The Supa Happi Hills Homicide Movie
Caution before reading this! The following chapter contains Intense Violence!
If you have a condition or get nauseous from violent or brutal scenes, I don't recommend you read this!
With all being said, grab some popcorn! Avoid red pasta! And enjoy the movie!
It was a cloudy day at the high school, one of the janitors who worked there was heavily picked on by other staff members and students, except for one..
That one being Madison, she took pity on the janitor.
However, today was a day that would change history forever...
After being called a few names, a creep, weirdo, loser and a whole bunch of names, even expanding your vocabulary in the process, you make your way to the supply closet and sit there, watching your TV, reading a thank you note from Madison herself, making you smile a little with a tear streaming down your face..
Y/N(John): God, why can't people be more like her?..
As you began to think, you then smelled smoke, you look up and your eyes widen in shock, the door caught on fire! You shouted.
On the other side of the door, two jocks stood there in shock.
Mario(Jock): Oh shet! It was a prank bro!
Bob(Jock): Oh DaMn, SuCKs To Be YoU!
The two jocks ditch him and leave him for dead in the burning closet, eventually the school evacuated, John was never heard from after the whole entire school burned down..
Many Years later....
Act: Half Time
Since the fire, everyone had moved on with their lives, one of them was Gordon Baker. As he was sitting and watching the Super Bowl on TV.
Luigi(Gordon): Okie Dokie! C'mon! You've got this!
Gordon was cheering for his team to win the football match, but stops cheering as he hears his window open..
Luigi(Gordon): Huh?..
He turns to the window and saw it was left open, he gets up and checks it, before then closing it and locking it. He gets a bit suspicious and checks through everywhere, the kitchen, and his bedroom, but no one was found, so he shrugged it off and walks back to the living room to then sit on his chair again.
Luigi(Gordon): Cmon!- Oh what?! That was a foul! Ref, give em the card!
He says in frustration, after a few minutes into the game, he did not know, he wasn't alone..
A masked man right behind his chair with a kitchen knife, Gordon didn't realize this until it was too late, a knife plunged through the chair and into Gordon's back over and over again, splattering the TV in a gory display..
The Next Night...
Act: A Shocking Discovery
You had traveled through the town and into someone's house, climbing up their plant frames and into the window, no one was around, so you make your move carefully into the bathroom, seeing a girl in the bathtub, she didn't seem to notice you as she had cucumbers over her eyes. You've gained an evil idea and travel to the kitchen..
After a travel to the kitchen, you find a toaster, you take it and go upstairs again and back into the bathroom..
Tari(Girl): Just a few more minutes and my face should be much clearer..
You plug the toaster in and toss the toaster in the tub, electrocuting her, you hear her scream in pain and eventually fry to death.
Y/N(John): That should do...
The Next Night...
Act: Fresh Fertilizer
Axol(Gardener): Man..just a few more trimmings and my shift is done! Get to go home and rest..
The gardener says as he daydreamed about relaxing, but first, his job came first, as he made his way to trim the shrubs in the park some more, he eventually gets done and puts the hedge trimmers away.
Axol(Gardener): There we go! That should do! Hope the boss likes it!
He says happily as he takes his wheelbarrow of tools back to the truck, but felt a sudden breakage in his leg, he collapsed in the grass as he looks to see his leg was caught in a bear trap..
Axol(Gardener): O-Ow!! What the?!- Who put this trap here?!
He cries in pain as he tries to find a release latch on the trap, but to no avail..after some time, you approach the scene, gaining the gardener's attention..
Axol(Gardener): Oh thank goodness! You need to help! Call the police! I'm injured!!
You reach for his side and grabbed his keys, making him confused.
Axol(Gardener): U-Uh..sir?..that..that isn't for you to use! Please! You must help me!!
Y/N(John): Oh..I'll help you..
You say coldly as you wander to the lawnmower across the garden and hop on it, turning the keys into the mower, whirring it to life, as you drive toward him, he began to panic.
Axol(Gardener): no, What are you doing?! Please! Stay back! Stay away from me!! No! NO! NOOO!!
