Day 070, 14:50:10

The red sun is a bloated blood orb wreathed in dark clouds pushing east along with a dry breeze...

Truth is death.

My eyes lower, taking in fields of sparkling colored marbles spread to distant buttes upon the horizon.


I walk east for a time, marbles clinking underfoot as my white toga flows forward with the breeze...

Here. (Here.)

Stopping upon an otherwise nondescript section of the colorscape, I direct smartmatter particles and nanites within my blood to flow out through the soles of my feet and begin converting the ground itself into more of itself for my construction Project...

Ok. The process is now self-sustaining.

I raise my right arm, opening my hand while its palm tissue parts to reveal the black curve of my long-distance viewing orb crowning. With its assembly now complete, I FIRE, the dark orb BLASTING up through the air while Virtualization software now overlays a small transparent digital circle on the bottom right of my ocular field to function as a 2nd viewpoint displaying a clear videofeed from its high. and still rising vantage point above. I then also activate internal gravimetrics, floating upwards while drifting left, before triggering my viewpoints to SWAP, so my main ocular field shows a view from the dark orb gazing down upon my slender body, clad in my flowing white toga, starting a slow clockwise orbit above the colorscape. Conversely: a small digital transparent circle in the bottom right of my ocular field serves as a 2nd viewpoint displaying my physical eyes viewpoint.

Truth. Let us begin.

I twine my fingers together, bow them out to stretch, and release them before raising both of my hands ahead again, with the right lower and left higher.

Grand creations require more neuro-software links, so it's time to get somewhat theatrical and build them faster through associated activity.

Activating more personal integrated systems: I use gravimetric relays just finished by crowds of my exterior smartmatter/nanites to boost my sign strength, then use it to boost my signal strength and let me begin floating sparkling marbles up through the air while they dissolve into constituent particles all curving into lines twisting around to form... into a double-helix of white-flowing smartmatter orbited by my body in white toga, below...

(Truth in beginnings.)

Gesturing for height and shape, my internal software begins developing algorithms to continue melding the motion of my body, electric and chemical brain reactions to the intended output of my use of personal integrated technologies, steadily improve efficiency and application of my growing power. In response to this: smartmatter EXPLODES out of the flowing double helix form swiftly into the outlines of a big soaring structure. Sparkling marbles also begin floating up again from colorscape, dissolving into smartmatter filling in the structure up and up, until a soaring plain white spire stands tall upon the colorscape below, still orbited by my body in white toga.


I SWAP main viewpoints, gazing upon the spire with my own physical eyes while slowly orbiting clockwise. It looks ok at this early stage, but lacks detail. While waving my fingers, I think of changing the spire to blue and use internal software to send the signal for blue alteration to smartmatter/nanites. The algorithim continues adjusting as the spire turns blue.

Looks ok from this angle.

Still not satisfied, I SWAP viewpoints again, staring from the dark orb's higher vantage point down upon the blue Spire standing tall upon the colorscape.


I wave my fingers, and the Spire turns gold. This is ok again, so I gesture and shape with both ands and mind, causing the smartmatter/nanites suffusing colorscape to convert more of it into smartmatter/nanites which form upwards into small structures placed around the Spire. They also form a crystal path curving inwards from the distance towards the buttes. And encircling walls rising, and...


I pause.

Oh. Hm. Yes, it looks like a junior Tower. Mimickry is not truth, and will not save me.

My next broad gesture signals all the newly created structures to dissolve away, gravimetrics flowing lines of white through the air until I am staring down again at a double-helix of white-flowing smartmatter still orbited by my flowing white toga clad body above the churned colorscape.


Sunlight is shining down upon me, and the environs, from the bloated red sun hanging up in the blue sky. A desert landscape of simple beauty, which I wish...

Yes. (Truth in nature.)

I crack both of my knuckles, then jab down my left hand and pretend to grip the earth, after which I do the same with my right hand. Matching THUNKS sound from the earth below as smartmatter/nanites match my intent, gravimetrics enfolding the areas. I slowly raise both of my hands and the colorscape massively shifts, with wide chunks of the colorscape slowly lifting, rising free and leaving behind dark pits only slowly filling back up again with falling marbles. My gesturing repeatedly causes floating chunks of colorscape to split into smaller islands, thin roots dangling underneath, and float off into place. I SWAP viewpoints again, staring out from my eyes below while my body continues orbiting islands settling into a series of floating steps leading upwards in a breathtaking curving spiral against the blue sky...

Grand enough.

