Another Snow Day

After a good nights sleep, you get up, so did Melony.

Melony: *Yawn* Good morning.

She smiles cutely. You smile back.

Y/N: Good morning Sweetheart.

You peck her lips. She blushed at your compliment.

Melony: Aw...What time is it?..

Y/N: It's around 9 o'clock.

Melony: Oh, okay, let's go see how our friends are, yeah?

Y/N: Okay.

She gets up with you and followed you out.

Beta: Hey guys..

He smiled warmly with a crutch.

Y/N: Beta!

You hug him, which he did not expect.

Beta: Whoa..

Y/N: Sorry about that, just glad you're okay.

Beta: Well I appreciate your concern buddy, but I'm fine, I already feel alive.

Y/N: That's good.

Beta: So, how are the others?

Y/N: They seemed fine.

Beta: Good, good..

Melony: How's your leg feeling?

Beta: It's numb, but I wouldn't step on it.

Soon, Melvin and Simon walked out where you three were.

Melvin: Mornin, how'd y'all sleep?

Beta: Slept great, thanks doc.

Melvin: Don't thank me, thank Simon.

Simon: Thank you Melvin, but I was just doing what had to be done.

Leo then yawned.

Leo: Morning...

Y/N: Hey Leo, sleep well?

He responded with a tired nod.

Leo: Y-yeah...

Soon, the others came out, yawning.

Saiko: Morning..

Y/N: Good morning guys.

Out of nowhere, Mario came out with a boom box and sunglasses and a cap on backwards.

Mario: Good morning! Good morning!

He sang that song and pointed at you.

Mario: Good morning to you!

He then pointed at Beta.

Mario: You!

And then he points at Luigi.

Mario: And you!

Then a scythe went through the boom box.

Beta:..You're killing my ear holes.

Mario: Mario's sorry.

Skully: It wasn't that bad..just too early in the morning.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Melvin: Settle down folks. Simon, why don't you make the guests here some breakfast?

Simon: Sure! I'll get to it.

Melvin: I'll be outside if ya need me.

He left.

Simon: He sure loves his axe. Say, why don't you all sit down? It'll be ready in a few minutes.

You nod, as everyone sat down, you hear something.

Saiko: Psst!

You look over to see Saiko and Meggy gesturing you to come here. You get up and sit with them.

Y/N: Hey, something wrong?

Meggy: Hey Y/N, we just have some issues..

Y/N: That being?

Saiko:..I don't like the looks of this moose guy..

Y/N: Why?

Saiko: He just gives me the creeps..

Y/N: You're overreacting, if he wanted to do something to us, he would've done it already.

Meggy: He has a point..why would he let us stay here rent free without any harm done? They did heal Beta's leg and fed us good food.

Saiko: My mind isn't gonna change, if he's a friend, prove it.

Y/N: Meggy just listed you two things that they've done..

Saiko: What else?

Y/N: They let you sleep in warm beds.

Saiko: Uh huh..what do you really think he does out there with that axe when he's alone?

Y/N: I don't know, chop wood?

Meggy: Duh.

Saiko: Or slaughter people.

Y/N: Jesus Saiko!

Saiko: What? I'm trying to think logically here!

Y/N: Well your way of logic isn't working, if he was slaughtering people or animals, he'd have blood smothering his clothes and face. Do you see any blood on him when he comes inside?


Y/N: Exactly.

Saiko: Okay, fine! win.

Y/N: This isn't a competitive argument Saiko, this is about trust.

Saiko: You know I have trust issues with new people.

Y/N: I'm aware, you practically almost killed me when we first met.

Saiko and Meggy giggle at that, when she was first brought from her game, she acted violent towards everyone, but later on, she grew more attached to you and your friends.

Meggy: I remember that time..

Saiko: Same. Sorry by the way..

Y/N: It's ok Saiko, you were just following your instincts.

Beta then limped over to the table.

Y/N: Hey.

Beta: Sup.

Y/N: How are you?

Beta: I'm fine, just hungry as hell.

Y/N: Me too..

Mario: Me three!

Beta: What a coincidence..

Meggy: Everyone is.

Simon: Breakfast is ready!

He made everyone a plate of pancakes with maple syrup and butter.

Y/N: Mmm, that looks good..

Melony: Woooow!

Her eyes shined brightly at the sight of the hot pancakes.

Melony: I've never tried a pancake..are they good?

Y/N: They're delicious.

Meggy: Yeah! You'll like them!

Beta: Especially that sticky syrup~

Skully: Beta, please stop talking.

Beta: But-

Skully: Stop.

Beta: B-

Skully: No.

Beta: Fuck-

Skully: You.

Y/N: Let's just eat our food before it gets cold, please?

Skully: Right.

Beta: Sorry.

Everyone began to eat, Melony took her first bite and it hit her taste buds, sparking something from the sweet taste.

Melony: These are so good!!

Y/N: I can tell you love them, your plate is almost empty.

Melony looked down and noticed she was already done.

Melony: Hehe...oops..

Y/N: It's okay Melony, that's a compliment to Simon.

Simon: He's right, I'm happy you're liking my cooking.

Melony smiled cutely.


Leo kept thinking to himself, what did he see outside? All he saw was a bright red glow, but that's all.

Leo: I think I was just dreaming.

He shook his head and looked at his plate.

Leo: Food looks good, maybe that'll keep my mind off of that crap.


After getting done eating breakfast, Simon took the plates to the sink.

Simon: Well, I'm gonna go ahead and load the dishes up, you and the others are free to mingle.

He left with the stack of plates.

Chowder sat down in a seat, taking a nap.

Mario: Mario wishes he was like that lizard.

Luigi: Mario, technically that isn't a lizard-

Mario: NERD!

Y/N: Guys, don't fight over what Chowder is.

Skully: Exactly, he's a dimetrodon, plain and simple.

You look and see Leo is a bit off today.

Y/N: Leo? Is something wrong?

Leo: Huh? Sorry I wasn't listening..

Y/N: It's alright, what's wrong?

Leo:'s nothing, just me being me..

Y/N: No, you're acting like Beta when he had buttsex with the fat chick from Bridesmaids.

Beta: Hey! I thought we agreed to never bring that up again!

Y/N: Uh huh..I did, anyways, what's the trouble?

Leo: Well..I had a dream that there was something glowing red outside the window, staring at me, I couldn't make out what it was, but I didn't think much of it.

Y/N: Oh. I see..sorry you had a bad dream.

Leo: It wasn't bad, just weird, but I appreciate your concern, but I'm completely fine.

Y/N: Okay, just making sure.

Leo nodded.

Saiko: what do we do?

Melony: We could take a nap!

Meggy: We appreciate that Melony, but I think we're ok.

Melony: Oh. Okay.

Y/N: They have a TV here, maybe we could watch something?

Luigi: Sound okie to me!

Y/N: Yeah. Hopefully all this snow will pass over, and maybe we could get back to the castle soon.

Skully: That sounds like a plan, let's do it.

Everyone else agreed.


As you were all watching TV, a figure was watching from a distance. It then stared at the moose chopping up wood. After a while, it walked away, planning.

(What are ya watching on that TV son?)

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