fifteen: serendipity
"when you called me, I become your flower. as if we were waiting, we bloom until we ache.
since the creation of the universe. everything was destined. just let me love you."
Jungkook was starting to have a lot of good days.
Days that were more than just surviving and getting through the day, just to live for the next day. Days began to hold meaning for Jungkook and he enjoyed waking up, getting out of bed. He reckons it's because of his friends and Elianna.
Like the day Jungkook went to the town library to find Taehyung who works there. He found the tall boy, with round framed glasses on his face. He was sorting out books on a shelf, putting them in alphabetical order.
Jungkook strolled up to Taehyung who hadn't noticed him yet. "Hi. Do you have fifty shades of grey?" He pretended to not know him with his hands in his pockets.
Taehyung looked him up and down, his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Sorry, we aren't allowed to give that book to two year olds."
Jungkook pressed a hand against his chest. "It's not even for me! It's for Jimin-sshi."
Taehyung walked away.
So after Jungkook had collected his best friend that day, they made their way to see Jin perform his latest theatre play. He's doing an acting degree and he was very eager to perform in front of his friends.
Jungkook is extremely glad he got introduced to Jin because he gets on with him so much. They're a duo that never get bored of each other.
Shira and Jimin had saved places for the two, who greeted them like they hadn't seen each other in months. It had been two days.
Before the play started, Shira was on a rant about how adept Jin is at acting and how he deserves the main role in the play. Jimin was listening, genuinely interested. Taehyung was staring into a blank space on the floor and Jungkook was looking around the hall.
The rows of seats were filling up quickly the noise in the hall grew louder and louder. This was the first play of the year. Jungkook had never seen a play before.
Jungkook's wandering eyes took in every person until they landed on Namjoon who looked like he had no idea where he was. The tall man who's hair always seemed to look foolproof, walked in alone, taking slow hesitant steps. He took the empty seat beside Jungkook.
Jungkook was shocked.
But also pleased. Namjoon looked like the kind of person you could talk to and easily be friends with. So Jungkook gathered up some confidence and greeted the man beside him. Before they knew it, they were talking so much that they forgot they had to be quiet for the play to actually start.
Jungkook couldn't wait to see Namjoon's reaction to Jin being on stage.
Jin came onto the stage straight away. Everyone's reaction was so noteworthy, he couldn't wait to tell Elianna about it.
Taehyung stops up, hands clapping loudly as he pretended to cry. Jimin was laughing so hard at Taehyung that he nearly fell on the floor but he somehow managed to scream JIN JIN JIN JIN at the same time. Shira blew kisses from her seats as her and Jungkook cheered.
Then there was Namjoon. He looked at the man on stage with confusion which turned into realisation. When he heard JIN being screamed from his wacky friends, his whole face had turned flushed.
The best moment of the play was when Jin noticed Namjoon halfway through. Since he was sat on the front row, Jin saw him immediately and stumbled. He forgot his next line but winged it fabulously.
The next day, Jungkook took Jimin, Elianna and Jin to see Hoseok at his busy dance studio.
Their time spent together ended up being Hoseok teaching the three teens to dance. He looked done by the end of the evening with his ten cups of coffee finished (Jimin asked for beer which earned him a slap from everyone). Jungkook stood on the side, arms crossed as he laughed so hard he cried.
Eventually, Elianna dragged him to the dance floor. "Dance for us." "He's an amazing dancer." Is what they all said and Jungkook sighed, performed a dance Hoseok had taught him. Their reactions held so much amazement.
So now, Jungkook makes his way to see Taehyung on the weekend. He likes walking to his best friends apartment because he gets to walk through the park.
Today in the park, Jungkook bumped into a miniature boy who was learning how to walk. Jungkook couldn't resist and crouched down to tickle the child's tummy.
Jungkook opens the door and the first person he sees is a girl who holds unreal beauty.
Elianna is sat on the couch, her legs lying lazily in front of her. She looks up from her phone and sits up when she sees Jungkook. A smile spreads across her lips.
Taehyung on the other hand, is sat across from her with his elbows on his knees, not taking a single glance off his addictive phone.
Taehyung taps away as Jungkook closes the door. "Don't ask me why your girl is here because I seriously don't know." He says.
My girl, is what Jungkook focuses on and he looks at Elianna. She meets his eyes and raises her brows with a look that says, is that right? Elianna's hair is tied up today. A long ponytail with a bow. It shows off her facial features more.
