SMG4 vs Mario vs Beta: Runaway Remote
Mario was humping his spaghetti as usual, until he got tired from humping it and gave it a break.
Mario: Ah..Mario had fun! But He needs a break! Bye bye!
He redressed himself and goes to the living room, seeing Beta eyeing the remote..
Mario: ..........
SMG4: ..........
Beta: ..........
Mario: You don't touch that mamafucker!
Beta: Too late asshole!
SMG4: I need this to watch memes!
Beta: I need it to watch the blade channel!
Mario: Mario needs it the most for da spaghetti channel!
Beta: Fuck off!
Beta drop kicks SMG4 into a wall and takes the remote.
Beta: Ah..finally!
Mario: Oh hell Naw!
Mario bolts in and chucks the bowl of spaghetti at Beta's face.
Mario: Mario stuck his noodle in that-
Beta: WHAT?! EW!
He goes to the restroom and cleans his face off, abandoning the remote. Mario grabs it and happily watches the Spaghetti channel.
Mario: Yay! Mario finally gets to relax..
He said, throwing his blue hat at Mario's face, smacking him and making him drop the remote, he goes and takes it.
Mario: You done fucked up now!
The red plumber proceeded to tackle down SMG4 and wrestle him for the remote. Eventually Beta came back with a towel, wiping his face clean.
Beta: The hell? Oh! Right!
He carefully fished the remote out of their hands and takes it with the scythe.
Beta: Mine now bitch!
Beta: Make me fatasses!
They charge in, only to be kicked in their guts and thrown out the window.
Beta: Don't fuck with this dolphin!
Y/N: Hey Beta, have you-
Startled, he backhanded you and accidentally knocked you out cold.
Beta: Oh..sorry.
SMG4: Uh...Beta?..
Mario: Uh oh...dis is very scary!
Beta: What? Am I really that scary?
SMG4: Look behind you..
He does so, and to his horror, it was Melony in her deity form, staring down at Beta and the two plumbers.
Beta: Ah..Hey Melony.
Melony: Don't you "Hey Melony" me you little grey meth breathed freak of nature..
Beta: Hey..I may do meth but..wait what was the other thing you called me?
Melony responded with taking out her sword.
Beta: Ah, you wanna play that way?. Well check this-
His scythe was then sliced in half..
Beta: Out? know what, that was a good sword fight and all..but I better get going..
Mario, Beta and SMG4 scream and run away from Melony.
Melony: You can run, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!
She bolts after them.
The trio get away and hide inside of a treehouse..with strange drawings?..
Beta: The fuck is all this?..
SMG4: I don't know..
Mario: Mario has seen everything now.
They soon felt a strange sound then a thud.. the treehouse began to lean.
The treehouse collapsed and demolished a bunch of drawings. They each crawl out of the ruins and run off, seeing it was Melony who cut down the tree.
Melony: Come on, you know you can't run forever..
She continued to bolt after them. Not even breaking a sweat.
Mario looks behind, seeing her gaining on them.
Mario: WHA?! Guys! The thot is slowly catching up!
Beta: Ah shit! SMG4! Gotta plan?!
SMG4: Wait! I got one!!
Beta: What is it?!
SMG4 then yanks out a meme.
They stop, so did Melony, she stood there, enraged and confused.
SMG4: Check this out!
Mario couldn't help but to crack up at that meme.
SMG4: I-It's funny..right?..
Beta: I mean- He isn't wrong..
Melony: You call that funny?..I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO LAUGH ABOUT!
The trio scream and run off once again, Melony puts the blueberry in her pocket and gently pats it before going back to her rampage.
Eventually they go through a bunch of doors in Bob's hotel Scooby Doo style.
Melony is being chased by the three.
Beta and Mario were running from Melony as SMG4 was going the opposite direction.
A strange figure with yellow eyes goes through a door.
SMG4 was on Mario's back as Mario was on Beta's back and going to a door, but Mario and SMG4 were knocked off from the top frame of the door.
Melony: Oh boys~
Beta: Ah shit. Here we go again..
He grabbed his duffel and blows an air horn at her.
Melony: . . .
She sliced it in half.
Beta: Oh shit..
Mario: What do we do?!
SMG4: Uhhh..think! Think!..come on!
He then spots the infamous mask man..hoping he could help.
SMG4: Hey! You!
Mask Man: Eh?
SMG4: We need your help!! Now!
Melony: Leave him out of this!
Mask Man: Okay I'm coming- Waiiit..that melon girl has my mask-
She then launched him into the ocean..
Dropping another deity mask.
Melony: Oooh..
Melony looks at the mask and picks it up.
He said as he tackled down Melony, causing both the blueberry and the mask to fly out of Melony's possession...
Once they landed in a bush..there was a flash of light and a small spark sound..
Beta: What the hell?
Melony: Get off me!!
She said kicking Beta off of her, she then gets up.
Mario: Hmm?
SMG4: This can't be good..
Melony hears a baby crying in the bush, she goes over to investigate and searches through the bush..and eventually she found the source..
It was a baby.
Melony looked in awe and gently picks up the toddler, holding him in her arms.
Melony: Awwwww...he's so cute..I'm gonna name you Barry!
The baby giggled and smiled.
SMG4: Welp..I guess Y/N's a dad now..
Mario: But they didn't even do the-
Melony shot a death glare at Mario..
Mario: Never mind.
Beta: Ow..what did I- Oh my god..
Melony ignores the trio and heads home with the child in her arms.
Beta: Are
SMG4: If so, I'm grateful! Time to watch more memes!
Mario: Yay! Mario can live another day to do many things with his spaghetti!
They left Beta alone.
Beta: Well, I guess it's just me then..
He sighed to himself and looks around the scenery.
Beta: Uhhh...Shoot..she did break my scythe- wait..
He resurrected it back into his heads.
Beta: Ah Hah! Hello Susie~
He hugs it before putting it away.
Beta: Let's go home, and let's hope that remote isn't taken yet.
He follows the two plumbers back to the castle.
Beta: Boy..parenthood is gonna be a pain..well..I don't know, I've never been a parent myself, but I hear it's hard.
(What a tangy twist! Yea?)
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