Day 002, 09:42:20

I stare through the bright window strip circling the silver hovercraft interior wall, upon a riotously colorful Dream City estate spreading ahead alongside the Estate Loop, Virtualization overlaying "Master Oryx and Aryx" just below the cartoonishly yellow hanging in a cerulean sky of perfect hue, before quickly fading...


The Id EIS eyes scan: it is like a vast playground, with a rainbow profusion of varied structures piled in unusual configurations, some shifting, with one orange building actual standing up on long stilt legs to walk towards us...

"Garish," The Master declares.

Garish. Yes, just as The Master said.

Leaving it behind, we next pass alongside an estate filled with swarming clouds of black particles obscuring undulate forms, the Virtualized text "Master X" appearing above it, before quickly fading.

They are all so different. Each and every Master an island unto itself, although linked by unbreakable codes embodied in The Oath.

The main residence slowly comes into view, all bright architectural lines and suggestive depth largely obscured by the clouds of black particles.

"Humdrum frippery."

Humdrum frippery. Yes. Just as The Master said.

Leaving it behind, we finally near our destination: an estate of living organic structures spread wetly ahead, the virtualized text "Master Joy" appearing above before quickly fading.

The Master grunts.

Dare I read too much into any of this? Each estate a reflection of its owner, offering a glimpse into superior minds almost impossible to encompass?

Scrolling by are living meat buildings, bone fencing, and intestinal interstitions, with various arterial streams branching through and dark shapes flitting about...


Ideation. Yes, of course. It is JUST as The Master says, forever and always.

Two other bullet hovercraft approach ahead from the far side of the Estate Loop, both slipping through a jagged wound in the fleshy outerwall of Joy's estate. We slip in after them, all heading down a long bloody lane, through fields of sculpted effluvia where scattered dark shapes roost or fight over scraps, towards...

(Head House.)

I stare...

Head House is a multi-story structure topped by a hairy roof, numerous eye windows blinking across the surface, big veins pulsing along the fleshwalls, and a low yawning mouth providing an open door near the base, one long, twitching unrolled tongue providing a wet red carpet down the toothsteps.

That is...

Smoothly: the two hovercraft ahead of us turn aside at the last, moving onto a scar filled with similar parked craft. We follow, and all park near the end before the silver door of The Master's hovercraft slides smoothly up, and The Master steps out.

I follow.

A door slides up in the new craft beside us, and Wu wei emerges. "Joy inclines to the physical," it says.

Nisargadatta rounds Wu wei's craft a moment later, having just left its own. "We must hope the Presentation less jejune."

The Master gestures. "Let us be amicable. Shall we?"

All three superior beings slowly stroll off, heading down the parking scar towards Head House at the center of the estate.

But I wait...

The younger Wu wei clone, Not, emerges now from Wu wei's hovercraft. "Form over function," it says by way of greeting.

Nisargadatta's translucent Attendant Apparat rounds Wu wei's hovercraft. "There is always a reason."

Smiling, I gesture. "Truth."

All three Attendants follow, although maintaining a respectful, prescribed distance.

While glancing about, Not tuts. "I was told Master Joy has an appetite for pain."

"Nisargadatta called it 'enervating rapacity'," Apparat adds dryly.

Recalling Joy's burning gaze and odd cherubs' smile, I shudder "Let us speak of other things," I insist carefully.

"As you say," Apparat concedes. "So tell us: what is service like beyond Dream City?"

That again. They were so curious after the Meeting last night, but how much should I tell sentient creatures built for a simple three day span?

Caution. "Well..."

Not laughs. "Is it such a secret?"

The three superior beings turn aside from Joy's Head House ahead, towards the gardens.

We follow.

"Not as such," I finally admit.

Aparat frowns.

Not smiles. "The same type of service, but longer?"

Hm. Well...


The three superior beings slow ahead of us, while murmured conversations grow beyond.

We quiet.

Visual distortions obscure pink cilia grass, gummy hedges of giant teeth, skeletal trees bearing organ fruit, and motion beyond.

A private garden party, then.

"The three wisemen!"

