Scooby-Mario, Where'd you go!

And so it began with SMG4 as Fred driving the mystery machine down a highway.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After passing by an ad sign, they crash into another car with SMG3 inside it. They spun out of control down the town square, running over Beth and the receptionist inside.


A Day Later..

The gang were in the counseling room, as Mr Puzzles was checking off their crimes and how much damage they've done.

SMG4(Fred): ...So..

Luigi(Shaggy): How bad is the damage?

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Well, I'd be lying if I said they were all covered and paid for, but, they're pretty bad..

Their stomachs sank as they fear for the worst, but decided it's better to get it over with and rip the bandaid off fast.

Tari(Velma): Just lay it on bad is it?

Mr Puzzles(Steve): They're VERY bad, you've got two lawsuits for those two people you slaughtered on the road, 20 Million dollars for the deaths.

SMG4(Fred): What?!? Who sent those?.

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Uh, their families? Who else would it be. Also, you gotta pay for the property damage you caused to the bank..and let's say the price isn't as pretty as the two other lawsuits..

SMG4(Fred): Oh..

Meggy(Daphne): We don't have 40 Million dollars just lying around! are we gonna pay them off?.

Luigi(Shaggy): Like..I don't know..

The gang sighs and get up, going to leave but are stopped.

Mr Puzzles(Steve): I have a lead for you.

SMG4 then turns around to face him with some hope.

SMG4(Fred): You do?

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Yeah, all you gotta do is show up here..

He lays down a news article about some pizza joint.

They stare at the news article in a wonder manner, and they huddled up for a talk.

Meggy(Daphne): So, should we?

SMG4(Fred): We don't have much of a's either we take it, or we can kiss the Meme Machine goodbye for good..

Luigi(Shaggy): B-But..the ghosts! The monsters!

Tari(Velma): It's a pizza'll be fine.

Then Mario came in all excited.

Mario(Scooby): PIZZA?!?

SMG4(Fred): Mario! How did you get in here?! No dogs are allowed in here!

Then Jeff walks in, and all out of breath.

Jeff(Scrappy): Sorry, I tried to keep him calm as much as possible!

Luigi(Shaggy): Like it's ok, but I dunno about this "investigation."

Mario(Scooby): But Luigi, Think of Da Pizza!

Luigi then couldn't get his mind off of food and soon overcame his own nervousness.

Luigi(Shaggy): Ok! Yeah! You know what? Les go!

The others smiled with confidence and look over at Steve.

SMG4(Fred): You've got a deal.

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Great! I'll give you a call when the clock hits 12! Don't be late!

SMG4(Fred): You've got it!


A few hours later...

The gang had driven off and towards the pizzeria, both nervous but excited about this mystery to bust! Of course Scooby-Mario was more excited to eat pizza than anything.

Mario(Scooby): Oooooh! Imma gonna eat some pizza pies till I feel constipated!

Luigi(Shaggy): Like, yeah! Dat will be pretty good-a!

SMG4(Fred): We can eat after we do a little investigation.

This made the two sigh in depression, but accepted.

Mario(Scooby): Fine!

Tari(Velma): It'll be quick! Don't worry!

Luigi(Shaggy): Okie Dokie!


Once at The Pizzeria

The gang all get out of the car and look up at the old, corroded sign of a dolphin mascot waving.

Meggy(Daphne): Yikes..that's very tacky..

As soon as she says that, the arm breaks off and landed on Scoob.

Mario(Scooby): OW WHAT DA FU-

Luigi(Shaggy): Fudge! You ok Scoob?!

Mario(Scooby): No..

Tari(Velma): Here! I've got a Scooby snack-

As soon as she said the magic words, the plumber canine had lifted the arm off of him and ate the biscuit, almost taking her hand off.

Tari(Velma): every time..

Mario(Scooby): MORE! I NEED MORE!

SMG4(Fred): We'll get you more as soon as we investigate, if you find us some clues, then you can have all the Scooby snacks you want! Sound like a good deal to you?

Mario(Scooby): Hmmmmmm...Okie dokie!

As they all get to the pizzeria, they see that it's chained up and locked.

Meggy(Daphne): It's locked?! How do we get in?

She questioned, then Scooby decided to help out and eat the chains off the door, belching with satisfaction.

Jeff(Scrappy): I-..Uh...Alright then...

SMG4(Fred): Well any help is greatly appreciated! Good boy!

