twelve: house of cards
"a house made of cards, and us, inside. even though the end is visible. even if it's going to collapse soon.
slow down the time. please stay for a little more oh. please baby calm down."
Jungkook's house is an uncomplicated house in a street where every house looks the same. Brick walls, four rectangular windows, a garage that's hardly used and a small path leading to the door. However, his door is painted black unlike the other doors on the street that are either blue, green or red.
Jungkook and Elianna get out of his dads car before walking side by side to his front door.
Jungkook unlocks the front door and let's Elianna inside first. He closes the door behind them and the two of them take off their shoes. There's a comfortable silence between them, just how it was during their car ride.
Elianna's converses lay next to his and Jungkook takes off his jacket, hanging it. He guides her to the kitchen where she takes a seat on one of the spinning stools. He feels giddy knowing that the girl he likes is at his house, opening up to him, spending time with him and trusts him, is okay with him.
Elianna watches Jungkook carefully as he fills up a glass of water for her. He takes his time, making sure it's cold.
Jungkook takes a seat beside the girl he admires and they end up talking for an hour.
"I do have a job, retail and I do other stuff to get money for my family." Elianna explains. She covers her hands with the long sleeves of her striped turtleneck.
That confirms why he saw her with Namjoon at the retail store. But other stuff? Does she babysit ... what exactly is other stuff?
Jungkook stares at her.
"I'm not a stripper." She denies Jungkook's thoughts and the two of them start to laugh.
Elianna turns in circles using the moving stool. "Thanks for bringing me here, to your house and giving me a glass of water."
Jungkook smiles, a close lipped one. He likes how she looks more composed than she did an hour ago. "That's what friends are for." He cringes at his own statement.
"We're friends now huh?" Elianna smirks. She leans her head on her covered hands, staring at him with big, brown eyes. She looks adorable and Jungkook can't help but put his little finger through the hoops in her ears, distractedly.
"I'd rather us be something than nothing." Jungkook whispers and isn't sure if Elianna heard him or not. If she did, she showed no reaction.
"So tell me about your mom. You've only mentioned your dad." Elianna says when they start to walk around the living room. She observes the surroundings.
Jungkook gets ready for a sensitive topic. "My mom died when giving birth to me." He breathes out and leans against the wall.
Elianna stops in her tracks and looks at him, hoping he knows how much she feels for him. She's looking at him in a way where she feels upset and almost guilty, it's almost as if she's thinking about how she's never really known Jungkook the way she thought she did. There's more to the man with dingy hair, luminous eyes in front of her and she intends to find out.
"That's ... too much. I- I'm sorry."
It is too much. Jungkook lost his mother and then lost his older siblings. All he has left is his dad and an ache forms in his chest when he realises he should be more thankful for his existence.
"Don't be."
I'm just glad you're here.
"Tell me about her." Elianna smiles.
"Her name was Gaia. She was a model. I wish I could've met her because every time my siblings or my dad would talk about her, I wouldn't know and it feels like a stranger gave birth to me ... it shouldn't feel like that but I wish god didn't take her away from me. Not when I just came into this world anyway."
Jungkook was born into this world with no mother. His mother was taken away through a process that is meant to be the most natural and a beautiful life event. Yet she was taken away from her new born son who she never got to see, never got to see talk or walk. Jungkook wishes sometimes that it was him who got taken away instead of his mother. There was so much more yet for her to achieve and do.
Jungkook's dad had no choice but to move on. He had three kids to raise and he is an amazing single father. He raised Jungkook to be a good man and suddenly, Jungkook wants to hug his dad tightly.
After his siblings passed away, the two of them grew distant and Jungkook allowed it. They both needed their space but didn't realise what they needed was each other. They were going through the same distress and pain.
Elianna reaches Jungkook and wraps both of her arms around his shoulders. She leans her head on him. "No one should ever have to grow up without a mother. I can't imagine how you felt growing up or how you must feel, even now. It's not something you can just-"
Jungkook feels vulnerable, alone and he's tired of life fucking him over. Death is a fear that has been instilled in him due to his experiences with the dreadful concept. He feels vulnerable because Taehyung is the only person who has been aware of his true emotions until today. He feels alone because god took away his mother and his lovely siblings. He feels weary, physically and mentally.
