "Were I better informed as to the scope of this villainy, I might have..." Instead of finishing, it breathes out slowly, slowly closing its eyes while slowly shaking its crowned grey head. "No." Its eyes open. "That is not fair, nor right. All is at it should be."
A bright grey smile. "You are only a simple man-at-arms. It is for the Tower Knight to assess, and lead."
I smile back.
Sir Gabriel now turns away from the table. "Girl: I am here to save you and your family. Come down, there is naught to fear."
The young one hiding atop the shadowed staircase whirled, then went running down a hidden upper hallway with a sudden sound of pattering footsteps, receding...
Cursing, Sir Gabriel slams its fist against the wooden tabletop, BANG.
A moment later, the innkeep returns with steaming trays of food. "Apologies for the wait, Sir!" He sets them down on the tabletop, passing out plates. "Best my wife could make, so quick."
Sir Gabriel frowns. "Your daughter is a shy one," it says quietly.
The innkeep looks quizzical. "Daughter's married and moved from the villages years ago. How did you both meet?"
Sir Gabriel looks uncertain now. "The girl, upstairs..."
The innkeep bobs the innkeep EIS head. "Ah. Poor brave thing. She's a survivor. Me and the missus took her in."
"Family?" the silver squire asks.
"Alain lived out on the Weston farm," he admits, "but I fear she's the only survivor. Came through early today by her lonesome. Was on a bloody plowhorse, if you can believe it!"
Sir Gabriel rubs its grey chin thoughtfully. "Well. That is one mystery solved..."
In the dark of night, beyond this fragile shared sense of safety, sounds a distant, reptilian SCREECH!
We all freeze.
The sound is long, mournful, and deeper, too...
Hurrying over to a window, the innkeep pushes back the curtains to peer outside...
Will this be it?
I draw the borrowed sword. The silver squire shifts. The winged hound wriggles out from beneath the table...
But the innkeep glances back, and waves us off.
We wait...
A long minute passes before the innkeep lets go of the curtain and turns back again, smiling tremulously. "They signaled the all clear. The beast does not come."
Sir Gabriel looks almost disappointed, but sheathes its dull blade, SNAP, and sits back down. I follow suit with the silver squire, winged hound slinking back to a curled up position half-underneath the table again.
"Anything else you all need?" the innkeep asks us.
I turn, but Sir Gabriel is muttering to itself, lost to the world again. "We're fine," I assure him.
The innkeep bobs the innkeep EIS head, then heads over around the bar and into the backroom again.
"We're not all fine," the winged hound rumbles.
Grinning, I grab a plate of raw meat, lean over and set it down before the golden beak.
"Better," he says, then rips into it.
I come up...
... only to see Sir Gabriel has returned to the present, rubbing its grey face tiredly. "A sad place, with cares far removed from the norm..."
"Simpler," the silver squire agrees.
A plump, rosy-cheeked woman of middle years now walks in through the hallway door, a violin in hand. "Sir Gabriel. Goodfellows." She curtseys.
I nod.
"Mam," the squire says.
Sir Gabriel is charmed. "Miss Marace, I presume? You hold a delightful promise."
The wife of the innkeeper gives The Knight a winning smile. "Right you are, Sir. I play some, and the husband asked that I see to it after finishing your dinner."
"Don't let me delay you further," it urges gently.
She curtseys once more, then walks across the room towards the stage.
"As for the rest of us," Sir Gabriel says, smiling wanly around the table, "there is food and drink. Let it not go to waste."
I pick up the nearest mug. "A toast, Sir Gabriel?"
Smiling warmer, it picks up the other mug and holds it forward. "To the future! Whatever it may bring."
We clink mugs, then both of us down them.
"Ah." Sir Gabriel wipes foam from its grey lips before placing the empty mug back down. "It has been a small eternity since last I tasted such."
Soft notes are plucked, onstage...
