6: Paraphilia is an Abnormal Sexual Fetish, isn't it?

"Go. To the playroom, boy. Clothes off." Gerard stated as they walked into the house that day after work. Frank's buzz had finally ebbed down into a soft fizz in the back of his skull that only made him want to sleep. Frank looked at Gerard with wide eyes, not anticipating Gerard to want to do anything after the day that they had had, "Go on, boy. I told you to do something."

"Yes, sir," Frank muttered as he put his satchel down in its usual place by the kitchen door before he turned and walked down the short hallway and up the carpeted stairs.

"I'll be up there to deal with you in five minutes," Gerard called up and Frank realized that, no, it wasn't sex he was about to get and that was a punishment. He walked into his bedroom as he shrugged his blazer off quickly before he bent down and untied his shoes and kicked them off, pulling off his socks while he was down there. He straightened up and unfastened his tie, threading the silk from around his neck. He chucked it on the bed in the same pile with his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt as his heart began to hammer erratically, his mind wandering and wondering what his Master had in store for him.

Frank shrugged his shirt off, battling for the second time that day with the cuffs, cursing under his breath as he shook his arms unhappily. He threw the shirt on the bed before his pants and underwear joined the mix. He sighed out, feeling the collar strict and tight around his neck, as he walked out of his room and across the hallway to the room. He opened the door and took his position in the middle of the room on the Persian rug on his knees. He put his hands on his knees as he sat, head cast down as he waited, biting on his lip as he tried to control the flip-flopping of his stomach against his internal organs who were taking a beating. Frank only had to wait a minute longer when the door opened and Gerard walked in, his usual leather boots coming into view as well as the bottom of his grey suit.

"Good boy." Gerard whispered, "Now, up." Frank got up slowly, hands behind his back as he looked at Gerard, who had walked away already and was fiddling in the nearby cabinet, taking out a black box. Frank frowned at the somewhat flat box in his Master's hands and eyed it with piqued curiosity, "This, boy, is going to teach you a very important lesson." Gerard smiled, "I figured your punishment is going to be a training lesson, too."

"Oh?" Frank whispered under his breath as Gerard steered him to the wall.

"Stand against it as flat as you can. Toes, stomach, and forehead, if you please." Gerard stated sternly. Frank obeyed, pressing himself against the wall as Gerard opened the box beside him, Frank's eye turning to see it velvet-lined and inside the cushioned box lay six glass balls. Gerard showed them to his submissive as he explained, "These are pure crystal, Frank. They weigh about a pound, and they cost a hundred and fifty dollars each. There are six here, do you know how much that is?"

"Uh- Uh..." Frank frowned, doing quick mental-math in his head, "Nine hundred?"

"Exactly." Gerard held one of the balls up in his palm, "And I'm putting you in charge of them."

"Wh-?" Frank's eyes widened as he turned to look at Gerard, who instantly glared at him in a warning. Frank blanched, realizing that he had moved without permission, and moved back with his forehead against the wall.

"I'm putting one of these on different parts of your body and you have to keep them there. If you move, they fall and break. If they fall, they land on your feet and that'll hurt, won't it?"

"Yes, sir." Frank swallowed.

"Then don't let them fall." Gerard stated simply, "If you obey my instruction and have some discipline, and not just when I'm having sex with you, then you'll learn a thing or two. This is to teach you discipline, understand?"

"Yes, sir," Frank whispered, whimpering under his breath as Gerard slid the first one down from Frank's neck to his sternum where it lay between his pecs. Frank hissed at the cold on his skin but he didn't move as Gerard slid one to lay against his navel, laying in the small valley above his trimmed pubic hair. Frank swallowed as Gerard took Frank by the hair and moved his head back a bit, sliding the third ball against his forehead before he let Frank's head go, the ball balancing against the apex of his forehead.

"Now you'll stay like this until I see fit." Gerard replied, "You don't move unless I say and while you're here trying not to break my crystal, you can have a long hard think about your actions today. You thank every star, that I decided not to spank you thirty over my knee. What do you say for your Master's leniency?"

Frank swallowed hard then, "Th-Thank you, sir."

