Day 001, 12:01:58


I am staring up at the blank white ceiling...

"Attend," orders a disembodied voice.

Rolling over in response, I get up off of the bed and walk across the white floor of the white square chamber. A portal irises open in the wall, and I step through it out onto a giant clear disc, white clouds whipping across the sky on all sides as Earth scrolls smoothly by far below...

We are halfway through the journey.

I turn, then resume walking past a big opaque black square towards the end of the giant clear disc. The Id EIS eyes locate the imp and serv-unit, which I built for the Master's temporary use, stationed upon the center of the last giant clear disc, while at the front curve beyond waits the techno-throne, broad back facing me. When I cross between discs, wind suddenly RUSHES towards me from the prow, fluttering the long greysilk tunic, belted at the hip of the now femininely shaded Id EIS body, which the Master has garbed me in...

A simple energy barrier before the prow.

Passing the imp and serv-unit, I gradually cross the last giant clear disc on approach, to stop...

And kneel.


"How do you fare?" it asks me.

Coming back from EIS metabolic power saving mode smoothly: I again feel the rushing wind which still flutters the long greysilk tunic belted at the hip of the femininely shaded Id EIS body. "Well enough, Master Gabriel"


I stand.

The techno-throne turns about slowly, revealing The Master calmly seated, its black robes fluttering as well. "We are nearing Dream City. I had hoped you would be excited."

Bowing. "As you say."

Its grey finger snap.

The imp scurries across the giant clear disc towards us, then kneels and proffers up to me a small black box...

"A gift," The Master says.

How nice! I wonder which Master the gift is for, and whether they will appreciate it appropriately, considering the perfect, divine nature of –

"Take it."


I take it, then the imp stands up again and retreats back towards the center of the giant clear disc. Opening the lid, I find a black metal bracelet inside.


Tears now well in the Id EIS eyes, threatening to spill. "Thank you, Master Gabriel."

Its grey hand gestures.

I place the bracelet on the Id EIS wrist –

)and the pain, I can't)

– before gasping, shaken by the briefly excruciating disassociation it caused.





[A sense of direction.] I turn.

The Master is breathing with me, smiling.

"This bracelet...?"

"... is special," The Master finishes, and taps two of its grey fingers against the dark thorncrown always upon its bald grey skull. "We are Tethered now. Lightly, but there will be emotional bleed-through." [Indomitable sincerity upthrust through molten fatalism.]

Troubled. "These are new feelings."

The Master looks equally troubled, then it glares at me. [Furnace rage] "Look into my eyes."

I do so. Everything...


... and I fall through.


Light comes, banishing dark.

The Id EIS eyes open...

... to view the distant imp and serv-unit still waiting at the center of a giant clear disc linked to others each carrying an opaque colored square atop, all in a line still soaring quickly through blue sky, clouds whipping by on all sides.

Hm. All feels more... solid.

[Behind: immediate direction.] I turn...

The Master is standing tall upon the edge of this last giant clear disc, its black robes fluttering while it silently stares beyond. "Better?"


The white clouds begin clearing ahead, revealing a spreading vista, of...

I step forward.

... the outskirts of Dream City, far above which hangs the bloated red sun surrounded by massive concentric celestial rings of unique shades, each ring slowly turning in slightly different revolutions...

"The rings were not here during any phase of remote construction," I finally manage, the Id EIS throat dry for a moment.


"The Twelve arrive," is its cryptic answer.


Other vessels are approaching Dream City across the distance, with us. Sectioned outer quadrants resolve: a vast outer layer of suburban sprawl, an inner layer of tall, gleaming buildings, then a walled central core of parks and simple buildings. At the exact center of it all waits a bright, spiked structure resting like a fictive star upon a vast plaza...


I track immense northern motion: a band of purple light moves with glacial slowness south down a northern curve of the city as a result of a wide purple celestial ring revolving across the sun. The Id EIS lips purse.