Wait. Where...?

Among those visual distortions, a figure ripples into existence: angelic face framed by long, liquid gold hair, a golden torque around its slim neck, long ethereal gown flowing behind. The smiling creature glides forward with its slender arms wide. "Relics of a yellow sun. Embrace me!"

[Hateful lust.] But The Master still embraces it, then the others.

Interesting social dynamics.

After the physical show, Joy turns away, stalking over towards us Attendants. "Fresh-faced slates: you're on MY estate, now," it purrs, brushing past Not, then drawing its golden fingernails across the translucent chest of Aparat slowly, blood welling. "And if you interest me," it husks, sidling near me, "there will be punishment AND reward, both." Joy licks the Id EIS ear, then saunters away before I can react, golden gown swishing, returning back to the others. "This threshold is part of my tech presentation," it tells them, approaching, "showing that I have solved the portability constraint of the Spacial Curvature Engine."

"Have you now?" The Master murmurs.

Joy passes close, fingers brushing The Master's grey hand while whispering briefly in its ear before gliding forward into the area of spatial distortion, and –


Interesting tech, too. Hopefully this Presentation will focus upon it, allowing no other intimate exchanges.

"It is a prototype." The Master tosses something to me as it strides off.

I catch it reflexively. Looking down briefly, I open the Id EIS hand upon a small dark crescent. "Would it-?" I begin, while looking back up...

The Masters are gone.

"Let's go," Not calls back, heading into the distortion after the disappearing Aparat, and –



I jog forward after them, and –


– to a stop.

The Id EIS eyes blink. Surrounding me are faces in an endless spectrum of expression, watching, and...

All are Master Joy.

"WHY ARE YOU?" they shout in a discordant chorus hurting the Id EIS ears...

[Rage] The bracelet grows hot upon the Id EIS wrist, quickly burning. "I-"


A TUG upon existence–

– and I stumble back out into the sunlight, amidst a group standing tall inside of the interior gardens.


Nearby laughter. "This one has a weak constitution."

That voice.

I look over.

Golden, Joy smiles upon me from beside the bright-eyed, stubble-pated Master Faith and Master X, horned scarred, and handsome. Across the gardens ahead are more distorted figures. "Be that as it may," Nisargadatta continues, "the evolution experiments are of little value."

Faith turns in immediate disagreement. "A subjective disagreement, surely. Objectively, much and more have been gleaned from them: pets, projects, stature..."

Master Wu wei bows out of the conversation while stepping away, visual distortion now sending it across the gardens to become another distorted figure among scattered others.

The Master hisses: "it is too much of chance."

"For the unskilled, perhaps." Joy chuckles. "Some of us know better how to play the game."

X smiles slowly, its devils horns briefly glimmering. "Agreed."

The Master demurs. "We all have our strengths,"

Oh. The Evolution Experiments, and its stature within the hierarchy. Evolution, stasis, and the reverse...

An idea sparks!

Joy bows, its liquid gold hair cascading down. "But I would not keep you all waiting longer." Rising back up, it smiles. "We are soon to begin." It steps back, and –


Master Faith quaffs down a split goblet of gleaming liquid which had not been in its hand until now.

Curious. Is that El Sent? Tower records reveal little about it, although the effect certain vintages can have on emotions, and the central nervous system in general, is said to be


Ah. That is why.

"It warms going down," Faith assures us.

"My emotions are my own," X grouses.

Light BURSTS at the edge of the Id EIS ocular field, in the garden periphery.

Time to begin.

We all turn to view spatial distortions fading away everywhere across the gardens, revealing a white stage. "Let us see what else Joy has in store," Faith urges us, turning towards the stage.

"You don't already know?" The Master teases it, but joins the rest of the Masters heading over. Other groups are also converging from their separate places among the gardens, nearing...

We Attendants follow.

Joy and The Master appear to have a complex, even subtly antagonistic relationship. Technology is only one part of competition, but this presentation might provide more insight.

Joy suddenly appears onstage.

Sunlight dims, and the Masters slow ahead, forming a line of shadows before the stage. We form up behind them.

