Sirius Black: the battle of the Grimshades

Photo by Kristina Vergi on Pinterest

Dedicated to Rosi Withers
I love you!

Authors note


hey, so just a disclaimer I'm still new to writing and I'm trying out what styles work best for me! In the last chapter I used quite a lot of AI but it was writing so much for me that I got really bad writers block, I'm also really sorry for the late update!! Please just expect a decline in fluidness throughout these first few chapters as I experiment with different ways to write. please stick with me through this, also if you would comment it would mean the world to me, thank you!!!


Sirius, being Head of Magical Law at the Ministry, had his work cut out for him. With the Muggles now aware of magic, dark wizard supporters and sympathisers were gaining power, and fast.

He couldn't catch a break with all the crimes happening. Thankfully, the news hadn't reached many other places apart from England and Scotland. A few others might have heard, but nothing major-rumours at best.


7th of September 2015


'Ding ding ding,' Sirius's alarm woke him up at half-past five on a Monday morning. He was disappointed that the weekend was over, having spent the entirety of Saturday and Sunday with Remus. They had both been working very hard. Remus, as the Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, was somewhat less overworked, but still quite busy. With most Muggle barriers throughout the country no longer intact, magical creatures were everywhere, and they were spreading fast-Hippogriffs in London, Merpeople in the Thames, and unicorns in Devon.

As he woke up, he realised Remus had already gotten up. Getting up, he sleepily made his way to the bathroom. Hearing that the shower was already on, he assumed Remus must already be in there. Deciding to join his scarred partner in the shower, he opened the door slowly, not wanting to disturb him. He looked through the crack in the door for a while, admiring his Remy-scars running down his back, jagged cuts and lines on his face and hands from hard moons away from his friends, claw marks on his chest, and a scar cutting through his left eyebrow.

"Hello, beautiful," he whispered happily, making Remus jump slightly. "Morning, Siri," Remus replied. Sirius moved toward the shower, getting undressed on his way, leaving his clothes on the floor. He joined Remus in the shower, kissing him passionately, with the water running down their backs.

After their shower, they got dressed and went downstairs. "Pancakes?" Sirius suggested. "Sure!" Remus nodded. Sirius was just getting the flour out to start baking when an Otter Patronus came swimming through the air. His heart sank. Patronuses were only used for emergencies now; anything non-urgent could be put in a letter. "Hermione," he heard Remus whisper as the Patronus started to speak in her voice. "Sirius, Remus, we need you at Bond Street, London, now! It's the Grimshade Order, they're attacking, they're targeting the Muggles. Come quick!" Lucius Malfoy had recently declared his group the Grimshade Order. Sirius and Remus ran out of the house, Disapparating as soon as the Patronus light faded.

Once Remus and Sirius arrived, they were thrown right into battle. One Grimshade shot a curse at Sirius, missing by inches. "STUPEFY!" Sirius shouted back, wand raised at the masked wizard. Sirius and Remus fought the Grimshades, standing back to back, hoping none of their friends were injured or, Sirius could barely stomach the thought, dead.

Once done with his Grimshade, he moved on to rescuing the Muggles, giving Remus a brief reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. He ran into battle, hearing a scream in the distance. Running toward the sound, he saw a tall, slender Grimshade torturing a family of Muggles. There were three Grimshades holding three family members in the air, forcing them to watch as a girl who appeared to be the youngest in the family was tortured on the floor. Her shrieks echoed through the street as she lay twitching on the dusty road. "CRUCIO!" the Grimshade shouted again, watching in delight as the girl screamed.

Sirius froze, remembering all too well the days his mother would Crucio him, making Regulus watch, as a reminder of what would happen if he misbehaved. He was jolted out of his thoughts when he saw a green jet of light sail just past the Muggle girl's ear, taunting her with death. THAT WAS IT! He would not stand by as a family was killed in front of his eyes, not after Lily and James.

He stepped forward, placing himself right behind the Grimshade still torturing that poor girl. None of the others had noticed him yet; the family's eyes forcibly watched the girl scream, the Grimshades too busy laughing in delight as their victims cried. Sirius pointed his wand at the Grimshade in front of him, but just as he was about to attack one of the Grimshades holding the family in the air noticed him."Avada Kedavra!" he shouted at Sirius, letting his victim fall briefly then catching him again when he finished his curse. Sirius maneged to dodge the curse but it hit the Grimshade torturing the poor girl instead, The cloaked figure dropped to the ground, unmoving, dead and just as soul-less as before.

The wizard's victim stopped screaming. She had passed out from pain; one woman in the air screamed thinking her daughter was dead. The battle recommenced. Sirius shot cushioning spells at the floor as the family dropped from the air, their captors now distracted. He saw Harry, Ron, and Ginny running to fight the three dark wizards. Thinking quickly, Sirius rushed to the Muggle family, casting a protection spell around them as he gestured to the mother to pick up her youngest as he Disapparated out of the battle.

When they arrived at Remus and Sirius's house, he turned toward the mum. "She's not dead, just passed out," he said, opening the door to his house. She sighed in relief. "Stay here; I'll come back when it's over." He Disapparated, hoping he could keep his promise to the family, coming back to the battle.

He saw Remus having a duel with a bulky Grimshade, almost certainly smirking under his mask. Sirius moved to join the fight, firing curse after curse at the wizard. "Hey Remy, having fun?" he shouted jokingly to Remus over the flashing lights of spells and the screams and shrieks of torture. "Yeah, you Siri?" he replied. "Time of my life!" Sirius joked as he shot a Stupefy at the bulky wizard, sending him to the ground in a pile, mixed with the rubble and dirt, just where he belonged.

They moved onto the next Grimshades, Remus with a tall, thin one, Sirius with a squat, deranged-sounding one. As Sirius shot spell after spell, curse after curse, and hex after hex, just as he finished the final blow, leaving the deranged witch on the ground, suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back. "SIRIUS! NO!" he heard Remus shout, a curse hitting the werewolf's back, the world went black, the sounds of torture dimming as both man and wolf fell into two identical piles on the floor...

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