You didn't stop and kept going until you begin to shred through his flesh, he screams and cries, but it doesn't last long as he is eaten by the mower...
The Next Night...
Act: A Nice Hot Shower
One of the other staff members was at home, having a nice shower.
SMG4(Teacher): Man! It's great to be back home and enjoying a nice shower..just a few more minutes and I'll be out..hope I don't drop the soap..that'll be a nightmare..
Downstairs, his window broke, but from the raging storm that was outside.. a cold fist opened the window and the entity snuck inside..
SMG4(Teacher): Hm?..what was that?..must be the storm, I'll check later..I'm already almost done here..
You had broken into the house..breathing within the clown mask as you made your way carefully around the dog by walking only when the occasional lightning strikes were happening as to not wake it up, you get passed the canine and find a Jerry can, picking it up, along with matches..
SMG4(Teacher): Sometimes I wonder if the school will be rebuilt..hopefully! I do miss teaching..
He then smelled the water was more funky..
SMG4(Teacher): Huh? What the hell? Why's the water smelling all funny?..
He gets out of the shower and tries to grab a towel, but it's gone..but he instead saw a guy in a clown mask..
SMG4(Teacher): W-What?! Who are you?! How did you get in my house-
You flick the lit match on him, burning him..then shove him back into the still active shower, setting a blaze of glory..
The Next Night...
Act: Buckshot Roulette
It was a much more calmer night, and you took this opportunity for your next target..tho he came prepared..
Simon(Teacher): Get the hell out of here!
He shouted with a rifle in his hands, he could see you through the window..
The teacher continues to aim at the killer, but saw the window turned pitch black..
Simon(Teacher): What the?..
Then he heard a glass breaking, so he went to go investigate, cause people in horror films always have to make the most stupidest decisions known to man kind...
Simon(Teacher): Who's out there?! Show yourself!
He goes over to investigate, seeing his window was covered in black paint.
Simon(Teacher): Okay..if this is another one of those stupid pranks you teens like to pull, it's not funny..come on out, and I won't have to contact your parents about this!
He waits for a far, nothing has happened, so he turns his attention to the camp site he had set up earlier, so he goes to see if the teens are hiding somewhere, but saw one of his water jugs broke.
Simon(Teacher): Okay..that's it, one of you little brats now owe me a new water jug! You're lucky they come cheap!-
He is then interrupted by You, who jumped out of the outhouse and proceeded to chainsaw him in half..watching his lifeless body fall down, your mission was complete, so you disappeared into the dead of night..
Hey..what time is it?..
It's Investigation Time!
A detective pulled up, as two cops were chatting with one another.
Beta(Dave): Morning Bryan! This is a messy one..
The investigator nodded and went inside to inspect the scene.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Hm, the point of entry.
He says as he saw a broken window with police tape around it. Then approaches the next scene, seeing a dead teacher sitting and watching TV, this left the investigator livid.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Sick bastard..28 stab wounds..
He shakes his head in disgust and turns his attention to the knife..then goes into the kitchen to write down the next clue.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): So he took the knife from the kitchen..
He puts this all into a file, going back to the corpse.
Case: The Happyhills Homicide
Investigator: Bryan Puzzles
Victim Name: Luigi Baker
Cause of Death: 28 Stab Wounds
Criminal Record:
-Trespassing Haunted Houses
-Grand Theft Spaghet
-Kidnapping Undead Ghosts
-Watching Webtoons
The Next Night...
Act: No Dozing.
A security guard was keeping watch over the warehouse, bored and nothing to do except watch cameras for security reasons. After seeing nothing suspicious, he can't help but doze off.
Creeper(Security Guard): Ugh..There's no point in staying one's even here..
He yawns and falls asleep in his chair after a few minutes of boredom.
-A few hours later-
After a good sleep, he felt something press against the back of his head..
Creeper(Security Guard): What the hell?..
Before he could turn around, he is shot in the back of the head with a nail gun over and over again until the ammo was no more.
He drops the weapon and leaves the corpse behind...