A spotlight from nowhere shines upon Joy, who now stands there dazzlingly golden. "Welcome again. Thank you all for coming."

We give polite applause.

"By now you have all had a chance to experience the efficacy of my new portable Spacial Curvature Engine. To reiterate: each distortion in these gardens was output by ONE device. But if you could all toss back the prototypes now, please..."

One of the small dark crescents is thrown, quickly followed by two more, then I throw another: all of them disappear in mid-air. "Not just general use these," Joy purrs smugly, "but precision devices, with finesse AND power. Most importantly..." Dramatic pause. "... their full use is almost entirely without latency."

We applaud.

"The range of use?" the Master calls.

A true question, or a dig?

"Small, as of yet." Joy turns back, smiling wider again. "But now it is time for the main event! Watch closely, for you might miss it..."

Blinding lights FLASH, lighting everything around us momentarily stark before it disappears.


Joy stands at the front of the stage with its slender arm raised, fist clenched. "We all have secrets, and we all desire more. Those of our fellows, rivals, and the universe itself. Yet there is always something missing. A point of view, or measurement unknown." Dramatic pause. "Until now."

We all wait...

Joy's clenched fists slowly lower about, finally facing towards us, and open up, empty. "There."

A brief silence.

(So...) What is it?

Restless murmurs grow among the shadowed line of Masters, ahead. "There what?" Nisargadatta calls.

Joy is all smiles. "There," it says innocently. "I have all your secrets now."

Laughter ERUPTS.

"But you would like proof!" Joy calls out, its voice now louder to be heard. "Would you not?"

The laughter fades, and stops. Suddenly: The Master laughs from their still dark line, raucous. "How?" Chimera roars. More shouted questions...

Joy holds up both hands. "You each just received a personalized message. And now, I would guess, you all would like to know how I know what I sent."

The Masters return general assent, some angrily.

Joy gestures, and a large device suddenly appears above the stage, slowly rotating. "I call it the CSPEC," it proudly announces. "It can perform what I have labelled a Complete Spectrum Scan. And yes, that is exactly what you all are thinking."

A sudden hush.

Is it...?!

Other calls out with its unknown voice: "An attempt at measuring the Absolute. Which begs one question..."

"Why share it?" Joy smiles again, all teeth. "It is not yet perfected. The range is small, and there still remains one way to block it... yet it was enough to finally show me the truth of YOUR mysterious origin, Other."


"The lesser half of a secret," Other admits, indistinct and still unknown.

Joy's smile slips, then widens larger than ever. "I will take shuddering pleasure at your unmasking..."

There are so many layers here.

Turning back, Joy is all golden confidence again. "We value privacy high, but knowledge higher still because it is the stepping stone to understanding, strategy, and scientific models. To the Absolute, the Unified Theory, and possibly even a way past the Line in the Stars."

I gape.

Can that be possible? A way to circumvent that old impossible cosmic barrier?

"Which is why I am so very excited to begin taking appropriate offers for its licensing now!" It bows deeply before us all, its liquid gold hair cascading down. "Thank you again."

A brief silence, before...

THUNDEROUS applause!


Loud voices are shouting, but I remain standing tall, silent and still, the Id EIS eyes forward staring across the massive circular table at vast twinkling darkness...

New shape reforms above: the kohl-eyed face and black ringlets of Iterative Chairman Ur, unsmiling. "Order or censure."

The shouting stops, but Chimera's growling can still be heard in the sudden silence that follows...

"Good. Anything else of relevance to add before we proceed to a vote?"

New shape forms above: the fat, suspicious face of Fnord. "Twelve bloodsucking plutocrats. Our fair wage is death."

Laughter abruptly rings out, spreading loudly around the massive World Table.

New shape reforms above: Ur, smiling. "An excellent reminder..."

Hm. Fnord is truly unique.

The laughter eventually dies down, but the tension which had arisen during their recent discussions is gone, replaced with wide smiles.

Ur continues. "Now: we will proceed to preliminary Voting on the amendment to Outer Policy, Subsection 4. Iterative Declarant Other: how do you vote?"