He was rewarded with another biscuit, to which Scooby absorbed.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

SMG4(Fred): Heh, love that trick, gotta learn that one day! Just one day!

He shook his head and opens the door, the ambiance filled their bodies with trepidation. They soon overcame themselves and entered inside, staying close by.


The dining area was a vast space with dining tables that had old stained white sheets over them, as well as some old birthday party hats.

Meggy(Daphne): Where are we gonna find a guard in a place like this?.

Luigi(Shaggy): Da real question is, how did he get lost in a Chuck e Cheese Spin-off Restaurant?

SMG4(Fred): Good question, let's find out together! Me and Daph will take the East side of the restaurant, Shaggy, Velma, take the west side..Scrappy and Scooby, check the center for any clues.

Jeff(Scrappy): You've got it!

Meggy(Daphne): The sooner the better!

SMG4(Fred): Well let's get to investigating!

As the gang had went their separate ways through the place, searching for anything that could help them solve this mystery.

Mario(Scooby): Say, I'm hungry! Have you got any food?

Jeff(Scrappy): You've asked me that question before and the answer is gonna stay the same, no, I don't..

Mario(Scooby): But dis floof needs damn food!

He then gets a brick chucked at his head, with a note that read "LANGUAGE! We don't want any more issues, now do we? :>"

Jeff(Scrappy): What in the- Who threw that?!

He looks around, but didn't get his answer.

Jeff(Scrappy): Alright, Scoob, you okay?

Mario(Scooby): Yep, imma okie!

He gets back up, then decided to go into the kitchen.

Jeff(Scrappy): Wait!- Where are you going?!?

Mario(Scooby): FOOD!

He leaves him behind, then Scrappy groans out of annoyance before going after him, then pauses to hear footsteps..

Jeff(Scrappy): Uh..Shaggy?..Fred?..Daphne?..Velma?..Scooby?..was that you?..

Soon enough, he did notice that a curtain on stage had moved, so he wandered over and pulls a rope, opening the curtains. Revealing the main three animatronics.

Jeff(Scrappy): Oh..that's definitely not too creepy, I'm only shivering cause it's cold in here..

He takes a step back..


Fred and Daphne explore the east hallway and find no clues, Daphne took a look at some old kids drawings on the walls, a little mesmerized by them.

Meggy(Daphne): Hm, well the fans have a very creative imagination.

Another drawing showed one of the animatronics with a rocket launcher, blowing up a wall, with kids cheering.

SMG4(Fred): Yea, they've got some nice ideas!

Fred's Phone:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Fred picks up the phone and answers.

SMG4(Fred): Hello?.

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Hello? Oh, hey! You're in the restaurant right?

SMG4(Fred): Uh, yeah! We're just exploring around.

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Ah, yeah, well be sure to look closely at anything that may seem weird or out of place, a lot of people have made complaints about the supernatural stuff that has happened in this particular place, we're not sure why..but if it does occur, you should know what to do, yeah?

SMG4(Fred): We can guarantee that we'll find the source of that!

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Great! Now to discuss the real elephant in the room..Soo, you see, the animatronic characters do get a bit quirky at night..


Foxy was busy doing Gangnam style in the cove, grooving away.


Mr Puzzles(Steve): Buut, to be fair, I don't blame them, not one bit, if I were to sing those cringe songs and never get paid or even get a bath? I'd be a bit irritated at night too, so just remember we gotta show them some level of respect, yeah?

Fred nodded in agreement.

SMG4(Fred): Right..

Mr Puzzles(Steve): So just beware that they do wander around during 12 AM to 6 AM, don't ask why, maybe it's their servos, can't have them locking up..heh, so if they do see you, they won't really see you as a human being, but more of a metal robot skeleton, now since public nudity is strictly forbidden, they'll stuff you into a Fazbones suit, now, that wouldn't sound so bad, but there are some robot equipment in there, and they'll basically tear you! To prevent that, you'll need to stay out of their sight and if you can, find any sort of weapon incase you need to defend yourself.

Meggy(Daphne): Uh- W-What?..You can't be serious..

SMG4(Fred): Well..maybe they won't get us if we're in a small group..just watch each others backs and we'll be fine!

Mr Puzzles(Steve): Yeah..yeah, so, just remember, avoid getting stuffed, I'll chat with you tomorrow about it all, and uh, if you find clues, be sure to snap good photos and send them to the police station as soon as you get the chance, and we'll get it resolved..alright, goodnight!

