20: Surrounded by Wood That's Bigger Than Me

Frank sat at his desk beside Derek in silence, working on a spreed-sheet as he listened to The Strokes with one earbud in, eyes scanning lazily over the numbers and data that he'd gone over multiple times.

"Frank?" Frank jumped and turned to look at Gerard in the doorway with a strained smile, dressed in his crisp blue suit and, despite it looking just as good on him, it wasn't the same without the usual orange hair that contrasted so well. He gave his assistant a small and courteous smile, "Can you join me for a moment?"

"Oh, sure." Frank smiled as he paused his music, put his phone in his pocket and got out of his chair, walking out into the hallway where Gerard was standing.

"So, I doubt you've heard but Hayley's contract with us has ended considering she was temporary and we've found a suitable replacement to take over our lovely front desk right here outside my office."

Frank looked at the large white desk and the colourful abstract painting behind it with a raised eyebrow, "...Yeah?"

"You, my boy." Gerard's smile widened somewhat but Frank could see he looked paler than usual, "I'm offering you a promotion."

"Wh-" Frank's eyes widened as his head whipped up again and he looked at Gerard, "Me? You mean- Me?"

"You've been doing splendidly as my assistant, Frank. And I feel like you need a bit more of a challenge." Gerard explained, "So, as well as being my assistant, you could take over Hayley's duties as the receptionist or secretary, whatever title you prefer."

"Wow..." Frank muttered softly, "I wasn't expecting that."

"There's a pay increase too, considering you'll be working for two, so to speak." Gerard smiled, "It's up to you if you want to take it, though."

"I- So- So, I'd be here at this desk?" Frank frowned, "My- My own desk..."

"Yes, boy." Gerard smiled, watching as Frank cautiously walked around his boss and around the high desk, sitting himself in the black leather chair. He wheeled himself closer to the computer and then looked up at Gerard with a sheepish smile and the older man merely offered, "You look good."

"I'm in my natural environment," Frank began, watching Gerard's brows furrow, "Surrounded by wood that's bigger than me and feeling nervous about it."

"Abhorrent." Gerard narrowed his eyes despite the smirk on his lips, "So, what do you think?"

"I'm in." Frank smiled brightly as Gerard's face flashed with relief, "Should I move all my stuff over?"

"You do that. Get settled and break the news to your office-mate. He's taken a shine to you after your bonding on Tuesday. I'm just glad he was too inebriated to remember much of our interaction."

Frank grimaced at the mention of the evening as he slid out of his seat, nodding, "You're not alone there."

"Go on. I have my Skype interview with Miss la Roche soon so I will be preoccupied until about two this afternoon." He muttered as he looked at his watch with a deep frown.

"Yes, sir." Frank smiled, watching Gerard turn and walk into his office, closing the door behind him when Frank exhaled and slowly walked into the office where Derek was staring at him.

"So? What happened? Are you in the doghouse for somethin'?" Derek pried casually, frowning in concern over his colleague. Frank let out a groan as Derek's care over him only made him feel worse.

"Well, no. I- um- Well, I..." Frank scowled as he began packing his stuff up from his desk into his bag.

"You've been fired?" Derek asked in outrage, taking Frank's packing in the opposite direction, "I swear to God-"

"No, no, dude, relax." Frank smiled as he continued packing files, "I've been promoted."

"P..." Derek trailed off in surprise and scratched at his beard, "You?"

"It seems so." Frank tried to resist the urge to grimace, "I'm just as surprised as you are, man."

"I doubt that..." Derek frowned, "You haven't even been here that long. What did he promote you to?"

"Just the receptionist." Frank tried to downplay his success, "I do half of the stuff already so it's no biggie. It's just that I'm moving and answering the phone, really."

"I guess." Derek frowned as Frank straightened up and looked at him, "I'm- Well, besides my palpable surprise, I'm glad you're doing well here."

"So am I." Frank muttered, his agreement tinted with genuine honesty, "I'll only be outside that door, though. I'm not abandoning you."

Derek smiled, running a finger over his moustache before his hand ran through the brown curls of his fringe that Frank had clipped back with his usual Hello Kitty clips, "Yeah, you better not."

"Promise." Frank chuckled as he scooped his bag up in his arms and walked back to his desk, smiling brightly as he unpacked his stuff slowly.