The Next Night...
Act: Don't Drop the Soap.
After the long game, two specific jocks went into the locker rooms to get themselves cleaned up, but something wasn't right..someone had followed..
One of the jocks was lifting a weight, humming a tune, until he saw a strange guy in a clown mask.
Mario(Jock): Hey! Fuck off, Twitter users are invalid!
The man leaves, and the Jock goes back to messing with the weight.
The other jock was in the shower, bathing.
Bob(Jock): BoY i SmElL lIkE oVaRiEs.
As he wasn't watching..his uniform was snatched on the bench.
Mario(Jock): Hm?
He looks up to see a fellow football player, giving a nod, he nods back.
Mario(Jock): Long game, eh?
Y/N(John): Um..sure..yea..long game..
Mario(Jock): But we'll get them next time!
Y/N(John): Oh..I'm sure we will..good talk..
The jock nods again, letting him go. Then you find a spare bathroom, grabbing a bar of soap before dropping it.
You check to make sure no one was there, and once you saw nobody, you quickly pick it up and firmly make sure it stays in your hand, walking back and past the weight lifting jock and back over to the shower room, to then put the soap down next to him.
Bob(Jock): ThAnKs HoMiE.
You then slide the bench carefully over to where the soap was and proceeded to pull the fire alarm.
Alarm: Intruder Alert! A Pork Pie is in the base!
He goes to make a run for it but slips on the soap and snaps his neck upon making contact with the bench below him.
Y/N(John): Hm..good...
Then someone breaks into the showers, furious.
You get tackled against a wall, now fighting for your own life as you both pushed against each other, but with a swift headbutt to the face, you knocked his teeth. Before the Jock could recover, he was met with weight with too many plates to the head and..well we can all assume what happens next...
The Next Night...
Act: Procr-axe-stination
You enter The Hill Herald, a small business, but thriving. You enter another room, but stay hidden as someone was here, working after hours.
Kaizo(Worker): Man..working late sucks! Wish i could go home and just relax..but I'm stuck here..isn't that neat?..
He sighs and quits talking to himself before making more copies of important documents. Going back to his routine, someone snuck by and breached the fire axe on the wall, you snuck behind him..but hid in a room as he turned around.
Kaizo(Worker): Strange..must be the AC acting up again..
He turns back to what he was doing. You go out of hiding and swiftly put an end to his life and career, jamming the axe in his back, instantly killing him. The copier then prints multiple copies of the worker's face moments after death...
The Next Night...
Act: Halfoween Haunts
It's that time of the year, Halloween is right around the corner! Perfect for your clown mask, as no one expected a thing, you go around back and see someone in a Ghostface costume.
Tinker(Ghostface Performer): You're late..go to work man..
You give a nod to let him know you're sorry and head inside, seeing three different kinds of masks on a wall from different movies, then you go out to the tracks and see a cart up ahead, stopping the ride by tampering with the fuse box.
Belle(Girl): Huh?..Why did we stop?
Then you approach, making sure the cart isn't moving, it's not.
Saiko(Girl): Pfft! Lame! You're not scary!
She says to you, mocking how you look. You brushed it off and left.
Belle(Girl): Man..that..that guy gives me some suspicious thoughts..
Saiko(Girl): Relax! He's just a lame guy in the most boring generic serial killer costume ever made!
Belle(Girl): If you say so..
Then a fan gets lowered in front of them, bringing them to a concerned expression.
Saiko(Girl): S-Surely this is part of the ride, yea?
Belle(Girl):..I don't know...looks like more of a malfunction to me..
Then they see the same guy again, putting his hand on the lever.. both their eyes widen as they rapidly shake their heads no. You shake your head up and down.
Saiko(Girl): O-Okay! You win! You win! You proved you're scary! Please! You can stop!!
You denied her request and pull the switch, letting the cart move again.
Belle(Girl): H-He's joking right!!??
She said, trying to pull the lap bar up, but it wasn't budging. They both scream and watch in horror as they get closer to the fan, only for the ride to malfunction at the right moment, leaving you dumbfounded, and the two girls panicked and still in shock..
