Dashing through snow
After about a few months have passed, You, Melony, Meggy, Mario, Skully, Beta, Tari, Saiko, Chowder and Luigi were lost in the snow, once you four find a safe spot, you all think of a plan back to the warmer spot.
Y/N: S-So...what's our plan?..
Skully: Well we're safe here for now..as long as we have enough warmth, it should be okay.
Luigi: Yeah, the snow storm can't get us here!
As he said that, a huge gush of wind blows him away.
Luigi: WAAAAA!
Mario: Luigi!!
Chowder bites Luigi's pants, keeping him from flying away.
Luigi: Thanks buddy..
Chowder wags his tail and puts him down.
Leo: What's that?
Leo is Meggy's cousin, also a new friend to your group, he joined a few weeks ago. You found him pretty cool when you and him first hung out as BFFs.
Skully: That's Chowder, he's a dimetrodon.
Leo: No not Chowder, he's cool by the way, but I meant that.
He pointed out a little penguin sitting in the snow.
Y/N: Looks like a baby penguin.
Tari: *Gasp* ITS SO CUTE!!
Meggy: Awww, how cute!
Melony: Can we keep it?
Mario drop kicked it.
Tari & Melony: MARIO!
Saiko: You dumbass..
Mario: Oopsie, it slipped..
Beta: It did not! You kicked the damn penguin on purpose!
Meggy: Ugh, nevermind that, we still have to find our way back.
Leo: Yeah, it's freezing out here.
Beta: My balls feel like two ice cubes..
Skully: Please quit talking about your balls..
Beta: *Smirks* Wow, the hills are lumpy, kinda like balls. The hills have eyes...wait, do balls have eyes?
Skully: Beta.
Meggy felt something behind her, she put her hand on this figure and felt feathers.
Meggy: Is this some giant arctic chicken of some sort-
She turned around to see a giant blue penguin.
Meggy: Oh..hey..
Penguin: My baby- babies?!
The penguin stared at the girls, confusing them as her own hatchlings.
Skully: Ah crap...
The penguin picked up the girls, it slides on its belly away from you and the others.
Meggy: HELP!
Tari: *Screaming in terror*
Melony: Y/N!!!
Skully: We're going after them! Mario! Put down the chocolate snow and get over here!
Mario: Okie Dokie!
Skully grabbed ahold of Mario and sets him on his stomach.
Skully: The Mario-board 200. Climb aboard! We're getting back the girls!
You grabbed Leo and put him on Mario and you get on Mario's back, you use him as a sled to get to the house that the girls are being kept at.
They looked miserable, wearing penguin suits, the mother penguin came back, with fast food.
Mother Penguin: Feeding Time!
Saiko: That actually doesn't look too bad-
The Penguin ate all of the food.
Meggy: Aw..
Tari: Shoot..
Mother Penguin: Open wide!
The penguin was about to regurgitate the food, causing them to panic.
Right when she said that, a window busted through. They couldn't see who it was at the moment, but as their vision came back, they saw you, and da bois.
Tari: Guys?!
Beta: We came here just in time for the live feeding!
Skully: Beta, not the time, get them untied, I'll keep the Mario-Board 200 warm!
Beta: Okay!
You see them in a penguin outfit, Mario was cracking up as Beta was holding back his laughter.
Meggy: Yeah..laugh away red...
Saiko: It won't be funny once I break out..
Leo: I'll take care of the penguin, get the girls to safety.
Leo grabbed his Dualies and aimed it at the penguin. Once he fired both of his weapons, it gave you time to free the girls, they get up and hug you, after that, they get on the Mario-Board 200.
Skully: We need to get out of here ASAP! LEO! Y/N! Climb on board!
You both looked over at Skully, Leo put his dualies away and hopped over to Mario, You get over and climb on. Skully began to push, as you all made it downhill, you and the girls cheered.
Mother Penguin: My baby...
Meggy: We're not baby penguins!
Beta: They're human beings you blind fuck!
You lose the penguin in the trees, you stopped at a frozen lake, once you stopped, you saw that same baby penguin, this time wearing glasses.