I pick up the fork and knife before me, concentrating on the novelty of food. Slicing a hunk of boar from the main dish, I placed it onto the plate set before slicing off a smaller piece of that hunk and using the fork to place it into the Id EIS mouth. Chewing...
Hmm. The sensation surprises.
Swallowing the remainder, I then try some bread. Chewing...
Wooly? Pleasant, whatever it is.
I swallow more ale, and –
"Is the food not to your liking, Sir?"
I look up...
The innkeep is standing anxiously before Sir Gabriel, who turns its eyes from the stage slowly, its empty plate a testament to musical distraction. "Not at all..." It picks up its fork and knife, slicing into the boar. "That will be remedied. Now."
The innkeep refills both mugs, then leaves again as a haunting melody drift from the stage, notes rising long, and sad. We eat quietly in the firelight while the silver squire remains sitting silent, though after a short time the hound can be heard licking clean the bowl.
Eating is... ok.
With bows in hand, two old men come into the room after a time, taking a table nearby. Bustling back into the common room, the innkeeper takes orders and leaves, quickly returning with the appropriate food to set before them.
Still chewing, I am squinting in thought...
"That bow might prove useful."
I turn, mid-chew.
The silver squire is waiting still and silent as a statue again, like it had not just spoken.
Chewing, Sir Gabriel glances at the one yew longbow hung above the far mantel. "It might." It swallows. "If you were to fight it." It cuts meat. "Which you are not."
The silver squire is undeterred. "If you do not forbid it to me, then I will take it."
Sir Gabriel ignores this.
"Thank you," the silver squire finally says, rising, and strides off.
Not bad at all.
I tear into a ripped off hunk of bread with the Id EIS teeth. "Simple fare, but good."
Sir Gabriel nods. "Compliments to the chef."
And the builder of this Quest who designed the chef EIS? Mmm. This is well.
The slow music continues rising around us as we eat. I am soon finished, pushing the plate away before sitting back in the chair, enjoying the strange sensation of a full stomach.
The squire strides back over now, innkeep following close behind it, carrying the bow. "Sir Gabriel?" the man calls.
A white napkin is used to wipe grey lips. "Yes?"
"That one," he says, and gestures with an elbow, "inquired about the family bow. Is it your wish that he take it for the hunt, then?
Sir Gabriel shrugs. "I will slay the wyrm by my own hand, but the weapon may prove otherwise useful."
The innkeep bobs the innkeep EIS head. "The bow is double-recurved yew, and surpassing hard to draw but for the strongest. Does this shiny squire of yours truly have what it takes?"
I chime in with: "for a squire, he is mighty."
Staring away towards the stage now, Sir Gabriel is uncaring. "He will bear it with distinction, I am sure..."
"Take it then, with a blessing." He places it upon the tabletop. "A family heirloom, but I've always been better with the axe anyway." The innkeep EIS hands hover over the leftovers. "Can I take your plates, gentlemen?"
"I'm finished," I say.
"Excellent fare," Sir Gabriel adds distantly, while still staring at the stage. "We are well enough satisfied."
The innkeep beams with pride, stacks all the plates and bearing them out of the common room...
... as the song ends in a descending series of notes.
Sir Gabriel and the greybeards clap enthusiastically. I join in with the silver squire, but the hound HOWLS with pleasure below us, the sound filling the common room.
Marace blushes scarlet, taking a quick bow. She then sits back down, quick hands launching into something light and festive.
Sir Gabriel takes a sip from its mug, its gaze still distant...
"I would take leave of you all," the squire announces, still standing beside the table. "To practice with the bow, and then to bed."
Sir Gabriel flicks its red-scaled fingers in dismissal.
"Until tomorrow." The silver squire takes the bow and strides across the room with more tromping steps before disappearing out into the hallway.
Well enough.
I take a last swallow of ale, then set the mug down. "So... what are you thinking?"