Saiko(Girl): O-Ok...can..can you please let us go now?..I promise I'll do anything you want! Just please let us go!!
You walked away.
Belle(Girl): Where are you going?!? Come back!!
You go to the fuse box and fix the malfunction, then turned the ride back on, watching them go to the fan.
Saiko(Girl): NO-
Belle(Girl): HELP-
You watched them both get their heads shredded by the fan, staring expressionless into the gore.
The Next Night...
Act: Say Goodnight
You take a peek over to the window and see two other jocks holding guns, furious about their fallen allies.
Ghosti(Jock): He already killed Bob and Mario! He will come for us now for sure!
Troy: Well let's waste this motherfucker then..
You then step away from the window and already thought of a plan. You walk over to the back and punch the fuse box out, a power outage happened.
You climb inside the window and walk toward your first victim.
Troy(Jock): S-Stay back you!
He said holding his gun, he fired multiple shots, but you just to happened to grab a trash can lid on the way in. A bullet ricocheted off your lid and into Troy's cranium.
You then head upstairs past his body and see the other jock aiming his gun around..
Ghosti(Jock): I know you're here you bastard..
You then leave, leaving the jock in a slight relief.
Ghosti(Jock): Heh..that was too easy-
He is then met with a machete through the wall outside, you yank and pull him out through the wall and throw him over the house, watching him fall to his doom.
It's Investigation Time!
Beta(Dave): Morning Bryan! Nasty murder, poor bastard got burned alive.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Damn..this has to end one day..thanks for telling me..
The cop gave a nod and went back to eating his donut, Bryan then goes inside to investigate, going upstairs to see the dead body and writing on the mirror..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Hm..sick bastard..
He then smelled a putrid smell, heading to the boiler to see it's been messed with.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Hm. Boiler reeks of gasoline..
He then goes downstairs and saw a broken window, and finding some torn cloth on the broken glass.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Ah hah! Ripped cloth! Finally, we have something of the killers DNA!
He then writes all of this down and goes upstairs to take a picture of the victim.
Investigator: Bryan Puzzles
Victim Name: SMG4 Wallace
Cause of Death: Attempted KFC Making
Criminal Record:
-Property Destruction
-Putting Pineapple on Pizza
No basic weapons, murderer is creative and sadistic, showing a joy for killing.
Ripped cloth belongs to a janitor suit, sadly, no DNA matches.
Another message on the mirror in the bathroom, "I AM RETRIBUTION"
Looks like acts of revenge. Does the killer know the victims? Both victims have criminal records. Killer thinks they deserved it? Vigilante??
The Next Night...
Act: Fishing Trip Gone Wrong
You see your next victim out on a boat, pointing around a rifle, keeping himself secure..
Percy(Fisherman): No killers gonna get me..
You go in the water carefully and submerge when you get to his scope of vision, continuing to stay out of his sight.
After making it to the surface and heading to the other side of the lake, you find his truck filled with fishing rods and a harpoon..grabbing the harpoon, you go back in the water and submerge, sneaking under the boat...
Percy(Fisherman): I won't rest until that bastard is in the ground resting himself..
As he had said that, the harpoon pokes through the boat and up into the fisherman's body, killing him in an instant. The boat sinks slowly into the watery grave below...
The Next Night...
Act: Bates Motel
Desti(Girl): Alright..I'm gonna try and get some sleep..can't believe the news is going crazy over this killer..maybe they'll catch him..lock him away for good..
She is then spooked by a car alarm going off, refusing to go to sleep if it kept going, but to her surprise, it turned off.
She goes to sleep soundly, but she wasn't alone..
You had arrived and got into her room, watching her sleep. Then you stab her in the chest with a hanger you had found in a random closet, making her scream and wake up.
Desti(Girl): AH- I-ITS YOU!-
You then pull the hanger out and stab her in the eye, killing her in an instant....
The Next Night...
Act: Medium Rare
You enter a diner and see what's around you, only to be called out by the chef yelling over the counter.
