
Tywin Lannister was fuming.

Never before had he felt so much anger toward one person as he did Robb Stark. Not even when the Reyne's showed such disrespect toward his house. Yes the anger he felt right now didn't when hold a candle to that of the Reyne's of Castamere.

Tywin had clenched between his hand the letter from Robb Stark informing him that he had not only  taken Casterly Rock, but he has also discovered Tasha and her abilities to produce gold to whatever she touches.

At that moment of reading those words Tywin Lannister wanted nothing more than to skin Robb Stark alive.

Clenching his jaw Tywin launched the letter that he crumpled up across the room. He then rose from his chair in such a fast motion that the chair legs had scraped against the stone flooring causing a horrible sound to echo through the room.

Slamming his hands down onto the desk so hard he caused not only his scales but his candlelight to vibrate and jostle across the dark wooden surface.

His thoughts instantly going to Tasha.

Tasha was by far one of the kindest girls that he had ever met in this God forsaken realm. The girl was as defenseless as they came, she'd never hurt anyone, even someone like Robb Stark.

And now it was only a matter of time that Robb would be rid of her since he discovered her powers. Kevan's sons had already fallen against the young King of the North - as he proclaimed himself - how long would it take for Tasha to meet the same cruel fate?

Tywin knew that Robb would attempt to use her against him, but this, this was complete maddness.

Robb's demands were outrageous to boot. The boy was demanding not only Tywin's surrender but also that if he did not have his sister's returned he would not return Tasha.

And of course Tywin still did not know where the youngest Stark girl had run off to.

"Seven Hells!"

Tywin growled the anger flaring in him.

He swore that before this war was over that he would have Robb Stark's head on a pike outside the walls of Casterly Rock if it was the last thing he did.

Tasha sat there at the end of the table looking at Robb Stark and his wife. She didn't know what to do. She had never been put in this situation. She never had to deal with the enemy and she had never thought she would have to do it alone.

It was terrifying to be faced with someone who wasn't Tywin or his family.

"Everyone believes Tywin Lannister shits gold. But that's only because he's kept you from the rest of the world."

Robb said holding one of the small nuggets that Tasha had produced for him as he had ordered. She looked at him and he then looked at her. He scared her. He scared her tremendously.

Tywin had always warned her about men outside the walls of Casterly Rock. He always told her the horrifying tales of what they would do to women when a man was not around to protect them.

Well, Tywin was not around to protect her.

She didn't know how to react to the stranger in her home. She didn't want to anger him, but she also didn't want to just listen to whatever he told her to do.

She was loyal to Tywin and only Tywin after all.

"Have you always been able to do this?"

His wife asked looking at her. The woman did seem much kinder than Robb. But still, she knew to not trust either of them. Tasha nodded her head slowly.


She said softly looking at the woman. The woman smiled softly and looked back at Robb. Tasha watched as they interacted like she and Tywin often did -- through a silent look.

Robb then moved around to the table in front of her. He looked her over thoroughly for a moment causing Tasha to feel odd. She didn't know what he was doing, but she didn't like it.

"So, you're the key to the Lannister wealth?"

Tasha didn't like his tone.
She slouched back in her chair watching as Robb slowly made his way toward her. She could have sworn that she started to tremble there in her chair the closer he got to her.

"And without you there's no more gold to fuel whatever it is that Tywin wants."

He continued. She really didn't like where this was headed. It felt off and unsettling.

"Without you. Tywin Lannister losses."

Robb said hovering over her. She swallowed looking up at the man terrified.

She just wanted Tywin.

"I want all our able bodied men to head straight for Casterly Rock."

Tywin said during his council meeting held in the tower of the Hand. Some of his family memebers on his small council looked at him, but none seemingly more concerned than Kevan.

Kevan didn't understand why his brother was so forceful right now. He understood that Tywin wanted to uphold the family name and with Casterly Rock taken by Robb Stark it seemed that Tywin was more blood thirsty than ever before.

