His Betrayal

You are devastated, your mind and heart overwhelmed. You come home to him and your best friend in your bed. When you walk into your apartment and hear moaning and a rhythmic thumping sound, you follow the sound to your bedroom and open the door. There, posed over your best friend as they look at you, is your boyfriend, Steven.

She smiles with relief at finally being caught. He smirks, "It's about time you caught on; you're so dense. Just so you know, we have been seeing each other for months now." He laughs as your former best friend covers her face, slightly embarrassed.

He tells you with a smirk of arrogance so confident in his appeal to women, "I guess it's as good a time as any to tell you, meet my new girlfriend." He tells you this while still inside her.

You're standing there in utter shock and dismay. You can't speak, there is no air in your lungs, your heart feels like it's stopped, and all your feelings have left your body.

As the seconds pass, he says, still smirking, "Can you excuse us? We're busy."

All those feelings that fled your body are now returning in full force and out of your control.

With tears of betrayal and heartbreak, you're angry at what they're doing in your bed, your room, and in your apartment.

You run to your bed, snatch the covers away, and then him away from Belinda with a strength you didn't know you had.

He stands in front of you, still aroused, as you slap him across the face so hard he stumbles. The arrogant asshole!

Still unable to say a word, you turn to Belinda, who is cowering under YOUR sheets! You grab her by the hair and pull her out of your bed.

Steven is standing there with his hand on his still stinging cheek, laughing.

"You are so damn adorable when you're angry."

Belinda is crying as your hands twist in her hair. She is trying to stop you from pulling her hair out by grabbing your wrists. "Joy, stop. You're hurting me!"

"Ha, I'm hurting you!? Get out of my apartment! Both of you, out now!" You twist your body toward your door, never letting go of Belinda. She has no choice but to follow.

Steven is getting dressed, watching you drag Belinda out of your bedroom. "Damn, baby, why couldn't you have been like this in bed?" 

He grins, enjoying the sight. He grabs Belinda's things scattered on the floor and follows you into the living room.

"Joy, please stop. Let me explain." The tears falling down her face are not tears of regret or remorse but the natural, unbidden tears that come from one's hair being pulled from the scalp.

"I don't need your lies. I need you both out!"

You open the front door with one hand, and with the other still caught in her hair, you shove her out the door.

"JOY! You can't do this. I don't have any clothes on!"

Steven is coming up behind you, Belinda's panties clutched in his hand and her dressed over his arm.

"Joy, come on, at least let her get her dress on." He looks at Belinda and adds, "Of course, I'm fine with her not putting her underwear back on." He grins at her, and she has the nerve to grin back. She takes her dress and slips it over her head.

"Shoes?" she asks as she holds out her hand, expecting you to get them for her.

You ignore her as you turn your full righteous indignation toward Steven. "KEY!" You hold out your hand.

He sighs, "This whole thing has been inconvenient." He digs in his pants pocket and hands you his set of keys to your apartment. All the while, you have been moving him closer to the door until he is now outside of it.

You slam the door in their faces and lock it. Leaning on the door, trying to catch your breath, you hear him shout. "I guess this means we're over?" You hear their laughter fade as they move away from the door.

You run to your bedroom, wanting to do nothing more than fling yourself on your bed and cry into your pillows. But as soon as you enter your bedroom, the scent of sex invades your nostrils, and you run through the living room and out onto your balcony.

Air, I need fresh air!

Falling to your knees, the tears are free to fall, and you look up at the sky begging, pleading with the heavens. "I only wanted someone to love me."

"All I've ever wanted in my life... is someone to love me. Is that too much to ask? You wipe your eyes with your sleeve and look back up at the stars. "Please, for once in my life, give me someone who can love me back."

 You watch in amazement as a shooting star travels across the night sky. You close your eyes and wish with all the broken pieces of your heart, "Please send me a true love."

 The clock strikes 10 PM.

You curl up with your arms wrapped around you, as you lay looking at the stars through blurry eyes until you drift off to sleep.

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