It is grand representation.

"We approach."



A soft thrum, then a small clear disc bearing me, The Master, imp and serv-unit smoothly separates from the giant clear disc, and begins falling swiftly through the air towards an estate of white and gold upon the sectioned outer Quadrant...


I telescope the Id EIS vision, gradually pulling back as we continue nearing a low outer courtyard of dun stone edging the estate, the landing area full of silver wheel-drones glinting in the red sunlight. Beneath us: the small clear disc begins rapidly dissolving away into a faintly glowing cloud of warm phosphorescence, obscuring and dispersing away around us slowing, until the Id EIS feet land gently upon the dun courtyard. Surrounding us, the silver wheel-drone shift in place, staring up.

Ok. Now we –

The Master is already stalking off. "Id: oversee the offloading," it calls back, imp and serv-unit hurrying after it towards white stairs leading up to an archway in the low white wall of the estate.

I turn. High above it all: touching edge-to-edge, the line of giant clear discs carrying opaque colored luggage squares is descending towards the estate. The foremost disc separates, coming swiftly down to dissolve into a cloud of faintly glowing phosphorescence that disperses away until the opaque luggage square lands gently in the waiting arms of silver wheel-drone which then turns to trundle off with it...


Virtualization software overlays digitized guidance filters across the Id EIS ocular sight of the dun courtyard, shading each route a different color to indicate where each item should go within the estate.

Easy work...


The last disc is coming down swiftly, but one silver wheeldrone carrying an opaque purple square trundles across the dun courtyard to the back gate OPPOSITE the assigned virtualized color route –

"Hey!" I call.

It does not slow.

I signal all drones to halt.

All do, except the one.

What the hell?

Post-human SPRINTING across the courtyard, I leap atop the errant drone, pull off a rear panel and manually de-active it. Once it slows to a stop, I do some quick re-coding, re-active it, and watch swivel around, bringing us back through the courtyards before I hop off, scanning the courtyards...

The remaining drones trundle off, bearing luggage squares along correct Virtualized color routes into the estate. One by one, all eventually return empty-handed of the Master's cargo.


I signal.

All trundle off towards the storage hangar.

Turning, I head across the empty courtyard towards the white stairs leading up to the archway in the low white wall of the estate, entering it to follow a winding golden path through a white checkerboard grounds. As Id EIS thoughts are cycling through many variables, and contingencies: I follow the path away ahead alongside an empty stone hall of empty windows showing through to a gold dome beyond, near small white towers. While considering how anything could go wrong, or right, and how I might best present for the other Masters: I head through a vibrant garden filled by a host of strange and exotic plants historically real or artificially cultivated from precursors. Running through scenario's that might see us separated, me damaged or compromised in some way: I continue following the golden path among dark squat buildings now, heading towards another low white wall, then through that archway, into...

The Id EIS eyes blink, and refocus.

A grey courtyard lies ahead, centered by a fountain of frogmen statuary and edged by a green lawn fronting a three story Victorian manor.


I cross the courtyard, passing the fountain burbling while the Victorian manor rises before me, a shining new relic of the past. But when I enter it, the imp, arms full of domestic items, suddenly scurries before me through the richly appointed foyer. "Excuse me!"

Busy little bee.

[Sense of direction.] Climbing the curving staircase, I near the serv-unit bouncing down on spinning wheels, carrying a stack of small white boxes. "Excuse me!"

Busy little bees.

I eventually reach the top, where hallways split away in three cardinal directions. [More immediate direction.]

Turning east, I head down that hall, passing a few closed doors while nearing the open doorway at the very end...

And enter it.


I stop.


The dim suite is half sumptuous bedroom and half pristine white laboratory. From an adjoining lab room, The Master abruptly walks back in. "Report."

I nod. "Offloading was successful, though one of the drones malfunctioned."