Casterly Rock was their home and without it the Lannister name was nothing. But Kevan knew his brother to be wise and strategic. Which Tywin was being neither at this moment.

"We can't just charge Casterly Rock."

Kevan stated knowing that nobody else would speak up to his brother right now, not with the way Tywin glared at his men.

It was then Tywin turned and looked at his brother. He gave his brother the same look he did everyone else in the room.

"I did not ride here to save the city and my family just to loose my home!"

Tywin snapped, his voice loud and holding the authority which he had. Kevan leaned back in his chair and shook his head.

"We will take every able bodied man that we can spare and we will take back Casterly Rock. Gather the troops we ride in the morning and we'll attack two days time."

"Two days time? My Lord, it takes nearly a week to reach the Rock from King's Landing -- "

"Two days! Not one week, not two weeks -- two days!"

He ordered causing all the men to silence themselves. They feared Tywin above anything Robb Stark could ever throw their way.

Tywin's smoldering gaze moved about the table causing the men to form a silent agreement to fall upon everyone at the table.

They knew how long and hard they would have to ride and how fast they would have to push their men that were still stationed at Harrenhal.

They'd have to have the men move now in order for everything to work out.

"We've ten thousand men still at Harrenhal -- "

"Good, move them out tonight and we'll catch up to them in the morning."

Tywin ordered.

Kevan sat through the meeting listening while Tywin barked out orders commanding his men to do exactly what it was he wanted.

And by the time the meeting was over, Kevan staid seated when all other officers left. Tywin looked to his brother.

"What going on brother?"

Kevan questioned knowing something was wrong.

He had always known his brother to be a tactical man, but what he was doing now was just plain suicide in his eyes.

Tywin frowned with a tight lip as he rose from his table. He was silent as he strode over to his desk and the table beside it to pick up the jug of wine and pour his glass full.

Kevan rose from his seat as well and watched his elder brother drinking from his cup, back to him.

"Please Tywin, I know there's something you're not telling us. What's so important that we have to drive our men to near death? You know they won't be able to fight once there with the exhaustion they'll have suffered."

Kevan said trying to talk some sense into his brother, hoping that he'd listen to him.

Tywin sighed through his nose and turned to look at his brother.

"There's someone important I left at Casterly Rock."

Kevan cocked a brow. Did his brother just say he left someone important at Casterly Rock? He moved a little to better be behind his brother instead of at the table.

Tywin turned around quickly his posture never faltering as he looked down to his brother seeing his confused expression.

"Don't look at me like that you wouldn't understand nor believe me even if I told you."

"Try me. You might be suprised."

Kevan pushed back causing his brother to stop mid drink and look at him with narrowed eyes. It wasn't hate Tywin was displaying rather he was attempting to figure out if he should really tell his brother.

"You recall the rumor some two decades back. The rumor about the baby that turned her mother to pure gold after she gave birth to it."

"Yes, I recall? It sent the whole kingdom into a frantic and people from Drone clear to the North came searching for the child. What does that have to do with anything?"

Kevan questioned looking to his brother wondering what tale this had to do with anything.

Tywin was silent for a moment clearing his throat before continuing.

"I had her found."

Kevan's eyes widened after a second of realizing what Tywin had just said to him.

"I had her brought to Casterly Rock where I had several hundred maids raise her over the years. In the beginning she would turn them to gold just by touch. She was deemed dangerous and so I kept her secret in the dungeons below the castle."

Tywin explained turning and looking out his large window that sat on the wall not far from his desk. Kevan's mouth was parted as he listened to his brother's tale.

"Finally when she became about ten she started learning to control her powers and stopped turning the help into bodies of gold. It was then I started to raise her from the child she once was and used her to help keep our mines filled with gold."

Tywin sipped from his cup.

"Now that Robb Stark has taken Casterly Rock he has also taken Tasha along with it and he has decoders her powers somehow."

