After the fluff of the previous 2 chapters, the pool and the manicuring, its time for some... Spice. So welcome to the EXTENDED ADDITION of something a little familiar.
"I am severely disappointed in you, Frank," Gerard said simply, his voice low, etched with a stern, deadly warning that had a tingle running down Frank's spine. The same kind of feeling you get when you're walking alone at night. Gerard ran his skilled, pale fingers through his windswept, slightly greasy, orange locks.
Frank couldn't reply however, he was more preoccupied with staring up at his Master, the submission piling over his senses like molasses. He tugged the rope around his wrists, the tight, thick cordage that bound each of his limbs to each of the mahogany bedposts, exposing and sprawling him out like a fur rug on which to be trampled. Frank let out a small whimper around the ball gag in his mouth, tugging again as he craned his neck to look at Gerard, who had his arms crossed over his chest, still dressed for work.
Gerard had sent Frank home early, getting more and more enraged with the young boy; but it was all on purpose. Frank had decided that morning that he had had enough of Gerard being so boring. Considering that 'boring' was Frank's usual spanking and degrading, and Gerard just wasn't getting the hint that his submissive wanted more. Nor would Frank say he wanted more lest he receive a literal violent and unpleasant kicking in the ass.
So, that was when Frank had begun to mess up; spilling Gerard's coffee on the floor, misspelling his notes, and wandering around like a lost fart. However, the cherry on the bondage-frosted cake was when Frank had pretended to be listening to music, well aware that the phone was ringing off the hook. He heard Gerard all but blow a fuse and storm out of his office, looking exactly like Frank had pictured. He was livid. And the dominant, death-like glare was doing something and everything to Frank's insides. Gerard ripped the earbuds from Frank's ears and grabbed the twenty-two-year-old by the ear, hoisting him up onto his feet. He told Frank that he was excused for the rest of the day and when Gerard got home, he was expecting Frank to be on the floor by their bed and he wanted visible marks on Frank's knees that he had been sitting there the entire time.
But of course, Frank went home and took a nap instead, falling asleep with a smirk on his face. He did, however, get into position a couple of minutes before Gerard got home, anticipation thrumming under his veins as he stripped down to nothing and waited, perched excitedly on his knees, eyes trained on the door like a puppy awaiting his owner. Frank did not have marks on his knees and Gerard looked even more pissed off. This was how Frank ended up in his current position, staring up at Gerard, who hadn't even gotten out of his clothing, only having shed his blazer. He was still dressed in his Prussian blue slacks, his crisp white shirt still tucked in, sleeves rolled up and his black tie loosened.
"So disappointed. What's gotten into you?" Gerard asked as he unfolded his arms, the riding crop coming into Frank's view again, immediately making the younger boy's asshole clench. Frank let out a muffled sound in reply and Gerard frowned, snapping the crop down, hitting Frank's big toe and making him jerk, "I didn't give you permission to answer me, did I, boy?"
Frank shook his head, feeling the sweat beading under his damp fringe from the constant panting and straining. His core muscles ached as he continued craning his neck to look up at his God, his worshipped Master, the man he based his life upon, keeping him high on the shiniest golden pedestal. Frank flopped back, giving up for a moment, letting his body rest as he tried to calm his insides. His heart threatened to potato-gun out of his ribcage like a flea on acid, his stomach continued to do jumping jacks between his colon and his diaphragm, and his brain that had whited out of reality minutes before when Gerard had grabbed him by the hair and thrown him into the mattress as though he were throwing a misbehaving dog outside.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you..." Gerard tutted, lowering the riding crop down, trailing it over the sole of Frank's foot, making him squeeze his eyes shut and his leg jerk as the intense tickling ran up his body. Frank bit down on the gag, trying his best not to kick and jerk and scream as the torture continued. Frank glanced down at Gerard between his feet, who was watching him solemnly, his eyebrow raised a fraction as he leaned an arm on the bedpost and slid the leather tip of the crop up and down over Frank's foot. Frank fell back again, his eyes widening before they shut as he clenched his fists, panting, feeling hot tears running down the sides of his face as he held on to whatever sanity he had left.
Eventually, he couldn't take any more of it, any more of Gerard's excruciating torture and he let out a loud shriek, kicking his foot away, knocking the crop from Gerard's hand and sending it flying, skittering across the hardwood floor. Frank froze, his chest rising and falling, coming to terms with how badly he had just fucked up. He stared up at Gerard; slurping slightly at the saliva that was now mingling with the tear tracks that had run over his face in a fluid mess.
