Ten Weeks Later
After about ten weeks after the tournament, a lot has happened, SMG4 has been hyped over something, but we don't know what..
Another thing, Meggy's now on vacation in an island called Port Aurora. We miss her, but we understand why she wanted to go there.
But today, You, Beta and Simon were hanging out talking about random things on the couch.
Y/N: So..you think it's a good idea to get a tattoo?
Beta: Yeah, I was planning on getting a tattoo, but I can't seem to decide what tattoo I should get.
Simon: Well maybe they have options online.
Beta: Yeah, Possibly.
Beta grabbed his phone out and tried to get a signal.
Beta: Ugh..shit, I can never get a signal this castle..I'm gonna go use SMG4's computer, hopefully he doesn't mind.
Simon: I'm sure he won't.
Y/N: He won't. As long as you don't try to destroy it.
Beta: Yeah, I won't harm it, I'll be back.
Beta got up and went to the computer, as you and Simon sat there watching a strange show...
Y/N: I wonder if Shrek solved the case on who searched for that illegal sale on moldy onions from the dark web.
Simon: I don't know, I have a feeling it was Fiona. She's always around his onions.
Y/N: Wha-
Simon: Dude what's wrong?!
Simon and you rushed over to the room and saw Beta staring in shock at the computer screen.
Simon: What's the matter?!
Y/N: What's going on?!
Simon: Reads?
Y/N: What reads?
You two were confused on what he meant.
Beta: Ah, never mind. I can't find a damn thing on here besides hentai games and Rule 34 suggestions.
Beta logged off the computer and left. SMG4 then walks in.
SMG4: Oh hey guys!
Y/N: Hey Glitchy! Have you seen Melony?
SMG4: Yeah. I think she's asleep upstairs, why?
Y/N: Just curious.
SMG4: Oh, Alright then, well there's your answer.
Beta: Where's Tari?
SMG4: I'm assuming she's out getting a new game.
Beta: I'll go meet up with her, I'm bored and she's fun to hang with.
Simon: Oh?~ Fun?~
Beta: Say some more and I'll cut out your tongue and make you eat it.
Simon: Okay, okay, sorry..just didn't know you liked her that much-
Beta: Shut up...
Simon: Sorry. Sorry, that's the last one..
Beta: Good..see ya.
Simon: Have fun. But not too much fun!
Beta: Simon I swear to god..
He frowns as Simon laughed at him.
Beta: I'll give you something to laugh about..
Simon: Like what?
Beta: Y/N, mind explaining?
Y/N: Of course. As you can see here..Beta is tense, he can be brutal at times, say for example, you look at him wrong, and he brings out this..
You yank out a sharp scythe, making Simon stare in shock.
Y/N: Now he can slash you here..on the neck, spilling the blood..or he could have some more fun down here..on the stomach, spilling your intestines..shall I keep going?
Simon: I've heard enough..see ya!
Simon ran off, creeped out. Beta smiled and patted your head.
Beta: Good. Now he'll finally shut up.
Y/N: That's the truth. Glad he doesn't try and tease me about Melony and I.
Beta: True..true..but if he does, I'll have your back, just like how you had mine.
You smiled.
Y/N: Great! Thanks.
Beta: Yep. Now I must go, see ya.
Y/N: Bye Beta.
Beta waves then leaves, so do you.
You find Melony taking a nap on a bush and approach her carefully. She looked adorable like this.
She got the bush in the castle earlier, because it's a bush.
Y/N: So cute..
You peck her cheek, making her giggle and smile in her sleep. She then grabbed you by the collar and pulled you in the bush with her. Not gonna lie, the bush itself looked uncomfortable, but now that you're actually laying in one, it felt quite good..you felt relaxed. No wonder she sleeps on these all day.
You smile and take a nap with her in the nice leafy bush.
Tari: P-please..let me go...
Tari was being held at gunpoint by those inkling thugs from earlier..
Jackson: Shut up and give us the money bitch!
?: What did you just call her?..
Jackson, Rogue, Adam and Clare turn around and saw the scythe wielding dolphin.
Tari: BETA!
Jackson: So that's your name? Beta? It sounds kinda basic..
Beta: I don't care what you think of my name..if you don't like it, then call me your demise.
Rogue: Boss..can we please shoot him?
Jackson: Sure..fire!
The four fire at him. The ink splattered on Beta, he just stared as it just soaked into his hoodie and leaked on his skin.
Beta: Really?
Jackson: It only affects inklings!
Beta: Well news flash, I'm no inkling.
Clare: What do we do then?!-
Beta pulls out pepper spray and sprayed the four, making them scream in pain and hold their faces. Eventually he stopped.
Adam: IT BURNS!!
Jackson: HOLY FUCK!!