"All these years and you never told me?"

Kevan scoffed causing Tywin to face his brother.

"It wasn't your concern. I'm telling you now because it is now your concern as much as it is mine."

He snapped. His jaw clenched as he placed his cup down and walked toward his brother.

"If she is not retrieved it will be the end of our family. Forget about loosing Casterly Rock and Lannisport. We lose her and we lose everything."

He told his brother trying to make him understand. Kevan sighed deeply through his nose.

"She's our gold supply I understand. But acting irrationally won't help to get her back. The men cannot be pushed that hard."

"Perhaps not. But they can and they will."

Tywin told his brother causing the man to frown. Kevan understood that no matter what he was going to say Tywin was not going to listen to reason with him. At least not on this subject.

"I just hope you know what you're doing."

Kevan said giving his brother a slight bow. He looked at him once more as he shook his head before turning to leave him alone in his tower.

Tywin sighed deeply and turned back to the window now that he was alone. He gazed out the multi-colored glass and seen the sun starting to set.

I will get her back.

He told himself. He knew he would. He knew he would because he could not fail in doing so. Failure in doing so would result in a fate worse than death.

And Tywin Lannister was not a man who would ever fall into that position for as long as he should live.

Tasha had her knees brought into her chest. She sat back down in her room in the dungeons. Her blonde hair creating a curtain around her face and part of her body.

She had been crying on and off for most of the day since Robb had locked her back in her room.

Her room wasn't horrible or anything, Tywin had made sure of that.

A large lush bed, a dining table, bookshelf, space for sitting in the corner and a beautiful red rug that ran across the floor.

Yes, Tywin made sure that she was well taken care of when it came to it.

But none of that mattered to her anymore. Resting her chin upon her knees sitting in her nightgown she looked out the small cell window that she had in her room.

She could see the moonlight shining from it.


She thought as she looked out of her window just wanting the man to return to Casterly Rock. Surely he knew what was happening? Surely he'd come to save her?

She dipped her head more and laid down onto her bed, crying back into the pillow finally able to cry herself to sleep.

Tasha gasped and jolted up in her bed. The door to her room had slammed opened causing her to awaken.

"Good morning my lady. I hope we didn't startle you."

One of the guards chuckled as two of them entered the room. Tasha looked worriedly toward the two of them. She noticed the sun was rising from her window. She must have slept through the whole night.

"The King wishes to see you."

The other guard scoffed and then grinned at her. She swallowed and sat up on the bed worried. The man who proclaimed himself King of the North was not someone she liked.

Robb Stark was not someone she trusted.

Standing slowly from her bed she pushed out her dress to look a bit more representable before walking out of her room and being escorted to see Robb, who was waiting for her in Tywin's war room.

She looked at Robb and her blood started to boil. He sat there where her Lord Tywin was suppose to sit at the head of the table.

She held her tongue as she was shown to her seat by the guards.

"So, Tasha, there's something I need you to do for me."

Robb said cutting straight to the point as he looked at the woman. She was silent and listened intently.

"What I need you to do is simple for someone like you. Today my men collected a mountain of rocks and I need you to turn those rocks into gold."

He informed her. She blinked slowly and frowned.

"The gold will be used to help end this war. To bring justice to my family and crush the Baratheon Bastard that sat upon the throne."

"The Baratheons are part of the Lannister family. Lord Tywin's family."

She stated looking at Robb. He narrowed his eyes and leaned against the table.

"I will not help you."

She shook her head. Robb sighed and waved his hand.

"I thought you might say that."

He said as the guards grabbed up Tasha causing her to panic.

"No! Wait! What are you doing!"

She cried out being dragged from her seat send thrown to the floor. She fell harshly against the rug and glanced up at Robb who still sat in Tywin's chair.

"If you do not comply then we have no use for you. I suggest you help us."

Tasha swallowed and frowned deeply. She shook her head again. Robb sighed deeply and nodded toward his men.

