sixteen: mic drop
"if you're so jealous and it hurts then find a lawsuit and sue it.
come and follow me, follow me with your signs up. I'm so firin', firin', boy, your time's up."
Another party.
But Jungkook doesn't mind now.
He hangs out with Shira and they sit there, complaining about what they would rather be doing whilst observing people, keeping an eye on their friends. Their conversations are usually associated with food, marvel or Jin. But in reality, they came to the party voluntarily.
Jungkook thinks it's bad that he's gotten used to the stench of alcohol up his nose, the unnecessary couples in the corridor, the banging on the bathroom door, the muffled noises, the sweat and rush.
His cinnamon eyes wander around and he looks at the DJ, it's always the same girl and today, she's playing an compelling song.
Jungkook notices someone beside her and he is unable to see who it is clearly. The boy whispers "Suga." Into the microphone and Jungkook thought he looked familiar but, never mind, he shrugs.
The boy listens carefully to the music and bounces his head a little. Then he starts to talk to ... Jin beside him, his eyes still on the disc.
He must be Jin's friend, Jungkook thinks to himself.
Who isn't friends with Jin?
The boy is someone he's never seen at the parties before. White hair that is barely visible underneath his dark hoodie. Bangs that cover his eyes and he's short. Silver rings on his fingers and converse on his feet. He's bouncing up and down to the music, waving his hands. There's something about his appearance that makes him appear as an intense, unique man- a lot like Elianna.
Jungkook is about to walk over to Jin and the boy who's smaller than him but could kill with a single glance, until he's stopped by his best friend who's dabbing crazily.
"This for you." Taehyung mutters and gives Jungkook a glass of water. He's drunk out of his mind. His denim shirt is untucked, his laces not tied, which he would lose his shit over if he was sober.
Taehyung is a funny drunk. He becomes disoriented when alcohol replaces Jungkook as his friend. Taehyung is the kind of person who wants to hang out with everyone, dance all the time, rap to no end kind of person when he's drunk. Then there's Jimin who's a clingy joyous drunk, Jin who's an authentic drunk, Hoseok who's simply his sober self and Elianna being a cute, weird, drooping drunk.
Jungkook nods at Taehyung who's staring at him with his wide brown eyes as he adjusts the beret on his head. He gestures at him to drink the glass of water.
Jungkook says okay, bringing the glass to his lips before his eyes find no sign of Jin and the boy that were together five minutes ago. Jungkook coughs soon after realising that the glass has vodka.
"This for you." Taehyung repeats and gives his saffron sunglasses.
Jungkook takes them, putting them into his pocket. "Thanks."
Taehyung holds a blank face, staring at him and Jungkook raises his brows with a look that says, you fucking drunk idiot.
Taehyung grabs a not drunk Elianna who happened to be a few steps away from them. "This for you." And he shoves her at him.
Elianna knocks into Jungkook's body and he grabs onto her. She grabs onto his biceps and looks up at him, surprised, she laughs. Jungkook stays close to her, happy Taehyung brought her to him.
Taehyung brings his hand to his mouth and giggles. A giggle he couldn't resist. He skips away whilst holding onto his precious beret and he starts dancing, linking arms with people, singing the words to a song he doesn't know.
Jungkook looks away from Taehyung to look at Elianna. He looks down at her as she stays in his arms. Her lips hold a precious smile.
Jungkook's so glad he met her.
Jungkook cups her cheek with one hand- the coarse texture of his hand contrasting with the soft feel of her skin. His other hand wraps around her waist as she maintains eye contact with him, it's always full of determination. Elianna is about to lean forward and bring their lips together but-
Jungkook feels someone poking his shoulder and all of a sudden, an arm wraps around his chest, pulling him away from Elianna.
It's Taehyung, again.
"What have you got for me now?"
Taehyung stands in front of him and looks a little clueless. He puts his hands into the pockets of his white baggy trousers before remembering what he has to say.
"Jiminie. Crying."
"What?" Elianna steps forward.
"Why?" Jungkook furrows his brows. He doesn't give Taehyung a chance to answer as he grabs Elianna's hand in his as they walk away.
The couples fingers interlock together as Elianna follows beside him closely, the worrisome feeling is evident from their wandering eyes and small frowns.