"Good boy." Gerard set the box down on the table next to him before he slid into the armchair slowly, leg folded over the other side lazily. Frank swallowed, trying his best to ignore his Master, his eyes closing as he stood where he was, toes against the wall. Frank sucked in a long breath, trying to readjust, when he felt the cold glass suddenly drop, landing with way too much force on his foot. He gasped at the agony that shot up his foot, grunting as he swore under his breath as the crystal fell from his navel and landed on his left foot before it bounced with a thud onto the floor and shattered into large pieces and dust. Frank felt his eyes watering as he tried to control his breathing as the crystal against his chest bone slid down an inch. He let out a small whimper as he pushed the tears back.

"Oh dear, Frank. Look what's happened." Gerard tutted as he got up and out of his chair and reached out for the box, snagging one of the spare crystal balls in his hand before he gingerly slid it in to replace the one that had broken, "Already broken one. How unfortunate, boy. I'm disappointed."

Frank pushed down his own self-disappointment as he readjusted his weight yet again, standing up straighter as he pressed more of his body against the wall. Gerard ran his hands over Frank's shoulders slowly as the boy withheld the urge to whimper. Frank continued to stand as he was against the wall, his forehead starting to hurt, his foot throbbing and prickling on the side where he was pressed against the shards of glass on the wooden floor. Frank felt Gerard's hands running over his skin and he stood stock-still and he knew it was Gerard taunting him, trying to break him, trying to see if he was as disciplined as he wanted to be.

"Such a good boy..." Gerard purred as his hand traveled down to Frank's hip, fingers threading through Frank's trimmed pubic hair above the base of his dick. So close but so far, "Are you a good boy, Frank?"

"Y-Yes, sir," Frank muttered, careful not to move as Gerard's hand skated over the top of Frank's dick and down, fingertips grazing his balls and over his thigh. Gerard moved away and then opened the door, walking out of the room with the door closing behind him, leaving his submissive as is against the wall. Frank let out a small groan as he stayed where he was, closing his eyes as his stomach picked now to be an opportune moment to grumble. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain in his feet and his lower back, readjusting as he stood there in silence, wondering where his Master had gone.

He remained that way for ages, his mind obviously exaggerating the amount of time he had stood so still, but he knew it was also a long time in the first place. At least an hour. He knew it wasn't as long as when Gerard had forced him to remain standing for fuck knows how long and ultimately piss himself. Frank was determined this time not to drop any of Gerard's crystal, determined not to fuck it up despite already having fucked up with one of them. And after an eternity of an hour later the door opened and Frank knew his Master had returned despite not looking in the direction.

"Good boy, Frank." Gerard muttered, "I see you're finally learning and understanding what 'discipline' means. Little brats can be tamed eventually, hmm?"

"Y-Yes, sir," Frank muttered, careful not to move his mouth too much and in turn, his head remained still against the hard crystal ball digging into his frontal lobe.

"I'm going to remove them and you move only when I say, understand?" Gerard warned and Frank muttered a clear enough response, feeling his Master's cool skin grazing against his as he carefully took the ball from against his belly button. Gerard replaced the spheres in their case, a wave of relief hitting him each time. He stood in place, hands at his sides as his Master closed the box and returned it to the cabinet, "Now carefully move away and clean up your mess, boy."

Frank did as he was told, looking down at the shards of glass on the floor around his foot. He lifted up on his tiptoes and stepped backward out of the disaster zone. He went down on his haunches, crouching as he picked up the larger pieces of crystal, throwing them in the plastic packet Gerard had set beside him. Frank sighed as he went back down, scooping up the dust and shards with his hand, grimacing at the pricks and sharp bards in the side of his hand and his fingertips. He knew Gerard had a dustpan but he also knew that this was part of it, that he was learning from his previous fuck ups and that small cuts were nothing in comparison to what his Master could and would do to him. Frank sprinkled the bits of glass into the packet and looked at his Master before getting up, waiting for approval.

"You think it's all clean?"

"I-" Frank looked at the floor, "Yes, sir."

"If it is as clean as you say..." Gerard took a step closer, "Then next time you walk there, I don't want to hear anything from you if you cut your foot. Am I making myself clear, runt?"

"Crystal, sir," Frank replied, withholding the urge to giggle at his own pun.

"Exceptionally witty." Gerard commented, sarcasm dripping from his tongue, "Now, I want you to go and sit in that armchair. We're not done with your training this evening."