Jeff(Chef): We are closed! Get out!
You hid in a coffee cart and scooted toward the kitchen, staying camouflaged within it. You made your way over to the kitchen and every time he looked over, you stayed still.
Jeff(Chef): Hm..could've sworn I left that cart out there..but maybe I just brought it in here and forgot..I need some sleep..
He looks back at the grill and flips some burgers, you get out of the cart carefully and whack him over the head with a silver coffee pot, sending his head to the grill, he tries to push away but you forced him back down, hearing his flesh cook.
The Next Night...
Act: Hay Bale Joyride
Shroomy(William): Darn raccoons! Get lost!!!
He said holding a rifle, you hid in the tall stalks of wheat around you and head back to see a bunch of bear traps set up, so you grab a nearby rake and set them off to prevent yourself from getting hurt.
You then pass by a hay making machine and find a pitchfork, then you turn on the machine and hide within the wheat stalks. William goes to investigate the noises and makes it to the hay maker.
Shoomy(William): Huh, when did I turn this one on?..
He then goes to turn it off, but is stabbed from behind with a pitchfork and thrown into the machine, making a cube of hay with his remains.
The Next Night...
Act: Lurking Every Corner
You waiting in the bus for a stop. Before then the bus driver stops the bus and announces.
Kirby(Bus Driver): Anyone getting off here?
Meggy(Madison): Yep! I'm getting off.
She gets up out of her seat and leaves the bus, but you watched, and put down the news paper and followed.
The bus drives off as you silently stalk her, each time she looked back, you remained hidden in the dark. Eventually you trap her in a dead end and slowly approach her.
Meggy(Madison): Please, don't!
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): FREEZE!
You stop and look over, as does Madison. Seeing the investigator approach with a gun in hand.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Got you now you bastard...
Y/N(John): Stay out of my way.. detective..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): You're under arrest!
Y/N(John): I will only warn you once...I AM DEATH..
The lights flicker, and you were gone without a trace.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Damn him!
Madison is left shocked and shaken up..
The investigation continues as Bryan made his way to the hay farm to see the hay has been written on.
"Cheat Death? Hilarious!"
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): He's getting more aggressive..
Then two cops were talking to one another.
Beta(Dave): Hey Bryan! Hope your stomach can handle this.
He nods and goes on to see what's up ahead, seeing a bloody hay making machine.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Dear god..
He shakes his head and goes to the back, seeing more writing.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Is he on some sort of warpath?
He sighs and goes to writing in his files.
Investigator: Bryan Puzzles
Victim Name: Shroomy MacSawyer
Cause of Death: Bale Maker
Criminal Record:
"The victim had no criminal records?? Killer is not vigilante? Why did the victim have to die?"
"What's the connection between the killer and the victim?"
"Why DOES he want revenge?"
"The killer "The Pale Grin" could return for the girl, Meggy Carpenter. She will get protection."
The Next Night...
Act: No Loose Ends
You see out Carpenter's window, then go over and grab a bicycle chain before getting in the police car.
Skully(Cop): Heya Dave, back with the donuts?
You then wrap the chain over his neck, making him yell in shock. You slowly choke him out as he struggled to fight back, eventually, you managed to suffocate him and leave the police car to find her.
You enter the house and passed the kitchen and go upstairs to her room, but she's not there.. then she jumps out of a closet with a knife, attempting to stab you, after a few failed attempts, she shoved you out of the way and runs downstairs, you acted quickly and grab a bat near her bed and throw it off a wall, watching it bounce off and hit her in the back of the head, sending her tumbling downstairs. You find her body down stairs and stare in sullen.
Y/N(John): I'm sorry, were the only kind't deserve this.. why did you have to run?..
The Next Night...
Act: Get Behind Me Doctor!
You enter a hospital and go find a specific doctor..
Beth(Receptionist): Oh yay! A therapy clown! Welcome in!
You nod and go on inside the hospital after making it past reception. You then go into the break room to see another clown guy in here.
Depresso Clown(Therapy Clown): What the?..
Y/N(John): Don't question it...