"Master X: how do you vote?"


"Master Faith: how do you vote?"


"Master Joy: how do you vote?"


"Master Fnord: how do you vote?"


"Master Gabriel: how do you vote?"


"I vote For. Master AI: how do you vote?"


"Master Nisargadatta: how do you vote?"


"Master Oryx and Aryx: how do you vote?"


"Master Wu wei: how do you vote?"


Green light washes over us all. "Prelimary Vote is For. Ratifying Vote held tomorrow. Next: opening statements, discussion, then a Determination on Frontier Technology. Iterative Declarant Nisargadatta will present opening statements, followed by Iterative Second Wu Wei."

I feel a distant gaze settle upon me.


New shape forms above: Nisargadatta. "Technology is one of the three pillars supporting our Eminency, and its continued advancement is crucial. Considering this: the standing Determination on Frontier Technology must be changed, and we must change it now." Unspooling in great detail, Nisargadatta afterwards provides examples, counterpoints, then offers a cogent comparison to the Supremacy Statute before giving a final appeal to free market sensibilities...

Yet I am hardly listening, standing there outwardly the same: tall, silent and still, with the Id EIS eyes staring across the massive circular table.


That gaze remains upon me.


Nisargadatta has already finished, and silence rules the massive table again...

New shape forms above: Ur. "Iterative Second, Wu wei."

New shape forms above: Wu wei. "We are caretakers, makers of hard choices for the good of all. Proponents of the current Determination argue that it is not a fetter, but a filter. Preventing unforeseen consequence in the same class as the Interruption Event, although good has even came of that. Our reach does not exceed our grasp in this. A cosmic destiny is unavoidable. To achieve it, we must be truly free: technologically, metaphysically, and ideologically. Change is disruptive, yet so are we. And like all else, it must be owned. What fear should we have of a double-edged sword? We are beyond fear, beyond reproach, and will one day move beyond it all. The only obstacle to that future, at present, is ourselves. It is time to take the next step on the path to the Absolute. We must abolish the current Determination on Frontier Technology, for to do otherwise would be a step back..."

A brief pause.

"Thank you."


New shape forms above: Ur. "Opening statements complete. Now: discussion."

New shape forms above: Fnord. "Remove one of the few checks in this system without balance? I think not."

A brief silence.

New shape forms above: the scarred devil's face of X: "I concur. Nisargadatta and Wu wei approach this issue as totalitarian mystics, but the question is binary: do we rule, or not? We rule, so all that threatens such must not be. All would agree The Oath to be a necessary filter, and the current Determination still a seemingly appropriate codicil. Are we to flirt with Singularity? Unthinkable. We TAKE control, relinquishing none, and until such time as the Line in the Stars is finally solved we need not concern ourselves with a cosmic destiny."

New shape forms above: The Master, grey face calm. "I would suggest a third path."

A brief pause.

"There is potential benefit to Frontier Technology, as well as potential cost. But our choice here is NOT binary. There are degrees to consider. I counsel moderation: let us vote for Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve." Distant murmurs. "It will allow those who wish to push the limits an opportunity to present tangible Projects in favor, and those against to prepare measures of constraint, along with an arena with which to inscribe them. That is all."


Then a solitary titter comes from around the massive World table. New shape forms above: Joy. "A fortuitously timed proposition. But agreeable."

What? If Joy is not staring at me, then who owns that burning gaze STILL upon me?

New shape forms above: X, now thoughtful. "Such a testbed might prove valuable."

I direct internal software...

New shape forms above: Other. "I have no fear of the unknown. Gabriel's suggestion is prudent."

... and a corner of vision expands to the fore of the Id EIS ocular field, now showing the bentback biosynth standing beside Joy, staring at me with undisguised hate.

(A puzzle, that one.) Indeed. Covered in scars, the EIS spine obviously misaligned, but why is such superficial damage not healed by its Master, Joy? What purpose is served to leave it thus? Pain? Pleasure?

A rising voice returns me to the present. "And you know what?" Fnord finally shouts. "You won't listen to this either. So let us all open wide the fiery gates of hell and hasten our damnation with it."


