twenty: it's definitely you

"turn the footsteps of your heart back to me. I really want you, I put my life on the line. take me into the scattered light.


even if I die, it's only you. without you, I have no blood or tears. I become a dangerous shadow."

Jungkook walks out of class, his side knocking into Elianna's.

He holds the door open for her and he catches her smile. She's been smiling a lot lately which means he's been smiling a lot too.

Jimin trails behind, the third wheel is what he calls himself. He pushes his small body in between the two of them before starting to talk about a girl he had seen.

"She's beautiful." Jimin breathes out and he's astonished. He folds his arms across his chest as they walk out of the building.

Elianna glances at him, sorting out his blue beanie. "What's the issue then? What's stopping you?" She asks,  rejecting the gum Jungkook waves at them.

"Is she hot?" Jungkook asks. He says it on purpose just to see Elianna's reaction. He's satisfied when her eyes immediately dig into his and she shoots a glare.

"I just said she's beautiful didn't I? Back off anyway. You have Elianna." Jimin scoffs.

Jungkook rolls his eyes before wrapping his arm around his friends shoulder. "Go for it. Stop being shy for once."

"Says you!" Jimin screams.

Elianna smirks.

Jungkook immediately shuts up.

Jimin leans further into Jungkook and holds his hand that's on his shoulder. The boys eye Elianna who lifts her middle finger up. "I don't know why you're holding hands for. I ain't jealous. At all."

"Come on!" Jimin raises his voice when she starts to walk away from them, humour evident in his speech. "Doesn't the idea of a threesome interest you?"

"It does." Elianna turns her head and she winks. "I've done it all Jimin, my apologies son of god." She puts her hands together jokingly.

"Hey." Shira appears beside Jungkook- out of nowhere which scares him terribly.  

"Shit." He mutters, moving away from Jimin's embrace and pressing his hand to his chest.

Then there was 4.

Shira remains unbothered. "Why are you scared for? You've seen scarier things like Elianna's face in the morning?"

Elianna's mouth drops open as she gapes at her best friend. "That's true though." She laughs.

Someone nudges Jimin to the side from behind. Of course, it's Taehyung who removes Jimin from Jungkook. "Move along candy stick." Is what he mutters loudly.

Then there were 5.

"It's like everyone wants a piece of me." Jungkook jokes.

"Not me." Shira states, looking up from her phone.

Taehyung is embraced by Jin who had been running towards them. He wraps his arms around him from behind, smiling wide. "Hey!"

"I only want Shira." Jin sings. His booming voice in Taehyung's ear making him move.

"I only want you too Jin." Shira says in a monotone voice.

"Really?" Jin beams, a hopeful look on his handsome face.


Jungkook pats Jin's ... massive shoulder and eyes Jimin and Taehyung who are surprisingly walking beside each other normally. They act like they hate each other but they've gotten so used to each other that Jungkook thinks they love each other a lot.

"It's alright .. there's enough of me to go around." Jungkook can't help the smirk on his face as he flicks the collar of his shirt.

Elianna turns to look at him with clear annoyance mixed with adoration. "I hate it when you act cocky." She rolls her brown eyes and Jungkook smiles.


Taehyung is quick to reply. "Because you look hot when you act cocky and it turns her on."

"Taehyung!" Elianna gasps.

"Which leads to her being sexually frustrated." Jimin shrugs, finishing his sentence with the word simple. He acts like it's common sense knowledge. Him and Taehyung are truly a team.

"Jimin!" Elianna can't believe it. "They really did expose me didn't they?" She whispers to herself and hides her face behind her wavy hair.

Jin nudges Jungkook, his brows raised. "Hold her hand then." He says in an eager tone.

"Bro, what? No." Jungkook uses his index finger to part his hair.

Jungkook looks at Elianna as she looks around the campus, in her own little bubble, chipping into the talking every now and then. He'd love to hold her hand but he doubts she'd like that. Plus, she's not even walking next to him.

Before Jin can force him to, Jimin shouts excitedly. "BRO IT'S HER THAT'S HER." He jumps up and down like a child and everyone looks to where he's pointing.

"WHERE, BRO SHOW ME?" Jungkook looks around quickly.

"EYES OFF." Jimin nudges Taehyung instead of Jungkook.

"Candy fucking floss, I didn't even look at her."

Jimin runs off, trying to get the girls attention.

To my yet to be girlfriend: 

why do u walk so slow

From my yet to be girlfriend:
I'm on my way

To my yet to be girlfriend: 
you know where I live right?