They look around the crowds that seem to be getting bigger and bigger, trying to find the pink haired, brown eyed boy. Elianna (and Jin's) parties are so popular that people decide to come uninvited. Jungkook wants to know if Jimin is actually crying and why, he must be since Taehyung mentioned it.
They find their group of friends shortly after. Jimin is crouched down in the corner, his knees brought to his chest as he hugs himself. His eyes are sad, a bit teary as he looks away into the distance.
Jin is standing a few steps away from Jimin, concerned, unsure of what to do. Hoseok is seated beside Jimin with his arm around his shoulder and he's trying his hardest to get him to talk. Shira has her arms crossed and she's waiting for Jimin to speak. Taehyung stares, slightly worried, curious too. They're all still asking what's wrong.
"Jimin." Elianna raises her voice and steps forward, losing her grip with Jungkook. "What's happened?" Jimin barely looks at her. Elianna hates that he doesn't reply, she hates this side to Jimin. All she wants is his happiness always.
But sadness is inevitable.
Taehyung scratches the back of his neck and closes his eyes for a few seconds. He's still tipsy. "Jiminie don't cry. It'll make me cry, you look better when you smile."
Everyone's head turns to look at the man who apparently hates Jimin. It's amusing and a shock. But it's true, Jimin being sorrowful is something no one wants or likes. His smile has the power to light up anyone's life which is why they'd rather see him in a good, positive state rather than a depressed one which is unlike Jimin at all, it's strange.
Everyone stares at Taehyung and his cheeks flush when he notices.
"Drunk thoughts are sober thoughts." Hoseok shrugs, giving everyone a wise look before hugging Jimin by wrapping both his long arms around him, squeezing him.
"Ah fuck." Elianna groans, taking in Jimin's appearance again. She seems frustrated because she doesn't know why he's crying and she feels ineffective since she's not helping. "Namjoon is good at this kind of stuff ... let me go get him." She says.
Jin's head lifts up, his eyes widening a little. "No!"
Jungkook bites his lip, not wanting to laugh at the dismay on Jin's face from being around Namjoon. Worldwide handsome? More like worldwide scaredy cat.
"Bud, what's up?" Jungkook goes over to Jimin. He sits down in front of him, worried and he places a hand on his shaking leg.
"Talk to us pal." Hoseok plays with his candyfloss coloured hair.
Namjoon arrives and Jimin is still not talking. Elianna pushes him forward and raises her brows.
"Urm. Jimin! Hey, where's that smile gone?"
Tall Namjoon crouches down in front of Jimin, serene, with arms on either side of him, dressed in double denim. Jungkook looks at Jin as he stares at his first love. He looks him up and down, lost, before realising that Jungkook caught him. His eyes widen and he looks away immediately.
Jungkook steps away, allowing Namjoon to talk to Jimin and figure out what's wrong. "Shit. He's starting to have a panic attack."
"What?" Jin says, alarmed, waking up to reality. "Wait. Jimin, talk to us. Do you want to leave the party?" He pushes everyone out of the way before sitting down in front of him.
"Is your heart beating fast?"
Jimin nods.
"Do you feel weak, faint or dizzy?"
Jimin nods.
"Are your fingers tingling or do they feel numb?"
Jimin nods.
"Chest pains?"
Jimin nods.
Jimin curls up in a ball, swiping his hair out of his eyes. His tears dry on his cheeks and his bronze eyes look up at them all. "I just saw my ex here, that's why." His hands form fists on either side of him.
"Who?" Jungkook asks, a bewildered look on his face. Jimin has never mentioned an ex to Jungkook, scratch that, he's never once talked about his love life.
Hoseok groans suddenly, his mouth open as he stands up. He leans against the wall and adopts an irritated look on his face. "His ex cheated on him. He hasn't seen her since he found out."
Jungkook tries to push away the fact that Hoseok knows and he doesn't. But Jungkook holds himself back from cursing at what he just heard. Someone had the nerve to cheat on precious Jimin- sshi? Jungkook feels sullen, protective and it all makes sense to him why his friend is reacting in this way. Jimin just saw the girl he once liked after a very long time, who broke his heart and played with him horribly.
Jimin seems calmer after saying what was wrong. It makes Jungkook glad that he opened up. Jimin stays on the floor and spreads out his legs, taking deep breaths slowly. Namjoon sits beside him and pats his back. Sorry man, he whispers and Jimin forces a smile.