Jungkook notices how Elianna is trying to say more than just an apology. She's trying and it means so much to him.
"I know."
"So, a model hm?"
Jungkook nods and takes her back to the kitchen. He takes out a photo album from one of the wooden drawers and walks over to her stool, to show her a portrait photograph of his mother who he never got the chance to meet.
It's a coloured photo of one of his mums modelling photos. She's sat on a stool, her head tilted back as she looks at the camera. Dark waves pushing past her shoulders, bangs on her forehead and her eyes were aquamarine, the colour of the trees when they grow back in the summer. The cardigan she's wearing is fleece and she hugs it closer. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out, Jungkook believes.
"Fucking hell." Elianna gasps and traces the picture, complimenting her facial features, her skills. "She was gorgeous."
"She looks like the complete opposite of me, look." Jungkook laughs, pointing at his mothers face. "Dad talks about her sometimes, how she was, how they met, why he loved her, loves her."
Jungkook's father has told several memories to his son about his mother, that Jungkook has an image, an idea of what she was like. She smelt like chocolate chipped cookies in the oven. She liked homemade meals like macaroni pasta, and the importance of tradition, so specific meals on the weekend. She liked to wear thin scarfs around her neck and her glasses on her head, pushing her hair back. She liked to dance to whatever the teenagers were listening to even though she couldn't dance. She liked to shout if the kitchen was a mess and would sometimes get so annoyed that she'd have to cool off in the garden. She liked to make Jungkook's father wear a bandana. She liked to donate to charity shops. She liked to overthink about the small things and cause arguments about them. She was aggressive whenever her and her husband fought. She liked to wear wavy dresses and enlarged skirts with heels. She liked to go to the park or anywhere that had animals. There's so much more but Jungkook is certain that his mum was a talented, affectionate, compassionate woman that didn't deserve what she got.
"She looks nothing like me."
Elianna shrugs. "She does."
Jungkook doesn't see it. His dark hair must have been inherited from both of her parents. His beige eyes from his father. His height from his mother. His sharp features mirror his mothers if you look closely. The high cheekbones, jawline.
Jungkook closes the photo album and looks at Elianna. She's watching him, still sat on the stool. He takes one step closer and cups her face in his hands, kissing her.
Elianna's hands place themselves on his shirt, fisting each side. She kisses back just as slowly.
Their lips move in sync like they always do. Jungkook keeps coming back to her. Soft, familiar lips against his and he's in heaven.
Elianna parts her lips against his and he stops, staring at his lips, breathing heavily. "Do friends kiss each other like this?"
Jungkook stares at her for a while before bringing his lips back to hers. He gives her a wistful kiss that says, I don't care.
"My man Chris Evans better have a lot of screen time in this." Shira says, puckering her lips.
She comes up to Taehyung and Jungkook who are stood in the long queue for the Avengers: infinity war movie. It came out weeks ago yet the hype is still present.
"All my main men, the Chris' better have enough screen time." Taehyung imitates her, laughing.
"Don't worry, they all will." Jungkook laughs. This is his second time watching the movie, he went the first time with his dad.
"Elianna's coming. She's finishing her cigarette outside." Shira mentions, the dislike on her face is evident. "I hate her smoking. It's a very wrong habit."
Taehyung eyes the bags of sweets and snacks. The queue is still not moving. "Why is everything so expensive here? They think we're packed with money." He shakes his head and Jungkook plays with the back of his mullet. "And yeah, we should hide her cigarettes." He looks back at Shira.
"Been there, done that. She brought another straight away." Shira looks at her phone, fixing her scarf. "Who else is coming?" She asks.
"Jin hyung... speaking of the devil. He's here." Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest.
Jin arrives and of course, it's like a scene from a movie. He's walking in slow motion, his hair brushed back and a flirty smirk present on his lips. He immediately rushes to embrace Shira in his big arms.
Shira doesn't move and allows him to squeeze her. The expression on her face says more than enough, she's used to Jin.