"Yes, sir." Frank turned and walked over to the armchair that Gerard had been sat in previously, sliding into it and feeling rather sinful with his naked ass on the material for the second time.

"Now, my little submissive," Gerard stood facing him a few feet away, "We're going to do a training exercise that's a little less nerve-wracking and will still definitely get the point across."

"And that is, sir?"

"I'm going to ask you questions and every time you get one right, I remove an item of clothing or undo a button. If you get it incorrect, I do something up or put it back on."

"Fuck. Okay." Frank muttered, internally bracing himself.

"First question," Gerard put his hands in his pockets, "What is a paraphilia?"

"A paraphilia is an abnormal sexual fetish, isn't it? Like it's usually extreme or dangerous."

"Good boy." Gerard purred as he undid the button of his blazer, "What is 'WIITWD'?"

"Oh, um..." Frank pursed his lips, "Fuck, um... 'What It Is That We Do'?"

"Excellent," Gerard shrugged his blazer from his shoulders slowly and let it fall from his shoulders, the grey jacket falling to the carpet behind him softly, "What is the difference between a hard and a soft limit, Frank?"

"A 'soft limit' is something that can be considered a 'maybe', like something you wanna try that you're nervous about," Frank explained, watching as Gerard undid the zip on his left boot and pull it off, "A 'hard limit' is a flat out 'no-no', something you don't wanna do."

Gerard took off his right shoe as Frank finished his answer, setting both aside, "Good boy. Now tell me what 'Morphophilia' is."

"That's a sexual attraction to particular body shapes or sizes, right?"

"Right you are, runt." Gerard bent down again and pulled off a sock, "And what about 'pyrophilia'?"

"Fire." Frank nodded, smiling to himself as Gerard removed his other sock and stuffed them both in his boots before straightening up.

"Now, smug-face, tell me five things that are considered edgeplay."

Frank went blank for a second, paling slightly as he wracked his brain, "Uh... Fire, again. Gunplay, too. Rough body play could work as edgeplay, I guess. Breathplay for sure and uh..."

"One more." Gerard crooned as he unfastened his mustard tie slowly, holding on to each end as he waited for Frank to give his last answer.


"Excellent answer, pup." Gerard slid his tie from around his neck and let it fall in a graceful bundle in the same pile as his shoes and socks, "Now true or false. The fetish of 'zelophilia' is sexual arousal from jealousy."

"True." Frank watched as Gerard undid his top button, "Yes..."

"'Timophilia' is the sexual arousal from poetry," Gerard asked with his hands poised over the second button as Frank wracked his brain.

"Uh... True."

Gerard tutted softly, doing up the top button of his shirt, "False, boy. 'Timophilia' is the sexual arousal from wealth."

"Fuck sake." Frank muttered to himself, sinking into his chair, "Should have known."

"Yes, you should have." Gerard raised an eyebrow, "Knismolagnia?"

"Oh! Tickling, right?" Frank grinned at the answer, remembering that one, in particular, watching Gerard undo the top button again.

"What is a violet wand, boy?"

"That's that thing... Um..." Frank's brows knitted together, eyes trained on Gerard's hands as they hovered over the second button, "It's used in electro play. Made of glass, isn't it?"

"Good enough." Gerard uttered as he undid the second button, "Now point at the sawhorse, boy." Frank swallowed, pointing at the nearby corner where the sawhorse in question stood and glared at him with its polished wood and shining leather. Frank looked back to see Gerard unfastening the third button over his chest, white shirt parting to reveal his sternum under his perfect alabaster skin.

"Now, what is a martinet?" Gerard asked as he touched button number four gently, eyeing Frank expectantly as he bit on his bottom lip.

"That's a whip, isn't it? It's got more than one tail and it has a wooden handle, right?"

"Correct," Gerard undid the button and moved to the next one, "There are six clauses in your contract under the punishment section whereby your punishment may not include certain things. Name at least three."

"Oh, uh... Drastic loss of circulation, burning, and withholding necessary materials."

Gerard undid the next button, moving on to the second last one, "Such as?"

"Um..." Frank pursed his lips as he adjusted in the chair, "Food, water, and sunlight for an extended period."