He sat down at his desk and pulled his bag onto his lap, pulling out everything from files to nicnacs that he had used to decorate his old desk. He set the photo frame down beside his computer and looked at the photo of his grandfather with a smile before putting the figurine of General Grievous beside it. He neatened everything around him before logging into his account on the computer.

Frank sat there for hours as he went through his work, the new surroundings and Gerard's pride in him seemed to have sparked the fire under him that he needed to get things done. He smiled, listening vaguely to the sounds of the office, the soft chattering of everyone in the far office but no Gerard. Frank knew he was in an interview but he was genuinely surprised that he couldn't even hear a raised pitch to his boss' voice.

A few more minutes passed of Frank typing away when Gerard's door opened, signalling that his interview was done. Frank got up- getting out of his chair with all intents and purposes to go and see Gerard when he heard someone calling him. He cursed internally, knowing the sound too well, and he turned on his heels.


His eyes landed on Josh in the doorway of the large office where his own small desk resided. He looked at the submissive for a moment with Josh dressed in his tight black pants and a pink shirt that matched his hair- it was definitely new, and Frank surmised it was a gift from his new Master.


"Sarah needs your help with the spreadsheets for last week." Josh smiled and Frank offered one back as he got up and crossed the hallway, trying not to scowl at the back of Josh's head after he and Josh had called it peace between them. He pushed his annoyance back down, walking into the large office filled with cubicles and predominant faces that he knew somewhat better than he had on Monday.

"Hey, tiny dancer." Pete chuckled and Frank scowled at his new nickname that he had somehow accrued from his one and only time going out with his coworkers.

"Shut it, Wentz." Frank muttered as he walked over to Sarah, ignoring her usual blue-eyed scowl at him before she launched into her hissy about the pages in her hands and all Frank wanted to do was flick the porkpie hat from her head and punch a hole through it; rather the hat than her face.

Frank leaned over her, his eyes on the spreadsheets when he heard a loud buzz and the front door opening, realising the front door and front office was unmanned. He jumped up when he also realised Gerard would have his hide for it. He frowned and straightened up, shuffling to the door of the large office to see a delivery guy in his blue overalls and cap.

They locked eyes for a minute and he crossed the hallway, standing in the door as Frank stepped away a fraction.

"I'm looking for a Mister... Iero?" The delivery guy stated as he lifted his cap a bit, frowning at the last name as he scratched his head with the end of his pen.

"Why?" Frank frowned and the guy pulled out a large bouquet of roses that Frank hadn't noticed beforehand, he eyed the dark red, bright yellow and white roses.

"This is for him." The guy replied as Frank's cheeks went pink, listening to the whistles and guffaws of his coworkers behind him, some of them standing up to see.

"Yeah, that's me." Frank sighed, stepping closer, "I'm Frank Iero."

"These are for you." He muttered and held out his clipboard and a pen. Frank scowled, signing on the page before he took the large arrangement of roses and looked at them, hearing everyone chuckle. He turned, seeing Pete grinning back and wiggling his eyebrows, "Shut up!"

"Who's it from?" Josh asked curiously and Frank shrugged, looking for a card of sorts. He pulled the small piece of card from within the bouquet and read through it, frowning, "It doesn't say who."

"What does it say?" Patrick came to stand beside Frank, quickly, rearranging his glasses, reading over Frank's arm, "'Here's your big gesture, I love you'."

"Hey!" Frank turned, his cheeks flushing even more, hearing everyone 'ooh' after Patrick had read out what was on the small note. He scowled, his ears warming up as he buried his head into the floral bouquet and walked out, leaving his childish coworkers behind. He sighed as he walked out and set the flowers on the top of his desk gently, laying them down carefully. He turned and wandered over to Gerard's door before he knocked lightly despite it being open.


Frank smiled, opening the door as he stepped in, "Hi, sir."

"What can I assist you with, my boy?" Gerard looked up from his laptop with a small smile that didn't quite reach his flat eyes.

"Did- Did you send me flowers?" Frank asked as he closed the door a fraction more and stepped further into the office.

"I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about." Gerard replied simply, looking back at his work as he typed.

"You... You didn't send me roses?" Frank frowned and Gerard let out an exasperated sigh and looked up from his work again.

"Frank, I didn't, okay? I'm growing tired of your incessant questioning." Gerard snapped loudly and Frank blanched, looking down as a frown set in his brows, "What flowers?"

