Rise and Shine
You slowly woke up to a soft feeling, you then realized it was Melony's chest, you could hear her heartbeat and her soft breathing. You slowly get up as to not wake her, but that failed as she grabbed you and pulled you back down.
Melony: *Yawn* Please..five more minutes?..
Y/N: Okay, *Smile* Five more.
She pecked your forehead. After five minutes, you both get up.
Melony: Last night was amazing, especially with you there.
Y/N: Well I can say the same for you.
Melony: So, what do you want to do today?
Y/N: We should go see what the others are up to, I'm sure Mario got himself into another clusterfuck.
Melony: Hey! Language!
Y/N: But-
Melony: No buts!
Y/N: Okay..
Melony smiled and kisses your cheek, making you cheer up.
Melony: Come on, let's go.
It was cleaning day at the castle, everyone had chores of their own to do. Tari and Beta were doing dishes, Bob and Luigi were doing the basement, Meggy and Skully were doing the upstairs, Boopkins decided to do the toilet. Saiko wanted to clean out her room and SMG4 wanted to clear some of his search history, no need to share it, it's damned.
Peach: I want this castle spotless when I get back! Got it?
Skully: You don't need to worry about a thing.
Peach: What about Mario?
Skully: I locked him in the old closet in the basement. No one's ever searched through there before.
Peach: Good, just make sure you let him out when you're all done.
Skully: We'll see, good luck on your bingo game.
Peach: Thanks.
She leaves.
Peach: Oh hey Y/N and whoever you are.
Y/N: That's Melony, and Hi Peach.
Peach: Melony? Okay then..where were you?
Y/N: Out and about, you know?
Peach: Oh..well I won't waste time, you mind helping the others? I know they'll get it done when you're around.
Y/N: Of course.
Peach: Thank you Y/N, you are the one I trust the most.
Y/N: Well that's an honor.
Peach smiled and patted your shoulder.
Peach: Ill be back around an hour or two, farewell.
Y/N: See ya later Peach.
Melony: She seems nice.
Y/N: Pfft, trust me, she isn't. She's only nice when she doesn't have to do work.
Melony: That sounds selfish of her!
Y/N: It is..
You knock on the castle doors.
Beta: Who's that?
Y/N: I. O.
Beta: Uh..I. O. who?
Y/N: Me, where's my money asshole?
Beta couldn't help but laugh. Melony didn't seem to like the profanity though.
Y/N: *Whispers* I'm sorry..
Beta: Debit or credit?
Y/N: Credit.
Beta: Well come on in for the credit.
You come in with Melony.
Beta: I think you two could do the chimney, since I did it last time.
Y/N: Okay, sounds good.
Beta: Good, the scrubbing brush is sitting next to the fireplace.
Y/N: Okay, I'll go right ahead and do that.
The two of you go and deal with the chimney. You began to scrub as Melony watches for you.
Melony: Be careful!
Y/N: I'll try.
It wasn't that bad, all there was is a spider web and Bob's VHS Tape.
Y/N: Oh god..what does this read?
"Every girl here undressing in their rooms in 4K"
Y/N: *Sigh* Sick pervert, Hey Melony? You there?
Melony: Yeah! What's up?
Y/N: You mind destroying this?
Melony: Sure, what is it?
Y/N: Uh, just some evil tape, trust me, it needs to be destroyed.
Melony: Oh, okay!
You toss it down and she sliced it in half with a sword she summoned.
Y/N: Thank you.
Melony: You're welcome!
You hear growling in the chimney, you wonder what it was and see a lizard with a sail on its back leap at you, making you fall all the way down the chimney.
Melony: Y/N!
She panicked and got out her sword and activated her Deity powers, she was ready to slay this thing but you stopped her.
Y/N: Melony stop!
Melony calmed down and looked at it with confusion.
Melony: Why? That thing attacked you! Didn't it?
Y/N: No, this is Skully's pet Chowder, how's it going buddy?
Chowder hissed happily and wagged his tail, he goes to lick your face.
Y/N: *Laugh* No! Stop!!
Chowder quit licking your face and grabbed a bone, indicating he wanted to play.
Y/N: You wanna play fetch?
Chowder wagged his tail again and was ready to chase the bone.
Y/N: Go get it!
You toss it into the kitchen, Chowder wasted no and started to chase it.
You and Melony quietly laugh to yourselves.
Beta: Who let their prehistoric beast bite my tail?!
Skully hears this and comes downstairs.
Skully: Chowder?! Where was he?
Y/N: In the chimney.
Skully: Ah, probably looking for mice or rats.
Beta: Just get him off my tail!