"Good boy, Frank," Gerard undid the sixth button and went to the last, his stomach exposed, soft skin and toned but flat muscle having Frank's mouth water.

"What is the importance of aftercare?" Gerard reached the last button of his shirt as he looked at his submissive expectantly.

"Oh, um, to make sure that we're both okay after the scene we did and that includes mental and physical wellness. Oh, and emotional and psychological care, too."

"Good boy." Gerard undid the last button, his shirt completely undone, "What is a 'subdrop'?"

"Oh, God, um..." Frank frowned again, "Fuck, I know what it is but I don't know how to word it."

"Give it a try." Gerard encouraged as his shirt slipped slowly over his shoulders in a definite tease.

"It's a physical thing," Frank began, "Kinda like the flu or, like, the symptoms of a cold, I think. And sometimes even a depressive stage. And a submissive feels like that after a huge session or a heavy scene. And it can last for a while- Like a week, right?"

"Good." Gerard's shirt fell to his elbows, "How do you prevent that?"

"Aftercare?" Frank shrugged, sighing in relief as Gerard undid one of the cuff buttons with way too much ease and only two fingers.

"Good. Easy question, boy. Age play?"

"Ugh." Frank scoffed, "Daddy kink and adult babies and littles and shit, right?"

"A bit skimmed over but I'll accept it, yes." Gerard undid the second cuff button, "Side question that's unrelated but is the 'daddy' term only for those who are into age play, boy?"

"Probably not, I guess. I doubt it."

"Good. Now does the lifestyle we lead have to a 24/7 thing for everyone?"

"No, sir." Frank shook his head, "It can be purely a sex thing for some and a whole lifestyle for others. Like us."

"Perfect," Gerard whispered as his shirt fell from his arms behind him, hands sliding into his pockets with casual ease as Frank swallowed the heavy amount of saliva in his mouth and tried to calm his racing heart and his babbling brain.

"Now..." Gerard's hands went to his belt, pausing just before he undid it completely, "How many types of gag are there?"

Frank counted in his head, tapping each finger as he mentally went through them, looking over at the cabinet but Gerard was just in front of it, "I'm going to go with... Eleven."

Gerard slowly unfastened his belt, the tinkling of metal hitting a perfect pitch in Frank's ears, "Name three of them and the belt comes out, little spit monster."

"Ball gag, spider gag, and whiffle gag." Frank muttered as Gerard pulled his black belt from its loops, dropping it beside him. His fingers went for the button of his slacks and he looked down at them and back up at his submissive.

"Now, Frank, true or false that it's not only a submissive that can call a safeword."

"True," Frank scoffed, "Dominants can also safeword if they get uncomfortable, it's a couple safeword between them, not just the submissive's safeword or signal."

"Perfect answer." Gerard unzipped his pants and pushed them down, letting the tight grey material pool around his ankles before he stepped out of them and kicked them aside, "Last question, boy."

"I'm ready." Frank muttered, "Bring it."

"What is bastinado?"

"B-Bast..." Frank trailed off, frowning at the familiar word, "Fuck."

"Don't make me have to put my pants back on, boy." Gerard replied teasingly, "You're so close."

"It's- It's um..." Frank frowned, "Shit sake. Can I guess?"

"Go on."

"I'm gonna go with..." Frank sucked in a breath, "Feet whipping, sir?"

Gerard stared at his submissive for a long second with his fingers tucked into his tight black underwear. He merely smiled as he pulled the tight material down over his thighs, shimmying out of them before he kicked them aside in the pile of clothes beside him, "Good boy." Gerard whispered, "Now... Since you've done so well, would you like a reward?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you think you deserve it?" Gerard then asked, hands behind his back in a business-like, formal stance, "After your two training lessons, do you think you deserve a reward?"

"I-I think so..." Frank trailed off, taking in his Master's naked form in front of him, eyes roving slow and taking in every detail, every freckle, and every perfect flaw and discrepancy.

"Last question for you then, boy." Gerard began as he turned his hand palm outward with two fingers pointed down, "What does this mean?"

Frank jumped from the armchair and scurried over, coming to a stop in front of Gerard before he dropped down onto his knees, whimpering at the pain in his kneecaps as he hung his head down.

"That's what I like to see in you, boy. Listening and doing as you're told to."

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