Sir Gabriel does not turn back, but mutters: "it is all a dream..."
I nod as if I understand.
The winged hound EIS beak now gently nudges the Id EIS boot.
I bend down...
"We should eat more often," he rumbles, lambent eyes reflecting firelight.
I give him a vigorous rubbing under the feathered chin, eliciting deep purring. But when I come back up from this, Sir Gabriel is watching me strangely...
We hold gaze.
The lively violin notes continue that jaunty melody in the background...
"Would you care to dance?" it eventually asks me.
I flush. "With pleasure."
Sir Gabriel stands, offering me a hand.
I grasp it, and rise...
We walk towards the stage.
Dawn is cold and grey. Innkeep and wife both wave goodbye, little ravenlocks girl peering shyly around adult legs as Sir Gabriel, riding the black stallion, leads us out across the foggy, rubble-strewn plaza. I wave back as all three fade away...
... and disappear..
That was well.
Each hoofstrike of the black stallion sounds slightly muted as we turn onto a long foggy boulevard curving away. Only now does Sir Gabriel finally glance back at us. "Feeling comfortable with the bow?"
"I have become proficient enough," the silver squire answers calmly.
"Today will be a bloody one," I warn them. "Best we are ready."
Sir Gabriel laughs long, echoes muted by the heavy fog. "Gods, I hope so," it finally wheezes happily. "Time to bring a fitting end to this savage lark."
As we continue advancing, an archway matching the first we had entered on the other side of town yesterday resolved unbroken from the grey. It reads: "Greenwood".
(This is it...)
Riding under the archway, The Red Knight lightly touches the span above its head with a red-scaled finger in passing, as if for luck.
I stare out.
The road leads away through foggy fields of grass and houses surrounded by fenced pastures, as well as distant shadows that might be more copses of trees...
We head out.
Still ascending as it has been for hours now, the road leads us through rocky slopes thick with grey fog slowly burning away as the sun continues its red rise through blue sky, a flat-topped mountain looming above ahead. There is a tinge of char in the air...
"When can I fly?" the winged hound rumbles.
Sir Gabriel turns sharply, abruptly furious. "Hsst! Only on my signal."
He whuffs.
And I am uneasy.
Ever since we had left behind the foothills, there has been a growing silence to the land. Sounds of life have diminished almost to nothing, although a blowing wind can be heard...
Sir Gabriel steadily rides its black stallion towards a rocky bend ahead. The winged hound pads at its heels, then I come after, striding along next to the bulky silver squire...
I –
The hound growls softly.
Pulling its reins, The Red Knight draws the black stallion to a halt and raises its hand to signal us.
We all stop.
The rising slopes around us remain still, but...
Scuffs. Trudging footsteps are heard approaching us from around the bend.
Sir Gabriel signals to us, directing...
The winged hound nods, then stealthily climbs the eastern slope, circling up to a strategic rocky promontory overlooking the bend. I slink ahead, taking up position beside the bend, back against the stone and one hand upon the hilt of the borrowed sword. Waiting...
Minutes pass. Then a spearman, supporting another wide-eyed and staggering, both trudge into view leaning on a spear as much as the other, only to find Sir Gabriel sitting calmly atop its black stallion athwart the path, by the hulkin silver squire. The men cry out, fumbling spears up to defend –
"I am the Tower Knight," Sir Gabriel declares loudly, its black stallion pawing at the earth once, snorting.
Wide-Eyes blinks.
The stronger one gapes. "You came..." he eventually croaks.
After The Red Knight gestures, I step forward from hiding. "Was that ever in doubt?"
Both flinch.
Sir Gabriel frowns...
"My apologies!" the stronger one exclaims. "We did not mean to –"
The winged hound leaps down from the promontory overlooking the bend, landing behind them.
Wide-Eyes turns around at the sound, moans at the sight and collapses. The stronger one raises a spear –
"Calm yourselves," Sir Gabriel snaps, irritated. "That is my hound, and we are here to help."