From my yet to be girlfriend:

From my yet to be girlfriend:
of course I do dumbass how did I deliver your letter

To my yet to be girlfriend: 

From my yet to be girlfriend:

From my yet to be girlfriend:
imagine if I delivered that letter to the wrong house omg

From my yet to be girlfriend:

To my yet to be girlfriend: 
run run run

From my yet to be girlfriend:

To my yet to be girlfriend:
that eager to see me?

To my yet to be girlfriend: 
same sis

From sis:
did you just call me sis

To my baby: 
I mean same baby

From my baby:
that's muchhhhhh better

To my baby: 
are you here yet I can't wait to kiss you

Jungkook's door bell rings.

He drops his phone on the couch and rushes to the front door. He takes a quick look in the mirror, sorting out his ruffled hair, rubbing his cheeks, rolling back his shoulders and smelling himself, okay he smells heavenly it's fine.

Jungkook opens the door to reveal Elianna with a smile.

She tilts her head, a happy smile on her face as the two of them take in each other's appearance. Jungkook ends up showing a smile where his teeth show. A simple yet effective outfit is what fits Elianna's figure, a burgundy flannel and skinny denim jeans. Jungkook, on the other hand is dressed in black sweatpants and a button up shirt.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Elianna smirks, snapping Jungkook out of his trance. He blames Elianna for his cockiness.

Jungkook rolls his eyes as she pushes past him and walks into his house. "I can't believe you said that." He closes the door.

Jungkook turns around to look at the girl who never fails to amaze him, the thought of spending time with her, alone, still makes him nervous and excited. She steps forward and brings her lips to his which catches him by surprise.

His back is against the front door and their hands immediately find ways to touch each other. His wrap around her waist tightens, gripping her to pull her body against his.

Elianna's hands push themselves into his dark hair- ebony locks flowing through her fingers as she tugs harder when feeling his tongue against hers. A moan escapes her lips when Jungkook turns them around, pushing her against the door- her back hitting hard.

The deep breathing between them due to the effect they have on each other, turns Jungkook on. He loves knowing Elianna is just as affected and addicted as him.

His body is against hers and she pushes her hips against his on purpose. Jungkook lets out a sharp breath, biting down on his lip as she teases him eagerly.

Her fingers trace down his face, his cheekbones and his jawline. She goes from rough to soft in a matter of seconds. Jungkook isn't complaining because he feels his eyes close in delight when she presses her lips against his neck.

Jungkook leans his palm against the door beside Elianna's head. His heart is beating dangerously fast and his stomach is doing flips. He wonders if she feels the same way.

Jungkook decides to take control by bringing his head into the crook of her neck. His lips touch her skin and he feels goosebumps. At the same time, he bites down on her neck, his arm wraps around her, inside of her shirt to feel her more.

His hand feels the warmth of her bare back as their crotches rub softly against each other. He leaves a mark on her neck, a mark he's proud of and kisses flutter from his lips as he moves to her face.

"I'm fucking crazy about you." He says into her ear, his tone low and raspy as he kisses her. Jungkook feels intoxicated by Elianna, she makes him do things he would've never imagined.

Jungkook slides his hands down her beautiful body- tracing each dip and curve whilst kissing her slowly as she holds onto him tight.

It takes Jungkook a moment to gather himself because he realises he's traced her curves before, without any clothes separating them and he feels like the luckiest fucking man in the world.

His hands stop at the top of her thighs- contemplating about what exactly he should do and lust reappears in Jungkook's life ... or maybe lust never left. Because he lifts her up with his hands on the back of her thighs.

Elianna wraps her legs around his waist and the two of them take a break from attacking each other with passionate kisses. Instead, it catches Jungkook by surprise when she buries her head in his neck- her arms around him and he can feel her content smile.

Her hands play with the back of his hair and he wants to tell her he loves it so much. Jungkook carries Elianna in his arms, to the couch where she lies down with a sigh.

Elianna stretches out her arms and pulls on the collar of Jungkook's button up shirt. She brings him closer and he hovers above her- ready to oblige.

She brings her lips to meet his again and Jungkook eventually presses his body down against hers. They mould into each other and things grow heated very quickly. Jungkook's shirt is half open, her jeans are zipped and they're fumbling.

They're desperate for each other but their need is not fulfilled which is disappointing because the front door opens with a bang.

Jungkook's eyes widen when he realises the person coming into the house can only be his dad and he immediately gets off the girl he thinks he's fallen for. A mumble of curse words leave him as he buttons his shirt a little.

Elianna gets the hint because she rushes to sit up on the velvet couch, zipping up her jeans and sorting out her hair. They're a mess, a flustered horny, startled mess.

The two of them are barely collected when Jungkook's dad walks into the warm living room. He places his briefcase down on the floor before taking in his son and a girl sat on the couch, inches apart, whilst gazing at the TV screen.

