I Promise

Garnet was in a fit of emotions that she was forced to hide. Not only had Tyrion and Sansa been accused of poisoning the king but Sansa had gone missing and was no where to be found. Alanna wasn't a religious woman by any means, but if praying to the Gods would keep her sister safe, that's what she would do in her alone time.

But alone time was now a very rare privilege.

Alanna watched in horror as her room was ransacked by Lannister guards as they overturned every corner of her room. Cersei had ordered for it hoping to find that it was Alanna who had helped somehow in taking part of the murder of her son.

Of course this only upset Alanna more and she attempted to seek out comfort - whatever she could get really - from Tywin.

She was lucky that the man allowed her to stay in his room of the Hand while the guards went through her things so she did not have to watch. She didn't know for sure, but she figured that Tywin was glad for her closeness to him after the King's wedding the other night.

She knew he wouldn't come right out and say it, but she could somewhat tell from watching him that he was keeping an extra close eye on her.

He wanted her safe.

"Tywin would you like some more wine?"

She asked softly seeing his cup had emptied. He stopped writing with his quill and looked at her. His expression was soft and his eyes tired. He had only had two cups, one more would not hurt.

"Yes I would."

He said, his voice as soft as his expression. Alanna nodded as she stood, leaning over his desk and plucking up his cup to take it with her to refill it. Alanna picked up the pitcher of wine but suddenly stopped. She arched a brow and placed the pitcher closer to her nose and sniffed at it.

She blinked several times, the wine smelled of an odd odar. Unbeknownst to her Tywin had glanced her way when he heard her sniffling. He noticed she was sniffing the wine.

"Everything alright?"

"I don't know. The wine it smells... odd?"

She said turning to face him with a frown. Tywin arched his brow and stood from his chair to come over and inspect the jug for himself. Stopping in front of her, he leaned down and took a small whiff and then pausing before taking a larger one.

"Yes... it does have an odd odar doesn't it?"

Tywin questioned looking into the dark liquid. It wasn't something that he would have expected or had even caught on his own - of course the man never smelt his own wine before drinking it he just drank it - had it not been for Alanna.

"Put it down. Have a guard fetch the Measter right away. Do not touch it again."

Alanna's eyes widened but said nothing as she placed the jug down and left to do as she was told. She returned after finding a guard that wasn't far from Tywin's room and then came back.


She asked seeing the man looking down at the wine still. He glanced over her way as she approached him.

"Have you drank any?"

"No, just water."


"Tywin whatever is the matter? Please tell me."

She begged causing Tywin's jaw to shift.

"We'll see what the Measter has to say. I don't want your head filled with more worry incase I am mistaken."

This caused Alanna's stomach to twist in a sickly manner. What was wrong with the drink? Was it poisoned as well? Was someone poisoning Tywin too?

When the Measter arrived and smelt the jug that was his conclusion; posion.

"It's very faint. However did you smell it?"

The Measter questioned Tywin, who then nodded toward Alanna.

"It's didn't. She did."

"Ah, the enhanced smell from the pregnancy. You're very lucky my lord this posion isn't very strong smelling but since that is the case it is most likely intended to kill you slowly."

"Someone is trying to kill me and you say I am lucky?"

Tywin gave a sharp snap glaring st Pycelle. He knew what the man meant, but he was in no mood. Not after the expression on Alanna's face. The overly worried - nearly terrified - look she wore as she sat back down in her chair.

"Find the person responsible for this and bring them to me. I want several men looking, but be quiet about it. I don't want alarms raised and them flee. I want them found!"

Tywin shouted at the end. His anger clearly showing. Pycelle nodded and bowed several times quickly before he fled from the room. Once Pycelle was gone Tywin turned back toward a now crying Alanna. His gaze softened as he approached.


He said taking her face in his hands. She looked at him with those beautiful eyes he came to cherish so much. She sniffled a little more before she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry - "

"There's no need. I'll have the person found and they shall be seriously delta with you have my word."

Alanna bit her lower lip and looked up at him through watery eyes.

"I can't lose you too."

"And you won't. I promise."

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