Skully: Oh right, Chowder, release!
Chowder obeys and let's go. He goes up to his owner for belly scratches.
Melony: What is that thing?
Skully: This is Chowder, he's my pet dimetrodon.
Melony: What's that?
Skully: An animal that's been around way before dinosaurs.
Melony: Wwoooww!
Y/N: I still don't know how he found one.
Skully: Remember? I got an abandoned one off that ancient island.
Y/N: Right, now I remember.
Chowder barks at Melony, he's never seen her before and thinks she's an intruder.
Y/N: Whoa it's okay..
Skully: Yeah, that's Melony! Melony's a friend, right?
Melony; Yeah! Can I pet him?
Skully: Yep, go ahead!
Melony carefully places her hand on his nose, Chowder immediately liked it and rolled over again, Melony giggles and rubbed his belly.
Y/N: * Laugh* I think he likes you.
Melony: You think so?
Skully: Well I should be getting back to work upstairs, see ya two.
He leaves to go upstairs again.
Y/N: I think we're done with the chimney now.
Melony: Who's a good boy? You are!
Chowder was loving the attention, you smiled at the sight.
Y/N: Yep, definitely done cleaning it.
You go to help Beta and Tari clean dishes next, while Melony has fun with Chowder.
Y/N: I'll be back Melony, you go ahead and keep Chowder company.
Melony; Not a problem!
She continued to spoil Chowder.
Beta: So you found Skully's little pet?
Y/N: Uh huh.
Tari: I missed the little guy, he's so cute!
Beta: *Whispers* Lucky lizard..
Y/N: Did you say something Beta?
Beta: Uh nope! Nothing at all.
Y/N: Um, okay, so what do we have left?
Tari: A cup, a few plates and a moose glass.
Beta: I wish we had eggnog to go with that, but Christmas is five months away, no way to find it at this time of year.
Y/N: It is a shame, but it'll be here soon, don't worry.
He nods, you all focused on the dishes, once those got done, they both thanked you.
Tari: Thank you Y/N! I appreciate the help!
Beta: Yeah thanks dude!
Y/N: You're welcome, where's the credit?
Beta: I just gave you credit for dishes, and the chimney, also credit for finding Chowder.
Y/N: What about debit?
Beta: You chose credit.
Y/N: Alright then, I'll ask for debit next time.
Beta: I'll be waiting.
The scene cuts to Meggy and Skully cleaning the endless staircas-
Skully: Wait why are we even cleaning this?
Meggy: What do you mean?
Skully: What I mean is, why do we need to clean an endless flight of stairs? Won't that mean there's about an endless loophole of messes to clean?
Meggy: Actually..that sounds logical, yeah, we don't need to clean that up.
Skully: Good call.
Y/N: Hey you two!
Skully: Hey Y/N! How's it going?
Y/N: Pretty good, are you and Meggy alright?
Meggy: Yeah..we just got done cleaning the staircase and that back room.
Y/N: Good to know.
Meggy: I also heard you found little Chowder! That's good!
Skully: Speaking of him, Chowder! Come here!
Chowder then ran upstairs and finds you three, panting and sitting down in front.
Skully: Good boy! Hey, you mind cleaning up our rooms? We'll give you a fried chicken breast.
Chowder liked the sound of that and began cleaning and putting away things.
Meggy; Your pet can clean?
Skully: I trained him to pick up after himself, yes.
Y/N: That's amazing.
Skully: I know right?
Then a loud crash was heard.
Skully: Fuck.
Mario opened the door and saw the castle cleaned.
Mario: Oooh, can Mario help?
He tried cleaning a lamp, but of course, he shattered it.
Y/N: Damn it..
Tari: Who let him out?!
Beta: I think he let himself out.
Mario: Maybe Mario can just- OH MAMA MIA!
Chowder came out of nowhere and bit Mario on the ass. He goes running outside, screaming.
Peach: Uh, any reason why Mario's running around with a dimetrodon on his rear end?
Y/N: Well it's a long story..well, not really actually, it's kinda short.
Skully swept up the glass and threw it away before Peach could see.
Peach: Huh, impressive, okay, you all have the day off!
Saiko: Thank fuck..
Luigi: Hey guys.
Y/N: Luigi? Where were you?
Luigi: Ghost hunting.
Y/N: Oooh...I forgot.
Luigi: It's okie.
Y/N: So. Does anyone want any ice cream at our favorite place?
Melony: Ooh! I love ice cream!
Beta: I could go for some.
Everyone agrees and leaves the castle to get themselves a nice frozen and tasty treat.
(What da lizard doin?)
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