New shape forms above: Faith, eyes gleaming with fanaticism. "Nay, we shall achieve the opposite. Further advancement will only bring us closer to the divine.


New shapes forms above: Ur. "Interesting. Any other opinions to add before we proceed to a Vote?"


"Good. Now: we will proceed to preliminary Voting on the Determination of Frontier Technology. Iterative Declarant Nisargadatta: how do you vote?"


"Iterative Second Wu Wei: how do you vote?"


"Master Other: how do you vote?"

"For Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve."

"Master X: how do you vote?"

"For Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve."

"Master Faith: how do you vote?"


"Master Joy: how do you vote?"

"For Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve."

"Master Fnord: how do you vote?"


"Master Gabriel: how do you vote?"

"For Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve."

"I vote the same. Master AI: how do you vote?"

"For Future Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition Under the Twelve."

"Master Oryx and Aryx: how do you vote?"


Green light washes over us all. "Prelimary Vote is For Future Determination in Favor of Future Exhibition under the Twelve. Ratifying Vote will follow tomorrow. Next: Discussion on recent metaphysical findings. Iterative Declarant Master Faith will begin discussion."

New shape resolves above: Faith. "There have been a disturbing number of metaphysical fluctuations recently. Three separate perturbations have occurred across the local dimensional fabric in the last year alone, including readings theoretically consistent with a full breach..."

A private message is received - Master Gabriel: After this Meeting we shall spend some time together.


I cannot stop a smile.


We leave the noisy bistro hand-in-hand, laughing, and head back into the night. A white full moon hangs in a sky of endless stars, towering buildings on each side reaching up towards them. Many varied biosynths crowd the downtown sidewalks, although they all part when we near them, none conscious of The Master's control as it works upon them.

A MOST superior being.

Still laughing, I glance over at it...


The Master finally recovers its breath, snorting. "The music was plain, but the audacity of those dancers!"

I grin. "Whoever mapped them has a keen eye."

The Master smiles. "Perhaps someone like you."

Pleasure. "You flatter me! I contributed a different set of citizens, however."

We press on down the street, biosynths still moving unconsciously aside from us. Distant ahead: giant leafy branches poke up through the shattered white dome of the World Museum rising above neighboring multi-story buildings.

Such a night...

The Master briefly tugs at the Id EIS hand. "No more distractions!"

I playfully wiggle the Id EIS shoulders. "Unless they please you."

It sticks out its red tongue, then pulls me along. We RACE through the crowds shouting, oblivious biosynths continuing to press against the dual flow of pedestrian traffic to clear out of the way...


... until TheMaster slows by the Museum concourse, its grip tightening upon the Id EIS hand. "Hsst!"

I cease. While we sedately cross the front Museum concourse with it, I am scanning: biosynths head across the concourse both ways, and a long line is moving only slowly to admit entrance to the first buildings, but then a group of pantsuit-wearing avians stalk out of the way, revealing Master AI, hand-in-hand with Cyborg, crossing towards us.

We all near...

Curious. Master AI is perfectly human in body, all but for the eyes. Why...?

It nods, in passing.

The Master grunts, and we continue on towards the World Museum ticketbox as an image is forward to me. I direct internal software to open it. Fw: Master AI: a card invitation to a social gathering at Press, a motion blur dance hall. "What do you think?" it asks.

I blink, clearing the image. "At your will."

A biosynth usher beside the long line in front of the first buildings, white dome looming above it all, waves us through, so we bypass the line, heading through into the crowded first white retro-modern hall full of Exhibits on various cultures long ago made extinct by the Cleansing. Each is accompanied by Audiovisual Representation, and half the walls behind are also covered in subdued etcher animations.

"To the main attraction," The Master says, pulling me forward through the press unconsciously clearing a way for us. We reach the end of the hall, where an open plaza under the shattered white dome is ringed by concession stands and various theatrical displays, with a monstrous, primordially idealized tree rising dominant at the center, primate ghost climbing up the immense roots, altering form towards homosapien along the way, and further up towards the branch split...

