Sirius Black: the sister Black
Author's Note:
Hey, just to clarify, I think I wrote Amelia a bit too resistant to the dark. In my mind, I imagine her as a sort of second-generation Wormtail. I'll try to write her more in this light from now on. I might also go back and change the part where she's turned; let me know if you want me to change that bit, especially the part when Lucius is torturing her baby. I don't know, tell me what you think!
September 25th, 2015
Sirius was sitting in the lounge with a cup of tea on the afternoon of the 25th when he heard a knock at the door. Curious but wary, he stood and approached the door, calling out, "Hello?" With no response, Sirius, never being one for caution, opened the door. Standing there in front of him was a beautiful woman. She had grey eyes, long black hair down to her bottom, was rather pale, and had a few freckles.
Then, like a wall of ice crashing into his head, visions flashed through his mind, and he yelped, falling unconscious.
"REGULUS," a voice shouted. Five-year-old Regulus cowered behind six-year-old Sirius and Aurora. Footsteps stomped up the stairs, making Regulus whimper. He heard Aurora turn around, whispering reassuring words to their brother.
The door to Sirius and Aurora's bedroom swung open. Both Aurora and Sirius's eyes shot sharply to the door, where a woman with long dark hair and eyes like a storm glared at them. "Mother," Sirius addressed, disdain flashing in his eyes. "Sirius, Aurora, move away from your brother this instant," the woman told them.
"No, y-you'll hurt him," he heard Aurora speak up. Her mother turned on his sister sharply. "No? You do not speak to your mother that way, girl," she pointed her wand, stained the color of blood, at the six-year-old girl. Tears glistened in Sirius's eyes. How could their own mother do something like this? Walburga smirked with cold eyes. "Crucio!" Walburga shouted. She grinned coldly; Aurora screamed.
The vision changed.
Eight-year-old Aurora and Sirius were doing their homework in the common room when Sirius, never one for homework, decided he was bored and turned to grin at his twin. "Hey, Rori, let's prank father," he whispered to her. She looked hesitant, then grinned. "Sure, Siri."
They crept around to the kitchen where their father, Orion Black, sat reading a newspaper. Sirius strained his magic, sweat glistening on his forehead, and managed to levitate a bucket of water over his head. The bucket dipped, and a gallon of water came tumbling down onto their father's face.
Orion whipped around. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK, AURORA WALBURGA BLACK, HOW DARE YOU!" He thundered, and they ran. They ran as fast as they could until they suddenly froze in place, their arms and legs snapping together. Sirius felt himself get picked up off the ground, his heart filled with dread.
"I would have thought you had learned your lesson, apparently not," a cold voice said, turning him round to face his now sopping wet father. Aurora got forcefully turned round. Orion looked at his wife, who had appeared when he shouted, and they nodded. Then, with identical smirks, they both cast the cruciatus curse on their children, letting blood-curdling screams fill the afternoon.
The vision changed.
Sirius woke up on his and his sister's eleventh birthday. "Happy birthday, Rori," Sirius told her. "Happy birthday, Siri," he heard her reply. He blinked, trying to wake up a bit more. He heard her stir awkwardly. "Siri, d-do you think I'm a squib?" she asked him. He stiffened, fire flashing in his eyes. "Not on my watch you won't be," he said sharply.
The vision changed.
It was five to midnight. "I love you, Siri," Aurora told her twin, tears glistening in her eyes. Her parents glared at the siblings.
Four to midnight. "I love you, Reggie," she told their brother. They both said it back.
Three to midnight, Aurora broke down in his arms; he whispered calming things to her.
Two to midnight, her parents got up and started pacing. She cried to her brothers about how much she loved them; Sirius's eyes watered.
One to midnight, Aurora started saying her goodbyes.
Midnight, their parents walked over to the group of siblings. Her mother pointed her blood-colored wand at her daughter.
"No!" Screamed Sirius.
His mother turned on Sirius now, a smirk etched on her face; she pointed her wand at him.
Sirius woke up, looking for the woman. She was sitting beside him, eyes closed, tears staining her face. "R-Rori?" She opened her eyes. "Sirius!" She hugged him tight, sobbing quietly.
Sirius and Aurora were sitting at the coffee table in Sirius's living room. They had bonded almost instantly, and after all the basic questions (where have you been? Why didn't you come sooner?), they had started catching up like any normal brother and sister.
"So any lucky girls with my brother?" His twin asked, a twinkle in her eye. Sirius choked on his tea and had a three-minute coughing fit before he could continue.
"Aurora, I'm siriusly gay."
"Oh!" She composed herself before continuing. "So any lucky men with my brother?" She asked with a grin. Sirius laughed his barking laugh before replying, "Yes, actually... His name is Remus Lupin." Just then, with almost perfect timing, the front door swung open. "I'm ho-ome!" Came a voice from the entryway. Sirius grinned.
"Speak of the Devil," he said to his twin sister. "Hey Rem, there's uh... There's someone I want you to meet," he shouted to his husband. Remus came into the living room with a bag full of groceries. Setting the bag on the table, he sat on the sofa next to his partner.
"Remy," Sirius started feeling weirdly nervous, "this is Aurora, my...twin," he said. Remus shot a surprised look at the sister black before composing himself and addressing Aurora. "Nice to meet you, I'm Remus Lupin-Black," he extended his hand for her to shake. She smiled before replying, "Aurora Black," she shook his hand, grinning.
Sirius grinned an identical grin as his twin, causing Remus to form a face of horror. "Oh god... Oh god... There's two of them now!" He exclaimed in mock-horror, shaking his head. Sirius grinned again, kissing his partner, "oh shut up Moons," he laughed.