"They're... On my desk." Frank gestured over his shoulder with his thumb, and a shrug. Gerard let out another pointed sigh as he got up, wiping his forehead as he scowled. Frank gestured to his desk where he noted some of his coworkers were standing and staring at his bouquet trying to figure out who they were from. Gerard walked out of his office slowly and stood near the desk, still frowning profusely as he took a shaky breath in.

"Sir?" Frank took a tentative step closer, "Are you alright?"

"I'm... Fine." Gerard muttered, closing his eyes, "Just..."

Frank watched it happen in slow-motion, the entire moment hanging on way too long as he looked at his Master, watching as Gerard stumbled somewhat and fell. Frank reached out as his boss keeled over, eyes rolling back into his head, as Frank grunted under the dead weight.

Gerard didn't move despite Frank shaking him somewhat, panic rolling over him in a wave as he set Gerard down on the floor, crouching beside him as he tapped Gerard's cheek, "Sir?"

"Get Lindsey!" Derek called as Frank noted just how clammy and cold Gerard's skin was under his touch. Frank looked up as someone- Pete- ran off for Lindsey as Derek stood by Frank, who was standing back in shock, eyes wide and unable to move.

Lindsey came out, eyes wide and barefoot despite the rest of her appearance still so business-formal. She suddenly ran over, looking at Frank insistently.

"Go and get his bag, Frank. You should know this." Lindsey frowned and her words were sharper than Frank had imagined. He knew it was more like 'you're his sub' than 'you're his assistant' but Frank had no idea what bag. Lindsey looked at Cara, who was already up before she ran onto Gerard's office and began rummaging through his desk before she returned with a small black pouch.

Frank watched as Lindsey unzipped the small black bag and pulled out a bright orange plastic case. She opened it and uncapped a thick pen that reminded Frank of the epi-pen that his mother used to carry for her peanut allergy.

Frank watched Bob with his fingers on Gerard's wrist, keeping his pulse, "It's so fast but it's still full."

Lindsey stabbed the needle right into the side of Gerard's thigh before pushing down on the plunger. She removed the needle and set it down, brushing Gerard's hair from his face softly as he turned and looked at Rob, "Can you get the water from my office in my drawer, he'll need something to drink when he's more lucid."

"On it." Rob breathed as he hurried off and she turned her wrathful gaze back to Frank.

"Did he eat today?"

"Wh- I- Um..." Frank frowned, "He had breakfast this morning but he had an interview during lunch so no- I- I don't think so..."

"Why the fuck did you let him skip meals like this, Frank?" Lindsey snapped when Derek cleared his throat.

"Frank, bud? Did you know about his condition?" Derek asked and Lindsey looked between them.

"He's Gerard's full-time assistant, surely he should-"

"What condition?" Frank interrupted Lindsey's fuming as he looked at Gerard with a worry so deep-seated that it began to shake his knees.

"He's diabetic, kid." Derek replied simply, "Has to give himself injections every morning and evening and twenty minutes before every meal, and always keeps himself super healthy. You've never noticed?"

"He's disappeared before meals but... I never..." Frank pushed back the tears, "H-He didn't tell me."

"His body doesn't produce much, if any at all, insulin so he has to prick his finger and check throughout the day on his sugar levels. And manually give himself insulin and keep his glucose and all that balanced enough." Lindsey sighed, sitting on her knees beside her husband, "He probably forgot. Silly old fool."

"I-I'm so sorry..." Frank muttered as Lindsey instructed everyone to go back to work and give Gerard some space. The only people remaining were the two of them and Derek who was still beside Frank- a pillar he was now using for physical support as he stared down at his somewhat-unconscious Master.

"Come here and prop his head up. I've given him a shot of pure glucose to bring him back but he needs to go to the hospital." Lindsey looked at Frank who nodded, dropping down onto the floor before he carefully lifted Gerard's head up and lay it down in his lap, his stomach churning uncomfortably.

"Wait until he comes to, and then you and Derek put him in the car." Lindsey instructed as she got up and dusted off the knees of her tight black work slacks, "And he needs to drink that water."

"Yes, ma'am." Derek muttered as Lindsey picked up the black pouch on the floor and packed everything away before she went to return everything to its place.

"Fuck..." Frank muttered under his breath as he watched her walking back to her office.