Beta: This is my turf..understand?
Jackson: I-I..
He said pointing the scythe at Jackson's throat, Jackson began to cry.
Jackson: O-okay! *Sniff* It's all yours!
Beta saw he was weakened down, so he got his face up close to his and growled these words out to him.
Beta: Never. Come. Back.
Jackson: D-don't worry..we won't! We won't be a bother to you or your friends!! We swear!
Beta: Good.
Beta then picked him up and throws him into the shrubs.
Beta: Now get going before I change my mind.
Clare, Adam and Rogue help Jackson up and they bolt away. Beta watched as they ran, then he felt some weight on him, it was Tari, hugging him from behind.
Beta: Oh..Uh..
Tari: T-thank you...thank you so much..
Beta: You're welcome Tari..it was nothing..just, looking out for a friend.
Tari: It wasn't nothing Beta..Y-you saved me..
Beta smiled warmly.
Beta: You know..I'm not a hugger..but I enjoy this..
Tari giggled, she broke the hug and legs him face her.
Tari: Come on silly..let's go ahead and find a game..
Beta: Okay, where's the game store again?
Tari: D-Down this way, follow me.
Beta: Okay, lead the way.
The two head towards that direction.
Skully sighed, depressed a bit as he sat on docks, watching the ocean.
Mario: What's-a wrong-a?
Skully: Huh?!
He turns around and saw the bros there.
Skully: Oh..nothing..
Luigi: You seem down..what's the matter?
Skully: Like I said, it's nothing..
Mario: You wanna eat some spaghetti?
Skully: Not hungry.
Luigi: Wanna maybe play a game?..
Skully: I don't feel like playing...but thanks..
Mario: Man! This asshole is no fun!
Skully: Look..can you please give me space..I don't wanna be rude or anything..it's just..I just want some alone time..please?
Luigi: Of course! C'mon Mario!
Skully: Thank you..
Mario leaves, but Luigi stays there.
Luigi: You miss her..don't you?
Skully: Miss who?
Luigi: Don't act like you don't know.
Skully: What?..
Luigi: Skully..I think me and Y/N know..
Skully: Okay! Okay! Just..don't tell anyone..
Luigi: My lips are sealed!
Skully: Thanks Luigi..
Luigi: Anything for my best friend!
Luigi hugged Skully from behind. Making him smile a bit.
Skully: I appreciate your kindness..
Luigi: Hehe.. thanks.
Skully: No problem..now..let's go back..It's getting dark..
Luigi: Okie Dokie!
The two leave and head back to the castle for dinner, Peach's cooking her special lasagna.
Saiko sat down, texting someone on her phone.
Mario: Who are ya texting?
Saiko: No one that concerns you.
Mario: Okie dokie!
Peach: Okay, I hope everyone is hungry.
She noticed not everyone is here.
Peach: Where is everyone else?
Mario: I dunno.
Saiko then mass texts everyone in the group chat to get over here. Eventually you all do.
You and Melony came downstairs.
Mario: Oooh, did you two get funky?
You and Melony blush hard.
Melony: Be quiet..
Y/N: Please..
Mario laughed.
Mario: Mario is only joking!
Y/N: Good..good..
Beta and Tari came back from GameStop and saw everyone at the table.
Tari: Oh..who's cooking tonight?
Saiko: Peach.
Beta: Ugh. It better not be that slop she served last time it was her turn..
Peach: Relax, it isn't my turnip casserole..
Beta: Awesome..anything other than that is good..
The two sat down, waiting for the food.
Melony: I wonder how Meggy is.
Y/N: I hope the island is nice for her.
Skully: Yeah..me too.
Mario: Are you okie?
Skully: I'm fine. Just hungry is all..
Y/N: Uh huh..alright. When you're ready to fess up, we'll be here.
Skully: What do you mean?
You wink at him, he understands what you mean and nods.
Peach: Don't let the lasagna go to waste! My cat will eat it!
Beta: He won't be eating anything after what I did to him.
Tari: What did you do to that little cat?!
Beta: Relax, it's fine..
Tari: No! It's not! You just said that he won't be eating after what you did to it! What did you do?!
Beta: Alright! Alright! I gave him laxatives.
Everyone gets a face of disgust.
Saiko: Why?..
Beta: Because he wouldn't stop meowing.
Skully: That doesn't mean you give it laxatives Beta.
Beta: Well sorry! What would you have done?!
Skully: Uh, maybe give its belly a nice little rub.
Saiko: Cuddle it.
Tari: Hug and kiss it.
Y/N: Play with it.
Beta: Bob does that to himself at night..
Y/N: Ayo- 🤨📸
Bob: GeT mY gOoD sIdE!
Y/N: I can't seem to find any.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(What would you do if you lived in a castle?)
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