"I intercepted it, did some reprogramming and sent it to the proper location"

[Amusement.] "It must have been one of the Twelve," The Master muses. "A harmless prank, but from now on we must remain vigilant."

I bow. "Yes, Master Gabriel."

It gestures: white smartmatter drips up into floating display screens, brightening. "That is all for now."

I leave.


Stained green light continues shining down into the downstairs Victorian parlor from a ceiling skylight. Still vigilant, I stare at tiny Audiovisual Representations of the imp and serv-unit moving through lightshafts, actions sensible in actual locations, but slightly incongruous in this setting.

"Guest," states a disembodied voice. "See it to the nearest privacy dome."


Scrambling off the couch, I am nervous. "Yes, Master Gabriel." I cross the parlor and the foyer, exiting through the Victorian manor front doors. Outside now, a massive green band is moving slowly across the bloated red sun, among others as I cross the greenlit grey courtyard, then head through a gate and down a golden drive beside stepped grey structures. I pass back out from the green band of light moving glacially opposite, the golden drive curving away through a giant green lawn spreading out to the white estate wall and front gate. The Id EIS pupil's dilate: beyond the front gate waits a dark shape.

Be careful.

"Open," I call, approaching.

The front gates swing inward, revealing a tall, jet black form, four-armed, with a white pelt across its black torso.

Mm. Like Shiva.

Its third-eye opens, glimmering.


Above it: Virtualized text overlays the words "Master Nisargadatta" before quickly fading. "Am I welcome?" it asks me, voice deep.

Immense relief. I had been worried about this, but its voice has no effect on me. "Yes!" I call, and hurry forward towards it. "We are most pleased to receive you, Master Nisargadatta."

Nisargadatta steps past the threshold with its upper arms held in pose, lower arms swinging slow. "Lead on."

I turn, leading it back up the golden drive.

"You are Gabriel's head of house?" it asks, striding powerfully beside me.

"For the duration of the Meeting days, yes."

It gestures. "Did you design the estate? I find it all simple."

Hm. Critical.

"I merely oversaw estate construction. The design is Master Gabriel's.

It gave a deep chuckle. "An ascetic aesthetic at odds with expectation. Curious."

"As you say."

We continue crossing the giant green lawn, heading towards a golden dome.


Something tingles, and disappears.

Odd –

Nisargadatta grabs the Id EIS arm right above The Master's black gift bracelet, halting me.

I turn.

"The bracelet," it begins...




"What is it?" Nisargadatta finally asks.

I bob the Id EIS head. "A gift from Master Gabriel."

"I see." Its black fingers uncurl.

Briefly rubbing the Id EIS wrist, slightly bruised but healing, I then bow low again. "Right this way."

We continue crossing the green lawn...


"So," it resumes, voice deeply pleasant now as if that confrontation did not occur. "How is it to serve Gabriel?"

I smile. "Everything."

"Have you accomplished much, together?"

Caution. "A few things."

We near the golden privacy dome, almost safely to the end of this first test...


I risk a glance.

Still striding, Nisargadatta looks about with its upper arms moving slowly to new positions, lower swinging.

"Will you be holding any presentations?" I ask.

Its black shiva-head turns. "Are you attentive in life?"

Pause. "Whenever required."

A brief pause.

"Then yes."


The golden privacy dome suddenly shimmers before Master Gabriel steps calmly through it. "Nisargadatta."


Both embrace, then release and step apart. "That will be all, Id." The Master isn't looking at me. [Anticipation.]

I bow low.

Their footsteps recede, then disappear.

I rise after, the area around the golden dome empty once more.


While walking through yet another inspection of the estate to make sure the Twelve haven't tampered further, I now pass through an empty stone hall, empty windows letting in dusky red sunlight...

"Attend," orders a disembodied voice.


I exit through an empty doorway, heading back out into early evening and down a golden path towards the low white wall. Passing under the archway, I then cross the shadowed Manor courtyard, approaching The Master standing beside a sleek silver hovercraft shaped like a bullet. "The Meeting is nigh," it calls.

