Spring Cleaning
A Week Later...
It's been a week since the escape from Mr Puzzles, so far, everything has gone back to normal.
Peach was worried sick about where y'all were for sometime, (Yes I've got a hillbilly slang.) despite her worries, she was grateful to have you all alive and well.
Tari discovered her arm talks to her, E.Gadd made a hypothesis, saying it's possibly due to the gauntlet data and the Meta's coding side effect. Overall, she's able to control her arm now, besides being able to control its words. I think the hand called itself, Clench?..
Today however was a good ol spring cleaning! Everyone's favorite time of the year!
You've been cleaning your room up, something you haven't seen in a while now. After making your bed up and cleaning the photo of you and Meggy taking one last group photo before Port Aurora, you take a moment to relax and reflect upon your life, and how much you've grown.
After a quiet moment for reminiscing, you go and help whoever needed help with their cleaning routine.
You spot Tari dusting off her Nintendo 64 console and cleaning out the game cards with care as she hums a little tune.
Y/N: Hey Tari!
Tari gasps and snaps her head toward you, only to relax when she saw it was you.
Tari: Goodness Y/N, you scared me!
Clench: Haha, That was funny!
Y/N: Sorry..erm, you need any help?
Tari thinks for a moment.
Clench: I think she needs help with her pipes.
Y/N: What?
Tari was confused for what Clench had meant, but and shook her head.
Tari: I don't know..I think I heard Peach needed some help with her bedroom..
Y/N: Right, well I won't bother you again.
Tari: You weren't to begin with Y/N, you're good!
You smiled and proceed to walk off.
Y/N: Well that's good to hear, I'll catch you later!
Tari: Okie dokie!
She watches you leave and turns back to Clench.
Tari: What did you mean by that?..
Clench: By what mother?
Tari: By the whole pipe thing?!
Clench: Papa would like that..
Tari blushed, now knowing what he meant.
Tari: Clench! No! Bad!!
Clench: But it's true isn't it?
Tari: No! Just..keep quiet please? Until I get done with cleaning the dust and fibers out of the game cards..
Clench: Can I help?
Tari: No you may not! Just go to sleep!
Clench: Ok fine..
Clench powers off, leaving Tari with a sense of peace.
Tari: Good, now to clean out F Zero X.
She says to herself as she takes the card and carefully cleans out the dust.
Meanwhile with the others...
Mario was unclogging a toilet with a monkey wrench.
Mario: Ooooh, Mario found gold!
Percy:..Mario, you're using the wrong tool for the job..
Mario then frowns and asks him.
Mario: Then what do you know? Have you ever unclogged a toilet?!
Percy: In fact, yes. I have. You use a plunger, you sibak ghabi..
Mario: I know, Mario's fucking with you. I'm not THAT stupid.
He replies with a plunger in his hand.
Percy: Oh..well you had me worried for a second..
Mario laughed and prepares to fix the toilet up.
Percy: Okay, once you get done unclogging the thing, I'll see if it's still backed up.
Mario: Okie dokie!
The pair continue to work on the toilet, then Mario stops plunging.
Percy: I assume you're done now?
Mario: Yup! Pull da lever Percy!
Percy: Well alright..
He pushes the lever down and hears the toilet flush normally once more.
Percy: Huh..for once we didn't get a ref-
Mario then falls under a trapdoor disguised as a tile.
Mario: WRONG LEVER!!!!!!
Percy:..Never mind..
Meggy and Desti got to work with Bob and Boopkins on their rooms..fun stuff! Yeah?
Meggy: Jesus Bob!
Desti: What a complete waste of space! How much manga does a guy need?!
Bob: ThAtS uH nOt MiNe..
Meggy: Oh yeah? Then who's is it then? Cause from what I see, it has your initials on it..
Bob: Oh. StRaNgE..
Desti: Uh yeah, it's a real mystery..
She says sarcastically as she goes to make up their beds.
Boopkins: Thank you Desti and Meggy..we would do some of our own chores, but we're not built for this sort of thing..I'm too short and Bob has no hands to hold stuff!
Bob: I tUrNeD mY oLd BeDsHeEtS iNtO a GoD dAmN pApEr SnOwFlAkE..
Meggy: Well it was no problem, just keep your manga organized is all I gotta say..