The phone hung up.

SMG4(Fred): Well..this night just got a whole lot more interesting..

Meggy(Daphne): You think?.


An hour had passed since the phone call, from that time, Scooby doo went rummaging through the kitchen for something to eat, only to find just a few roaches and some frying pans.

Mario(Scooby): Dis is some false advertising! MARIO WANTED PIZZA!


Scrappy could hear Scooby's complaints from all the way across the restaurant and shook his head, coming over to see what was wrong.

When out of the blues, something, or someone, decided to sing.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jeff(Scrappy): Uhhh...what was that?..

The lights flicker and he had realized something was off, upon seeing the cove, whoever was inside had left the curtains open. Going to investigate, he grabbed a flashlight and checks inside.

Jeff(Scrappy): Who's there?..Show yourself-

He felt a swift kick to the gut and was sent flying into an arcade machine, barely conscious, he takes a glance at the first enemy active.

The animatronic had whirred to life and comes charging at the pup, Scrappy had escaped nearly by an inch as he made his way into backstage, hiding out there.

Jeff(Scrappy): Phew...okay..don't panic, he won't find me in here..

As soon as he said that, a pair of eyes lit up behind him, and grabbed ahold of him, to prevent him squirming, the robot had used a white cloth and slowly put the pup to sleep..


Soon enough, Shaggy and Velma got done searching the west hall with no clue in bound, so they both decided to check the supply closet and see what's inside, upon opening the door, the roaches scampered out of there like a bat out of hell.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tari(Velma): Shaggy..please stop..

He pauses and rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously.

Luigi(Shaggy): Sorry..


The show stage was a bit different..due to the fact that the blue one had left.


As two hours have gone by, Fred and Daphne were about to leave.

Meggy(Daphne): Did we seriously have to spend 2 hours in there?.. didn't find anything, besides roaches..gross..

SMG4(Fred): Sorry! Had to make sure there was nothing interesting!

?: Or nothing Useful?.

The two had jumped up from the voice and looked toward the dining area.

Meggy(Daphne): Uh...what was that?..

SMG4(Fred): Beats me..

They then see that the green one on the stage was missing..

SMG4(Fred): Wait..where's the green guy?..and the blue one?

After he turned around, Daphne was gone.

SMG4(Fred): Uh..Daphne?!? Where'd you go?!

Then he was tackled down by the blue guy.

Troy(Bonnie): Bare Fat Aussie Skeleton needs suit!

Fred panicked and grabbed a flashlight, shining it in his eyes, but that did absolutely nothing.

SMG4(Fred): Oh, wanna go?!

He then punches Bonnie in the face, only breaking his hand.

SMG4(Fred): Owie!...I got a boo boo...

He held his hand close, trying to ease the pain. Then is met by Foxy again, the two robots nodded at each other and Fred's fate was met with a white cloth over his face.


After exploring the supply closet, Shaggy and Velma had left it and went to the dining area, but Velma was met with a broomstick to the neck, she screamed as she was held captive by Foxy.

Luigi(Shaggy): HEY! Let her go!

Percy(Foxy): Or what?

Luigi(Shaggy): I'll uh, SAY THE N WORD!

Both Velma and Foxy stared in shock and hesitated.

Percy(Foxy): You're'll get cancelled..

Luigi(Shaggy): Ni-

Percy(Foxy): Don't you say it!

Luigi(Shaggy): Ninjago!

Percy(Foxy): I-...hey, that show is fire! You've got good taste..

Luigi(Shaggy): Really?..

Percy(Foxy): No.

Then Shaggy's vision faded to black as he was knocked out.


Scooby checks the kitchen some more, and yes..he stayed in that kitchen for the past 3 hours..

He's been persistent and on the hunt, until he finally finds a mysterious bowl of spaghetti sitting in the fridge.

Mario(Scooby): Oooooh! Spaghetti!!!

Then he went to eat it, but pauses as he saw a pair of eyes emerge from the pasta, blinking at him.

Mario(Scooby): Hmm..Halloween themed meatballs! :D

He goes to eat it again but is interrupted by clattering pots and pans falling from the rack above the stove.

Mario(Scooby): Shaggy, why u being a spy?

He asked, looking over at the stove top, seeing it was turned on by a mysterious entity.