Then something hit Sirius, like literally hit him in the back of the head. Sirius turned round to see Seraphina grinning mischievously at him from the stairwell. "Hey hun," he gestured for her to come over. "Aurora, this is my daughter, Seraphina Lupin-Black," he told his twin, who gasped, gaping at him in shock. "Sera, this is Aurora Black, my sister, and your aunt." Sera gaped at him similarly to her aunt, looking from Sirius to Aurora and back to Sirius. Aurora spoke first. "Siri, y-you have a daughter??" She asked, still shocked from the fact that this nine-year-old girl was her niece. Sirius stuttered. "I... Well... N-not biologically. We adopted her." Sera looked at the floor, and Sirius felt bad for blurting it out like that, but he had to tell his sister somehow.
Aurora, seeing the young girl in distress, jumped to her feet and picked Sera off the ground and into her arms. Sera brightened considerably, leaping into her aunt's arms. They cuddled close, and Aurora brought the young Black over to the sofa, letting her niece cuddle up to her.
"Aunt Aurora, why haven't I seen you before?" Sera asked. It had only been a month or so since Remus and Sirius had officially adopted her, but they were rather a popular house in the order, the hangout house; people were always coming in and out.
Aurora looked mildly uncomfortable before replying, "well, I-I'm not a witch like you. I'm a squib. You know what one of those is?" She asked. Sera nodded, and Aurora continued, "well, your grandma and grandpa weren't the... nicest of people, and when they found out I didn't have magic, they-they Obliviated me. Your uncle Reg and your dad, they took me to a horrible place called Wool's Orphanage," she shivered at the thought, "and I only found out about magic and about my brother when he was... He was... Actually, I don't know where he was," she turned an inquiring look at Sirius. Now it was his turn to look uncomfortable; he hadn't told Sera about this yet, and he still shuddered with Dementor cold when he thought about that awful place.
"I-I was in Azkaban, for a crime I didn't commit. You see, Peter Pettigrew h-he betrayed Lily and James Potter. James and I, we were like brothers, but Peter, he..." Sirius trailed off, choking slightly, staring but not seeing.
Remus continued for his husband, "Peter sold the Potters out to Voldemort during the 1st Wizarding World. There was a prophecy, you see, a spy heard it but only half, the spy brought this information to Voldemort, and Voldemort decided the prophecy was about Harry, Harry Potter, Lily, and James' son. Dumbledore told them to go into hiding, and he put the Fidelius spell on their home. The spell makes it so that no one but the 'secret keeper' and whoever the secret keeper tells knows this secret. Dumbledore suggested using himself, but they said they wanted to use Sirius."
Sirius picked up the story again, "I told them that I was too obvious, that Voldemort would assume I was the secret keeper as soon as he heard about the Fidelius being cast. I told them to use Peter; I said no one would suspect him, but-but little did I know he had already been faithful to Voldemort for a year. A week after the spell was cast, he-he sold them to Voldemort. No one really knows what happened that night, except that somehow Harry survived. He survived with nothing but a lightning bolt scar. Voldemort vanished that night, without a trace. I-I got there first. I... they," he got choked up again.
Remus continued, "He found Harry crying in his crib. Then Hagrid arrived; he begged Hagrid to let him keep Harry, but Hagrid refused, saying that it was Dumbledore's orders to take him. After a while, Sirius finally gave in and even let Hagrid take his motorbike. Sirius went and tracked down Peter; he was furious. He shouted at Peter, how Sirius would have rather died than sell out the Potters. Peter led him out onto the street where there were plenty of witnesses. He blew up the street, cut off his finger, and turned into a rat, escaping down the gutters, framing Sirius. You see, Peter was an Animagus; all of us were. Sirius, Padfoot, is a dog; James, Prongs, was a stag; Peter, Wormtail, was a rat, and I, Moony, am not an Animagus. I-I'm a werewolf."
Remus finished the story, and everyone was left with a heavy heart. Aurora had tears glistening in her eyes. She jumped up off the sofa and into her brother's arms, hugging him, telling him how sorry she was, how awful it was that that happened. Remus and Sera decided to leave them be, letting them have their moment in peace.
Aurora looked at Sirius with pity. He hated it; he hated when people looked at him with pity. Okay, sure, some of his life had been pretty shit: his parents, going to Azkaban, having to live off rats once he had escaped. But he had a lot of people who cared about him and a lot of people he cared about. Sirius sighed.
"Oh Sirius, it's so awful you had to deal with that," Aurora whispered into his ear, hugging him tight. Then something broke in him, and he sobbed into her shoulder, blubbering about Azkaban and James and their parents. She just held him, letting him cry.
After Sirius had composed himself, a thought struck him. "Wait... Aurora, what about you?" She looked confused. "What about me, what?" She asked him. "Do you have a significant other?" He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah, I do." His eyes flashed, wondering why he felt so protective of her all of a sudden. He tried to keep calm. "W-what's his name?" He asked through slightly gritted teeth. "Jack, Jack Thorne," Aurora replied. Suddenly, Sirius had an urge to punch this Thorne guy in the face. Why did he feel this? Sirius finally managed to calm himself.
"How long have you been together?" He asked his mildly confused twin. She thought for a second before replying, "About forty-seven years." He gaped at her.
"F-forty-seven years?!"
"Yeah... so?"
"I-it's just a long time."
She looked at him weirdly before looking around the room.
"Where did everyone go?"
Hope you liked it!!
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