"Stop acting like you hate him. You love him." Elianna appears out of nowhere with a scoff.
Elianna stands beside Jungkook and nudges him. "Why does she act like she hates him?"
"She's messing around with him." Elianna answers, their conversation quiet between them. "Jin has a thing for Shira. Ever since childhood, he's always wanted her attention. She's playing hard to get."
Jungkook observes his group of friends that have gathered around. Jin is braiding the back of Taehyung's mullet and Shira says, I like your hair please grow it longer. Taehyung nods and says he shall.
Jungkook pushes his hands in both his pockets. "Jimin-sshi."
Taehyung's eyes widen when he hears Jimin's name, closing them immediately after, fingers crossed he's actually not here.
Jimin walks towards the group who are still stood in the queue. His rose coloured hair is covered in a cap and a wan blouse is on his chest. He walks over with an elated smirk, making his way to Taehyung's tall figure. The height difference is amusing.
Taehyung keeps his eyes closed and Jimin stands in front of him, a silly smile on his lips. He's trying so hard not to laugh. "Tae there's a surprise for you." Elianna says.
"Kookie. Tell me he's not here. Tell me candy floss candy fucking stick isn't here right now."
Jungkook stifles a laugh. "He's not."
Taehyung opens his eyes and meets Jimin's immediately who's stood in front of him. Jimin waves in his face and Taehyung snaps.
"Who the fuck invited him?"
Jimin smiles wider and goes up to Jungkook to hug him on purpose. He wraps his arms around him and clings to him like a koala. "Hi Jungkook-sshi."
"Jin sh, buy me food." Shira says as she walks beside Jin.
He does.
Elianna is strangely quiet as she walks beside Jungkook. Their sides knock against each other as they all walk to their seats.
Elianna pushes Taehyung into the seat beside Jimin and immediately sits next to Jungkook.
"Jin, don't take all the popcorn for yourself." She shouts at him and leans back in her seat. Jungkook is happy she sat with him.
Jin looks offended by her statement. "I'm the only one who ever shares and even when I do, someone uses me as their napkin!"
Taehyung giggles but stops when he sees Jimin smiling.
Elianna hits the arm rest between her and Jungkook. "Leave the poor arm rest alone."
Elianna fails at trying to put it up. "I don't want it here."
"I want to sit closer to you."
Jungkook's cheeks flush, thank god it's dark he thinks to himself. He adjusts his garnet beanie and avoids her gaze.
Elianna is aware of what she gets called, what she's known for, peoples judgements about her.
The heartbreaker.
The brown girl.
The slag.
The ball breaker.
The party host.
But Elianna is good at showing she doesn't give a fuck. She raises her head high with pride and reminds herself that she's living for herself, not anyone else.
But deep inside, it stings. She doesn't want to be known as all of these labels. They may be true but they don't define her. She hates it when people assume things without actually knowing her.
Elianna likes the lifestyle she chose. Hosting parties, making friends, being popular, hooking up with boys and throwing them away. Enjoying herself is her priority.
Fortunately, there have been a few people who have given her chance and seen the genuine side to Elianna. Shira, her Muslim best friend who's never left her side, it's like she came out of the womb, destined to be her best friend. Jin, her crazy childhood friend who accepts her bad and good sides, her two sides.
Taehyung, her first everything saw her change, helped her, grew with her and is still here. Jimin, he gave her a chance and she sees him like a brother. All these people want to be in her life and she wants to be in theirs.
They tell her where she's wrong and where she's right. They keep her balanced and wake her up to reality. If Elianna has done one good thing in her life, then it would be the fact that she chose the right people to surround herself with. For example, Shira looks after her on drunk nights and is her shoulder to cry on. Jin takes Elianna out whenever she needs a laugh, he's the kind of person you'd spend time with and never feel the need to check your phone. Taehyung is an exceptional person in Elianna's life, mainly because, despite the fact that they were each other's first, they stayed friends and she hopes he stays.
And someone else has joined her special group of friends. His name is Jungkook and Elianna feels like he can't possibly be real.
She's known Taehyung for so long, how did she not come across Jungkook or was he always there and she didn't notice?