Mario(Scooby): Uh..what was dat?

He shrugged eventually, turning back to his food, but it seemed to have wandered off somewhere.

Mario(Scooby): Aw come on!

Sherak(Chica): What's wrong, My fellow idiot?..

Mario(Scooby): Eh, I lost my spaghetti...wait a second!

He turns toward the animatronic and saw him standing there with a bowl of spaghetti in his hand.

Sherak(Chica): Oh, you mean this?..

Mario(Scooby): Yea! You've found it, oh you're so good-a! Come here my little-

Spaghetti Bowl:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The bowl grew razor sharp teeth and lunged off Chica's hand and toward Scooby's face.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He struggled to get the vicious bowl off him but eventually he pulls the spaghetti monster off his face and threw it to the ceiling, colliding with a pot on the rack before swinging back and forward, launching off and hitting Scooby square in the face, knocking him out cold.


Scooby Doo slowly came to his senses and gets up, well, tries to, but his limbs were tied up, then he spots the rest of the gang tied up too.

SMG4(Fred): Help! Let us go!!!

He yelled out, desperate to escape. Daphne sighs and says to him.

Meggy(Daphne): No one can hear us Fred, there's no point..

Mario(Scooby): Hey! What's going on here?!?

Tari(Velma): We're trapped..that's what's going on here..

Luigi(Shaggy): I don't wanna be stuffed into a teddy suit! It's gonna be harder for me to eat food I like!

Then, the four animatronics have entered the room, the main one had approached the gang, all of them seemed intimidated.

Skully(Freddy): What are you doing in a place like this after hours?..Didn't your parents ever tell you it's very rude to trespass into someone's property without permission?

They all seemed shocked for a moment, but just for a moment, until Fred spoke up..

SMG4(Fred):'s a long story, you see I lost control of the wheel on the mystery machine and may have caused some damage, and we needed the money!

Percy(Foxy): You cannot have my booty!- Erm..that be treasure, ya know..

Skully(Freddy): Hm..well this job doesn't pay well.

Meggy(Daphne): We're looking for a guy, his name is..Mike?.

The animatronics eyes lit up as they heard that name.

Troy(Bonnie): Boss you mean-

Skully(Freddy): Yes..go get him..

The other three go and get Mike, and drag him into the room.

Y/N(Mike): Ugh, great!..You're back, you here to put me through the shredder now?..

Skully(Freddy): Hush. These folks are looking for that correct?

SMG4(Fred): Yeah! He looks like the one in the description! That's him!

You seemed to be relieved about some saviors and sigh with relief..

Skully(Freddy): You may have him..

Tari(Velma): Awesome! Now we can-

Skully(Freddy): But..

Their excitement was put to a halt as he says the following...

Skully(Freddy): If you can beat Me in a rap battle to the death..then you can have all of your friends leave..if not, then I'm afraid we're gonna have to keep you here, and make you listen to Its a Small World After all until
your brain implodes..

The losing prize seemed harsher than anticipated and you all stared in shock and horror..

Y/N(Mike): WHAT?!

Jeff(Scrappy): You're nuts! No way I'm listing to that!!

Skully(Freddy): Then you better bring your A game.. see you there..


Before the challenge, you were greeted by the Mystery Gang.

SMG4(Fred): So you're the missing guy, sorry we didn't get to properly meet, but I'm Fred!

Y/N(Mike): It's all good Fred! I appreciate your effort of making it here and actually finding me..well, technically they took me to you- but whatever, the point is we're almost home free!

Whilst you were talking, Daphne seemed to be lost in thought, staring at you for a minute before snapping out of her mind and looking away, glancing at a poster hung on the wall.

Tari(Velma): How long have you been without food and water?

Y/N(Mike): Well, I've been living off of pizzas and not the healthiest thing but it's kept me alive..I need some greens..

Mario(Scooby): You lucky little-

Watch it....or you'll be sorry...

Mario(Scooby): Tick Bag Riddler.

Y/N(Mike):...What does that even mean?..

Jeff(Scrappy): He's a dog, he speaks in dog language..sorta like I do.

Y/N(Mike): That doesn't make it less weirder..

SMG4(Fred): That doesn't matter now, what matters now is that we got a rap battle to get into!

Y/N(Mike): Right..well let's do this..


Skully(Freddy): Are you fully ready for Skully?

Y/N(Mike): Are you ready to be shipped to Tokyo you mammal?