"The Tree of Man," I breathe.

"One of my first memories," The Master confides. "It never fails to put things into perspective."

Crossing the plaza, we pass groups of biosynth while approaching the behemoth display. A pair of chimerics step away ahead, revealing a pristine placard before the evolutionary sequence resets and a full count of ghosts appear everywhere upon the monstrous tree, all the way to the near top: homosapiens branch right to modded human, post-human, then biosynth; homosapiens branch left to Subroutine, AI, then sAI; homosapiens continue at center strongest, rising up unbroken upon the trunk as Master.

Hm. Naked branches extend even higher, reaching out into the starry sky...

I turn. "Is it a hopeful display?"


"This is simply what is. And must be."


Press is a bright beacon on a dark street. A long line snakes around the building, a hulking biosynth bouncer standing by the door holding up a hand.

We near...

... and it waves us in.

Privilege of power, always.

Inside: electric color and music surrounds writhing bodies, leaving behind afterimages in haze. We push on through the biosynth revelers, heading towards another hulking bouncer guarding the rear VIP entrance...

It waves us in.

Entering the VIP, we head down a hall as the door is firmly closed behind us. Noise from the first dancehall suddenly drops, although we can now make out a low thrumming, the sound originating ahead until we turn a corner to a private dancing hall, the circular dancefloor empty but for a solitary spotlight shining down through the haze, leaving afterimages. The entire THRUMMING space is overlooked by a balcony, so we edge the circular dancefloor and pass beneath the balcony, heading now through an underbar filled with ape biosynth patrons variously attired...

One snorts, eying me.

Irrelevant. Only The Master can judge me.

A lift takes us up to the second floor balcony, after which we step out before a shadowy group waiting at a dark private bar manned by a lone bartender. "Gabriel," something growls.


A brief strobe of light illuminates Chimera's shaggy form smiling its fangs at us, as well as those behind it: AI, Nisargadatta, and Fnord.

No Joy. Safe enough, then.

"It is good that you could make it," Chimera growls.

The Master strides over towards them, and I follow. "I couldn't pass up an invitation to the dance," it calls over the low thrumming. "Although... apparently, no one here actually is."

Nisargadatta laughs at this, a tall, jet black form with four arms uncurling as it stands. "I have a yen to begin, though any are welcome to join."

The Master only offers it a grey smile. "A reasonable excuse to absent my company. Apologies, but I had to vote as I felt."

"Neti, neti." Nisargadatta says, heading for the lift.

A pair of beady eyes settle upon me.


"You are the one called Id," Fnord grumbles.

I smile, and bob the Id EIS head. "Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Fnord." I turn, bobbing the Id EIS head twice more. "Master Chimera. Master AI."

Fnord snorts. "A polite little parrot."

Chimera growls, its fangs glinting from the flashing club lights...

"We have important matters to discusses," AI finally states, inflectionless.

Of course.

I bow to them all, backing away. The low thrumming of the music subtly alters as I step out onto the balcony above the single big circular dancefloor, looking down: Nisargadatta has already entered the haze, now a dark silhouette with its four arms moving slowly, sequentially, walking out. Notes sway with its arms, bass thrums with each of its steps, then the dark silhouette begins moving faster, cadence increasing as afterimages of it gradually flash into existence among the haze, dancing after it like ghostly followers...



Turning, I face back towards The Master, Fnord and Chimera all standing behind me now. "Would you like to join the dance?" it asks.

"If it is your will."


I walk to the lift, taking it back down to the underbar as music continues building with the dance unseen, then slowly head through awestruck Ape biosynths all turning towards a whirling dervish onstage.

(It is...)

Spinning, it then LEAPS to land and run rhythmically forward, all its four arms cutting paths through the air almost violently, accompanied by fast smooth music with increasingly jagged edges...


One step from the haze, I stop.

The dark silhouette continues its great circuit of the circular dancefloor border with both inhuman grace and terrible aggression, before it LEAPS to land before me at the edge, its three arms curling slowly inwards, wrapping around itself, although the last of its arms comes slowly forward, beckoning.