"Her husband just had a hypoglycemic fainting spell and she's going back to work?" Derek watched her door to her office close somewhat before he looked at Frank with the same frown.

"I think she's trying to run the ship while he's down. Save face and be strong, y'know? She knows we've got him and he'll be okay. I don't think Gerard would want her to fuss over his mistake anyway." Frank sighed, looking down at Gerard with a scowl as the older man let out a soft groan, "Oh, thank God."

"He's alive." Derek seemed just as relieved as Gerard stirred, groaning as a weak hand ran over his face.


"I'm right here, sir." Frank withheld the urge to both cry and hug his boss as he offered him a weak smile, "And Derek."

"Ah." Gerard croaked out when Derek came closer and helped Frank get their boss into a semblance of an upright sitting position. They slowly helped him stand before the three of them ambled back into Gerard's office, the two grunting under Gerard's relayed weight. Frank lowered his Master into the leather armchair, watching his head roll back on his shoulders. Derek appeared then with the water in his hand and a metal straw in the other.

"I got it." Frank offered as he took the bottle, "Don't stress."

"You sure?" Derek eyed Gerard warily, "He can be so stubborn."

"Mister Zanetti, I'm quite alright." Gerard muttered without opening his eyes, "I'm in no position to argue at this moment, as it were."

"Fine. Yeah." Derek looked his boss over one more time before he crossed the office and walked into his own, closing the door. Frank stepped closer, holding the beverage out as Gerard took a long sip.

"I seriously can't believe you-"

"I suspect Lindsey isn't impressed." Gerard cut Frank off as he swallowed a small sip.

"Well, no." Frank scowled heatedly at his boss, "She isn't. And neither am I."

"I would think not." Gerard replied, a frown knitting in his brows, "I must say, I- it isn't like me to forget. I suppose it was merely one of those days where one has too much on their plate."

"'Too much on their plate'?!" Frank sputtered in genuine disbelief, "Y-You fainted! You could have died! And I didn't know what the fuck was happening-"

"Ah, you got my flowers." Gerard's smile was meek as he looked up at Frank and took another larger sip, "I remember now."

"So they were from you?" Frank's own brows knitted together, "You said-"

"A symptom of low blood sugar would be erratic confusion and irritability, Frank." Gerard explained as he slid down in the chair and lay his head over the backrest, "I was in no frame of mind to discuss flowers I had ordered the day before."

"Okay, just so I know for the future... What other symptoms are there?" Frank asked as he forced his boss to take another small swig.

"Well, I'd feel shaky and weak, for starters." Gerard explained, "Skin is pale, cold and clammy to the touch. Irrational behaviour, rapid but full and pounding pulse as well. And then loss of consciousness."

"And you felt all of that and didn't think to say anything?" Frank asked, somewhat bewildered at Gerard's nonchalance to his own health.

"Irrational behaviour. I thought I was fine and I was just stressed." Gerard shrugged, "It didn't occur to me that I hadn't eaten."

"Is this why you vanish when I make dinner? Why you wait to eat sometimes?" Frank asked as he tried to piece everything together, "It really wasn't because of my food?"

"Insulin before every meal, half an hour usually, twenty minutes at a push. Or any big meal anyway. And then a different kind right when I wake up and before I go to bed."

"Why didn't you tell me you had this condition, though? And not just from the standpoint of your personal assistant," Frank's voice dropped, "But as someone who loves you."

"Slipped my mind, boy." Gerard frowned, "I thought I had shared it ages ago and every time I disappeared, I thought that perhaps you'd forgotten why seeing as you don't have it yourself. I didn't keep it from you, it's just such a routine part of my life that I just went about doing it."

"Well, I didn't know." Frank looked down, "And when it happened, I-I didn't know what to do. I panicked and- and I felt useless. Even Lindsey seemed so shocked that I had no idea. She was appalled at me and the way I acted."

"Oh, Lindsey is just as hard-headed and tenacious as ever. You should know that, God forbid. She's looking out for me despite the fact that sometimes I don't deserve it."

"You should really go to the hospital. Lindsey said so." Frank offered as he stood slightly straighter, the water in his hand being the only thing grounding him in that moment.

"Oh, no," Gerard straightened up, "Most unnecessary. I'll be as right as rain in no time. It's not like I'm exhausted from a seizure, my boy. Once the Glucagon raises my blood sugar, I'll be back to normal."