Meggy: wait a minute..
Meggy looked at a wanted poster and it matches the penguin.
Beta: That little shit is the fugitive!?
Meggy: Get him!!
You all ran after the penguin but he pulled out a hammer and aimed it at the ice. You all stop and put your hands up, you shake your heads no, while the penguin just shakes his head yes, eventually it gently tapped on the ice, immediately all of the ice disappeared and the only thing left was a chunk of ice stranded in the middle of the ice cold water.
Meggy: Damn it..he got away.
Leo: I think we're stuck here.
Beta: No shit Sherlock.
Saiko: God damn it..
Mario: Mario knows a way!
Y/N: how?
Mario touched the water with his finger, he immediately freezes up in an ice cube, he thawed out with yours and Beta's help.
Mario: Thanks.
Y/N: Don't mention it.
Beta: Uh huh..
Meggy: How do we get out of here now?
Every one brainstorms, until Mario pulled something out of his ass.
Mario: I have a phone!
This got everyone's attention.
Beta: Hold up, you do?!
Luigi: We can call for help!
Mario: That's right!
Y/N: Call anyone!
Mario: Okie Dokie!
Mario pressed a number, once it went through he was saying stuff about pizza?
Mario: One pepperoni please, thank you so much-a!
Mario hung up as the battery died.
Meggy: Wha- MARIO!!!
Mario: What? You don't want pepperoni?
Leo: Meggy, please calm down, we can find another way. There has to be another way right?
Skully: Yeah, no need to panic, there's always another way.
Meggy: How though?! That was our only ticket out of here!
Y/N: Not entirely, we just wait for the pizza man to help us.
Mario: Oooh, Mario got his pingas stuck in the ice.
Leo face palmed, as for you and Meggy just shook your heads at his stupidity, Spider-Man arrived on a jet ski.
Spider-Man: It's pizza time!
Spider-Man gave you the pizza and skied off.
Meggy: Wait! Aw..
Beta tried going into the water, but Saiko and Tari restrain him.
Skully: BETA!
Beta: WHAT?!
Skully: You are overreacting! We aren't gonna be living on an ice cube forever!
Beta: How can you say that?!
Skully: Do you really think this'll last forever? It's ice, we wait for the water to freeze up around us and soon, we can walk across it.
Y/N: Skully's right, we can wait.
Everyone agrees to that and made themselves comfortable.
-two hours later-
Everyone was still waiting, Skully was checking on the ice, as Y/N sat next to him and watched.
Skully: The ice is still growing in..too thin to walk across.
Y/N: At least it's progress, right?
Skully: True.
Beta was literally more pissed off than ever, staring at the ice and watching it grow in.
Beta: Fuck..this is like watching cement dry..
Leo: Calm down Beta..
Luigi: Mama Mia...it's so cold..
Y/N: If only we had a fire..
Skully: What happened to that pizza again?
Beta: Fat fuck decided to eat the whole thing without us.
Mario: Hey!
Meggy: Seriously Mario?! You could've asked if we wanted any!
Mario: No! If I give you the pizza pie! Mario wouldn't get any!
Beta stuck his scythe into the ground.
He gets up, Melony stops him with her sword.
Melony: No.
Beta: Back off!
Y/N: Look Beta! Calm down!
Skully: Beta, I agree. You should kick his ass! But not now! You can whoop his fat ass later!
Meggy: Uh guys?-
Skully: Because this isn't a murder spree!
Tari: Guys...
Beta: Who put you in charge?!
Saiko: GUYS!!!
Beta: WHAT?!
Melony: Look..
They pointed out the cracks in the ice you were all sitting on..
Mario: Oh nice going screw up!
Beta: Fuck off! Your fat ass would've broken it anyway!
Y/N: That's enough!
Skully: Both of you need to calm the fuck down! Arguing isn't gonna get us anywhere!
Beta: Who's side are you on?!
Skully: Since you've asked, I'm on Team Skully. The team that doesn't give up, but finds a way through every situation rather than sitting around and arguing with others.
Y/N: That's a team I'd like to be apart of.
Skully: You're welcome to join Y/N.