Skully(Freddy): 1, 2, 3 mother flipper!

The animatronics hit the radio, causing the music to go off.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the two of you began to rap, the gang and the robots watched you both with awe.

Tari(Velma): You think he's got it?..

Meggy(Daphne): I know he's got it..

She smiled with confidence, the other gang members look at her with a puzzling look, but shrugged it off and looked back at the rap battle.


Once the song had ended, both Fazbones and you had dropped your mics and paused, catching your breath..

Skully(Freddy): Hm..well, you've proven yourself and the others worthy and're all free to leave..we appreciate the entertainment we get here every now and then..and I do apologize if my friends caused any trouble..

SMG4(Fred): Heh, it was no biggie..we thought we were gonna die!

Percy(Foxy): I mean if you're offering-

Skully(Freddy): Nonsense, We only stuff the skeletons in suits, we take our policies strictly..

Meggy(Daphne): Wait- so you don't see us as skeletons??..

Skully(Freddy): Not exactly. It's just a myth, but sometimes we have fun with it.

You all nodded, seeming to understand their situation and their ways of having some fun around here.

Y/N(Mike): Say..I know a thing or two we could do..

Troy(Bonnie): Really? What?..

Y/N(Mike): We still have like a few minutes left until the doors are unlocked..sooo..


You find a drawing of a fort, and the others glance over to see.

Y/N(Mike): Well, we have everything we need, yeah? Just needs to be bigger than what's on the paper.

Jeff(Scrappy): know, this could work..

Tari(Velma): I agree!

Luigi(Shaggy): Like, yeah, let's go!


Upon building and putting together tables and chairs to make your fort and all take a step back.

Percy(Foxy): Bloody Gorgeous..

Y/N(Mike): Looks great, nice job everyone!

Everyone smiles and lays down in the fort, looking up at the stars sticking to the ceiling..

Skully(Freddy): We never truly will be able to capture real we had to work with what we got in this place.

Troy(Bonnie): We found some cool star stickers to place on the ceiling! Pretty neat yeah?

Luigi(Shaggy): Like, that looks groovy man!

Y/N(Mike): It's pretty good, you guys have some good taste in decor..

Meggy(Daphne): It's beautiful..

As you all lay there with tranquility for about 15 minutes, you hear the bell chime.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Skully(Freddy): Well's 6 AM, again, thank you for spending time with us, and, you're always welcome to come back.

SMG4(Fred): No problem! Thanks again, all of you, for helping us and freeing Mike of course.

Skully(Freddy): Hey, he won fair and square. See you all another time.

The animatronics wave, but Shaggy didn't wanna leave, as he hugged Foxy's leg.

Percy(Foxy): Eh?..

Luigi(Shaggy): I-I don't wanna leave you guys!

Tari(Velma): Shaggy..come on, it's gonna be ok!

Skully(Freddy): Yeah, she's right. Don't worry about us, we can manage just fine.

Luigi(Shaggy): I-...Ok..

He slowly let's go and walks over to the gang, then they all left the building, but then someone stood in front of the entrance, wearing some sort of Grey Skully Fazbones costume.

?: Oh no, the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do..

The suited man then locks the doors behind him and makes them back up with a blood stained knife.

Y/N(Mike): What?..It's you?!..

Then the others looked at you with a bewildered expression.

Meggy(Daphne): You know this guy?..

You gave her a nod and frown upon saying a wicked name..

Y/N(Mike): William Afton..

The man then removed his mask to reveal himself as Steve?..

SMG4(Fred): STEVE?!

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Tsk! You weren't meant to escape alive..I knew I should've changed their settings before hand..but no matter! You're all gonna be new friends for my children..speaking of which, COME FOURTH MY BELOVED FAMILY!

Then the animatronic's eyes glow red and aligned with Afton's side, he then presses a button on a small remote.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Exterminate all them..

Then the robots got worked up like a cat on a hot tin roof before bolting toward the gang, you all ran off to hide.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Find them! Don't let anyone escape!

The robots obey and go hunt for them.


Scrappy and Velma hid in the kitchen, trying to stay quiet..

Jeff(Scrappy): Are they gonna find us in here?...

Tari(Velma): We should hope not..