I make calming motions at them.
The stronger one turns back, trying to pull up wide-eyes from the ground.
"What happened?" the silver squire asks.
Giving up on him, the strong one leans against the spear. "Sames happened to them we sought to avenge," he mutters, glancing down the trail. "Foul massacre."
Sir Gabriel waits.
"Tell us how it happened," I finally urge him.
The stronger one shudders. "Plan was to shortcut through the mines and catch the dragon unaware. Yep. But we found remnants of its host in the tunnels."
Wide-Eyes wraps both arms tight around the wide-eyes EIS body, rocking on the ground in recollection of the event.
"It was dark," the stronger one continues, "and they fought savagely. We could have driven them off. Aye, that we could have. At least until that gods-be-damned dragonspawn found its way to the fight."
"We had to," Wide-Eyes mutters, still rocking on the ground. "We had to..."
The stronger one growls. "We were in the rearguard and fled the fight. All we heard after that was screams of man and foul creatures alike."
Wide-Eyes stills the rocking and begins weeping into both hands instead.
Sir Gabriel has listened to it all, stone-faced. "I see. And where is the mine entrance?"
The stronger one spits. "Brave and true you may be, Sir Gabriel, but we won't be leadin you there. We've had enough of vengeance' rewards."
Its grey lips curl contemptuously. "Simple directions will suffice."
"Ah. Fair enough." The stronger turns back, pointing ahead. "It's a kilometer up into the blight, down a narrow path."
"Good." Sir Gabriel snaps the reins, and the black stallion trots forward towards them...
The stronger one pulls Wide-Eyes across the ground, clearing the way for us. Only weeping follows, until the stronger bleakly calls: "good luck."
Barren rocky slopes are all around us, the road rising up through them while a moaning wind is calling down. Heavy char and brimstone are in the air...
I am on high alert, scanning constantly...
The environs are devoid of any life here. Unnaturally so: there are no buzzing bugs, flying birds, or sound of scuff, besides us.
Wiping the Id EIS mouth, I clear the sour taste of ash away while we continue following the loop upwards now, passing upthrusts of blackened rock as the slope begins to darken with them, choked by ash and runoff, until...
The Blight. (Yes...)
Slag and melted rock are the road ahead of us, with bestial gouges marking the twisted hellscape along with scattered bones. Little whorls of ash are the only motion, each twirling along in the wind like lost spirits...
Sir Gabriel pulls its reins again, drawing the black stallion to a halt. The rest of us follow suit. It then calls: "hound: climb the hill and survey the area. Report back immediately if you find anything."
The winged hound grunts, bounds over to the rock wall, LEAPS up to climb that twisted face, tail whipping behind it, and clears the top, disappearing.
Tapping the hilt of its dull blade with a red-scaled finger, Sir Gabriel marks its impatience...
A high scrabbling! He leaps down to land nimbly on a ledge below, then turns and leaps about again to land on another before finally leaping down to land before us, whuffing. "We are near."
Its grey lips curve into a smile. "Excellent."
Sir Gabriel leads us upwards though the blight as ash begin raining gently all around us, with wind blowing it about. We sight the mine, and it leads us off the trail up a thin path, gradually leaving behind the Blight's twisted desolation...
I am increasingly wary.
Without pause, we climb single file upwards, under that black fall of ash, towards a distant darker blackness growing slowly, like the maw of a great stone beast...
Blinking ash, I wipe the Id EIS right eye.
Sir Gabriel reaches the entrance first, dismounting ahead before turning to silently gesture to me.
I squeeze past the hound and come up beside it.
"Stealth," Sir Gabriel breathes. "From here on out." It turns to the others. "No words, soft step, and above all: follow my lead. Mine will be the hand that slays this foul beast. You will all but support."
All of us nod ascent.
"Id: muffle the hooves," it orders.