"How can you be so sure?" Frank narrowed his eyes suspiciously as Gerard offered him a weak smile.

"Because I've lived with this all my life, my boy. I know what I'm doing." Gerard chuckled, "And don't look so forlorn. I'm fine."

"I just wish I could help."

"If you want to help me then perhaps now would be a marvelous time for me to eat once I've regained the strength in my hands." Gerard cleared his throat, "Have you eaten, boy?"

"Yes, sir." Frank nodded as Gerard shakily took the bottle of water from him and took a sip, flexing his free hand as it trembled, "I had a sandwich earlier."

"Good boy." Gerard nodded, "Why don't you stay with me instead? I'll send someone else on a food run."

"Josh looked eager to help you." Frank admitted as he turned his nose up, "You're not even conscious and he's kissing your ass."

"Well, alright." Gerard sighed, "If he's up for it then he's welcome to go."

"What can we get for you, sir?" Frank asked as he grabbed a post-it note and a pen, grinning for theatrics as Gerard eyed his enthusiasm to get rid of the other submissive.

"Anything with bacon and mayonnaise from the sandwich shop on third." Gerard waved a hand, "And another fruit juice of sorts. Buyer's choice. See if they have anything with banana in it. Banana is great to raise your sugar, by the way."

Frank scribbled everything down on the bright yellow paper before tearing it off and walking out, he walked across the hallway to see Josh standing in the doorway nervously.

"How is he?" He asked, his big brown eyes filled with heavy concern. He was chewing incessantly on his lip and fiddling nervously with a plain steel ring around his thumb. Frank glanced at Josh's biceps for just a second and the way they were hugged by his white button-up. He looked away with an indignant sniff.

"Awake. Alive." Frank smiled as he watched everyone in the office sigh a collective breath of relief. Frank looked at Josh, "You up for a run, homie?"

"What does he need?"

Frank tore the sticky note from the pad and walked over to slap it onto Josh's forehead with a sweet smile. Josh huffed and looked up at the yellow paper stuck to his skin, his eyes squinted, and he reached up to peel it off with a small frown. He looked through it before nodding, walking over to his desk to collect his things when Frank spoke up, "Oh, hey. Mind getting me something?"

Josh looked up as he grabbed his keys, smiling as he walked back over, his huge grin still unwavering, "You'd trust me with your food, Iero?"

Frank narrowed his eyes as he walked with Josh through the hallway, "About as much as I trust Goldilocks with the perfect porridge, Dun."

Josh merely chuckled as they got to the front door, "Then what?"

"Just... A candy bar maybe?" Frank shrugged, "Something with caramel and peanuts. Surprise me."

Josh thought for a second, "Snickers?"

"Fuck's sake, dude, I said 'surprise me'." Frank groaned unhappily and scowled at Josh's bright smile, "Something wrapped so you can't spit on it."

"You think I'd spit on your food?" Josh frowned as he opened the door and put on his sunglasses, looking at Frank over his shoulder.

Frank shrugged nonchalantly, "I dunno. I'd spit on yours, though."


Gerard was laying on a hospital bed and scowling at his wife as Frank made himself as invisible as possible in the corner of the room. He scanned around the ER ward in the hopes that he could avoid either of the Way's wrath. Gerard was unimpressed and annoyed for being dragged to the hospital when he had told Lindsey over and over that he was fine. However, Lindsey was annoyed at him for refusing to let Frank take him in the first place. And Frank was stuck in the middle of them both just trying to keep the peace whilst also making sure his Master wasn't about to faint again or be strangled by his wife.

Lindsey had also confiscated Gerard's phone and given it to Frank with the instruction that he's not allowed to look at it because nothing and no one could be more important. The tiny device kept vibrating in Frank's breast-pocket but he ignored it and looked down at his fingers.

"Honestly, Lin, I'm fine. Can we please just go?" Gerard whispered, "You know I have everything I need at home. This is a waste of time."

Lindsey looked around with a frown and then looked at Frank, "Do you hear that? It's like a pesky little humming noise. An irritating whine? Can you hear it or is it only in my ear?"

Frank tried his best not to smile when he saw the thundercloud resting over Gerard's head as he folded his arms, "I didn't even get to eat my lunch. All I had was that banana in the car."