Jungkook moves to stand beside Elianna who's silent. She's glaring at a certain spot on the floor. " Where's this bitch?" She snaps.
Jimin's eyes widen and his breathing becomes fragmented. "Oh shit, fuck, she's coming." He says.
Jimin's ex does come. There's a clear sense of hatred in the atmosphere when she walks on over. Sorrel hair up to her shoulders, blue sharp eyes and a long face with freckles. She's shorter than Jimin. There's always a smirk on her face.
Namjoon stays seated beside Jimin on the floor, not knowing what to expect. Hoseok stays stood on the other side, against the wall with his arms crossed and there's a frown on his lips. Shira sits on a chair with her front against the back of the chair, legs on either side, looking like she's ready to throw shade. Jin stands closer when the ex arrives. Taehyung and Elianna stand on either side of Jungkook, irked.
The sound of her heels stop and she observes everyone. Her eyes linger on Jimin's clear agitated state. Jungkook notices how Elianna is about to snap because she's about to step closer. But he grabs her hand, holding it tightly.
Elianna tries to release his grip but sighs and gives up, letting her hand stay in his, enjoying the feeling of his thumb moving across the back of her hand. Jungkook calms Elianna down. Jungkook's grown so used to being around her that he just knows her. He's used to holding her hand too.
The girl who's name no one knows but knows enough of speaks. "Hi!" Her voice is energetic.
Shira makes the pitch of her voice higher. "Omg hi!" She says, sarcasm flooding through her.
Jungkook stifles a laugh. Him and Shira share a fist bump.
Jin takes a few steps closer to the girl who's not wanted, to the girl who gives off a bad aura. He pulls the sleeves of his salmon jumper over his hands. "Sorry, were you invited to this party?" He asks, leaning closer, looking curious.
The girl looks around, puzzled and upset. She seems intimidated by Jin as he's ten times taller than her and he's good looking. His outfit today is a bonus, blue jeans and an oversized jumper .. exactly. "Is there a guest list?" She asks.
Jin clears his throat. "Yes. Strictly no whores allowed." Jin is a hell of a good actor because he keeps a straight face, his tone dead serious.
The girl is taken aback but Jungkook is sure she saw it coming. The second she walked on over, she was greeted with an uncomfortable silence, glaring eyes and stiff postures. She takes a long look at Jimin who's avoiding eye contact. Jungkook wants to tell her to not even look at him but he doesn't and she walks away, scoffing at Jin.
Taehyung nudges Jungkook, holding a silly drunk smile. "If there's no whores allowed, why is Hobi here?" And he sounds serious.
Elianna leans against Jungkook's side as they stare out the window from their room.
It's a large window which opens and although there isn't an exciting view, the fresh air is nice. The lights are a blur and the music from downstairs becomes suppressed. Elianna leans her head on his shoulder, her hand wrapping around his arm as they sit together in silence.
Jungkook feels comfort, devotion and glee all at once. It's not something he's used to and he never thought he'd get so attached. The way she's holding onto him, talking to him and simply being around him suggests, Elianna feels the same way. He hopes he can make her happy and be the reason for her smile.
But there's a sense of overwhelming feeling that spreads across his chest. Elianna was like a warning when he first met her and although, he's seen many sides to her, he's afraid of getting hurt by her. Because she has the power to break his heart since he's under her spell.
Jungkook breaks the silence, his overwhelming emotions taking control. "Don't break my heart." His voice is a whisper.
His hand moves to her thigh and he runs his fingers across her skin, thoughtlessly as he waits for her to reply. Elianna releases her hand from his arm, to envelope her hand in his, on top of her thigh.
Elianna lifts her head up from his shoulder and is about to speak until her lover speaks. "Promise me? Pinky promise?"
Elianna smiles a close lipped smile when Jungkook says that. She plays with the hair at the back of his head, his dark locks soft. "Nah. I don't like promises. I don't believe in them." She mentions.
Elianna draws a heart on the back of Jungkook's hand. "Promise me no promises."
this moment was ironic and you'll find out why later
choosing ONE vmin gif was the hardest thing on earth
like loOK AT THEM ...
soulmates indeed
if anyone ever hurts jimin I will unleash hell bye
me tired goodnight
thanks for reading, thanks for every single thing guys
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