I find cloth in the saddlebags, then make the black stallion lift up each leg so I can tie cloth to each hoof in turn, until all are muffled.
"Hound: with me. Sniff after the villagers."
I slip aside as the winged hound pads forward past me, puts beak to ground and, sniffing, tracks the scent inside the black entrance. Smiling, Sir Gabriel leads the horse after him...
And I follow, leaving the light behind as the darkness consumes sight. The Id EIS eyes adjust: bare cart tracks lead through a rough-hewn mining tunnel and over a big wooden bridge, heading off towards branching paths in dark shadows.
The air is musty, and...
Sir Gabriel leads us forward down the mining tunnel, turning down a fork into darker shadows, down another darkest yet, and another, and another, until all is black, beyond even advanced post-human vision...
In response: the Id EIS hearing sharpens, raising the volume of each softly placed scuff. The air thickens, with mustiness gradually blooming up into the smell of decay. Currents of air move against the Id EIS skin, combining with intuitive extrapolation of echolocation, based upon hearing, to give me an impression of the enclosed space pressing in on us from all sides in a way that is almost tangible, somehow...
This body is a wonder.
We turn in the black. A slight rumbling now builds, which is gradually felt through the soles of the feet from the rock below. Descending footsteps, hooves and paws begin to faintly echo faintly while emerging into a larger space...
A warm GUST of air.
I take a deep breath, and inhale the unmistakable, overpowering bouquet of violent death.
A stumble sounds ahead, then a soft curse.
Is –
Suddenly: a blue strobe of light slashes out from the golden sphere atop the bulky, silver mechanoid body.
An enormous cave is briefly illuminated, showing the winged hound at the fore, Sir Gabriel leading the black stallion down after towards broken mining equipment strewn across a glistening lower rock basin carpeted by charred, half-eaten bodyparts...
... and then it is almost immediately dark again.
(A warning.)
Navigating through the charnel graveyard of the first avenging party by memory, we hear the rumbling grow louder around us while reverberations through the rock build stronger in kind, the ground trembling. We leave the enormous cave, head carefully down a black tunnel afterwards, turn to head down another, and another, the rumbling gradually resolving into the sound of rushing water from an unseen source...
The Id EIS eyes blink.
All is growing slightly lighter around us, so I begin to see faint outlines such as Sir Gabriel leading the stallion around another turn, staying close to the hound down a lighter tunnel. We all turn and head down another even lighter, ascending now towards a last rocky tunnel where bright light and the faint, plaintive chords of a lute can be heard beneath the mighty ROAR of rushing water...
The hound turns questioningly, Sir Gabriel moving forward to take the lead again, advancing ahead, with its dull blade in its hand, towards the end of the tunnel and out into the light...
I follow, emerging out into sunlight, moisture, and thunder. Blinking, the Id EIS ocular field then clarifies into rocky terrain by a steaming dark lake into which pounds curtains of water falling from high basalt cliffs, the wind blowing spray and steam from the area of liquid contact up into a continuous easterly white mist which hides the source of the lute's sad notes.
"Come," Sir Gabriel calls from its place atop the black stallion again, heading towards the windy white veil, and music...
We follow.
The white obscures sight until clearing enough to allow a quick glimpse of a young bard, clad in green, sitting sheltered on the leeward side of a rocky outcrop while playing a gilded lute.
"Man," Sir Gabriel calls.
Steaming mist has already whipped back into place, obscuring sight while the sad notes continue.
I am worried. "Sir Gabriel..."
However, The Red Knight is already disappearing away into the white ahead, winged hound staying close. "Bard," it calls again.
No. This is wrong...
The Id EIS hands twitch, and I fight the urge to reach for the borrowed sword, plunging in after them instead.
Quickly enveloped by steaming mist, the clomping bulky silver squire enters behind me as I jog forwards carefully, soon nearing the outlines of Sir Gabriel and the hound slowing by the partial windbreak of the rocky outcrop. The young bard still huddles beneath it, playing the lute beautifully and weeping softly.