"Now why did you go and do that, boy?" Gerard asked quietly and Frank let out nothing but a shaky breath, watching Gerard's eyes darken, "That wasn't clever, was it?"
Gerard walked over, picking up the riding crop and examining it as though it were a priceless jewel before he set it down, "You really are being recalcitrant today, aren't you, boy?" Frank whimpered, knowing that Gerard's diction and grammar got more and more fancy and eloquent as his temper rose. Frank didn't even know what the fuck Gerard had just called him but he knew it wasn't good.
"I'm going to have to do something about you and your lack of savoir-faire," Gerard said simply as he brought the riding crop down on his palm in a hard slap, making Frank jump. The latter frowned and Gerard smirked, "Such an ignorant boy. Your lack of tact and behavior, dog."
Frank sighed softly, flopping back, already asking for some deity he didn't believe in to take the wheel, just let him die already. As much as he was protesting, as much as he didn't want to be punished, he was fucking riveting. He was fucking pumped for it, his anticipation teetering on the edge because he had been waiting for so long to have Gerard looking at him like that again. And, oh God, Frank had any and all scenarios playing out in his head of what Gerard would do to him, but he didn't want to know.
"So, what am I going to do..." Gerard trailed off, undoing his tie and slipping it from his collar before he rolled it up, walking over to place it neatly in the top drawer where the other thousands of ties resided. He turned back, his eyes meeting Frank's fearful gaze, "I could always give you a nice caning, hmm?"
Frank's eyes widened slightly at the thought of Gerard bending him over, making him touch his toes, holding onto his ankles as he aimed solid, full-armed swings at Frank's ass with a thickened cane.
"Oh, that got your attention, did it?" Gerard asked, a dark amusement on his face as he wandered closer, "Or how about I string you up and whip your pale rear-end. Give you a nice twenty-five to make you cry and beg, boy." Frank let out a high-pitched yelp, the mental image made his stomach tighten almost like he was going to vomit. He stared at his Master in fear, shaking his head slightly.
"No? You're telling me no, are you, dog?" Gerard asked, leaning over the side of the bed, his head hovering over Frank, who was officially trembling in fear, "How about a solid fucking belting, huh? Put you in your place when I put you over my knee. Or I make you stand, don't I? Make it impossible for you to sit. You'd like that, wouldn't you, you heedless little poach?"
Frank let out a groan, the venom in Gerard's voice practically dripping over his face like a large predator salivating over its weakened prey, about to kill and devour, "Or I'm gonna fuck you. Fuck you raw, unstretched, over and over, and never ever let you come. How does that sound, hmm? Fuck you for hours, having you sobbing in silence and you can't do a single thing about it like this, can you, boy?"
Frank swallowed hard, staring up at Gerard, his body all but melting into the bed when Gerard narrowed his eyes. His Master was smirking as he got up and walked to stand at the end of the bed, devilish hazel gaze branding every inch of his skin, "Aren't we in a predicament, now?" Gerard asked with a sneer, his eyes glinting despite being ringed by sleepless circles, as he untucked his shirt from his pants and slowly, teasingly slowly, he unbuckled his belt. He unfastened his pants, pausing to stare at Frank. Gerard continued his undress, unbuttoning his shirt slowly before unrolling his sleeves and shrugging the shirt from his shoulders, letting it fall from his pale and unmarked body. Frank sucked a breath in through his nostrils as he took in his Master's skin, wishing to savor the touch of his God, of his Golden Calf to worship and follow.
Gerard smirked, looking down at himself and at Frank, "Oh you wish, don't you?" Frank nodded, letting out a desperate whine but Gerard scoffed lightly, "Should have thought about that before you decided to continue with your transgressions."
Frank cursed himself internally, staring at Gerard as the latter bent down, kicking his shoes off and pulling his socks from his feet before he straightened up and unzipped his pants. He let them fall, standing there in the tightest pair of black boxers that left absolutely nothing to Frank's imagination. The younger male stared at Gerard with a burning hunger in his belly, trying his best to ignore his own aching erection. Frank couldn't help the scanning over his Master; no matter where he looked his gaze would continue to travel back to Gerard's crotch, the black material, and the way it stretched over Gerard's dick. It made his mouth water and a fresh surge of butterflies erupted from his core.