"Yes, Master Gabriel."

A seamless silver door slides up into the hovercraft, and The Master enters it.

I follow it inside, taking a seat on the circular couch beside the Master.

The silver door slides closed, we begin accelerating and a strip of interior material clears to become a wide circling window showing us now leaving through the courtyard archway, speed still building....


"Will we take the Estate Loop?" I ask.



After passing he stepped grey buildings, we are still increasing speed alongside the green lawn before finally curving inwards, approaching the front gates at the very end of the golden drive opening wide...

"How did your visit go, with Master Nisargadatta?" I ask tentatively this time.




I turn towards the circular strip of window, settling in to gaze...

We swiftly cross the wide, empty street called the Estate Loop, other darkly shadowed or brightly lit estates of the Twelve visible far off to each side, before we head into the first of the upper class, affluent neighborhoods of the outer residential layer of Dream City. Sleek multi-story homes here with wide lawns, the wealthy, including administrator and business owners, stroll down broad, well-maintained sidewalks, along with a few exotic pets.


I avidly watch it all flash by.

Next: we rapidly approach middle-class. Moderately sized homes here with small lawns, traders, artisans, and the working class are doing yardwork or playing with younger ones inside cul-de-sacs, along with a number of mundane pets.

Not an unpleasant social strata so far, although the reasons for it are still somewhat mystifying.

Next: we rapidly approach poor...

I frown.

Unattractive block apartments and small homes are here. Convenience stores mark corners, fewer citizens walking shadowed sidewalks. Also, the only pets visible are large, and ferocious.

(Short lives...)

The residential soon gives way to business, buildings slowly rising taller around us while the streets grow more crowded with vehicles of all types, the paired sidewalks matching with pedestrians...

So much to see! All of these lives mixing unknown, just waiting to be encountered. Each with unique friends, thoughts, lives...

A violet band is moving diagonally across buildings now towering tens of stories tall above us, with glowing billboards among them. The streets below quickly grow thick with traffic, the sidewalks similarly congested with thronging masses...

We switch to the empty VIP lane.

Passing from the violet band, I now stare out upon biosynths of all kinds: green humanoids clad in business attire, groups of pixie children running about, powerful squat figures with pebbled skin wearing breechclouts, carapaced creatures with twitching antennae, little furred Chimerics...

So many types, colors, and sizes. Yet nothing can be heard while we are sealed inside this hovercraft.

I glance aside.

The Master remains sitting there silently, staring idly off. [Melancholia.]

Hm. Best leave the window closed, then.

Traffic is gridlocked ahead, but we continue forwards as the crowds abruptly thin upon the sidewalks. Nearing a wide central street circling the walled center of the city, gates are placed at certain points along the central wall to allow entry. Slowing...

A gap appears in the cross traffic.


We zip through, pulling up before a gate where the security biosynth inside the gatehouse waves us on, the gates already opening for us. Gently accelerating inside, the elite nerve hub of Dream City spreads before us: all parks and simple administrative buildings, empty at this special time of day but for lengthening evening shadows and distant light. The empty street curves about, towards the light, as we accelerate –


I turn.

The Master still stares outside. "Do not speak inside unless spoken to. Do not stare. Above all: be attentive in all things."

"Yes, Master Gabriel."

"This will be a brief introductory session, but I might be required after..."

I nod.

Finally, The Master's silver hovercraft smoothly pulls to a stop alongside the curb by a plaza of smooth silica and few low benches, beyond which awaits the shining, gargantuan spiked Meeting Center. A seamless silver door slides, and The Master steps outside.

I follow.


We cross the smooth silica plaza, the Id EIS heart gradually beating stronger in anticipation...

A mischievous voice calls: "we knew you would be the last to grace us!"

The Id EIS eyes blink.