Tari: Is the ice done?..
Skully: Just about, we need to go one at a time, we don't wanna put too much weight on that.
Meggy: He's right.
Everyone stands up and looks at the ice.
Beta: *Sigh* Fine..so, we should go lightest to heaviest..so that way it doesn't shatter on the first go.
Mario: What are you implying?
Beta: I'm implying that we should go one by one, you go last.
Y/N: Don't even start!
Beta: Yeah don't even start Mario..
Leo: So who's the lightest?
Everyone turns to Meggy.
Meggy: Are you saying this because I'm short?..
Beta: Possibly.
Meggy: *Sigh* Fine..
She carefully placed a foot onto the ice, making a slight cracking sound.
Skully: Okay, you're ok, just keep moving, ignore the noise.
Meggy nodded and kept focused on getting across, eventually she made it.
Meggy: Okay! Who's next?
Tari went up.
Tari: I- I think I'm next..right?..
Leo: Yeah, you may go, be careful.
Tari: Okay..
She was terrified, shaking after each step, everytime she heard a slight crack, she flinches and let's out a little squeak every time. Meggy reached out once she was close enough and helped her across.
Tari: O-okay..thanks Meggy..
Meggy: Of course, who's next?
Leo then went across, being careful as to not break the ice. He eventually makes it across.
Leo: I made it, come on!
Chowder went next, as he was small and agile, he scampered across and dived into the snow, rolling around in it.
Meggy: *Giggles* Of course little Chowder.
Luigi went next, he was too skittish to actually cross, so he stood still as a statue once he heard the cracks where he stepped.
Beta: Luigi! Move your ass!
Y/N: Luigi! It's okay! It's not gonna break!
Luigi sighed and kept moving, he makes it and hugged a tree.
Now the only ones left were you, Mario, Skully, Beta, Saiko, and Melony.
Skully: Y/N, you're up.
Y/N: Okay.
You took your time and avoided any cracks as to not make them bigger.
Skully: Okay, good job Y/N..Melony? You're next.
Melony nods and goes right ahead. She was careful and calm. Once she got across, she stayed close to you.
Y/N: Hurry guys!
Skully: Okay, Saiko?
Saiko: Okay..
Beta: Here, give me your hammer.
Saiko: Why?
Beta: Less weight, the better.
Saiko understood and handed Beta the hammer.
Saiko: Keep her warm, okay?
Beta: Will do.
Saiko got across safely. Beta then slides the hammer across the ice and into Saiko's hands.
Saiko: Thanks.
Beta: Yep.
Mario decided it would be a good idea to cross without anyones signal.
Mario: Weeee!
He slides across, his massive weight made the ice fragile and littered with cracks.
Beta: You fucking blue whale.
Skully: Beta?
Beta: Yes?..
Skully: Go ahead, just be careful.
Beta: Okay..
He sighed and goes, he felt a bit confident until he heard ice cracking right under him, his eyes widen as he looked down.
Beta: Fuck me..
Saiko: Oh no..
Y/N: Beta?..
Beta: Don't even think about coming over here..I can do this..
Tari: You sure?!
Beta: I'm one hundred percent su-
He took another step and his leg fell through.
You were about to go out there to help him, but he stops you.
Beta: Y/N! Stop! It's fine!
Tari: No you're not Beta! You need help!
Y/N: I don't know Beta..your leg is in the ice!
Beta: No shit! I got this!
He tries getting up, but then..
Mother Penguin: My babies..
Everyone's eyes widen as they saw the same big penguin with an angry look.
Skully: Shit...Beta you gotta move now!
Beta: I'm trying! I'm trying!
There was no time, Skully ran in there, at a risk of slipping, he preformed a slide tackle and grabbed Beta, pulling him out of the ice and into the snow, Skully himself made it as well. The Penguin tries going across but she fell through.
Mother Penguin: M-my babies!!
Is all she could gargle out before drowning.
Skully: Is everyone okay?!
Y/N: Yeah..yeah..just cold, that's all.
Skully: Okay..we'll get somewhere warm for the night..
Beta: How so?..my leg is fucking frozen!