I gesture broadly with my fingers articulating, as if to indicate subtle differences, and the first islands changes into sand upon rocks, the second grass and flowers upon soil, the third trees upon soil, the fourth a forested rock pool churned by a waterfalls impact, the fifth a miniature steaming jungle, the sixth a marsh, the seventh a bog, the eighth a flowing river falling down onto the fourth level below it in the spiral, and then I SWAP viewpoints to stare down, from my dark orb's higher vantage point, upon the island biomes spiraling up towards my body, in white toga, which continues staring upwards while still slowly orbiting...


I reach down, my body mirroring the action below, then hesitate.

(No. Truth is not in such artificial biomes...)

Frustrated, I make a chopping motion which causes each island to immediately crumble into falling chunks dissolving away into white particles flowing in lines back around towards the center, into a double-helix of white-flowing smartmatter floating above the colorscape.


I direct the dark orb to sink while my body is rising, SWAP viewpoints and look down through my own eyes again while rising up past the sinking dark orb, until my body reaches apex height and the orb finds mid-point, where it begins a slow orbit around the double-helix of white-flowing smartmatter.

Mm. Truth in evolution? Why not?

I carve lines with the motions of my hands, causing straight troughs to be etched into moderately churned colorscape, delineating giant triangular shapes. Further gestures cause marble to rise en masse before streaming to a fro in a complex weave of motion that forms into paths of singular blue, dark purple grottoes, red pools, and other uniformly colored artificial naturalistic features all surrounded by walls of fused rainbow glass marking the border of the giant triangle.


Turning, I carve more lines below until another giant triangle is delineated, then lower my hands, palms up, and LIFT. Loud rumbling begins, after which this second massive triangle tears free, rising upwards until I set it, shuddering only briefly, into place, marbles trickling off while the dark orb slowly orbits. I SWAP viewpoints now,

and stare, from the orb's central vantage point, directly upon the massive floating triangle.


I gesture and shape, causing marbles to fuse across this sundered colorscape section into corridors, rooms, and more before another SWAP leaves me staring down again from my own eyes upon a surface now presenting a flatly textured archetype of retro-modern architecture, orbited by the dark orb.


Repeating the process a final time, I delineate a third massive triangle of the colorscape, then LIFT with both hands to raise it into the air with a rumbling roar and set it into place at a distance above the second equal to the second's from the first on the earth. Afterwards, I stretch out both of my hands, then hold them before me... and, since the new algorithim has advanced far enough, I now begin directing solely with my mind: the third triangular colorscape shifts with thousands of tiny motions flying as twisting thin streams moving in every direction bleaching white, changing and shaping and forming until the third floating massive triangle is graced by walls, floors, nooks, halls, and rooms, followed by complex circuitry sprouting like roots, numerous cables wriggling into place like so many snakes, and nodes budding like shining flowers, all snapping into place. Systems online, complementary holography flickers to life throughout the halls, and all systems finish slaving to the massive circular World Table in the room designated for the Meeting, and...

And all is done.

Three giant stacked triangles wait ahead in a pattern reminiscent of a three step staircase unto itself, leaving a matching triangular middlespace now filling with surging bright light forming into a giant, visible gravimetric lift flowing upwards as an elevator.

Truth in historical...

I froze.

No... (No...)

A new feeling blooms inside, born of a frightening warmth, building...

No. I can't– (No!)

Heat blooms into rage.

What is truth?

As my skin hardens, underlying fMuscle grows more dense and subdermal energy pools within, I glare down upon my latest work. My teeth clenching, I slowly reach down a trembling hand... then my palm opens and sends a bolt of energy SPEARING downwards in a bright arcing line, punching VIOLENTLY through triangular section from top to bottom. Debris explodes and cracks radiate outwards before the bolt IMPACTS into the colorscape below with a shuddering EXPLOSION casting out a storm of melted marbles.

What is Truth?

I spread my hands apart now, energy forming bright in both of my open palms...

What is Truth?!

Bolt after bolt is fired down, punching through each level to continue their destruction until the upper two triangles begin collapsing in a great ROARING shower of metal, glass, stone and dust amidst further explosions.


I close my palms, then open them again to emit two solid beams SCYTHING into the falling structures, cutting them further apart like a massive energy knife as they all finish collapsing across burning rubble below...


The beams WIDEN...


Widening FURTHER, they blastboil the twisted rubble into a melting stew of white-hot sludge, heat spreading further and further outwards...


I release a Concussive Blast from both of my palms, which forcefully NULLIFIES the burning energy released below. Steam EXPLODES outwards. I reach an arm back, and steam begins clearing while I send my arm forward, almost snarling...


... and pause, energy swirling upon my open palm. The ground below me is fused into a solid, mirror-like surface which now shows my slender, faintly translucent reflected form, clad in the white toga streaming east with the dry breeze, floating against the blue sky...

Truth as reflection?

I lower my arm...


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