Tasha cried out. A strong kick came to her side and a punch to her back.

"Don't make this harder than it already is Tasha."

Robb said watching as she shook her head again but sobbed this time. And again she was beaten, she still disagreed, so they beat her again and again and again.

They beat her till she finally broke down crying and screaming for Tywin.

Something that brought a smile to Robb Stark's lips.

"The men are ready m'lord."

A foot solider informed Tywin. He was exhausted as they had traveled all through the morning and night into a whole new day. He had allowed for them to stop for several hours to gather perhaps four hours rest allowed and now they were to push onward again.

They were still miles from Casterly Rock, but he knew he couldn't stop just yet. He was to march on his own home and to take back what was rightful his.

Frowning Tywin nodded upon his horse as he pulled the reigns and the horse moved forward.

"Give the order we move out now."

He said pushing forward causing the foot solider to run back to his company.

Tywin sighed deeply as he made his way to the front of the line and lead his men. Nobody said anything to him. Not about the lack of sleep, not about the hunger in their bellies, nothing.

They knew better.

Tywin wasn't in the mood and he knew that everyone knew that he wasn't going to stop until he reclaimed what was rightfully his.

I'm coming Tasha.

The proud old Lord said to himself in his head as he pushed onward with his band of men heading for the Rock.

He wasn't going to stop until he had Robb Stark's head on a pike and the rest of his body hanging from the gates of Casterly Rock as a warning to those who oppose the Lannister family.

Tasha was a sobbing mess by the time Robb's wife had entered the room and put an end to the beating of the poor young woman.

"Robb, what have you done!?"

She questioned looking fearful to her husband. His smoldering gaze snapped toward her and even she herself feared him at that moment.

"I'm doing what needs to be done to win this war! To protect what's left of my family!"

He shouted causing his wife to withdraw a bit from him.

She looked at Tasha who laid in a pool of her own saliva and blood. Her mouth oozing with both.

"Return the girl to her chambers."

She ordered the guards. They looked to one another and then to Robb, who after a moment nodded his head.

The guards scooped the girl up by the arms and started to drag her away, she wasn't even able to walk at this point.

When the guards had left with her, Robb turned his back to his woman.

"Robb you can't honestly believe that what you're doing is right! That poor girl has done nothing wrong!"

"That poor girl has been lining Tywin Lannister's pockets with the gold that was used to kill my family!"

His voice echoed through the keep. Her eyes widened and she drew back slightly.

"She refuses to help me so she will be punished accordingly until she complies!"

He told her harshly. She slowly reached out for him and touched his arm softly.

"You cannot think that way Robb. We both know that she's too quiet and kind to have known what was going on."

"My father was quiet and kind as well and he knew everything that happened."

"Robb please. Let me speak to her. Try and get her to support us without beating her. She'll never help us that way."

She tried to shine some light onto the situation for Robb so that he could maybe understand where she was coming from. She knew that beating a woman didn't always make them compliant and in fact did the opposite.

Robb sighed defeated. His eyes softened as he shook his head.

"I don't want you with her alone. What if she tries to turn you to gold?"

She reached up and took the face of her husband in her hands.

"I will be alright."

She said softly caressing his stubbly skin.

Tywin's men stationed themselves on a hill just eastward of Casterly Rock. It had appeared as if they had yet to be spotted.

Tywin had set up his camp just below the Ridge of the hill so the wind coming from the sea would help to block out his men's sounds.

He was currently stationed in his war tent with his men. His council sat around looking over the map which was laid out upon the table.

Small pieces were set up to display their location and how Tywin wished to proceed with the advancement.

Even though he and his men were tired from pushing forward so harshly he was here now and his plans were to take the castle at night when everyone slept.

"Robb has only some eight thousand men with him mi'lord."

One of his spies told Tywin. He nodded and placed up his markers on the map as to where the men were located.

"And you're sure?"