Bob: Oh Ok!
Desti: Ah hah, so it was yours then!!
She said pointing the finger at Bob.
Bob: WHAT?! I uH nEvEr SaId ThAt!
Desti: Uh huh, suuuure....
Meggy:..Okay..I'm gonna go see how the kitchen looks-
Desti: WHOA, whoa, not so fast Spletzer..you're not allowed in the kitchen, remember?
Meggy: Oh right..well I'll go check up on Y/N..
Desti: Yeah..much better, he's in Peach's room if you're wondering.
Meggy nods and goes to leave.
Meggy: Thanks for the heads up..
You finished up with helping Peach dust off the chandelier she ordered of Craigslist.
Peach: Oh thank you! For that, you deserve a reward...
Y/N:...Uh Peach? I'm taken..
Peach: I meant cake, pervert..
Y/N: Right..
Meggy then enters in.
Meggy: Hey Peach! Hey Babe!
Y/N: Hi Meg-Meg!
Peach: Hello Meggy..you finished with those slobs rooms?
Meggy rolled her eyes from the thought of that and nodded.
Meggy: Yes..it's more manga than room at this point..
Y/N: Yeah..I can imagine..
Meggy: Sooo..you also finished up?
Y/N: Oh yeah! I got to go on a ceiling to clean off the chandelier! Finally I can become spiderman!
Meggy laughed at that and puts a hand on your shoulder.
Meggy: Hey..
Y/N: Hey what?..
Meggy: I..ah Nevermind..let's uh, go..
Skully and Beta were both arguing over if a hotdog is a sandwich or a taco in the kitchen.
Beta: No, you're wrong bro..it's a damn taco!
Skully: If it's a taco then where's the corn shell?
Beta: Why does it need to have a corn shell to be a taco?
Skully: Because that's how you make a taco! Heck, you can use a tortilla too! Hotdogs are bread!
Beta: Well I call them tacos, and that's final..
Leo: Guys..please stop fighting, it's not that deep!
Beta: Yeah, it is that deep. This is a whole fucking food theory!
Skully:..You're an idiot..
Beta: Oh fuck you..
Saiko: Hey! Less fighting and more working! The house isn't gonna clean itself!
Skully: Uh..yeah..right!
He goes back to cleaning the dishes.
Beta: Whatever..
Beta goes to sweep the floor up, and Leo goes back to cleaning the microwave.
Saiko: Great! Now keep up the good work, and I might give you a kiss..
Beta: Uh-
Saiko: Not you..you just get..a high-five..and uh Leo gets a pat on the back.
Beta: Oh cool, I love high fives! But nothing beats a fist bump..
Skully: Ooorrr..our secret handshake..
Beta: Ah, the slapbone handshake?
Skully: Yep, that's the one!
Beta: Oh, it's just a guys thing..
Skully: I'm surprised we remembered it for so long..
SMG4 and SMG3 were putting their laptops on a charger after making a new video before then going to the living room to get the games reorganized.
SMG4: Smash Melee..man! I had a field day when that first released!
SMG3: And I whooped your ass!
SMG4 scoffed at that statement and claimed.
SMG4: No you didn't! You just grabbed a smash ball and clutched it, that doesn't mean you whooped my ass, I had more stocks!
SMG3: Yeah right..keep telling yourself that..won't make it true!
The house then began to rumble..
Luigi: Huh?!
Will: What is noise?
Ghosti: Sounds like it's coming from outside!
Then the gang go outside and see the angry moon..
Mario: Oooooh, das right..
Peach: Mario! What did you do?!
Beta: This time..
Mario: Mario..well, may have invited da moon to come help!
Mario: It was a pleasant surprised tho! Yeah?
Beta: Mario, I mean this in the nicest way possible since we are friends..No, the fuck it is not.
Angry Moon:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The moon slowly fell out of the sky and crashes on impact.
Jeff: OH SHIT!
A/N: Aaaand they all died! The end..
Y/N:...That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard..
A/N: What?! Oh come on, you gotta admit that was a good one!
Meggy: No, that's ridiculous! No way the moon could possible fall out of the sky!
A/N: Uh..well...
Meggy: It can, can it?..
A/N: Yeah....
Then it happened again..crashing into the studio and cutting off to the outro.
(What a blast from out of this world!)
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