You walk out of there and into the hallway, passing many doctors with clipboards and stethoscopes. You enter an office and seek a clipboard with many names on their, one of them was your target..
-Dr Ludwig (Surgery)
-Dr Dwayne (Medicine)
-Dr Doctor (Eye Testing)
-Dr Voorhees (Cardiology)
-Dr Pepper (Neurology)
-Dr Sherak (Surgery)
-Dr Respect (Medicine)
-Dr Seuss (Therapy)
-Dr Frank (Therapy)
You glance at Dr Sherak..finding his occupation and following up to the appropriate room.
After passing a bathroom with a wanted poster of your face on it, you take it off and replace it with another poster.
"One Shot Wren"
"Reward: 95K VBucks"
"Dead or Alive"
You nod and leave the restroom to find the elevator, pressing the surgery room, it closes its doors and takes you up slowly. Once you hear a ding, you prepare to leave and find your victim.
Upon passing by multiple doctors and nurses, you find the break room and see if he's in here, but no sign of him, only another wanted poster of you on it. You take it down and replace it with another poster.
"Big Chungus"
"Reward: 25k Robux"
"Dead or Alive"
You leave it there and go back to finding the doctor, but was stopped by a doctor.
Doctor: Sorry, surgeons only!
You leave and go into the locker room to find a spare surgeon uniform and put it in, then going back.
Doctor: Hey! Is that a new haircut there Larry?
You ignored him and enter the surgeon room and find yourself a set of defibrillators. Taking them with you and hiding them in your back pocket before leaving.
You enter a patients room and see a recovering patient sound asleep, you then pull the plug to get the doctors attention, you hid in the blinds, awaiting his arrival, after getting his attention, you see him pick up the plug and blow on it before plugging it back in.
Sherak(Hawkins): Rest easy my budddy!! We got jello waiting for ya!
Then he was shocked in the back by you violently.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After he was killed, the scene fades to black...
The Next Night...
Act: Drunken Bar Fight
You find yourself in Mad Jack's Bar, after shutting off the power, you sneak inside the window and see it's all pitch black, but a lighter was lit, showing your next victim's face.
SMG3(Mad Jack): Looking for me asshole?..
The lights turn on as Mad Jack huffed smoke and cleared his throat.
SMG3: Get him boys..
Then the old memes came back from the dead, armed with knives.
Pepe(Gang Member): Let's slew the bastard!
Dat Boi(Gang Member): Oh shit waddup!
Dolan(Gang Member): DIE HOE!
You grab a nearby knife and stab the first meme in the head, that being Dat Boi. You turn to Pepe and avoid his slice and poke him in the eye before stabbing him. Then you turn to see Shrek and sliced two onions into his eyes and blinded him before then killing him off. Next was King Kong, who opened the roof to the bar and goes to reach toward you, only to be stabbed in the finger and popping like a balloon.
SMG3(Mad Jack): Shit!
He freaked out a little as he saw his dead memes become...well, dead!..again!
You grab a broken beer bottle and kill off Spooderman and throwing sand dust into Sanic's eyes and breaking his neck.
Weegee was impaled by a pool cue, you grab the other cue and finish off the last meme with a bash over the head with the cue and breaking it in half before stabbing Dr Robotnik.
SMG3(Mad Jack): Useless idiots!!
He makes a run for it, you grab Pepe's crossbow and chase after Jack with a taste of vengeance, you back him into a corner as he shakes in fear, holding a knife.
SMG3(Mad Jack): Back off! It wasn't me!!
You didn't listen and fire a crossbow directly into his face, ending it all immediately.
The Next Night...
Act: Shopping Spree
As the janitor got done cleaning the floor, he closes up and enters the supply closet. You weren't far behind as you step off the mannequin podium and saw the janitor, following behind and entering with a sledgehammer, but before you could kill him, the lights turn on, showing this janitor was a were set up!
Boopkins(Swat Member): FLASHBANG OUT!
You were blinded for a moment, but as the swat enter, you vanished.
Ember(Swat Member): Damn it! Where did he go?!