Gerard stepped out of his pants before he crawled onto the end of the bed and inched forward, sitting between Frank's legs. They locked eyes again for a moment before Frank looked away, knowing he would get in even more trouble if he looked his Master in the eye. He stared up at the ceiling as the weight shifted and Frank felt Gerard's body hovering over his, Gerard's face suddenly coming into view.
"Look at me, boy." Gerard commanded and Frank swallowed, looking at his Master, who was staring down at him with a solemn, stoic face, "I'm going to wreck you. For hours." Gerard bit his lip, "Oh, you're not going to be able to do a thing about it... Helpless, useless... Weak." Frank whimpered softly and Gerard leaned back before a slow stream of spit landed on Frank's face, running down his mouth and his cheek, their eyes locked as Gerard actually spat on him.
"Weak little boy." Gerard muttered, "Look at you, hmm? Defenseless and needy like a pup in heat." Frank scrunched his eyes closed, pretending that all of the insults and the disgusting words weren't getting to his insides, that they weren't making his stomach tighten in knots over and over, that it wasn't making his heart race and his dick ache even more than it was.
He wanted to be angry about Gerard spitting on him, he wanted to be offended, but he couldn't. Frank never knew he needed it, he never thought that something as simple and disgusting as the saliva of his Master would get him going as much as it did. He could feel it running down his neck and he shuddered. He looked away from Gerard, who took Frank's jaw in his long fingers, gripping it before his slicked digits slid down to Frank's throat, squeezing it tightly. The momentary cut-off of his circulation had Frank's tongue feel heavy in his mouth, the pressure to the sides of his neck from cold fingers had his heart skip a beat. Gerard let go and Frank gasped slightly, relieved that the tickle in the back of his throat had ceased when his neck had been released. Gerard lifted him up, sliding a pillow underneath Frank's lower back with a proven skill before he raised Frank, even more, pushing against him with a smirk.
"You better pray, boy. You're going to wish you were dead when I'm done with you." Gerard warned as he dipped his head and ran his mouth over Frank's jaw before he moved up, his hands running over Frank's goosebump-riddled thighs. Frank shuddered out a whimper and a moan around the gag between his lips, lifting his hips up but a hard and flattened palm slapped down on his leg. Frank cried out, grunting at the sharp tingles that snapped up under his skin, adding a tug to the knot that was curling through his stomach.
"Now, how am I going to have you...?" Gerard crooned softly, "Just like this or do I want you in a more unforgiving position?"
Frank swallowed at the thought, his mind racing like a roulette wheel, like a wheel-of-fortune spinning through any and all ideas. He stared up at his Master with the most innocent eyes he could muster, whining as a desperate plea being all he could muster. He could feel the head in his flushed cheeks radiating like midday sun on a desert road.
"Oh, I know exactly how I want you now." Gerard whispered as he leaned up and unfastened Frank's wrists from above his head. Frank's arms fell limply from atop his head, the pins and needles fuzz tingling his fingers as the blood ran back into his digits. Frank watched as Gerard uncuffed each of his ankles and set him free before he straightened up and looked him over.
"I'm never usually so indecisive but, oh... The things I could do to you, boy. The ways I could have you, the sounds I could make you utter. All the ways I could leave you. Ways I could... Hurt you." Gerard grabbed Frank's ankle, thumb running over an exposed tendon, the feeling uniquely alien and riveting, "Those pleading eyes. So curious."
Frank watched his Master move around him before he walked to the door and he turned, eyeing Frank, "When I return, boy, I want you on your knees with your arms at your sides and that unmarked ass of yours in the air for me, understand?"
Frank nodded vigorously, still unable to speak with the gag in his mouth, but he made sure his Master knew that he understood exactly what was expected of him. Frank waited for Gerard to leave before he stretched his muscles, whining at the ache from being tied for so long. It must have at least been an hour or more than he was cuffed to the bed. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, wiping the drool away, before he rolled onto his stomach and lifted himself up.
Frank scooted down somewhat, the top of his head against the pillow. He tucked his knees beneath his body and lifted his hips up, his arms on either side of his body. He looked desperately at the door and waited for his Master to return despite the growing niggle of doubt that came from not knowing what was about to happen to him. Although he did know, Gerard has said he was going to fuck him, but he didn't trust him with his word when it came down to promises on punishment.
Gerard returned then, the door opening as he walked in slowly, a black bag in his hand that Frank wanted to vault out the window. Gerard set it down at Frank's side, eyeing him up and down deliberately, "You only listen when you know you're going to get something inside of you, punishment or not. Such a fucking brat."