"You can eat when you get to the office. I'm sure Josh is waiting for you. He's a patient boy. You know that. For now, you're here with us. And you focus solely on the fact that you're here with us." Lindsey stated simply as she sat down in a chair and checked her phone. Frank stood nearby with his hands clasped in front of him, watching the nurses walk to and from patients in beds.

Frank walked over to Gerard and looked at him, sitting in the chair when Gerard gave him a nod. He leaned in slightly, "Sir? Why do you have to come to the hospital exactly?"

"The shot Lindsey gave me was pure glucose considering my sugar was incredibly low. So now I'm here and they're monitoring my blood sugar levels to take it down to a normal level. They also check for any damages." He whispered back softly.

Frank's eyes widened, "D-Damage?"

"Hypoglycemia can sometimes cause brain damage and other things. But don't look so worried; if we're currently having this conversation then I doubt I have any damage. It wasn't so bad."

Lindsey snorted derisively from the other side of the bed and Gerard scowled. Frank bit his lip nervously, "B-But... Fuck, dude."

The nurse returned to Gerard's bedside and Frank immediately sat up to get out of her way. She immediately began watching Gerard's vitals and pricked his finger to check on his blood sugar. She asked him a few questions about how he was feeling and wrote them all down in a manila folder. She looked up at him and flashed him a tired but friendly smile, "Your sugar levels are lowering steadily, Mr. Way. You should be okay to go home soon. You should be okay to eat something if you want. Nothing with sugar. Perhaps some crackers or a cheese sandwich."

Lindsey stood up and looked at him with a smile, "I'll get it, dear. I need to check in on Derek anyway."

Gerard nodded silently and watched her walk out of the ward, her heels clicking on the speckled linoleum floor. He glanced at Frank and let out a groan, "Stop eyeballing me as though I'm about to drop dead, my boy. I'm fine."

He merely nodded and looked down at his hands, "Yes, sir. Just let them do whatever they need to do to fix it, please. Don't be so stubborn. You can't be a God all the time."

"We'll be back to work and home in no time." Gerard closed his eyes and put one ankle over the other and Frank just stared at the inked letters on his fingers. He couldn't help the sinking feeling that was settling in his stomach.



"Can... Can I say something?" Frank whispered and looked up to see a pair of dulled hazel eyes looking back at him as an indication that he was allowed to continue, "I think, and please don't be mad at me, but I think you've been working too hard lately. I know there's a lot of pressure coming up with the reelection and all but... You work the moment you wake up, you work at the office, you work at home. You work on the weekends. You don't just... Sit. You're overworking yourself and barely giving yourself time to relax. And I'm so worried about you. And now this... I just... I just want you to be a human being for once. No work, no sex. Just sit around and do nothing. Even for an hour. Have a nap or something. Or just melt in front of the TV and watch a movie. You just need to relax. F-For me. Please...?"

Frank glanced down at his hands nervously as his mouth filled with saliva and his eyes threatened to spill with tears. He saw, out of the corner of his eye, that Gerard's hand twitched. He knew that if they were alone, Gerard would have taken hold of his hand to comfort him. He sighed softly, "It's not always that easy for me. Relaxing isn't the same for you as it is for me. Growing up, we never got the time to just relax. My father was a military man and relaxing was seen as laziness. We always had to do something; read a book or do a puzzle or take up a new hobby. Which is what I do and it's how I decompress."

"When last have you read a book or done a puzzle or took up a new hobby?" Frank asked softly as his leg began to bounce nervously.

Gerard pursed his lips, "A fair while, I suppose. You may have a point. I thought you wanted me to spend my free time with you, and I have."

"Of course, I do." Frank whispered and smiled, "But that doesn't necessarily mean we have to have sex. You know that. We could do anything. We could build a puzzle or start a hobby together or read books. Something that isn't you pouring over papers for work. It's so concerning when it's all you ever do."

Gerard looked up at the cold fluorescent light shining above his bed, "Alright. You have a very valid point. I have been working a lot. I've been busy. Exceedingly so ever since you came back."


"Now isn't the time for this conversation, my boy." Gerard whispered, "But we can just try and relax more. I'll take your words into advisement, I promise."

"And one more thing, sir?"


"Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again, you old jackass." Frank whispered in a hiss as he leaned in. Gerard let out a breathy chuckle and closed his eyes, a small smile on his lips for the first time in hours.

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