(An invitation.) I...

Music slows, the dark silhouette spins away, and the music spirals after it.

I exhale, then step into the haze upon the circular dancefloor...


A solitary note PULSES.

On the opposite side: the dark silhouette slows its pace again, to stop. The music follows, and...

Silence, but for that low thrumming.

On the opposite side: the dark silhouette now takes a single step.

A solitary notes PULSES.

On the opposite side: it takes another lilting step, pauses, then takes a double-step.

Another note PULSES, then a double.

Following some unknown instinct, I mirror its flowing motion, causing the long greysilk tunic belted at the hip of the femininely shaded Id EIS body to begin fluttering. Notes match us, now twining asymmetrically as we orbit each other...


Abruptly: the dark silhouette LEAPS ahead along the circular border to land, spin, then LEAP again, with notes and bass footfalls following...

I match its motion in the opposite direction, long greysilk tunic flaring as we spin together, LEAPING along the circling border to land back down together, spinning, then LEAP again, now leaving behind afterimages –

The dark silhouette turns, leaping back through the afterimages shattering into dancing fragments before it lands and spins, then LEAPS again...

I turn, and follow it.


Joyous laughter rings inside, and out.


I LEAP towards the center of the dancefloor before flipping onto both hands up into a handstand, the Id EIS legs kicking high while I spin on both hands as the dark upside-down silhouette is still orbiting me around the border, spinning and leaping as the still building song inverts, and...

A solitary note PULSES.

(Third harmony.)

I let the spin slow, second harmony matching. The orbiting dark silhouette slows, first harmony matching...

While the third is waiting.

... and we first two finally stop.

Silence, but for that low thrumming...

The third silhouette takes a single step.

A solitary note PULSES.

The third silhouette takes another step forward, and another, then double, then triple, and –

Abruptly: the second silhouette matches the motion of the third, mirroring its madly rising sequence...

I stare.

... until both are now dancing in furious orbit to one another along the border of the circular dancefloor.


Flipping back onto Id EIS feet, I step forward once, and twice, and thrice, then double, triple, and now finally LEAP out, joining the mad, orbiting dance, three equally spaced parts furiously building speed around the border with frenetic notes and pounding bass, towards blurring –

The third silhouette LEAPS inward onto the center of the circular dancefloor, now spinning like a top as two continue dancing towards infinity –

The third silhouette LEAPS outwards, and the second LEAPS inward onto the center of the circular dancefloor, now spinning like a top as I continue impossibly building pace around the circular border, still following after the third's original pattern while it now spins, and leaps –


The second silhouette LEAPS outwards, and I LEAP inward to the center, spinning like a top as both other silhouettes are orbiting me around the border, spinning and leaping with the music cresting...


I leap outwards –

The third silhouette leaps towards me out of turn, FLASHING.

Pain bisects me, and I falter while landing, stumbling to a stop.


The second harmony stops.


The first harmony stops.


The third harmony stops. I look down, where blood stains outwards through the grey silk by the Id EIS hip from the sharp point of a golden spear piercing through me.

(And the shoulder...)

I reach up –

"Dance," a harsh voice commands.

Gasping, I turn.

A smiling angel's face framed by long, liquid gold hair is gradually receding back into the haze, before Joy is gone...

Silence, but for that low thrumming.

Oh. Oh.

I turn, gazing across the empty circular dancefloor filled with haze, a solitary light shining down through it.


Taking a step, I stop in pain after the spear jostles inside of me, blocking rapid-healing, but...


Grimacing, I take another step, gasping.

A wobbling note.

I take another step.

A shivering note.

Yet another.


Gritting the Id EIS teeth, I now take a strong step and LEAP, insides tearing anew from the motion, but...

The music responds.

Forcing the critically damaged Id EIS forward, I spin, and LEAP, and spin, and LEAP around the border of the circular dancefloor, music building. I stumble once, then take a single step, and a double, and a triple, body now BURNING as I force another leap, roaring growing in the Id EIS ears before I stagger, muscles seizing.


I close the Id EIS eyes, forcing another trembling...





... and I still.

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