Tari: That's why you have us Beta..here..
She helped him up, she let him lean on her for support.
Tari: I-is this better?
Beta: Y-yeah..thanks..
Skully: Come on, let's put some miles on ourselves, maybe we'll find a place before sunset.
You all agree and walk through the snow.
After what felt like hours, Beta's leg got worse, everyone heard a snap and Beta's loud grunt. He fell off of Tari and into the snow.
Tari: BETA! Are you okay?!
Beta: Fuck...my leg...
Skully: Crap..
Leo: Hang in there..
Y/N: Wait..I see something!
You kept looking off in the distance and see an anthropomorphic moose with lumberjack clothing on approaching.
?: Howdy there, you seem lost.
Y/N: Yeah..we kinda are..Can you help us?
?: Well sure, I've got a log cabin a few miles that way, it ain't gonna be too long.
The moose puts an axe over their shoulders.
Melvin: I'm Melvin, you are?
Y/N: I'm Y/N, these are my friends, Beta, Skully, Leo, Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Mario, Luigi, Chowder and my girlfriend is Melony.
Melony: Hi there!
Melvin: Well hey there lucky lady, anywho, I'll lead the way back, Simon just started dinner.
Mario: Oooh..
Skully: Simon?
Melvin: Oh right, he's just my friend, he and I hung out a for while, he's quite a nice folk once ya get to know em, eh?
Meggy: I suppose so..
Tari and You help Beta up on his feet, the sudden motion causes him to grunt in pain.
Beta: Jesus Christ...
Melvin: Our lord and savior.
Beta: Uh huh...a-amen to that.
Y/N: Glad you didn't lose your sense of humor Beta.
Beta smiled cockily.
Beta: I never lose my sense of humor..ever.
Melvin: Say, I can take a look at that leg once we get back, if that's alright with you.
Skully: That'd be much appreciated.
Melvin: Alrighty, it's a plan then.
By the time you all got back, you all see a large cabin off in the distance.
Everyone: Whoa...
Melvin: Yep, home sweet home..
Beta: Thank god..my leg is killing me..
Melvin: Don't worry bud, your leg is gonna be a-okay.
Melvin puts his axe into a tree stump and opens the doors for you and the group. Once you all made it inside, you see someone else cooking something.
?: Melvin, You brought guests?
Melvin: Sure did, these folks came down from the frozen river.
?: Oh! Scary! I'll finish up dinner here in just a moment.
Melvin: Alright, how bout you folks head on towards the cafeteria.
Melvin stopped you though.
Y/N: Something wrong sir?
Melvin: Could you give Simon a hand? You seem like a good guy that might help a man in need, or in this case a mammal.
You smile at the moose.
Y/N: Sure thing sir.
He chuckled and patted your head.
Melvin: Please, call me Melvin.
Y/N: Right, sorry Melvin.
Melvin: That's quite alright son, I'm gonna be outside making firewood, holler if you need anything or ask Simon.
Y/N: Okay, see ya!
As he left, you went to go help out this mammal Simon.
Simon: So Y/N, is it?
Y/N: Yep.
Simon: Glad to meet some new friends here, where were you all heading?
Y/N: I don't really know, we got lost in this blizzard, couldn't find out where the castle went, and next thing you know, boom! Lost.
Simon: Gosh, that's fascinating. I got here from an island, Melvin took me in and patched me up.
Y/N: Oh, did he?
Simon: Sure did, my island was raided by some freakish lizard, then next thing you know, he sent out some red glowing dolphin thingy after me, and I ended up with this.
He showed you his burn mark on his arm.
Y/N: Ouch..How did you escape?
Simon: I got lucky and distracted him with a stick. Then I escaped on a raft, drifted three days without food or water..or toilet paper.
Y/N: Oh god..
You look at his cooking.
Simon: You like it? Its beef stew.
Y/N: That looks delicious..
Simon: Well luckily it's done.
He then takes a taste test and nodded.
Simon: Yep, definitely done.
He takes the pot off the stove.
Simon: Hey, do you mind turning off the stove?
Y/N: Sure.
Simon: Thanks.