Taehyung mutters something and stands up. He puts his phone away and walks across the room to retrieve a mauve towel. "I'm going to have a shower." He announces and locks his bedroom.
Jungkook crosses the space between him and Elianna. He crawls over her as she lies underneath him. He's not sure whether or not to make the first move so he's just on top of her, their legs intertwined.
Elianna rolls her eyes and brings his face down to kiss him.
Jungkook runs his hands up and down her legs and the brush of her lips sends shivers down her spine. He loves how she sighs into his embrace and he brings his body down to press against hers.
The playful nature they were used to had changed between them and now the soft touches, the fiery kisses and everything has a different meaning because Elianna likes him and Jungkook likes her.
Jungkook kisses her again, harder and he's sure Elianna can feel his desperation. Whenever they kiss, he acts like it's the last time. "Taehyung could walk in any minute." Elianna mumbles, still holding his face and kissing him hard.
Elianna let's out a moan accidentally when Jungkook's hands slip into her shirt, tracing her skin. His lips move to her neck and she grips his shirt at the back, eyes closing.
"Who cares?" Jungkook says against her neck. His breathing is fast and heavy as he takes Elianna's ear between his teeth. "He knows damn well what's gonna happen which is why he's in the shower."
Elianna's fumbling hands push into his shadowy hair, tugging as they breathe against each other's lips. They know they can't do anything.
"Okay you talk too much." Elianna says, his fingertips burning as they trace her body. "Less talking, more kissing me." She grins.
"Hey! It's you-"
Jungkook feels satisfied when they kiss and smile.
Jungkook is about to have another valuable day.
That's what he's wishing for anyway.
Jungkook wakes up, rolling his eyes at his alarm, brushes his teeth and has breakfast with his dad. Toast and a cup of coffee.
He waves goodbye and thanks his dad for leaving the car before going back upstairs. After a hot shower and getting changed into a typical jk outfit which consists of ripped jeans and a russet hoodie, he goes back downstairs.
He grabs an apple and pretends that the noise he heard from upstairs is nothing. Then, Jungkook realises he needs to gather all the things he needs for the day.
Elianna should be coming to his house in ten minutes, he woke up and got ready early. Jungkook invited her a few days ago, to visit some of the most important people in his life. She said yes.
They're going to be spending time together, other than at university or at a crowded party or surrounded by their crazy friends. Just the two of them, travelling.
Which is why he's shuffling through cupboards, trying to find the car keys, a pack of tissues because his nose is running, his wallet and his handy earphones.
Jungkook's rushing, slightly nervous because he wants to be ready for when Elianna arrives. He needs things to be exceptional. His nerves are put on hold when his phone makes several noises.
It's probably the stupid group chat, he thinks and grabs his phone.
And he's right.
Group chat called: bulletproof dicks
From taetae:
From jimmy jammy:
okay then??? what was the need to send that???
From jimmy jammy:
From jimmy jammy:
From jimmy jammy:
From taetae:
From hobi:
From hobi:
alright lads don't get jealous
From jin hyung:
From jin hyung:
I forgot to crop jk out shit
From Jungkook:
I love my fan base
Jungkook puts his phone away and a few seconds later, his phone makes another noise, indicating another message. But this time, he checks his phone and his chest hurts.
From my el:
I can't come today
From my el:
Jungkook I'm sorry
From my el:
I'll explain why later
Jungkook tries his best not to feel disappointed. But he does and he wants to hit something. Shira told him, Taehyung told him, that being involved with Elianna comes with problems and that disappointment is inevitable with her.
Yet Jungkook stays seated on the couch with no energy to reply to her messages. He stares into one spot and wonders why she can't come, why she plays with his feelings, why she got him so happy just for him to feel so alone and most importantly, he asks his heart. Why?
He forces himself to stand up and gives himself a pep talk since his best friend isn't here to. Kookie it's fine, you can go to see them on your own, trips by yourself end up being peaceful and maybe you need this, don't overthink, maybe she has her reasons, he sighs.
Jungkook grabs the car keys, throws away his half eaten apple, forgets his tissue and slams the door harder than he intended to.
He walks out into the front of his house and his brows furrow. The world is playing with him, is what he thinks straight away.
Elianna's here.