Boopkins(Swat Member): Spread out! He can't get far!
They all went searching for you..
But all they found were dead swat members.
Ember(Swat Member): What?..
He was grabbed and held there by you..
Boopkins(Swat Member): AH!
Ember(Swat Member): SHOOT HIM!
You prevent him from doing so by making him shoot his friend, and also putting him down too.
Chris(Swat Member): Oh shit!
Swag(Swat Member): Damn. Bitch is gonna die.
You hid behind the corners and wait for them to come to you.
Swag(Swat Member): Cmon out or I'll start yodeling.
You then quickly acted and hit both of them in the cranium hard with your sledgehammer, then rushing to the van outside and driving off.
Beta(Dave): Yeah, don't worry. You'll be safe here!..huh?..
Both the janitor and the cop turn to see the van raging forward and running them both over in the process...
Investigation time!...again!
Patrick: Can we move long? I'm all out of time cards..
Bryan goes up to the police car and saw his dead friend sitting in the drivers seat.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Poor Martin..damn it..
He heads inside and finds the deceased body of Madison on the ground with some police tape around the window, with a message in blood that read "I'm Sorry..."
This left Bryan puzzled..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): He showed remorse?..was this all an accident?...
He heads upstairs into her room and saw a knife lying next to the closet.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Hmm, a knife with her finger prints..
He turns to the photo above her bed.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): A class group photo of Madison..WeedSplat High.
He then is shocked to see most of the people in this photo were the previous victims of the killer!
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Wait a minute! These are most of the victims! That school burned down almost a year ago. Now I can finally put the puzzle together with this..
He writes down all the info and closes his book up.
The Final Night...
Act: Showdown
Mr Puzzles heads into the old abandoned school to find the killer, getting his gun and seeing there are multiple traps on the ground..he breaks open the gates that locked the school and scared off the crows..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): This is it..
He looks around and saw traps, avoiding them carefully, but then gets tackled down by John himself..
Y/N(John): You could've just left..but now you gotta deal with me..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Get off me you sick bastard!
He kicks you off and shoots at you, hitting your shoulder, you retreat and grab your sledgehammer.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Cmon..I gotta be careful..
He then rushes into a closet to use for shelter, but accidentally steps into a trap, spraining his foot.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): AIGH!-
He stops and pulls open the trap and limps, holding his gun.
You slam your hammer next to his head, missing him. Bryan retaliated with multiple gunshots to the chest, you collapsed and eventually..fell..
It was over...
Mr Puzzles(Bryan)'s done..
He goes and gets out of there..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): Well.. how did it go man?....
The other investigator turns around and sighs..
E.Gadd(Agent): We're sorry to say this..but..
Bryan tilts his head a bit in confusion.
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): What?.
E.Gadd(Agent): The body is gone..
This shocked Bryan to the core..
Mr Puzzles(Bryan): The body is WHAT now?!???!
End Credits:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Y/N breaks out of character and realizes he's in some sort of dark maze..
Y/N: What the?..What happened?!
Your memories then flood in, remembering your friends pleads and screams of terror haunting your head..
Y/N: N-No!..No! That didn't happen! Did it?..NO! MEGGY?! SMG4! BETA?! ANYONE?!
You held your head and ran through the maze, dead end after dead end, you saw the fear in Meggy's eyes and everyone else's..
Y/N: What have I done?!? I'm a monster..cold blooded monster...
Mr Puzzles: you know MY pain..
You get up and hear his voice.
Mr Puzzles: You and I are more alike than you think, Y/N..I know you hate to admit it..but it's reality..
Y/N: No..we are NOT alike!..I have friends! A girlfriend! Family!
Mr Puzzles: Ah, mean the family and girlfriend you killed in cold blood?..
This hit you hard, clenching your fist..and breaking down next to a wall..
Mr Puzzles: That's what I thought..see you another time, Y/N..
Trust me Ilikemypug2011, I see all, and know all!
But all jokes aside, I hope you and everyone else enjoyed this request!
(I think the Y/N is broken..)
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