Jungkook is always on her mind but she'll never admit that.
She doesn't like what she feels for him. She doesn't want to feel. So she continues to drink every night, waste away each night with a new stranger,!wishing it was him. But she can't stay away from him. Because when Elianna craves, needs something, greed takes over.
"Elianna." Shira screams at her.
"What?" She hisses and finishes her glass of whiskey.
"If he comes, don't go up to him." Shira says, her voice stern. "Don't ask why because you know why. You keep leading him on."
"No, Anna." Shira breathes out and takes her into a corner so they can hear each other properly. "Control yourself. You don't wanna act on your feelings and give him a chance to be with you right? So don't play with his feelings. He's a good guy. I know it so don't mess him up. You'll just crush him if you keep going to him, making him believe you'll end up being something."
"I didn't ask him to fucking fall in love with me!"
"No one ever asks to fall in love." Shira sighs, looking away, her voice distant. "It just happens."
The argument with Shira lead to the two best friends being enraged at each other. Their views didn't match each other's. Shira wants Elianna to stay away from Jungkook, mainly because he's a poor boy who wants more than a hook up. Elianna is acting selfish, she knows. She doesn't want anything serious but can't stay away from him.
Due to their argument, Elianna has to walk to university since Shira didn't pick her up in her car. Petty bitch, she thinks.
Her best friends right which makes her more displeased. Elianna has never been good with other people's opinions, especially when they differ from hers. Jungkook is a boy she definitely feels something for but he wants a relationship and she wants no commitment.
Elianna should stay away from him. She's going to try.
But the world hates her. God hates her which is why she notices Jungkook and Taehyung walking to university too.
It's too late to go in another direction and Elianna groans. She puts her hood on her head, shoving her hair away, trying to walk fast so they don't notice her.
She's not in the mood. Her eyes sting because of the lack of sleep, her head hurts because of her hangover, her hair is greasy and she's thinking too much about Shira.
Fuck you Tae. Why are you so charming?
Elianna forces a smile on her face as they walk over to her. They greet her and she doesn't look at Jungkook, she avoids his eyes.
"Do you usually walk to uni?"
"Uh no, Shira didn't drop me off. She left me today."
Their brows furrow and Elianna shrugs. She wants to walk away, being around Jungkook makes the situation worse.
"Hey, do you want to go maybe study or hang out before our class?" Jungkook asks and Elianna forces herself to stare at the ground. His dim shining eyes distract her, melt her into a puddle.
"No. I can't study with someone else. I'm going to go to the library. Hang out with Jimin." She says quickly. She hates doing this.
Elianna doesn't want to look at his reaction to her words.
"I'm going that way. Let's go." Taehyung says and he's looking at Elianna in a way that means, we're going to have a talk.
Elianna stays quiet when Taehyung says his goodbye to his best friend and they walk to the library in silence. Taehyung stops and grabs her arm. "Listen."
Elianna looks up at him, his big eyes coming into view. "Yeah."
"What's going on between you and Jungkook?"
"Nothing." She snaps. "I wish people would stop asking that."
"He likes you, do you know that or are you acting oblivious on purpose? You always do this." Taehyung looks irritated. He scoffs.
"Always do what?"
"Typical Elianna, not admitting her emotions."
"Look Taehyung if you're here to tell me to stay the fuck away from him, I've had enough of that shit. He can make his own decisions. I don't know what's going on."
"I'm not going to tell you to stay away from him. I'm sure Shira's done that already." Taehyung walks off and she wants to scream.
Elianna takes out her phone.
To Shira my avenger:
i can't ignore him
To Shira my avenger:
he's got me hooked
To Shira my avenger:
i don't deserve him
we love dramaaaaaaaaa
so elianna's pov, what do we think? do we still hate her or? also taetae, what are our thoughts? share with me !!!! make some predictions
thank you for reading i appreciate every single one of you
i have so many things planned :")
please do leave a vote along with comments :))
don't forget to check out my Taehyung texting fanfic called: Accidental Group Chat and my Min Yoongi fanfic called: Love Maze
especially suiyoongi
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