She's stood on the pavement, in front of his car with her hands in the air. Despite the shitty weather, Elianna stands there like a ray of sunshine, smiling.
There's a heather flannel tied around her waist and a bandana in her hair which Jungkook adores. Jungkook's focus is taken away from Elianna's appearance because he hears the horn of a loud car.
The car starts to drive off and Jungkook's smiling like an idiot when he sees a mop of pink hair poke out the open window. "JUNGKOOK-SSHI." He screams loudly.
Jungkook waves and takes a few steps closer to Elianna who's still waiting for him to say something to her, anything. "I was kidding love!" She raises her voice.
Elianna came.
Jungkook can't stay mad at her because he goes up to her, wraps his arm around her shoulder, loving how she leans into his embrace with her head on his chest.
"I had work with Namjoon yesterday and he said-" Elianna starts and digs into her backpack. She pulls out a packet of chocolate eggs. "Give these to your bunny boy."
Jungkook gasps, hitting the steering wheel accidentally. "He's a true friend. I love snacks. I love food." He takes the packet and cradles it in his arms. "True love."
Elianna rolls her eyes. "I was so confused like ... who's bunny boy?"
Jungkook gasps again, looking at the girl across from him. "You should feel ashamed." His bister eyes are so wide, so full of incitement and Elianna's staring.
"So yeah that's from him." Elianna coughs. "Here. Let's switch. You eat your snacks, I'll drive."
Jungkook takes a glance at her and she's already out of the car. "Are you sure?" He asks. Elianna nods and he climbs over the seat.
Minutes pass in silence and Elianna starts a conversation. "Shira refuses to believe you're anything but innocent." She laughs.
"What?" Jungkook continues eating.
"She sees you as this angelic boy who's never touched a girl, talked to a girl and you're pure." Elianna stops at the traffic light. "So she refuses to believe we've done anything. She thinks you're a little kid. He's like my lil bro, is what she said."
Jungkook grins, laughing a little. Him and Shira have an exclusive friendship and he's proud of himself for maintaining something welcoming with her. They like alone time, don't like parties and like to be incredibly sarcastic.
"And I just tease her on purpose." Elianna grins as she recalls a memory. "Like oh he's so good in bed! The way he moans my name-"
"Stop acting innocent."
"I am." Jungkook huffs, his cheeks puffing out.
"And Shira's like, PLEASE STOP HAVE MERCY! She blames me for her corruption." Elianna shrugs, turning the corner and taking a chocolate egg. "She wants to buy you the bible for your birthday."
"No thank you. Tell her not to waste money."
"I like how she's protective of me- that's sweet." Jungkook admits and Elianna nods. His new, wild group of friends make him want to live an improved life everyday.
"Don't play with Jungkook's heart or else." She imitates Shira.
An hour passes and Elianna makes sure the drive was smooth. She took his hand immediately as they stepped out to see the people they had come to meet.
"Thank you for trusting me." Elianna says quietly. She squeezes his hand and hugs his side.
Jungkook says nothing and three grave stones come into view. He places the flowers they brought at each one carefully.
They spent over an hour at the graveyard. Jungkook had a lot to say to his siblings and mother. He talked about love, university, his dad and other things. Elianna listened, stayed by his side and smiled.
Jungkook tried his hardest to control his emotions, trying not to get too carried away with talking about life and how he wishes the three of them existed in his life- so they could advise him on love, make his dad happy again, teach him things and just hear their voice.
Elianna ended up talking too, she was skittish but comfortable. She introduced herself, hello I'm Elianna it's lovely to meet you, she talked about how lucky she is to have met someone like Jungkook (she left out the part on how they met) which made him blush.
The drive home, consisted of Elianna choosing songs to play as Jungkook drove them back this time. Eventually a silence fills the spaces between the couple. Elianna's eyes land on Jungkook. She takes in every feature and doesn't stop staring even when he catches her.
"What are you thinking about?"
Elianna leans her head on the palm of her hand, a content, unique smile spreading across her lips. "How I met you at a time where I needed you the most." She answers.
here's a few selfies i couldn't choose from smh
I hope you enjoyed this chapter since it included happy julinna
and I hope you're all having a lovely week
thank you for the comments, the votes and endless support with all my books. I'm always going to be thanking you loves because I don't think I say it enough.
don't forget to check out Accidental Group Chat and Love Maze, my other BTS fanfics :)))
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