As soon as she said that, Chica bursts into the kitchen, and Scrappy hid in the oven, as Velma hid in the freezer. Chica slowly lurks into the kitchen, checking every countertop and even looked into the oven..Scrappy was petrified, then watches as Chica turned the oven on, but before leaving, the animatronic felt a chill and looks to see the freezer was left open, so Chica wanders over to the freezer and closes the door, locking Velma inside before exiting the kitchen.

Jeff(Scrappy): VELMA?!? HELP!

He felt himself sweat as the oven heated up more and more, getting cooked alive.

Jeff(Scrappy): SOMEONE!! HELP ME!


Fred, Mike & Daphne had made their way into the arcade & play area, shooken and looking for places to hide.


Fred yelps and hid behind an arcade machine. As Daphne grabbed Mike's hand and guided herself and him into the ball pit.

Percy(Foxy): Dumb and Dumber..where are these landlubbers?..

The animatronic goes over to the arcade machines and rocks it back and forth, freaking Fred out even more.

Meggy(Daphne): Oh no..what do we do?! Mike, you got anything?..

She turns to you, fearful and desperate for any plans. You thought of something you could try and nodded.

Meggy(Daphne): Well let me in on it, what do you have in mind?..

Y/N(Mike): Okay..just follow my lead, and throw a ball at him, like haymaker hard..

Meggy(Daphne): Are you sure about that? It's a plastic ball, I heavily doubt it'll even faze him..

Y/N(Mike): You'll see, you trust me, yeah?.

Meggy(Daphne): I..of course I do..

Y/N(Mike): Then grab a ball and hurl it at him!

She nodded and grabbed a plastic ball from the ball pit and waits for your signal, you gave her a nod and she nodded back. Upon hurling the ball at the animatronic's head, it bounced off and made Foxy twist his head toward Daphne, then charges straight for her, only to be met with a face full of arcade machine, you pushed it and made it fall, crushing Foxy under it.


Y/N(Mike): Sorry Foxy..come on Daph and Fred!

The duo come out of hiding and follow you out of the play area.

Percy(Foxy): Wait, don't leave me here...please?...


Shaggy backs away from an irate Bonnie and Chica, afraid of what's going to happen to him.

Troy(Bonnie): Well you've had a good run, but it's time fowa the mask of death!

He lets out a gulp..

Luigi(Shaggy): Can't we talk this over?..


He was then strapped into a chair and Chica waits for the command to pull the switch, Bonnie gave Chica the go ahead and soon enough, the machine whirs to life, Shaggy screams as the mask came closer to him by the second.


As soon as the masks got close enough to nearly cut a single strand of Shaggy's hair, the machine stopped.

Troy(Bonnie): What the?..What did you do?!

Sherak(Chica): I didn't do nothin! I was standing here this whole time!

Troy(Bonnie): Well go check on the plug! Whatever went wrong, fix it..

Sherak(Chica): Ok! Fine! I will!

Bonnie keeps an eye on Shaggy, whilst Chica goes and saw that the cord was unplugged from its outlet.

Sherak(Chica): Oh..

Chica picks up the cord and checks it before blowing on it to get any dust particles off before plugging it back in, hearing the machine whir back to life.

Sherak(Chica): Okay! Fixed the issue! You good Bonnie- Wha?!?

The mask had shredded into Bonnie's face, leaving him in a broken state, Chica immediately stops the whole thing and removed the mask.

Sherak(Chica): Bonnie?!? What the heck happened?!

Bonnie weakly points behind Chica, to which the robot turns around to be met with a crowbar to the face.


Shaggy was rescued by Mike, Daphne and Fred. Grateful, he hugged them three.

Luigi(Shaggy): Like Thank you!! I really appreciate that..

Y/N(Mike): Hey, don't mention let's go and find the others.

SMG4(Fred): We just gotta find Velma, Scrappy and Scooby.

Luigi(Shaggy): Wait..I smell chicken..

Then their hearts sank..


They soon make their way to the kitchen and find the oven was turned on and quickly turned it off, seeing a cooked pup.


He immediately rushes into the sink and turns the water on, cooling off..

SMG4(Fred): Scrappy!? Are you ok?!

Jeff(Scrappy): I feel hotter than Mexico..

Y/N(Mike): Well sit tight, we're getting out of here, all of us..

Jeff(Scrappy): Yay...also, Velma's in the freezer..

Then Daphne opens the freezer and saw Velma frozen inside an ice block the size of her body.

Y/N(Mike): Wow..that's cold..uh, does anyone onow a quick way to melt ice?