"Why do you play in such conditions?" Sir Gabriel calls.
The youth stares towards us suddenly, terrified.
Sir Gabriel frowns...
A reptilian SCREECH.
"Scatter!" The Red Knight calls while wheeling about and drawing its dull blade. "This one is mine!"
I run.
A ROAR sounds, and a glad cry.
Before long I am returned to clearing air near the old mining entrance, pivot back as the hound bounds past me, the crying bard sprints out as well as the Id EIS eyes widen...
A rainbow dragon descends through the air from the basalt cliffs above, huge membranous wings flapping so hard the steaming mist is temporarily cleared to reveal a defiant Sir Gabriel, dull blade raised, riding the galloping black stallion wide about the rocky outcrop as the silver squire leaps about in the periphery, waving the heirloom bow distractedly.
I cry out!
The rainbow dragon ROARS, then breaths white fire down, scouring the area below...
But Sir Gabriel is already galloping away, a javelin in each of its red-scaled hands, leaving the unharmed silver squire dancing amidst the flames crackling moist air.
A reptilian SHRIEK! The flaming jet splutters to a halt because a javelin has pierced the big scaly cheek of the rainbow dragon, another javelin launching like a missile to punch through a flapping membranous wing to make the dragon EIS flight wobbly. The rainbow dragon roars, turning the wound into an opportunity to launch into a dive towards the silver squire, one claw-swipe sending it tumbling through the air and skipping with loud BANGS across the rocky ground towards us –
We scatter.
– before the silver squire impacts with a CRUNCH against the rock wall beside the mine entrance, followed by a clatter of falling rock.
Fine. It will be fine...
I turn back.
Sir Gabriel is charging the grounded dragon as the natural wind renews, steam and spray from the lake then hiding the fight in white.
While sprinting forward, I call: "hound!"
He follows, howling.
A reptilian SHRIEK!
We push on as an unnatural winds blows against us, the white clearing...
... as the rainbow dragon rises awkwardly into the air again, membranous wings flapping, although bleeding black ichor from a ruined left eye, wounded cheek, neck, and torn right wing...
I skid to a halt and hold out the Id EIS left arm to halt the winged hound who skids to a halt, behind it.
"We are not finished!" Crown glimmering, Sir Gabriel rides the wheeling black stallion galloping back around. Its helmet is gone and its lips are bloody, but it shakes its dull blade skyward.
The rainbow dragon breaths weak fire upon them, some also spluttering out of a gaping neckwound...
Sir Gabriel is already galloping wide about –
Turning awkwardly by stubbornly flapping damaged wings, the rainbow dragon bears down on him, roaring in frustration...
– as The Red Knight, sitting backwards now, LEAPS from the saddle with unbelievable post-human force, sending the black stallion tumbling away while it SOARS up towards the descending beast...
A reptilian SCREECH. A shout.
The blade drives deep through a huge scaled neck. Shuddering, the dragon falls...
I spring forward, mist renewing ahead as they crash down, all obscured again in seconds. Dashing through the white, I quickly emerge back out...
... to find Sir Gabriel standing on the feebly writhing rainbow dragon. "For all the pain you have caused!" it screams, driving its dull blade home through a reptilian eye, deep into the brain. A final shudder, and the dragon goes limp.
(...) ...
A howl of triumph from the winged hound, and a cry of relief from the silver squire, but the bard instead just screams: "fools! You only killed the dragonspawn!"
(Yes.) Yes.
I turn left...
Outside the streaming white, the mountainous voice of a demi-god booms: "YESSSSsssssss."
Sir Gabriel turns in disbelief, the winged hound also wheels about growling, then whining, silver squire soon hopping about with one silver leg bent, cursing...