At the front base of the shining, gargantuan spiked Meeting Center ahead, waiting for us in a forming dark corridor, resolves two identical figures of average height, in tight vests and loose pantaloons, each wearing crude wooden masks. One is etched with a smile, the other a frown.

(It begins)

Above the two newcomers: Virtualized text overlays "Master Oryx and Aryx" before quickly fading.

[Tolerance.] "Master Oryx and Aryx," The Master now calls in a measured tone. "I am not surprised to find you here playing acerbic gatekeeper."

"No longer," one replies, long ears twitching, before the other smoothly continues: "let us provide escort and conversation."

[Reservation.] The Master grunts, striding past them before it gestures forward.

I follow.

In response to The Master's gestured command: the hall floor begins rising up beneath us in a white-flowing band which is moving forward to assist conveyance. We continue striding forward on the conveyer with Oryx and Aryx following along, skipping. Corridors are flashing by to the left and right of us, each leading to varied interiors and functions unknown...

These ones are different. What should I say?

One of the pair now dances alongside The Master...

... but the other prances beside me. "Hello sir!"

Dancing around, "hello mam!" the other calls to me, before turning back around to natter something at The Master.


"Hello, Master..."

"Aryx," it supplies, with its face unreadable behind its smiling mask.

"Apologies!" I cry, afraid of offending by showing ignorance of its name.

Aryx chuckles. "But I am, and am not, and am both."


I nod slowly.

The white-flowing band takes us around the corner of the hall, then eases back into darkening solidarity with the floor...

We arrive soon, then.

Continuing forward together, we head across a large chamber filled with galleries, many bright wall displays and haze, a gold privacy dome distant.

"Want to play a game?" Aryx abruptly asks, skipping beside me.

Caution. "Is there enough time for that?"

"Don't let careful be rude!"

"Want to play Destroyer?" Oryx asks happily.

Aryx dance about. "Yeah! Teach us Shiva!"

[Reservation.] The Master shakes its grey head. "Why not ask Nisargadatta? It better looks the part.

Aryx boos.

While keeping pace beside The Master, Oryx dances back around to face me. "What else are you?"

A tingle spreads, disappearing...

That tingling again. It must be the Twelve scanning, and the bracelet protecting me.

Aryx prances closer, bending over The Master's gift bracelet. "What an interesting bauble!"

Oryx dances angrily. "Are you playing fair?!"

The Master still strides. "As fair as any of us."

"This bracelet seems almost against the Rules," Aryx calls, before Oryx chimes in, hurrying after it. "Violating the spirit AND letter of the law!"

Does it?

Lifting into a cross-legged hover, The Master floats serenely forward while slowly swiveling to face us with a gentle smile. "Perhaps I just don't like my toys being played with by others," it says. [Savage possessiveness]

I blink.

Oryx and Aryx boo.

The Master continues floating cross-legged, but closes its eyes now as we pass down a brightly sterilized interior hall smelling of ozone. Darkness grows ahead...


... and The Master slowly floats about and down into strong strides, leading us out into the darkness. Oryx and Aryx run ahead after it.


I follow them into a vast, dark, spherical space, with distant twinkling lights. At the center is a massive circular table surrounded by many shadowy figures, with ghostly echoes coming from their distant conversations.


Oryx and Aryx pass The Master, though Oryx turns to wave briefly back at us before the pair race off into the vast twinkling darkness...



I skip forward to pretend against the Id EIS nerves, then fall into place behind The Master's right shoulder as is appropriate. We head out, but it is a long crossing: the size of this chamber is deceptive. Eventually, we near the massive circular table which has become a rorsach of the Earth, solitary chairs placed before each Domain...

The Master turns, heading around it.

I follow.

Don't stare. Don't look. Don't speak.

Passing an immensely fat Master sitting in one of the throne-like chairs, I glance at the ape biosynth clad in tweed beside it speaking quietly into its ear. Above it: Virtualization overlays "Master Fnord", before fading.

Interesting name.