Frank swallowed as Gerard pulled out lengths of crimson-colored rope and unfurled them, smiling at Frank in a way that he knew he wouldn't enjoy. Frank remained still as Gerard began to wrap the end of one of the ropes at least six times around his ankle before he knotted it, The rope tugged harshly as Gerard slid it through one of the wood slats underneath the bed, securing Frank down before he brought the rope up. The rope was then tied once around Frank's calf in a twist and then coiled directly around his wrist another three times- his arm and leg now bound together, intricately knotted before it was tied to itself as an anchor.
"Just in case you decide to move, dog." Gerard merely affirmed, "Even if I am finished with you soon enough, you won't be moving until I say."
Frank withheld a groan at that as his Master walked out of sight again. Frank felt a rope around his right ankle, encircled in the thick and scratchy twine as it was knotted and pulled taut before it disappeared beneath the bed just like the other side. Frank turned his head, barely managing to accomplish the action, to look up at his Master through the curtain of black hair as Gerard warped the rope around Frank's other calf and encircled Frank's wrist to his leg with a thick knot.
"Show me your signal, runt." Gerard ordered sharply and Frank jerked in fright, holding out his three fingers for his Master. He heard a soft hum of approval before Frank heard him moving again, climbing onto the bed between Frank's open legs.
Frank felt a heat of body warmth behind him as his Master pressed against him and he whined again, Gerard's body leaning over him when a hand wrapped around Frank's dick. He sucked in a breath as Gerard pressed against him, pressing his head even further against the bed.
"You remember when I said I would fuck you for hours, boy?" Gerard purred softly and Frank groaned as the vulgarity dripped from his Master's perfect mouth. Gerard let out a soft but heady and shaky breath against Frank's ear that sent his heart racing, "I still am, little one. You are going to be wrecked and ruined because of me. But you will not be getting the satisfaction of my body this time. You will be humiliated every time you come, being tipped so far from the edge by a toy. And I will never let you forget it."
Frank felt a furious blush on his cheeks at the thought, realizing that Gerard was right, and that he would be more than embarrassed that his Master could get under his skin without even touching him directly, that he could make Frank come with a toy and little else.
Frank felt Gerard's hand go over his dick and he let out a moan, the touch over before it began as Gerard then let go completely, moving away to no doubtedly look Frank over in his predicament with his very intimate areas on display exactly how he wanted. Frank let out a gasp when he felt the unnaturally cold tip of something against him, he slurped at the spit on his lips around the gag, moaning and wanting so badly to jerk away. His toes curled and flexed as he pulled at the ropes, pushing back as every single urge to come drove him passed insanity.
He felt Gerard's hand on his hip, but the touch of warmth wasn't quite right and it made his stomach churn. When his Master had said he would not get the gratification of his touch, Gerard was right. Frank whined when he realized his Master was wearing gloves, too- Completely defracting Frank from his Master's indulgent and perverse touch. The mental image of his Master's perfect hands in the tightest of shiny black latex had Frank keening and pressing back against the toy.
Frank let out a small mewl, pulling back at the sudden twinge of pain in his ass as the toy stretched him suddenly and without any prep for it. Frank had no idea the size of it, no idea what he was in for but he could already guess it was going to hurt. His feet curled, toes flexing before he jerked back again, eyes snapping open as another jolt of pain surprised him in stretch. He managed a loud moaning around the gag as his Master pulled him back and held him, steadying him as the other held the toy in place. Gerard pushed it with force and Frank screamed out then, sharp pangs of agony snapped up into his body. He panted at the intense pain as he was dry stretched around the rubber of the toy.
Gerard pulled it out a fraction before forcibly pushing it back in again about halfway, marveling at how Frank was taking it all despite the light sheen of sweat on his skin and the way his limbs tugged on the ropes. Frank tried to relax his body, his back sinking into an arch into the bed as he pushed his hips higher for his Master. Frank could feel his sanity slipping, he could feel his own control over his body leaking out of his hands and out of his head. He felt himself both physically and mentally falling into his subspace under his Master's control. The punishment was brutal on him, his core so tense that it cramped as he tried to assimilate to the dildo that was so close to being fully inside of him.
And then it was, a short twist of Gerard's hand as he drove the toy down to the base and buried it inside his helpless submissive. He could hear Frank cry out beneath him, feel the boy shaking involuntarily with the pleasure as it stretched him out way too far.