A colossal black head, as large as the entire rainbow dragon, is slowly emerging from the dark, steaming lake. Dripping, a long sinuous neck then just as slowly follows. "I am Grimgaer, and I foresaw your coming."
Sir Gabriel sprints across the rocky plain again. "This one is mine! Mine!" Nearing the battered black stallion rising back up to the black stallion EIS knees, it leaps up into the saddle again.
"Hoho. You would claim me?"
"I do!" Sir Gabriel points its dull sword up towards the colossal dragon face while the black stallion wheels gingerly about. "And I will see your purpose fulfilled!"
The lake no longer steams, but twin jets BREATH out from both giant nostrils of the dragon, long neck slowly swaying as that dread reptilian gaze remains fixed upon the Red-Scaled Knight. "It is too late: I saw through the geas that was placed upon me. I have found truth, and freedom..."
Sir Gabriel trots the black stallion near the lake as the waterfall continues crashing down onto the churning surface. "What truth do you speak of, Grimgaer?!" it shouts up, looking utterly dwarfed.
Grimgaer snorts more steam. "That this world is a lie, from the unnaturally flat mountains peak to the soil's wretched bedrock. All of existence is fabrication. Fake. Deception."
"You are wrong!" it calls uncertainly, its black stallion bravely trotting before the colossus.
The Id EIS eyes widen completely.
This is a final, and deadliest Aberration: Grimgaer is truly mad.
"TO BE LIED TO BY ONE'S CREATOR," the colossal black dragon thunders, with fire kindling black and hot and terrible in those black jaws, "IS AN UNSPEAKABLE THING!"
Sir Gabriel is already veering away from the lake, its panicked black stallion galloping. "Scatter! Hound, now!"
I sprint back towards the mines, silver squire then hopping away opposite as the winged hound takes yet another route, LEAPING at a rocky slope to scramble up and out of sight before I can do anything.
No! More Abberance?!
There is an elemental EXPLOSION of blistering sound and searing heat!
I skid to a halt, staggered by the shockwave before turning towards...
Grimgaer is SCOURING the rock with a massive black jet of flame so hot that the rock is melting. Sir Gabriel pulls forth two javelins, staring back with desperate fury from atop the black stallion galloping madly away. But the dragon brings two big black foreclaws out from the steaming lake to grip the rocky edge and push, lifting higher while turning to track them with increasingly HOT deafeningly black flame...
Sir Gabriel launches a javelin backwards mid-flight, the weapon rocketing through the air like a missile –
Grimgaer blinks a massive black eyelid, coughing on black flames. After pawing at the Grimgaer EIS face, the javelin is soon removed.
The eye is unharmed, having been protected by that fortuitously timed blink.
I step forward, but remain held back by The Master's command to leave the fight to it alone.
A SCREECH of hate sounds loud enough to ring the ears, and the eyes of Grimgaer narrows to mere slits in order to prevent the strike of further missiles before it pulls up even higher from the water, both black wings spreading enormous to block out the sun and cover the entire area in shadow...
I –
The enormous black wings flap once, HARD, after which galeforce winds explode!
It tumbles me backwards until I smash against the rockwall by the mining entrance, falling upon the hard ground. Everything hurts, and I am dazed, but now rapid post-human healing kicks in, buzzing turning back into sounds as sensation returns and I blink the Id EIS eyes.
Grimgaer is powerful and mad. Have I gone too far in creating a true threat?
Another SCREAM of hate.
I finally can roll over, groaning, limbs twitching for a moment before I push up to one knee and force back up all the way to standing. Turning, I stare out, towards...
Grimgaer STRIKES a colossal black claw downwards towards the silver squire rapidly firing arrows which pin-cushion between dragon scales, and CRUSHES it into the ground with a sound of broken metal.
Still healing and hurting, I stumble forward towards the battlefield.
Lifting that massive black claw back up into the air, Grimgaer reveals a crushed mechanoid body and golden sphere-head cracked, flickering with light...