Meggy(Daphne): Leave it to me.

She grabbed a Minecraft torch and placed it on a wall near the ice block, waiting for it to thaw out, until the torch and even the power goes out.

SMG4(Fred): Uhhh..who turned off the power?..

Meggy(Daphne): We're all literally in the same room together, it's not any of us-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Their hearts sank as they all turn to see the man himself..

Skully(Freddy): Here's Freddy!~

You all yell in fear and back away, the door is punched in and he enters.

Skully(Freddy): You'll pay what you've done to my friends..

SMG4(Fred): Freddy! Snap out of it! This isn't you!! You're being controlled!

Skully(Freddy): Save your words, and beg for mercy!

You sigh and grab a fire extinguisher, Freddy tilts his head at this.

Y/N(Mike): We're sorry buddy..but we gotta do this to defend what's right..

Freddy aggressive rushes in but is hit with the fire extinguisher a few times before grabbing your wrist and slowly twisting it and throwing you against the counter, pinning you against it whilst pulling your hair back.

Y/N(Mike): GAAAH!-

He then throws you against the microwave, knocking you out cold.

Skully(Freddy): Now that he's dealt with, I've gotta rip them a new one next..

He turns around and is met with an aggressive shove against the wall by Fred and Shaggy, Freddy grabbed both of their heads and knocked the two together before grabbing Scrappy and shoving him into a blender, turning it on, he made a cartoony brown goop shake.

Skully(Freddy): Hm, a new version of the Grimace Shake?..

He then rethinks it and backs away from the blender then focuses.

Skully(Freddy): And now for little miss Daphne..

Meggy(Daphne): I swear I'll make you pay!!

She suckerpunches Freddy and uses her kung fu on him, leaving Freddy unfazed and deadpanned..

Skully(Freddy): Are you finished yet?..

Meggy(Daphne): Uhhh..oh..uh, take this!

She grabbed a frozen sausage and threw it at him, but he caught it and threw it aside.

Skully(Freddy): That's for pizza! Wasteful..

Meggy(Daphne): I'm a vegetarian!

Skully(Freddy): Uh huh, sure you are..but no matter.

He pulls Daphne by the collar over the counter and threw her against the wall where the others were. Then he grabbed a pan.

Meggy(Daphne): N-No! Get away!!

She backs into a corner and shakes out of dread. Freddy follows and is about to hurl the pan directing at her forehead, but Daphne thinks of a plan and looks up at the camera, then says.

Meggy(Daphne): Oh look! You're on camera! Say hi to the internet!


He turns around but then he realizes.

Skully(Freddy): Hey, wait a minute..that camera only picks up audio!

He turns back to see Daphne pushing a frozen Velma ice block toward him, he goes wide eyed and steps out of the way.

Skully(Freddy): Hah! Missed me!

He goes and charges at her again, grabbing her and holding her by the throat.

Skully(Freddy): Any last words, Daph?..

Meggy(Daphne): Y-Yeah!..Make over time...

Skully(Freddy): Wha?..

She smiled and grabbed a make up kit, smashing it against his face.

Skully(Freddy):..Great, now I look ridiculous..

As Daphne saw this didn't work, she looks over and saw a cockroach fluttering its wings on a countertop, she reaches over and carefully grabbed it.

Meggy(Daphne): Ew! Ew! Ew!!!

Skully(Freddy): What are you Ewing about? The makeup couldn't have been that bad I-

Daphne interrupted him by throwing a roach on his face, it landed and crawled on him.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He screams in fear and flees, running into the ice cube imprisoning Velma in, swiping off the bug and getting the chills from that experience, he tries to refocus, but noticed the ice block teetering back and forth until it falls right on top of him, finishing him off.

Meggy(Daphne): Phew..I can't believe that worked..Mike?! Fred!? Shaggy?!

She rushes up to them and shakes them all awake.

Y/N(Mike): Don't scoop me bro- What?!? Oh! Hey Daphne!

She hugged you close to which you returned..

Y/N(Mike): Did Freddy ever-

Meggy(Daphne): No, he's neutralized..

SMG4(Fred): Hey, look! The ice broke!

You then saw indeed, the ice shattered, Velma was free now and able to move, but just barely.

Tari(Velma): H-Hey guys!..My bones are a little stiff, but it's great to see you!

You all get up and hug her, warming her up slowly.