"Positive mi'lord."

Tywin grunted and dismissed his spy. He looked at the map spread out upon the table. Finally he pointed out to the North of the castle.

"There's an old sewage system that runs below the castle. We'll use that to send about two thousand of our men inside and attack them while they sleep."

He told his men looking at the map. Kevan sat down beside Tywin and nodded.

"I'll lead the attack from outside."

He said causing his brother to nod in agreement.

"I'll have my men give a single in which you will then attack from the front while we take the inside."

Tywin said his eyes focused on the marker of his home on the map. He frowned deeply as he looked around the table.

"You fail me today and you won't have to worry about dying by the hands of our enemy."

He promised causing his men to get the hint loud and clear.

Tywin was not going to allow anything to go wrong. Not as long as Tasha was in danger.

He would save her if it was the last God damn thing he did.

Tasha laid thrown against her floor. She sobbed hard and ugly against the rug. There was no spot on her body that did not scream in pain. She felt angry for what was happening to her.

She was angry for Tywin leaving her to succumb to this type of treatment.

Where was he and why had he not come to save her? Did he simply not care about her anymore? Was she really just a hidden treasure to him?

Was all those intimate nights alone a facade?

She buried her face into the rug and cried until there were dark spots upon the rug from her ugly crying.

She didn't want to use her powers for this evil man that had invaded her home if it meant putting Tywin or his family in danger.

Even though she was extremely mad with Tywin, she would never put him in danger. She couldn't bring herself to do that.

She loved him.

Pushing herself to her knees she cried out in pain again as she crawled toward her bed and somehow managed to pull herself up onto the furniture.

She rolled onto her left side facing toward the small window she had.

Night was quickly approaching as the sunlight dwindled from her view and with it another day spent in this new founded hell had come to an end.

Tasha sobbed knowing that tomorrow would bring forth the same event. She just knew it.

Robb would not stop beating her until he had her making him gold.

"My lady?"

The soft voice called out causing her to hush her crying. Rolling over onto her back a bit she seen Robb's wife enter the room with two guards beside her.

"I won't make you your gold, I refuse!"

She shouted through the pain in her lower body. Her eyes narrowed as tried her best to appear strong in front of the woman.

"Please, I'm not here for that, Lady Tasha."

She said entering the room further. Tasha rubbed her face clean from her ugly sobbing as the woman walked into her room.

"Why are you here doing this? I've done nothing to you! I didn't even know you people even lived until today!"

Tasha cried out having having the kind spoken woman stop advancing toward her. She frowned deeply and looked at Tasha.

"My Lord husband's family was killed and taken by your Lord Tywin Lannister. All he wants is for justice to be served."

She attempted to explain.

Tasha shook her head. She didn't care if Tywin had killed a dozen at dinner, she wasn't going to help these people who were out to hurt her Lord.

"That doesn't give him the right!"

"Would you not wish for revenge if someone killed your family?"

"Tywin is my family!"

She snapped causing the woman's eyes to widen.

"Lady Tasha please, I understand your pain, I do but -- "

She stopped speaking when suddenly the outside became loud and filled with yelling. Tasha gasped when she heard the air filled with screaming and cries for help.

She heard men running around outside and what sounded like a fight.

"My lady we should -- "

One of the guards started to say before he had a sword rimmed through his back. Tasha and the woman screamed in fear watching as the other guard was sliced in half.

It was then Tasha watched as the woman, Robb's wife, who had been speaking to her easy ran through her gut with a sword and fell to the ground lifeless.

Tasha's wide eyes looked from the woman on the ground to the soldiers in the room.

They were Lannister.

Then Tasha felt her heart stop when Tywin himself walked in through the door wearing his armor.

"We're taking back the castle. You're safe now my lady."

Tywin's deep and commanding voice reached her ears causing the woman to start crying again.


She cried out happy to see him.

He had come for her. He had not abandoned her. He was really here.

He was here for her.

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