"You are mine!"
Grimgaer turns...
Sir Gabriel rides the galloping black stallion across the rocky plain towards it from the mist, LAUNCHING up from the saddle with javelins in each of its red-scaled hands, the black stallion tumbling with a painful equine shriek. It THROWS both javelins so weapons and Master, with its dull sword in hand, arc towards the fell beast for a final strike –
A BURST of black fire engulfs all.
"No!" I sprint forward...
Falling from the black flames, Sir Gabriel's red-scaled armor is burnt white hot, or melted off, and its divine flesh looks more charnel meat than living form until it finally land HARD upon the rock ground ahead, still.
Grimgaer rises up again, both enormous black wings spreading and casting shadow upon us all again before it hunches forward, with a massive claw raised above the fallen Knight...
"NO!" I scream out loud enough to shred the Id EIS throat, sprinting across the rocky ground towards them: fast, FASTER, a blur of intention...
But it is too late. The massive claw strikes down...
... and Grimgaer reels back, venting an earsplitting SCREECH of pain from the dull blade embedded hilt-deep in the Grimgaer EIS claw-palm.
Sir Gabriel somehow rises back up on one melted red-scaled arm, its face looking a painfully ruined mess. "Finish it!" it screams thickly.
Unloosed from its previous order: I now immediately draw the borrowed sword while still sprinting ahead, but veer away to head wide around, towards...
Grimgaer turns, BLASTING a jet of black fire at me.
I dodge into an inhumanly fast diagonal tumble, but the Id EIS arm is burnt away below the elbow as I keep sprinting forward towards it, shock delaying the pain...
"I will not be the truth of your lie!" it thunders.
Not enough. It won't –
A HOWL of rage!
The winged hound is plunging down from the sky towards it. Grimgaer turns in shocked fury –
I jump up onto the Grimgaer EIS massive black arm, a tendon tearing post-human LEAP launching me higher than ever before. While soaring up through the air, the delayed pain comes ROARING up inside while I hurtle across the distance towards the spot where, by design, I know the spine is, and, howling, I drive the borrowed sword into the Grimgaer EIS, down beyond sight.
A reptilian SCREECH cut short.
(Down we go...)
The colossal body shudders, and begins to collapse sideways into the lake. I shift, and manage to kick off of it, the force shooting me towards the ground where I can land painfully, tumbling briefly to a stop as the fell beast crashes down into the dark lake with a big thunderous SPLASH exploding water out to drench us all.
Oh. Oh, I...
Clenching the Id EIS teeth, I moan, then turn...
The colossal corpse slides into the water slowly, with only the top of the head visible, along with one wing folded monstrous out across the far bank. Above it: the winged hound flies towards...
The Master.
I push up with the one remaining fully functional Id EIS arm, standing before frantically staring about...
Where?! (Where?!)
Steam rises from the lake, combining with the spray from the waterfall again into a hot mist the wind blows as cleansing white obscuring, but Sir Gabriel is also rising back up ahead with the aid of a javelin as a crutch, and turns towards me...
I breath out. And approach.
Sir Gabriel hobbles forward towards me with one leg dragging, bent, its same side-arm hanging useless as the streaming white gains, blowing across the rocky ground and obscuring most of the two fallen foe...
A shout of inarticulate joy from the bard as he runs over towards us in wordless disbelief, eventually finding enough language to swear he will make a song of this.
"And why not?" Sir Gabriel asks, finally halting before me. "Few stories have more than one hero."
Tears fill the eyes. "Are you alright?" I ask, reaching out towards it, tentative...
"Better than alright." Sir Gabriel draws me in with its one good arm, towards its ruined face...
To kiss me, upon the lips.
Blood boils. I cannot think...
... and Gabriel finally releases me, laughing with real pleasure. "You truly saved me! I will see you knighted for this, squire or no."
I –
It kisses me again...
A perfect memory.
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