Jungkook's dad looks a lot like his son. They share similar features and they both have black hair. Jungkook is taller than his dad.

"Hello." His dad greets, standing in the room with curiosity.

"Hey dad, I didn't know you finished early today." Elianna shifts beside Jungkook and when he takes a glance at her, she's giving his dad a polite, kind smile.

"Me neither. Got all my work done." His dad cheers and Jungkook nods before realising that his button up shirt is unbuttoned. The top of his chest is exposed and he feels way too embarrassed. Shit.

"Urm-" Jungkook mutters and his hands fiddle with his buttons, trying to button every single one.

Jungkook's dad smiles, a genuine one which takes up his whole face. "So who's this?" He asks and looks at a peaceful Elianna.

"Elianna." Jungkook gestures towards her. Elianna Elianna Elianna, her name holds wonders.

"I'm Jungkook's dad." His dad leans forward to shake her hand.

Elianna smiles, her cheekbones becoming evident. She shakes his hand. "I'm his girlfriend." Her voice is full of confidence.

Jungkook freezes in his seat and licks his lips slowly. Is he hearing things correctly? He looks at Elianna and she won't look at him but the sneaky smile on her face says everything, he finds himself smiling too.

"Girlfriend huh?" Jungkook's dad raises a brow, teasing his son. "It's been a while. I would say nice to meet you but this boy didn't even tell me you existed, sorry. But Taehyung told me anyway."

Jungkook looks at his dad, hoping what he said isn't true. His face holds a bothered expression which contrasts with his dads. "Tae? What?"

"Yeah." His dad takes a seat on the arm of the couch. "I saw him at the supermarket last week and he was staring at a pack of pads wondering ... why the hell girls have to pay for them."

"I raised that boy to be a feminist." Elianna grins and she makes Jungkook's dad laugh which causes him to feel warm inside.

"Would you like to stay for dinner Elianna?" Jungkook's dad asks. He stands up with another hopeful look on his face. "I make good pasta, ask your boyfriend."

Boyfriend. Shit ... he's really Elianna's boyfriend.

Jungkook's facial expression matches his dads this time, hopeful. But he prepares himself for disappointment because Elianna is most likely to decline.

"Yes sir, I'd love to."  

Jungkook felt extremely lively because he had a good day. He spent most of it with Elianna. The dinner was a great idea, he's glad his dad had suggested it.

The pasta filled dinner was long but sensational. Jungkook sat beside Elianna, holding her hand under the table whenever he could and his dad sat in front of them, oblivious but delighted at the fact that his son has a lovely girlfriend.

Elianna was attentive and friendly, she said all the right things and seeing her smile so much was rare- Jungkook could tell his dad liked her from the way the two of them made fun out of Jungkook. They talked about university, anything that came up .. including all of their hateful opinions on trump.

So now Jungkook is walking Elianna to the door, not wanting her to leave, he can't help but be greedy for her presence. Jungkook's dad hugs Elianna with a goodbye and a come again! Elianna ties up her long wavy locks and Jungkook realises that she does that when she gets tired of her hair, if she's eating or if it's hot. Plus, it shows how she feels comfortable around him. The two have become used to each other.

Jungkook and Elianna lean against the door frame, opposite each other. The darkened atmosphere of the corridor is intimate and the gold dim of the lamps add to it.

"Thank you for staying for dinner." Jungkook says, his voice full of care as he thanks her.

Elianna smiles and Jungkook's heart does a flip. "Thank you for having me. I really enjoyed it." She admits, her voice genuine.

Jungkook opens the door and the cold breeze makes the hotness of his cheeks feel better. Elianna moves to stand outside and Jungkook really wants to kiss her.

He pushes his hands through his hair and sighs deeply. He looks up at her to see her staring. She smiles and he smiles back, happy.

Elianna leans forward and wraps her arms around his neck to hug him closely. Jungkook wraps his arms around her waist, inhaling every aspect of her. From the way her hair tickles, her luscious smell, her warm touch and her smile.

Jungkook realises that moments like these matter. They may be small but they're absolute and pure. A simple hug means so much.

They hug for the longest time and she moves away which makes Jungkook miss Elianna immediately. "Bye boyfriend!" She shouts and starts to walk away, a teasing smirk on her graceful lips.

"So I'm your boyfriend now?" He shouts back.

"Don't you think it's about time?"


they've come so far :")

how are you guys? I hope you're all having a great day. if you're not then just know comeback happens so soon prepare your wigs

I hope you enjoy happy julinna in the coming chapters

thank you for reading!! please leave a vote and a comment. the comment section is the best

don't forget to check out my other BTS fanfics yay

look after yourself love yourself bye


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