The next Domain is familiar. Arrived, I skip forward again and pull out the empty, throne-like chair.

The Master sits.

I step back, standing by its broad right shoulder and directing gaze forward at no spot in particular, before...


Three figure approach through the darkness, nearing the other side. The first becomes Nisargadatta having a deep conversation with an emaciated Master in flowing robes, Virtualization text "Master Wu wei" fading quickly overhead. The third oddly remains an indistinct outline, "Master Other" fading quickly as they split, each heading to their seats...

Formless light PULSES overhead.


The ghostly conversations all slowly fade away, until are all seated, silent.

Formless light PULSES overhead again.


An abstract voice: "all are assembled. This Meeting of the 3rd Epoch, 215nd year of the Twelve is begun."

New shape forms above: a figure with black ringlets, dark eyes lined by kohl, and a generous red mouth. "I am Ur, Iterative Chairman." A brief pause. "All may proceed with declarations of intent."


Ur's face now smoothly shifts aside, shrinking as new shape forms above: a seemingly human face, Virtualized text "Master AI" appears above, before quickly fading. "I call for review of Mars Digital Advocacy Case #3."

Sounds of mirth erupt all around the massive World Table, from deep chuckles, high pitched shrieks, barks of amusement, to squeals of pleasure...

Hm? What is so funny about that?

AI's face now smoothly shifts aside, shrinking, while Ur's face is shunted further and smaller as another new shape forms above: the indistinct face of Other. "I call for an Amendment to Outer Policy, Subsection 4."

The general mirth abruptly cuts off.

Faces shift aside again, shrinking more as new shape forms above: Nisargadatta. "I call for a discussion and Determination on Frontier Technology."

Faces shift aside again, shrinking more as new shape forms above: the emaciated face of Master Wu wei. "I second the call."

Faces shift aside again, shrinking more as new shape forms above: a stubbled skull, bright eyes, the virtualized text of "Master Faith" appearing overhead before fading quickly. "I call for a discussion on recent metaphysical findings."

Faces shift aside again, shrinking more as new shape forms above: a handsome scarred devil. The virtualized text "Master X" appears overhead, fading quickly. "I call for the expansion of the Supremacy Statute."


A stare has been on me long enough to burn.


I stand resolute despite this, eyes forward, yet direct internal software to expand a square of vision from the edge, displaying it across the center of the Id EIS ocular field without moving any part of the body: the watcher has an angelic face framed by long, liquid gold hair, a glimmering gold torque around its slim neck. A bentback biosynth, wearing a spiked, bloody collar, stands at its left shoulder...

Master Joy.

I blink, wiping the image.


The table is silent: no further declarations.

Ur's face reforms above. "All declarations are made. Tomorrow will begin with reports from Sub-Committees, followed by report response, then Declaration Motions, discussions, and Preliminary Votes. Before we adjourn: does anyone have relevance to add?"

Ur's face shifts aside, shrinking as new shape forms above: the immensely fat face of Fnord. "I do not trust any of you. That is all."


A second round of mirth rings out loudly around the massive World Table.

Hm. Interesting humor.

Fnord's face shifts aside, shrinking while Ur's smiling face reforms. "Well said. We resume tomorrow, 14:00 hours. Adjourned."

A tone sounds, the projected descending circle of faces collapsing back into formless light which winks out, leaving darkness.

The Twelve slowly stand, throne-like chairs dissolving away to nothing as their biosynth Attendants all turn to begin walking off into the twinkling darkness...

Curious: I remain.

Afterwards, the massive circular World Table begins sinking smoothly into the floor, revealing a wide black shaft of circular steps descending the circumference, into the depths...


I turn.

Its face curiously blank, The Master is regarding me from the standing circle of the Twelve as the first begins filing down the stairs...

(The Oath.)

"Return to the estate," it says without any inflection. [Impassivity.]

"Yes, Master Gabriel." I leave.

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