You turn it off and follow Simon to the tables. Your friends were chatting away until they see the pot.
Simon: Dinner is served!
Everyone got a bowl, you decided to sit at a table with Melony, Skully, Meggy and Luigi.
Y/N: How's everyone's food?
Melony: It's amazing!
Leo: I'm either starving to death or this is really good, I'm glad found this place.
Meggy: Same here, Simon sure knows how to make a hot meal.
Skully: Agreed, this is really good.
Luigi: Kinda hot! Imma gonna wait for it to cool.
Y/N: Careful, you don't want blisters on your tongue.
Luigi: Yeah..I hate blisters.
Y/N: We all do buddy, we all do. Mario? How about you?
Mario already finished his bowl.
Mario: All done!
Y/N: Oh.
Melvin came back inside, exhausted from the chopping. He approached the table to eat supper.
Simon: Enjoy yourself?
Melvin: Sure did..a lot of wood for a good bonfire.
Beta felt his leg was still numb.
Melvin: Hey Si?
Simon: Yep?
Melvin: Could you get Uh..what's your name again son?
Beta: I-Its Beta..
Melvin: Simon, could you take care of Beta for his friends?
He smiled.
Simon: Of course!
He helped Beta up and they both walked into a bedroom.
Tari: Is he going to be ok?
Melvin: Simon will take good care of him darlin, don't worry.
Tari felt relived about that, Saiko for some reason felt something was off.
Saiko in mind: I don't trust this moose..this seems too sketchy..
Meggy: Is something wrong Saiko?
Saiko: No..nothings wrong..
Meggy: Hey. You can talk to me, you know that right?
Saiko: *Sigh* I'll tell you later..
Meggy: Okay.
-After Supper-
Melvin collected the bowls and places them all in the sink.
Melvin: Well, luckily we have enough room for y'all. If you're ok with sharing rooms of two, it's getting late so lemme know when you're ready.
Y/N: Okay, I think we are.
Melony: Yeah..*Yawn* I'm sleepy...
Melvin: Well I'll lead y'all to your rooms then.
-After touring the rooms-
There were six bedrooms in total. You and Melony shared one, as Saiko and Meggy shared the other, Tari and Skully shared the third. Mario and Luigi slept in the fourth bedroom. Chowder wanted to sleep with his master, so he rested well with Skully and Tari. Melvin had the fifth while Simon rested in the sixth room. Beta though, he slept on the couch in the big living room, along with Leo who slept in the chair next to him.
As everyone was asleep, Saiko and Meggy were discussing about Melvin.
Meggy: What's wrong?
Saiko: I don't like the looks of this guy..
Meggy: Saiko..
Saiko: What? I just get bad vibes from him..that's all.
Meggy: Well what has he done that's suspicious or bad?
Saiko: Well nothing..yet.
Meggy: Yet? Saiko, listen to yourself..you gotta trust people sometimes, I know it seems weird at times, but you gotta trust people more often.
Saiko: Y-yeah..maybe..but I won't change my opinion about him.
Meggy: Completely fine with me, just don't do anything that'll get us kicked out.
Saiko: That's Mario's job.
Meggy: Exactly.
They get into bed.
Saiko: Well..this is awkward..
Meggy: Just pretend it's a sleepover..
Saiko: Ah, alright.
They soon go to sleep.
Tari: Uh..I don't feel comfortabe sharing a room with Um..Uh....
Skully: Relax Tari, I don't bite.
Tari: I know that..it's just..
Skully: Hey, it's fine, treat it like is a Uh..I don't know, a sleepover?
Tari: Oh..okay, yeah, I can do that.
She does so and crawls in, keeping their distance.
(Well my friend, you just read a chapter with over 3,000 words! Congratulations!)
While Beta was asleep, his leg was wrapped in a cast, but besides that, something..or someone panned across the window, showing a shadow hovering over Beta. He groans in his sleep, this made Leo slightly looked up, and making the shadow disappear.
Leo: W-what was that?..*Yawn*
Leo looked outside some more, but didn't see anything, so he figured it was his imagination and went back to sleep.
(Pretty neat Eh?)
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