"Look at you. Such a slut when you want to be. Such an obedient little boy for your Master this time. Too bad it had to take you this far to get here. Now, why were you being so bad?" Gerard asked as he tutted his tongue, trailing his gloved index finger over the stretched and taut rim of Frank's asshole.
Frank let out a sharp scream at the soft but firm touch and jerked away, earning a slap to his ass in return when Gerard pulled him back into place. Frank gasped, spit pooling against the tight corners of his lips that he tried to swallow but he ended up coughing, groaning as Gerard twisted the toy inside of him.
Frank was already so close, already on his tipping point after being teased for so long by his Master. Frank stirred his hips when he felt his Master's hand running between his legs and over the underside of his dick, wrapping around his length and pulling it back until it hurt, his dick slick and throbbing between his thighs. He wanted to cry at the ache, at the pull of his erection in an unnatural direction but it felt so good as the dildo inside of him pressed constantly against his prostate.
Frank could feel the stick of the smooth latex around his Master's fingers, it pulled at his skin with every movement, the smarting pinch was tumultuous. It was the sudden internal vibrating that Frank hadn't been expecting, feeling the slick toy inside of him moving both with sharp and intense vibrations and with a slow and deliberate circular motion.
The black toy stuffed inside of Frank had barely made it through two full rotations when he was yelling out, scrambling as his nails dug and scraped against the sides of his calves, feeling Gerard's hand around him as he was stroked through his orgasm. Frank came in heavy spurts that hit his thighs and the sheet below as he rutted his hips back and his body spasmed with the pleasure he had finally gotten.
Frank stayed where he was, drenched in his post-orgasm haze, trying to decipher how the hell this was a punishment. He waited for it all to stop, waited for his Master to move away but it was drawing out when it dawned on him that it wasn't over, that Gerard wasn't about to stop and that the fizzles that ran through his extremities weren't the last of the pleasure his body would receive.
He wanted to move away, wanted to stop it all but he couldn't and he knew that he deserved this and that he had asked for this- maybe not with words but he certainly knew that he had had this coming. The tears that were threatening to spill had finally made due on their promise, running over the bridge of his nose and his cheek and into the sheet below his head as his body was worked back up into it's tight coils of desperate need despite how much it hurt. He gasped, his body trembling and jerking away as his Master continued to jerk him off, his dick being forced back into it's hardened state as the vibrator kept its steady and circling rotation inside of him like a plucking drum.
His feet curled up and in as his back arched even more, his thighs shaking and twitching as his Master kept stroking him quickly through his slick, having him heave and gasp and sob. His body shattered a second time, a huge push over the edge as the toy struck down against his prostate. He came with a proper cry, pushing into Gerard's hand, thrusting his hips down as whatever little fluid was left in him was emptied between his sweating and heated thighs. Frank was so sure that he was about to explode, his body ablaze inside as his heart thumped and his organs twisted. He screamed out softly, shifting to try and get away from Gerard's far-too-skilled fingers.
He knew he wouldn't be able to get hard again, it was more than likely impossible as the blood thrummed inside of him like a burst dam carrying every sinew of overstimulation and sensitivity. He reached out with shaky and firm fingers for his Master, whining brokenly as he pleaded for the end of his punishment. The tears continued to flow unabashedly, soaking his fringe in the warm, salted stream that was mixing with the growing pool of saliva that was already saturating the bed and his inky hair. Frank let out a dry croak of a scream as his body wound up a third time despite his lack of a boner. The last thing he had wanted was to be pulled through a dry orgasm but he could tell that if his Master wasn't about to give up and pull the vibrating toy out, it was inevitable.
The shattering pleasure rocketed through him yet again, hitting him down and wiping out his vision for a third time from inside as he screamed, burying his face into the mattress and rode it out. It was exquisite, the amazing orgasm as good as the first one without the physical manifestation of what would be. His body sputtered as his heart hammered continuously, his heartbeat racing in his ears and in his spine.
The fourth orgasm hit him almost instantly after the third, giving him no time to comprehend and adjust, his entire frame from marrow to pore was exhausted and sweaty, hot and sticky and humiliated. His cheeks were as flushed as his ears and his chest, knuckles white as he gripped the ropes around his calves. He sputtered, eyes wide as he stared at the wall beside him despite not really even looking at it. He felt his Master's hand on his dick, running over it, running over his balls to massage them and add to the ecstasy in his veins that Gerard was causing. Gerard's four fingers continued to affix and adulate Frank's body, the tantalizing feeling of his warm hands in the latex against Frank's balls as his thumb stroked over Frank's tensed asshole.