SMG4(Fred): It's great to see you too! I see you've been chilling for the time being..

Tari(Velma): Hey, no cheesy puns while I'm thawing out..

Y/N(Mike): Aw don't worry, no need to be cold to us!

A laugh escaped Fred and caused Daphne to eye roll with a small smile and Velma to sigh out of defeat.

But then a soul emerged from Freddy.

Luigi(Shaggy): ZOINKS A GHOST!-

Y/N(Mike): Wait, stop..Freddy?..

The soul nodded and smiled, giving you a hug, after embracing a ghostly hug, he pointed out the exit of the kitchen..


Scooby backs into a corner and gulps.

Mario(Scooby): Hello Mr Steve Man! Uhhh..please don't kill me..

Mr Puzzles(Afton): And why shouldn't I? Hmm?..

He chuckled and drew his knife out.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): I've never gotten the chance to put down a dog..but it's the first time for anything nowadays..isn't it?

He whimpers as the killer approaches but is stopped by a frozen sausage to the head.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Hey! That was cold! And we used that for pizza! Shame on you for wasting!

He turns around angrily, seeing the gang there..

Mr Puzzles(Afton): did you all escape my animatronics?!?

Y/N(Mike): Oh, I wouldn't ask questions now if I were's them who have the questions..

You point, making him look to see the horror fill his eyes, the souls of the dead..

Troy(Bonnie): Why?..

Sherak(Chica): Why did you do it William?..

Percy(Foxy): What did we ever do to you?..

Skully(Freddy): We only wanted to go home to our family we can't, because of you!

Mr Puzzles(Afton): You all stay back! I'll have you locked in a suit for the rest of your afterlives!!

He backs up into a corner and is met with a decision..

Y/N(Mike): It's your choice can either stop all of this and go into prison for everything you've done..or your life can get a whole lot more miserable than it already is..

You all await his decision as he carefully thinks..then grew angry.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): No..This won't end until YOU DIE!

He goes to stab you.

Meggy(Daphne): MIKE LOOK OUT!

You get shoved out of the way and she gets stabbed in the stomach, weakly falling to the ground, she held her stomach in pain..


Tari(Velma): Oh my god..

Luigi(Shaggy): Oh no!

Mario(Scooby): Noooo!

Y/N(Mike): Daphne?!

Daphne grabbed your cheek and rubbed it a little, smiling weakly before passing out from the pain..

The souls only got angrier..

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Oh great, now she's on the agenda!

Spaghetti Bowl:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then a spaghetti bowl snarled and lunged off the dining table, biting down into the suit he wore.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Why you little-

He pulls off the bowl and threw it off to the side.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): That could've gone wrong-

He then felt something snap inside of him..feeling cold steel sink into his flesh.

Mr Puzzles(Afton):

The springlocks went off inside, slowly mangling his corpse and bleeding him dry..

Mr Puzzles(Afton): You little monsters...I gave you all a second chance at life and this is how you repay me?!? Ungrateful little hellspawns..

He twitched inside the suit, you pick up Daphne and carry her out carefully and leave the pizzeria with the gang.

Mr Puzzles(Afton): Oh don't you worry! Walk away! I'll be back!


Mr Puzzles(Afton): I ALWAYS COME BACK!

He laughed like a maniac and is left to rot inside the pizzeria, the souls finally were at peace and harmony..they all waved their goodbyes and ascend to heaven together.


-3 Weeks Later-

You were at the hospital with an officer, walking down the hallway with her.

Y/N(Mike): It was a chaotic mess..but we got through it..

Desti(Officer): Yeah..I bet, I've been there and done that..but I'm sure your friend will recover soon enough.

Y/N(Mike): God I hope so..

Desti(Officer): Hm, but hey! If you need a call, you know where to reach me, ok?

Y/N(Mike): Will do Officer..

You carefully read her name tag.

Y/N(Mike): Vanessa..

Desti(Vanessa): Alright. You have yourself a good day Mike.

She smiles and leaves you alone with Daphne.

Y/N(Mike): Don't worry Daphne, we solved the case! Heh..Scrappy found a way to shift himself back into his normal body and the pizzeria's been shut down for good this time, no one's allowed in or out..and law enforcement believed us on the killer dying, but never found the everyone will be waiting for you once you wake up..and so will I.

The screen then cuts to black..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(New Achievement Unlocked!: Fazbones Fever!)

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