Frank lurched forward at the sudden touch, shaking his head vigorously as it piled too high, too much- his orgasmic clifftop growing a couple feet to make his fall from the hill even higher, even more piercing, even more powerful and overwhelming. Frank felt himself on the verge of tipping when everything went still, when the toy stopped and his Master moved behind him. Frank let out a soft moan as the toy slid in and out of him, his body still feeling the aftermath of the vibrations in his bones and it felt so surreal and laudable when it moved and stroked inside of him. Frank continued to preen at the feeling as Gerard pressed up against him, the warmth of his body was so perfect and Frank was heaving.
He felt a gloved hand knot into his hair and pull harshly at the strands, pulling his head up to strain on his neck. The excruciating shocks of his scalp seemed to almost curdle his skin and have it threaten to pull away from his muscles. He felt every single inch of the thick toy pumping into him roughly, sliding him against the bed as the ties around his ankles pulled him back.
The strap of the gag in Frank's mouth was snapped open and the gag was pulled from his mouth in a spitty mess. His swollen lips finally touching and it seemed alien after so long. The relentless shove of the dildo never stopped despite the relief of the hand that let go of his hair. Frank finally let out a groan, the first audible sound that wasn't muffled, it filled the room and bounced off of his own ears louder than expected.
"I want to hear you beg. I can make you come seven times more if I want. Do you want me to stop?" Gerard asked, his voice still as steady as if he were merely talking business, but the edge hidden beneath it, the curl of the dominant seduction in every syllable was like venom-laced honey waiting to kill.
"P-Please," Frank begged on cue, his voice cracking multiple times, "Please, sir, please. Please make it stop. I-I need it. Need you, sir. Pleasepleaseplease."
Frank gasped at a particularly hard shove, his body jumping and shaking when the curved edge of it was twisted up to grind against his prostate. A sharp slap landed on his ass, shaking the soft flesh as he yelped in surprise.
"Go on." Gerard pushed the toy in again to the base, "Show me, little boy."
Frank whimpered at his Master's voice and pushed back on the toy that his Master was holding in place, moaning loudly as he rubbed his face against the mattress and pushed himself back to try and force his release.
"C-Can't..." Frank whimpered brokenly, shaking his head as his body trembled with exhaustion, "Sir- I-I can't. I can't. Please... H-Help."
"Why should I help you?" Gerard asked then, spanking Frank's ass a second time to enunciate his point, "Why should I bother helping you when all of this is your punishment? All your fault, you defiant and undisciplined little terror."
"I-I'll do anything. Please." Frank gasped as he pushed back again to prove his point, "It hurts. Please."
"Anything?" Gerard asked as he leaned over Frank, letting go of the dildo, his hips pressed against Frank, pushing the toy even further into the boy, the action had him cry out and push back. The body-warmth of his Master was indescribable, feeling Gerard's hips grinding against him.
"P-Please." Frank sobbed out, "I'll behave, sir."
"Damn right." Gerard spat, "I will not tolerate your black sheep behavior anymore, runt. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir." Frank nodded vehemently, opening his eyes as he looked back at his Master out of his periphery, seeing his stern face, the shock of bright orange tousle and dark hazel eyes. Frank let out a moan at the sight of his Master's face hovering above his with somewhat flushed cheeks. Gerard lifted himself up, another string of spit landing on Frank's face that ran over his lips.
Gerard disappeared from Frank's view when the toy moved out a fraction and the vibrations started up again inside of Frank. He let out a cry as his body was instantly wracked with it's orgasm that had been teetering for so long inside of him. Frank moaned out with relief, sobbing as he trembled with his fifth orgasm, as dry as the previous one despite the gap between them.
Frank felt the fizzles waft out through him like wild stallions running over the thick planes of his lax muscles. It didn't end then, it didn't relent and his eyes opened in surprise. He felt Gerard move and saw his Master got off from the bed, peeling off his gloves before he set them down and walked over to his shuddering submissive.
Gerard grabbed Frank by the front of the hair and lifted his head up until they locked eyes, "Don't ever think of me as weak, don't ever think you could take advantage of me to get your way. I will deal with you how I see fit, I will do what I want with you. Am I making myself clear, my little fucktoy?"
"C-Clear, sir." Frank felt more tears welling up in his eyes as Gerard looked him over.
"You will remain this way until I say so." Gerard let go before he landed a slap to Frank's flushed cheek. He scoffed, eyeing Frank with discerning disappointment before he turned and walked out of the room.
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